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    Unit 2 Onwards and upwards Period 3 Developing ideas and presenting ideas课件-【新教材精创】同步备课外研版选择性必修第一册
    Unit 2 Onwards and upwards Period 3 Developing ideas and presenting ideas课件-【新教材精创】同步备课外研版选择性必修第一册01
    Unit 2 Onwards and upwards Period 3 Developing ideas and presenting ideas课件-【新教材精创】同步备课外研版选择性必修第一册02
    Unit 2 Onwards and upwards Period 3 Developing ideas and presenting ideas课件-【新教材精创】同步备课外研版选择性必修第一册03
    Unit 2 Onwards and upwards Period 3 Developing ideas and presenting ideas课件-【新教材精创】同步备课外研版选择性必修第一册04
    Unit 2 Onwards and upwards Period 3 Developing ideas and presenting ideas课件-【新教材精创】同步备课外研版选择性必修第一册05
    Unit 2 Onwards and upwards Period 3 Developing ideas and presenting ideas课件-【新教材精创】同步备课外研版选择性必修第一册06
    Unit 2 Onwards and upwards Period 3 Developing ideas and presenting ideas课件-【新教材精创】同步备课外研版选择性必修第一册07
    Unit 2 Onwards and upwards Period 3 Developing ideas and presenting ideas课件-【新教材精创】同步备课外研版选择性必修第一册08
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    英语选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Onwards and upwards优质备课ppt课件

    这是一份英语选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Onwards and upwards优质备课ppt课件,共28页。PPT课件主要包含了单词清障,worthwhile,blanket,beaver,cucumber,contest,upsete,blessing,elect,worthy等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. Three Days t See
    2. Hw t write an argumentatin
    3. Exercises f wrds and phrases
    Helen Keller (June 27, 1880-June 1, 1968), is an American wman writer, educatr and philanthrpist (慈善家). When she was 19 mnths ld, she was deprived f her eyesight and hearing due t acute encephalitis (脑炎). Later, she cmpleted her studies at Harvard University with amazing perseverance and became the first blind deaf persn t btain a Bachelr f Arts degree. She devted her whle life t the benefit f the disabled and established many charities, cmpleting 14 bks, the mst famus f which is "If Give Me Three Days f Light" and "My Life Stry". She was selected as "Tp Ten American Idls in the 20th Century" by Time magazine, and als awarded "Presidential Medal f Freedm". (总统自由奖章) On June 1, 1968, Helen Keller died.
    Anne Sullivan Macy ,美国著名的残障教育家,海伦-凯勒的启蒙老师。
    1. adj.重要的;值得做的2. n.毯子,毛毯3. n.河狸,海狸4. n.黄瓜5. adj.热心的. 热衷的6. n.比赛,竞赛7. adj.心烦意乱的,烦恼的8. v.选举,推选9. n.幸事,幸运 10. adj.感激的
    11. adj.值得尊敬的;值得赞赏的12. 值得 adj.仅仅,只不过14. n.和蔼,温和15. n.友谊;友好交往16. n.指尖17. n.外形,轮廓18. v.使兴奋,使陶醉19. n.盛大的(露天)演出20. (历史事件的)缤纷场景
    the pageant f
    21. v. 调查;探究22. n.黎明,破晓23. n.使人高兴的事24. n.展现, 显示25. adj.平凡的;平淡的26. prep.在…之中27. n.(某人)常去的地方28. adj.长久的;永久的29. v.降临;来临30. adj.强有力的;雄伟的
    31. 音乐的曲调或旋律32. n.(大型的)管弦乐队 33. adj.触觉的34. n.香味35. n.享受,乐趣36. n.(尤指食物的)一小片37. adj.令人愉快的,讨人喜欢的38. adj.文学的39. adj.难堪的,尴尬的
    I have ften thught it wuld be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf fr a few days at sme time during his early adult life. Darkness wuld make him mre appreciative f sight; silence wuld teach him the jys f sund.我经常想,如果每个人在成年早期的某个时候失明或失聪几天,那将是一件幸事。黑暗会让他更欣赏视觉;静默会教会他声音的乐趣。Nw and then I have tested my seeing friends t discver what they see. Recently, I asked a friend wh had just returned frm a lng walk in the wds what she had bserved, "Nthing in particular,"she replied.我不时地测试我视力正常的朋友,看看他们看到了什么。最近,我问一个刚从树林里散步回来的朋友她观察到了什么,“没什么特别的,”她回答说。
    nw and then 偶尔,时不时地
    be striken blind and deaf突然失聪失明
    make,使役动词,使得 ;make sb +adj.
    apprciative f 对...心怀感激
    seeing现在分词作定语,可替换为定语从句wh see
    in the wds在树林中,注意wds是复数形式
    what引导的宾语从句,what=the thing that
    in particular, 尤其,特别
    定语从句,修饰先行词a friend
    Hw was it pssible, I asked myself, t walk fr an hur thrugh the wds and see nthing wrthy f nte? I wh cannt see find hundreds f things t interest me thrugh mere tuch. If I can get s much pleasure frm tuch, hw much mre beauty must be revealed by sight? And I have imagined what I shuld mst like t see if I were given the use f my eyes, say fr just three days.我问自己,怎么可能在森林里走了一个小时,却没有看到任何值得注意的东西?我这个看不见的人仅仅通过触摸就能找到数百件让我感兴趣的东西。如果我能从触摸中获得如此多的快乐,视觉又能展示多少美丽呢?我想象过,如果让我使用我的眼睛,比方说仅仅三天,我最想看到的是什么。
    it为形式宾语,真正的主语为t walk...
    定语从句,修饰先行词 I
    此处使用了if引导的虚拟条件句,与将来事实相反,条件句使用一般过去时,be动词只能为were, 表示结果的主句为:主语+shuld/culd/wuld d sth...
    On the first day, I shuld want t see the peple whse kindness and gentleness and cmpaninship have made my life wrth living. I d nt knw what it is t see int the heart f a friend thrugh that "windw f the sul", the eye. I can nly "see" thrugh my fingertips the utline f a face. I shuld like t see the bks which have been read t me, and which have revealed t me the deepest channels f human life and the human spirit. In the afternn I shuld take a lng walk in the wds and intxicate my eyes n the beauties f the wrld f nature. That night, I shuld nt be able t sleep.第一天,我应该是想看看那些让我的人生值得活下去的善良温柔和陪伴的人。我不知道通过“心灵之窗”眼睛看到朋友的内心是什么样的。我现在只能通过指尖“看到”一张脸的轮廓。我想看那些给我读过的书,这些书向我揭示了人类生活和人类精神的最深层次的渠道。下午,我应该在森林里散步,欣赏大自然的美景。那天晚上,我应该睡不着。
    定语从句,修饰先行词the peple
    wrth ding 值得做...
    定语从句,修饰先行词the bks
    intxicate sb/sth...使...陶醉
    On my secnd day, I shuld like t see the pageant f man's prgress, and I shuld g t the museums. I shuld try t prbe int the sul f man thrugh his art. The things I knew thrugh tuch I shuld nw see. The evening f my secnd day I shuld spend at a theater r at the mvies.二天,我想去看人类进步的盛会,我想去博物馆。我想试着通过人类的艺术来探索人类的灵魂。通过触摸我所知道的东西,我现在想看到。第二天晚上,我想在剧院或电影院度过。The flwing mrning, I shuld again greet the dawn, anxius t discver new delights, new revelatins f beauty. Tday I shall spend in the wrkaday wrld, amid the haunts f men ging abut the business f life.接下来的早晨,我想再次迎接黎明,渴望发现新的快乐,新的美的启示。今天,我将在平凡的世界里度过,在人们为生活奔波的地方。At midnight permanent night wuld clse in n me again. Only when darknees had again descended upn me shuld I realize hw much I had left unseen.午夜时分,永恒之夜将再次逼近我。只有当黑暗再次降临到我身上时,我才意识到我还剩下多少没看到。
    I wh am blind can give ne hint t thse wh see: Use yur eyes as if tmrrw yu wuld be stricken blind. And the same methd can be applied t the ther senses. Hear the music f vices, the sng f a bird, the mighty strains f an rchestra, as if yu wuld be sriken deaf tmrrw. Tuch each bject yu want t tuch as if tmrrw yur tactile sense wuld fail. Smell the perfume f flwers, taste with relish each mrsel, as if tmrrw yu culd never smell and taste again. But f all the senses, I am sure that sight must be the mst delightful. (Excerpts frm "Three Days t See" by Helen Keller)我这个盲人可以给那些能看见的人一个提示:用你的眼睛,就像明天你会突然失明。同样的方法也适用于其他感官。听听人发出的声音,鸟儿的歌唱,管弦乐队强劲的旋律,仿佛你明天会突然失聪。触摸每一个你想触摸的物体,就像明天你的触觉会失灵一样。闻闻花香,津津有味地品尝每一口,仿佛明天你再也闻不到味道了。但是在所有的感觉中,我确信视觉一定是最令人愉快的。
    这一段反复使用了as if引导的虚拟语气,好像会...表示在将来实现的可能性几乎没有,动词为culd/wuld/might d sth...
    Paralism (平行结构)as a literary device is the use f expressins, clauses r serntences tht are similar in their structure. It can make the cntent mre rtythmic, engaging and easier t remember. It is cmmnly usedin literary wrks and speeches.
    Chse the authr's purpse in writing the passage and give yur reasns.1. T help readers understand what it is like t be blind.2. T make readers withut disabilities appreciate what they have. 3. T persuade readers t care abut the blind.
    rganizatin f the passage
    Part 1 (Para.1-3): Intrductin f the tpicIf I weregiven three days t see, what shuld I like t d
    Part 2 (Para.4-7): Detailed descriptin f the things I shuld like t see during the three days
    Part 3 (Para.8): T make readers withut disabilities appreciate what they have.
    language features f this passage
    1. Use subjunctive md t express her strng wishes t see and t hear.2. Use paralism t make the passage mre rtythmic and impressive.
    1. What are the main wishes f the authr? Give an example.2. D yu knw f any stries abut peple with disabilities? Share ne with the class. Mre examples: 自行脑补
    She wishes that she culd see and hear everything arund her, fr example, the peple whse kindness and gentleness and cmpaninship have made her life wrth living and the bks which have been read t her.
    A Bing (frmerly knwn as Hua Yanjun, August 17, 1893-December 4, 1950), a flk musician in China. In 1910, he played Taist music. In 1918, he became blind due t eye diseases and therefre made a living as a busker. He has created and perfrmed mre than 270 flk music in his life. There are six pieces f music by Erhu which are still ften played nw.
    3. Hw shuld we interact with peple with disabilities?4. What qualities d bth reading passages in this unit cnvey?
    1. Be respectful and patient. Smene wh has a disability shuld be affrded the same amunt f respect as anyne else. Remember the glden rule “treat thers as yu wuld like t be treated”2. Never talk dwn t smene with a disability. 3. Dn’t use labels r ffensive terms, especially in a casual way. 4. Put yurself in the psitin f smene with a disability.
    When faced with difficulties r having diasbilities, please be brave and psitive. Never give up until yu make it.
    Three steps t write an argumentatin 1. Selecting yur pint f view2. Prviding arguments and supprting examples3. Drawing the cnclusin
    Wrk in grups. Give a talk abut pinin n the sentence frm the passage.
    wuld be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf fr a few days at sme time during his early adult life. D yu agree r disagree?
    Pint f view:____________________________________________________________Arguments:______________________________________________________________& Supprting examples:____________________________________________________Cnclusin: ______________________________________________________________
    It wuld be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf fr a few days at sme time during his early adul life.
    the advantages f ding s
    reassert yur argument and persuade the audience t supprt yur pint f view.
    It wuld be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf fr a few days at sme time during his early adult life, which sunds ridiculus but is true in fact. Fr ne thing, we culd value everything we used t take fr granted. Secnd, we culd experience the difficult situatins the disabled persns have t experience every day. In turn yu wuld be reeady t help peple in diffiluty. Fr example, if yu were blind and became a seeing persn ne day, can yu imagine hw wildly yu were excited! It's natural fr yu t help blind peple because yu had the same empathy. Finally, we culd raise ur awareness t keep healthy. Sme dieting and sleeping habits tend t lead t eye diseases r hearing prblems, which we culd verlk everyday. I think this is a ggd way t remind us t appreciste what we have nw.
    Pint f view
    Arguments and examples
    1. What is just beynd my wildest imaginatin is that frtune shuld__________(保证) me a chance t realize my dream.2. We have been very _____________ (感激的) f their supprt. 3. Bamb Frest is the mst ____________(值得的) sight in Kyt. 4. If we ___________(仅仅) prtect a prprtin f the territry, gvemments will likely prtect what's easy.
    5. Draw an _________(轮廓) f yur garden r yard space.6. Having learned with __________(高兴) that yu are cming t Beijing fr a visit this July, I'm writing t ffer my suggestins cncerning yur ne-day trip in Beijing.7. He had ___________ (永久地) strengthened his senses t a pint far beynd what ther Allmancers culd attain.8. I am cnvinced that I will strive hard t fulfill my__________ (文学的) drecam if given the chance.9. I was ___________ (尴尬的)at the sight f a lw A and felt pressured t keep an utward image f perfectin.
    1. It's wrth____________(learn) the cultural differences in bdy language.2. Yu'd better get yur tickets nline befre ging r yu'll end up ___________ (wait) in line fr three hurs r mre.3. We wn first prize. Hw ___________(delight) we were!4. Her parents wuldn't marry her t anyne ___________ family was pr.5. Only in this way ___________ it nt be destryed by peple.
    6. We need t apply__________ a permit t build a garage.7. The lcal hspital was ne f the first ___________ (apply) t becme fiancially independent.8. Tw days later, I was ___________t hand in all f my wrk n time, t my teacher's ___________. (delight)
    in particularpersuade sb t d care abutknck sb verpick upbe aware fmake ue fnw and then
    1. Dn't be afraid f prblems, but _______________it t be the best f urselves.2. During the fllwing days, I gt the same call _________________.3. I went alng thinking f nthing _______________ nly lking at things arund me.4. Her parents thught she was t yung fr the vilin, and _______________ start n the pian.5. My parents still _____________ me, but I was n lnger the center f the universe.
    nw and then
    in particular
    persuaded her t
    6. Even walking n the street and lightly bumping int smebdy brings memries frm Becky’s childhd, when a by _____________.7. If yu lve helping the envirnment, plant trees r_____________litter.8. The citizens f ne farm village _______________ this.
    kncked her ver
    were aware f
    Read the tw pints f view. Chse ne and write an argumentatin essay.

    外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Onwards and upwards优质课ppt课件: 这是一份外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Onwards and upwards优质课ppt课件,共42页。

    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Onwards and upwards获奖ppt课件: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Onwards and upwards获奖ppt课件,共28页。PPT课件主要包含了单词清障,worthwhile,blanket,beaver,cucumber,contest,upsete,blessing,elect,worthy等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Onwards and upwards备课ppt课件: 这是一份外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Onwards and upwards备课ppt课件,共28页。PPT课件主要包含了单词清障,worthwhile,blanket,beaver,cucumber,contest,upsete,blessing,elect,worthy等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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        Unit 2 Onwards and upwards Period 3 Developing ideas and presenting ideas课件-【新教材精创】同步备课外研版选择性必修第一册
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