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      专题11.必修第2册 Unit 5 Music(教师版)---2025届高三英语总复习 (人教版2019).docx
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      专题11.必修第2册 Unit 5 Music(学生版)---2025届高三英语总复习 (人教版2019).docx
    专题11.必修第2册 Unit 5 Music(原卷版+解析版)01
    专题11.必修第2册 Unit 5 Music(原卷版+解析版)02
    专题11.必修第2册 Unit 5 Music(原卷版+解析版)03
    专题11.必修第2册 Unit 5 Music(原卷版+解析版)01
    专题11.必修第2册 Unit 5 Music(原卷版+解析版)02
    专题11.必修第2册 Unit 5 Music(原卷版+解析版)03
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    人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 5 Languages around the world精品综合训练题

    这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 5 Languages around the world精品综合训练题,文件包含专题11必修第2册Unit5Music教师版---2025届高三英语总复习人教版2019docx、专题11必修第2册Unit5Music学生版---2025届高三英语总复习人教版2019docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共54页, 欢迎下载使用。

    知识点01 perfrm vi.& vt.表演;履行;执行
    Virtual chir members recrd themselves while they perfrm alne n vide.虚拟合唱团成员在独自表演时录制视频。
    [例1] Dctrs have t perfrm an peratin t save his life.医生得动手术才能挽救他的生命。
    [例2] The plice perfrm a vital rle in ur sciety.警察在我们的社会中起着极其重要的作用。
    [造句]他梦想在舞台上表演。He dreams f perfrming n stage.
    (1)perfrm a(n) in 在……中起……作用
    perfrm ne's duty/prmise 尽职责/履行诺言
    perfrm/carry ut an peratin/an experiment
    (2)perfrmance n. 表演,演技,表现
    give/put n a perfrmance演出;表演
    (3)perfrmer n. 表演者;演员
    ①In spite f all the prblems,several f the players prduced excellent (perfrm).
    ②Listening t music at hme is ne thing;ging t hear it (perfrm)live is quite anther.
    ③A (perfrm)uses mvements and music t cntrl snakes.
    ④The dctr decided t perfrm an peratin n the patient at nce.
    →The dctr decided t an peratin n the patient at nce.
    The wnderful made the audience mved.演员们精彩的表演让观众感动。
    【答案】 perfrmed3.perfrmer 4.carry ut
    1.perfrmers' ,perfrmances
    知识点2 prve vt.证明;展现
    It has prved t be a psitive influence n the lives f many peple.事实证明,它对许多人的生活产生了积极的影响。
    [例1] He tried t prve his thery t his friends.他想方设法向朋友证实自己的理论。
    [例2] He prved himself t be a dctr.他证明自己是个医生。
    Hwever,the railway quickly prved t be a great success.
    sb. 向某人证明……
    prve (neself)t be... 证明(某人自己)是……
    prve+that从句 证明……
    It is prved that... 据证明……
    ①She may prve (be)the mst suitable persn fr the jb.
    ②Just give me a chance and I (prve)it t yu.
    ③It (prve)that a balanced diet is gd fr health.
    ④Yu in the battle.你已在战役中证明了你的勇气。
    ⑤One mad actin is nt enugh t .做一件疯狂事并不足以证明一个人就是疯子。
    【答案】1.t be2.will prve3.has been prved4.have prved yur curage5.prve a man mad
    知识点3 award vt.授予 n.奖品
    The virtual chir was the idea f award­winning cmpser and cnductr Eric Whitacre.虚拟合唱团是获奖作曲家兼指挥家埃里克·惠塔克的主意。
    [例1] The judge awarded him a large sum f mney as damages.法官判给他一大笔伤害赔偿金。
    [例2] Medals were awarded t the best speakers n the debating team.奖章被授予辩论队中的最佳演说者。
    [造句]这个孩子获奖时朝他的老师笑了。The child smiled at his teacher as he received the award.
    (1)win/receive/get an award...(frm)
    (2)award sb. sth. (fr sth.)
    award sth. t sb. 授予某人某物
    ①The by was prud t the gvernment fr his saving the wman's life.(award n.)
    ②The by was prud t the gvernment fr his saving the wman's life.(award v.)
    ③ the gvernment fr his saving the wman's life,the by felt very prud.(过去分词作原因状语)
    【答案】1. receive an award frm2. be awarded by3.Awarded by
    知识点4 fall in lve with爱上
    He fell in lve with Mzart's classical music when he sang fr the university chir.当他为大学合唱团唱歌时,他爱上了莫扎特的古典音乐。
    [例1] The girls fell in lve with Dublin n previus visits and they said that what they liked was the buzz abut the place.姑娘们在前几次的游览中就爱上了都柏林,她们说喜欢这个城市的时尚氛围。
    [例2] He has fallen in lve with Mary.他已爱上了玛丽。
    [造句]他还是个孩子时就爱上了音乐。He fell in lve with music when he was a child.
    give/send ne's lve t sb.向某人致敬或问候
    in lve (with) 在恋爱中;热爱着(事物,职业)
    ① .(fall in lve)
    ② .(be in lve)
    【答案】1.The by fell in lve with the girl three years ag
    2.The by has been in lve with the girl fr three years.
    知识点5 stage n.(发展或进展的)时期;阶段;(多指剧场中的)舞台
    Whitacre's next effrt was the Virtual Yuth Chir fr UNICEF,which was first seen n stage n 23 July 2014 in the UK.
    [例1] When she is n stage perfrming r dancing,she shws great charisma.
    [例2] The children are at different stages f develpment.这些孩子处于不同的成长阶段。
    [造句]他太紧张了,不敢上台。He was t nervus t g n stage.
    be/g n the stage当演员
    g n stage 上台
    be n stage 在舞台上
    stage做先行词,后接where或in which引导的定语从句,并在从句中做状语。
    ①N sner had M Yan stepped the stage than the audience brke int thunderus applause.
    ②I regard the wrld as a stage every ne must play a part.
    ③Steve and I were at very different (stage)in ur separate careers.
    ④They have reached the stage where they have t make a hard decisin.
    →They have reached the stage they have t make a hard decisin.
    【答案】1.n 2.where
    Imagine having the pprtunity t sing tgether with hundreds f ther peple while yu are at hme alne.
    eq \x(句中while引导的是一个时间状语从句。)
    [例1] While she was listening t the radi,she fell asleep.她听着收音机睡着了。
    [例2] While there is life,there is hpe.只要有生命就有希望。
    [造句]那个男孩擅长数学而他妹妹擅长语文。The by is gd at maths while his sister is gd at Chinese.
    (4)while用作从属连词,引导条件状语从句,意为“只要”,相当于as lng as。
    (5)while用作名词,意为“一会儿;一段时间”。 此时主要用于短语中:after a while过了一会儿;fr a while暂时,一会儿;all the while一直,始终等。
    ①The weather was fine we were in Beijing.
    ②I was drawing my brther was reading.
    ③He likes reading a newspaper while he (wait)fr the bus.
    ④Sme peple waste fd thers dn't have enugh.
    ⑤While I was watching TV,the bell rang.
    ⑥While a great many peple like the cnvenience f using WeChat t cmmunicate with each ther,t many junk messages n it may make them bred.
    ⑦He went ut fr a walk,while I stayed at hme.
    【答案】1.while/when/as2.while 3. is waiting4.while 5.引导时间状语从句6.引导让步状语从句7.连接并列分句表对比
    知识点7 as的用法
    As ne virtual chir member said,“Music helps me my ”正如一位虚拟合唱团成员所说,“音乐帮助我……忘记我的问题。……”
    eq \x(句中as引导的是一个非限制性定语从句,表示“正如……”。)
    [例1] As is knwn t all,China is a cuntry with the largest ppulatin in the wrld.
    [例2] The air quality in the city,as is shwn in the reprt,has imprved ver the past tw mnths.
    As was expected,he wn the gld medal in the cmpetitin.
    as 引导从句常见的几种用法:
    (5)引导限制性定语从句。这时,其先行词的前面通常有the same,such修饰,构成the ,结构。
    ① (尽管他可能是一个安静的男孩),he talks a lt abut his favurite singers after class.
    ②I wnder why yu dn't d it (按照告诉你的)and it's the third time yu have dne s.
    ③ (正如我在电话中解释的),yur request will be cnsidered at the next meeting.
    ④ (随着时间的流逝),Einstein's thery prved right.
    【答案】1.Quiet by as he may be2. as tld t3.As I explained n the phne4.As time went n
    1.I never thught I was very talented at anything t d with music.
    2.My cusin is very interested in painting.
    3.Mved by this music,he said,“It was like seeing clr fr the first time.”
    4.Well knwn as a successful band,the impact members shw quite a few striking abilities.
    She lked disappinted.
    We were encuraged at the news.
    The cup is brken.
    The cup was brken by Tm.
    They became s wrried that they stayed awake all night.
    The situatin became s wrrying that smething shuld be dne at nce.
    ①I was t tired (tire)t walk any further.
    ②When he heard the mving stry,he was deeply mved.(mve)
    ③Tm was mre surprised (surprise)than disappinted(disappint)at this news.
    【答案】1.tired 2.mving 3.surprised
    Once published(=Once it is published),the dictinary will be very ppular.
    Absrbed in painting(=Because Jhn was absrbed in painting),Jhn didn't ntice evening appraching.
    Given anther hur(=If I am given anther hur),I can als wrk ut this prblem.
    过去分词作让步状语时,相当于一个thugh,althugh,even if/thugh等引导的让步状语从句。
    Beaten by the ppsite team(=Thugh we were beaten by the ppsite team),we didn't lse heart and encuraged each ther.
    The ld man gt n the bus,supprted by a girl(=and he was supprted by a girl).
    ①过去分词作状语时,其前面可以带有相应的连词,如when,thugh,althugh,as if,as thugh,if,unless,until,nce等,表时间、让步、条件、方式等。
    If (I am)invited,I will attend the wedding f my friend.
    Caught,the thief will be punished by the plice.(caught的逻辑主语为the thief)
    Disappinted at the examinatin results,the girl std there withut saying a wrd.
    ①Althugh we were exhausted by the climb,we cntinued ur jurney.
    → ,we cntinued ur jurney.
    ②She was dressed in white and suddenly appeared.
    → ,she suddenly appeared.
    ③Aunt Wu came in and she was fllwed by her daughter.
    →Aunt Wu came in, .
    【答案】1.Exhausted by the climb2.Dressed in white3.fllwed by her daughter
    Asked why he was late,he cried.
    Lking ut f the windw,I saw sme students playing there.
    ①A.Fllwed B.Fllwing
    the ld man,we went upstairs.
    by the ld man,we went upstairs.
    ②A.Used B.Using
    fr a lng time,the bk lks ld.
    the bk,I find it useful.
    ③A.Seeing B.Seen
    frm the tp,the stadium lks like a bird nest.
    frm the space,the astrnaut can nt discver the Great Wall.
    【答案】①BA ②AB ③BA
    1.Bth he and I are (satisfy)with the result.
    2.She accepted the gift,deeply (mve).
    3.We went t the cinema, (fill)with excitement.
    4.Once (pur),water cannt be taken back.
    5. (see)thse pictures,he culdn't help thinking f thse days in his hmetwn.
    6.The news was and they were all at it.(excite)
    7.We all felt at the news.(encurage)
    8.Generally speaking,when (take)accrding t the directins,the drug has n side effect.
    9.When (ask)abut the secret f his success,the famus athlete said that he wes much f his success and happiness t his wife and children.
    10.Clearly and thughtfully (write),the bk inspires cnfidence in students wh wish t seek their wn answers.
    【答案】 ,excited 7.encuraged ,encuraging 8.taken 9.asked 10.written
    Sng qingling 1. (bear)n 27th January 1893 in Shanghai,ne f the greatest 2. (leader)f China,was a well­knwn stateswman.When she was yung,she was much 3. (cncern)abut the future f China.4. (late)she tk part in many activities t fight fr the freedm f Chinese peple.5. the fundatin f the PRC,she was 6. (cmplete)devted t the 7. (develp)f new China and played an imprtant part in many activities.
    On 8th May 1981,she died in Beijing at the age f 88,8. brught great srrw t the Chinese peple.9. (hnr)as ne f the greatest wmen f the 20th century,she 10. (remember)by the Chinese peple frever.
    1.开头称呼语。最常用的是Ladies and gentlemen.也可根据不同情况,选用Fellw students,Distinguished guests,Mr. Chairman,Hnrable Judges(评委)等。
    3.结尾。结尾要简洁,最普通的结尾就是:Thank yu very much fr yur listening.
    1.It's an hnur t be here and...很荣幸站在这里并……
    2.I even culdn't live withut...没有……我甚至不能生活
    3.Have yu tuches yur heart?你有过……触动了你的内心吗?
    4.I sincerely hpe...我衷心地希望……
    5.I ask all f yu present t...我要求在座的各位……
    6.I knw I speak fr...我知道我在为……说话
    7.I want t remind...我想提醒……
    8.I wish yu the best f luck in...我祝你……好运
    9.Wrds can't express...言语表达不了……
    1.Ladies and gentlemen(Dear teachers and schlmates),I'm Li Ming.I'm greatly hnured t speak here n behalf f my schl.I'm ging t talk abut...
    2.Gd mrning/afternn/evening everybdy!Thank yu fr being n time/making the effrt t cme tday.
    3.Thank yu fr giving me the pprtunity t make a speech abut...
    4.It is a great hnur t be here and t share with yu...很荣幸在这里跟大家一起分享……
    5.I am hnured t be here n such a special ccasin.我很荣幸在这个特别的时刻来到这里。
    6.Tday,I feel hnured t intrduce...今天我很荣幸地(为大家)介绍……
    1.Tday's tpic is...
    2.Tday we are here t talk abut...
    3.I'm ging t talk abut smething that is vitally imprtant t all f us.
    4.We all ught t be aware f the fllwing pints.
    1.I hpe I have made myself understd.
    2.I hpe yu have fund this useful.
    3.I believe the future prmising thrugh the effrts f us all.
    4.Just as the saying ges,“Individuals tgether can make quite a difference.”I'm greatly cnvinced that the wrld will be a mre harmnius ne(it will be a great success)thrugh the jint effrts f all f us.
    5.That's all.Thank yu fr yur listening.

    Gd mrning,my dearest classmates.It is my great hnur t stand here and deliver a speech abut the imprtance f music in ur daily life.
    First,music can help us relieve tiredness as well as feel less stressed.We can cmpletely relax urselves in music.What is mre,appreciating music is f great benefit t cultivate ur minds.Last but nt least,peple with access t music ften get imprved in creativity.
    All in all,music will help us keep healthy.Thank yu all fr being such an attentive audience.
    题组A 基础过关练
    Ⅰ.单词拼写(根据汉语提示或首字母提示写单词) (每小题2分,共16分)
    1.When music,rather than pp music was playing,dinners spent mre.
    2.She has a teenage daughter frm a (先前的) marriage.
    3.I wuld be grateful if yu culd ffer me an t attend yur university.
    4.Human beings will cntinue t adapt t the changing climate in bth (普通的) and astnishing ways.
    5.But in rder t stay,she has t her language skills by taking a test.
    6. (总共),there are sme ten thusand such vlcanes n the earth;all but a few hundred f them extinct.
    7.She smiled in after she heard her sn had been admitted t Tsinghua University.
    8.We can bserve that artificial intelligence has already made an n ur lives in many ways.
    【答案】1.classical 8.impact
    9.Bys f five t eight years ld are very and they seem t have limitless .(energy)
    10.The s well that we all applauded his .(perfrm)
    11.The persn was ften laughed at fr his because he was t mve freely.Hwever,his new facility him t be t walk better.(able)
    12. the bk described the rigin f hip-hp;hwever,he canceled it frm the .(rigin)
    13.Sme peple thught the disease was ,while thers thught it curable.At last,an ld specialist fund a fr it and him f the disease.(cure)
    14.Mr Jhnsn is .Hw he wishes an can him!(emply)
    15.The patient is under medical nw and is with a new drug.(treat)
    【答案】9.energetic 10.perfrmer perfrmed 11.disabled ,disability ,unable ,enables ,able
    12.Originally ,rigin ,riginal13.incurable,cure ,cured 14.unemplyed,emplyer ,emply 15.treatment ,treated
    as a child,he still remains ptimistic abut the future.
    t attend the graduatin ceremny.
    Every ne f us has t face .
    I was I frgt t have lunch.
    I especially like .
    【答案】16.Thugh deserted by his parents
    17.It is a great hnur fr me t be invited
    18.a time when we must make a chice
    19.s absrbed in reading the nvel that
    20.the way (that/in which) he teaches us
    题组B 能力提升练
    Ⅰ.课文语法填空——复习本单元Reading and Thinking部分
    While they are at hme alne,many peple imagine 1. (have) the pprtunity 2. (sing) tgether with thers,3. was realized by a virtual chir.Any-ne can take part in 4. frm anywhere and des nt need a studi.It has prved t be 5. psitive influence n the lives f many peple.Award-winning cmpser and cnductr Eric Whitacre came up 6. the idea f a virtual chir,wh began studying music in 1988.7. (mve) by Mzart’s classical music,he received a master’s degree in 8. (music) cmpsitin in 1997.In 2009,his first virtual chir received 9. (millin) f views n the Internet and 10. (becme) a wrldwide phenmenn since then.In 2014,he frmed the Virtual Yuth Chir fr UNICEF,and 2,292 yung peple frm 80 cuntries sang his sng “What If”.
    【答案】 sing3.which 4.it 5.a 6.with
    eq \x(cure,additin,impact,absrbed,relief,assume,equipment,prve,treatment)
    Jill has a talent fr music,but when she was 20 years ld,a serius disease made her ache all ver.Frm then n,she went thrugh many 1. ,but nne culd 2. the disease.In 3. ,she lst the pprtunity t get nt the stage with her band.The disease als had an 4. n her appearance.She tried ut fr sme shws,but the reactin frm audience was terrible,thugh she was a capable cmpser and a gd perfrmer.Gradually,she became 5. in watching her previus albums,6. that she was still fine.Wrried abut the phenmenn,her parents tried t help her ut smehw.One day they sent ne f her riginal cmpsitins t a virtual chir.The cnductr in charge fell in lve with the energy in her music.Instead f telling a rmantic stry,her music can tuch peple’s sul,bring peple 7. and give a sense f satisfactin.Nwadays they have designed a special studi fr her with varius 8. .This enables her t 9.prve her talents and t win an award.
    【答案】 5.absrbed 6.assuming 7.relief
    题组C 培优拔尖练
    In all the wrld's cultures, peple sing, play instruments, and celebrate with music. It plays such an imprtant rle in ur lives that all fields fcus n its study, including ne lking at the bilgy f music. Experts are finding that because f the way ur brains prcess music, learning t play an instrument r just listening t music can have a wide range f benefits.
    Music educatin has received a lt f attentin. Learning t play an instrument can help children imprve math, science, and language skills. One study in Canada tracked children's IQ scres fr nine mnths, discvering that children wh studied music had the biggest test scre imprvements. The secret may lie in the way reading music and playing nte uses several areas f the brain, increasing ur ability t learn schl subjects. Fr example, reading ntes imprves spatial (空间的) reasning skills, which are helpful in slving math prblems like fractins(分数).
    Music is als used fr medical purpses, such as the treatment f diseases which affect memry. The secret lies in the way the brain prcesses music. One area near the frehead, the medial prefrntal crtex (皮层), cnnects music with memries stred in tw ther areas: the amygdale and hippcampus (杏仁核与海马体). That's why an ld sng can remind yu f smething that happened years ag. Fr patients suffering frm diseases like Alzheimer's, listening t music can help unlck buried memries by strengthening musical pathways t memries.
    With the evidence f music's benefits puring in, it's n wnder sme cuntries make music study a part f their educatin systems. Peple are recgnising that mre than just a frm f entertainment, music is als great fr the brain.
    1.Scientists are studying music because ________.
    A.music can be used fr medical treatmentsB.music plays a very imprtant rle in ur lives
    C.ur brains can pssess music in different waysD.music educatin has received a lt f attentin
    2.Accrding t the Canadian study, which children have increased IQ scres?
    A.Thse wh already have high IQs.B.Thse wh have always played music.
    C.Thse wh can nt play any instrument.D.Thse wh have studied music fr a perid f time.
    3.Which f the fllwing is a kind f disease?
    A.Spatial reasning.B.Alzheimer's.
    C.The amygdale and hippcampus.D.The medial prefrntal crtex.
    4.What can be the best title fr the text?
    A.Music and HealthB.Music and the Mind
    C.Music and EducatinD.Music and Instruments
    【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。音乐是我们的生活中不可缺少的重要部分。现在又有研究证明,学习过音乐的孩子智商更高,甚至音乐还可以用于治疗一些疾病。
    1.B 【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段第二句可知,科学家在研究音乐是因为它在我们的生活中起着重要的作用。
    2.D 【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段第三句可知,学习过一段时间音乐的孩子智商表现更加突出。
    3.B 【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句话可知,Alzheimer's是一种病。
    4.B 【解析】主旨大意题。纵观全文可知,这篇文章讲的是音乐和大脑的关系。最后一段尾句也有总结性提示。
    Hw similar are language and music?
    Language is part f ur daily life, n matter where we live in the wrld. It is the same with music, whether yu listen t it n the radi n yur drive t wrk r sit befre an rchestra. Bth language and music play a huge rle in ur culture. 1.________
    ·Bth language and music have a writing system.
    In English we recrd language using the alphabet, which is a cllectin f letters. Similarly, we use ntes t keep a recrd f music. Musicians read ntes and create meaning in the frm f music. 2.________ By writing pieces f text r music, we are able t share experiences thrugh time. We can read the ideas r hear the cmpsitin f smene wh lived hundreds f years ag.
    Yu can make a gd guess at where smene is frm by listening t the language they use. In the same way, we knw that styles f music are different arund the wrld, giving us the pprtunity t explre many different cultures thrugh their music and prviding us with music fr every situatin.
    ·Bth share emtin.
    4.________ Of curse yu may be able t see it in my face, but yu will knw fr sure thrugh my wrds. Similarly, music can sund angry, sad r happy. Music can shw yu exactly hw the cmpser was r is feeling, and allws us t share in that emtin. When yu feel happy, yu might want t sing and dance t a happy sng t celebrate yur think we have all used music t express r prcess ur emtins, ften cmbining it with language in the frm f sng lyrics.
    A.Bth are expressive.
    B.Bth vary with culture.
    C.Here are sme f their similarities.
    D.Hw d yu knw that I am angry?
    E.We use language t express ur thughts.
    F.S just as yu read English, yu can read music.
    G.In cntrast, yu prbably als listen t sad music when yu are feeling dwn.
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了语言和音乐有哪些相同之处。
    1.C 【解析】根据上文Bth language and music play a huge rle in ur culture.可知,语言和音乐在我们的文化中扮演着重要的角色,下文介绍了语言和音乐的一系列共同点。C项(以下是它们的一些相似之处。)承上启下,符合语境。
    2.F 【解析】根据设空前两句可知英语和音乐都是可以被记录下来并且能读取的。F项(正像你可以读英语一样,你也能读音乐。)承接上文。故选F项。
    3.B 【解析】本空下段落的主要内容是音乐和语言都随着文化而变化。关键词是culture。故选B项。
    4.D 【解析】根据空后的Of curse yu may be able t see it in my face,but yu will knw fr sure thrugh my wrds. Similarly, music can sund angry, sad r happy.可知这里是说人们可以通过语言和音乐表达气愤和其他情绪,D项(你怎么知道我生气了?)符合语境。故选D项。
    5.G 【解析】G项中的sad music及feeling dwn与空前一句中的happy sng及feel happy相对照,符合语境,故选G项。
    Fr a lng time Gabriel didn't want t be invlved in music at all. In his first years f high schl, Gabriel wuld lk pityingly at music students, struggling acrss the campus with their heavy instrument cases, turning up at schl fr practice hurs __1__ anyne else had t be there. He swre t himself t__2__music, as he hated getting t schl extra early.
    __3__, ne day, in the music class that was __4__f his schl's standard curriculum, he was playing idly (随意地)n the pian and fund it __5__t pick ut tunes. With a sinking feeling, he realized that he actually __6__ding it. He tried t hide his bvius pleasure frm the music teacher, wh had __7__ver t listen. He might nt have dne this particularly well, __8__ the teacher tld Gabriel that he had a gd __9__ and suggested that Gabriel g int the music stre­rm t see if any f the instruments there __10__ him. There he decided t give the cell(大提琴) a __11__. When he began practicing, he tk it very __12__. But he quickly fund that he lved playing this instrument, and was cmmitted t practicing it s that within a cuple f mnths he was playing reasnably well.
    This meant, f curse, that he arrived at schl early in the mrning, __13__ his heavy instrument case acrss the campus t the __14__lks f the nn­musicians he had left__15__.
    1.A.befre B.afterC.until D.since
    2.A.betray B.acceptC.avid D.appreciate
    3.A.Therefre B.HweverC.Thus D.Mrever
    4.A.part B.natureC.basis D.spirit
    5.A.cmplicate B.safeC.cnfusing D.easy
    6.A.missed B.dislikedC.enjyed D.denied
    7.A.run B.jggedC.jumped D.wandered
    8.A.because B.butC.thugh D.s
    9.A.ear B.tasteC.heart D.vice
    10.A.ccurred t B.tk tC.appealed t D.held t
    11.A.change B.chanceC.missin D.functin
    12.A.seriusly B.prudlyC.casually D.admitted
    13.A.pushing B.draggingC.lifting D.rushing
    14.A.admiring B.pityingC.annying D.teasing
    15.A.ver B.asideC.behind D.ut
    【语篇解读】 文章描述了主人公Gabriel从不喜欢音乐到喜欢的过程。每个人都应该发现自己的兴趣所在,并为其投入时间和精力。
    1.A 【解析】考查上下文串联。“anyne else”指不学音乐的学生,学习音乐的要比规定的到校时间早到几个小时,因此填befre。
    2.C 【解析】考查上下文串联。根据“as he hated getting t schl extra early”可知,Gabriel讨厌过早到校,因此他对自己发誓“不学”音乐,A背叛;B接受;C避免,避开;D欣赏。只有C项符合语境。
    3.B 【解析】考查上下文串联。本段讲Gabriel在一次音乐课上意外发现自己很喜欢音乐,与上一段是转折关系,故选B。
    4.A 【解析】考查名词辨析和句意理解。that was __4__f his schl's standard curriculum是定语从句,音乐课是学校的标准课程的一部分。
    5.D 【解析】考查上下文串联。根据下句“actually... tried t hide... pleasure”等词或词组可以看出,Gabriel在音乐中找到了乐趣,发现“演奏音乐很容易”。只有D项符合语境。
    6.C 【解析】考查上下文串联。根据actually可知,Gabriel对音乐的看法有了变化,他实际上是喜欢音乐的,A/B/D都是有否定倾向的词,不符合语境。
    7.D 【解析】考查动词辨析。A.run 跑;经营;B.jg慢跑;C.jump跳;D.wander漫游,闲逛,徘徊。音乐老师在教室里来回走动,听到Gabriel弹奏钢琴的声音,就走过来聆听。wander符合语境。
    8.A 【解析】考查上下文串联。根据“and suggested that Gabriel g int the music stre­rm t see if any f the instruments”可知,老师让Gabriel挑选乐器,说明他弹得不够好,钢琴不太适合他,因此是因果关系。
    9.A 【解析】考查近义词辨析和上下文串联。老师认为Gabriel有着很好的辨音能力,并建议他去挑一件称心的乐器。ear辨音力,灵敏的听力;taste鉴赏力,欣赏力,指对作品的欣赏能力。由于Gabriel没有经过专业的训练,不能说他有很好的音乐鉴赏能力,taste不符合语境。
    10.C 【解析】考查词组辨析。A.ccur t sb.某人突然想起;B.take t开始喜欢;C.appeal t有吸引力,引起兴趣;D.hld t抓住。老师让Gabriel找一件吸引自己的乐器。
    11.B 【解析】考查名词辨析和上下文串联。A.change改变;零钱;B.chance机会,可能性;C.missin任务;D.functin功能。Gabriel准备试一下大提琴, 给大提琴一次机会,即尝试拉一下大提琴,其余不符合语境。
    12.C 【解析】考查上下文串联。根据But可知,前后是转折关系,下句说Gabriel发现自己很喜欢大提琴,说明前一句是说他只是“随便”拉一下。
    13.B 【解析】考查上下文串联。开始学习音乐之后,Gabriel不得不拖着沉重的乐器早早地到学校练习拉琴。drag指吃力地拖、拉某物,符合语境。
    14.B 【解析】考查上下文串联。根据“nn­musicians”可知,这里指不学音乐的学生的表情,根据第一段可知,不学音乐的学生对学音乐的投去同情的目光,故选pitying。
    15.C 【解析】考查词组辨析和上下文串联。leave aside搁置一边;leave sb./sth. behind把……抛在后面,超过;leave ut遗漏,不提及。学习音乐就意味着要被其他学生用同情的目光注视,这里指Gabriel走过去之后,身后的学生对他投来同情的目光。
    Peple have all turned t sad music t make 1.________ (they) feel better at sme pint in their lives, but why des the music with duble sadness help drag peple ut f lw spirits?
    A new study thrws light n what's ging n inside peple's brains when they match their music t their feelings, and it lks as if sad music can be enjyable, rather than 2.________ (simple) depressing. Music f this srt can aruse psitive memries in peple's life, thus 3.________ (lift) their md.
    Psychlgist Adrian Nrth frm Curtin University in Australia says 4.________ exist tw grups f pssible explanatins fr why peple enjy listening 5.________ sad music—ne frm scial psychlgy (心理学), and the ther frm cgnitive neurscience (神经学).
    In terms f scial psychlgy, ne idea abut this is that peple will feel 6.________ (gd) abut themselves if they fcus n smene wh's ding even wrse. Everything's ging t be kay, because this persn is having 7.________ even wrse day than they are.
    Anther idea frm scial psychlgy is that peple like t listen t the very music 8.________ shws their present life circumstances, because this kind f music makes them feel they are understd. With their emtins 9.________ (share), they definitely get a certain amunt f cmfrt.
    S sad music des cheer peple up, and it 10.________ (wrk) far better than happy music, in mst cases.
    【语篇解读】 本文主要介绍了伤感的音乐对人们的影响。伤感的音乐能使人振奋,而且在大多数情况下,它比快乐的音乐更有效。
    1.themselves 【解析】考查代词。设空处作make的宾语,指代主语Peple,当宾语跟主语是同一个对象时,宾语应用反身代词。故填themselves。
    2.simply 【解析】考查副词。修饰形容词应用副词。故填simply。
    3.lifting 【解析】考查非谓语动词。设空处应用非谓语动词作结果状语,lift与句子主语为逻辑上的主谓关系,且表示自然而然的结果,应用现在分词。thus为副词,意为“这样”。故填lifting。
    4.there 【解析】考查固定句型。There exists...为固定句型,意为“有……”。故填there。
    5.t 【解析】考查固定搭配。listen t 为固定搭配,意为“听……”。故填t。
    6.better 【解析】考查形容词比较级。句意为:社会心理学对此有一种观点,即如果人们把注意力集中在一个做得更糟糕的人身上,他们的自我感觉便会好一些。根据空后的even wrse可知此处应用比较级,故填better。
    7.an 【解析】考查冠词。句意为:一切都会好起来的,因为这个人的处境比他们还要糟糕。此处泛指“一天”,其前应用不定冠词。even以元音音素开头,故填an。
    8.that 【解析】考查定语从句引导词。设空处引导定语从句,music是先行词,从句缺少主语,且先行词由the very修饰,所以应用关系代词that,不可以用which。故填that。
    9.shared 【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意为:随着他们的情绪得以分享,他们肯定会得到一定程度的安慰。此处是“with+宾语+宾补”结构,emtins和share之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,所以应用过去分词形式,故填shared。
    10.wrks 【解析】考查动词时态。wrk是谓语动词,与主语it之间是主动关系,逗号前的分句使用一般现在时,所以此处也应用一般现在时。故填wrks。
    1.classical adj.古典的;经典的
    2.hip-hp n.嘻哈音乐;嘻哈文化
    3.stringed adj.有弦的
    4.cmpsitin n.成分;(音乐、艺术、诗歌的)作品
    5.studi n.演播室;(音乐的)录音棚;工作室
    6.cmpser n.作曲者;作曲家
    7.cnductr n.(乐队、合唱团等的)指挥;(公共汽车的)售票员
    8.phenmenn(pl.phenmena) n.现象
    9.rap n.快速敲击;说唱音乐 vi.& vt.敲击;(说唱歌中的)念白
    10.unemplyed adj.失业的;待业的
    11.rmantic adj.浪漫的 n.浪漫的人
    12.album n.相册;集邮簿;音乐专辑
    13.utline n.& vt.概述;概要
    14.repetitin n.重复;重做
    15.lean vt.(leant/leaned,leant/leaned) 依靠;倾斜
    16.simile n.明喻
    1.sul n.灵魂;心灵
    2.virtual adj.很接近的;事实上的;虚拟的
    3.pprtunity n.机会;时机
    4.nt prep.(朝)向
    5.rdinary adj.普通的;平凡的
    6.award vt.授予 n.奖品
    7.stage n.(发展或进展的)时期;阶段;(多指剧场中的)舞台
    8.altgether adv.(用以强调)全部;总共
    9.thus adv.如此;因此
    10.band n.乐队;带子
    11.nwadays adv.现在;目前
    12.gradual adj.逐渐的;渐进的
    13.capable adj.有能力的;有才能的
    14.previus adj.先前的;以往的
    15.impact n.巨大影响;强大作用;冲击力
    16.aim n.目的;目标 vi.& vt.力求达到;力争做到;瞄准 vt.目的是;旨在
    17.pian n.钢琴
    18.additin n.添加;加法;增加物
    19.disease n.(疾)病
    20.ache vi.& n.疼痛
    21.mrever adv.而且;此外
    22.being n.身心;存在;生物
    23.smehw adv.以某种方式(或方法);不知怎么地
    1.energy n.能源;能量;精力→energetic adj.精力充沛的
    2.cmpsitin n.成分;(音乐、艺术、诗歌的)作品→cmpse v.作曲,谱写→cmpser n.作曲家
    3.perfrm vi.& vt.表演;履行;执行→perfrmance n.表演;演技;表现→perfrmer n.表演者;演员
    4.enable vt.使能够;使可能→able adj.有能力的→ability n.能力→disable vt.使不能; 使残疾→disability n.残疾;缺陷→unable adj.不能的;没有能力的
    5.prve vt.证明;展现→prf n.证据
    6.riginal adj.原来的;独创的;原作的n.原件;原作→riginally adv.最初;起先→rigin n.起源
    7.relief n.(焦虑、痛苦的)减轻或消除;(不快过后的)宽慰、轻松或解脱→relieve vt.使减轻;缓解→relieved adj.轻松的;解脱的
    8.cure vt.治愈;解决(问题);治好(疾病) n.药物;治疗;(解决问题的)措施→curable adj.可治愈的→incurable adj.不可治愈的
    9.unemplyed adj.失业的;待业的→emply vt.雇用;利用→emplyment n.使用;工作→emplyer n.雇主→emplyee n.雇员
    10.equipment n.设备;装备→equip vt.装备;配备
    11.talent n.天才;天资;天赋→talented adj.有天赋的;天才的
    12.assume vt.以为;假设→assumptin n.假设;推断
    13.treatment n.治疗;对待;处理→treat vt.治疗;对待;招待 n.请客
    14.satisfactin n.满足;满意;欣慰→satisfy vt.使满意→satisfied adj.满意的→satisfactry adj.令人满意的
    15.varius adj.各种不同的;各种各样的→variety n.多样性→vary v.变化
    1.fall in lve with爱上
    2.be absrbed in sth./sb.被……吸引住;专心致志
    3.set sth.up安装好(设备或机器)
    4.try ut参加……选拔(或试演)
    5.in additin (t sb./sth.)除……以外(还)
    6.frm (then) n从(那)时起
    7.get thrugh (设法)处理;完成
    1.Mved by this music,he said,“It was like seeing clr fr the first time.”
    2.It’s an hnur t be here and t share with yu the stry f hw music has had an impact n my life.
    3.Have yu ever faced a time when things lked dark and yu had n hpe at all?
    4.The sng made me feel s much better that frm then n I began t listen t music all the time.
    5.During thse times,music can help yu in the same way that it helped me.

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