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    (新)人教版高中英语必修第一册 阶段综合检测8(含解析)
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    (新)人教版高中英语必修第一册 阶段综合检测8(含解析)

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第一册本册综合课时练习,共1页。




    Voluntary organizations around the world seek volunteers to feed the homelessbuild houses and encourage people who suffer.The following are four famous voluntary organizations.

    Habitat for Humanity

    Founded in 1976it has built over 400,000 homes and served more than 2 million people around the world.It helps create affordable homes for those affected by natural disasters and homelessness.Families in need of a home can apply to the organization for relief.Its goal is to eliminate (消除) homelessness from the world.

    Peace Corps

    Over 200,000 Peace Corps volunteers have worked in 139 countries around the world.This organization began in 1960.It seeks volunteers to work on AIDS reliefbusiness development and information technology around the world.In 2011,37% of its volunteers were serving in Africa,24% in Latin America and 21% in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.It aims to promote (促进) world peace and friendship.

    Make a Wish Foundation

    This organization seeks to help children with life­threatening medical conditions.It was founded in 1980 and has reached more than 193,000 children around the globe.Children with life­threatening medical conditions are selected to have a personal wish come true.This organization creates an unforgettable experience for a child in need.

    Volunteers of America

    It has helped over 2 million people in 400 communities in the United States.This organization is famous in the US for its human services programs for at­risk youthsthe elderly and homeless people.Approximately 70,000 volunteers help this organization reach its aim.For 115 yearsit has brought mealsmedicine and warmth to people in need in the United States.

    【语篇解读】 语篇类型是应用文,主题语境是人与社会之公益机构。文章介绍了四个著名的志愿者组织。

    1Whom does Habitat for Humanity mainly serve?

    AHomeless people.   BAIDS victims.

    CChildren in need. DPoor families.

    A [细节理解题。根据有关Habitat for Humanity的介绍可知,该组织主要为无家可归的人提供负担得起的住宅。]

    2Which organization has the shortest history?

    AHabitat for Humanity.

    BPeace Corps.

    CMake a Wish Foundation.

    DVolunteers of America.

    C [细节理解题。通读全文可知,Habitat for Humanity成立于1976年,Peace Corps成立于1960年,Make a Wish Foundation成立于1980年,Volunteers of America115年的历史,即成立于1904年。由此可知,Make a Wish Foundation的历史最短。]

    3What do the other three organizations have in commoncompared with Volunteers of America?

    AThey have the same goal.

    BThey have the same service area.

    CThey have the same service programs.

    DThey have the same number of volunteers.

    B [细节理解题。根据文中对四个志愿者组织的介绍可知,前三个组织都是全球性组织,而Volunteers of America是只为美国人服务的区域性组织。]


    In 2012I was 22 and doing a ski season in IschglAustria.It had been snowing heavily for daysand no one could ski.Then the weather changed.On my day offI woke to a clear blue sky and half a meter of fresh snow: a skier's dream.SoI went out with my friend Gordon.

    We ran into some friends on snowboards.I suggested an area good for going skiing.My friends had nicknamed it Death Valley because avalanches (雪崩) could possibly take place therebut it was known for fresh snow.As an experienced skierI was excited rather than concerned.

    To get fresh tracksI skied at the front when we were skiing.Suddenly I felt a rush of snow.I wasn't worried at the beginning because I thought one of the snowboarders had come down behind me and sprayed (飞溅) snow on me.But then the snow swept me up and I came to a stop face­down about one meter under the snow.I later found out it was an avalanche.It was terrible.I lied there unable to move.Nobody knew where I was or had any way of finding me.

    After about 15 minutesby pure chanceone of the boys hit the back of my leg.When they pulled me outI wasn't breathing.I was later taken by helicopter to the hospitalwhere they blasted hot air across my body to warm me up.After 36 hours in hospitalI flew home to England and within a week I was back in Ischgl to finish the ski season.I just couldn't quit.

    Looking backI was really lucky.I now carry avalanche safety equipment when I skiand I won't go out without checking the avalanche risk factor when the snow is heavy.Skiing is still my biggest passion (酷爱)but I don't take risks any more.It's not worth it.

    【语篇解读】 语篇类型是记叙文,主题语境是人与自我之个人生活。作者在滑雪时遭遇了雪崩,得救后他学会了不盲目冒险。

    4Why did the author choose that area to ski?

    AIt was his dream to ski there.

    BHis friend seemed to love that area.

    CThere was no other place for skiing.

    DHe wanted to ski in the fresh track there.

    D [细节理解题。根据第二段中的My friends had nicknamed it Death Valley...but it was known for fresh snow和第三段中的To get fresh tracksI skied at the front when we were skiing可知,作者想去那里滑雪是因为那儿的滑雪道新鲜没有划痕。]

    5How did the author probably feel when the avalanche happened?

    AConcerned.       BRelaxed.

    CScared. DExcited.

    B [推理判断题。根据第三段中的Suddenly I felt a rush of snow.I wasn't worried at the beginning because I thought one of the snowboarders had come down behind me and sprayed snow on me...I later found out it was an avalanche可知,当雪崩发生时,作者并未察觉,而仍旧镇定自若地滑雪。]

    6What lesson did the author learn from that experience?

    AHe should find a safer passion.

    BHe should listen to others' advice.

    CHe should never give up his dream.

    DHe should reduce risks while skiing.

    D [推理判断题。根据最后一段中的I now carry avalanche safety equipment when I skiand I won't go out without checking the avalanche risk factor when the snow is heavy可知,作者汲取了上次的教训,意识到滑雪时要降低风险。]

    7What would be the best title for the text?

    AMy experience of being buried alive in an avalanche

    BAn important lesson from my passion of skiing

    CMy most unforgettable experience in my life

    DA lucky day it Ischgl

    A [标题判断题。结合全文可知,文章讲述了作者在一次滑雪时遭遇雪崩,被活埋的经历。]


    Is your bedroom really hot? If it isit may be affecting your memoryand other thinking skills.New research shows that sleeping in a hot room can affect the thinking ability of even healthy young adults.This finding comes from Harvard University.Researchers there looked at 24 students beforeduring and after a heat wave for 12 days.Of the 24 studentsfour slept in rooms with air­conditioningalso called “AC” for short.And 20 slept in rooms without AC.

    Jose Guillermo led the study.He said they also used tools that recorded  physical activityincluding heart ratesweatand some sleep conditions.The researchers also noted how much water the students drank and how much time they spent outside.

    Basicallythey found great harm to the thinking ability of the study participants (参与者) in rooms without AC.During the heat wavestudents in buildings without AC performed on average 13 percent worse at the tests than those in cooler rooms. Specificallythe students who slept without AC during a heat wave were slower to respond and had difficulty making quick decisions.

    Daisy Chang (who was not part of this study) is a psychologist at Michigan State University.She says there could be other reasons for their poor performance.A lot of reasons could potentially explain this kind of exposure effect.It's not necessarily directly exposure to heat.The heat could have affected their sleep quality so they're less rested—they have less energyor mental resourcesor ability to focus.

    The rooms without AC had fans and open windows.Sothey were louder at night.This could have made sleeping difficult.On the other handairconditioned rooms can hold higher levels of carbon dioxide.This can also affect a person's ability to think.Howeverthe students slept better in a cooler room.

    【语篇解读】 语篇类型是说明文,主题语境是人与社会之科学发现。研究证明,人在闷热的房间睡觉会对思考能力产生消极影响。

    8According to the researchwhat is negatively affected if your bedroom is really hot?

    AHeart rate. BWater intake.

    CBlood pressure. DThinking ability.

    D [细节理解题。根据第一段及第三段首句可知,研究发现,人们在没有空调的闷热房间里思考能力会下降。]

    9Why does the author mention Daisy Chang?

    ATo show how the heat wave affects people.

    BTo explain where the finding can be applied.

    CTo indicate the finding needs to be further investigated.

    DTo explain the reasons for the effect of exposure to heat.

    C [推理判断题。根据第四段可知,Daisy Chang 认为造成这种结果的原因也许是多方面的,仅仅是由于炎热就造成思考能力下降未免有些绝对,由此可知该研究结果还需要进一步考证。]

    10What does the underlined word “they” refer to?

    AThe rooms without AC.

    BThe fans and open windows.

    CThe air conditioners themselves.

    DThe students in rooms without AC.

    A [代词指代题。根据语境可知,这里的they指代前一句的主语The rooms without AC,没有空调的房间晚上通常开着电扇和窗户,这样噪音更大,不利于睡眠。]

    11What can we learn about the study?

    AHot weather affects at­risk populations.

    BThe study itself was carelessly prepared.

    CIts finding is contradictory and confusing.

    DSleeping in hot rooms is bad for the brain.

    D [推理判断题。综合全文内容可知,不管其他科学家如何质疑炎热与思考能力之间的直接关系,在炎热环境中人类的思考能力确实降低了,这一点是公认的,所以D选项是正确的。]


    E­waste is growingand with that comes the need for effective electronics recycling programs.People are looking for information on TV recyclingcomputer recyclingand other programs that will help them responsibly get rid of unwanted equipment.

    With new cheap devices (设备)society has gained great benefits.Howeverthey have led to a rapidly growing issue of end­of­life (EOL)electronics or e­waste. According to one reportnearly 75 percent of old electronics continue to be stored at home because of the unavailability of convenient recycling programs.

    These EOL electronic devices include such items as old­fashioned computer equipmenttelevisions and mobile phones.Such items can often be recycledyet a large amount still finds its way to the landfill (垃圾填埋地)Recent recycling is unable to catch up with the rapid growth of e­waste.For examplefor 2009the US.EPA reported that only 8 percent of cell phones were recycled by weightalong with 17 percent of televisionsand 38 percent of computers.

    Electronics recycling is essential.Electronics are a rich source of raw materials.Internationallyonly 10­15 percent of the gold in e­waste is successfully recovered while the rest is lost.Howeverelectronic waste contains precious metal evaluated to be between 40 and 50 times richer than ores (矿石) from the earth. Additionallyold electronic devices contain poisonous substances.Proper processing is essential to ensure that these materials are not released into the environment.

    How can consumers recycle their old electronic devices? The best choice is to donate computer equipment that can be reused.Other recycling opportunities include electronics recycler locations or electronics recycling programs such as those offered by BestBuy.Alsoother programs are available to help us with the recycling of cell phonessuch as through Call2Recycle.

    【语篇解读】 语篇类型是说明文,主题语境是人与自然之环境保护。文章介绍了回收电子垃圾的重要性以及其回收渠道。

    12What caused the rapid increase of e­waste?

    AThe growth of new cheap devices.

    BThe poor storage conditions at home.

    CThe unavailability of recycling programs.

    DThe lack of related environmental policies.

    A [细节理解题。根据第二段的第一、二句可知,大量新颖又便宜的电子设备的出现导致了电子垃圾的迅速增长。]

    13What does the example in Paragraph 3 show?

    ACell phones are hard to recycle.

    BThe electronics recycling rate is still low.

    CEOL electronic devices include various items.

    DMany electronics can't find their way to the landfill.

    B [细节理解题。根据第三段中的Recent recycling is unable to catch up with the rapid growth of e­waste可知,作者举这个例子意在表明目前电子垃圾回收率很低。]

    14What is the author's purpose in writing Paragraph 4?

    ATo show how to recycle electronics effectively.

    BTo show why it is important to recycle electronics.

    CTo draw people's attention to electronics recycling.

    DTo ask more people to join in electronics recycling.

    B [推理判断题。第四段的第一句是本段的主题句,说明电子垃圾的回收利用很重要,下文解释说明了之所以重要的两个方面:电子垃圾含有贵金属,是一些原材料的丰富来源,此外电子垃圾含有有毒物质,处理不当会污染环境。由此可知,作者写这一段旨在说明电子垃圾的回收利用很重要。]

    15We know from the last paragraph that consumers ________.

    Aare more willing to donate their used equipment

    Bhelp Call2Recycle a lot in electronics recycling

    Chave a number of recycling opportunities

    Dhope to have more recycling programs

    C [细节理解题。根据最后一段中的The best choice...Other recycling opportunities...Alsoother programs...可知,消费者有很多回收电子垃圾的渠道。]



    Organizational skills are important to the success of any business.Some people are naturally organizedbut even if you aren'tyou can develop them.


    Make a list.Make a list of all the things you need to do for each day.__17__ An added benefit is that you can cross each item on your list one after another when you finish itwhich gives you a sense of achievement.

    __18__ You are more likely to get more things done if you start early.And in this wayyou can save more time to eat a good breakfast or to do some exercise.Starting early also means you avoid stress by having plenty of time to get to work and do anything else you need to do.

    Reduce interruptions (干扰)You may think it is impossiblebut you waste a lot of time dealing with interruptions in your work.__19__ Follow the schedule and avoid distractions (分心的事) as much as possible.Turn off your mobile phoneclose the door of your office and avoid useless meetings.

    Make the most of your prime time.__20__ Some people work better early in the morning while others work better in the evening.You should schedule all your most demanding work during this time.

    ABe an early bird.

    BPrepare in advance.

    COrganize your workplace.

    DThis is why it is important to make a schedule.

    EThe benefit of this is that you won't forget anything.

    FThere are some ways to improve your organizational skills.

    GEverybody has a certain time when they are most productive.

    【语篇解读】 语篇类型是说明文,主题语境是生活。本文介绍了提高组织能力的几种方法。

    16F [根据上文可知,组织能力对任何事情的成功都有着重要影响,有些人的组织能力是与生俱来的,有些人则不是,即便如此,组织能力也是可以培养的,因此F项提出培养组织能力的方法符合语境。]

    17E [根据空后An added benefit is that可知,本空指出了列出清单的一个好处,选项E符合逻辑。]

    18A [根据本段内容可知,本段主要讲早起的好处,因此A项作为本段主旨句符合语境。]

    19D [根据空后Follow the schedule可推断,该空针对我们常常把时间浪费在应付工作中的干扰这一现象,提出了解决办法——制定时间表。]

    20G [根据空后内容可知,有些人早上效率更高,而有些人晚上效率更高,是对G项每个人都有自己效率最高的黄金时间的进一步解释。]


    A 30­year­old woman becomes a hero for saving a stranger's life by donating (捐献) one of her kidneys () to him.

    At the beginning of 2018Jessica made a special new­year  __21__ —to save someone's life.In San Franciscowriter David had almost __22__  the hope of finding a kidney after  __23__  from kidney failure for seven yearsand was ready to face  __24__  at any time.But he decided to give it one more try and posted an advertisement online.__25__Jessica was looking for a way to keep her promise and __26__ him.

    Considering what David had been  __27__ for most of his lifeit's easy to understand his suspicion.His first kidney __28__ when he was only three months old and he __29__  27 operations (手术) throughout his life.And then his second one was failing.__30__when he heard of the donation from a(n)  __31__  strangerhe had to keep himself from getting too __32__.

    Even after they metDavid couldn't believe he would get another __33__ in life.But then he was told that Jessica was a  __34__  and was asked to schedule the operation.After two months of  __35__  preparationJessica and David went into operation together and she gave him one of her kidneys so that he could __36__ living.

    Now both of them are  __37__  from the operation.Although this kind of operation carries a __38__they both focus on the positive fact that the operation was __39__ and both have found a __40__ for life.

    【语篇解读】 语篇类型是记叙文,主题语境是生活。文章讲述了Jessica为绝望的作家David无偿捐肾的故事。

    21A.mistake Bprogram

    Cdecision Dsurvey

    C [根据下文Jessica was looking for a way to keep her promise可知,在2018年年初,Jessica做出了一个特别的新年决定:拯救别人的生命。]

    22A.expressed Bgiven up

    Cput forward Drealized

    B [根据下文after ____ from kidney failure for seven years可知,David患肾衰竭已经七年了,因此他对找到肾源已不抱什么希望了。]

    23A.learning Bescaping

    Cbenefiting Dsuffering

    D [参考上题解析。]

    24A.death Bdifficulty

    Cdanger Dchallenge

    A [联系上下文可知,经过七年的漫长等待,David对找到肾源已不抱什么希望了,也随时做好了面对死亡的准备。]

    25A.Luckily BGradually

    CNaturally DClearly

    A [根据下文Jessica was looking for a way to keep her promise可知,十分幸运的是,在David刊登广告之时,Jessica正有帮助别人的打算。]

    26A.rejected Bcontacted

    Cchanged Dconvinced

    B [根据第三段内容和第四段第一句可知,当Jessica看到了David寻找肾源的广告之后,她和David取得了联系。]

    27A.working on Blooking into

    Cgoing through Dsearching for

    C [根据下文for most of his lifeit's easy to understand his suspicion可知,在患肾衰竭的七年里,David经历了许多,因此对有人为他无偿捐肾将信将疑。]

    28A.mattered Bworked

    Cappeared Dfailed

    D [根据下文And then his second one was failing可知,David三个月大时,第一个肾的功能就在衰竭。]

    29A.had Brefused

    Cmissed Dperformed

    A [联系上文His first kidney ____ when he was only three months old 可推测,David前前后后共进行了27次手术。]

    30A.Meanwhile BHowever

    CTherefore DMoreover

    C [联系上下文可知,David的经历使得他对找到适配肾源将信将疑,空前和空后内容是因果关系。]

    31A.familiar Bunkind

    Cmale Dcomplete

    D [联系上下文可知,JessicaDavid完全不认识。]

    32A.excited Bworried

    Cdisappointed Dsurprised

    A [联系上文可知,经过七年的漫长等待,David对找到适配肾源已不抱多大希望了。因此,当得知有一位陌生人要为他捐肾时,他不敢让自己太过兴奋,以免再次失望。]

    33A.choice Bchance

    Cdream Dopinion

    B [直到见到了捐献者,David都不敢相信他还有机会活下去。]

    34A.problem Bcomfort

    Cmatch Ddeliverer

    C [根据下文was asked to schedule the operation可知,David最终被告知Jessica的肾适合他。]

    35A.secret Brough

    Cuseless Dcareful

    D [根据上文two months可知,手术足足精心准备了两个月。]

    36A.begin Bconsider

    Cstop Dcontinue

    D [根据上文she gave him one of her kidneys可知,Jessica把一个肾捐给了David,让他可以继续活下去。]

    37A.rebuilding Brecovering

    Creturning Dremoving

    B [根据下文the positive fact that the operation was ____可知,手术很成功,DavidJessica都在康复中。]

    38A.virus Bmessage

    Crisk Dreport

    C [根据Although可知,这类肾移植手术有一定的风险。]

    39A.successful Bhopeful

    Cmeaningful Dpeaceful

    A [根据the positive fact可知,他们的肾移植手术非常成功。]

    40A.student Bfriend

    Crelative Dteacher

    B [DavidJessica因此结缘,成为挚友。]



    A zoo in Beijing has been treating 41.________ ageing orangutan (猩猩) using traditional Chinese massage (按摩) in hopes of helping her stand again.The orangutan42.________(name)Pang Panghas been suffering from diseases related to old age such as weak legsresulting in great 43.________(difficult)in walking.

    Before the treatmentthe orangutan at Beijing Zoo could only crawl (爬行) on all fours to reach food.After a year of treatmentPang Pang has shown more skilled 44.________(movement) with her arms and legs and can sometimes stand up to eat againaccording to Beijing Youth Daily.Pang Pang can now move 45.________(fast) with her arms and legs than before.Sometimeszookeepers would also place food between 60cm and 90cm above ground 46.________(encourage) Pang Pang to stand up and exercise her legs.

    In the past we have always brought in advanced technology 47.________ foreign  countries said zookeeper Wang Zheng48.________  has cared for the animal for 15 years.Chinese medicine 49.________(be) a unique school of its own. 50.________(hopeful)we can spread the use of these treatments to other zoos overseas he added.

    【语篇解读】 语篇类型是记叙性说明文,主题语境是环境保护。本文介绍了北京的一所动物园使用传统中医疗法救助一只年迈的猩猩的故事。

    41an [此处填不定冠词表泛指;因ageing为元音音素开头,故填an]

    42named [此处过去分词作后置定语,nameThe orangutan是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用name的过去分词形式。]

    43difficulty [根据空前in可知,此处应用difficult的名词形式。]

    44movements [movement为可数名词,根据空前的more skilled可知此处用复数形式。]

    45faster [根据than before可知,这里用fast的比较级。]

    46to encourage [不定式短语在句中作目的状语。]

    47from [该句句意为:我们过去总是从国外引进先进技术。根据句意可知,此处填from]

    48who [who引导定语从句,并在从句中作主语。]

    49is [此处描述的是一般事实,故用一般现在时;因medicine为不可数名词,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。]

    50Hopefully [空白处所填词作状语,修饰后面的整个句子,故用hopeful的副词形式。]








    I used to feeling I was the sun in my family.But while my cousin was borneveryone pays more attention to her.So I disliked her and couldn't get along well with her.As time went onI realized what ridiculous I had been at that time.I tried to find a proper time to apologize.When my cousin's family came to my home a few day agoI took my cousin to play outside.

    In the way to the playgroundI had bought many snacks for her.Then we began to chat.When we talked about their childhoodsuddenlyI said “sorry” gentle.She was silentso I thought that she hadn't heard me clearly.But after while she saidDon't say that.In my memoryyou are always friendly.


    I used to  I was the sun in my family.But  my cousin was borneveryone  more attention to her.So I disliked her and couldn't get along well with her.As time went onI realized  ridiculous I had been at that time.I tried to find a proper time to apologize.When my cousin's family came to my home a few  agoI took my cousin to play outside.

     the way to the playgroundI  bought many snacks for her.Then we began to chat.When we talked about  childhoodsuddenlyI said “sorry” .She was silentso I thought that she hadn't heard me clearly.But after   while she saidDon't say that.In my memoryyou are always friendly.

    考查固定结构。过去常常觉得自己是家里的太阳。used to do过去常常做某事


    used to do sth.过去常常做某事(to为不定式符号)

    be used to(doing)sth.习惯于()某事(to为介词)

    be used to do sth.被用来做某事(to为不定式符号)




    考查名词的数。a few修饰可数名词复数,故要用days

    考查介词。on the way to...意为在去……的路上,是固定搭配。





    考查固定短语。after a while意为过了一会儿,是固定短语。





















    Dear Mr.Smith

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    Li Hua







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    (新)人教版高中英语必修第一册 阶段综合检测6(含解析): 这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第一册本册综合精练,共1页。

    (新)人教版高中英语必修第一册 阶段综合检测5(含解析): 这是一份英语必修 第一册本册综合巩固练习,共1页。

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