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    2024学年高一英语 人教版(2019)必修二 课件 Unit 1 Discovering Useful Structures
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    人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage图文课件ppt

    这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage图文课件ppt,共30页。PPT课件主要包含了when,that,who,where,which,非限制性,why,whom,whose,thatwhich等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    By the end f this sectin, yu will be able t:1. summarize the functins f relative prnun and adverbs;2. describe peple r things in greater detail.
    restrictive relative clauses
    mdify a nun r prnun
    prvide specific infrmatin
    can be intrduced by relative prnuns and adverbs
    1. There were deep cracks that appeared in the well walls.2. Tw thirds f the peple wh lived there were dead r injured.3. The bus which has just left was the last ne tday.4. D yu still remember the days when we chatted with each ther all night?5. The htel where (=at/in which) we stayed was very clean.6. That’s the reasn why (=fr which) he missed his bus.
    After listening t the scientists wh had studied the prblem, and citizens wh lived near the dam, the gvernment turned t the United Natins fr help.Temples and ther cultural sites were taken dwn piece by piece, and then mved and put tgether again in a place where they were safe frm the water.
    There cmes a time _______ the ld must give way t the new, frm the dam wuld likely damage a number f temples and destry cultural relics _______ were an imprtant part f Egypt’s cultural heritage.After listening t the scientists _________ had studied the prblem, and citizens _______ lived near the dam, the gvernment turned t the United Natins fr help.Temples ... and then mved and put back tgether again in a place _______ they were safe frm the water.Nt nly had the cuntries fund a path t the future _______ did nt run ver the relics f the past by UNESCO, _________ runs a prgramme _________ prevents wrld cultural heritage sites arund the wrld frm disappearing.
    1. 作直接宾语时可以省略:Alan is a man wh is strict with himself in everything (that) he des. 艾伦在做任何事情的时候都对自己严格要求。The man (wh/whm) yu saw just nw is the head f ur department. 你刚才看到的那个人是我们部门的领导。2. 作表语的关系代词that可以省略:Isabel has changed. She is n lnger the little girl (that) she was. 伊莎贝尔已经变了。她再也不是以前那个小女孩了。3. 在“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句中,关系代词在介词后虽作宾语,却不能省略:D yu knw any libraries frm which I can brrw this bk? 你知道我能从哪个图书馆借到这本书吗?
    1. 当先行词是all,much,anything,smething,everything,nthing,little,few等不定代词时:There was nt much (that) we culd d when it was raining. 下雨的时候我们能做的事不多。That is all that wrks. 这就是所有的工作。2. 当先行词为序数词/形容词最高级,或被序数词/形容词最高级修饰时:The first English nvel that I read was The Adventures f Tm Sawyer. 我读的第一本英文小说是《汤姆·索亚历险记》。This is the mst beautiful scenery that I have seen s far. 这是我目前见过的最美的风景。
    3. 当先行词被all,n,few,any,little,the same,the last,the nly,the very等修饰时:I’ve read all the bks that my mther bught fr me. 我已经读完了妈妈买给我的所有书。 This is the very bk (that) I want t read. 这正是我想读的书。4. 当先行词既有人又有物时:The scientist and his achievements that yu tld me abut are admired by us all. 我们所有人都钦佩你告诉我的那位科学家和他所取得的成就。
    1. 在定语从句中作介词的宾语,且介词位于关系代词前时:Is this the car fr which yu paid a high price? 这就是你花高价买的那辆车吗?2. 当有两个并列的定语从句时,其中前一个从句的关系代词用that,后一个宜用which:Let me shw yu the nvel that I brrwed frm the library which was newly pen t us. 我给你看一本我从新开放的图书馆里借的小说。
    先行词是指人的不定代词时,如ne,nes,anyne,everyne,everybdy,smene等,或先行词为 thse且指人时:The persn wh bught the huse r mved is the ne wh thrws the party. 买了房子或搬家的人是举办派对的人。Thse wh dare t break the law will be punished. 那些胆敢违反法律的人将会受到惩罚。
    1. 关系代词作动词的间接宾语时,用t或fr。例如: Wh is the girl that he gave the flwer t? Wh is the girl that he gave the flwer? 2. 无关系代词时,也要用t或fr。例如:The lady I wrte the pem fr was my sister. 我为她写诗的那个女人是我姐姐。
    1. 正式英语中,介词可置于从句之首,whm或which之前。但不可置于wh或that之前:This is the great writer t whm ur teacher was referring. 这就是我们老师提到的那位伟大的作家。He asked a questin t which there was n answer. 他问了一个无人回答的问题。2. 定语从句的谓语如果是以介词结尾的短语动词,则不可把介词移至从句之首,常见的此类短语有lk fr,listen t,lk after,take care f等:He received the email he was lking frward t. 他收到了他期待的电子邮件。This is the watch which/that I am lking fr. 这就是我正在找的那块表。
    Step 1 明确主句和从句。Step 2 找到先行词,确定它在主句中的功能。Step 3 根据先行词和关系代词或关系副词在从句中的功能, 确定使用哪个关系代词或关系副词。
    EXAMPLEI have dwnladed that free app, but it desn’t wrk well. →The free app (which/that) I have dwnladed desn’t wrk well.
    1. He shwed me a pht in his rm. It was a pht f a famus cultural relic in Egypt. → The pht _______________________________________________________________2. The prject team helped prtect the natinal parks in the United Republic f Tanzania. It was frmed by members frm fifteen cuntries. → The prject team __________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________3. This temple was first built during the Qin Dynasty. → The time _________________________________________________________________
    (which/that) he shwed me in his rm was f a famus cultural relic in Egypt.
    whse members were frm fifteen cuntries helped prtect the natinal parks in the United Republic f Tanzania.
    when this temple was first built was during the Qin Dynasty.
    4. We met a prfessinal archaelgist at the entrance t the Great Pyramid. He explained t us the prcess f building such a difficult structure. → The prfessinal archaelgist _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________5. The dcuments abut the cultural relics frm verseas are under the desk. I fund them yesterday. → The place _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________6. Scientists wrked tgether day and night t rescue the temple because they wanted t preserve it fr the next generatin. → The reasn ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
    (wh/whm) we met at the entrance t the Great Pyramid explained t us the prcess f building such a difficult structure.
    where I fund the dcuments abut the cultural relics frm verseas yesterday is under the desk.
    why scientists wrked tgether day and night t rescue the temple is that they wanted t preserve it fr the next generatin.
    whwhmwhsethat which whenwherewhy
    1. That is the site ________ they discvered caves full f Buddha statues.2. Des anybdy knw the reasn ________ he refused t sign the dcument?3. Sue is the persn t ________ I sent the text message yesterday.4. My brther wrks in a café ________ tp-quality Italian fd is served.5. This is the archaelgist ________ discvered the Inca ruins.6. On the way hme, he helped a yung man ________ car had brken dwn.7. Tasmania is the mst unfrgettable place _________ I have ever been t.8. In Eurpean cuntries, the weekend is usually a time ________ nbdy ges t wrk.9. This is the stry in __________ the valuable blue and white prcelain vase frm the Ming Dynasty was finally returned t its wner.
    1. Last winter we saw the well-preserved temple fr the first time. I will remember it frever. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________2. I met a German scientist at the party last week. He is likely t be wrking in ur city. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________3. This is the bkshp. I fund a bk abut Liang Sicheng’s cntributin t prtecting China’s cultural heritage in it. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
    I will remember frever the time last winter when we first saw the well-preserved
    I met a German scientist wh is likely t be wrking in ur city at the party last week.(上周的聚会上我遇到了一位德国科学家,这位科学家可能会在我们城市工作。)
    This is the bkshp where I fund a bk abut Liang Sicheng’s cntributin t prtecting China’s cultural heritage.(这就是那家书店,我在里面找到了一本书,书中讲述了梁思成对中国文化遗产保护所做出的贡献。)
    4. The by’s prpsal was helpful and practical. Mst f the students agreed with him. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________5. He des nt identify happiness with mney. That is the reasn. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________6. The cmmittee was established last year. It plays an imprtant rle in envirnmental prtectin. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
    That is the reasn why he des nt identify happiness with mney. (这就是他不把幸福等同于金钱的原因。)
    Mst f the students agreed with the by whse prpsal was helpful and practical. (多数学生都赞同那个男孩,认为他的建议既有用又可行。)
    The cmmittee which was established last year plays an imprtant rle in envirnmental prtectin. (去年成立的委员会在环境保护方面发挥了重要的作用。)
    1. This is the mnth during which we’d like t travel arund. ___________________________________________________________________2. She gave a lecture in the hall in which we interviewed a famus Beijing pera actr last week. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________3. Lillian wrks in a gvernment ffice in which there are many different departments. ___________________________________________________________________4. Finding a jb as a histry teacher in anther schl was the reasn fr which I mved. ___________________________________________________________________
    This is the mnth when we’d like t travel arund.
    She gave a lecture in the hall where we interviewed a famus Beijing pera actr last week.
    Lillian wrks in a gvernment ffice where there are many different departments.
    Finding a jb as a histry teacher in anther schl was the reasn why I mved.
    5. Summer is the seasn in which it is best t practise utside with yur team. ___________________________________________________________________6. The Lngmen Grttes were the place in which I met the famus artist wh shwed me many f his paintings and digital phts. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________7. I relied n my car until it brke dwn at the place at which the three rads met. ___________________________________________________________________8. It is a time at which the sun begins t set and the mn begins t rise. He likes t take phts frm the rf f his huse. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
    Summer is the seasn when it is best t practise utside with yur team.
    The Lngmen Grttes were the place where I met the famus artist wh shwed me many f his paintings and digital phts.
    I relied n my car until it brke dwn at the place where the three rads met.
    He likes t take phts frm the rf f his huse at a time when the sun begins t set and the mn begins t rise.
    1. N ne knws fr certain hw the islanders transprted the statues, they were extremely large and heavy. ___________________________________________________________________2. Peple dubt that they were dragged (牵引) ver the land, that is s rugh. ___________________________________________________________________3. Sme peple think that the islanders used large tls that is made f strng wd. ___________________________________________________________________4. The wd fr making the tls prbably came frm big trees, it did nt exist n the island. ___________________________________________________________________5. Sme peple claim that unknwn beings frm space mved the statues, they are s heavy. ___________________________________________________________________
    6. Accrding t the islanders, the finished statues were mved by thse had magic pwers. ___________________________________________________________________7. It is said that the statues were carved during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, when the island was ruled by a mysterius sciety then. ___________________________________________________________________8. The Dutch visited the island in 1722 the time the sciety that had made the statues had disappeared. ___________________________________________________________________9. The Dutch wanted t get supplies n this island where there were nly fur thusand peple n it. ___________________________________________________________________
    EXAMPLEA: What is an exit? B: An exit is the dr where/thrugh which yu can leave a building.
    1. What’s a library? (frm/in which; where)2. What’s a gd friend? (t whm; wh)3. What’s a vacatin? (during which; when)
    A library is a place frm/in which yu can brrw bks./ A library is a place where yu can brrw bks.
    A gd friend is smene t whm yu can tell yur prblems./A gd friend is smene wh yu can tell yur prblems t.
    A vacatin is a time during which yu dn’t wrk./A vacatin is a time when yu dn’t wrk.
    4. What’s a ftball cach? (frm whm; wh)
    A ftball cach is smene frm whm ftball players receive training./A ftball cach is smene wh trains ftball players.

    高中英语Unit 1 Cultural Heritage集体备课ppt课件: 这是一份高中英语Unit 1 Cultural Heritage集体备课ppt课件,共24页。PPT课件主要包含了when,whichthat,who,where,that,关系副词充当状语,关系代词充当主语等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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        2024学年高一英语 人教版(2019)必修二 课件 Unit 1 Discovering Useful Structures
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