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    外研版(2019)高中英语选择性必修一 Unit 4 Meeting the muse Understanding ideas 课件
    外研版(2019)高中英语选择性必修一 Unit 4 Meeting the muse Understanding ideas 课件01
    外研版(2019)高中英语选择性必修一 Unit 4 Meeting the muse Understanding ideas 课件02
    外研版(2019)高中英语选择性必修一 Unit 4 Meeting the muse Understanding ideas 课件03
    外研版(2019)高中英语选择性必修一 Unit 4 Meeting the muse Understanding ideas 课件04
    外研版(2019)高中英语选择性必修一 Unit 4 Meeting the muse Understanding ideas 课件05
    外研版(2019)高中英语选择性必修一 Unit 4 Meeting the muse Understanding ideas 课件06
    外研版(2019)高中英语选择性必修一 Unit 4 Meeting the muse Understanding ideas 课件07
    外研版(2019)高中英语选择性必修一 Unit 4 Meeting the muse Understanding ideas 课件08
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    高中外研版 (2019)Unit 4 Meeting the muse教课内容课件ppt

    这是一份高中外研版 (2019)Unit 4 Meeting the muse教课内容课件ppt,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了Prediction,Tan Dun,float,tale,quote,Dutch,compose,ethnic,who,b d等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Unit 4Meeting the muse
    T knw hw artists get their inspiratinT learn t find ut useful infrmatin frm what a persn saysT learn t use the key wrds and expressins in the passageT learn t express yur ideas abut inspiratin
    What d yu think the artist’s surce f inspiratin is?
    It may cme frm the natural envirnment.
    It may cme frm the histrical relics (遗迹).
    Predict what the passage is mainly abut accrding t the title “What inspires yu?” and the wrds in the picture.
    Predict what the passage is mainly abut accrding t the title “What inspires yu?” and the wrds in the picture.Every artist’s wish is t create smething that expresses an idea. But where d artists get their ideas frm? Wh r what inspires them? Here we find ut mre abut the influences behind the successes f three very different artists.
    What d yu knw abut the fllwing three artists? Here are sme pictures and vides abut them which may be useful fr yu t understand their wrks and get a clue abut where their inspiratin cmes frm.Flrentijn Hfman, Dutch artistTan Dun, Chinese cmpserYang Liping, Chinese dancer
    Flrentijn Hfman visual artist
    Yang Liping
    Tick what yu think are the mst imprtant surces f inspiratin fr artists.
    childhd  family and friends  bks and films  ther artists histry  travel  nature  scial issues private feelings  culture and traditins  imaginatin
    Wrk in pairs t cmpare and explain yur chices.
    Find the crrect wrd fr each f the fllwing meanings.
    ___________ 1. t mve slwly n water r in the air
    ___________ 2. t get ging
    ___________ 3. a stry, ften invlving magic r exciting events
    set... in mtin
    ___________ 4. a passage r phrase frm a bk, pem r speech
    ___________ 5. peple r language in the Netherlands
    ___________ 6. t write music
    ___________ 7. cnnected with a natin, race r peple that shares a cultural traditin
    Read the passage and find ut what inspires each artist.
    Hfman gets inspiratin frm his children’s tys, Chinese flk tales, Wuzhen and the way peple lived there.
    Tan Dun gets inspiratin frm Chinese musical traditins and Western influences.
    Yang Liping gets inspiratin frm her life in Xishuangbanna, the peacck, and the dance style f the Dai peple.
    Read fr main idea.
    Chse where yu wuld mst likely find the passage and give yur reasns.
    1. An art magazine.2. An artist bigraphy.3. An nline art frum.4. A pster fr an art festival.
    1. A magazine is a large thin bk with a paper cver that cntains news stries, articles, phtgraphs, etc, and is sld weekly r mnthly. 2. A bigraphy is a bk cncerning smene’s life, written by smene else.3. A frum is fcused n many peple’s discussin r debate n a certain issue.4. A pster is a large printed ntice, picture, r phtgraph, used t advertise smething r as a decratin.
    G thrugh the passage and answer the questins.
    1. Where was Flating Fish set?2. Wh is Tan Dun?3. Where has the inspiratin fr Yang Liping’s famus dances cme frm?
    Amng the beautiful landscape f Wuzhen West Scenic Zne.
    The time she spent in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Prvince.
    What he/she has dne
    Hw he/she gets inspiratin
    Accrding t the rganizatin f the passage, we can cllect infrmatin in the fllwing way.
    Hw des Flrentijn Hfman get his inspiratin fr the fish in Wuzhen?
    Hw des Tan Dun get his inspiratin fr his music?
    Cmmn things in daily life, such as paper, water, stne can be used as musical instrument in his music.
    What des Tan Dun mean by saying “ There is n territry in the wrld f music.”?
    Deep thinking
    Peple can get inspiratin frm different cultures in different cuntries.
    Hw des Yang Liping get her inspiratin fr her dance?
    Match the artists in clumn A with their infrmatin in clumn B.
    Organise infrmatin frm the passage and cmplete the diagram.
    Flrentijn HfmanWell-knwn wrks:Rubber Duck ___________Surces f inspiratin:his children tys_______________________________________________
    Flating Fish
    Chinese flk tales
    Wuzhen and the way peple lived there
    Artistsand their inspiratin
    Tan Dunwell-knwn wrks:___________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________Surces f inspiratin:____________________________Western influences
    Cmpsing music fr the film Cruching Tiger, Hidden Dragn and the 2008 Beijing Olympics
    Chinese musical traditins
    Yang Lipingwell-knwn wrks:______________________________Surces f inspiratin:her life in Xishuangbanna____________________________________________________________
    Spirit f the Peacck
    the dance style f the Dai peple
    Decide whether the fllwing statements are True (T), False (F) r Nt Given (NG).1. We can find ut what inspires the three artists t create famus artwrk frm this passage. (   )2. Flrentijn Hfman's children's tys have given him ideas fr his animal sculptures.    (   )3. When Flrentijn Hfman visited Wuzhen and saw hw peple lived there, he became interested in the Chinese flk tales. (   )
    4. The music Tan Dun cmpsed fr the film Cruching Tiger, Hidden Dragn wn many prizes fr him.  (   )5. Yang Liping has been knwn as the “Peacck Princess” because she likes the dance style f the Dai peple.  (   )6. Our ethnic grups admire the peacck because they think the peacck represents the beauty f nature.     (   )
    Read the qutes frm the passage and answer the questins.
    “ During the walk and my stay here in the twn, I saw the fish being fed by peple. ...”“ There is n territry in the wrld f music.”“ I feel very grateful fr the years in Xishuangbanna, ...”
    1. Can yu use reprted speech t rewrite the qutes?
    “ During the walk and my stay here in the twn, I saw the fish being fed by peple...”
    He said that during the walk and his stay there in the twn, he saw the fish being fed by peple. …
    tipst reprt: t tell smebdy what yu have heard r seen.If we write a sentence with the reprted speech, we usually talk abut what anther persn said in ur wn wrds. We need t use a reprted clause. We als need t make changes t the prnuns, time, place and even the tense.
    “ There is n territry in the wrld f music.”
    He said that there is n territry in the wrld f music.
    “ I feel very grateful fr the years in Xishuangbanna, ...”
    She said that she felt very grateful fr the years in Xishuangbanna, ...”
    When stating a truth, we d nt need t change the tense.
    2. Why d yu think the authr chse t use qutes instead f reprted speech in the passage?
    The authr chse t use qutes in the passage t tell readers hw the three artists get their inspiratin r muses fr their artwrks, and by adding these qutes, the passage appears mre believable and mre cnvincing.
    Paraphrase.1. This stry came t life fr Hfman when he visited Wuzhen and saw hw peple lived there. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________2. These sights set Hfman's idea fr Flating Fish in mtin. __________________________________________________
    This stry became clearer in Hfman's mind when he visited Wuzhen and saw hw peple lived there.
    These sights made Hfman begin t create Flating Fish.
    3. As Tan nce said, Chinese music shuld carry “universal expressin” f the human spirit s as t be recgnised by the whle wrld. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
    As Tan nce said, Chinese music shuld express the human spirit in a prper way in rder t be accepted by the whle wrld.
    4. It gave me a chance t g deeper int the lives f varius ethnic grups ... __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________5. My dance cmes frm their traditinal belief and aims t bring ut the Dai wmen's beauty. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
    It gave me a chance t have a better understanding f the lives f varius ethnic grups ...
    My dance is inspired by their traditinal belief and tries t present the Dai wmen's beauty.
    Belw is a summary f the text with sme cntent missing. Chse the right item frm the bx and make the summary cmplete. Change the frm when necessary.
    mtin, beauty, cmpse, Rubber Duck, expressin
    Every artist has smething t inspire them t create smething that expresses an idea. The Dutch artist Flrentijn Hfman, whse mst famus wrk is 1. ____________, fund inspiratin by turning t his children's tys. He was s interested in the ld stry abut a fish jumping thrugh the “Dragn Gate” that his idea fr Flating Fish was set in 2. ________ after his visit t Wuzhen.
    Rubber Duck
    Knwn fr 3. __________ music fr the film Cruching Tiger, Hidden Dragn and the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Tan Dun insists that Chinese music shuld carry “universal 4. __________” f the human spirit s as t be recgnised by the whle wrld. Because f her passin fr dancing and life experiences in Xishuangbanna, Yang Liping brught ut the Dai wmen's 5. ________ with her famus Spirit f the Peacck dance.
    1. What des the three artists’ inspiratin have in cmmn?2. What d yu think is the “universal expressin” f the human spirit?3. What might inspire yu t create an artwrk?4. What difficulties have yu encuntered in understanding this passage? Share them with the class and ask fr their advice.
    Inspiratin is due t strng labr fr reward.灵感是由于顽强的劳动而获得的奖章。What’s yur understanding f this saying?
    1. What inspires yu? 什么启发了你? inspire vt.   1) t encurage smene by making them feel cnfident and eager t d smething 鼓舞 2) t make smene have a particular strng feeling r reactin 唤起,激起 3) t give smene an idea fr a bk, film, prduct, etc  赋予灵感;激发(想法)
    【归纳】 inspire sb. t d sth. 鼓励某人做某事 inspire sb. with... 使某人产生…… inspire sb. t sth. 鼓励某人某事 inspire sth. in sb. 使某人产生……(感觉或情感)【拓展】 inspiratin n. 灵感 inspired adj. 受……影响的 inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的, 激励人的
    【语境应用】完成句子。1) 要想成为一名好老师,你必须能够激励你的学生学习。 T be a gd teacher, yu must be able t ______ _____ ________ _____ _______. 2) 他是一位富有灵感的诗人,写了很多优秀的诗歌。 He was ____ _______ _______, wh wrte a gd many excellent pems.
    inspire yur students t study
    an inspired pet
    3) 很多音乐家的作品来自于他们的灵感。 Many musicians’ wrks cme frm their __________.
    2. Flrentijn hfman is a Dutch artist, whse large sculptures are n display all ver the wrld. 弗洛伦泰因• 霍夫曼是一位荷兰艺术家,他的大型雕塑作品在世界各地展出。 本句属于非限制性定语从句。关系代词whse在定语从句中作定语。非限制性定语从句对所修饰的名词没有限制意义的作用,而只是补充情况,与主句关系不紧密,把它们拿掉,主句照样成立。通常会用逗号和所修饰的名词隔开,译成汉语时另起一个句子。
    再如: A mre recent wrk f his is the huge Flating Fish, which was set amng the beautiful landscape … (which在定语从句中作主语,先行词为flating fish)
    n display/shw: in a public place where peple can lk at it 展出,陈列 eg Tm’s phtgraphs were first put n display in New Yrk. 汤姆的摄影作品首先在纽约展出。常用结构:put / g / be n display【语境应用】翻译句子。商店里展出一种新汽车。A new kind f car was n display in the shp.
    3. Hfman’s inspiratin fr Flating Fish came frm Chinese flk tales passed dwn thrugh generatins. 霍夫曼创作《浮鱼》的灵感来自世代相传的中国民间故事。
    pass dwn: t give (smething) t a yunger persn especially within the same family 传递
    eg They ften use flksngs t pass dwn their histry.
    pass by 走过,经过;不注意,忽视passer-by n. / passers-by (pl.) 过路人pass away 过世,去世;(时间)流逝pass ff 慢慢消失,消退pass ut 失去知觉;昏厥
    We cannt ______ these things _____ withut ding anything.The watch has been ___________ ver the centuries.The numbness (麻木) in yur ft will sn ________. She felt sick and dizzy, and then _________.The time ___________ day by day.
    pass by
    passes away
    4. This stry came t life fr Hfman when he visited Wuzhen and saw hw peple lived there. 当霍夫曼参观乌镇并看到那里的人们是如何生活的时候,这个故事对他来说变得生动起来。 本句属于when引导的时间状语从句,从句中 visited 和saw并列,saw后面又接了宾语从句。 came t life: 1) t becme mre interesting, exciting r full f activity 变得更有趣或使人兴奋 2) t start t act r mve as if alive 开始动起来
    eg The match finally came t life in the 2nd half. In my dream all my tys came t life.
    【归纳】cme t (neself) 恢复常态bring/ cme back t life 复活;使恢复生机save ne’s life 救某人的命lse ne’s life 丧生live/ lead a …life 过着……的生活be sb’s life 对某人至关重要
    【语境应用】完成句子。1) 公园里所有的恐龙都惟妙惟肖,就好像是活的一样。 All the dinsaurs in the park are vivid and they _________ _______________.2) 鲜花可使沉闷的房间恢复生机。 Fresh flwers can bring a dull rm __________________.
    seem t have cme t life
    back t life
    5. These sights set Hfman’s idea fr Flating Fish in mtin. 这些画面让霍夫曼渐渐浮现创作“浮鱼”的念头。 set / put sth in mtin: t start a prcess r series f events that will cntinue fr sme time使某事开始 eg Once the huse had been sld, Jane set the wheels in mtin (=started the prcess) t find smewhere smaller t live.
    in mtin 运动中的quick mtin 快速运动backward/ frward mtin 向后的/ 向前的运动
    【语境应用】单句语法填空。1) One grup f muscles sets the next grup ______ mtin.2) I _______ (set) the wheels in mtin t sell the building s far.3) The end drs are nt t be used when the train is ______ mtin.
    6. As Tan nce said, Chinese music shuld carry “universal expressin” f the human spirit s as t be recgnized by the whle wrld. 他曾说过,中国音乐要承载人文精神的“共同理念”,才能被世界认可。
    as引导非限制性定语从句,表示“正如”eg He is absent, as is ften the case. 他缺席了,正如他往常一样。
    s as t d sth: in rder t d sth 目的是,为了eg I drve at a steady 50 mph s as t save fuel. We went alng silently n tipte (踮着脚) s as nt t disturb anyne.
    in rder t, s as t与s that
    【语境应用】同义句转换。1) I went hme in rder that I culd change my clthes. =I went hme _____________________ my clthes. =I went hme ________________________________________ my clthes.2) We started early s that we culd get t the meeting n time. = We started early ______________ we culd get t the meeting n time. = We started early ___________________ get t the meeting n time.
    in rder t change
    s as t change / s that I culd change
    in rder that
    in rder t/ s as t
    7. My dance cmes frm their traditinal belief and aims t bring ut the Dai wmen’s beauty. 我的舞蹈源自他们的传统信仰,同时也致力于展现傣族女性的美。
    bring ut: 1) t prduce sth r put sth n sale 生产(新产品);(尤指)出版, 推出(图书或CD) 2) causes sb t shw sth 显现;激发
    eg The band have just brught ut their secnd album (专辑). A crisis brings ut the best in her.
    bring abut 引起,导致bring back 带回;使回忆起;恢复bring dwn 降低;使倒下;击落bring frward 将……提前;提出bring in 引入;赚得;推行bring up 抚养,养育;提起;呕吐
    【语境应用】单句语法填空。1) Reading int her pcket, she brught _______ a cigarette.2) [词汇复现] brught _______ a subject rarely raised during the curse f this campaign.3) They have brught _______ incme taxes, which made many peple happy. 4) The 20th century brught _______ revlutinary changes in ur lifestyles.
    If yu need t create an artwrk, what might inspire yu during yur creatin? Write a shrt passage abut it. Yur writing must be mre than 100 wrds.

    外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 4 Meeting the muse说课课件ppt: 这是一份外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002275_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 4 Meeting the muse说课课件ppt</a>,共27页。PPT课件主要包含了Open等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 4 Meeting the muse背景图ppt课件: 这是一份外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002275_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 4 Meeting the muse背景图ppt课件</a>,共51页。PPT课件主要包含了well-known等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中外研版 (2019)Unit 4 Meeting the muse评课课件ppt: 这是一份高中外研版 (2019)<a href="/yy/tb_c4002275_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 4 Meeting the muse评课课件ppt</a>,共37页。PPT课件主要包含了Picture2,Picture 1,Open,variety,Varieties ,various,with,with 等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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