牛津译林版八年级上册 Unit 3 A day out 单词讲解学案
展开译林版八年级上册Unit 3 单词讲解
1 come on [kʌm ɔn] 来吧;赶快;得了吧
Come on, Hobo. Hobo过来!
2 ourselves [ɑ:ˈselvz] pron.我们自己
Let's enjoy ourselves! 让我们玩得开心
3 enjoy oneself 玩得愉快
enjoy oneself =have fun=have a good time+doing 做某事玩得开心
4 Australia [ɒ'streɪlɪə] n.澳大利亚
I'm having a great time in Australia!我在澳大利亚正玩的开心!
Australian 澳大利亚的、澳大利亚人
5 take care 保重
take care of 照顾
care about 关心、在意
6 coffee ['kɒfɪ] n..咖啡
We’re sitting in a little coffee shop by the River Seine. 我们正坐在塞纳河边的一家小咖啡店里。
7 top [tɒp] n. 顶部,(物体的)上面
the top of the Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁搭的顶端
a top student 尖子生
8 president [ˈprezɪdənt] n.总统,国家主席
the President of the USA 美国的总统
9 wide [waɪd] adj. …宽的;宽广的
How wide is the bridge? 桥有多宽?
wide adv 充分地
widely adv 广泛地
嘴张大的打大的像一个O. open your mouth _______________an “O”
10 steel [sti:l] n..钢
The bridge is made of steel, isn't it? 桥是钢制成的,是吗?
be made of (看得出原材料)
be made from 由...制成(看不出原材料)
be made out of 由...制成
这张桌子是玻璃制成的。The table _____________________glass.
这个兔子是石头制成的。The rabbit ___________________the stone.
11 ton [tʌn] n..吨
12 fine [faɪn] adv.够好,蛮不错
I'm doing fine here. 我在这里一切都好。
13 join [dʒɔɪn] vt. & vi.加入,参加
invite me to join their school trip to the World Park 邀请我去加入他们的世界公园之旅
join 参加组织、团体等成为其中一员
join sb in doing 加入某人一起做某事
take part in 参加并发挥作用
attend 参加课程,强调出勤
14 myself [maɪˈself] pron.我自己
15 shine [ʃaɪn] vi.照耀,发光
The sun was shining in a clear blue sky.太阳在明朗的蓝天下照耀着。这个句子时过去进行时(was/were+Doing),表示过去某个时间过时间段内动作正在进行。
16 sky [skaɪ] n..天,天空
17 clear [klɪə(r)] adj.晴朗的
18 journey ['dʒɜ:nɪ] n..旅行,旅程
19 boring ['bɔ:rɪŋ] adj.乏味的
The journey was a little boring.旅途有点无聊。
a little +adj/adj的比较级 有点儿...
boring 令人感到无聊的、乏味的
bored 感到无聊的
feel bored with 对...厌烦
我太烦这个无聊的电影了。I was so_______________________.
20 finally [ˈfaɪnəli] adv.最后
finally=at last=in the end
形容词 final 最后 final exam 期末考试
名词 final 决赛 in the final of the basketball competition在篮球总决赛中
21 arrive [ə'raɪv] vi.到达
22 arrive at/in 到达
arrived at the park 到达公园
arrive at/in +地点 in +大地点 at+小地点
reach +地点 ,注意没有介词
get to +地点
当后面没有地点时,只能用arrive,eg:when he arrive,......
当我们到车站,他还没到。He_______________when we _______________the bus stop.
23 can’t wait 迫不及待
All of us couldn't wait to get off the bus.我们所有人迫不及待下车。
can’t/couldn't wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事
当我到家,我迫不及待的观看篮球总决赛。When I ______________,
I ________________watch________________________.
24 get off 下车
get off/on the bus
get off/on it 不适用“代词放中间”的用法
25 interest ['ɪntrəst] n..令人感兴趣的事(或人);兴趣
more than a hundred places of interest 一百多个名胜古迹
interesting adj有趣的
interested adj感兴趣的
be interested in 对...感兴趣
interest n兴趣
have/show interest in 对...有/展示兴趣
他对这些名胜古迹展示了极大兴趣。He __________________these______________.
26 place of interest n..景点
27 not believe one’s eyes 不相信自己的眼睛,非常惊讶
28 main [meɪn] adj.主要的
mainly adv 主要地
29 sights [saɪts] n..[复]名胜,风景
the main sights of the world 世界的主要景点
30 culture ['kʌltʃə(r)] n.文化
形容词 cultural
learn a lot about different cultures 理解许多关于不同文化的知识点
cultural centre 文化中心
31 Internet ['ɪntənet] n.网络
on the Internet 在网上
32 page [peɪdʒ] n.页,页面,页码
33 home page [həum peidʒ] n..主页
put them on his home page 把他们放在他的个人主页
34 yourselves [jə'selvz] pron.你们自己
Go and see for yourselves!你们亲自去看看吧!
35 themselves [ðəmˈselvz] pron.他们自己
They kept the secret to themselves.他们保守秘密
36 by oneself 独立地,独自
by oneself=on one’s own=alone
37 itself [ɪtˈself] pron.它自己
38 pull [pʊl] vt. & vi. 拉;拖;移开
39 rock [rɒk] n..岩石
Simon is trying to pull himself up the rocks.西蒙将自己拉上岩石。
40 luckily ['lʌkɪlɪ] adv.幸好的,幸运的是
Luckily, some climbers helped Simon.幸运的是,一些登山者帮助了西蒙。
Luckily,+句子. 用luckily副词来修饰整个句子(句子中有动词)。
luck 运气,名词
41 climber [ˈklaɪmə(r)] n.登山者,攀爬者
42 final ['faɪnl] n.决赛
43 support [səˈpɔ:t] n..支持
needs your support 需要你的支持
With your support, we will win! 有了你们的支持,我们会赢!
with/without ones support 有/没有某人的支持
=with/without the support of...有/没有...的支持
44 take place [teik pleis] 进行,发生
The match takes place on Sunday.比赛周日举行
sth take place(+时间/地点) 注意take place不能接宾语
________________,_________________in the gym last week.
45 cheer [tʃiə] vi. & vt. 欢呼,喝彩
Come and cheer for our team! 来为他们欢呼!
cheer for sb 为某人欢呼
cheerful 高兴的
46 reach [ri:tʃ] vt.到达
reach the Sports Centre 到达体育中心
47 half-time [hɑ:f taɪm] n.中场休息
48 get on [ɡet ɔn]上车
49 rest [rest] vi.休息,歇息
Half-time is a 20-minute period for the players to rest. 中场是给运动员的一段20分钟的休息时间。
have a rest 休息
Some are running,the rest are playing tennis.一些在跑步,剩余的在打网球。
50 free [fri:] adj.免费的
It's free for groups of 30 or more students. 对于30人或以上的学生团体是免费的。
free 免费的、自由的、空闲的
51 helpless ['helpləs] adj.无助的
helpful-more helpful-most helpful
52 useful [ˈju:sfl] adj.有用的,有益的
53 useless [ˈju:sləs] adj.无用的
54 taste [teɪst] n.味道;品味
taste 动词:尝起来(系动词+形容词) taste good
动词:品尝 taste nice food
形容词 tasty美味的、可口的;tasteful 品味高的
55 hope [həʊp] n.. 希望
hopeful 充满希望的
hopeless 无望的
56 meaning [ˈmi:nɪŋ] n. 意思
the meaning of ... ...的意思
meaningful 有意义的
meaningless 无意义的
动词 mean 意思是、意味着
这意味着这是一场有意义的歌舞表演。This_______that it’s _____________________.
57 cheerful [ˈtʃiəful] adj. 兴高采烈的
58 colourful [ˈkʌləfl] adj.多彩的
59 ticket ['tɪkɪt] vt..票,入场券
the tickets to the concert 音乐会的门票
60 keep [ki:p] vt. 留着;不退还
61 square [skweə(r)] n.广场
1 The bus is more comfortable than those in the USA. 这辆公交比美国的公交更舒适。
those指代the buses,复数
2 The model Sydney Opera House looks more wonderful than that in Australia. 这个悉尼歌剧院模型看起来比澳大利亚的那个更精彩。
that 指代the Sydney Opera,单数
3 The song and dance shows 歌舞表演
4 The model Golden Gate Bridge looked as great as the one back home.
the one 指代bridge,“同类不同个”
无锡的天气和南京一样热。The weather in Wuxi _____________________________.
这里的园林比苏州的更漂亮。The gardens here_________________________________.
The book on the table ___________________________I borrowed from the school.
5 There was a lot of traffic on the way. 路上交通拥挤
traffic 交通、车辆,不可数名词
on the way 在路上
6 You need to exercise and keep fit. 你需要锻炼、保持健康。
exercise 动词:锻炼
名词:不可数-锻炼 do exercise
可数-练习、操 do morning exercises do English exercises
keep fit =keep healthy=stay healthy 保持健康