Unit 5 On the road第一课时Stating out&understanding ideas课件
-----------------Starting out &Understangding ideasUnit 5 On the roadLearning objectives 1. Get some information of Western Australia through Lauren Bath's interview; 2. Learn the type of interview and do an interview to introduce your hometown; 3. Appeal to more people to protect the environment by learning the blogger's story.1. Do you like traveling?2. What will you do when you are travelling ?Warming-upWatch the video and answer the questions. 1.What are the top five tourist destinations ?2.Which country do you want to visit most? Why?Starting outWe know these five top of tourist destinations from the video: Italy We know these five top of tourist destinations from the video: Spain We know these five top of tourist destinations from the video: The United Stats of American We know these five top of tourist destinations from the video: Activity 1 France We know these five top of tourist destinations from the video: China Travel Quiz1 Have you ever gone on holiday on your own?a Yes,and I met some great people along the way. b No,but I would like to try. c No,I wouldn’t like to do that.2 What is your ideal type of accommodation?a. A tent under the stars. b.A room in a local family home. c.A luxury hotel with great facilities.3 What’s the first thing you do when you arrive in a new city?a Set off to explore and talk to the locals. b Take a bus tour. c Visit the top ten sites in the guidebook.4 Some locals invite you to their home for dinner. Will you go?a Of course—it’ll be an amazing experience! b Probably,but I wouldn’t go alone. c No,I would feel uncomfortable in that situation.5 You are offered some unusual local food,like fried insects. Will you try it?a Of course! Travel is all about trying new things.b Maybe,but only if it doesn’t look dangerous. c No way.Papgepage 65visit different places experience different culturestaste native foodmeet different peopleWhat is the benefits can we get from travel?Understanding ideasLauren has solved the problem for us with her camera. Now let’s enjoy it!What information can we get from the title?Blogging AustraliaThe story happens in Australia.The writer may be a blogger.Pre-reading After seeing Lauren’s photography, a journalist was interested and wanted to interview her. He prepared six questions on six cards, but he forgeted to sort the cards. Can you help him put the cards in right order? Tell us why you put them in that order.Fast-reading b. What is your connection to Western Australia? c. Who are you and what do you do?d. Does your photography support environmental protection? e. How does your love of nature influence your photography? a. What do you love most about Western Australia?32154 Read the interview and check your answers. Read para.1 and answer the questions.2. Why was Lauren Bath determined to change from being a chef to a photographer?1. What's Lauren Bath's dream?She would become Australia's first professional photo blogger.Careful-readingShe wanted more out of life and wanted to travel.She also found that she could take pretty good pictures and get paid for that. First tripin_____Falling in love with__________Her favorite region:________________2013The Kimberleynorthern WA Read para.2 and fill in the blanks.ConnectionWhat’s special about the Kimberley region?A.It has blue-green waters and blue skies.B.It is unique for its untouched scenery.C.It is special for its indigenous animals.D.It attracts visitors all over the world.red rocksgreen plantsblue-green watersblue skies Read para.3 and choose the best answer.Read para.4 and answer the questions.1. What subject of photos does Lauren Bath like to take?natural world and animals2. What efforts does Lauren Bath make for her photography? Try to take every opportunity to get outsideForce herself into the natural world by waking early each day behind the pictures...Lauren'sBlogNaturePeoplemake a____________post the picture_______make an ______ be aware of ________________impactcommentthe problem__________________are solvedenvironmental issues Read para.5. Fill in the mind map and answer the question.online chefprofessional photo bloggerover 464,000Western Australia the natural world and animalsenvironmental issuesthrowing food from boatsfamiliar with humansa dangerfeeding wild animals Summary Complete the blogger profile with words and expressions from the passage. What's the type of the text?InterviewPost-readingWhy Lauren Bath quit her job as a chef and chose a different profession. 2. Where Lauren bath loves to travel and how she helps protect the environment. 3. How Lauren bath turned her hobby into a career and her story of being a blogger.Choose the best description of the interview with Lauren bath. We are always on the road.O ever youthful, O ever weeping.永远年轻,永远热泪盈眶Thank you!