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    这是一份英语必修 第一册本册综合课堂检测,共14页。




    Earthquakes have killed many people and have caused serious damage to people's life.Here are some of the worst earthquakes that happened around the world.

    Haiti Earthquake

    A great earthquake hit Haiti on January 12,2010.Its center was located just southwest of Port­Au­Prince,the capital and largest city of Haiti.It is the strongest earthquake to hit the country since 1770.It led to 100,000 to 316,000 deaths and left 2 million people homeless and 3 million people in need of immediate help.At least $195 million have been given by different countries,along with a large number of rescue workers to support (支援) rescue efforts.

    Kashmir Earthquake

    The Kashmir earthquake happened on the morning of October 8,2005.It was centered near the city of Muzaffarabad.The official number of deaths was 75,000 and there were 106,000 people who were injured.As Saturday is a normal school day in the area,most students were at schools when the earthquake happened.Many young people were buried under destroyed school buildings.Many people were also trapped in their homes.Reports say that entire towns and villages were completely wiped out in northern Pakistan.The serious damage was mainly because of poor buildings.

    Indian Ocean Earthquake

    Known as the Sumatra­Andaman earthquake,Indian Ocean Earthquake happened on December 26,2004.While the earthquake itself lasted for only 10 seconds,it caused a tsunami (海啸).The tsunami killed about 200,000 to 310,000 people along the shores (海滨) of Indonesia,Sri Lanka,South India and Thailand.There was one death even happening at Port Elizabeth in South Africa,8,000 miles away from the center.

    【语篇解读】 语篇类型是应用文,主题语境是自然灾害。文章简要介绍了世界上三次较为严重的地震。

    1.What can be learnt from Paragraph 2?

    A.Haiti is a poor country.

    B.Haiti suffered many disasters.

    C.Over 400,000 people died in the earthquake.

    D.Haiti received international help after the earthquake.

    D [细节理解题。根据第二段的最后一句可知,海地发生地震后,得到了来自不同国家的资金和人员的援助。]

    2.Why were many young people buried in Kashmir Earthquake?

    A.It is the strongest in history.

    B.Its center was near Muzaffarabad.

    C.It happened during the school time.

    D.There were too many school buildings.

    C [细节理解题。根据第三段的As Saturday is a normal school day in the area...可知,由于克什米尔发生地震时正是学生们上课的时间,因此很多年轻人在地震中被埋。]

    3.Why does the author mention a death in South Africa in the last paragraph?

    A.To suggest South Africa is far away.

    B.To show how strong the earthquake was.

    C.To tell us the earthquake killed many people.

    D.To prove the earthquake was felt by South Africa.

    B [推理判断题。根据最后一段的...8,000 miles away from the center可知,甚至在距离震中八千英里以外的南非都有一人遇难,作者借此说明此次地震之严重,波及面之广。]


    Schoolgirl Lorna O'Brien was in her kitchen when she looked out of the window and was terrified (惊恐的) at what she saw.“Help!”she shouted.“There's smoke and fire coming out of the kitchen window opposite.”

    Her father,John,ran across to the house while her 15­year­old brother Paul called the fire service.Lorna,16,rushed across and caught up with her dad,who had just kicked open the front door.They looked upstairs where they saw smoke coming out of the top flat.Lorna followed her father into the flat,where they found a pan (平底锅) on fire in the kitchen and the young mother,Mane Linn,who had been asleep,passed out (失去意识) in the smoke­blackened sitting room.Lorna's dad threw a wet cloth over the pan and then turned off the stove (炉子) before starting to help Mane through the smoke down the stairs to safety.

    Suddenly Mane started crying,“My baby,my baby!”“Where's the baby?” asked Lorna.“In the bedroom,” Mane shouted back.While John pulled the crying mother from the house,Lorna,without a thought for her own safety,turned back to search for  the  baby.She  found  the  little  girl,14­month­old Ann,lying with her eyes closed.

    Lorna  quickly  took  the  baby, rushed downstairs through the fire and smoke.“It didn't cross my mind at the time that I was near to dying when I rushed through the smoke”, said Lorna.“I was just thinking of the baby.Even after I came out of the house,I wasn't frightened.”

    When help arrived,baby Ann and her mum were taken to hospital for treatment.It was only when Lorna got back into the safety of her own house that she realised the danger she had faced.“I started shaking all over and thought of what could have happened to me,”she said.

    【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文,女孩儿偶然间发现邻居家里着火,她不顾自身安危,与父亲一起将邻居母女救出失火房屋。

    4.What did Lorna's dad choose to do first when he entered the flat?

    A.Put out the fire.

    B.Turn off the stove.

    C.Open the windows.

    D.Help Mane downstairs.

    A [细节理解题。由第二段中的They looked upstairs...down the stairs to safety可知,Lorna的父亲进入失火公寓之后,首先扑灭了火源。]

    5.What was the cause of the fire?

    A.Mane fell asleep while cooking.

    B.Ann was careless when playing with fire.

    C.Mane suddenly passed out while cooking.

    D.There was something wrong with the stove.

    A [推理判断题。由第二段中的they found a pan...smoke­blackened sitting room可知,厨房的平底锅着火,而Mane在客厅睡着,并因浓烟失去意识。因此可推断,Mane在做饭时睡着导致平底锅着火。]

    6.Which of the following can best describe Lorna when she saved the baby?

    A.Careful.        B.Patient.

    C.Brave. D.Clever.

    C [推理判断题。由第三段中的Lorna,without a thought for her own safety,turned back to search for the baby和第四段中的It didn't cross my mind at the time that I was near to dying when I rushed through the smoke可知,Lorna救孩子时非常勇敢,一刻也没有想到自己的安危。]

    7.How did Lorna feel after returning to her house?

    A.Worried. B.Frightened.

    C.Proud. D.Relaxed.

    B [细节理解题。由最后一段中的It was only when...she had faced 以及Lorna所说的话可知,Lorna安全回到自己家之后才意识到救人时她面临了很大的危险,并对可能出现的严重后果感到害怕,全身颤抖。]


    As I stuck in the mud (泥),with my bike on  top of me,I wondered what had forced me to come here.Madagascar is not a good place for a cycling holiday: one of the world's poorest countries,only 11 percent of roadway is paved (铺).South of the town of Antalaha,where I started,the road was in worse condition.

    I appeared from a week in the wilderness and reached the start of the Route National 5 at Maroantsetra,but my dream of a smooth road and speed was suddenly destroyed by mud.The “worst road in the country” changed my bicycle into a burden (负担)for days.Finally,I_was_claimed_by_the_road. Tired.Alone.

    As I wiped (擦) the mud from my face and looked upwards,I was greeted by a Malagasy man.He helped me stand up and smiled playfully while he pointed to my bike,which sat next to his.I started again.But I fell again in the mud.Angrily,I told him to go on,but if he understood he showed no sign of it.His smile forced me back onto the bike.We continued like this for hours.But I fell less.Studying my quick guide,slowly I learned.As we passed through a village,a group of  children saw me and shouted loudly.His only  words were: “Their parents tell them white people  steal and eat them.Funny,no?”

    I tried to ask why,but he had already set off.I  tried to catch up; as I got closer,he took it as a  challenge and sped up.We raced along the road.I  rode a little faster and I was just behind,about to   catch up with him.With a smile,he sped up and  was away,leaving me breathless.

    【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了作者在非洲马达加斯加骑行遇到困难的时候,一位当地人激励自己继续骑行的故事。

    8.What was in the author's mind when he was in the mud?

    A.He considered his experience a special pleasure.

    B.He  made  up  his  mind  to  continue challenging himself.

    C.He tried to think out a new road for cycling in Antalaha.

    D.He regretted having the cycling holiday in Madagascar.

    D [推理判断题。根据第一段中的I wondered what had forced me to come here及下文对马达加斯加当地路况的介绍可知,作者来到这里骑行发现路况很差,这让他后悔不已。]

    9.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 mean?

    A.The author chose another road.

    B.The author decided to ask for help.

    C.The author lay on the road for a rest.

    D.The author had no confidence to ride on.

    D [句意理解题。根据第二段中的but my dream of a smooth road...for days及Tired可知,泥泞的道路使作者疲惫不堪,让他失去了继续骑行的信心。]

    10.How did the Malagasy man help the author?

    A.By showing him the right way.

    B.By wiping the mud from his bike.

    C.By riding in front of him all the way.

    D.By teaching him how to ride in the mud.

    C [推理判断题。根据第三段中的Studying my quick guide及第四段中的I tried to catch up;as I got closer,he took it as a challenge and sped up 可知,那个马达加斯加男人一直在作者前面骑行来鼓励他。]

    11.What's the best title for the text?

    A.A lonely trip

    B.A bicycle race

    C.A lesson in cycling

    D.A road in Madagascar

    C [标题归纳题。根据文中作者在马达加斯加骑行遇到困难时受到一位当地人的帮助可知,作者从中受益匪浅。]


    Angus,Doris,Gabriel and Kamil are some of the 21 names that have been chosen to be given to storms in the UK in the 2016/17 season.

    The Met Office,the UK's national weather service,decided to give storms boys' and girls' names in 2015 in the same way as they did in America.

    The Met Office hopes that naming big storms will mean people are more aware (意识到) of them and how dangerous they can be.Derrick Ryall,from the Met Office,said,“We have seen how naming storms elsewhere in the world raises people's awareness of storms before they break.”

    In the past,the same UK storm could be given different names by different organisations.“We noticed that many organisations during the last couple of winters,when we have had bad storms,started giving names to them.Think back to the St Jude's Day storm in 2013,and the so­called Hurricane Bawbag in Scotland in 2011.But it led to confusion (混乱),” a Met Office  spokeswoman said.

    According to the Met Office,there is a name  for each letter of the whole alphabet (字母表),except for Q,U,X,Y and Z.That is the same as the naming tradition used in America.And not all storms will be big enough to get names-only those expected to cause great damage.

    If there are more than 21 storms in a year,the Met Office will start again with another name beginning with “A”.However,according to Met Office  spokeswoman  Lindsay  Mears, “It' s unlikely we would get through the whole alphabet in one season.We had 14 storms in the very bad winter of 2013/14,and if the naming system had been in operation then we wouldn't have used the whole alphabet.”

    【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了英国为暴风雨命名的情况。

    12.Why are storms in the UK named?

    A.To increase public awareness of them.

    B.To remind people of their short stay.

    C.To follow what other countries did.

    D.To meet the needs of its people.

    A [推理判断题。由第三段中的naming big storms will mean people are more aware of them and how dangerous they can be和how naming storms elsewhere in the world raises people's awareness of storms before they break 可推断,英国为暴风雨命名是为了增强人们对暴风雨的了解和防范意识。]

    13.Examples are given in Paragraph 4 to show ________.

    A.there're many storms to name in a year

    B.organisations named storms differently

    C.some storms' names are similar to others'

    D.some storms' names are hard to understand

    B [推理判断题。本段的主题句是In the past,the same UK storm could be given different names by different organisations,下文通过举例说明该主题。]

    14.What do we know about the names given to storms?

    A.Storms will be given names whatever their sizes.

    B.Serious storms will be given boys' names.

    C.21 letters will be used to begin the names.

    D.21 names will be given at most in a year.

    C [细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的there is a name for each letter of the whole alphabet,except for Q,U,X,Y and Z和最后一段中的If there are more than 21 storms in a year 可知,在为暴风雨命名的时候,会以21个字母(字母表一共26个字母,除了Q,U,X,Y,Z之外还有21个)开头。]

    15.What can be learned from Lindsay Mears?

    A.There are not too many big storms yearly.

    B.Action will be taken to prevent storms.

    C.There are usually 14 storms in a year.

    D.The naming system will not change.

    A [推理判断题。由最后一段中Lindsay Mears所说的It's unlikely we would get through the whole alphabet in one season.We had 14 storms in the very bad winter of 2013/14...we wouldn't have used the whole alphabet可推断,她认为英国每年不会发生那么多暴风雨,因此不会使用完21个字母作为名字的开头来命名暴风雨。]



    Go green

    Are you worried about our earth?Do you want to do what you can to save it? __16__ It may seem like the actions of one person won't make a difference,but there are actually many ways you can help.Here are some of them.

    Turn it off.

    Turn off anything that uses electricity when not in use.__17__ If you leave your television on or don't turn off lights,it's wasting electricity.Remember to turn things off when you don't need them.

    Start recycling (回收利用).

    It's not just paper,plastic and glass that can be recycled-clothes can be,too.__18__ It's good for the environment and you'll get a new look for free!


    You don't have to travel far to get what you need,and products don't have to travel far to get to you,either.Shop at farmers' markets and buy food that was produced as close to your home as possible.And when you're online shopping,try to find things that won't have to travel long distances.

    Save water.

    If you don't let the water run when you're brushing your teeth and take showers instead of baths,you will be using less water and less energy-but you'll still be just as clean!__20__Use a method that requires less water to get the dishes clean.

    A.Buy things nearby.

    B.Think before you eat.

    C.It's hard to know where to start.

    D.Turn short jeans you've grown out of into shorts.

    E.Also,don't wash dishes with the water running continuously.

    F.This goes for lights,televisions,computers,printers,and so on.

    G.Bring a reusable water bottle with you when travelling or at work.

    【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章介绍了几种保护环境的方法。

    16.C [C项It's hard to know where to start和下文中的but there are actually many ways you can help在语意上构成转折,符合语境。]

    17.F [F项中的lights,televisions,computers,printers呼应上文中的electricity和下文中的television和lights。]

    18.D [D项中的jeans和shorts呼应上文中的clothes。且D项表达的内容符合上文中提到的can be recycled。]

    19.A [A项中的nearby呼应下文中的don't have to travel far和as close to your home as possible。]

    20.E [E项中的wash dishes呼应下文中的get the dishes clean。且E项中的don't wash dishes with the water running continuously和上文中的you don't let the water run when you're brushing your teeth and take showers构成并列关系,E项中的Also承接上文。]


    The Great Depression started in 1929 and lasted until about 1939.During that time,many people lost their __21__.My parents were __22__ them.It was 1935 when I was 10 years old.We still __23__on relief(救济).

    A few days before Christmas,I was washing the  __24__  after dinner when I looked out of a kitchen window and saw my father sitting on the stoop (门廊),wearing a(n) __25__ face.A mailman saw him and asked him what was wrong.

    I heard my father say that he had  __26__  his food vouchers (票券) and that the __27__ had gone beyond the time limit.He had tried to work as a laborer through the Works Progress Administration,but he __28__ because he wasn't a very __29__ man.The work was too hard for him.I was __30__,having seen newspaper pictures of people being  __31__ out of the apartments with all their belongings.“How much do you need?” the mailman asked __32__.My dad said he needed $33 for the rent.Without thinking twice,the mailman took out $50 from his wallet and __33__ it to my father.My dad said,“I don't know when I'll be able to pay you back.” The mailman put an arm around my father and __34__ him by saying,“Things will not be this way  __35__.It doesn't matter  __36__  you will pay me back.”

    The mailman __37__  me looking through the window and said, “There will be times in the future when someone __38__ your help.I hope you  and your son __39__ today.Help them in your own __40__ and tell them what happened today.This  will be my payback.Merry Christmas!”

    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。美国大萧条时期,作者一家靠救济生活。有一天,父亲正在发愁时,一位邮递员无私的资助使他们得以摆脱困境。

    21.A.skills B.jobs

    C.families D.houses

    B [根据上文的The Great Depression started in 1929 and lasted until about 1939.During that time,many people lost their...可知,经济大萧条时期很多人失去“工作”。]

    22.A.for B.against

    C.among D.between

    C [根据语境可知,作者的父母也在失业大军“当中”。]

    23.A.lived B.decided

    C.researched D.worked

    A [根据语境可知,作者一家靠救济“生活”。]

    24.A.shoes B.dishes

    C.socks D.feet

    B [根据下文的after dinner以及kitchen可知,作者晚饭后正在厨房洗“碗碟”。]

    25.A.angry B.curious

    C.confused D.anxious

    D [根据下文的A mailman saw him and asked him what was wrong.可知,父亲脸色应该是“忧虑的”。]

    26.A.given out B.used up

    C.carried away D.searched for

    B [根据上下文对一家人生活状况的描述可知,父亲告诉邮递员他的食物票券已经“用完”了。]

    27.A.report B.homework

    C.rent D.check

    C [根据下文的My dad said he needed $33 for the rent.可知,这里指“房租”逾期。]

    28.A.agreed B.failed

    C.promised D.regretted

    B [根据上文的He had tried to work as a laborer through the Works Progress Administration,but he...可知,父亲尝试通过这个组织找苦力活,可是他“失败”了。]

    29.A.strong B.clever

    C.helpful D.creative

    A [根据上文的as a laborer以及下文的The work was too hard for him.可知,因为父亲不是一个非常“强壮的”人。]

    30.A.scared B.puzzled

    C.lonely D.surprised

    A [根据下文的...having seen newspaper pictures of people being...out of the apartments with all their belongings.可知,作者想象自己一家也会像报纸上描写的一样被赶出来,所以很“害怕”那种情况的发生。]

    31.A.taken B.figured

    C.picked D.kicked

    D [根据下文的...out of the apartments with all their belongings.可知,没钱付租金很可能就会被“赶”出住所。kick sb.out of a place意为“将某人赶出某地”。]

    32.A.softly B.impatiently

    C.excitedly D.slyly

    A [根据语境可知,那位邮递员“温和地”问:“你需要多少钱?”]

    33.A.returned B.pointed

    C.showed D.handed

    D [根据语境可知,那位邮递员毫不犹豫地从钱包里拿出50美元并将钱“递”给父亲。]

    34.A.punished B.questioned

    C.criticized D.encouraged

    D [根据下文邮递员所说的话可知,那位邮递员搂着父亲并“鼓励”他。]

    35.A.soon B.forever

    C.completely D.finally

    B [根据语境可知,眼前的艰难状况不会“永远”延续下去的。]

    36.A.how B.whether

    C.unless D.until

    B [根据语境可知,那位邮递员说:“你还不还钱都没关系。”这里是whether引导的主语从句。]

    37.A.stopped B.kept

    C.noticed D.suggested

    C [根据语境可知,那位邮递员“注意到”我一直从窗口看着他们。]

    38.A.refuses B.supports

    C.expects D.receives

    C [根据语境可知,将来会有一天别人也“期待”你的帮助。]

    39.A.remember B.miss

    C.share D.record

    A [根据语境可知,我希望你和你儿子“记得”今天。]

    40.A.mind B.interest

    C.time D.way

    D [根据语境可知,用你们自己的“方式”帮助他们并告诉他们今天发生的一切,就相当于还了这笔钱了。]



    Mother Nature is so powerful that there are times when the very course of historical 41.________(event) has been influenced due to her forces.

    In 1588,King Phillip of Spain sent his Spanish Armada(无敌舰队) to attack England.Things were going fine until the Armada made it to Calais,where each boat dropped its anchor and waited  42.________(join) forces with the Spanish army. Then,the English attacked,sending eight burning ships into the  43.______(crowd) harbor.What's worse,Mother Nature attacked.High winds and waves from an Atlantic storm,plus the fire ships,44.________  (leave) the Spanish Armada with no choice but to return to Spain.

    When Napoleon decided to invade(入侵) Russia in 1812,it wasn't   45.________huge surprise that the invasion was a complete 46.________ (fail).Napoleon's over 600,000 men and more than 200,000 horses were no match for Russia's -20 to -4 degrees centigrade winters,47.________  led Napoleon to give up and return home.

    When American bomber Bockscar took off from Tinian on August 9,1945,its initial target was 48.________(actual) not Nagasaki-it was Kokura.But when the bomber approached the city,the target was over­curtained by heavy clouds.Pilot Sweeney circled the area three times 49.________ deciding to move onto the mission's secondary target,Nagasaki.At 10:58 a.m.local time,Bockscar dropped the nuclear bomb,50.________   (destroy) 44% of the city.

    【语篇解读】 本文属于说明文,介绍了三个因为大自然的威力而影响历史事件进程的事例。

    41.events [考查名词的单复数。本文介绍了三个因为大自然的威力而影响历史事件进程的事例,所以这里应该用event的复数形式。]

    42.to join [考查不定式。无敌舰队的每条船都在加来的港口抛锚停航并等待与西班牙军队会合。wait to do表示“等待做……”。]

    43.crowded [考查过去分词。然后,英格兰人发起进攻,他们派遣了8条燃烧的船冲进拥挤的港口。harbor是名词,且动词crowd的过去分词形容词化了,表示一种状态,因此本空应填crowded,表示“拥挤的”。]

    44.left [考查时态。大西洋的暴风雨带来的大风和巨浪,加上那些火船,迫使无敌舰队没有选择而只能回到西班牙。本段第一句明确谈到这里1588年发生的事情,故此处应用一般过去时。]

    45.a [考查不定冠词。surprise在此为抽象名词具体化,意为“令人惊奇的事”,为可数名词,且其前无限定词,故其前面应使用不定冠词;又huge的发音以辅音音素开头,故用a。]

    46.failure [考查词性转换。本空前面有形容词complete和不定冠词a,说明这里应填一个可数名词;failure可作可数名词,表示“失败的事”,符合语境。]

    47.which [考查非限制性定语从句引导词。分析句子结构可知,用which指代前面整个句子。拿破仑60多万人的军队和20多万匹马不敌俄国零下20摄氏度至零下4摄氏度的冬天,正是这个事实才迫使拿破仑放弃进攻俄国并回国。]

    48.actually [考查副词。本空修饰谓语动词,表示这架轰炸机最初的目标其实不是长崎,而是小仓,故用副词actually。]

    49.before [考查介词。本空后面用的是动名词deciding,说明该处应考虑介词。根据语境可知,飞行员Sweeney决定飞行至此次军事任务的次要目标——长崎之前在该地区上空盘旋了三圈,故填before。]

    50.destroying [考查现在分词。本句已经有谓语动词dropped,且空前没有连词,故此处用非谓语动词,且主语Bockscar与动词destroy是逻辑上的主谓关系,又因此处表示自然而然的结果,故用现在分词作结果状语。]








    This afternoon,I was going home after school when I sudden heard someone nearby crying.I looked around and found a boy sit on the ground.I was wondering that had happened to him.So I went up to a boy and asked him what was wrong.He was pointed to a ball in a deep hole.I want to help him,but the ball was out of my reach.Quite by chances,an idea came to my mind.I quickly fetched some water and poured into the hole.With the water rising,the ball came up in the same time.The boy got back his ball happily but thanked me for my help.


    This afternoon,I was going home after school when I  heard someone nearby crying.I looked around and found a boy  on the ground.I was wondering  had happened to him.So I went up to  boy and asked him what was wrong.He was pointed to a ball in a deep hole.I  to help him,but the ball was out of my reach.Quite by ,an idea came to my mind.I quickly fetched some water and poured  into the hole.With the water rising,the ball came up  the same time.The boy got back his ball happily  thanked me for my help.











    参考词汇:前震foreshock;主震main shock








    The Japan earthquakes are a series of earthquakes,including a main shock which struck at 1:25 a.m.on April 16,2016,at a depth of about 10 km,and a foreshock earthquake at 9:26 p.m.on April 14,2016,at a depth of about 11 km.The two earthquakes killed at least 40 people and more than one thousand people got injured.With so many buildings falling down and catching fire,a great number of people have moved out of their homes.We hope that people in the disaster area can lead a normal life and have their beautiful homes rebuilt soon.







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