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    素养培优练(二)Ⅰ.听力第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the woman think of the coffee?( ) BA. It's a bit expensive.B. It's delicious.C. It's pretty bad for local business.[解析] M:What do you think of this coffee?W:It's delicious. And I do think it's important to support local business.2. What is the woman's favorite activity?( ) CA. Reading. B. Playing soccer. C. Dancing.[解析] M:What do you like to do for fun, Sarah?W:I enjoy reading and playing soccer with my sister. But my favorite is dance.3. What's the man now?( ) CA. An engineer. B. A teacher. C. An official.[解析] W:What jobs have you done in the last ten years?M:Many kinds of jobs. I was once an engineer and later a teacher. Up till now, I have been an official for three years.4. What will the woman probably do next?( ) AA. Write something down.B. Call her sister.C. Give Mr Peterson a message.[解析] M:May I speak to Veronica Maslow, please?W:She's not here right now. This is her sister speaking. Could I take a message?M:Could you ask her to call Max Peterson at 465-878-4931...W:Hold on one second, Mr Peterson. Let me just get a pen.5. Where does the conversation probably take place?( ) BA. Next to a gas station. B. On the side of the road. C. In a car.[解析] M:Argh! I hate maps. They are so hard to read with all the tiny roads and numbers everywhere. I give up. I'm just going to try to find a gas station and ask for directions.W:Why don't you let me take a look at it? Oh, I see, we are here, and we just need to keep driving straight for a couple of miles. The 880 Freeway is just up ahead.M:Oh, great! Let's get back in the car and get going!第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What is the most important thing to the woman about teaching?( ) AA. Working with many different people.B. Staying with young people.C. Having long vacations.7. How does the woman feel about teaching?( ) BA. It's boring. B. It's rewarding. C. It's always tiring.[解析] M:What is the best part about being a teacher, Maggie?W:I like young people, ⑥but I think what I like most about teaching is that it gives me an opportunity to work with many different people.M:What do you mean?W:It's not just students who come through my door, but also parents, other teachers, and administrators at my school. Sometimes we get researchers, people from the school district, and government officials in here as well.M:Wow, I had no idea that teaching would involve talking to so many different people. It must be tiring.W:It is sometimes, ⑦but it's worth it. Seeing my students make progress would be enough of a reward for me, but the fact that I meet and learn from so many other interesting adults is just the icing on the cake!听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What is wrong with the girl?( ) AA. She has a headache and a pain in her throat.B. She has a cough and a fever.C. Her stomach hurts.9. What will the man do next?( ) CA. Take her to see the doctor.B. Give her some medicine.C. Bring her something to drink.[解析] W:I don't feel well, Daddy.M:OK, honey, let me take a look at you... Hmm, you look a little pale. Do you have a cough or a headache?W:Um, I don't have a cough,⑧but my throat hurts and so does my head.M:I think you might have a cold, sweetie. I'm just going to take your temperature... Well, you don't have a fever. That's good.W:Do I need to see the doctor? I hate going to the doctor.M:No, I don't think so. You just need to stay in bed and drink plenty of water. ⑨I'm going to go downstairs and get you something to drink and maybe some soup. How does that sound?W:That sounds fine.M:Just lie down and relax, sweetie. I'll be right back.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What is the weather like today?( ) AA. Hot. B. Fine. C. Cool.11. How will the speakers get to the zoo?( ) BA. By taxi. B. By car. C. On foot.12. What will the woman's husband do in the afternoon?( ) CA. Stay at home. B. Go to the bookstore. C. Go to the zoo.[解析] M:Oh, I'm sure nobody can stand this kind of heat.W:⑩Yes, it's hot, so we'd better stay at home today.M:Mum, you promised to take me to the zoo this afternoon, don't you remember?W:Yes. But I said we would go if it was cool today. It's uncomfortable to go outside.M:But I really want to go. Maybe we can take an umbrella or call a taxi.W:OK.M:Great! Where is Dad?W:He may have gone to the bookstore or the city library.M:⑫Will he go with us?W:⑫Yes, he will be back before lunch. ⑪Then he can drive us to the zoo this afternoon.M:That's great!听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. How old was Marci when she first wanted to be an astronaut?( ) AA. About 4 years old. B. About 7 years old. C. About 10 years old.14. Where did the woman go for her first camping trip?( ) AA. To the beach. B. To the mountains. C. To the forest.15. What did the woman like best about the camping trip?( ) CA. Flying kites. B. Jumping the waves. C. Looking at the stars.16. When will the woman take her first flight?( ) BA. Tomorrow. B. Next week. C. Next month.[解析] M:So, tell me Marci, when did you first want to become an astronaut?W:Well, Dan, I think I fell in love with the stars during my first camping trip. ⑬I was about four. My parents decided that we'd go camping for our vacation that year. They bought a big family tent, a small tent for my older brothers, a cook stove, everything for a great adventure. ⑭Then, we headed off to the coast. My folks chose a beautiful campground at the ocean. After we set up camp, my brothers and I ran up and down the beach flying kites, built sand castles, and jumped the waves. We had so much fun, ⑮but what I loved more than anything else was when it got dark and the sky would slowly fill with hundreds and thousands of tiny sparkling lights. They looked like diamonds! I wanted to get close to them, to touch them. And now I finally am, well, getting closer to them anyway.M:Yes, you certainly are. ⑯Well, we all wish you a successful flight and will watch you as you lift off next week. You'll have to come back and tell us what it is like when you return.W:Thank you, Dan. I'd be happy to.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What do people need to do to travel in Hong Kong in early spring?( ) BA. Know something about the festivals there.B. Take some warm clothes.C. Book a hotel room early.18. What is the best time to visit Tibet?( ) AA. September. B. October. C. May.19. What does the speaker say about Beijing?( ) BA. The winter is dry.B. Spring is not so pleasant.C. The hotel prices are high in autumn.20. Which does the speaker think is the best season to visit Beijing?( ) CA. Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn.[解析] M:China is a very large country and there are many places to see there. Generally speaking, traveling to China is possible all year round, as long as you're well prepared. Hong Kong is the best choice early in spring. ⑰You also need to bring some warm clothes although its average temperature is around 20℃.It is hot and rainy from April to September. In Tibet you can easily experience all four seasons in one day. Temperatures can change from below zero to 38℃. ⑱The best time to go to Tibet is from July to September. This is the time because it has many festivals. Northern China is hot and largely dry in summer, especially in the northwest. Beijing is also uncomfortable. ⑳In my opinion, the best season to visit Beijing is probably autumn. Summer is considered to be the busiest tourist season, when hotels raise their prices. ⑲The autumn months of September to November have the best weather with fewer tourists. Spring is less pleasant—not many tourists, but lots of wind and dust.Ⅱ.七选五 (2023·湖北武汉校联考期末) Youth sports are going to teach young players a lot more than how to shoot a basketball or run faster. 1. . These sportsmanship values are just as important as the development of athletic skills. Thus, coaches must drill positive values into children with strict athletic training. There are several important pieces of advice that should be kept in mind in coaching. Promote integrity(诚实正直).When it comes to young athletes, promoting integrity should remain at the forefront of every athletic competition. 2. . Never encourage athletes to perform morally or legally questionable actions during game play.FG Encourage teamwork. One of the most important aspects of sports is the development of teamwork. One way is to encourage players to help their teammates who might be struggling or to work with kids who might be left out. Also, mistakes will present themselves as good opportunities for coaches to help build teamwork. But remember not to embarrass players by calling them out individually. 3. . 4. . Sometimes players need to be singled out for poor displays of sportsmanship, lack of effort, or simply important teaching moments. However, never call out a player in front of other people. It is only natural that sometimes children's emotions get the best of them or children lose focus and make silly mistakes. Coaches need to control their emotions and avoid yelling at a player in front of the EAteam. 5. . Instead, pull the player aside privately and politely explain what went wrong and how to correct it in the future.A. Criticize wisely and privately.B. Correct a player with patience.C. This only serves to cause embarrassment.D. An individual cannot have success on every play.E. Instead, strengthen the idea that the team both succeeds and fails together.F. They can also promote values such as respect, teamwork, and commitment.G. Therefore, a coach should encourage a team to always play within the rules.C 【语篇导读】体育活动不仅能让青少年强身健体,还可以教给他们各种体育精神。那么,教练们在训练运动员时该如何培养这些运动精神呢?本文作者给出了几条建议。1. ___F[解析] 根据下一句可知,本句是在说明下文提到的具体的体育精神,F项“它们可以培养像尊重、合作以及奉献等这样的体育精神”符合语境。2. ___G[解析] 根据空格前“promoting integrity should remain at the forefront”和空格后“Never encourage athletes to perform morally or legally questionable actions during game play.”可知,本句与上文构成因果关系,指出教练要永远鼓励队员们在规则内比赛。3. ___E[解析] 本段强调团队合作精神,本句承接上一句“But remember not to embarrass players by calling them out individually.”指出正确做法。E项“相反地,要强化胜负都是团队的这种想法”符合语境。4. ___A[解析] 空处是主旨句。下文介绍了批评队员的时候,不要当着其他人的面大吼大叫地批评,而要把队员拉到一边,私下里礼貌解释错在哪儿以及该如何纠正。A项“明智地私下里批评”最能概括本段的主旨。5. ___C[解析] 此处承接上一句,说明不注意管理情绪、在团队面前大喊大叫会引发怎样的后果。C项“这只会引起尴尬”符合语境。Ⅲ.写作 假设你是李华,将参加主题为Sportsmanship的英语演讲比赛。请撰写一份演讲稿,主要内容包括: 1.介绍体育精神; 2.详细阐释你对体育精神的理解,可举例; 3.概括你的观点。 注意:词数80左右。________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________参考范文 I'm more than delighted to give a speech here on behalf of my class with its theme “sportsmanship”. Sport is not only about winning,but also about sportsmanship. We may have different understandings of sportsmanship,which covers several aspects,ranging from skills to personal qualities. However, to me, sportsmanship is about the spirit of friendship between players, which is enhanced when they are respectful to each other before, during and after the game. It shows that they value their opponents more than winning against them. The way players treat each other not only reveals who they are as sportspeople, but also who they are in general. By treating other players with respect,both on and off the field, a positive spirit of friendship develops among them. Just as Chairman Mao puts it, “Friendship first, competition second”.Ⅳ.读后续写 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。 (2023秋·河北石家庄统考期末) I yawned(打哈欠) as I got off the last step of the bus. I had woken early that morning, and had not been able to sleep on the long ride from Riverside High, thinking about that day's race, the Eye Opener. I had never raced in a state-wide race before. Over thirty high school teams ran, along with quite a few colleges. The rest of my team and I unloaded the bus, and we relaxed and waited for our race patiently. “Start warming up,” our coach told us, roughly forty-five minutes after we arrived. After finishing our stretches, we headed over to the starting line, eager for the race to begin. The starter walked to the middle of the field. “There will be two commands,” his voice boomed. “Runners set, then the gun. If you hear another shot, return to the starting line to start again.” My heart raced as I got my legs ready to race. “Runners set!” the starter shouted Bam! The gun fired, and we rushed out of our way. Adrenaline(肾上腺素)rushed through my body as I raced through the mass of runners. As I rounded the first turn, my schoolmates greeted me with heartening shouts. Then, in what felt like only one minute, I arrived at the one mile mark. “6'10,” a man declared as I ran by. I tried to ignore him, but my legs began to burn as I realized I had run a mile and still had two to go. I slowed down my pace, for I knew the second mile was the worst of all three. Minutes later, I felt horrible. My legs ached, feeling like lead blocks. My vision was clouded as sweat dropped down into my eyes, and my arms felt as if they would fall off if I swung them one more time. Just as I almost reached my limit, a boy passed me. He also seemed to have lost strength but soon he was a little ahead of me. 注意:续写词数应为150左右。 I gathered up my strength to speed up but suddenly fell to the ground. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In the last mile, seeing the athletes passing us one by one, I asked the boy to run without me. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________参考范文 I gathered up my strength to speed up but suddenly fell to the ground. My world was clouded by total darkness. How I wish the ground cracked and swallowed me! I could feel everybody was staring at me, widening their mouths and not being able to utter a word. The sudden silence was followed by a sharp pain in my knees and “failure” was the only word flashing through my mind. Then the silence was broken by a deep voice, “You won't give up so easily, will you?” The boy ahead of me turned back and pulled me up. “Let's run to the finishing line together!” The second mile saw its end while we ran shoulder to shoulder. In the last mile, seeing the athletes passing us one by one, I asked the boy to run without me. “You can win a place if you go by yourself.” I looked him in the eye with sweat blurring my sight. The boy breathing heavily, drops of sweat rolled down his face. He shook his head, saying, “Winning a place is not that important, isn't it?” Then we smiled at each other as if we had been the only runners. The last mile seemed shorter and we were relieved when we passed the finishing line together with thunderous applause. I knew they cheered for us not for winning a race but for something more important.
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