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    新外研社高中英语必修二Unit6Earth first-Using Language课件
    新外研社高中英语必修二Unit6Earth first-Using Language课件01
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    高中Unit 6 Earth first教课内容课件ppt

    这是一份高中Unit 6 Earth first教课内容课件ppt,共53页。PPT课件主要包含了Grammar,宾补出现的结构 ,宾补的形式 ,Practice,repairing,repaired,calling,raised,heard,locked等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Learning bjectives
    She is listening t the birds singing. 她正在听鸟儿歌唱。I didn't ntice him sleeping in the class. 我没注意到他在课堂上睡觉。I'd like t see the plan carried ut. 我想看到这个计划得到实施。I was surprised t find my hmetwn changed s much.我惊讶地发现我的家乡变化如此之大。
    常用在感官动词watch,see,hear, ntice,feel,find 等后面作宾语补足语。
    We kept the fire burning all night lng. 我们让火整夜燃烧着。I wn't have yu running abut in the rm.我不允许你在房间里跑来跑去。We had the machine repaired. 我们请人把机器修好了。He gt up late and hurried t his ffice, leaving the breakfast untuched. 他起床晚了,没吃早饭就匆忙去上班了。
    表示指使意义的使役动词(常见的有have, let, keep, get, leave 等)
    I culdn't d my hmewrk with the nise ging n. 噪音不断,我没法做家庭作业。With exams appraching, it's a gd idea t review yur class ntes. With the wrk finished, they went t the seaside fr a hliday.做完了工作,他们到海滨去度假了。With many brightly-clured flwers planted arund the building, her huse lks like a beautiful garden.她的房子周围种了许多色彩鲜艳的花,看上去就像一个漂亮的花园。
    The ld man walked with a stick in his hand. He just sat there with his muth pen.He fell asleep with the light n.With s many peple watching her, she felt at a lss.He std fr an instant with his hand raised.With s much hmewrk t d, the by can't watch TV.
    -ing as bject cmplement 现在分词作宾补
    She is listening t the birds singing. I didn't ntice him sleeping in the class. We kept the fire burning all night lng. I wn't have yu running abut in the rm.I culdn't d my hmewrk with the nise ging n. With exams appraching, it's a gd idea t review yur class ntes.
    -ing as bject cmplement 过去分词作宾补
    I'd like t see the plan carried ut. I was surprised t find my hmetwn changed s much. We had the machine repaired. He gt up late and hurried t his ffice, leaving the breakfast untuched.With the wrk finished, they went t the seaside fr a hliday.With many brightly-clured flwers planted arund the building, her huse lks like a beautiful garden.
    过去分词形式作宾补, 表明动作已完成或者表示该动作已经完成的结果, 它与宾语之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,表被动。
    When I gt there,I fund him ____________(repair) farm tls. When I gt there,I fund the farm tls _______________(repair). Just then he heard smene ____________(call) fr help. He wrked s hard that he gt his pay ______________(raise). The speaker raised his vice t make himself      __________________(hear). 
    When we gt t schl, we saw the dr __________________(lck). The wrkers had the machines ___________________(run) all night lng t finish the wrk n time. Peple in the suth have their huses _____________(make) f bamb. I’m srry t have kept yu ______________(wrry) abut me. 
    Dealing with glbal warming
    Share what yu knw abut these expressins.
    ·water cnservatin:the cnservatin f water resurces·renewable energy:The wind and the sun are renewable energy surces.·carbn ftprint:the ttal sets f greenhuse gas emissins caused by an rganizatin,event,prduct r persn·reusable water bttle:use a bttle that can be reused t save materials f prducing bttles·LED bulb:It uses less electricity.·greenhuse effect:caused by atmspheric gases that allw sunshine t pass thrugh but absrb heat that is radiated back frm the warmed surface f the earth
    Cmplete the brchure with the expressins in Activity 4.
    Six things yu can d NOW t help stp glbal warming • Reduce waste by chsing reusable prducts—get a(n) _________________ , fr example.
    • Try t reduce yur __________________. Walk r ride a bike instead f taking a car. • Use _______________      such as slar energy and wind pwer. • The less energy yu use,the less carbn dixide is released. Replacing a regular light bulb with a(n) ____________is a great start.
    •    is imprtant because clean water is a limited resurce. Als, we use a lt f energy t prcess clean water. • Planting trees can help a lt in reducing the __________________      because trees absrb the carbn dixide in the air.
    reusable water bttle 
    carbn ftprint 
    renewable energy 
    Water cnservatin 
    greenhuse effect 
    Wrk in pairs. Discuss what yu can d t help deal with glbal warming,using the wrds and expressins yu have learnt.
    A:I will g t schl by bike t reduce my carbn ftprint.B:I will bring a reusable bag when I g
    A:I will chse reusable prducts—fr example,get a reusable water bttle t reduce waste.B:I will walk r ride a bike instead f driving a car t reduce my carbn ftprint.A:I will use renewable energy such as slar energy and wind pwer.B:I will replace a regular light bulb with an LED bulb as a great start.   
    I will turn ff the light when there is n persn in the classrm.I will unplug (拔掉插头) the TV when I dn’t watch it.I will turn ff the tap when I finish washing my hands.I will use the clthes-washing water t water the flwers.
    Envirnmental prblems t be slved
    Predict the tpics that may be cvered.
    What the wrd “smg” means.When the wrd “smg” appeared.What caused smg in the past.What causes smg nw.The effects f smg n the envirnment.Hw gvernments try t reduce smg.What will happen if we dn’t reduce smg.
    Ⅰ. Listen t the lecture and chse the tpics that are cvered.
    First listening
    ————Listen fr the gist
    Secnd listening
    ————Listen fr the details
    II Listen t the lecture and answer the questins.
    Smg in the past
    1. Term created in:_______2. Big prblem in Lndn: ________________ in December 19523. Causes f the prblem: burning t much cal and___________
    The term “smg” was first used in the 1800s in , I made a mistake... It was in the 1900s.
    The Great Smg
    In December 1952, it suffered frm“The Great Smg”.
    a lt f cal was burned at hme and in the factries. The prblem was that there was n wind, ...
    Listen t the lecture again and fill in the blanks.
    Smg in the present
    4. What are the causes f smg in the present?A. Chemicals cming frm factries. B. Chemicals cming frm traffic. C. A&B.5. What are the measures t reduce the smg?A. Reduce waste f water.B. Use renewable energy.C. Make n-chemicals rules in the factries. D. Make rules abut chemicals in the factries, and requirements f cars in the city centre.
    Listen t the lecture again and chse the best answer.
    Nwadays, smg still exists, but is prduced by chemicals cming frm traffic and factries.
    must fllw rules abut what chemicals they use. have t pay t drive in the centre.
    Ⅲ Summary
    1. The causes f the smg. 2. The measures t reduce smg.
    in the past
    in the present
    burning t much cal and n wind.
    chemicals cming frm traffic and factries.
    requirements f cars in the city centre
    rules abut using chemicals in the factries.
    IV What ther measures can yu think f t reduce smg?
    walk/ ride a bike
    renewable energy
    Make laws t cntrl the plluting gas.
    IV What ther measures can yu think f t reduce smg?
    Make laws t cntrl the plluting gas.Walk r ride a bike instead f taking a car.Use renewable energy such as slar energy and wind pwer.Replace regular bulbs with LED bulbs.Make public speeches t raise peple’s awareness.Plant mre trees t imprve the air
    Language Pints
    p.65 Nw,she is a mdel and perfrmance artist devted t cean cnservatin . devte v. 致力,献身,倾注devte neself t = be devted t 献身于,致力于devte ne’s life/ time/ energy t 把偷人的生命/ 时间/ 精力 奉献于She has devted all her energies/life t the care f hmeless peple.她为照料无家可归者倾注了全部心血 / 奉献了一生。【单词积累】(1)devted adj. 挚爱的;投入的;忠实的;专用于……的be devted t sb. 深爱某人 be devted t(ding)sth. 致力于(做)某事(2)devtin n. 挚爱;奉献
    单句语法填空(1)Qian Xuesen devted himself entirely     science.(2)As we all knw,he is a generus,    (devte),reliable and warm-hearted friend.(3) Mr Reed made up his mind t devte all he had t     (set)up sme schls fr pr children.(4) A great persn is smene wh devtes his/her life t     (help)thers.(5) Fans will shw their     (devte)by waiting fr hurs t get tickets t theirfavurite singer’s cncerts.
    p.65 ... Hannah travels the wrld giving presentatins and talks ... presentatin n. 报告,(观点的)陈述,说明;展示;颁发搭配:make/give a presentatin 作陈述The sales manager will give a presentatin n the new prducts.营销经理将举行一次新产品推介会。the presentatin ceremny 颁奖仪式【单词积累】present v. 提出,陈述;描述,展现;颁发,赠送  adj. 目前的,现在的;出席的,到场的  n. 现在;礼物present sb. with sth.=present sth. t sb. 赠予某人某物,给…颁发…be present at the meeting 出席会议at present 目前,现在
    【误区警示】现在的,目前的(前置定语)present出席的,到场的(后置定语)the present gvernment leaders现任的政府领导人the gvernment leaders present在场的政府领导人
    写出下列句中 present 的含义(4)There were twenty peple in all present at the meeting. __________(5)My present jb is t take care f the ld in a nursery hme. __________(6) All f them try t use the pwer f the wrkstatin t present infrmatin in a mre effective way.    __________(7) The headmaster presented her with a gld medal. __________
    p.65 Hell frm Sanjiangyuan Natinal Nature Reserve ( SNNR ). reserve n. & v.(1)n.(野生生物)保护区;储备(物)搭配: reserve 储存……以备用a nature/wildlife reserve 自然 / 野生动植物保护区The mney was being kept in reserve fr their retirement.(2)v. 预订,预约;保留,留出reserve sth fr sb./sth为…预定/保留某物reserve ne’s judgement n sth保留某人对某事的看法These seats are reserved fr the elderly and wmen with babies.这些座位是专门留给老人和抱小孩的妇女的。D yu have t reserve tickets in advance?你需要提前订票吗?
    单句语法填空(1) A duble rm with a balcny has been reserved     him.(2)“It’s such a nice place,”Mther said as she sat at the table ___________    (reserve) fr Custmers.完成句子(3) Keep a few punds       (备用)t cver unexpected csts.(4) I’d prefer t          (保留我的看法)until I find all the evidence.(5) These rms             (为……保留)special guests.
    in reserve
    reserve my judgement
    are reserved fr
    p.65 Well, SNNR was established in v.建立,设立;确定,证实The cmpany was established in 2010. 这家公司成立于 2010 年。The new treaty establishes a free trade zne.新条约设立了一个自由贸易区。They have established that his injuries were caused by a fall.他们已经证实他是摔伤的。【词语辨析】establish,set up 与 pen(1)establish 与 set up 均表示“建立,设立”公司、机构等,set up 不如 establish 正式,是日常英语中的常用短语。(2)pen 表示“开设,开办”向公众提供服务的企业,如商店、餐馆、酒店等。
    p.65 In recent years, we have seen large areas f wetland that were damaged by human activity. damage v. & n.破损,损害,损伤搭配:d/cause damage t... 对……造成损害Many buildings were badly damaged during the war.许多建筑物在战争中严重受损。Strng winds had caused serius damage t the rf.大风使屋顶严重受损。
    完成句子(1) The ld farmer was very upset because the strng winds________________________________(对……造成很大损害)his wheat.选词填空(damage/ruin/destry)(2)Yu have      my bike;yu’d better get it repaired.(3) My car was      in an accident,and I have t buy a new ne.(4) T ur disappintment,the bad weather     ur trip.(5) The accident caused sme     t my car,but it’s nthing serius.
    caused/did great damage t
    p.65 We’ve als seen drughts and flds caused by these changes, which affect the water supply dwnstream. fld n. & v. (1)n. 洪水,水灾;大量The heavy rain has caused flds in many regins f the cuntry.a fld f refugees 难民潮fld damage 洪涝灾害(2)v. 淹没;泛滥;(大量地)涌到,涌去;(感觉或回忆)涌上心头,涌现 fld in大量涌入(不及物)fld int大量涌入(及物)fld back(感觉或回忆)涌上心头,突然涌现The river burst its banks and flded the valley.河水冲垮堤岸,淹没了山谷。Telephne calls flded in frm all ver the cuntry.全国各地的电话像潮水般打来。
    单句语法填空(1) She drew back the curtains and the sunlight came flding     .(2)When I saw the phts,memries f my time in Paris     (fld)back.(3) Large quantities f fd are needed in the     (fld)areas nw.完成句子(4) The charity received      (大量的)thankful telegrams and letters.(5)Requests fr infrmatin          (涌入)after the advertisement.(6)Seeing what the hmeless were experiencing,memries f her childhd came          (涌上心头).
    flding back
    affect v.影响;(疾病)侵袭;使感动Yur pinin will nt affect my decisin.你的意见不会影响我的决定。It’s a disease that affects mainly lder peple.这是一种主要侵扰老年人的疾病。We were deeply affected by her death. 她的去世使我们深感悲痛。【单词积累】(1)effect n. 影响,效果,作用have an effect n 对……有影响 in effect 实际上,事实上take effect 开始起作用;生效,开始实施 cme int effect 生效,开始实施(2)effective adj. 有效的;生效的【词语辨析】affect 与 influenceaffect主要指一时的影响,强调影响的动作,可指一般意义的影响,也可指不良影响。influence主要指对其他人的行为、性格、观点等产生潜移默化的影响。
    单句语法填空(1)Babies’ health is much mre likely     (affect)if either parent smkes.(2) The trnad happened in 1925,     (affect)three US states.(3) With the gvernment’s aid,thse     (affect)by the earthquake have mved t the new settlements.(4) Unhealthy living habits had a bad effect     his health.(5)     (affect)by the rise f huse prices,peple in big cities live under great pressure.选词填空(affect/influence)(6) The change in climate may     yur health.(7)We became the best friends and he     me deeply.
    t be affected
    8 supply n. & v. (1)n. 煤气、电力、自来水等供应(系统);供应量;[pl. ]补给品fd/water/gas/electricity supply 食物 / 水 / 煤气 / 电供应The natin’s fuel supplies will nt last frever.Supplies were brught in by air. 补给品通过空运送到了。(2)v. 供应,供给,提供supply sb/sth with sth为某人/某物提供某物supply sth t sb/sthWe supply pwer t the five nearby twns.我们向附近的五个城镇提供电力。
    单句语法填空(1) They will supply us     technlgy in supprt withut asking fr anything in return.(2)This bk will supply sme scientific methds    us in English learning.(3) Our schl library can prvide all kinds f gd bks     students.(4)Finally,the manager ffered a gd jb     me.完成句子(5) We              (提供给无家可归的人)fd and clthes.(6)This           (给我提供了一个机会)t shw my appreciatint my headmistress.
    prvide/supply the hmeless with
    ffered me a chance
    p.65 This includes ... as well as adpting new,sustainable ways f feeding farm animals. adpt v.采取(某种方法),采用;收养,领养(1)n. 煤气、电力、自来水等供应(系统);供应量;[pl.]补给品adpt a new technique 采用一项新技术adpt an apprach/a plicy/an attitude 采取一种方法 / 政策 / 态度The new tax wuld frce cmpanies t adpt energy-saving measures.The cuple adpted a baby girl. 【单词积累】(1)adpted adj. 收养的,领养的 adptin n. 收养,领养;采用,采纳(2)形近词:adapt v.(使)适应;改编adapt(neself) t(使自己)适应……(t 是介词)be adapted fr 被改编成…… be adapted frm 改编自……
    单句语法填空(1) Becming a member f the sciety means     (adpt)its values.(2) The wman said that her tw children were bth     (adpt).(3)Clearly,a mre bjective methd f descriptin must     (adpt).选词填空(adpt/adapt)(4) It turned ut that his     sn treated them as if they were his wn parents.(5)It tk him quite a lt f time t     t the life here.(6)The film is     frm a nvel f M Yan.(7) All three teams     different ways t slve the prblem.
    p.66 Reduce waste by chsing reusable prducts ... reduce v.减少,降低reduce…by… (by表示幅度)reduce…t… (t 表示结果)reduce sth t ashes/ ruins 使某物(尤指建筑)化为灰烬/废墟be reduced t ding sth 沦落到…地步The wrkfrce has been reduced by half. 劳动力已经减少了一半。The skirt was reduced t £10 in the sales.在大减价期间,这条裙子减价到 10 英镑。They were reduced t begging in the streets. 他们沦落到沿街乞讨。【归纳拓展】rise/increase t 增加到……rise/increase by 增加了……
    单句语法填空(1) She reduced her weight     6 kils.That is t say,she reduced her weight frm68 kils    62 kils.(2) His speech reduced all the audience present     tears.(3)Shrtly after suffering frm a massive earthquake and ___________________________(reduce)t ruins,the city tk n a new lk.完成句子(4) One f the mst effective ways t        (减轻压力)is t talk abut feelings with smene yu trust.(5) All the shirts         (被降价到)10 dllars.(6)The price          (降低了)20% since May.
    being reduced
    reduce stress
    are reduced t
    has been reduced by
    p.66 Walk r ride a bike instead f taking a car. instead f 代替;而不是Yu can g instead f me,if yu want.如果你愿意,你可以代替我去。We shuld d smething instead f just thinking abut it.我们应该做点儿什么,而不是仅仅想一想而已。【词语辨析】instead f / instead
    p.66 The less energy yu use , the less carbn dixide is released. the+ 比较级 ...,the+ 比较级 ...“the+ 比较级(+ 主谓),the+ 比较级(+ 主谓)”表示“越……,就越……”。前者表示条件,后者表示结果。The mre yu study,the mre yu knw.你学的越多,懂的就越多。【归纳拓展】表达“越来越……” :比较级 +and+ 比较级 mre and mre + 多音节形容词原级strnger and strnger 越来越强大mre and mre imprtant 越来越重要
    完成句子(1) 你学习越努力,你取得的进步就越大。       yu study,        yu will make.(2) 你练习得越多,理解得就越好。       yu practise,       yu can understand.(3)With the rapid ecnmic develpment,China’s psitin n the internatinal stage is getting              (越来越重要).
    the greater prgress
    mre and mre imprtant
    p.66 The less energy yu use, the less carbn dixide is released. release v. & n. 释放,排放;发布;发行 搭配:release sb. frm sth. 从……释放某人He was released frm the hspital yesterday. 他昨天获准出院了。The bears are eventually released int the wild.这些熊最后被放回野生环境中。The new trade figures have just been released.新的贸易数字刚刚公布。release a mvie/bk/CD 发行电影 / 书 / 激光唱片
    p.67 Smg can be dangerus because it causes severe breathing prblems and infectins.severe adj. (问题、伤势、疾病等)很严重的;恶劣的;严厉的His injuries are severe. 他的伤很重。The US faces severe ecnmic prblems.美国面临严重的经济问题。severe weather cnditins 恶劣的天气情况a severe winter 严冬a severe expressin 严厉的表情【单词积累】severely adv. 严重地;严厉地
    p.67 A plite interruptin is usually framed as a request fr permissin t interrupt smene ... permissin n.允许,许可have permissin t d sth获得许可做某事get permissin获得许可ask (fr) permissin请求许可withut permissin未经许可with ne’s permissin经某人同意Yu must ask permissin befre taking phtgraphs inside the hall.你必须申请批准方可在大厅内拍照。N fficial permissin has been given fr the event t take place.这项活动未得到正式批准,不能进行。She tk the car withut permissin.她未经许可擅自使用了汽车。

    外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 6 Survival背景图课件ppt: 这是一份外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 6 Survival背景图课件ppt,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了Grammar ,whatever,whoever,however,whichever,whenever,wherever,引导让步状语的连词,though,although等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语Unit 6 Earth first说课课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语Unit 6 Earth first说课课件ppt,共45页。PPT课件主要包含了dangerous,man-eating,terrifying,fierce,horrible,scary等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    英语外研版 (2019)Unit 5 On the road课文内容ppt课件: 这是一份英语外研版 (2019)Unit 5 On the road课文内容ppt课件,共42页。PPT课件主要包含了Grammar,前置与后置的比较,拓展成句,形式和意义,Practice等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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