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    Unit 3 Faster, higher, stronger Period 1 Starting out and Understanding ideas课件-【新教材精创】外研版选择性必修第一册
    Unit 3 Faster, higher, stronger Period 1 Starting out and Understanding ideas课件-【新教材精创】外研版选择性必修第一册01
    Unit 3 Faster, higher, stronger Period 1 Starting out and Understanding ideas课件-【新教材精创】外研版选择性必修第一册02
    Unit 3 Faster, higher, stronger Period 1 Starting out and Understanding ideas课件-【新教材精创】外研版选择性必修第一册03
    Unit 3 Faster, higher, stronger Period 1 Starting out and Understanding ideas课件-【新教材精创】外研版选择性必修第一册04
    Unit 3 Faster, higher, stronger Period 1 Starting out and Understanding ideas课件-【新教材精创】外研版选择性必修第一册05
    Unit 3 Faster, higher, stronger Period 1 Starting out and Understanding ideas课件-【新教材精创】外研版选择性必修第一册06
    Unit 3 Faster, higher, stronger Period 1 Starting out and Understanding ideas课件-【新教材精创】外研版选择性必修第一册07
    Unit 3 Faster, higher, stronger Period 1 Starting out and Understanding ideas课件-【新教材精创】外研版选择性必修第一册08
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    外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 3 Faster, higher, stronger试讲课课件ppt

    这是一份外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 3 Faster, higher, stronger试讲课课件ppt,共40页。PPT课件主要包含了单词清障,Para1,Para2,Para3,Para4,Para5,Homework等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    The main tpic f this unitThe True Spirit f Sprt
    1. Starting ut
    2. The analysis f the reading passage
    3. Intensive reading f the passage
    Xu Haifeng Chinese frmer shter brn in 1957 First athlete t win an Olympic gld medal fr China Cach f tw Chinese Olympic gld medals
    Wayne Gretzky Canadian frmer ice hcky player brn in 1961 One f the greatest players in the histry f the Natinal Hckey League (NHL) in Canada Over 100 fficial and unfficial recrds
    Yelena Isinbayeva 伊莲娜·伊辛巴耶娃 Russian frmer ple-vaulter brn in 1982 Tw-time Olympic gld medals First wmen t jump ver five meters
    She has been selected as the best female athlete f IAAF fr tw cnsecutive years and wn Lawrence Best Athlete Award. She is the first female athlete t break the recrd f 5 meters in ple vault. She has set new indr and utdr wrld recrds 28 times in her career, and is called "bubka in Skirt".她曾连续两年被评选为国际田联最佳女运动员,获得劳伦斯最佳运动员奖。她是第一个撑杆跳打破5米纪录的女性运动员。在职业生涯曾28次刷新室内、室外世界纪录,被称为“穿裙子的布勃卡” (荷兰撑高跳男运动员,史上首位跳过6米10的运动员)。
    The mtt f Olympics is “faster, higher, strnger”, which is als the ultimate pursuit f athletes wrldwide. D yu knw ther sprtspeple f great achievements? Wh inspires yu mst and why?
    Understanding Ideas
    Backgrund infrmatin
    NBA(Natinal Basketball Assciatin)是北美的男子职业篮球组织,是美国四大职业体育联盟之一。其拥有30支球队分为东部联盟和西部联盟,每个联盟又被划分为3个赛区,各赛区由5支球队组成。其赛事美国职业篮球联赛(或称美国篮球联赛,简称美国职篮)也被直接称为NBA,是全世界水准最高的职业篮球赛事。NBA正式赛季于每年10月中开始,分为常规赛、季后赛两大部分。常规赛结束后,东部和西部联盟分别由前八名进入季后赛,决出东西部冠军,晋级NBA总决赛,后由两个联盟的冠军争夺NBA的最高荣誉─总冠军。2020年10月12日,湖人在2019-20赛季NBA总决赛中总比分4-2击败热火,时隔10年再夺总冠军,也是队史第17冠。
    1. usually the best ball handler and r best passer"
    2. usually the main shter playing n the wing
    3. usually the mst athletic player n the team wh can play inside and uside the key
    4. usually a taller player wh catches the ball after a player has tried but failed t get a pint
    5 usually the tallest player n the team wh plays inside the key and shuld be a gd screr
    A Stry abut Stephen Curry
    斯蒂芬·库里(Stephen Curry,1988年3月14日-),出生于俄亥俄州阿克伦,美国男子篮球运动员,司职控球后卫,现效力于NBA金州勇士队,绰号“萌神””。其控球娴熟,擅长急停跳投,是一名投射能力极为出众的控卫。他2009年被金州勇士队选中进入NBA,是一名划时代的篮球运动员,职业生涯3次获得总冠军,2次荣膺常规赛MVP,6次入选最佳阵容(3次一阵、2次二阵、1次三阵),6次入选全明星,帮助美国男篮夺得2010年世锦赛和2014年世界杯冠军。
    1. 与…大不相同2. adj. 光滑发光的,闪光的3. n. 协会,社团4. adj.沾满泥的,泥泞的5. n. 投球,射求,击球6. n. 篮版7. 倒下,向下垮8. n. 隆起之处9. v. 使)弹起,(使)反弹10. v. 使提高,使改进
    a far cry frm
    11. n . 队友12. n. 脚步声;足迹13. 仿效某人; 继承某人(尤指家人)的事业14. 继续15. n. 武士,战士16. n. 预料,预期17. 超出某人的预期18. 连续地19. n. 人生哲学20. n. 自信21. n. (篮球中的)篮圈
    fllw in ne's ftsteps
    beynd ne's expectatins
    22. 把...绑在...上23. 提高某人的技能24. 打算做某事25. 在某事上花费时间26. 在那时27. 四面八方地28. 非常精准地29. 瞄准 日复一日地31. 以...结束
    sharpen ne's skills
    spend...(in) ding
    at the time
    in all directins
    with great accuracy
    day in and day ut
    end up ding
    32.一所名不见经传的小学校33. 使某人成为 持续不断的努力35. 获得...奖36. 投入(时间和精力等)37. 相信自己38. 生动的证明39. 激励某人去做某事
    a small, little knwn schl
    make sb + n/NP
    cntinuus effrts
    believe in neself
    the living prf
    inspire sb t d sth
    Extensive ReadingT practise yur reading skills, skimming, scanning and fast readingSkimming:Lk thrugh quickly t find ut the main ideaScanning: Lk thrugh quickly t find a particular piece f infrmatin
    Read the whle passage and wrk ut the min idea f each paragraph.
    Near the small wn f Grttes, Virginia, a narrw dirt rad ges frm the huse f Stephen Curry's grandfather t the wds nearby. A far cry frm the bright lighs and shiny curts f the Natinal Basketball Assciatin (NBA), it was alng this rad that Stephen's grandfather built a simple basket by attaching a piece f plastic t a telephne ple.在弗吉尼亚州Grttes附近,一条狭窄的土路从斯蒂芬·库里祖父的房子通向附近的树林。斯蒂芬的祖父就是沿着这条路,将一块塑料绑在电线杆上,造出了一个简单的球筐,这与美国国家篮球协会(NBA)明亮的灯光和闪亮的球场相去甚远。
    Main idea: Stephen's grandfather built a simple basket fr him.
    Like his fathers, basketball star Dell Curry, Stephen spent many chilchd hurs playing n this muddy basketball curt. He prbably didn't realise it at the time, but it was where he learnt t be creative and flexible as a player. Yu see, with every sht, the weak plastic backbard gave way. The bumps and rcks that lined the rad under the basket caused the ball t bunce in all directins. Knwing where the ball wuld g wasn't easy. He had t adjust his wn playing style as a result. Shting with great accuracy was anther thing he learnt. Only shts perfectly aimed at its centre went int the heavy, thick basket. In this way, practising day in and day ut helped Stephen sharpen his skills. 像他的父亲,篮球明星戴尔·库里一样,史蒂芬花了很多时间在这个泥泞的篮球场上打球。他当时可能没有意识到这一点:这是他作为一名球员学会创造性和灵活性的地方。你看,每一次投篮,脆弱的塑料篮板摇摇欲坠。篮筐下的道路上都是突起和石块,这导致球向四面八方反弹。知道球会去哪里并不容易。结果他不得不调整自己的打法。他学到的另一件事是精准投篮。只有完全瞄准中心的投篮才进入笨重的篮筐里。这样,日复一日的练习帮助斯蒂芬提高了他的技能。
    Main idea: Stephen spent many chilchd hurs playing n a muddy basketball curt.
    Despite his father's successful career, Stephen was thught by many peple, including his high schl teammates and caches, t be t shrt, t thin and t weak t fllw in his father's ftseps. But Stephen carried n. Playing basketball was his dream. He wuld nt give up. He finally end up playing cllege ball at a small, little-knwn schl, Davidsn Cllege, nt t far frm where he lived. His creativity and perseverance made him Davidsn's star player.尽管父亲事业有成,但很多人,包括他的高中队友和教练,都认为斯蒂芬太矮、太瘦、太弱,无法追随父亲的脚步。但是斯蒂芬坚持了下来。打篮球是他的梦想。他不会放弃。他最终在一所名不见经传的小学校戴维森学院打球,离他住的地方不远。他的创造力和毅力使他成为戴维森的明星球员。
    Main idea: Stephen's creativity and perseverance made him Davidsn's star player.
    Selected fr the NBA in 2009, Stephen jined the Glden State Warrirs. He perfrmed beynd everyne's expectatins with his accurate shting and cntinuus effrts. In 2015, Stephen wn his first NBA champinship, and he led the Warrirs t their first champinship since 1975.2009年入选NBA,斯蒂芬加盟金州勇士。他的精准投篮和不断的努力,使他的表现超出了所有人的预期。2015年,斯蒂芬赢得了他的第一个NBA冠军,他带领勇士队获得了自1975年以来的第一个冠军。
    Main idea: Stephen perfrmed beynd everyne's expectatins.
    After receiving the Mst Valuable Player award fr tw years in a rw, Sterphen explained his philsphy, "I never really set ut t change the game. What I wanted t d was just be myself..I knw it inspires a lt f the next generatin, a lt f peple wh lve the game f basketball t value the skill f it, value the fact that yu can wrk every singke day t get better. Yu've gt t be able t put in the time and the wrk. That's hw I gt here. That's hw I cntinue t get better every single day. Inspiring thers t believe in themselves, Stephen Curry is living prf that what ther peple think f yu des nt have t influence what yu becme. Thrugh self-belief, hard wrk, pereverance and sme help frm an ld hp, he has shwn that anything is pssible.在连续两年获得“最有价值球员”后,斯特芬解释了他的哲学,“我从来没有想开始改变游戏。我想做的只是做我自己..我知道它篮球运动激励了很多下一代人,很多热爱篮球运动的人重视它的技能,重视你可以每天工作以变得更好的事实。你必须能够投入时间和努力。我就是这么过来的。这就是我每天不断变好的方式。斯蒂芬·库里激励别人要自信,这是一个活生生的证明,别人对你的看法并不一定会影响你的未来。在自信、努力、诚实和就篮筐的帮助下,他证明了一切皆有可能。
    Main idea: Stephen has shwn that anything is pssible.
    Chse the best answer accrding t the passage.
    1. What's the authr's purpse in writing the passage? A. T explain why Stephen Curry was dubted by many pepleB. T infrm peple abut Stephen Curry's basketball skillsC. T inspire peple with Stephen Curry's determinatin t succeed.D. T infrm peple abut the histry f NBA
    2. Why des the authr mentin the “simple basket” at the beginning f the passage? A. T shw Stephen Curry's grandfather didn't treat him well B. T tell readers hw pr Stephen's family was at the timeC. T shw that Stephen's basketball career develped frm a lw pint D. T tell that Stephen didn't shw his talent when he was a kid
    3. What d yu knw frm the whle passage? A. That Stephen's high schl teammates and caches didn't expect him t be successful didn't influence him.B. Stephen wn the Mst Valuable Player award fr three years cnsecutively.C. Stephen's father was very successful in basketball, s many peple thught he culd fllw in his father's ftsteps.D. Stephen Curry was selected fr the NBA befre he playing at Davidsn Cllege.
    4. What can we learn frm Stephen's success? A. An early beginning is essential t success.B. Self-belief, hard wrk and perseverance accunt fr success.C. Shting with great accuracy is the main reasn Stephen succeed.D. Talent plays an imprtant rle in a persn's success.
    a muddy basketball curt
    t sht with accuracy
    t shrt, thin and weak
    self-belief, hard wrk, perseverance
    Natinality: _______________Occupatin: _______________Awards: _______________________________________
    NBA champinship
    tw-time Mst Valuable Player
    The rganizatin f the passage
    Part 1 (Para. 1-3)Stephen stuck t his dream t be a basketballer and he put in his time and hard wrk.
    Part 2 (Para. 4-5)Stephen's achievements and the reasn fr his success .
    Intensive ReadingIntensive reading is reading carefully fr an exact understanding f the text, aimed at vcabuary and grammar imprvements
    Near the small wn f Grttes, Virginia, a narrw dirt rad ges frm the huse f Stephen Curry's grandfather t the wds nearby. A far cry frm the bright lighs and shiny curts f the Natinal Basketball Assciatin (NBA), it was alng this rad that Stephen's grandfather built a simple basket by attaching a piece f plastic t a telephne ple.A narrw dirt rad ges frm the huse f Stephen Curry's grandfather t the wd nearby.(强调划线部分)
    这是一个强调句,也称分裂句,用It 把一个完整的句子分裂开来,在语义上起强调作用。强调句只能对主语,宾语和状语进行强调,不能对谓语动词进行强调。如果把it 三个词去掉的话,句子还是一个结构和语义完整的句子。把需要强调的部分放在It is/was之后+that+句子剩余部分。
    It is a narrw dirt rad
    ges frm the huse f Stephen Curry's grandfather t the wd nearby
    Like his fathers, basketball star Dell Curry, Stephen spent many chilchd hurs playing n this muddy basketball curt. He prbably didn't realise it at the time, but it was where he learnt t be creative and flexible as a player. Yu see, with every sht, the weak plastic backbard gave way. The bumps and rcks that lined the rad under the basket caused the ball t bunce in all directins. Knwing where the ball wuld g wasn't easy. He had t adjust his wn playing style as a result. Shting with great accuracy was anther thing he learnt. Only shts perfectly aimed at its centre went int the heavy, thick basket. In this way, practising day in and day ut helped Stephen sharpen his skills.
    定语从句修饰先行词bumps and rcks,that作定语从句的主语,不可以省略
    cause sb/sth t d...导致/使得某人去做某事
    Despite his father's successful career, Stephen was thught by many peple, including his high schl teammates and caches, t be t shrt, t thin and t weak t fllw in his father's ftseps. But Stephen carried n. Playing basketball was his dream. He wuld nt give up. He finally end up playing cllege ball at a small, little-knwn schl, Davidsn Cllege, nt t far frm where he lived. His creativity and perseverance made him Davidsn's star player.
    despite prep,尽管,后面接名词性成分,如果需要接动词,要把动词变成动名词
    d 太...以至于不能做某事
    end up ding...结果却是...
    make在此处表示“使某人成为 造就某人成为...”
    After receiving the Mst Valuable Player award fr tw years in a rw, Sterphen explained his philsphy, "I never really set ut t change the game. What I wanted t d was just be myself. I knw it inspires a lt f the next generatin, a lt f peple wh lve the game f basketball t value the skill f it, value the fact that yu can wrk every single day t get better. Yu've gt t be able t put in the time and the wrk. That's hw I gt here. That's hw I cntinue t get better every single day. Inspiring thers t believe in themselves, Stephen Curry is living prf that what ther peple think f yu des nt have t influence what yu becme. Thrugh self-belief, hard wrk, pereverance and sme help frm an ld hp, he has shwn that anything is pssible.
    what引导的主语从句,what=the thing that
    inspire sb t d sth激励某人去做某事
    定语从句修饰先行词the peple,wh在定语从句中作主语,不可以省略
    1. __________(Wrk) in these cnditins is nt a pleasure but a suffer.2. __________ he finished __________(write) the cmpsitin in such a shrt time surprised us all.3. __________ caused the accident remains unknwn. 4. The rain prevented us frm __________(cmplete) the wrk.5. There are many ways f __________(d) it. 6. By the time __________ yu arrived in Lndn, we had stayed there fr tw weeks. 7. We are thinking f __________(make) a new plan fr the next term. 8. Shall we have a rest r get dwn t __________(d) ur wrk?
    9. The driver failed __________(see) the ther car in time.10. The music is well wrth __________(listen) t mre than nce. 11. The questin is hw__________(put) it int practice.12. We are busy__________ (prepare) fr the cming sprts meet. 13. They rushed ver t help the man__________car had brken dwn.14. He is the very man __________helped the girl ut f the water. 15. It was because the water had risen __________ they culd nt crss the river。
    set ut t dat the timein all directinsday in and day utspend end up put ininspire sb t d
    1. He has achieved what he _______________ three years ag.2. They've ________time and effrt t keep the prgramme ging.3. Our challenge is t persuad thse parents and __________ them ________jin ur prject.4. When the plice arrived, the crwd ran away _______________.
    5. Engineers _________ much time and energy ___________(develp) brilliant slutins.6. If yu play with matches, yu'll _______________ getting burned. 7. Nbdy had much mney _______________ and I was n exceptin.8. It's nt what yu d nce in a while, it's what yu d _________________that makes the difference.
    Search nline t find a succeeful sprtsman and write an article abut him/her in abut 100 wrds.

    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 3 Faster, higher, stronger背景图ppt课件: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002274_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 3 Faster, higher, stronger背景图ppt课件</a>,共24页。PPT课件主要包含了Success等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 3 Faster, higher, stronger集体备课课件ppt: 这是一份外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 3 Faster, higher, stronger集体备课课件ppt,共51页。PPT课件主要包含了optimistic,purposeful,ambitious,courageous,hard work,willpower,小前锋,控球后卫,投球后卫,大前锋等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 3 Faster, higher, stronger优质课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 3 Faster, higher, stronger优质课件ppt,共40页。PPT课件主要包含了单词清障,Para1,Para2,Para3,Para4,Para5,Homework等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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        Unit 3 Faster, higher, stronger Period 1 Starting out and Understanding ideas课件-【新教材精创】外研版选择性必修第一册
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