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    (新)人教版高中英语必修第一册 阶段综合检测2(含解析)
    (新)人教版高中英语必修第一册 阶段综合检测2(含解析)01
    (新)人教版高中英语必修第一册 阶段综合检测2(含解析)02
    (新)人教版高中英语必修第一册 阶段综合检测2(含解析)03
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    (新)人教版高中英语必修第一册 阶段综合检测2(含解析)

    这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第一册本册综合课后练习题,共1页。




    My dad died before my senior year of high school.When my dad diedI was thrown  into a mess.After the football season endedI stopped doing any kind of exercise and started eating my emotions.That was when my real weight gain began.Within two yearsI gained more than 150 pounds.

    But the older I gotthe more I began to notice there weren't a lot of close­to­500­pound guys who were successful businessmen and family men.I wanted that version (版本) of the American dream—businessmanhusbandand father—and I decided I couldn't have it unless I made some big changes.

    I started working out at the gym.It wasn't easybut I didn't give up.By the time I turned 20I had lost about 140 poundsand people had started to notice.I felt good.I started showing my arms at the gym.But it didn't last long—I found that although I still worked out every daymy weight was kept at 360 pounds.

    In the spring of 2017I joined a personal­training program.The program gave me an inside look at my food theories and helped me understand that there's more than one way to lose weight or reach a goal.The light bulb was really switched on when I realized I was an emotional eater.

    I'm still dealing with that.The key for me is knowing it existsand then knowing how to fight against it.But some daysI still found myself wanting a chocolate pie because I had a bad day.When I feel like eating that pieI have to ask myselfWhat is this arising from That allows me to stop and consider why I'm feeling poorly and understand the source of the craving (渴望) for that pie.

    After changing my dietmy weight started dropping again.So far I've lost 275 pounds in total.

    【语篇解读】 语篇类型是记叙文,主题语境是生活。父亲去世后,作者经常用食物来安抚自己的情绪,导致体重暴增。他后来是怎么减肥的呢?

    1What happened to the author after his father's death?

    AHe began to play football.

    BHe ate much more than before.

    CHe started hiding his emotions.

    DHe stopped going out with others.

    B [细节理解题。根据第一段中的After the football season endedI stopped doing any kind of exercise and started eating my emotions.That was when my real weight gain began可知,作者的父亲去世后,他吃得比以前多了很多。]

    2Why did the author want to lose weight at first?

    AHe was often laughed at by others.

    BHis family required him to do that.

    CHe feared his weight would hold him back.

    DHe was inspired by a successful businessman.

    C [细节理解题。根据第二段中的I wanted that version of the American dream—businessmanhusbandand father—and I decided I couldn't have it unless I made some big changes可知,作者决定减肥是因为担心自己的体重会影响梦想的实现。]

    3What did the author realize after losing about 140 pounds?

    AWorking out at the gym was hard.

    BWorkouts were no longer working.

    CPeople began to admire his body shape.

    DThe personal­training program suited him better.

    B [细节理解题。根据第三段中的But it didn't last long—I found that although I still worked out every daymy weight was kept at 360 pounds可知,作者意识到通过健身减肥已经没什么效果了。]

    4What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 5 refer to?

    AThe problem of weight gain.

    BThe problem of losing weight.

    CThe problem of being craving for food.

    DThe problem of being an emotional eater.

    D [指代判断题。根据第四段中的The light bulb was really switched on when I realized I was an emotional eater可知应选D项。]


    Each yearmillions of children around the world are unable to go to school.To draw attention to this widespread problemthe United Nations  (UN)  is putting education first.Recentlythe UN screened a documentary film called Back to School.The film is the second in a series of documentaries (纪录片) for the project Time for School.

    These films  follow  seven  children  from  seven different countries.This 12­year project began in 2003when  the  children  first  started  school.This  is something we could do to help the education crisis in the world  said  producer  and  writer  Judy  Katz.Documentary film­makers can get deeply involved in a problem and do something about it.

    More than 100 million children will never set foot in a school.Sixty percent of those children are girls.Cheryl Fayehead of the UN Girls Education Initiativespoke about the many factors that prevent girls from getting an education.One  problem is  the  long  distance many children must travel to get to school.Alsogirls in many cultures are traditionally expected to marry early and work to help their families.We need to make a special effort for girlsFaye said.

    As part of the UN's Millennium goalsthe organization wanted every single child to get at least an elementary education.

    Students from Lawrence Middle School in New York were deeply moved after they saw the film.The seventh­grade class is raising money to help build a library on the outskirts of NairobiKenyawhere Joaba child in the documentarylives.The class teacherKaren Weinerand the class are known in their school as the “Kenya crew”All the kids were really happy to support Joab and said they felt great about their fund­raising efforts.Like the seventh­graders at Lawrence Middle Schoolkids  can work  together to make  a difference in places like Nairobi.By raising money for educationkids can help children on the other side of the world have a chance of a betterhappier life.

    5What's  the  purpose  of  the  UN  screening  the documentary film Back to School?

    ATo raise awareness of the need for global education.

    BTo show the achievements which have been made in the past few years.

    CTo raise funds for global education.

    DTo encourage all the children to come back to school.

    A [细节理解题。根据第一段第二句可知:联合国放映纪录片《重返校园》的目的是唤起人们对全球教育的关注。]

    6Which of the following could not be the factor that prevents girls from getting an education?

    ALong distance from school.

    BBeing born weak.

    CHelping work for the family.

    DEarly marriage.

    B [细节理解题。根据短文第三段可知:路程远、帮助家里干活、早婚都是女孩不能上学的原因,而天生虚弱短文中没有提到。]

    7Why are the class teacherKaren Weinerand the class considered as “Kenya crew”

    ABecause they are trying their great efforts to raise money for the education of Kenya children.

    BBecause they are actors in the documentary film Back to School.

    CBecause they are mostly from Kenyawhere the child in the documentary lives.

    DBecause they all have the same experience as Joabthe Kenya child.

    A [推理判断题。第五段提到,他们在看完电影之后,就募集资金以帮助在Nairobi市郊建图书馆,因此他们被称作Kenya crew]

    8The last paragraph mainly discusses ________.

    AAmerican middle school students' desire to go to Kenya

    Bthe content of the documentary film Back to School

    Can example of being inspired to take action after seeing the film

    Dhow students from Lawrence Middle School raise money for their education

    C [主旨大意题。此段主要讲述的是Lawrence中学在看完电影之后所采取的行动,因此C项正确。]



    A week agomy family stayed several nights on the Oregon Coast.It was the day before we were to leave and drive homeand I was reading on the sofa.As I was finishing a paragraphI smelled smoke.It wasn't very strongbut it  felt out of placeso I looked around.

    Outside our kitchen windowI could see smoke blowing by in the swift  coastal wind.I ran to the front door.Standing thereI saw that the tall grass in the front yard was burning.I warned my family and hurriedlywe dashed off  and sought safety.

    Neighbours gathered around.Although some of them were also vacationingthey quickly sprang into action by aiming water at the base of  the flames.It was only a few minutes before the local fire department arrived.Soon the fire was put out and the fire department left.Thankfullythe fire left the house untouched.

    It was amazing to see how a community of complete strangers came together to make sure everyone was okay.Although no one was one hundred percent sure what caused the fireit was believed that it was caused by a friend of someone living in the house next to the one we were staying in at the time.Apparentlyhe had flicked (轻弹) cigarette ash into the bush earlier that same day.We were really lucky to come away without harm to the house or to ourselves.

    This weekthe smoke from forest fires in the Pacific Northwest has been thick.Many of these fires were caused by lightningbut the principle I'm reminded of is the same.Warm summer weather brings greater levels of fire danger.Please use fire carefully.

    【语篇解读】 语篇类型是记叙文,主题语境是生活。作者一家外出旅行时,租住的房子门口发生了火灾,邻居们虽然不熟但都纷纷伸手援助。

    9What did the author realize after observing at the front door?

    AHe should go to the front yard.

    BSomeone had set fire to the house.

    CHe should turn to his family for help.

    DTheir house was at risk of catching fire.

    D [细节理解题。根据第二段中的Standing thereI saw that the tall grass in the front yard was burning.I warned my family and hurriedlywe dashed off and sought safety可知,作者意识到他们的房子可能会着火。]

    10How did the neighbours respond when realizing the situation?

    AThey all ran away for safety.

    BThey instantly looked into the cause.

    CThey immediately took action to help.

    DThey made sure their houses were safe.

    C [细节理解题。根据第三段中的Neighbours gathered around...they quickly sprang into action by aiming water at the base of the flames可知,邻居们纷纷伸手援助。]

    11What probably caused the incident?


    BA forest fire.

    CCigarette smoking.

    DThe neighbour's carelessness.

    C [细节理解题。根据第四段中的Apparentlyhe had flicked cigarette ash into the bush earlier that same day可知C项正确。]

    12What can be concluded from the text?

    AWe should help to prevent forest fires.

    BWe should be careful when travelling.

    CWe should learn how to avoid lightning.

    DWe should be cautious about using fire.

    D [推理判断题。结合全文及最后一段中的Please use fire carefully可知,作者结合自己遭受火灾的经历,告诫我们用火要谨慎。]


    Team building games can be fun for teenagers.They can also be tools for strengthening the group.There are many levels of team building exercises.Let's look at some activities that can help you build a stronger team.

    Pass the Clap

    Pass the Clap works well as a beginning activity to help your group get to know each other.Have the participants stand in a circle.One person starts the clap and then turns to face the person next to him.As they are about to make eye contactthey clap together.That next person now has the clap and he has to pass it on.Continue to pass the clap around the circle.

    Blindfolded Birthday

    Blindfolded Birthday works well after people have become a little more familiar with each other.Everyone puts on a blindfold.Thenwithout talkingthey have to line up in order of birthdays.

    Two Truths and a Lie

    Two Truths and a Lie can be played anytime in the group's operations.Have the participants sit in a circle.Each person is supposed to tell two truths and a lie about themselves.The group has to guess which is the lie.

    Human Knot

    Human Knot is an activity best played after your group has gotten quite familiar with each otherbecause there can be a lot of touching going on.Everyone gathers in a circle.They put their right hands in the middle of the circle.They grab someone else's hand.Then the left hands go in the middle and they grab someone else's hand.The group is now knotted up.The object of Human Knot is to untie the group without letting go of any hands.

    13Pass the Clap is most helpful for ________.

    Astarting relationships

    Brebuilding relationships

    Cwelcoming close friends

    Dcelebrating some events

    A [推理判断题。根据Pass the Clap部分中的第一句可知,Pass the Clap是一个能够让你们团队彼此增进了解的初始化活动,由此可见Pass the Clap对开展人际关系最有帮助。故A项正确。]

    14When playing Human Knot________.

    Athe participants shouldn't see each other

    Beveryone should grab two people's hands

    Ceveryone should tell their birthday to others

    Dthe participants shouldn't have any body contact

    B [细节理解题。根据最后一段中的第四、五、六句可知,玩Human Knot的时候,每个人的左手和右手都要拉住别人的手。故选B项。]

    15Which game is suitable for both strangers and familiars?

    APass the Clap.

    BBlindfolded Birthday.

    CTwo Truths and a Lie.

    DHuman Knot.

    C [细节理解题。根据Two Truths and a Lie部分中的第一句可知,Two Truths and a Lie适用于团队关系的任何一个阶段,也就是陌生人和熟人都可以玩这个游戏。故选C项。]



    Everyone knows it's necessary to say “thank you” after receiving a gift or others' helpbut many people don't know how to thank people in a proper way.It's best to send a briefpersonal note.__16__

    Make it personal.Use simple note cards rather than write your name on an amusing card purchased at the gift shop.__17__  The receiver will appreciate your taking the time to express thanks.

    Get to the point right away.Thank­you cards should be short and sweet.Look at the following example“Thank you ever so much for the charming vase.I'm sure it will bring my house to life.” __18__

    For some receiversadd some news about your life.__19__  But if you receive a gift in the mail from people who see you infrequently and who would like to know more about what's going on in your lifewrite briefly about what you've been up to recently.

    __20__ Write and send it within one week after receiving the gift.Waiting too long to send a note tells the gift giver you really don't appreciate his/her generosity.

    AWrite the note as soon as possible.

    BThis isn't always suitable obviously.

    CHere are some tips on writing a thank­you note.

    DNever type a “thank you”write it by yourself.

    ESending a thank­you note through the mail shows effort.

    FThank­you notes aren't difficult to writeand they don't take much time.

    GAs you can readthe writer thanked the gift giver immediately and frankly.

    【语篇解读】 语篇类型是说明文,主题语境是生活。文章介绍了如何写感谢信。

    16C [空前提到感谢别人的方式是写感谢信,空后列举了写感谢信的方法可知,C项符合逻辑,引出下文。]

    17D [本段主旨为要让感谢信个性化、私人化。D不要输入谢谢——要亲自写与本段主旨吻合。]

    18G [本段主旨为要开门见山,直接说到点子上,以及根据空前的举例可知,G正如你所读到的,作者真诚直接地感谢送礼物的人符合语境。]

    19B [根据空后的转折可知,B显然这并不总是合适的符合逻辑,且This指代空前内容。]

    20A [本段主要讲了在收到礼物后尽快发送感谢信,不要等太长时间,A尽快写信与本段内容吻合,总领该段。]


    Years agowe celebrated our oldest son's first birthday by holding a super party.I spent months __21__cutting out handmade banners (横幅) and making all kinds of decorations.I kept __22__ my husband's work as he built a cardboard city background.And I would lose  __23__ of my emotions when it didn't progress exactly as I __24__.

    I didn't know exactly why I stuck to __25__  a party like thatbut I felt this unspoken  __26__.It was a feeling that my  __27__  as a mom and my love for my son were tied to how __28__  this party was.In factmy son was turning one year oldand he had no idea what was going on.__29__this clearly meant nothing to him.

    I tried to __30__  other people and maybe even prove something to myselfonly to find it made me  __31__.On his birthdayI put on a ton of makeup (化妆品) to __32__  my stress and smiled to our  __33__  even though I nearly broke down.It was the  __34__ party because of the memories attached to it! I ruined a __35__ memory for me as a mother and decided to make a __36__.

    Last weekendwe celebrated my other son Hudson's sixth birthday.He asked a Ninjago themeso a week before the partyI searched Amazon (a shopping website) and __37__ a banner and some basic party materials as he __38__.On that daywe ordered a big meal and used disposable (一次性的) plates to avoid hours of cleaning up.The party was __39__ but perfect.As Hudson went to bed that nighthe told me it was his best birthday ever.

    Parents'  __40__  for kids does not lie in the complexity of celebrating kids' birthday.

    【语篇解读】 语篇类型是记叙文,主题语境是生活。文章讲述了作者从给大儿子准备生日会的经历中吸取教训,不再盲目地追求完美,简简单单也是一种美。

    21A.waiting        Bstudying

    Cthinking Dpreparing

    D [根据下文的cutting out handmade banners and making all kinds of decorations可知,此处是指为儿子的生日会做准备。]

    22A.ignoring Bchecking

    Cfinding Ddoubting

    B [根据语境可知,时刻都在监督检查着丈夫的工作。]

    23A.sight Bcount

    Ccontrol Dtrack

    C [根据下文的描述可知,如果事情不像期望的那样进行,便会情绪失控。]

    24A.expected Bexplained

    Clearned Dpromised

    A [参考上题解析。]

    25A.ruining Bleaving

    Cattending Dorganizing

    D [根据上下文内容可知,此处是指组织生日会。]

    26A.fears Bconcern

    Cpressure Dquestions

    C [根据32空后的stress可知,此处是指说不出的压力。]

    27A.identity Bjob

    Cdream Dplan

    A [根据空后的as a mom可知,认为自己母亲的身份与生日会举办得多么成功密切相关。]

    28A.personal Bsuccessful

    Cfamiliar Ddifficult

    B [参考上题解析。]

    29A.However BBesides

    CAnyhow DTherefore

    D [根据空前的he had no idea what was going on可知,儿子才一岁,他对生日会举办得怎么样还没有概念,因此所做的一切对于儿子来说没有什么意义。]

    30A.persuade Bimpress

    Cinspire Dremind

    B [根据下文的prove something to myself 可知,辛苦准备完美的生日会不仅是为了证明自己,也是为了让生日会给他人留下深刻的印象。impress符合语境。]

    31A.exhausted Bannoyed

    Cexcited Dsurprised

    A [根据第33空后even though I nearly broke down可知,竭尽全力为儿子办生日会,结果却把自己搞得筋疲力尽。]

    32A.create Bexperience

    Cincrease Dhide

    D [根据空前的a ton of makeup可知,希望通过化妆来隐藏自己的压力与不安。]

    33A.neighbors Bguests

    Ccolleagues Dclassmates

    B [根据第31空后的On his birthday可知,此处是指宾客。]

    34A.best Bnewest

    Cworst Dbiggest

    C [根据第35空前的ruined以及下文的改变可知,此处是指这是最糟糕的一次生日会,毁掉了这个珍贵的回忆。]

    35A.valuable Bsad

    Cclear Dshort

    A [参考上题解析。]

    36A.mess Bdeal

    Cchange Djoke

    C [根据下文内容可知,决定做出一些改变。]

    37A.designed Bmade

    Cbought Dwanted

    C [根据空前searched Amazon可知,此处是指购买。]

    38A.asked Bdid

    Ctaught Dbehaved

    A [36空后的He asked a Ninjago theme 有提示。]

    39A.happy Bsimple

    Ccomplex Dboring

    B [根据该段对这次生日会的描述以及空后的转折可知,此处是指这次生日会很简单但是很完美。]

    40A.advice Bpraise

    Cpity Dlove

    D [根据两次生日会对比及第27空后的my love for my son可知,父母对孩子的爱不在于生日会的复杂程度。]



    Young people on the latest HIV drugs now have near­normal life expectancy (预期寿命) because of improvements in treatment.According to the studythose 41.________  start treatment early may end up  42.________ (achieve) a long and healthy life.

    The researchers said the success of HIV treatment was a result of newer drugs with fewer side 43.________ (effect)The new treatmentwhich has been widely recognized as one of 44.________  greatest public health success stories of the past 40 yearsinvolves a 45.______ (combine) of three or more drugs which block (阻碍) the normal progress of HIV.The researchers hope that their findings will make it easier for people with HIV  46.________(get) insurance and stay in employment.

    Jimmy Isaacs,28has been suffering 47.________ HIV for nearly three years.He  48.________(take) three drags once a day at 1800 and will continue to do so for the rest of his life.Thanks to the new treatmentI can look forward to a longer and 49.________ (healthy) life he said.

    But many people with HIV are still at risk.This is 50.________(particular) true in the developing world because of the limitations of the drugs.

    【语篇解读】 语篇类型是说明文,主题语境是社会。随着相关治疗水平的进步,现在接受最新艾滋病毒药物治疗的年轻人的预期寿命可接近正常人。

    41who [空白处所填词引导定语从句,修饰先行词those,并在从句中作主语。]

    42achieving [end up doing sth.意为以做某事结束]

    43effects [few修饰可数名词复数形式。]

    44the [形容词最高级前习惯多用定冠词。]

    45combination [a combination of 意为“……的混合或组合]

    46to get [此处为句型make itadj.for sb.to do sth.,其中it是形式宾语,真正宾语是后面不定式结构。]

    47from [suffer from意为遭受;患病]

    48takes [根据时间状语once a day at 1800表示经常性情况可知,用一般现在时。]

    49healthier [空白处所填词和空前的longer 是并列成分,故用healthy的比较级。]

    50particularly [空白处所填词在句中修饰true,故用其副词形式。]








    As far as we knowtime is not always enough all of us.So first of allwe need to arrange our time good.We'd better to make a long­term study plan.That is to saymake an one­month plan with more efforts to take up your weak subjects.And a short­term plan is equal necessaryif not more important.We have to make sure what we need to do each dayeach class or even each minute.At the same timeit's quite essential to keeping healthy.So take exercise for at least one hour and sleep for no less than seven hour a day.And don't forget to eat well.More fruit was always right for us.


    As far as we knowtime is not always enough   all of us.So first of allwe need to arrange our time .We'd better  make a long­term study plan.That is to saymake   one­month plan with more efforts to take up   weak subjects.And a short­term plan is   necessaryif not more important.We have to make sure what we need to do each dayeach class   even each minute.At the same timeit's quite essential to   healthy.So take exercise for at least one hour and sleep for no less than seven   a day.And don't forget to eat well.More fruit   always right for us.



    考查固定搭配。had better do sth.最好做某事,是固定搭配,故删掉to





    考查非谓语动词。根据句子结构可以判断出,it是形式主语,而真正的主语是不定式短语to keep healthy。故把keeping改为keep










    Dear Peter

    I'm writing to tell you something about the lecture held in our school._________












    Li Hua


    Dear Peter

    I'm writing to tell you something about the lecture held in our school.

    In order to raise our safety awarenessour school invited a fireman to give us a lecture on fire safety.It was held at our lecture hall at 3 pm last Wednesday.

    First of allsome videos about fire accidents were shown to tell the necessity and importance of fire prevention.Thenthe fireman told us how to react in case a fire occurs.Finallya Q&A session was arranged to answer the related questions and help us get a better understanding of fire safety.

    Thanks to the lectureI've learned how fast a fire can grow and what little time we may have to react.So destructive is a fire that each of us should be cautious in our daily life to prevent it from happening.


    Li Hua





    (新)人教版高中英语必修第一册 阶段综合检测6(含解析): 这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第一册本册综合精练,共1页。

    (新)人教版高中英语必修第一册 阶段综合检测5(含解析): 这是一份英语必修 第一册本册综合巩固练习,共1页。

    (新)人教版高中英语必修第一册 阶段综合检测7(含解析): 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第一册本册综合随堂练习题,共1页。

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