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    Unit 2 Onwards and Upwards Starting out and Understanding ideas(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT
    Unit 2 Onwards and Upwards  Starting out and Understanding ideas(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT01
    Unit 2 Onwards and Upwards  Starting out and Understanding ideas(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT02
    Unit 2 Onwards and Upwards  Starting out and Understanding ideas(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT03
    Unit 2 Onwards and Upwards  Starting out and Understanding ideas(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT04
    Unit 2 Onwards and Upwards  Starting out and Understanding ideas(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT05
    Unit 2 Onwards and Upwards  Starting out and Understanding ideas(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT06
    Unit 2 Onwards and Upwards  Starting out and Understanding ideas(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT07
    Unit 2 Onwards and Upwards  Starting out and Understanding ideas(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT08
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    外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Onwards and upwards公开课课件ppt

    这是一份外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Onwards and upwards公开课课件ppt,共33页。PPT课件主要包含了生词清障,Homework等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. Starting ut
    2. The analysis f the reading passage
    3. Intensive reading f the passage
    The main tpic f this unit Difficulties, Failures and Hardship
    Thmas Alva EdisnFeb 11th 1847—Oct 18th 1931In rder t imprve lighting, he began t experiment with varius materials again and again, failed again and again, and wrked hard fr 13 mnths. He tried mre than 6,000 kinds f materials and tested mre than 7,000 times befre he finally succeeded.
    Llita《洛丽塔》《洛丽塔》卖出了5000万册,是一个永恒的、受人尊敬的经典小说,但一开始不得不忍受出版社的无数次退稿:  第一封退稿信:  “本社花了很长时间决定不出版纳博科夫的《洛丽塔》,你和我都知道我们不可能出版。书稿你想要回吗?我想你不要了吧?如果这样,我们就自行处理了。不过,请告诉我。不知道有没有出版商愿意买?”  第二封退稿信:  “应该给精神分析学家读读这本书,很可能已经这么做过了,小说里面包含一些优美的章节,但是它过于令人作呕,即使对于最开明的弗洛伊德学者来说也是如此…我请求将其埋葬一千年。”
    Life is queer with its twists and turns. As every ne f us smetimes learns, And many a fellw turns abut,When he might have wn had he stuck it ut; Dn' give up thugh the pace seems slw-Yu may sueceed with anther blw.命运起伏多古怪, 尽管有时会知道, (意指有时我们也没了解到命运多变性质) 只要坚持就胜利有人却转身离去脚步放慢没关系但请千万别放弃还差一击就胜利
    Success is failure turned inside ut-The silver tint f the cluds f dubt. And yu never can tell just hw clse yu are, It may be near when it seems s far;S stick t the fight when yut're hardest hit-It's when things seem wrst that yu must nt quit.反转之间定成败疑云后面是曙光距离成功多近你却从来不自知也许只在咫尺,也许遥不可及; 即使遭到最重击,也要坚持不放弃情况变得再糟糕 也要挺住不放弃
    What 's the key message cnveyed in the pem?
    Faced with difficluties, yu must't give up. Stick t it, and yu will succeed.
    Jerme David Salinger(塞林格)January 1st, 1919—January 27th, 2010 A great American writerHis representative wrks include: The Catcher in the Rye《麦田里的守望者》 Franny and Druet《弗兰尼和卓埃》Raise the Rf《高举屋梁》Carpenter《木匠们》The Catcher in the Rye is regarded as ne f the classic wrks f American literature in the 20th century.
    Emily Jane BrntëJuly 30th, 1818-December 19th, 1848An English writer and pet in the 19th centuryOne f the three famus Brnte sisterThe authr f Wuthering Heights, the wrld famus literary masterpieceWuthering Heights is als the nly nvel in Emily Brntë's life, but it is this bk that established Emily Brntë's psitin in the histry f English literature and wrld literature.
    J. K. Rwling (July 31st, 1965—)A famus British nvelist, film writer and prducer One f the best-selling writers in the wrldHarry Ptter series sells well all ver the wrldShe als persnally acts as the film prducer f tw films, Harry Ptter and the Deathly Hallws. In 2017, the stage play Harry Ptter and the Cursed Child wn 9 awards in Lawrence Olivier Awards.
    ______________has the same birthday as his/her mst famus character: 31st July. ______________may have written and hidden several unpublished wrks.______________had t pay t have his/ her pety published.
    J. K. Rwling
    Emily Brnte
    J. D. Salinger
    Sme interesting facts abut the three abve-mentined writers
    Pet laureate
    take fr example
    alng the lines f
    within pages
    play a part
    Read each paragraph f this passage and wrk ut the main idea
    "We regret t infrm yu..." These are the wrds that every writer dreads receiving, but wrds every writer knws well. The respnse frm a publisher cmes back and the writer eagerly pens and reads it, their hearts sinking when they reach that final sentence. Yu may have spent years giving up yur weekends and free time t write yur life's wrk, yet still this is ften nt enugh. Everyne knws that success rarely happens vernight, but perhaps nt many knw that a lt f highly successful writers have previusly faced rejectin.“我们很遗憾地通知您…”这些是每个作家都害怕听到的话,但每个作家都很熟悉。出版商的回复回来了,作者急切地打开并阅读,当他们读到最后一句话时,他们的心沉了下来。你可能已经花了很多年放弃你的周末和空闲时间来写你一生的作品,但这是不够的。每个人都知道成功很少在一夜之间发生,但也许没有多少人知道许多非常成功的作家以前面临过退稿信。
    Main idea: A lt f highly successful writers previusly received rejectin letters.
    Take fr example When she received her first rejectin letter, she decided that it meant she nw had smething in cmmn with her favurite writers, and stuck it n her kitchen wall. Rwling had spent years surviving n little mney, spending all her time writing. When she finally finished her first bk, she received cmments frm publishers alng the lines f "t difficult fr children", "t lng", "Children wuld nt be interested in it". Nevertheless, she persevered. "I wasn't ging t give up until every single publisher turned me dwn, but I ften feared that wuld happen," she later psted. After a ttal f twelve rejecins, ne publisher eventually agreed t print 500 cpies f her first bk, and as we knw, Harry Ptter became a glbal sucecss, with ver 400 milln bks sld and translated int mre than seventy different languages.以罗琳为例。当她收到第一封拒绝信时,她决定这意味着她现在和她最喜欢的作家有了共同之处,并把它贴在了厨房的墙上。罗琳曾有几年只有很少的钱生活,她把所有的时间都花在写作上。当她最终完成她的第一本书时,她收到了出版商的评论,大意是“对儿童来说太难了”、“太长了”、“儿童不会对它感兴趣”。尽管如此,她还是坚持下来了。“在每个出版商拒绝我之前,我不会放弃,但我经常担心这会发生,”她后来写道。在总共十二次退稿后,一家出版商最终同意印刷500册她的第一本书,正如我们所知,《哈利·波特》在全球获得成功,售出了4亿多本书,并被翻译成70多种不同的语言。
    Main idea: Harry Ptter became a glbal sucecss after Rwling received a ttal f 12 rejectin letters.
    All t ften writers f great wrks have had t face criticism alng with rejectin. started writing shrt stries in high schl, but later struggled t get his wrks published. "We feel that we dn't knw the central character well enugh" was the criticism he received n his manuscript fr The Catcher in the Rye. Despite rejectins frm several publishers, J.D. Salinger refused t give up. Even when serving in the US Army during the Secnd Wrld War, he carried six chapters f The Catcher in the Rye with him and wrked n the nvel thrughut his war service. When it was eventually published, the bk became an immediate best-seller and went n t sell millins and millns f cpies.伟大作品的作者常常不得不面对批评和拒绝。J.D .塞林格从高中开始写短篇小说,但后来费尽周折他的作品才得以出版。“我们觉得我们对中心人物不够了解”是他在为《麦田里的守望者》写的手稿中受到的批评。尽管遭到几家出版商的拒绝,J.D .塞林格还是不放弃。即使在第二次世界大战期间他在美国军队服役时,他也随身携带了《麦田里的守望者》的六章,并在整个战争期间为这部小说笔耕不辍。当它最终出版时,这本书立即成为畅销书,并继续销售数百万册。
    Main idea: Writers f great wrks ften have had t face criticism alng with rejectin.
    Perhaps the veall prize fr perseverance shuld g t three sisters frm Victrian England wh dreamt f seeing their wrds in print. This, hwever, was a time when wmen were nt encuraged t becme writers. As the then Pet Laureate, Rbert Suthey, wrte t ne f them:"Literature cannt be the business f a wman's life, and it ught nt t be." Nevertheless the sisters didn't stp trying. Their respnse was t write a bk f pems under male names. Even when the bk sld nly tw cpies, the sisters still didn't give up. They started writing nvels, and tday Charltte Brnte's Jane Eyre, Emily Brnt's Watbering Heights and Anne Brnte's Agnes Grey are regarded as classics f wrld literature. In fact, it's within the pages f Jane Eyre that we can find these wrds: "I hnur endurance, perseverance, industry, talent; because these are the means by which men achieve great ends...也许毅力的最高奖项应该颁给来自维多利亚时代的英国的三姐妹,她们梦想看到自己的文字出版。然而,这是一个不鼓励女性成为作家的时代。正如当时的桂冠诗人罗伯特·骚塞写给其中一位的信中所说:“文学不能成为女性生活的一部分,也不应该成为。”尽管如此,三姊妹并没有停止努力。他们的回应是用男性的名字写一本诗集。即使这本书只卖了两册,三姊妹仍然没有放弃。他们开始写小说,今天夏洛蒂·勃朗特的《简·爱》、艾米莉·勃朗特的《呼啸山庄》和安妮·勃朗特的《阿格尼丝·格雷》被认为是世界文学的经典之作。事实上,在《简爱》的书里,我们可以找到这样的话:“我崇尚耐力、毅力、勤奋、才华;因为这些是人们实现伟大目标的手段...
    Main idea: Endurance, perseverance, industry, talent are the means by which men achieve great ends.
    S ,it seems that talent alne isn't enugh t guarantee success. While a lt f hard wrk and a tuch f luck play a part, perseverance is the key. Keep trying and eventually yu will read the wrds "We are delighted t infrm yu..."所以,光有天赋似乎不足以保证成功。虽然大量的努力和一点点运气起了作用,但毅力是关键。继续努力,最终你会读到“我们很高兴通知你……”
    Main idea: Perseverance is the key t success.
    Chse anther suitable title fr the passage and give yur reasns.A. Life Is Hard fr Female Writers B. Gd Things Cme t Thse Wh Wait C. Never Give Up n Yur Dreams D. Successful Writers
    Read the whle passage again and find ut right answer t each questin.
    1. What des the sentence in paragraph 2 “When she received her first rejectin letter, she decided that it meant she nw had smething in cmmn with her favurite writers...” mean? A. She decided t remain pr fr a lng time.B. She decided nt t give up like her favurite writers.C. She decided t receive a lt f rejectin letters.D. She decided t publish her nvel n her wn accunt.
    2. What's the key t yur finally success accrding t the passage?A. TalentB. A lt f hard wrkC. A tuch f luckD. Perseverance
    3. What is the structure f the passage?A. Intrductin—Cmparisn—CnclusinB. Intrductin—Questin and Slutin—CnclusinC. Intrductin—Examples—CnclusinD. Intrductin—Cause and Effects—Cnclusin
    4. What d yu knw abut accrding t the passage?A. When she received her first rejectin letter, she decided t ask her favurite writers fr help. B. Rwling's publishers refused t publish her nvel because it was nt attractive t children.C. One publisher eventually agreed t print 5,000 cpies f her first nvel.D. Rwling has been cnfident in her wn nvels.
    5. What d yu knw frm the whle passage、A. Salinger finished his nvel The Catcher in the Rye during the Secnd Wrld War. B. It's within the pages f Wuthering Heights that we can find these wrds: "I hnur endurance, perseverance, industry, talent; because these are the means by which men achieve great The three Brnte sisters lived in Victrian England, where wmen were nt encuraged t became writer. D. Writers f great wrks rarely face criticism alng with rejectin.
    Organize infrmatin frm the passage and cmplete the diagram
    Example 1Writer:________________Best knwn fr_____________________Experience f rejectin_____________________Eventual utcme:____________________
    Example 2Writer:________________Best knwn fr _____________________Experience f rejectin_____________________________Eventual utcme:____________________
    Example 3Writer:________________Best knwn fr______________________________Experience f rejectin___________________________Eventual utcme:____________________
    Cnclusin: Never give up n yur dreams
    Many successful writers received rejectins
    J.K. Rwling
    Brnte sisters
    She received 12 rejectins
    Harry Ptter series
    Harry Ptter became a glbal success.
    The catcher in the Rye
    He received rejectins frm several publishers
    The bk became an immediate success.
    Wuthering Heights
    Their wrks are regarded as classics f wrld literature
    Emily Brnte had t pay t have her petry published
    Intensive Reading
    "We regret t infrm yu..." These are the wrds that every writer dreads receiving, but wrds every writer knws well. The respnse frm a publisher cmes back and the writer eagerly pens and reads it, their hearts sinking when they reach that final sentence. Yu may have spent years giving up yur weekends and free time t write yur life's wrk, yet still this is ften nt enugh. Everyne knws that success rarely happens vernight, but perhaps nt many knw that a lt f highly successful writers have previusly faced rejectin.
    regret t d sth 很遗憾地去做某事regret ding sth 后悔做过某事
    定语从句,修饰先行词the wrds
    dread sth/ding sth害怕做某事
    Take fr example When she received her first rejectin letter, she decided that it meant she nw had smething in cmmn with her favurite writers, and stuck it n her kitchen wall. Rwling had spent years surviving n little mney, spending all her time writing. When she finally finished her first bk, she received cmments frm publishers alng the lines f "t difficult fr children", "t lng", "Children wuld nt be interested in it". Nevertheless, she persevered. "I wasn't ging t give up until every single publisher turned me dwn, but I ften feared that wuld happen," she later psted. After a ttal f twelve rejecins, ne publisher eventually agreed t print 500 cpies f her first bk, and as we knw, Harry Ptter became a glbal sucecss, with ver 400 milln bks sld and translated int mre than seventy different languages.
    take fr example以...为例
    have smething in cmmn with...与...有相同之处,此处指她也将面临一次次的退稿
    alng the lines f...大概是...的话,像...的话
    nevertheless, 尽管是这样
    All t ften writers f great wrks have had t face criticism alng with rejectin. started writing shrt stries in high schl, but later struggled t get his wrks published. "We feel that we dn't knw the central character well enugh" was the criticism he received n his manuscript fr The Catcher in the Rye. Despite rejectins frm several publishers, J.D. Salinger refused t give up. Even when serving in the US Army during the Secnd Wrld War, he carried six chapters f The Catcher in the Rye with him and wrked n the nvel thrughut his war service. When it was eventually published, the bk became an immediate best-seller and went n t sell millins and millns f cpies.
    all t ften 经常,常常是
    批评和拒绝,alng with ...和...
    struggle t d 费力去做某事
    get smething dne使某事得以做好
    定语从句,修饰先行词the criticism
    Perhaps the veall prize fr perseverance shuld g t three sisters frm Victrian England wh dreamt f seeing their wrds in print. This, hwever, was a time when wmen were nt encuraged t becme writers. As the then Pet Laureate, Rbert Suthey, wrte t ne f them:"Literature cannt be the business f a wman's life, and it ught nt t be." Nevertheless the sisters didn't stp trying. Their respnse was t write a bk f pems under male names. Even when the bk sld nly tw cpies, the sisters still didn't give up. They started writing nvels, and tday Charltte Brnte's Jane Eyre, Emily Brnt's Watbering Heights and Anne Brnte's Agnes Grey are regarded as classics f wrld literature. In fact, it's within the pages f Jane Eyre that we can find these wrds: "I hnur endurance, perseverance, industry, talent; because these are the means by which men achieve great ends...
    定语从句修饰先行词three sisters,dream f ding 梦想某事发生
    定语从句修饰先行词a time, 此处a time表示一个时期,可数名词
    under ne's name以...的名字
    S, it seems that talent alne isn't enugh t guarantee success. While a lt f hard wrk and a tuch f luck play a part, perseverance is the key. Keep trying and eventually yu will read the wrds "We are delighted t infrm yu..."
    it seems/seemed that...仿佛是...
    play a part (in ding) 在...上发挥作用
    keep ding 持续做某事
    1. Search nline t find mre examples f successful writers receiving rejectin letters.
    2. Perseverance is the key t success. D yu agree r disagree, why? (in abut 50 wrds)

    外研版 (2019)Unit 2 Onwards and upwards一等奖ppt课件: 这是一份外研版 (2019)Unit 2 Onwards and upwards一等奖ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了人物竞猜,Xu Beihong等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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        Unit 2 Onwards and Upwards Starting out and Understanding ideas(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT
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