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    北师大版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Lesson 1 Teachers教课内容课件ppt

    这是一份北师大版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Lesson 1 Teachers教课内容课件ppt,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了课前自主预习,¤重点单词,¤重点词块,add up to ,used to ,set off ,set up ,make sure ,¤重点句式,¤课文预读等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1.加起来;总和是________________2.不知道________________3.过去常常________________4.划燃火柴________________5.引爆________________6.作演示________________7.一双; 一对________________
    have n idea 
    light a match 
    give a presentatin 
    make friends with 
    have access t 
    1.(P8)Smetimes I think, if nly I ________ ________ him and ask fr his pinin!有时我想,要是我能给他打电话问问他的意见该多好啊!2.(P9)Oh, lk, I ________ ________ ________ him!瞧,我曾经教过他!【答案】1.culd call 2.used t teach
    一、判断正误(  )1.Graham used t be interested in his lessn frm the first day at schl.(  )2.The teacher asked Graham t set ff the rcket ne day in his lessn.(  )3.Graham used t be a difficult student, wh was slw t learn.【答案】1-3 FFF
    (  )4.Jenkins had strange ways f making his lessns lively and interesting.(  )5.Mr Jenkins always cmplains abut his jb at hme.【答案】4-5 TF
    二、阅读理解(  )1.Which f the fllwing is TRUE abut Graham?A.He didn’t d well in science.B.He wasn’t interested in his lessns.C.He didn’t respect his teachers.D.He didn’t get n well with his classmates.【答案】A
    (  )2.Why des Graham mentin the event f building the rcket?A.T shw the teacher’s interest in science.B.T infrm us f the authr’s imaginatin.C.T shw hw the teacher simplified difficult lessns.D.T tell us his great interest in science.【答案】C
    (  )3.Graham didn’t learn science well at schl prbably because ________.A.he didn’t have interest in scienceB.he wasn’t cnfident abut himselfC.he was ften late fr schlD.he didn’t wrk hard enugh 【答案】B
    (  )4.Frm this text, we can see that ________.A.Mr Jenkins didn’t think well f his studentsB.bth Mr Jenkins and his wife were teachersC.Jenkins didn’t behave very well at schlD.Mr Jenkins was prud f his student Graham【答案】D
    (  )5.What des Mr Jenkins think f his jb?A.Stressful and rewarding.B.Difficult and trublesme.C.Humble and prly paid.D.Easy and cmfrtable. 【答案】A
    1.fr the first time第一次(P8) But when I was 15 and went int Mr Jenkins’ class, I really became interested in a subject fr the first time.【翻译】但当我15岁进入詹金斯老师的课堂时,我第一次真正地对一个科目产生了兴趣。
    【语言提升】fr the first time意为“第一次”,是一个介词短语,在句中作状语,修饰句中的谓语动词。在本句中,它修饰谓语“became interested in a subject”。the first time“第一次”。用作连词,用来引导时间状语从句。each/every time“每次……的时候”,引导时间状语从句next time“下次……时”,引导状语从句
    any time任何时候last time上次by the time到……为止I felt bad the first time I talked t a grup.我第一次给旅行团作讲解时,心里觉得很不好受。The first time I interviewed him, he was reading in the rm.我第一次去采访他时,他正在房间看书。
    【易混辨析】fr the first time是介词短语,在句中作状语,修饰谓语动词。the first time是名词短语,可用作连词,引导状语从句。
    【语境助记】He became interested in the yung teacher’s lessn the first time he attended his class. He was s excited in class fr the first time. 他第一次上这位年轻老师的课时就很感兴趣。他第一次上课这么兴奋。
    【针对练习】完成句子(1)______________________(每次他来看我的时候), he will buy sme gifts fr me.【答案】Each/Every time he cmes t see me(2)Bring yur child __________________________(下次来北京的时候).【答案】next time yu cme t Beijing
    (3)Yu can start wrking ______________________(在你喜欢的任何时候).【答案】any time yu like(4)Yu left behind yur mbile phne here ______________________(上次你来我家的时候).【答案】the last time yu came t my hme
    (5)He passed his driving test _________________________ (他第一次尝试的时候).【答案】the first time he tried
    2.lack vt.缺乏Paraphrase: t nt have any r enugh f sth. yu need r want(P8) The prblem was that I lacked cnfidence in myself. 【翻译】问题是我对自己缺乏信心。
    【语言提升】(1)lack v.缺乏;缺少(作不及物动词时常接fr或in)lack (fr) sth.缺少某物(不可用于被动语态,多用于否定句中)lack cmmn sense/curage缺乏常识/勇气lack fr nthing应有尽有
    (2)lack n.没有,不足,缺乏。这时,常用于如下搭配:(a) lack f… 缺乏……fr/thrugh lack f… 因……的缺乏There is n lack f… 并不缺少……
    If yu lack faith, pretend t have it. 如果你缺乏信仰,那么就假装拥有它。There was n lack f vlunteers.志愿者不乏其人。The trip was cancelled thrugh lack f interest.因为缺乏兴趣这次旅行被取消了。
    【词汇拓展】lacking adj.缺乏的,不足的,没有的be lacking in… 缺乏……
    【易混辨析】lack是普通用词,指完全没有或部分缺少,既可指具体事物,也可指抽象概念,如智力、知识、勇气等。shrtage指“短缺”,是就需要量而言。Fr lack f mney, we had t give up the chance.因为缺钱,我们最后只好放弃这次机会。
    Our main difficulty in the quake-hit area is a shrtage f fd and medicine.在震区,我们主要的困难就是缺少食品和药品。
    【针对练习】完成句子(1)If yu ________ ________, yu can’t d the wrk well.如果你缺少信心,你是不可能把这项工作做好的。【答案】lack cnfidence(2)Despite his ________ ________ ________, he gt the jb.尽管缺乏经验,他还是得到了那份工作。【答案】lack f experience
    (3)He said there was ________ ________ ________ things fr them t talk abut.他说他们不缺话题谈。 【答案】n lack f
    3.a cuple f一双,一对(P9) I’ve read a cuple f Graham’s bks and seen him n TV. 【翻译】我读过几本格雷厄姆的书,还在电视上见过他。
    【语言提升】(1) cuple n.(一对)夫妻cuple的基本意思是“一对,一双”,指在一起或互有关系的两个人或物,但并不一定是同样的,其关系可分可合,是可数名词,常与f连用。cuple作“夫妻”解是可数名词,其谓语动词可用单数,也可用复数形式。
    They are a nice cuple.他们是很美满的一对。The cuple wrk(s) hard t achieve their happiness.那对夫妇努力工作,追求他们的幸福。
    (2)a cuple f 一些;几个;三两个a cuple f 后面接可数名词的复数形式。接复数名词作主语时,谓语动词侧重整体用单数形式,如侧重个体时则用复数形式。Next dr t us there’s a cuple frm the USA.我们隔壁住着来自美国的一对夫妇。Dave, the pianist, played it ver a cuple f times.钢琴家戴夫将这支曲子反复弹了两三遍。
    【易混辨析】a pair f与a cuple fa pair f 主要用来表示那些成双成对的物品。a pair f shes一双鞋子a pair f scks一双袜子a cuple f 则可以表示数量不多的某些物品。
    There are a cuple f scks in the drawer, but they dn’t make a pair.抽屉里有几只袜子,但它们配不成对。
    【针对练习】完成句子(1)________________(这对老夫妇) are highly thught f by their neighburs.【答案】The ld cuple(2)There are ________________(三两个学生) n the playgrund.【答案】a cuple f students
    (3)Mther bught __________________________________ (一条新裤子) fr her daughter.【答案】a pair f new trusers
    4.access n.进入;接触的机会Paraphrase: t get t and enter a place(P9) The thing abut being a teacher is that yu have access t children’s minds when they are pen and eager t learn.【翻译】做教师意味着,你有机会在孩子们敞开心扉,渴望学习的时候,走进他们的心灵。
    【语言提升】have/get/btain/gain access t…拥有……的机会;可以接近;进入give access t准许进入(接近)The nly access t the twn is acrss the bridge.那座桥是通往镇上的唯一的通道。He gave me free access t his library.他给了我自由进入图书馆的权利。
    accessible adj.可接近的;可进入的;可使用的be accessible t…可接近的;可靠近的;可使用的(短语的主语是表示人的词语)The citizens are accessible t the library fr free. 本市公民可以免费使用图书馆。
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)I am sure many peple will praise yur cinema if yu design it with gd access ________ disabled peple.(2)The access ________ success is t make gd use f the access t educatin.(3)Frank put the medicine in the tp drawer t make sure it wuld nt be ________(access) t the kids.【答案】(1)t (2)t (3)accessible
    5.wrthwhile adj.值得做的,有价值的Paraphrase: if sth.is wrthwhile, it is wrth the time, mney, r effrt that yu spend n it(P9) If what I d as a teacher can help turn a child like Graham int such a successful adult,then I knw what I’m ding is wrthwhile.
    【语言提升】wrthwhile “值得花时间(或花钱、努力等)的”,可作定语、宾语补足语或表语,常用于be wrthwhile ding/t d sth. 结构。如:He cnsiders what he des wrthwhile. 他认为他所做的事情是值得的。
    It is wrthwhile taking/t take the truble t explain a jb fully t new emplyees.不厌其烦地给新员工详细解释一下工作是值得的。Guilin is a beautiful place. It’s wrthwhile ging/t g there.桂林是个美丽的地方,值得去那里看看。
    【词汇拓展】(1)wrth adj.值……钱的; 值得……的be well wrth ding非常值得做be wrth the mney/an effrt/a try值得花钱/努力/一试
    (2)wrthy adj.值得……的,有价值的,高尚的
    Liu Hulan was a wrthy daughter f the Party.刘胡兰是党的好女儿。His suggestin is wrthy f cnsideratin/f being cnsidered.=His suggestin is wrthy t be cnsidered.他的建议值得考虑。
    【温馨提示】wrth后面接动名词时,要用主动形式表示被动意义。如果要加强语气,wrth的前面习惯加上well修饰。This bk is well wrth reading. 这本书很值得一读。Whatever is wrth ding at all is wrth ding well.任何一件值得做的事都应该把它做好。
    【针对练习】翻译句子(1)I dn’t think this car is ____________________________ (值这笔钱).【答案】wrthy f this sum f mney/wrth this sum f mney
    (2)I think this prblem is ____________________________ (值得我们关注).【答案】wrthy f ur attentin(3)This prblem is ________________(值得讨论).【答案】wrthy f being discussed/t be discussed/wrth discussing/wrthwhile t be discussed
    1.(P8) Smetimes I think,if nly I culd call him and ask fr his pinin!【翻译】有时我想:要是我能给他打电话问问他的意见该多好啊!【句式剖析】本句中的if nly意为“要是……该多好啊”。它常用来表示说话者与客观事实相反的假设,或无法实现的希望。
    【句式提升】(1)表示目前或将来较难实现的愿望时,谓语动词用一般过去时。If nly they were here nw!要是他们现在在这里多好啊!If nly I knew his phne number!要是我知道他的电话号码该多好啊!
    (2)表示与过去事实相反的假设时,谓语动词要用过去完成时。If nly I hadn’t tld her the bad news!要是我没有把那条坏消息告诉她该多好啊!If nly I had attended the meeting yesterday!要是昨天我参加了会议该多好啊!
    (3)注意区别nly if。nly if意为“只有当……的时候”,它引导一个陈述句,表示条件。I will help yu nly if yu are in truble. 只有当你有麻烦的时候,我才会帮助你。
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)If nly I ________(can) fly t the mn ne day!(2)If nly we ________(will) never grw ld.(3)If nly I ________(see) her ff at the statin yesterday,but I was t busy.(4)Yu can cme t see me nly if yu ________(finish) all f yur wrk.【答案】(1)culd (2)wuld (3)had seen (4)have finished
    2.(P9) I always say t my wife,“Oh lk, I used t teach him!”【翻译】我总是和我妻子说,“瞧,我曾经教过他!”【句式剖析】used t d sth.意为“过去常常做某事”。
    【句式提升】(1)be used fr ding sth.被用来做某事The pt can be used fr cking.这个罐子可以用来做饭。(2)be used as sth.被用作某物This stick was used as a pen, and I can write n the grund with it. 这根木棍可以用作笔,我可以用它在地上写字。
    (3)used t d sth.过去常常(做某事);过去曾经(做过某事)Peple used t believe that the earth was flat. 人们曾认为地球是平的。(4)be used t d sth.被用来做某事 Wd is still used t prvide fuel fr us.木头仍旧用来为我们提供燃料。
    (5)be/get used t sth./ding sth.习惯做某事,适应某事(这时的t是一个介词,其后只能接名词或动名词作宾语)I am nt used t getting up early.我不习惯早起。
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)Data cllected frm the device culd be used ________(recgnize) different participants based n hw they typed, with very lw errr rates.(2)He used ________(tell) me that readers were leaders, and encuraged me t read all I culd.【答案】(1)t recgnize (2)t tell 
    (3)The behavirs vary s much that they used ________(classify) as different disrders.(4)This stne is s sharp that it can be used fr ________(cut) the tree branch.(5)This big bucket (木桶) can be used ________ a trap t catch the rats and mice in the huse.(6)Nw many students in ur class have been used t ________(speak) English in class.【答案】(3)t be classified (4)cutting (5)as (6)speaking
    【答案】1.attitudes 3.bring 4.interest 
    【答案】2.Reasns 5.interesting 6.cnfident 
    【答案】7.impressin 8.difficult 9.belief 10.accessible
    二、课文语法填空Graham is nw a famus science writer, but he used t be a difficult student at schl befre he was fifteen years ld. He didn’t d well in mst f his 1.________(lessn) befre Mr Jenkins arrived at the schl. After Mr Jenkins arrived, he really tk 2.________interest in his subjects fr the first time. 【答案】1.lessns 2.an 
    In the past, science was nthing 3.________strange wrds t him. He knew little abut it. And he didn’t want t knw it, 4.________. Hwever, Mr Jenkins was able t make everything s interesting in class, 5.________ really drew Graham’s attentin! One day, Mr Jenkins tk the students ut 6.________(make) a rcket. Graham was asked t pur sme fuel int the rcket. Anther student 7.________(light) a match t set the rcket ff. T prmte his cnfidence, the teacher als asked him t give a 8.________(present) t the whle class. 【答案】3.but 4.either 5.which 6.t make 7.lit 8.presentatin 
    Thugh Graham was nt willing t learn, he was nt a dull by. The prblem with Graham was that he wasn’t cnfident abut 9.________(he). It was Mr Jenkins 10.________ made the by realize that he had his wn strengths. 【答案】9.himself 10.that/wh
    三、读后续写根据My Student的短文内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一个完整的短文。One day, Mr Jenkins happened t meet his frmer student Graham in the street.______________________________________ ______________________________________________________When Mr Jenkins arrived hme, his wife still saw that his face lit up with great pleasure._________________________________ ______________________________________________________
    【答案】One pssible versin:One_day,_Mr_Jenkins_happened_t_meet_his_frmer_student_Graham_in_the_street. The mment Graham saw his teacher, he walked up hurriedly and tk Mr Jenkins in his arms. They bth held each ther tightly, remaining silent fr quite a while befre they finally yelled the same wrds, “Nice t see yu!” Full f excitement, Graham invited his teacher t a nearby cffee bar. Over a cup f cffee, Graham talked abut his great achievements in the past few years. He thanked his teacher again and again fr his teaching when he was still a difficult student at schl.
    When_Mr_Jenkins_arrived_hme,_his_wife_still_saw_that_his_face_lit_up_with_great_pleasure. “Why are yu s happy tday?” his wife asked Mr Jenkins as sn as he walked int the huse. “Yu can never imagine wh I have met this mrning. We haven’t seen each ther since he left schl.” At that mment, it ccurred t Mrs Jenkins that her husband must have met Graham, the student wh her husband is mst prud f. They ften talk abut this students when they are free. Fr a teacher, nthing can be mre valuable than their students with great achievements.
    □观察领悟【例句观察】1.Jane had_just_left when yu rang. 2.Had they returned hme when yu arrived?3.We realized we had_lst ur way. 4.After he had_finished his wrk, he helped his mther with sme husewrk.5.If yu had_listened carefully in class yesterday, yu wuld have dne yur exercise well.
    二、过去完成时的用法1.表示较早的过去:表示较早的过去,即某一时刻之前已完成的动作或状态:After we had landed, the plane was searched thrughly.我们降落后,飞机被彻底搜查了一遍。When she heard that her father had died in the accident, she burst ut crying.当她听说她父亲在那次事故中丧生时便大哭起来。
    2.用于间接引语:过去完成时的作用有时完全相当于现在完成时的过去形式,在间接引语中多有这种情况:Helen said (that) she had mved t anther flat.海伦说她已搬到另一间公寓去了。He said he had been there befre.他说他以前去过那里。
    3.用于宾语从句: 过去完成时表示一个过去的动作先于另一个过去动作的用法,多见于宾语从句。一般来说,主句中用了knw(知道),realize(意识到),think(认为),suppse(猜想),guess(推测),find(找到),discver(发现),decide(决定),remember(记起),frget(忘记)等动词的一般过去时,如果宾语从句中的动作先于主句的动作,通常用过去完成时:We realized we had lst ur wallet.我们意识到我们的钱包丢了。
    I didn’t think t ask her if she had passed her examinatin.我没有想问她是否考试及格了。
    4.强调过去动作的完成I began cllecting stamps in February and by Nvember I had cllected mre than 2,000.我从2月份开始集邮,到11月已收集到2000多枚。By six ’clck they had wrked fr 8 hurs.到6点钟他们已经工作了8小时。(可能还没结束)
    5.用于虚拟语气(1)过去完成时的这一用法,常见于以if nly,wuld that等引导的感叹句:If nly we had listened t their advice!我们要是听了他们的意见就好了!If nly yu had wrked with greater care!你要是更仔细一些该多好!
    Wuld that we had seen her befre she died.要是在她去世之前我们能见她一面该有多好。
    (2)过去完成时的这一用法还见于构成虚拟语气的条件从句和I wish…(我希望……),I’d rather…(我宁愿……)后的that从句:I’d rather yu hadn’t been present.我宁愿你当时不在场。If I had asked fr directins,I wuldn’t have gtten lst.如果我问一下路,我就不会迷失方向了。
    6.表示过去未曾实现的希望、打算和意图:过去完成时表示过去未曾实现的希望、打算或意图,只适用于下列动词:expect(期待),hpe(希望),intend(打算),mean(打算),suppse(料想),think(认为),want(想要)等:We had hped that yu wuld be able t visit us.我们原本希望你会来拜访我们。
    I had meant t take a gd hliday this year,but I was nt able t leave.我本打算今年好好去度假,只是脱不开身。
    7.与过去完成时连用的时间状语可以是already(已经),yet(仍然),still(还),just(刚刚),hardly…when(刚……就),scarcely…befre(刚……就),ever(曾经),never(从来没有)等,也可以是by(不迟于),befre(在……之前),until(直到),as sn as(一……就)等引导的词组或从句:When I came back at midnight she still hadn’t finished it.我半夜回来时,她还没有做完。
    The game had hardly/scarcely/barely begun when it started raining.比赛刚刚开始就下起雨来。By Tuesday he hadn’t dne it.到星期二他还没有做完。
    □追踪练习一、单句语法填空1.Jhn, a friend f mine, wh gt married last week, spent $3,000 mre than he ________(plan) fr the wedding. 2.I was giving a talk t a large grup f peple, the same talk I ________(give) t half a dzen ther grups. 【答案】1.had planned 2.had given 
    3.Father ________(leave) fr Lndn n business upn my arrival, s I didn’t see him. 4.She ________(change) her hairstyle in her hmetwn befre she came t Chngqing fr a better jb.5.He ________(hpe) t spend the imprtant day with us last Sunday, but he was t busy then.【答案】3.had left 4.had changed 5.had hped 
    6.When the ld man started t walk back t his huse, the sun ________(hide) itself behind the muntain already. 7.Sales f CDs have greatly increased since the early 1990s, when peple ________(begin) t enjy the advantages f this new technlgy. 8.—Oh, is that yu, Bb?—Err…yes. Ah, yu’re Mary. Srry I ________ (nt recgnize) yu. We haven’t seen each ther fr ten years, have we?【答案】6.had hidden 7.began 8.didn’t recgnize
    二、句型转换1.I had sld the ticket when she came.(改为否定句)【答案】I hadn’t sld the ticket when she came.2.She had sung a sng t us befre she danced.(改为否定句)【答案】She hadn’t sung a sng t us befre she danced.
    3.They began t climbed the muntain after they had bught all the fd and drink.(改为否定句)【答案】They didn’t begin t climb the muntain after they had bught all the fd and drink.4.By 10:00 a.m., I had been very hungry. (改为一般疑问句)【答案】Had yu been hungry by 10:00 a.m.?
    5.Lucy had already cmpleted the prject when I arrived.(改为一般疑问句)【答案】Had Lucy cmpleted the prject yet when yu arrived?
    一、单词拼写1.As we knw, water cntains h________ and xygen, which it easy t burn.2.Just then we saw a(an)________(火箭) saring int the sky.3.It rained s hard this mrning that it just came ________(倾倒) dwn.【答案】1.hydrgen 2.rcket 3.puring 
    4.Slar energy is much better than traditinal f________ like cal and gas.5.That girl bviusly __________(缺乏) cnfidence in herself and is rather timid.6.Each class will give a ________(演出) during the art festival f ur schl.【答案】4.fuel 5.lacks 6.presentatin 
    7.The father is nt satisfied with his sn’s rude ________(行为) in the public places.8.Just nw I saw a cat ________(拖拉) a big bne at the back dr.【答案】7.behavir/behaviur 8.dragging 
    9.Mst students in ur schl have ________(进入) t universities r clleges after graduatin.10.It is truly __________(值得) ding the scientific research with the prfessr.【答案】9.access 10.wrthwhile
    二、单句语法填空1.His uncle has never returned t his hmetwn ________________________________ he graduated frm cllege.2.What I am afraid f is ________ my daughter will fail in the entrance examinatin.3.When I talked with freigners ________ the first time, I felt a bit nervus.【答案】1.since 2.that 3.fr 
    4.Mike has been used t ________(eat) Chinese fd after he has been in China fr three mnths.5.It seems that the by has much cnfidence ________ himself.6.If nly I ________(see) the wnderful film last Saturday!7.The by was caught ________(cheat) in the examinatin and was punished by his father.【答案】4.eating 5.in 6.had seen 7.cheating 
    8.Li Ming jumps ________(far) f all the students in his class.9.Everybdy in ur city are ________(access) t ur city library n weekends. 10.In the end, Li Lei admitted that he ________(make) a flish mistake.【答案】8.farthest 9.accessible 10.had made
    三、完成句子1.I ________ ________ ________ what happened last night.我不知道昨天晚上发生了什么事情。【答案】have n idea2.________ ________ ________ ________ a chance t fly t the mn.要是我有机会飞上月球就好了!【答案】If nly I had
    3.My grandfather ________ ________ ________ in this cmpany.我祖父曾经在这家公司工作过。【答案】used t wrk4.It is ________ ________ ________ with this ld man.同这位老人交流是非常值得的。【答案】wrthwhile t cmmunicate

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    北师大版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Lesson 2 War on Plastic Packets授课ppt课件: 这是一份北师大版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Lesson 2 War on Plastic Packets授课ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了课前自主预习,¤重点单词,¤重点词块,pick up ,make sure ,end up ,so that ,put out ,¤重点句式,课堂新知讲练等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语北师大版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Lesson 1 The Sixth Extinction备课ppt课件: 这是一份高中英语北师大版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Lesson 1 The Sixth Extinction备课ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了课前自主预习,¤重点单词,¤重点词块,以的速度比例 ,基于 ,产卵下蛋 ,高危处境非常危险 ,彻底毁灭 ,死于 ,高达 等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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