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    外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit 2 Onwards and upwards课时教学课件
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    外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit 2 Onwards and upwards课时教学课件01
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    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Onwards and upwards教学课件ppt

    这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Onwards and upwards教学课件ppt,文件包含Part1pptx、Part2pptx等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共120页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1.主题语境:人与自我——面对挫折,不轻言放弃的品质。2.语篇类型:散文。3.课文内容分析:课文介绍了失明的Helen Keller希望自己能拥有三天的光明,她想 用这三天的时间去观察世界,去看她想看的人和物。阅读本文,有利于启迪学生珍 惜自己拥有的一切,培养学生坚强乐观的人生态度,进一步提高学生的语言能力和 思维品质。
    Sight and sund
    Three Days t See
    in particular
    thrugh tuch
    the museums
    business f life
    1.Hw was it walk fr an hur thrugh the wds and see nthing wrthy f nte? (教材第20页) ……在林子里散步一小时之久,怎么可能没看到任何值得注意的东西呢? ◆wrthy f值得……的
    The article is wrthy f careful study.这篇文章值得仔细研究。The bk is wrthy f being read.这本书值得一读。
    单句语法填空①That film is well wrth     (see) anther time. ②Classical wrks are     (wrth) f being read again and again. ③It is wrthwhile      (read) the bk. 
    reading/t read
    2.The fllwing mrning,I shuld again greet the dawn,anxius t discver new delights,new revelatins f beauty.(教材第21页) 第三天清晨,我要再次迎接黎明,迫切地去探索更多愉悦,发现更多美好。 ◆dawn n.黎明;破晓;开端;曙光;萌芽 v.开始清楚;变得明朗
    They had risen at dawn.他们黎明时分就起床了。Peace marked a new dawn in the cuntry’s histry.和平使这个国家的历史翻开了新的一页。A new technlgical age had dawned.新技术时代已经开始。
    完成句子①我们黎明出发,傍晚到达了城镇。 We set ut       and arrived at the twn in the evening. ②他们从早到晚工作,终于完成了任务。 They wrked             and finished the task at last. ③我突然明白他们以前不可能见过面。 Suddenly it       me that they culdn’t have met befre. 
    frm dawn till dusk
    3.I felt embarrassed,even thugh n ne culd see me.(教材第23页) 我觉得很尴尬,尽管没人能看见我。 ◆embarrassed adj.难堪的,尴尬的
    He felt embarrassed at being the center f attentin.他因自己成为众人注目的中心而感到很尴尬。It is s embarrassing having t sing in public.非得在众人面前唱歌太令人难为情了。
    单句语法填空①T her      (embarrass),she has frgtten t d the cleaning. ②The manager gave an      (embarrass) smile when he was asked abut his jb. ③I was embarrassed       frgetting t buy her a birthday present. 
    1.Only when darkness had again descended upn me shuld I realize hw much I had left unseen.(教材第21页) 只有当黑暗再次降临时,我才意识到,我还有那么多没有看到。 ◆Only+状语+助动词/系动词/情态动词+主语+其他
    Only after the river was plluted did the villagers realize the imprtance f envirnmental prtectin.只有河水被污染后,村民们才意识到环境保护的重要性。Only then did he realize the imprtance f family.只有在那时他才意识到家人的重要性。
    完成句子①只有当莉莉走进办公室时,她才意识到她把合同忘在家里了。 Only when Lily walked int the ffice          that she had left the cntract at hme. ②他笑得那么疯狂,大厅里的每个人都转过身来看着他。 S madly         that everybdy in the hall turned arund t lk at him. ③他们不仅想要提高工资,还想要缩短工作时间。        they want a pay increase,but they als want reduced wrking hurs. 
    did she realize
    did he laugh
    2.Use yur eyes as if tmrrw yu wuld be stricken blind.(教材第21页) 要像明天即将失明一样去使用你的眼睛。 ◆as if好像
    I always read,using different vices,as thugh I were acting ut the stries with my vice and they lved it!(2020年全国Ⅱ卷,阅读理解D)我总是用不同的声音阅读,好像我在用我的声音表演故事,他们都喜欢!They cmpletely ignre these facts as if/thugh they never existed.他们完全忽略了这些事实,就仿佛它们不存在似的。He lks as if/thugh he had been hit by lightning.他看起来就像被闪电击中了似的。
    完成句子①He pretended t be calm              (好像什么也 没有发生). ②Yu can use my car             (只要你按时归还). ③The huse lked             (好像就要倒塌 似的). 
    as if/thugh nthing had happened
    nly if yu return it n time
    as if/thugh it was abut t fall dwn
    wuld teach him the jys f sund.(教材第20页) ……静默能教人享受声音的美妙。 ◆silence n.沉默;寂静
    If yu’re faced with an awkward silence at a dinner party,the nly thing that always gets everyne talking again is t give the hst a cmpliment(赞扬).(2021全国乙,七选五)如果你在晚宴上遭遇了尴尬的沉默,唯一能让大家再次交谈的方法就是赞美主人。Thse peple had dinner in ttal silence.那些人一声不吭地吃饭。
    单句语法填空①When an exam is ging n,there is      (silent) in the rm. ②T my surprise,she std there    silence. ③As the small bat mved gently alng the river he was left speechless by the muntains being      (silent) reflected in the water.(2020全国Ⅲ,语法填空) 
    2.Nw and then I have tested my seeing friends t discver what they see.(教材第20页) 我时常测试我那些看得见的朋友,想了解他们看到了什么。 ◆nw and then n.有时,偶尔
    This sectin f the rad is s narrw that there are bund t be traffic jams nw and then.这段路太窄,交通有时不免堵塞。Nw and then Larry and his wife g ut t dinner at a lcal restaurant.拉里和他妻子偶尔去当地的饭店吃饭。
    完成句子①There is a pwer failure        (有时) in this twn. ②We will save every penny        (从现在起). ③She left in 1984 and        (从那时起) he lived alne. 
    nw and then
    3.At midnight permanent night wuld clse in n me again.(教材第21页) 到了午夜,永夜将再次把我笼罩。 ◆clse in (夜幕)降临;(夜色)加浓
    They huddled arund the fire as the night clsed in.夜幕降临的时候,他们围在炉火旁。
    单句语法填空①Suddenly lneliness and darkness clsed    n me. ②We can’t shp in this market because it has been clsed   .[迁移训练]①S cld!Nw the temperature utside is clse    zer! ②I was grateful fr this pprtunity t        (接近) nature.(2020全国Ⅱ,书面表达) 
    Writing abut an experience
    1.文体类型:讲述一次经历,属于记叙文范畴,常用于记人、叙事、写景、状物,以写 人物的经历和事物的发展变化为主。2.要点内容:(1)在“黑暗餐厅”吃饭的经历;(2)体会到盲人生活中面对的挑战。
    交代时间的常用表达:ne day、the ther day、last week/mnth、a few days/weeks/mnths ag、when I ld、a lng time ag、at six ’clck in the mrning、at/n the weekend、by the end f last term、during the summer hlidays、n Sunday mrning...交代地点的常用表达:in ne’s ffice、n ne’s way t schl、n ne’s way hme、at the crssing、at the end f the street、at the ft f the muntain、at the airprt...常用句型:Last week,an exchange student t ur schl.Last weekend,ur schl invited a craftsman t teach rder t help him/her t knw mre abut Chinese culture,I prepared a series f activities.
    常用表达:then、suddenly、immediately、n 、、while、when、as、
    常用词汇:at last、finally、luckily/frtunately、t ne’s surprise、feel tired/delighted常用句型:Persnally,I think mst was this ,we learned smething that can’t be learned in class.He was very grateful fr/appreciative f what I had dne fr him,and said he was deeply impressed with Chinese culture.While wrking,I realized an unfrgettable experience!
    假设你是高一学生李华,你校于上周刚举办了秋季运动会,让你印象深刻。你想跟你的外国笔友Tm分享,请给他写一封信,告诉他运动会上让你难忘的一件事及其影响。 注意:写作词数应为80个左右。
    Yurs sincerely,Li Hua
    Ⅰ.对接单元词汇1.         n.速度  2.         n.经历  3.         adv.然而,不过 4.         摔倒 5.         好像 6.         终点线 
    the finish line
    Ⅱ.巧用单元句式、语法完成句子1.现在我愿与你分享我的一次有趣的经历。 Nw I’d like t     ne f my interesting experiences     yu.2.上周,我们学校举行了秋季运动会。 Last week,ur schl held              . 3.运动会很精彩。 The sprts meeting was      . 4.很多学生打破了纪录。 Many students           . 5.让这次运动会难忘的一件事是400米比赛。 One thing that made the meeting      was the 400 meters race.
    the autumn sprts meeting
    brke the recrds
    6.我的朋友参加了400米比赛。 My friend         the 400 meters race. 7.他在快速跑的时候摔倒了。 When he was running at a fast pace,he       . 8.但是他努力站起来继续跑,就好像什么都没发生一样。 Nevertheless,he           and       t run     . nthing had ever happened.9.当他冲过终点线时,所有观众都站起来为他的坚持不懈鼓掌。 When he crssed           ,all the audience std up and          . 10.从这次经历中,我认识到挑战的过程是更让人印象深刻的。 Frm this experience,I have realized the prcess f challenging is          . 
    struggled t stand up
    applauded fr his perseverance
    mre impressive
    1.先将第3句改为定语从句,并与第2句合并,再用because引导第4句作原因状语,来 说明原因。
    Last week,ur schl held the autumn sprts meeting,which was wnderful because many students brke the recrds.
    2.以400 meters race为先行词将第6句改写成定语从句,并与第5句合并。
    One thing that made the meeting unfrgettable was the 400 meters race,which my friend tk part in.
    Dear Tm,I’m glad t hear frm yu.Nw I’d like t share ne f my interesting experiences with yu.Last week,ur schl held the autumn sprts meeting,which was wnderful because many students brke the recrds.One thing that made the meeting unfrgettable was the 400 meters race,which my friend tk part in.When he was running at a fast pace,he fell dwn.Nevertheless,he struggled t stand up as if nthing had ever happened and cntinued t run.When he crssed the finish line,all the audience std up and applauded fr his perseverance.Frm this experience,I have realized the prcess f challenging is mre impressive.I’m lking frward t yur reply.Yurs sincerely,Li Hua
    假设上周你参观体验了残疾人照料中心(Care Center fr the Disabled),请根据下列要点提示写一篇短文。 1.坐轮椅,体验残疾人行动的困难; 2.戴耳塞(earplug),学手语,体验聋哑人的生活; 3.体会到残疾人生活的困难,要关爱他们。 注意:写作词数应为80个左右。
    One pssible versin: Last week we paid a visit t the Care Center fr the Disabled and experienced the life f peple with disabilities. Firstly,we were tld t sit in wheelchairs.I fund it really hard t mve and cntrl the wheelchair.Sme f us even fell ver.Next we were given earplugs t put them int ur ears and were nt allwed t pen ur muths,making cmmunicatin difficult.One nurse taught us sign language,which were very difficult fr us t learn. Life is really hard fr the disabled and it is ur bligatin t take care f them.
    Ⅰ.语境填词1.We have been very      (appreciate) f their supprt. 2.Lack f traffic is ne f the      (bless) f cuntry life. 3.The bk became a success,with 1 millin cpies      (translate) int ver 70 different languages. 4.I appreciate her      (infrm) me the news. 5.The vernight strke left his right side      (permanent) ’s      (gentle) impressed all f us.  
    7.I felt a little      (embarrass) speaking befre s many peple. 8.The bk is well wrth reading and it is really      (wrth) f buying fr yu. 9.It tk her a      (merely) 20 minutes t get t the ffice frm hme. 10.We had a      (delight) time talking abut the ld days n his farm. 
    Ⅱ.单句情境写作1.They depend n the gdwill f visitrs t      (捡起) rubbish. 2.I accidentally         (撞倒) my clleague’s glasses. 3.He        (当之无愧) the title f natinal her. 4.I             (不胜感激) if yu pay in cash. 5.She talks abut Rme     (好像) she had been there herself. 
    wuld appreciate it
    Ⅰ.阅读 Devn Gallagher,a cllege graduate frm Philadelphia,wants the wrld t knw exactly where she’s been during her wrldwide vacatin in a special way. The traveller,wh was brn with a bne disease,had her right leg amputated(截肢) at the age f fur.Althugh the amputatin caused setbacks fr Gallagher early n,she nw sees it as nthing shrt f inspiratin fr living her best life. T spread that message,Gallagher has turned t scial media,where she shares phts f her travels acrss the glbe,but instead f simply using a getag (地理标签),she writes her lcatin acrss her artificial leg befre taking a picture.
    Nw she has been taking pictures acrss the Cntinent,which shw her cycling ver the canal in Amsterdam,relaxing n a wall verlking the city f Barcelna,psing with a waffle in Brussels,taking spectacular pictures in Athens and enjying a river cruise in Budapest,all with the well-knwn lcatins written n her artificial leg. “I get a new leg every tw years and I can chse the design n it.One day I had a sudden thught t get a chalkbard,” Gallagher said.“My mum and grandmther weren’t t keen n the idea,but my friends thught it was great and tld me t g fr it,s I did.”
    Gallagher said peple ften stared when she was writing n her leg.But nce she shared the phts,she received nly psitive feedback.“My leg hasn’t stpped me frm ding anything I’ve wanted t d,” she said.“I dn’t knw if it’s my determinatin t prve t myself that I can d it,but regardless,I’ve been able t keep up with my peers and lead a pretty great life.” Gallagher shws us that yu shuld never let anything stand in the way f yur dreams.And if life gives yu an artificial leg,make art.
    语篇导读:本文是一篇记叙文。Devn Gallagher因患骨科疾病在四岁时右腿被截肢,但是这并没有影响她对梦想的追求。她到世界各地旅行,将自己的旅行情况写在假肢上并拍照片发到社交媒体。她的故事告诉人们:不要让任何东西阻碍你追求梦想。阅读本文,有利于鼓励学生勇敢地追求梦想。
    1.What message did Gallagher want t spread in her special way? A.She enjys her travelling acrss the glbe. B.She suffers little frm her leg amputatin. C.She lks n her misfrtune as anther frm f blessing. D.She has exactly fallen in lve with psting phts nline.
    1.C 细节理解题。考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第二段的第二句可知,虽然截肢在早期给Gallagher带来了挫折,但她现在认为这是对她过最好的生活的激励;并结合第三段内容可知,她想要传达的信息是她要将自己的不幸看作是另一种形式的幸运,故C项正确。
    2.What des the underlined wrd “which” in Paragraph 4 refer t? A.The Cntinent. B.The pictures. C.The leg. D.The lcatins.
    2.B 猜测词义题。考查学生在具体语境中推测词汇意义的能力。根据第四段的第一句可知,现在,她正在欧洲大陆各地拍摄照片,照片展示了她在不同的地方旅行的场景。分析该句结构可知,该句为非限制性定语从句,先行词为pictures,which指代先行词,在从句中作主语,故B项正确。
    3.Gallagher can best be described as    .  A.helpful and ambitius B.friendly and generus C.determined and creative D.independent and sensible
    3.C 推理判断题。考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。通读全文可知,Devn Gallagher因患骨科疾病在四岁时右腿被截肢,但是这并没有影响她对梦想的追求;她到世界各地旅行,将自己的旅行情况写在假肢上并拍照片发到社交媒体。据此可推知,Devn Gallagher既有毅力又有创造力,故C项正确。
    4.Which f the fllwing might be the best title fr the text? A.Never T Late t Share B.A Special Artificial Leg C.An Outstanding Phtgrapher D.Gallagher’s Summer Hlidays
    4.B 标题归纳题。考查学生理解和概括归纳文章标题的能力。根据文章尾句并结合全文其他内容可知,文章主要讲述了Devn Gallagher虽然被截肢,但是这并没有影响她对梦想的追求,她到世界各地旅行,将自己的旅行情况写在假肢上并拍照发到社交媒体。故B项最适合作为文章标题。
    Ⅱ.完形填空 Sitting at a table in my schl cafeteria,I lked arund,slwly taking in everything.Fr the first time in my life,I  1  that I had been seeing withut really seeing fr the past tw years.  Student after student passed my  2  carrying that day’s lunch,but if yu lked deeper,there was mre t  3 .There was mre than just the unifrm they were wearing,r the way they had styled their  4  that day.There was a lt mre hidden under the surface.  Catching the eye f a girl in my grade sitting at a nearby table,I  5 . plitely.She smiled weakly and then cntinued t pick at the spaghetti in frnt f her.If I hadn’t  6  recently that her mther was dying f leukemia,I wuld have never  7  anything was wrng and I may nt have been as  8  and sympathetic,either.It suddenly hit me that we judge thers t quickly withut knwing the whle stry.I realized that everyne may have smething  9  they are facing in their lives. 
    I have an incurable lung disease.N ne at ur schl knws—I dn’t shw any nticeable  10  except fr a few cughs here and there.I g abut my day like any ther kid,but with the realizatin that I have a 11  and terrifying future.  Befre that day when I decided t 12  the wrld with a new perspective,I pitied myself almst every day.I nly thught abut myself and my heavy  13 .But I’ve nw realized that I am nt the nly ne  14 :everyne has their wn muntain t face.N ne is  15 —we just need t accept the way we are. 
    B.realized C.pretended B.rm C.table B.imagine C.cmpare D.exchange
    1.B 根据上文“I lked arund,slwly taking in everything.Fr the first time in my life”和最后一段中的“But I’ve nw realized that”的叙述可推知,作者意识到(realized)了些什么,故选B。2.C 根据第一段的“Sitting at a table in my schl cafeteria”可知,此处指的是学生们路过作者所坐的餐桌(table),故选C。3.A 根据上文的“but if yu lked deeper”可知,此处表示作者认为有更多有待观察(bserve)的东西。故选A。
    B.clthing C.bicycleB.mved C.wavedB.nticed C.heardD.decided
    4.D 根据上文的“the unifrm they were wearing,r the way they had styled their”可推知,此处表示学生们的发型(hair),故选D。5.C 根据下文的“She smiled”可推知,作者跟一个女孩打了招呼(waved),对方以微笑回应。故选C。6.C 根据文意可推知,作者听说(heard)了这个女孩家里的不幸。故选C。
    B.remembered C.predictedB.willing C.demandingB.valuable C.cmmnD.tugh
    7.A 根据文意可推知,作者本不会觉得(suspected)有什么不正常的。8.D 根据下文的“sympathetic”可推知,作者对对方的遭遇表示理解(understanding)和同情,故选D。9.D 根据语境可推知,每个人都可能会面临困境(tugh)。故选D。
    B.diseases C.cmplaintsB.dark C.realB.create C.viewD.tlerate
    10.A 根据上文“I have an incurable lung disease.”及下文的“except fr a few cughs”可推知,此处指的是一些不为人注意的症状(symptms)。11.B 根据下文的“terrifying”可推知,此处表示因为难以治愈的疾病,作者的前途变得黑暗(dark),故选B。12.C 根据上文的“lked arund”和“lked deeper”可推知,作者一直在观察生活,而在那天之后作者以一种新角度看待(view)世界,故选C。
    B.reward C.burdenB.favred C.laughingB.perfect C.uniqueD.different
    13.C 根据上文叙述及句中的“heavy”可推知,不可治愈的病是作者沉重的负担(burden),故选C。14.D 根据下文的“everyne has their wn muntain t face”可推知,人们都有要经历的苦难(suffering),故选D。15.B 根据语境可推知,每个人都不完美(perfect),我们只是需要接受自己原本的样子,故选B。
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