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    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 4 Meeting the muse一等奖课件ppt

    这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 4 Meeting the muse一等奖课件ppt,共36页。PPT课件主要包含了well-known等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    t-infinitive, -ing and -ed as predicativeLk at the sentences frm the reading passage and answer the questins.1 Apart frm nuns and adjectives, what ther wrd frms can serve as predicative?
    Apart frm nuns and adjectives, t-infinitive, -ed, -ing can serve as predicative.
    a Every artist’s wish is t create smething that expresses an idea.b He was particularly interested in the ld stry abut a fish jumping thrugh the “Dragn Gate”.c Yang Liping’s passin is dancing.
    t-infinitive, -ing and -ed as predicativeLk at the sentences frm the reading passage and answer the questins.2 Can “interested” in sentence (b) be replaced by “interesting”? Why r why nt?
    N, it can’t. Because “interested” usually indicates a persn’s interest in smething while “interesting” usually indicates smething making a persn interested. In sentence (b), the subject is “he”,which refers t a persn.
    Read the passage and underline the predicatives.
    One f my biggest dreams had always been t see the painting Girl with a Pearl Earring, by the Dutch artist, Vermeer. It wasn’t until we went n a trip t The Hague last year that this dream came true! There were lts f peple waiting t enter the Mauritshuis. Althugh my legs were tired frm walking arund the city, I was determined t see the painting, which is ften called the “Mna Lisa f the Nrth”. Nbdy is sure f the identity f the girl in it. And there she was. It was amazing t be standing in frnt f her at last! The girl is lking ver her shulder. Her eyes are wide and her muth is parted, just as if she were abut t speak. I wuld lve t knw what she was ging t say!
    Cmplete the passage with the crrect frm f the verbs in brackets.Chinese artist Wu Guanzhng is 1      (knw) fr his paintings using ils and als fr thse using the mre traditinal Chinese methd f ink. Accrding t Wu Guanzhng, his gal as an artist was 2       (cmbine) Western principles f art with Chinese spirit, and his passin is 3      (seek) a pint at which the tw culd meet. T him, the imprtant value f an artwrk was 4      (reflect) the art within the life f Chinese peple, and 5      (express) lve f and respnsibility t his mtherland. Wu Guanzhng remained 6      (interest) in explring ways f expressin, with his style changing and develping thrughut his career. His life’s wrk is nw 7      (inspire) artists nt nly in China but acrss the wrld.
    Think f an artist yu admire and talk abut his r her inspiratin and artwrks using t-infinitive, -ing and -ed as predicative where apprpriate.
    非谓语动词作表语1 不定式作表语 不定式作表语时表示的动作往往是具体的、一次性的动作,特别是将来的动作。通常主语是表示“目的、愿望、梦想、需求”等的名词或what 引导的主语从句。Our aim is t help the ld live a happy life. 我们的目标是帮助老人过上幸福的生活。The purpse f the meeting is t elect a new captain. 这次会议的目的是选举新的队长。[词汇复现] Her greatest wish is t see her parents again. 她最大的愿望是能够再见到父母。The next step is t put the thery int practice. 下一阶段要把理论付诸实践。What strikes me mst is t see him always busy. 让我印象最深的是看见他总是很忙。【学法点拨】 当主语部分含有实义动词d 的某种形式时,作表语的不定式可以省略t。All he did was(t)wait. 他所做的只是等待。What yu have t d is(t)fill in the frm. 你所要做的是把表格填完。
    ◆单句语法填空(1)The purpse f educatin is       (develp)a fine persnality in children. (2)My task is       (clean)the classrm this afternn. (3)[词汇复现]His wish is       (becme) a linguist. (4)[词汇复现]T be kind t the enemy is       (be)cruel t the peple. (5)My chief purpse is       (pint)ut the difficulties f the matter. (6)What I wuld suggest is       (put) ff the meeting. (7)What he hped was       (admit) int the university. (8)All that he culd d was       (cmfrt) her.
    t be admitted
    2 动名词作表语 动名词作表语时表示一般性、习惯性的动作或抽象的动作。通常主语是表示“身份、职业”等的名词,多数情况下主语与表语可以互换。My jb is teaching. 我的工作就是教学。Our duty is serving the peple. 我们的职责是为人民服务。My idea is making a plan first. 我的想法是先制订一个计划。【学法点拨】 一般来说,表示比较抽象的一般行为时,多用动名词作表语;表示具体某次动作,特别是将来的动作时,多用不定式作表语。His part-time jb is prmting new prducts fr the cmpany. 他的兼职工作是为公司推销新产品。The next step is t set the machine in mtin. 下一步是开动这台机器。[词汇复现]
    ◆单句语法填空(1)His favurite hbby is       (fish), and cllecting cins als gives him great pleasure. (2)Her duty nw is washing,       (clean) and taking care f the children. (3)The disadvantage f the tl is       (be)t large. (4)What we expect frm yu is       (wrk)hard rather than hardly wrking.
    3 分词作表语 此类现在分词和过去分词已经具有明显的形容词特征,因此可以作为形容词用。现在分词作表语表示主语自身的性质,过去分词作表语表示外因使之具备的性质或特征。The spelling f English is ften puzzling.英语的拼写常常令人费解。The sund f martial music is always inspiring.军乐声总是令人振奋的。It is surprising that a man like that shuld be elected. 那样的人居然当选,真令人惊讶。[词汇复现] I tried t tell him abut it, but he just wasn’t interested. 我想把这件事告诉他,可他就是不感兴趣。We were all astnished at the unexpected news. 听了这个突如其来的消息,我们都十分诧异。  We gt a little sunburnt, but the day had been s relaxing that we didn’t mind. 我们有点晒伤了,但这一天是如此轻松,我们并不介意。
    【误区警示】 系表结构和被动语态的区别:系表结构表示主语的状态,不带by 短语;被动语态表示动作,可以带by 短语。比较: The cup is brken. 杯子破了。(系表结构) The cup was brken by Tm. 杯子被汤姆打破了。(被动语态)
    ◆单句语法填空(1)[词汇复现]The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrms are __________ ( amaze). (2)He was       (disappint)t see she wasn’t at the party. (3)The children will get       (cnfuse) if asked t learn t much at a time. (4)There was a lt f psitive feedback, which was very       (encurage). ◆完成句子(5)这部小说是一位青年作家写的。The nvel             a yung writer. (6)这部小说写得好。The nvel            .
    is written by
    is well written
    Art ExhibitinsRead the cmments and answer the questins. Pay attentin t the cmpund adjectives in bld.
    Art ExhibitinsRead the cmments and answer the questins. Pay attentin t the cmpund adjectives in bld.1 What is the exhibitin abut? What artwrks might yu see in it?2 Which cmment makes the greatest impressin n yu? Give yur reasns.3 D yu want t g t this exhibitin after reading the cmments? Why r why nt?
    The exhibitin is abut abstract art. We can see Strm and Superhighway in it.
    Art ExhibitinsMatch the cmpund adjectives t their meanings.1 __________________: extremely impressive s as t take ne’s breath away2 __________________: knwn by a lt f peple3 __________________: making yu feel great respect and admiratin, and smetimes fear4 __________________: very gd at ding smething5 __________________: innvative, using new methds r achieving new results6 __________________: very expensive
    Read the passage and answer the questins.1 What else d yu knw abut Pabl Picass and Feng Zikai?2 What ther artists are famus fr representing war and peace? What are their best-knwn artwrks?
    Since the earliest cave paintings, humans have been exhibiting art n walls. There has always been a cnnectin between artists and their wrks, their pints f view, and the viewers. Bringing artwrks tgether int an exhibitin enables all f us t experience the wrks, t respnd t, t enjy and t cnnect with them.Art exhibitins can have many themes, such as a histrical perid, a lcatin r a trend. Of them all, ne everlasting surce f inspiratin is war and peace. Cuntless artists have been prtesting wars and prmting peace via their wrks, including Spanish artist Pabl Picass and Chinese artist Feng Zikai, t name just a cuple.
    Listen t the audi guide and find ut the main message f each artwrk.
    ❶ Guernica
    ❷ The Battlefield in Spring
    Listen again and cmplete the ntes.
    Guernica, by Pabl PicassPainted after 1 _____________________ f GuernicaSize: 2___________________________________________         Images: a bull, a hrse, a light bulb and a(n) 3____________________ lying n the grundUsing nly three clurs fr 4_____________________
    the attack n the twn
    3.5 metres in height and almst 8 metres in width
    dead r wunded man
    a mre pwerful effect
    The Battlefield in Spring, by Feng ZikaiPainted 5________________ Japanese aggressin against ChinaImages: sandbags, an army cap, a wire fence and 6________________ Cntrast achieved with 7__________________________________ Shwing Feng Zikai’s 8______________________________________________________  
    in prtest f
    sme grass leaves
    the lifeless bjects and the grass leaves
    encuragement t the Chinese peple as well as his hpe fr peace
    Cmplete the table with the expressins frm the audi guide.
    the well- the centre f the painting, we can , I can my pinin, this a strng cntrast.I persnally is widely believed...
    the well- is widely believed...
    In the centre f the painting, we can , I can see...
    Thrugh..., I can my pinin, this a strng cntrast.I persnally think...
    Language pints
    核心词汇教材原句p.41 Apart frm nuns and adjectives, what ther wrd frms can serve as predicative? 除了名词和形容词外,还有哪些词可以用作表语? 1 apart frm 除了……外(还);除了……外(都) Apart frm writing sngs, the cmpser ften cmpses music fr rchestras. 除了写歌,这位作曲家还常为管弦乐队作曲。[词汇复现] I’ve finished apart frm the last questin. 除了最后一道题,我全做完了。【词语辨析】apart frm, besides 与 except besides prep. 除了……外(还) except prep. 除了……外(都) What ther sprts d yu like besides/apart frm ftball? 除足球外你还喜欢哪些运动? I like all sprts except/apart frm ftball.我喜欢除足球之外的所有运动。
    = apart frm
    ◆单句语法填空(1)             (除了那一点), all ges well. (2)Yur cmpsitin is gd,                  (除了几处拼写错误). ◆选词填空(apart frm/besides/except) (3)He has n interests,            his wrk. (4)            these tw bks, he has written sme plays and film scripts.
    Apart frm that
    apart frm sme spelling mistakes
    apart frm/except
    Apart frm/Besides
    教材原句p.41 Althugh my legs were tired frm walking arund the city... 虽然我的腿因为在城市里到处走而 累了…… 2 be tired frm 因……而疲劳(侧重于身体上的疲倦) He is tired frm painting the huse all day. 刷了一整天房子,他很累。I was tired frm having sat up all night. 我因通宵熬夜而感到疲惫。【归纳拓展】be tired f 对……感到厌烦(侧重于精神上的厌倦) be tired ut 疲惫不堪,筋疲力尽He is tired f the criticism abut him n the net. 他厌倦了网上对他的批评。[词汇复现] I must sit dwn and rest. I’m tired ut. 我得坐下来休息一下,我实在太累了。
    ◆单句语法填空(1)That night, we were very       (tire) frm ur trip and went t bed early. (2)I kept imagining my husband walking thrugh the dr, tired        cnstructin wrk. (3)I’m s tired        ding the same jb, day after day. (4)[词汇复现]I’m tired       , because I have been n my feet all day.
    教材原句p.41 Her eyes are wide and her muth is parted, just as if she were abut t speak. 她的眼睛睁得大大的,嘴张着,好像要说话似的。3 be abut t d sth. 正要做某事表示即将发生的动作,在时间上指最近的将来,常与when 连用构成句式Sb. was abut t ,表示“某人正要做……这时……”。The film is abut t start. 电影马上就开始。I was just abut t ask yu the same thing.我刚才正要问你同一件事情。He was abut t tell me the secret when smene patted him n the shulder. 他正要告诉我这个秘密,这时有人拍了拍他的肩膀。【误区警示】 在含有be abut t d sth. 的句子中,不能再加时间状语。
    ◆单句语法填空(1)N ne knws what is abut       (happen). (2)She pened her eyes and was abut t cry ut        she heard her father urgently telling her t keep quiet. ◆完成句子(3)The medical team             (就要出发了). (4)One day, I                 ( 正要去买东西)when he telephned me.
    is abut t start
    was abut t d sme shpping
    教材原句p.42 A new exhibitin n abstract art is n frm 10 am t 6 pm, Tuesday t Sunday. 一场新的抽象艺术展将于周二至周日上午10 点至下午 6 点举行。4 abstract adj. & n. (1)adj.(画、设计等)抽象(派)的;纯理论的,抽象的abstract artists 抽象派画家 abstract cncepts 抽象概念 abstract ideas 抽象观念 abstract discussin 理论上的探讨(2)n. 抽象画,抽象派作品;摘要,概要搭配:in the abstract 抽象地,概括地There are tw abstracts n the wall. 墙上挂着两幅抽象画。He made an abstract f a lng article. 他为一篇长篇文章做了摘要。I like dgs in the abstract, but I can’t bear this ne. 一般来说我喜欢狗,可是我不能容忍这一只。
    ◆写出下列句中abstract 的含义(1)“Beauty” and “truth” are abstract cncepts. _____________(2)A mdern abstract painting takes ver ne cmplete wall. _____________(3)It might be necessary t supply an abstract f the review f the literature._____________     ◆完成句子(4)We may talk f beautiful things, but               (美本身是抽象的). (5)S far we’ve nly                    (泛泛地讨论过这个问题).
    beauty itself is abstract
    discussed the questin in the abstract
    教材原句p.43 Art exhibitins can have many themes, such as a histrical perid, a lcatin r a trend. 艺术展览可以有许多主题,如一个历史时期、一个地点或一种趋势。5 trend n. 趋势,动向a/the trend twards... 朝……的趋势 fllw the trend 追随趋势set the trend 开创潮流n trend 流行的a dwnward/an upward trend 下降/上升趋势There is a trend twards simplicity in fashin. 时尚上有一种简约的趋势。The cmpser claims that it was he wh set the trend twards lng hair. 那位作曲家宣称是他开创了留长发的潮流。[词汇复现]
    ◆单句语法填空(1)There has been a trend        hiring yunger, cheaper emplyees. (2)Her lng skirt is right        trend this winter. ◆完成句子(3)The yuth like t              ( 追随最新趋势)in fashin. (4)There’s been            (上升趋势)in sales in the last few years.
    fllw the latest trends
    an upward trend
    教材原句p.43 Cntrast achieved with the lifeless bjects and the grass leaves 无生命的物体和草叶形成的对比6 cntrast n. & v. (1)n. 反差,对比in cntrast t/with 与……形成对比 by cntrast 相比之下 In cntrast with ther stries, flk tales are mre attractive t children. 与其他故事相比,民间故事对孩子更有吸引力。[词汇复现] By cntrast, he was much cleverer than his brther. 相比之下,他比他兄弟聪明得多。(2)v. 形成对照,形成对比cntrast with 与……形成对比 把……与……进行对比The yellw curtains cntrast sharply with the blue bedcver. 黄色窗帘与蓝色床罩形成鲜明的对照。If yu cntrast sme f her early wrks with her later wrks, yu can see hw much she has imprved. 你如果把她早期的一些作品和后期的作品对比一下,就会看出她进步了多少。
    ◆单句语法填空(1)When yu lk at their new system, urs seems very ld-fashined        cntrast. (2)It is interesting t cntrast the British legal system        the American ne. (3)The cmpany lst $7 millin this quarter in cntrast        a prfit f $6.2 millin a year earlier. (4)The snw was icy and white,       (cntrast)with the brilliant blue sky. ◆完成句子(5)When the artificial flwers                (与……相比较)natural nes, yu can hardly tell the difference.
    are cntrasted with
    重点句式 教材原句p.41 It wasn’t until we went n a trip t The Hague last year that this dream came true! 直到去年我们去海牙旅行, 这个梦想才实现 ! It was nt 直到……才…… It was nt 是 结构套在强调句型“It was + 被强调部分 + that + 其他部分”中的复合句式。It was nt until the technician came that the cmplicated prblem was slved. 直到技术人员来了,这个复杂的问题才解决。[词汇复现] It was nt until recently that their effrts have paid ff. 直到最近他们的努力才有了回报。[词汇复现]
    【学法点拨】在 结构中,nt 用在主句的谓语结构之中,常用来否定非延续性动词。until 作介词时,后面接表示时间概念的词或名词性短语;until 作连词时,后面接时间状语从句,构成一个主从复合句。整个句子常翻译成“直到……才……”。Yu can’t leave until yur wrk is finished. 在你的工作完成之前,你不能离开。He didn’t infrm me f the cntest until yesterday. 直到昨天他才通知我比赛的事。[词汇复现] I didn’t wake up until I heard the alarm clck. 直到听到闹钟的铃声我才醒来。
    ◆改写为强调句(1)Tm was nt allwed t play cmputer games until he finished his hmewrk. →                     he was allwed t play cmputer games. ◆完成句子(2)            ( 直到1936 年) that basketball became a regular part f the Olympic Games. (3)             (直到我来到这里) that I realised this place was famus fr nt nly its beauty but als its weather. (4)             (直到他大学毕业), he lived with his parents. (5)[词汇复现]Yu will nt cncentrate n yur wrk ________________________________(直到全心投入).
    It was nt until Tm finished his hmewrk that  
    It was nt until 1936
    It was nt until I came here
    Until he graduated frm cllege
    until yu put yur whle heart int it

    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 4 Meeting the muse背景图课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 4 Meeting the muse背景图课件ppt,共40页。PPT课件主要包含了Grammar,非谓语动词作表语,to do 作表语,完成句子,翻译句子,现在分词作表语,换位法,过去分词作表语,CONCLUSION,well-known等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中外研版 (2019)Unit 4 Meeting the muse优质课件ppt: 这是一份高中外研版 (2019)Unit 4 Meeting the muse优质课件ppt,共20页。PPT课件主要包含了contrast,with,By In,to with,light up,serve ,bring out ,bring out,about,down等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    选择性必修 第一册Unit 4 Meeting the muse完美版课件ppt: 这是一份选择性必修 第一册Unit 4 Meeting the muse完美版课件ppt,共43页。PPT课件主要包含了Mo Yan等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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