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    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第一册本册综合课时作业,共14页。




    Offering a large number of high quality dining choices,Miami has become a food heaven.But which are its best restaurants?


    Featuring an open exhibition kitchen,Upland is styled after the New York City original and feels more like New York than Miami.

    If you want to see your food prepared,book one of the “front row” tables with views of the open kitchen.

    Reservation Phone: +1 305 602 9998

    Redthe Steakhouse

    Serving only the finest cuts of meat in its own unique style,the restaurant is a contemporary and relaxed steakhouse.There's a vast choice of steaks which are served with a choice of six sauces,as well as a good selection of seafood.

    Reservation Phone: +1 305 534 3688

    IL Gabbiano

    Popular with locals,global visitors and sports stars,IL Gabbiano serves a delicious Italian menu in a fine dining atmosphere.This is a very compact (紧凑的) restaurant.Tables closer to the bar and at the window offer a little more space.With more room and great views,outside on the patio (露台) is a better choice.

    Reservation Phone: +1 305 373 0063


    This downtown restaurant is located on the bank of the Miami River.With huge windows and a large outside wooden area,Seaspice has a very modern charm.It also has a 500­foot dock (码头),just in case you'd prefer to arrive by boat.

    Book a table in advance,as it gets busy.

    Reservation Phone: +1 305 440 4200

    【语篇解读】 语篇类型是应用文,主题语境是生活。本文介绍了迈阿密几个著名的餐厅。

    1.What can you do when eating at Upland?

    A.Sit outside on the patio.

    B.Watch the cooking process.

    C.Appreciate the beach view.

    D.Taste traditional New York food.

    B [细节理解题。根据Upland部分的If you want to see your food prepared,book one of the “front row”tables with views of the open kitchen 可知,在Upland就餐可以看到食物的制作过程。]

    2.Which number should you call if you want to have an Italian dish?

    A.+1 305 602 9998.   B.+1 305 534 3688.

    C.+1 305 373 0063. D.+1 305 440 4200.

    C [细节理解题。根据IL Gabbiano部分的IL Gabbiano serves a delicious Italian menu in a fine dining atmosphere以及Reservation Phone:+1 305 373 0063可知C项正确。]

    3.Which of the following restaurants will you choose if you want to sail there?

    A.Upland. B.Red,the Steakhouse.

    C.IL Gabbiano. D.Seaspice.

    D [细节理解题。根据Seaspice部分的It also has a 500­foot dock(码头),just in case you'd prefer to arrive by boat可知,如果你想乘船去餐厅,你可以选择Seaspice。]


    My daughter never wanted to live on campus (校园).Her dad and I knew this because over and over she said that.

    She likes home.She likes familiarity.She labels herself as shy.She is a self­described introvert who's never been interested in having a huge group of friends.

    But she did want a few close friends-the kind who might be sisters for life.

    Last autumn,she would go to college.Still,she said she did not want to live on campus.Her dad and I said the same things over and over,“We love you.We're already proud of you.We understand.We support you.” But we added some new things,too,“If you want to give something else a try,we'll support it.And if you do try it and it doesn't work out,it's quite OK.”

    Finally,she_started_to_sing_a_different_song.At first,it was “Maybe I'll think about it.” Then,“Okay,I'll do this even though I don't want to.” Finally,a few weeks before she made the move,“I'm so excited.”

    Our girl got to this decision on her own,in her own way and in her own time,which is one reason she'd only lived on campus for about two days before she declared (宣称) it one of the best things she'd ever done.

    She did end up making the friends she'd wanted,but along the way,she also learned some lessons about what she'd done to get to that point-lessons I know she'll hang onto in her following college years.

    【语篇解读】 语篇类型是记叙文,主题语境是生活。作者的女儿一开始不想住校,后来她的想法改变了。

    4.Why does the daughter describe herself as an introvert?

    A.She doesn't enjoy being with many people.

    B.She is too shy to speak to her classmates.

    C.She likes living at home.

    D.She has no good friends.

    A [细节理解题。根据第二段中的She is a self­described introvert who's never been interested in having a huge group of friends可知,作者的女儿称自己是一个内向的人是因为她从不感兴趣有很多朋友,即,她不喜欢人多。]

    5.How did the author and her husband respond to their daughter's living on campus?

    A.They were strongly supportive.

    B.They encouraged her to give it a try.

    C.They tried to force her to get used to it.

    D.They were surprised at it and were worried.

    B [细节理解题。根据第四段中的But we added some new things,too,“If you want to give something else a try,we'll support it.And if you do try it and it doesn't work out,it's quite OK.”可知,作者和丈夫鼓励女儿尝试住在校园里。]

    6.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 5 mean?

    A.She started to sing another song.

    B.She realized she needed some friends.

    C.She changed her lifestyle all of a sudden.

    D.She began to change her attitude to living on campus.

    D [句意理解题。根据第五段可知,作者的女儿对住校的态度发生了改变。]

    7.What can we infer about the author's daughter?

    A.She regretted having left home.

    B.She became good at making friends.

    C.She fell in love with living on campus.

    D.She learned how to make her own decision.

    C [推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的she declared(宣称) it one of the best things she'd ever done可推知,作者的女儿最后喜欢上了住在校园里。]


    Last week I went to Bremerhaven,a city in northwestern Germany.In Bremerhaven there are a few popular attractions you can visit.My visit last week was to the “Klimahaus”,which is a mixture of a science center and a theme park.The center is full of exhibitions that are about the world around us with a focus on climate change.

    The main exhibition was a virtual (虚拟的) journey around the world.In this journey we learned about several different places.It told us geographical and cultural information about the place and how climate change is affecting this place and the people that live there.Here are two examples of how great and realistic it all was.One of the places we visited was Antarctica,where it really was freezing cold and we could walk through an ice tunnel (地道)!There was also a floor based on Niger,where we could walk into a huge room that looked and felt just like a desert.

    It was an extremely well­made exhibition.Each ticket also allowed us to check our individual carbon footprint.To do this,we entered information about ourselves such as whether we fly often,buy local produce or cycle to school.We were then told the approximate size of our carbon footprint-the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) we produce by the things we do-and why it was that size.

    My footprint was average sized and I was very surprised.I am very environmentally friendly; I buy local produce,I cycle or use public transport and of course,I recycle.What made my footprint bigger was the fact that I had recently flown somewhere by plane.I knew that it was very bad for the environment but I didn't realize quite how bad.Now that I know,in the future I will consider travelling to other countries by train to reduce my carbon footprint.

    【语篇解读】 语篇类型是记叙性说明文,主题语境是科技与生活。文章介绍了作者在德国体验的一次虚拟现实之旅。

    8.What could people do in the virtual journey?

    A.Get close to animals from Antarctica.

    B.Learn why there are different climates.

    C.Experience the influence of climate change.

    D.Buy some souvenirs from different countries.

    C [细节理解题。根据第二段可知,在这个虚拟现实之旅中参观者可以了解多方面的知识,这其中就包括气候变化如何影响一个地方以及在这个地方生活的人们。]

    9.What does the author think of the virtual journey?

    A.Unreal.        B.Wonderful.

    C.Surprising. D.Ridiculous.

    B [推理判断题。根据第二段中的Here are two examples of how great and realistic it all was和第三段中的It was an extremely well­made exhibition可知,作者认为这次虚拟现实之旅非常棒。]

    10.What could the author know from the ticket?

    A.Carbon footprints of other visitors.

    B.The local product he should choose.

    C.His educational and financial information.

    D.The amount of CO2 released by his activities.

    D [细节理解题。根据第三段中的Each ticket also allowed us to check our individual carbon footprint...We were then told the approximate size   of our carbon footprint—the amount of carbon   dioxide(CO2)we produce by the things we do可知,  门票还能让参观者了解自己的二氧化碳放量。]

    11.What will the author plan to do in the future?

    A.Try his best to stay at home.

    B.Recycle as much as possible.

    C.Travel by train instead of by plane.

    D.Call on others to protect the environment.

    C [细节理解题。根据最后一段中的Now   that I know,in the future I will consider travelling   to other countries by train to reduce my carbon   footprint可知,作者打算外出旅行时乘坐火车而不乘坐飞机,以便减少碳足迹,更加环保。]


    One evening in May,two scientists in a forest in India heard a curious noise.“It sounded like ‘tik­tik­tik’,” recalls one of the researchers,Sathyabhama Das Biju.

    Biju is a biologist at the University of Delhi in India.He knew that frogs were likely making the sounds.So he climbed about 10 meters up into the tree and discovered that the noises came from brownish­green frogs with oval­shaped heads and long legs.The frogs were living inside the tree hollows(洞).Biju's team set out to identify the frog.They eventually figured out that the species had been first observed in India about 140 years ago.No one had seen it since then.People had thought it was now extinct.The frogs,though,had just been hiding overhead in the tree hollows.

    This frog is just one of many creatures that live in such tree hollows.From owls in Japan to bears in Australia,wildlife around the world nestles into these hollows.Inside the holes,the animals raise their young and hide from their natural enemies and bad weather.

    There is no single way to make a tree hollow.A woodpecker (啄木鸟) can make a hole in a tree within a few weeks or months.It will use that hollow to produce young and then usually leave it.Other species may later move in.Lightning might strike the tree,or strong winds might break off a branch.Bacteria may eat away at the damaged site,creating a hollow.This process can take hundreds of years.

    The number of tree hollows is dropping.People are clearing forests to sell the wood or to make space for farms and buildings.Biju says,“Tree hollows are particularly important.Some animals can't live anywhere else.They use them for everything.” His team are now saving old trees that have been cut down.They set up the trees in steel cylinders (钢筒) in the ground so that animals can use the hollows again.

    【语篇解读】 语篇类型是说明文,主题语境是自然生态。文章介绍了树洞对动物生存繁衍的重要性。

    12.How does the author introduce the topic of the text?

    A.By describing a particular incident.

    B.By introducing a research group.

    C.By challenging a general view.

    D.By listing interesting facts.

    A [推理判断题。根据第一、二段可知,作者通过描述生物学家Biju在印度森林里的探索发现引出了本文的话题。]

    13.What do we know about the frog mentioned in Paragraph 2?

    A.It has not been identified in India by now.

    B.It has lived in India for 140 years.

    C.It is a kind of alien species.

    D.It still exists in India.

    D [细节理解题。根据第二段可知,这种青蛙曾经被认为在印度已经灭绝了,但事实上还存在。]

    14.What can we learn from the last but one paragraph?

    A.Many animals are fully dependent on tree hollows.

    B.Tree hollows are mainly made by woodpeckers.

    C.It's easy for animals to find tree hollows.

    D.Tree hollows form in a slow way.

    D [推理判断题。根据倒数第二段可知,树洞的形成有的需要数周,有的需要数百年。]

    15.What is the text mainly about?

    A.The importance of tree hollows to animals.

    B.The consequences of cutting down trees.

    C.The survival of a rare species of frog.

    D.The protection of forest animals.

    A [主旨大意题。综合全文可知,本文主要阐述了树洞对森林动物的重要性。]



    Changing the world is a seemingly (看起来) impossible task.However,we believe change starts small,one person at a time.__16__

    Do the dirty work for someone else.

    Everyone has tasks that they don't like doing,but those tasks need to get done either way.__17__ As you can imagine,there's nothing like having your bathroom unexpectedly cleaned for you.Making the world a better place can be that easy.

    Make conversation with someone.

    Having a good conversation that connects you to someone feels great.So try to have a conversation with someone you normally wouldn't.It can be a volunteer,an elderly person,or someone who needs some support during a tough time.__18__

    Help a stranger.

    Usually we notice someone has dropped something and we simply keep walking.__19__ Whether you hold the door for someone or treat a stranger to a cup of coffee,you will make a difference or at least make that person's day a little brighter.


    Whether your talent is singing,giving good advice,or cooking,your talent is meant to be shared.You may not think your talent is that interesting,but remember that your talent makes the world a better place.

    A.Share your talents.

    B.This time,help him out.

    C.Lose yourself in what you love.

    D.Here's how you can change the world.

    E.Try your best to change the world completely.

    F.Think of a task that your loved one hates,and do it for him/her.

    G.Whoever you choose,making conversation benefits you quite a lot.

    【语篇解读】 语篇类型是说明文,主题语境是生活。改变世界,从小做起,从我做起。本文介绍了我们力所能及的改变世界的方法。

    16.D [联系上下文可知,本空承接上文改变世界看似不可能,但只要从小事做起,从我做起就能改变世界,提出了我们力所能及的改变世界的方法,故D项符合语境。]

    17.F [根据上文可知,每个人都有他们不愿做而又不得不做的事,因此F项承接上文提出为所爱之人做一件他不愿做的事符合语境,且F项符合本段主旨句Do the dirty work for someone else。]

    18.G [根据空前It can be a volunteer,an elderly person,or someone who needs some support可推断,G项Whoever指代上文a volunteer,an elderly person,or someone who needs some support,且G项是对本段内容的总结。]

    19.B [联系上下文可知,B项承上启下指出了过去我们对需要帮助的人视而不见,现在我们应伸出援手,从为别人开门或是请陌生人喝一杯咖啡这种小事做起。]

    20.A [根据下文your talent is meant to be shared可知,本段鼓励人们分享自己的才艺去帮助他人,因此A项作为本段主旨句符合语境。]


    When he was young,Emmett Diggs liked nothing more than boxing.He even __21__ a national prize in 1961.__22__  at age 45,he wasn't able to move as usual.A doctor told him he had Parkinson's disease (帕金森病).__23__,he thought nothing of it until one day while cleaning the  __24__ on his hands and knees,he found that he couldn't get up without  __25__.After that,he began to feel __26__ and showed no interest in doing anything.It was the  __27__ period Emmett had experienced.

    One morning,Emmett's wife,Patty, __28__ with him a newspaper story about a man with Parkinson's disease who practiced a  __29__ training called Rock Steady Boxing (RSB),which  __30__ shadow boxing (拳击练习) with strength training.

    So,Emmett decided to turn to John,the local program director,for help.When they first met,John  __31__  Emmett boxing gloves and let him take over a heavy __32__.Just putting on the gloves brought wonderful  __33__ back for Emmett.When John said,“Hit the bag.” Emmett did as he was told.“It felt __34__ as the bag was hitting back,” Emmett said excitedly.

    Soon,Emmett __35__  a regular RSB class of a dozen people who were dealing with Parkinson's disease like him.Emmett's boxing skills  __36__  them all and soon they became friends.Over time,the class became something of a(n)__37__ group in which they could share their pains and hopes.

    “I had thought Parkinson's disease was going to  __38__  everything that mattered to me,” Emmett has written.“__39__,it didn't change my love for boxing and gave me a __40__ to know a new group of guys who are optimistic and supportive.”

    【语篇解读】 语篇类型是记叙文,主题语境是生活。本文讲述了拳击手Emmett Diggs患帕金森症后,虽然经历过一段黑暗期,但最终在妻子的帮助下重新振作,重拾拳击事业并结识了一群积极向上、乐于助人的病友的故事。

    21.A.won         B.made

    C.brought D.lost

    A [根据前文的Emmett Diggs liked nothing more than boxing及even表示的递进关系可知,Emmett Diggs热爱拳击,甚至还获过大奖。]

    22.A.Gradually B.Unfortunately

    C.Secretly D.Recently

    B [根据后文的A doctor told him he had Parkinson's disease可知,很不幸,Emmett Diggs不再行动如常。]

    23.A.At once B.At last

    C.At least D.At first

    D [根据后文he thought nothing of it until one day及After that可知,起初,Emmett对医生的话不以为然,直到有一天他发现自己无法独立站起来,才意识到问题的严重性。]

    24.A.floor B.window

    C.desk D.chair

    A [根据空后on his hands and knees可知,当时Emmett正跪在地上清理地板。]

    25.A.question B.permission

    C.help D.reason

    C [参考第23题解析。]

    26.A.delighted B.amazed

    C.disappointed D.puzzled

    C [根据后文showed no interest in doing anything.It was the ____ period Emmett had experienced可知,认识到病情后,Emmett开始一蹶不振,他的人生进入了一段黑暗期。]

    27.A.best B.darkest

    C.shortest D.busiest

    B [参考上题解析。]

    28.A.played B.agreed

    C.worked D.shared

    D [根据后文a newspaper story about a man with Parkinson's disease可知,妻子和他分享了一个身患帕金森症的男子坚持锻炼的故事。]

    29.A.mental B.social

    C.physical D.technical

    C [根据后文which ____shadow boxing with strength training可知,报纸上的那名男子把拳击练习和力量练习结合起来创造了一个名为RSB的训练,主要针对的是体能练习。]

    30.A.compares B.matches

    C.confuses D.combines

    D [参考上题解析。]

    31.A.handed B.bought

    C.sold D.sent

    A [根据下文and let him take over a heavy ____可知,John把拳击手套递给Emmett并让出一个大沙袋供他训练。]

    32.A.bag B.box

    C.load D.debt

    A [根据后文的When John said,“Hit the bag.”Emmett did as he was told 可知,教练John把沙袋让给他锻炼。]

    33.A.honors B.stories

    C.regrets D.memories

    D [根据空前Just putting on the gloves brought wonderful可知,一戴上拳击手套,Emmett关于拳击的美好记忆全都涌上了心头。]

    34.A.difficult B.great

    C.soft D.dangerous

    B [根据后文Emmett said excitedly可知,能够练习拳击Emmett感到很高兴。]

    35.A.left B.taught

    C.joined D.missed

    C [根据上下文可知,没过多久,Emmett就参加了一个RSB的定期训练课程,并结识了很多跟他一样身患帕金森症的病友。]

    36.A.moved B.impressed

    C.changed D.convinced

    B [根据上下文可知,Emmett高超的拳击技术,给人们留下了深刻的印象。]

    37.A.interest B.pressure

    C.support D.rescue

    C [根据后文的in which they could share their pains and hopes可知,这个班级的成员们在一起分享他们的痛苦与希望,相互扶持,相互支撑。]

    38.A.take up B.take away

    C.put off D.put out

    B [根据前文的Emmett患病后不能动弹,一度让他崩溃,再结合had thought可知,他原以为帕金森症会把他的一切都夺走。]

    39.A.Thus B.Besides

    C.Instead D.However

    D [根据上文I had thought及后文it didn't change可知,前后文之间是转折关系。]

    40.A.chance B.hope

    C.lesson D.dream

    A [根据上下文可知,帕金森症没有改变Emmett对拳击的爱,还让他有机会结识了一群积极向上、乐于助人的病友。]



    How would you feel if you woke up and found your entire computer's contents-including your photos and your recent documents no longer 41.________ (access)?What if you found out that they had 42.________(wipe)from your computer,leaving you with nothing but heartache?

    Guess what? It happens to people every single day.Every day,people across the country head into their local Apple store in 43.________(tear)with broken computers in hand,praying as they wait in line that an expensive repair might,just might,recover 44.________ priceless,irreplaceable files.A few are lucky,45.________ for the rest,there's nothing anyone can do 46.________(help).

    Hasn't it happened to you?If your computer 47.________(remain)unprotected,it will,and it's only a matter of time.But thanks 48.________ recent breakthroughs in the computer backup technology,you now have a number of options to prepare,and if you're smart,when your computer crashes,you shouldn't have any problem 49.________(get) 100% of your files back that same day.I'm not talking about an external hard drive.I'm talking about an online backup solution than runs 50.________(quiet) in the background on your computer.If you have a kind of this program installed,when your computer crashes,you'll be just one click away from bringing your files back to life.

    【语篇解读】 你想象过哪一天你电脑里所有的东西,包括存放的图片和重要文件都丢失了的情况吗?那样的话该怎么办呢?

    41.accessible [考查词性转换。在动词found后作宾语补足语,说明宾语your entire computer's contents的状态应用形容词。]

    42.been wiped [考查语态。句子的主语they指代前文的your entire computer's contents,与谓语动词wipe之间为动宾关系,故应用被动语态。过去完成时的被动语态形式为had been done,故填been wiped。]

    43.tears [考查名词的数。in tears(眼里)含着泪,为固定短语。]

    44.the/their [考查限定词。此处表示这些无价的,不可替代的文件或他们的无价的,不可取代的文件,故填the 或their。]

    45.but [考查并列连词。空前一句表示一些人是幸运的,空后表示对于其他的人(的文件)却是任何人都无能为力的。空前和空后构成转折关系,故用but连接。]

    46.to help [考查非谓语动词。此处用不定式表示目的。]

    47.remains [考查时态。整篇文章以一般现在时为主,介绍的是一般情况,且此处句子的主语为your computer,为单数,故谓语动词用remains。]

    48.to [考查介词。thank to幸亏,由于,为固定搭配。]

    49.getting [考查非谓语动词。have problems doing sth.做某事有困难,为固定搭配。类似的还有have trouble/difficulty doing sth.。]

    50.quietly [考查词性转换。修饰谓语动词runs要用副词,故填quietly。]








    Our life today has many problems.One of the biggest problems are pollution.Water pollution has made our  rivers and lakes dirty.It killed our fish and pollutes our drinking water.Noise pollution makes us to talk louder and become angry more easy.Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution,what is bad for living things in the world.

    We need to do a lot of thing to fight pollution.Factories must clean our waste water before it poured.We can't throw waste things on the ground.We can go to work by bus and with our friends in a same car.Everybody must help to fight pollution.


    Our life today has many problems.One of the biggest problems  pollution.Water pollution has made our  rivers and lakes dirty.It  our fish and pollutes our drinking water.Noise pollution makes us  talk louder and become angry more .Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution, is bad for living things in the world.

    We need to do a lot of  to fight pollution.Factories must clean  waste water before it  poured.We can't throw waste things on the ground.We can go to work by bus  with our friends in  same car.Everybody must help to fight pollution.

    ①考查主谓一致。“one of+the+复数名词”表示“……之一”,此结构作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式,所以are改为is。





    ④考查副词。此处用副词easily修饰动词短语become angry。

    ⑤考查 定语从句。先行词是Air pollution,指物,故此处应用which引导非限制性定语从句,which在从句中作主语。

    ⑥考查名词的数。a lot of后接可数名词复数,故thing改为things。




    ⑧考查语态。it指代waste water,与动词pour之间构成意义上的动宾关系,所以用被动语态。


    ⑩考查冠词。same前通常要用定冠词the修饰,如:at the same time,in the same class等。













    Dear Chris,

    I'm Li Hua,the captain of our school volleyball team.I am writing to inform you that our team is going to play in the National League.Every participating team is great and ready for the game.It can be predicted that this is a close match.

    Our team is now busy preparing for the game,from living to daily training.We are confident that we can win this competition.But we sincerely hope you will give us your guidance and encouragement.I'm sure that you will certainly wish us to win.

    Thank you for your expectation and I am looking forward to hearing from you.

    Yours sincerely,

    Li Hua






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