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    外研版(2019) 选择性必修 第四册Unit 1 Looking forwards课时素养评价含解析(3份打包) 试卷
    • 2020_2021学年新教材高中英语Unit1LookingforwardsDevelopingideas课时素养评价含解析外研版选择性必修4.doc
    • 2020_2021学年新教材高中英语Unit1LookingforwardsStartingout&Understandingideas课时素养评价含解析外研版选择性必修4.doc
    • 2020_2021学年新教材高中英语Unit1LookingforwardsUsinglanguage课时素养评价含解析外研版选择性必修4.doc
    外研版(2019) 选择性必修 第四册Unit 1 Looking forwards课时素养评价含解析(3份打包) 试卷01
    外研版(2019) 选择性必修 第四册Unit 1 Looking forwards课时素养评价含解析(3份打包) 试卷02
    外研版(2019) 选择性必修 第四册Unit 1 Looking forwards课时素养评价含解析(3份打包) 试卷03
    外研版(2019) 选择性必修 第四册Unit 1 Looking forwards课时素养评价含解析(3份打包) 试卷01
    外研版(2019) 选择性必修 第四册Unit 1 Looking forwards课时素养评价含解析(3份打包) 试卷02
    外研版(2019) 选择性必修 第四册Unit 1 Looking forwards课时素养评价含解析(3份打包) 试卷03
    外研版(2019) 选择性必修 第四册Unit 1 Looking forwards课时素养评价含解析(3份打包) 试卷01
    外研版(2019) 选择性必修 第四册Unit 1 Looking forwards课时素养评价含解析(3份打包) 试卷02
    外研版(2019) 选择性必修 第四册Unit 1 Looking forwards课时素养评价含解析(3份打包) 试卷03
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    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 1 Looking forwards练习题

    这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 1 Looking forwards练习题,文件包含2020_2021学年新教材高中英语Unit1LookingforwardsDevelopingideas课时素养评价含解析外研版选择性必修4doc、2020_2021学年新教材高中英语Unit1LookingforwardsStartingoutUnderstandingideas课时素养评价含解析外研版选择性必修4doc、2020_2021学年新教材高中英语Unit1LookingforwardsUsinglanguage课时素养评价含解析外研版选择性必修4doc等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共40页, 欢迎下载使用。

    Ⅰ. 单句语法填空
    1. I bught a bttle f water fr a beggar and he thanked me sincerely(sincere).
    2. In my pinin, he isn’t qualified(qualify) fr the jb.
    3. Within ten weeks f the intrductin, 34 millin peple wuld have been reached by ur televisin cmmercials(cmmercial).
    4. Nancy, wh had been thughtful(thught)fr sme time, suddenly spke.
    5. Red is the best clr fr wrapping the gift, because it symblizes (symbl)jy and prsperity.
    6. Meat and alternatives(alternative)prvide prteins, fats and sme minerals.
    7. Hardly had I slved the prblem when a new ne arse(arise).
    8. Unfrtunately, due t unfreseen circumstances(circumstance), this year’s shw has been canceled.
    9. This creatin attracted a lt f attentin thanks t its mixture(mix) f mdern and traditinal Chinese elements(元素).
    10. T wrk as a translatr, yu need fluency(fluent)in at least ne freign language.
    Ⅱ. 选词填空
    as ppsed t; turn dwn; with regret; arise frm; range frm ; n a daily basis
    1. Her children’s ages range frm three t eighteen.
    2. As ppsed t last year, his incme f this year is small.
    3. A cheer arse frm the crwd when the president appeared.
    4. We heard with regret that yu were nt successful in yur plan.
    5. Weather may change n a daily basis, but climate changes ver gelgic time.
    6. I am afraid yur request fr a pay rise was turned dwn again.
    Ⅲ. 完成句子
    1. What happened after that was interesting.
    2. But ne prblem is that few peple can stick t a diet fr lng. (that引导表语从句)
    3. Althugh it was raining, we went there.
    虽然下着雨, 但我们还是去了那里。(althugh引导让步状语从句)
    4. I was passing by when the accident happened.
    5. What if it rains when we can’t get under shelter?
    假若下起雨来, 我们又没处避雨怎么办? (what if句型)
    Ⅰ. 阅读理解
    What d literary greats Sir Arthur Cnan Dyle and Rbert Burns have in cmmn? They bth lived and wrte in Edinburgh, alng with many ther big names in the field f literature. This fact helped UNESCO (联合国教科文组织)award the city the title f Wrld’s First City f Literature n Octber 14.
    Edinburgh left a lasting impressin n Arthur Cnan Dyle (1859-1930). Althugh he was brn there he went t schl in England but returned hme fr medical schl. After graduating he mved t Lndn and began writing his Sherlck Hlmes stries. His inspiratin fr the character came frm ne f his prfessrs at university. Hlmes’ methds were s clever that they actually furthered the advance f the study f criminlgy (犯罪学).
    Rbert Burns (1759-1796)is still regarded as Sctland’s natinal pet, mre than 200 years after his death. He is celebrated all ver the wrld thrugh translatins f his wrk and the annual Burns Night supper n his birthday. One f his sngs, My Lve is Like a Red Red Rse ranks amng the finest lve sngs ever written and Auld Lang Syne (《友谊地久天长》)is sung all arund the wrld.
    As ne f the first literate scieties in Eurpe, the Scttish Parliament passed the wrld’s first cmpulsry (义务)educatin law in 1496. By the 1790s, almst all Scts culd read. Visitrs t Sctland ften bserved that even the lwest members f sciety had cpies f Burns’ pems and ther bks.
    【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文, 文章简单介绍了苏格兰的文坛巨匠亚瑟·科南·道尔和罗伯特·伯恩斯以及苏格兰产生众多文学巨匠的历史渊源。
    1. Edinburgh was awarded the title f Wrld’s First City f Literature because ______.
    A. the first award ceremny f literature was held there
    B. many literary greats like Sir Arthur Cnan Dyle and Rbert Burns were brn there
    C. it left a deep impressin n many literary greats like Sir Arthur Cnan Dyle
    D. many literary greats like Sir Arthur Cnan Dyle and Rbert Burns ften wrte abut it
    【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据第一段所表述的: 文坛巨匠亚瑟·科南·道尔和罗伯特·伯恩斯与文学界的其他一些名人一样, 他们两人都出生在爱丁堡, 笔耕于爱丁堡。在这座城市里诞生了许许多多的作家, 正因为这浓郁的书香, 联合国教科文组织于10月14日把“世界首座文学之城”的荣誉授予了爱丁堡, 故答案选B。
    2. Arthur Cnan Dyle was remembered mainly fr his ______.
    A. detective stries
    B. lve pems and sngs
    C. cntributin t the study f criminlgy
    D. clever writing skills
    【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据第二段中的内容: 亚瑟·科南·道尔创作了福尔摩斯故事系列, 其探案方法被描绘得非常奇妙, 这让犯罪学研究也获益匪浅, 得到了进一步的发展。由此推理他是以“侦探小说”而出名, 故答案选A。
    3. In the last paragraph, the writer mainly discussed ______.
    A. the impressin f visitrs t Sctland
    B. hw Burns’ pems are ppular in Sctland
    C. the pssible histry reasns fr many literary greats in Sctland
    D. hw the wrld’s first cmpulsry educatin law was made
    【解析】选C。段落大意题。根据最后一段所表述的意义: 苏格兰之所以产生这么多的文学巨匠有其历史渊源。短文中列举了三个细节, 苏格兰议会于1496年通过了世界上第一个义务教育法案。到18世纪90年代的时候, 几乎所有的苏格兰人都能识字了。许多去苏格兰游览的人发现, 就连苏格兰的市井小民也在读着伯恩斯的诗以及其他一些书。故答案选C。
    Imagine yu’re standing in line t buy an after-schl snack at a stre. Yu step up t the cunter and the cashier scans yur fd. Next, yu have t pay. But instead f scanning a QR cde(二维码)with yur smartphne, yu just hld ut yur hand s the cashier can scan yur fingerprint. Or a camera scans yur face, yur eyes r even yur ears.
    Nw, this type f technlgy might nt be far away. As technlgy cmpanies mve away frm the traditinal passwrd bimetric(生物特征识别的)security, which includes fingerprint, face and vice ID, is becming increasingly ppular.
    In 2013, Apple intrduced the iPhne 5s, ne f the first smartphnes with a fingerprint scanner. Since then, using ne’s fingerprint t unlck a phne and make mbile payments has becme cmmnplace, bringing cnvenience t ur lives. And since last year, Samsung has featured eye scanning technlgy in its tp smartphnes, while Apple’s new iPhne X can even scan a user’s face. But despite its ppularity, experts warn that bimetrics might nt be as secure as we’d imagined. "Bimetrics are ideally gd, but in practice, nt s much”, said Jhn Michener, a bimetrics expert.
    When intrducing the new iPhne’s Face ID feature, Phil Schiller, Apple’s senir vice president, said, “The chance that a randm persn in the ppulatin culd lk at yur iPhne X and unlck it with their face is abut ne in a millin. ” But it’s already been dne. In a vide psted n cmmunity website Reddi, tw brthers shwed hw they were each able t unlck the same iPhne X using their wn face. And they aren’t even twins.
    “We may expect t much frm bimetrics, ” Anil K. Jain, a cmputer science prfessr at Michigan State University, tld CBS News. “N security systems are perfect. ”
    Earlier this year, Jain fund a way t trick bimetric security. Using a printed cpy f a thumbprint, he was able t unlck a dead persn’s smartphne fr the plice, “It’s gd t see bimetrics being used mre, ” Jain tld CBS News, “because it adds anther factr fr security. But using multiple security measures is the best defense. ”
    【文章大意】本文是一篇议论文, 近年来生物识别技术被广泛运用, 如指纹眼部扫描以及脸部扫描, 人们认为这些系统非常安全, 但实际情况并非如此, 生物识别安全系统并不是完全安全, 文章中列举了很多人对生物识别技术的观念。
    4. What is the latest technlgy t unlck a smartphne accrding t the article?
    A. QR cde scanning. B. Face scanning.
    C. Fingerprint scanning. D. Eye scanning.
    【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第三段第三句And since last year, Samsung has featured eye scanning technlgy in its tp smartphnes, while Apple’s new iPhne X can even scan a user’s face. 可知, 苹果公司运用了脸部识别技术, 这是最新的生物识别方法, 故B项正确。
    5. What’s a majr prblem f the iPhne X’s Face ID system?
    A. It takes t lng t unlck the phne.
    B. It ften fails t recgnize its wner’s face.
    C. Face data culd be used fr ther purpses.
    D. Different faces culd be used t unlck the same phne.
    【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第四段最后两句In a vide psted n cmmunity website Reddi, tw brthers shwed hw they were each able t unlck the same iPhne X using their wn face. And they aren’t even twins. 可知, 有两个兄弟用自己的脸解开了同一个苹果手机, 而且他们不是双胞胎, 故D项正确。
    6. What des Anil K. Jain think f bimetric security?
    A. It’s as secure as traditinal measures.
    B. It has caused much truble fr the plice.
    C. It shuld be used with ther security measures.
    D. It is perfect withut any rm fr imprvement.
    【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第五段可知, Anil K. Jain认为人们对生物识别期望太高了, 没有一种安全系统是完美的。再根据最后一段最后两句可知, Anil K. Jain认为我们应该使用多样化的安全防范保证安全, 也就是说, 他认为, 生物识别技术应该同其他的安全措施结合使用, 故C项正确。
    7. What is the authr’s purpse f writing this article?
    A. T describe the ppularity f bimetrics.
    B. T shw hw bimetrics has changed ur lives.
    C. T pint ut varius prblems with bimetrics.
    D. T discuss the security prblems f bimetrics.
    【解析】选D。主旨大意题。本文是一篇议论文。近年来生物识别技术被广泛运用, 如指纹、眼部扫描以及脸部扫描, 人们认为这些系统非常安全, 但实际情况并非如此, 生物识别安全系统并不是完全安全, 文章中列举了很多人对生物识别技术的观点, 故D项正确。
    Ⅱ. 阅读填句
    Chsing a majr is a very imprtant thing in ur life. Hwever, it can be extremely challenging. S it’s necessary t learn sme simple tips that will make yur decisin much easier. 1 . And hw des that chice affect yur future career? We can help guide yu in chsing a majr.
    Yur majr is yur primary field f study in yur undergraduate (大学的)prgram. It is the subject in which yu earn yur bachelr’s degree. After cmpleting a list f general educatin curses, yu spend the rest f the time studying ne subject f yur chice. 2 .
    Fr many students, it’s best t try ut different classes t figure ut a majr yu’ll like, but yu need t have a cuple f slid chices. 3 , yu shuld begin taking curses yu are required t cmplete befre graduatin, s it will decrease yur chances f needing t switch majrs later because yu already knw what t expect.
    4 , yu shuld begin thinking abut hw yur field will lead t a jb as sn as pssible. Cnsider clubs, research prgrams and part-time jbs related t ptential career chices fr yur majr.
    Fr mre career-specific majrs like nursing and engineering, the majrity f yur studies will include skills that can be used in a future jb. 5 . The sner yu begin wrking in a lab, n research prjects r helping as a teaching assistant fr a prfessr, the better yu’ll be able t figure ut yur career.
    A. Yu have t think f ways t chse a majr
    B. Be sure that yu chse a majr that suits yur interests
    C. Once yu have a better idea f which majr yu like best
    D. While yur majr may r may nt lead directly t a career
    E. D sme research t find ut which majrs can help yu get that jb
    F. Rughly ne-third t ne-half f yur curses will be related t yur majr
    G. Hwever, yu shuld still cnsider ding activities utside f the classrm t better prepare yu
    【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。文章针对如何选取专业, 给出了一些实用性的建议。
    1. 【解析】选A。根据上文的S it’s necessary t learn sme simple tips that will make yur decisin much easier. (因此, 有必要学习一些简单的技巧, 让你的决定更容易)和下文的And hw des that chice affect yur future career? (这个选择如何影响你未来的职业? )可知, A项(你必须想办法选择专业)承上启下, 故选A。
    2. 【解析】选F。根据上文可知, 完成公共课程后, 你把剩下的时间花在学习你选择的一个科目上。此处是关于学习的课程, 由此可推断出, F项(大约三分之一到一半的你的课程与你的专业相关)符合本段文意。故选F。
    3. 【解析】选C。根据下文可知, 你应该开始学习毕业前被要求完成的课程, 这样会减少你以后需要换专业的机会, 因为你已经知道该期待什么了。由此可推断出C项(一旦你对你最喜欢的专业有了更好的了解)与下文衔接。故选C。
    4. 【解析】选D。本段主要讲了, 你应该开始思考你的领域将如何尽快找到一份工作, 考虑与你专业的潜在职业选择相关的俱乐部、研究项目和兼职工作。由此可知, 作为本段的首句(主旨句), 应涵盖本段的主要内容, 因此D项(而你的专业可能直接或间接影响你的职业生涯)符合本段文意。故选D。
    5. 【解析】选G。根据上文提到对于一些专业, 你的大部分学习将包括在未来工作中可以使用的技能。再结合下文说, 你越早开始在实验室工作, 做研究项目, 或帮助教授做助教, 你就越能更好地规划自己的职业生涯。由此可知, G项(然而, 你仍然应该考虑做课外活动, 以更好地为你做准备)衔接上下文, 故选G。
    With the 1. ______(arrive)f the digital age, sme traditinal ccupatins like teacher, dctr and lawyer have lst favr amng yung peple. Instead, they intend t chse jbs 2. ______ are related t the Internet. It is shwn in the 2017 Blue Bk f China’s Sciety that mre than 85 percent f Chinese peple yunger than 26 chse prfessinal electrnic gamer 3. ______ scial media writer as their ideal jb. Hwever, China is nt alne. Accrding t 4. ______ survey by UK—based travel firm First Chice, mre than a third f the yung peple 5. ______ (invlve)wuld like t be a YuTuber—a persn wh 6. ______ (create)his r her wn YuTube vides. And nearly a fifth wanted t wrk as a blgger, 7. ______ (write)cntent fr the Internet. Hw des this trend cme abut? It can be 8. ______ (large)attributed t the fact that these new ccupatins enable yung peple t wrk fr their dreams, nt just fr mney. “These new jbs are where the biggest attractins lie: creativity, fame and the pprtunity fr self-expressin, ” cmmented The Sun.
    Despite the ppularity 9. ______ new ccupatins, experts still suggest that yung peple stay wise when they chse ne because nt everybdy is 10. ______ (suit)r has the ability fr it.
    【文章大意】本文是议论文。主要论述了随着数字时代的到来, 年轻人对一些传统职业像老师, 医生等失去偏爱, 而更爱选择与网络相关的工作。因为这些工作的吸引力在于: 它们有创造性, 能够获得名声和自我表达的机会。
    1. 【解析】arrival。考查名词。句意: 随着数字时代的到来, 一些传统的职业如教师、医生和律师在年轻人中失去了吸引力。根据空前the及空后f可知, 此处用名词, arrival是不可数名词。故填arrival。
    2. 【解析】that/which。考查定语从句。句意: 相反, 他们打算选择与互联网相关的工作。分析句子结构可知这是一个定语从句, 先行词为jbs, 关系词在从句中作主语, 应用关系代词that/which。故填that/which。
    3. 【解析】r。考查并列连词。句意: 2017年中国社会蓝皮书显示, 超过85%的26岁以下的中国年轻人选择职业电子游戏玩家或社交媒体写手作为理想职业。根据句意prfessinal electrnic gamer和scial media writer之间是选择关系, 应用连词r。故填r。
    4. 【解析】a。考查冠词。句意: 英国旅游公司First Chice的一项调查显示, 超过三分之一的年轻人希望成为YuTube视频制作者。此处泛指“一项调查”, survey是发音以辅音因素开头的词, 应使用不定冠词a。故填a。
    5. 【解析】invlved。考查过去分词。句意: 英国旅游公司First Chice的一项调查显示, 超过三分之一的年轻人希望成为YuTube视频制作者。peple与invlve之间是动宾关系, 应用过去分词作后置定语。故填invlved。
    6. 【解析】creates。考查主谓一致。句意: 英国旅游公司First Chice的一项调查显示, 超过三分之一的年轻人希望成为YuTube视频制作者。wh的先行词persn是单数, 谓语动词也应用单数形式, 且表示一般事实, 要用一般现在时的单数形式。故填creates。
    7. 【解析】writing。考查现在分词。句意: 近五分之一的人想成为博主, 为互联网撰写内容。blgger与write之间是主谓关系, 用现在分词作状语。故填writing。
    8. 【解析】largely。考查副词。句意: 这在很大程度上可以归因于这样一个事实, 即这些新的职业使年轻人能够为他们的梦想而工作, 而不仅仅是为了钱。attribute是动词, 要用副词修饰。故填largely。
    9. 【解析】f。考查介词。句意: 尽管新职业很受欢迎, 专家们仍然建议年轻人在选择职业时要保持明智, 因为不是每个人都适合或有能力胜任。f意为“……的”。本句表示新职业的受欢迎程度。故填f。
    10. 【解析】suitable。考查形容词。句意: 尽管新职业很受欢迎, 专家们仍然建议年轻人在选择职业时要保持明智, 因为不是每个人都适合或有能力胜任。be动词后接形容词作表语。故填suitable。
    Dear Sir r Madam,
    I am writing t apply fr the psitin f an English vlunteer guide at the Frbidden City in the summer.
    Let me tell yu smething abut myself. My name is Li Hua, a senir 3 student at Hngxing High Schl. There are several advantages that I pssess. T start with, I am fluent in English, which allws me t explain the glrius histry f the Frbidden City t freign visitrs clearly. Besides, I am an enthusiastic learner f the Chinese histry and a tp student in class, therefre I have a rich knwledge f the histry f the Frbidden City, making me well-equipped fr the jb. Apart frm these advantages, I have plenty f time fr the jb during this summer and it is essential fr the jb.
    I wuld feel grateful if yu culd give the glden pprtunity t share Chinese culture and histry with freign visitrs. Thank yu fr yur time. I am lking frward t yur reply.
    Li Hua
    1. 话题特点
    申请信是一种向他人或组织表达愿望, 提出请求的一种常见书信形式。要求言辞恳切, 内容详实, 具有说服力。
    2. 话题词汇
    ①pssess v. 拥有
    ②fluentadj. 流利的
    ③glriusadj. 光荣的
    ④enthusiasticadj. 热情的
    ⑤essential adj. 必要的
    ⑥grateful adj. 感激的
    ⑦apply fr申请
    ⑧have a knwledge f具备……的知识
    ⑨apart frm除……之外
    3. 话题句式(试着替换方框中的黑体部分, 变成你需要表达的意思)
    ①I am writing t apply fr the psitin f an English vlunteer guide.
    ②I am writing this letter t recmmend myself.
    ③I’m glad t knw that yu want a secretary.
    ④I am writing because I am quite interested in the jb advertised in the newspaper.
    ⑤I have just read in the newspaper that yur cmpany needs a prgram designer.
    ①I am gd at cmmunicating with thers.
    ②I have previus experience, and I nce wrked as a translatr fr freign visitrs.
    我以前有过工作经验, 曾为外国游客做过翻译。
    ③I have a gd knwledge f cmputer.
    ④I am gd at spken English, which makes it pssible fr me t cmmunicate well with thers.
    我擅长英语口语, 这使我能够很好地与他人沟通。
    ①Thank yu fr cnsidering my applicatin and I am lking frward t yur early reply.
    感谢您考虑我的申请, 期待您早日答复。
    ②I greatly appreciate any f yur favrable cnsideratin f my applicatin.
    ③I wuld be very grateful if yu culd cnsider my applicatin.
    如果您能考虑我的申请, 我将不胜感激。
    假定你是新华中学高二学生李津, 得知校英语社团拟招募英语主持人, 你有意应聘。请根据以下内容要点, 用英语给该组织负责人写一封申请信。内容包括:
    1. 介绍个人情况;
    2. 陈述个人优势(英语水平, 知识面等);
    3. 表达期望。
    注意: 1. 词数80左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;
    3. 开头和结尾已经给出, 不计入总词数。
    Dear Sir r Madam,
    Lking frward t hearing frm yu.
    Li Jin
    1. 宝贵的 valuable
    2. 首先t begin with
    3. 精通 have a gd knwledge f
    4. 担任 serve as
    5. 表现好 perfrm well
    6. 发挥我的能力 develp my ability
    1. 完成句子
    I’m writing t ask fr a valuable chance t be a hst in yur English Sciety.
    (2)首先, 我精通英语。
    T begin with, I have a gd knwledge f English.
    It is helpful fr me t wrk as an English hst.
    (4)更重要的是, 我认为这是一个很好的机会来服务我们的社会和发挥我的能力。
    Mre imprtantly, I cnsider it a gd chance t serve ur Sciety and develp my ability.
    2. 句式升级
    T begin with, I have a gd knwledge f English, which is helpful fr me t wrk as an English hst.
    Dear Sir r Madam,
    I’m Li Jin, a student in senir tw frm Xinhua Middle Schl. I’m writing t ask fr a valuable chance t be a hst in yur English Sciety. The fllwing are my advantages.
    T begin with, I have a gd knwledge f English, which is helpful fr me t wrk as an English hst. Besides, I have read a lt f bks, s I knw a lt abut western cultures. What’s mre, I have served as a hst in sme ther shws s I believe I culd perfrm well. Mre imprtantly, I cnsider it a gd chance t serve ur Sciety and develp my ability.
    I wuld greatly appreciate it if yu culd give me a chance.
    Lking frward t hearing frm yu.
    Li Jin
    The tpic: What des a successful future mean t yu?
    Live my life in a way that I wish.
    Spare n effrts t study.
    Be admitted int a tp university.
    Find an ideal jb.
    What d yu think f a successful future?
    Yur pinin: _______________________________________________________
    Fr me, a successful future means that I can live my dream life in a way that I wish. It means I must study hard enugh at the present perid t ensure I am admitted t a tp university and find an ideal jb, s that I can realize my dream. In a wrd, a successful future means wrking hard twards my gal at present.
    《波莉安娜》是一个充满了快乐的故事。小说的主人公——十一岁的波莉安娜是个孤儿, 可她从来也没有因为自己的身世而失望哭泣, 反而能在每一个困难与打击面前都积极乐观地去发现快乐、享受快乐。自从她来到脾气乖戾、冷漠孤傲的姨妈家后, 她的“快乐游戏”便流传开来, 并深深地感染了她身边的每一个人, 甚至让整个贝汀斯镇都重新获得了生机。
    Miss Plly Harringtn entered her kitchen a little hurriedly this June mrning. Miss Plly did nt usually make hurried mvements; she specially prided herself n her repse f manner. But tday she was hurrying—actually hurrying.
    Nancy, washing dishes at the sink, lked up in surprise. Nancy had been wrking in Miss Plly’s kitchen nly tw mnths, but already she knew that her mistress did nt usually hurry.
    “Nancy! ”
    “Yes, ma’am. ” Nancy answered cheerfully, but she still cntinued wiping the pitcher in her hand.
    “Nancy, ”—Miss Plly’s vice was very stern nw—“when I’m talking t yu, I wish yu t stp yur wrk and listen t what I have t say. ”
    Nancy flushed miserably. She set the pitcher dwn at nce, with the clth still abut it, thereby nearly tipping it ver—which did nt add t her cmpsure.
    “Yes, ma’am; I will, ma’am, ” she stammered, righting the pitcher, and turning hastily. “I was nly keeping n with my wrk, because yu specially tld me this mrning t hurry with my dishes, yu knw. ”
    Her mistress frwned.
    “That will d, Nancy. I did nt ask fr explanatins. I asked fr yur attentin. ”
    “Yes, ma’am. ” Nancy stifled a sigh. She was wndering if ever in any way she culd please this wman. Nancy had never “wrked ut” befre; but a sick mther suddenly widwed and left with three yunger children besides Nancy herself, had frced the girl int ding smething tward their supprt, and she had been s pleased when she fund a place in the kitchen f the great huse n the hill—Nancy had cme frm “The Crners, ” six miles away, and she knew Miss Plly Harringtn nly as the mistress f the ld Harringtn hmestead, and ne f the wealthiest residents f the twn. That was tw mnths befre. She knew Miss Plly nw as a stern, severe-faced wman wh frwned if a knife clattered t the flr, r if a dr banged—but wh never thught t smile even when knives and drs were still.
    “When yu’ve finished yur mrning wrk, Nancy, ” Miss Plly was saying nw, “yu may clear the little rm at the head f the stairs in the attic, and make up the ct bed. Sweep the rm and clean it, f curse, after yu clear ut the trunks and bxes. ”
    “Yes, ma’am. And where shall I put the things, please, that I take ut? ”
    “In the frnt attic. ” Miss Plly hesitated, then went n: “I suppse I may as well tell yu nw, Nancy. My niece, Miss Pllyanna Whittier, is cming t live with me. She is eleven years ld, and will sleep in that rm. ”
    “A little girl—cming here, Miss Harringtn? Oh, wn’t that be nice! ” cried Nancy, thinking f the sunshine her wn little sisters made in the hme at “The Crners. ”
    “Nice? Well, that isn’t exactly the wrd I shuld use, ” rejined Miss Plly, stiffly. “Hwever, I intend t make the best f it, f curse. I am a gd wman, I hpe; and I knw my duty. ”
    Nancy clred htly.
    “Of curse, ma’am; it was nly that I thught a little girl here might—might brighten things up fr yu, ” she faltered.
    “Thank yu, ” rejined the lady, dryly. “I can’t say, hwever, that I see any immediate need fr that. ”
    “But, f curse, yu—yu’d want her, yur sister’s child, ” ventured Nancy, vaguely feeling that smehw she must prepare a welcme fr this lnely little stranger.
    Miss Plly lifted her chin haughtily.
    “Well, really, Nancy, just because I happened t have a sister wh was silly enugh t marry and bring unnecessary children int a wrld that was already quite full enugh, I can’t see hw I shuld particularly WANT t have the care f them myself. Hwever, as I said befre, I hpe I knw my duty. See that yu clean the crners, Nancy, ” she finished sharply, as she left the rm.
    “Yes, ma’am, ” sighed Nancy, picking up the half-dried pitcher—nw s cld it must be rinsed again.
    1. What des the underlined wrd “wiping”mean in Paragraph 4?
    A. t remve infrmatin, sund, images, etc. frm a cmputer, tape r vide
    B. t remve dirt, liquid, etc. frm sth. by using a clth, yur hand, etc
    答案: B
    2. What is the relatinship between Miss Plly and Miss Pllyanna Whittier?
    Miss Pllyanna Whittier is Miss Plly’s niece.
    3. Why did Nancy cme ut t wrk?
    Her husband was dead and she had three children t bring up.
    4. What is a pitcher and what is used t d?
    A pitcher is a large clay cntainer with a small pening and ne r tw handles, and is used especially in the past, fr hlding milk, juice etc.

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