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    Unit 4 Meeting the Muse Developing & Presenting ideas(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT
    Unit 4 Meeting the Muse  Developing  & Presenting ideas(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT01
    Unit 4 Meeting the Muse  Developing  & Presenting ideas(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT02
    Unit 4 Meeting the Muse  Developing  & Presenting ideas(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT03
    Unit 4 Meeting the Muse  Developing  & Presenting ideas(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT04
    Unit 4 Meeting the Muse  Developing  & Presenting ideas(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT05
    Unit 4 Meeting the Muse  Developing  & Presenting ideas(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT06
    Unit 4 Meeting the Muse  Developing  & Presenting ideas(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT07
    Unit 4 Meeting the Muse  Developing  & Presenting ideas(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT08
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    高中外研版 (2019)Unit 4 Meeting the muse获奖ppt课件

    这是一份高中外研版 (2019)Unit 4 Meeting the muse获奖ppt课件,共39页。PPT课件主要包含了TECHNOLOGY,常识阅读与积累,单句语法填空等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Develping idaes
    Step 1. Lead-in
    Step 2. Extensive reading
    Step 3. Intensive reading
    Step 4. Writing task
    Is this art? Is the creatr an artist?
    Paul Cézanne
    Abslutely yes!
    Vincent Willem van Ggh
    Is this art?Is the creatr an artist?
    Try t tell yur reasn.
    An emphasis in Art & Technlgy allws students t fcus n the creative use, misuse, and investigatin f technlgy in an art-making practice. Students engage the meaning and material f science and technlgy thrugh the prductin f interactive installatins, electrnic bjects and interfaces, mving images, 3D mdeling and animatin, art games, tactical media, bi-art, perfrmance, digital imaging, rapid prttyping, hlgraphy, Internet art, sund, and emerging frms.Students in this emphasis area discver an individual aesthetic and artistic visin thrugh cnceptualizatin, thery, and an awareness f histry that critically engages the use f advanced science and technlgy. Students are encuraged t cnsider cntent, cntexts, and appraches that may nt fit within traditinal definitins f art r display venues. Advanced technlgies are explred as creative tls and as agents, which can lead t the prductin f new meaning, ideas, and artistic inventin, all central t cntemprary art.
    常识阅读与积累:大学艺术系的art & Technlgy专业
    Undergraduate & Graduate Curses in Art and TechnlgyDigital Imaging数字成像Internet Art 网络艺术3D Mdeling 3D建模Hlgraphy 全息术Mving Image Art 运动图像艺术New Media Art 新媒体艺术Cmputer Animatin 电脑动画Vide Art I and Vide Art II 视频艺术Special tpics curses include Art Games, Art & Science, Graphic Nvels/Web Cmics, and Ec Art.
    Whether art imitates life r life imitates art, technlgy plays a prminent rle in the mdern frms f bth things. Technlgy is an increasingly pervasive part f ur lives, and it's having a grwing impact n the art wrld. 技术在我们的生活中越来越普遍,对艺术的影响也越来越大。
    Extensive reading fr1. the main idea f the passage (skimming)2. the main idea f each paragraph (skimming)3. the rganizatin f the passage4. specific details in the passage (scanning)
    Think “art”. What cmes t yur mind? Is it Greek r Rman sculptures in the Luvre, r Chinese paintings in the Palace Museum? Or maybe, just maybe, it's a dancing pattern f lights?说到“艺术”,你想到了什么?是卢浮宫里希腊或罗马的雕塑?抑或是故宫博物院里中国的名画?又也许,仅仅是也许,是一片舞动的光影?The artwrks by American artist Janet Echelman lk like clurful flating cluds when they are lit up at night. Visitrs t ne f her artwrks in Vancuver culd nt nly enjy lking at it, they culd als interact with it—literally. They did this by using their phnes t change its clurs and patterns. Exhibits such as these are certainly new and exciting, but are they really art?美国艺术家珍妮特·艾克曼创作了一 系列艺术品,晚上将其点亮时,它们就像七彩浮云。其中在温哥华展出的那一件,人们不仅可以欣赏,甚至可以与之互动。人们可以通过操作自己的手机改变它的颜色和图案。像这样的展览品无疑是新潮的激动人心之作,但它们真的可以算是艺术吗?
    Main idea: What cmes t yur mind when yu think f art?
    Main idea: Are the artwrks by Jane Echelman really art?
    Whatever yur pinin, peple have been expressing their thughts and ideas thrugh art fr thusands f years. T d this, they have used a variety f tls and technlgies. Yet Michelangel and thers have been labelled as “artists” rather than “technicians”. This means that art and technlgy have always been seen as tw very separate things.无论你的看法如何,数千年来人们一直通过艺术表达自己的思想和理念。为此,人们使用了各种各样的工具和技术。然而,米开朗基罗等人一直被称为“艺术家”而非“技巧大师”。这就意味着艺术和科技一直被看作两个截然不同的领域。
    Main idea: Art and technlgy have always been seen as tw very separate things.
    Tday, hwever, technlgical advances have led t a cmbinatin f art and technlgy. As a result, the art wrld is changing greatly. Nw art is mre accessible t us than ever befre. Take fr example ne f China’s mst famus paintings frm the Sng Dynasty, Alng the River During the Qingming Festival. As this artwrk is rarely n display, peple have smetimes queued up t six hurs fr a chance t see it. Once in frnt f the painting, they nly have limited time t spend taking in its five metres f scenes alng the Bian River in Bianjing. Thanks t technlgy hwever, millins mre peple have been able t experience a digital versin f this painting. Three-dimensinal (3D) animatin means that viewers can see the characters mve arund and interact with their surrundings. They can als watch as the different scenes change frm daylight int nighttime.然而如今,科技的进步使得艺术与科技结合。因此,艺术世界正发生着巨大的变化。现在,我们比以往任何时候都更容易接触艺术。例如,中国宋朝的传世名画之一《清明上河图》,因其极少被展出,人们有时要排队等上六个小时才有机会一睹其容。即使面对画卷,由于这幅画卷长达五米,人们也只有有限的时间来欣赏画面上汴京汴河沿岸的景色。然而,在科技的帮助下,已经有数百万人得以观摩这幅画作的数字化版本了。利用3D动画技术,观赏者可以看到画中的人物四处走动并与周围事物互动。他们甚至还可以看到从白天到夜晚画中不同场景的变化。
    Main idea: Tday art and technlgy have been cmbined tgether.
    The art-tech cmbinatin is als changing ur cncepts f “art” and the “artist”. Nt nly can we interact with art, but als take part in its creatin. With new technlgical tls at ur fingertips, mre and mre peple are explring their creative sides. The result has been exciting new art frms, such as digital paintings and vides.艺术与科技的结合同样改变着我们对“艺术”和“艺术家”这两个概念的理解。我们不仅可以与艺术作品互动,还可以参与艺术作品的创作。通过触手可及的新兴科技工具,越来越多的人开始发掘自己创新的一面,数字绘画、视频等激动人心的新型艺术形式应运而生。Hwever, the increase in the amunt and variety f art prduced has als raised questins ver its verall quality. Can a vide f smene slicing a tmat played in slw mtin really be called “art”?然而,艺术作品在数量和种类上的增加同时带来了整体质量上的问题。将一个人切西红柿的视频慢动作播放,真的可以被称作“艺术”吗?
    Main idea: The art-tech cmbinatin is changing ur cncepts f “art” and the “artist”.
    Main idea: Questins ver artwrks' verall quality have been raised.
    Similarly, such develpments are making the line between art and technlgy less distinct. Can smene unfamiliar with traditinal artists’ tls really call themselves an “artist”? And is the artist the creatr f the art itself, r the maker f the technlgy behind it? A recent prject used technlgy and data in the same way that Rembrandt used his paints and brushes. The end result, printed in 3D, was a new “Rembrandt painting” created 347 years after the artist’s death. These advances are perhaps bringing us clser t a time when cmputers rather than humans create art.同样,这种发展也使得艺术与科技的界限越来越模糊。那些并不熟悉传统艺术工具的人真的可以自诩为“艺术家”吗?艺术家到底是艺术本身的创造者,还是艺术背后技术的创造者?最近有一个项目用科技手段和数据还原了伦勃朗的绘画方式。最终,通过3D打印技术,在这位艺术家去世347年后,一幅全新的“伦勃朗画作”诞生了。也许,这些先进的技术正带领我们走进一个由电脑而非人类创造艺术的时代。
    Main idea: Develpments are making the line between art and technlgy less distinct.
    Where technlgy will take art next is anyne’s guess. But ne thing is fr sure — with s many artists explring new pssibilities, we can definitely expect the unexpected.科技将会推动艺术发展至何种地步,我们不得而知。但唯一确定的是:随着众多艺术家探索全新的可能性,我们一定可以期待意外的惊喜。
    Main idea: We can expect the unexpected with many artists explring new pssibilities.
    Organizatin f the passage
    Part 1Para. 1-3 Art and technlgy have always been seen as tw separate things fr lng.
    Part 2Para. 4-5 Technlgical advances have brught abut psitive effects n art.
    Part 3Para. 6-8 Using technlgy in art creatin brings abut prblems and cntrversies.
    What effect d yu think technlgy will have n art in the future?
    1. Mre new frms f art will be prduced by using mdern technlgies like cmputer prductin, vide art, cmputer-based installatins, virtual reality. 2. Different creatrs will use different skills and tls t ffer us mre innvative artwrks.3. 自行脑补
    D yu knw f any artwrks created by technlgy? Share an example with the class.
    An American artist Kim Keever devised a methd in which he drizzles paint int a 200-galln fish tank, creating sme magnificent effects befre taking phts f the clrful chemical reactins. 美国艺术家Kim Keever设计了一种方法,他将颜料喷洒到一个200加仑的鱼缸中,在拍摄彩色化学反应之前创造出一些壮观的效果。
    Artistic chemistry
    Tday, technlgical advances__________________________
    have led t cmbinatin f art and technlgy.
    Psitive effects
    Argument 1:Art is mre accessible t us than ever befre.Example(s)_________________________________________________
    Mre peple can experience a digital versin f China's mst famus painting, Alng the River During the Qingming Festival.
    Argument 2:We can take part in__________________________.Example(s)_________________________________________________
    art creatin
    With new technlgical tls at ur fingertips, mre and mre peple are explring their creative sides.
    We dn't knw_________________________but we can____________________________
    where technlgy will take art
    expect the unexpected.
    Pssible prblems
    Argument 3:It has rasied questins ver___________________________Example(s)_________________________________________________
    its verall quality
    Can a vide f smene slicing a tmat played in slw mtin really be called “art”?
    Argument 4:Such develpments are _________________________________Example(s)_________________________________________________
    making the line between art and technlgy less distinct
    A recent prject used technlgy and data in the same way that Rembrandt used his paints and brushes. The end result, printed in 3D, was a new “Rembrandt painting” created 347 years after the artist’s death.
    What d yu think f the authr's attitude twards the cmbinatin f art and technlgy?
    A. Psitive B. NegativeC. Supprive D. Objective
    Intensive reading fr1. key wrds and expressin in the passage2. grammar structure in the passage
    The artwrks by American artist Janet Echelman lk like clurful flating cluds when they are lit up at night. Visitrs t ne f her artwrks in Vancuver culd nt nly enjy lking at it, they culd als interact with it—literally. They did this by using their phnes t change its clurs and patterns. Exhibits such as these are certainly new and exciting, but are they really art?
    lk like 看上去像...
    light up点亮,lit为过去分词
    -ing frm as bjects
    -ing frm as predicative
    1. The instructins were nt just _____________(cnfuse), they were psitively misleading. 2. Cancer is a tab subject and peple are frightened r _____________ t talk penly abut it.3. It was a very _____________ experience and they were very curageus.
    Whatever yur pinin, peple have been expressing their thughts and ideas thrugh art fr thusands f years. T d this, they have used a variety f tls and technlgies. Yet Michelangel and thers have been labelled as “artists” rather than “technicians”. This means that art and technlgy have always been seen as tw very separate things.
    a variety f...各种各样的
    1. Chpsticks can be made f ______________(各种各样的) materials, including bamb, wd, lacquer, jade, ivry, plastic, aluminum, silver, and gld. 2. They _________________(live) in this city fr ten years and they will live here until they retire.
    be labelled as..被称作是...
    be seen as...被看做是...
    a variety f
    have been living
    1. ____________, I wn’t believe yu.2. Usually traditinal and flk remedies _______________(被贴上...的标签) witches' ptins.
    Tday, hwever, technlgical advances have led t a cmbinatin f art and technlgy. As a result, the art wrld is changing greatly. Nw art is mre accessible t us than ever befre. Take fr example ne f China’s mst famus paintings frm the Sng Dynasty, Alng the River During the Qingming Festival. As this artwrk is rarely n display, peple have smetimes queued up t six hurs fr a chance t see it. Once in frnt f the painting, they nly have limited time t spend taking in its five metres f scenes alng the Bian River in Bianjing. Thanks t technlgy hwever, millins mre peple have been able t experience a digital versin f this painting. Three-dimensinal (3D) animatin means that viewers can see the characters mve arund and interact with their surrundings. They can als watch as the different scenes change frm daylight int nighttime.
    lead t 导致,带来
    asa result,+描述结果的句子
    be accesible t sb可供某人利用
    up t+数量,多达...
    are labelled as
    The art-tech cmbinatin is als changing ur cncepts f “art” and the “artist”. Nt nly can we interact with art, but als take part in its creatin. With new technlgical tls at ur fingertips, mre and mre peple are explring their creative sides. The result has been exciting new art frms, such as digital paintings and vides.Hwever, the increase in the amunt and variety f art prduced has als raised questins ver its verall quality. Can a vide f smene slicing a tmat played in slw mtin really be called “art”?
    当nt nly…but als位于句首引导句子时,nt nly 后的句子通常用部分倒装形式。
    _____________________, but he is als a pet. 他不仅是一位教师,而且是一位诗人。_________________________________, but he spke mre easily. 不仅他讲得更正确,也讲得更不费劲了。
    raise questin ver...引发...方面的问题
    in slw mtin用慢动作
    Nt nly is he a teacher
    Nt nly did he speak mre crrectly
    Similarly, such develpments are making the line between art and technlgy less distinct. Can smene unfamiliar with traditinal artists’ tls really call themselves an “artist”? And is the artist the creatr f the art itself, r the maker f the technlgy behind it? A recent prject used technlgy and data in the same way that Rembrandt used his paints and brushes. The end result, printed in 3D, was a new “Rembrandt painting” created 347 years after the artist’s death. These advances are perhaps bringing us clser t a time when cmputers rather than humans create art.
    the line between ... 和...之间的界限
    unfamiliar with...对...不熟悉
    先行词被the same修饰,指代物,在定语从句中作宾语,关系词为that
    bring sb clse t...使某人靠近...
    1. It's nt a questin f sme ______________(抽象的) cncepts.2. The team tried many cverings fr the ______________(电线) .3. Japanese cmpanies have been fcusing n prducing plenty f ______________ (创新的) prducts.4. There is a strng emphasis n flexibility and transfrmatin s they can meet mdern ______________(趋势) .5. In ______________(对比) , a sft rbt is nt nly mre likely t survive a cllisin but als culd be used as infrmatin t frm a mre wrkable mvement plan next time arund.
    6. _________(从字面上来看), we can't figure ut what it des. 7. Engineering and technlgy are disciplines _________(明显不同的) frm ne anther and frm science.8. We must prmte riginality, inspire creativity and encurage __________(创新).9. Her husband is a gd __________(技术员), s he likes fixing ld cmputers. 10. The naked male figure was always the central theme f _______(希腊的) art.
    1. The speech is ____________ (excite). 2. His jb is ________________ (teach)English.3. His hbby is __________________ (play) ftball.4. Yu shuld be ____________ (shame) f yurself fr telling such lies. 5. The by was____________(surprise) when he heard the news.
    t teach/teaching
    playing/t play
    6. Old English didn't sund r lk __________ the English tday. 7. The man was seen__________ a threat t the natinal scurity.8. Lng perids f time wrking n a cmputer can lead __________ tired eyes.9. When yu lk t buy dnated cars n Dnated Car Deals, yu'll find yu can save up__________ thusands f dllars n a used car.10. A teacher wh's unfamiliar __________ this might cnsider the lack f eye cntact as a sign f disrespect.
    Hw t write an invitatin
    Dear Mr Smith,Wds High Schl requests the hnur f yur presence at the pening f Tech Art Festival n the twelfth f Nvember. The event will begin at Wiliams Sprts Centre at 6 pm with a welcme address fllwed by awards ceremny, with the evening clsing at 8 pm.Tech Art will run frm the twelfth t the sixteenth f Nvember and will feature the wrks f ver ne hundred f ur students. Visitrs will be able t see and experience a wide variety f artwrks frm 3D sculptures t arrwrks made ur f phne and Cmputer parts.We d hpe yu are able t jin us at this event. Please reply t cnfirm yur attendance.Yurs sincerely,Jane Brwm
    写信目的 伍兹高中荣幸地邀请您参加11月12日的技术艺术节开幕式。
    地点及流程,begin by...,with the clsing at...
    模板句型和短句1. 某某学校或组织 requests the hnur f yur presence at the 某活动 + 时间. 某学校/组织荣幸邀请您参加在某日举行的某某活动2. The event will begin at 地点+时间 with a welcme address 欢迎辞 fllwed by 活动内容, with the evening clsing at 8 pm.结束时间3. We d hpe yu are able t jin us at this event. Please reply t cnfirm yur attendance. 我们希望你能参加我们的活动。敬请回复以确认您的出席。
    See yu next time

    高中英语Unit 4 Meeting the muse优质课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语Unit 4 Meeting the muse优质课件ppt,共51页。

    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 4 Meeting the muse优质课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 4 Meeting the muse优质课件ppt,共36页。PPT课件主要包含了自行脑补,quote,Dutch,float,folk,tale,folk tale,motion,compose,crouch等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Onwards and upwards获奖ppt课件: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Onwards and upwards获奖ppt课件,共28页。PPT课件主要包含了单词清障,worthwhile,blanket,beaver,cucumber,contest,upsete,blessing,elect,worthy等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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        Unit 4 Meeting the Muse Developing & Presenting ideas(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT
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