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    高中英语北师大版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Lesson 1 Teachers课文内容课件ppt

    这是一份高中英语北师大版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Lesson 1 Teachers课文内容课件ppt,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了 Changes等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Teachers are the engineers f human sul, and teaching is an hnrable ccupatin!Teachers ften play an imprtant part in ur lives. A gd teacher is smene wh helps us becme a gd human being first and later n, a gd citizen.
    7 Histrical Teachers Wh Changed The Wrld Fr The Better!
    Sir Isaac Newtn艾萨克·牛顿
    Sir Isaac Newtn was a famus teacher, mathematician(数学家), and physicist wh established the thery f gravity. He applied his theries f the Law f Mtin and gravity t explain the mtin f the Sun and planets. He was the first t discver that white light is made up f a spectrum光谱 f clurs.
    Pythagras was a philspher(哲学家), mathematician, and teacher whse theries are still taught in schls tday. Knwn fr his Pythagras therem f right-angled triangles毕达哥拉斯定理(勾股定理), he is knwn as the “father f numbers” and als invented the relatinship between math and music. In Crtn, he established a secret sciety where the peple fllwed a structured life.
    Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan萨瓦帕利·拉达克里希南
    The man whse birthday, 5th September, is celebrated as Teacher’s Day in India every year was the first Vice President and the secnd President f India. He defended Hinduism印度教 frm “uninfrmed Western criticism” and cntributed t the frmatin f cntemprary(当代的) Hindu identity.
    Albert Einstein阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦
    Albert Einstein, a theretical physicist, authr and a teacher was knwn fr his cntributins t the field f general and special relativity. He was als knwn fr his mass-energy equatin(‘物理’质能方程式) which was dubbed被称为 as the “mst famus equatin” that gave birth t the atm bmb.
    He was a famus Greek philspher and scientist and is cnsidered as “Father f Western Philsphy”. He funded his wn schl in Athens (雅典) where he spent mst f his life teaching and writing. His passin fr nature, lgic (逻辑;逻辑学), and reasns led him t make cntributins which are reflected in mdern math, physics, bilgy, plitics and mre.
    Jhn Adams约翰·亚当斯
    Jhn Adams was the secnd president f the United States. He became a teacher in Wrcester (伍斯特) and then fr a year he decided t study law. After becming a lawyer, he assisted in the drafting 起草f the Cnstitutin and the Declaratin f Independence (宪法和独立宣言).
    The first wman teacher in India, a leading scial refrmer f her time, she is knwn fr her cntributin in the field f educatin and als standing fr wmen’s rights during the British rule in India. She built 18 schls and encuraged wmen educatin. She als wrked twards preventing female infanticide, the killing f widws, and all the causes that undermined the existence f wmen. She was the nly wman leader f the 19th century and transfrmed many lives due t her revlutinary wrk.
    Savitribai Phule
    Wh was yur favrite teacher at primary and junir high schl?2. What makes a gd teacher? What makes a bad teacher?
    Grup Discussin
    3. Hw d yu understand “It takes ten years t grw trees but a hundred years t rear peple. (十年树木,百年树人。)?
    Zhang Guimei is a teacher fighting fr girls’ educatin in China. She funded a high schl ffering free educatin t girls in Huaping, a cunty in Yunnan. While she taught at Huaping Minzu Middle Schl, many girls drpped ut f schl. Zhang Guimei knew the children’s parents were pr and didn’t realize the imprtance f educatin. Zhang realized she shuld imprve the educatin level f the lcal girls. That made her fund a senir high schl fr girls fr free... I think she is a gd teacher becuse she supprted her students t g t universities.
    Pair Wrk. Talk abut the qualities that yu think gd teachers have. Use the phrases belw t help yu.
    t be patientt be creativet understand studentst make friends with studentst make students feel cnfidentt explain things with practical examples and in simple language
    Suggested Answers:I think gd teachers shuld be patient.I think gd teachers shuld understand and supprt their students. I think that gd teachers shuld explain things with practical examples and in simple
    Lk at the phts f the tw writers: Graham and Mr Jenkins. Can yu guess the relatinship between the tw persns?
    Read the tw texts fr the first time. Answer the questins.
    1. What is the relatinship between Graham and Mr Jenkins?Graham was nce Mr Jenkins’ student. 2. What are they mainly abut? They talk abut the memries that they have f each ther.3. Why were they written?The texts were written because the student and the teacher remembered hw they influenced each ther.
    Read “My Teacher”. Cmplete the infrmatin.
    What changes?
    I haven't seen Mr Jenkins since I left schl, but I ften think abut him. I wasn't very gd at mst schl subjects befre I met Mr Jenkins. I suppse I was a bit lazy, especially in maths. The nly thing I can remember frm schl maths is that the angles f a triangle add up t 180 degrees! But when I was 15 and went int Mr Jenkins' class, I really became interested in a subject fr the first time. Befre Mr Jenkins taught me, science had simply been a subject full f strange wrds t me. I had n idea what hydrgen was, and I didn't really want t knw, either! I fund it all s bring and difficult. But Mr Jenkins made everything interesting. He used t explain things which seemed difficult with lts f practical examples and in simple language. One day, he tk us utside, and we built a rcket! I remember that he let me pur sme fuel int the rcket, and then anther student lit a match t set it ff. It was great fun. I knw that I wasn't a willing student, but I wasn't slw t learn new things. The prblem was that I lacked cnfidence in myself. Mr Jenkins made me feel that I had my wn strengths. I was interested in the study f the stars and planets and he asked me t give a presentatin t the class. That was really the first time I tried t explain science t an audience and nw it's my jb! Often when I'm preparing a prgramme, I think abut hw Mr Jenkins wuld have dne it. Smetimes I think, if nly I culd call him and ask fr his pinin!
    Graham was nt very gd at mst schl subjects.He was a bit lazy.He fund science bring and difficult.He wasn’t a willing student.He lacked cnfidence.
    He fund his strengths and built cnfidence.He was interested in the study f the stars and planets.He gave a presentatin t the class.
    What Graham was like befre he went t Mr Jenkins’ class.
    What Graham was like after he went t Mr Jenkins’ class.
    What changed Graham?
    nt very gd at mst schl subjects.
    interested in the study
    Mr Jenkins’ teaching
    Answer the questin:
    He made everything interesting.
    He explained things with lts f practical examples and in simple language.
    He tk students utside, and they built a rcket.
    My Student
    I've read a cuple f Graham's bks and seen him n TV. I always say t my wife, "Oh lk, I used t teach him!" I remember Graham was very difficult befre he came int my class. I had heard stries abut his bad behaviur. Once I caught him and his friends seeing wh culd jump the farthest ff the schl stage! But when he gt interested, he changed. The first day he walked int my class, he was dragging his schlbag behind him and lking bred, but as sn as I set up an experiment t shw hw the human stmach wrks using acid and an nin, he gave me his full attentin. He lved science! He was very bright and he had dne very well in science subjects. Hwever, I have nt dne as well with all my students as I have with Graham. I think it's imprtant t understand that there's n such thing as a gd r a bad student. Lk at Graham! Everyne is gd at smething and it's imprtant t find ut what that is fr each student. We teachers shuld have mre time t make friends with all ur students and really understand them. Then we culd make sure that we fund the path t success, bth at schl and in later life, fr all f them. I knew I had chsen a jb with a lt f stress but I lve what I d. The thing abut being a teacher is that yu have access t children's minds when they are pen and eager t learn. If what I d as a teacher can help turn a child like Graham int such a successful adult, then I knw what I'm ding is wrthwhile. As Jhn Dewey, the famus educatinalist, said, "Educatin is nt preparatin fr life; educatin is life itself."
    Read “My Student”. Answer the questins.
    1.What was Mr Jenkins’ impressin f Graham befre they met?
    What was Mr Jenkins’ impressin f Graham after they met?
    Read “My Student”. Answer the questins.
    1. What is Mr Jenkins’ attitude twards students?
    2. What are Mr Jenkins’ beliefs in teaching?
    There’s n such thing as a gd r a bad student.
    The thing abut being a teacher is that yu have access t children’s minds when they are pen and eager t learn.
    Imagine yu are the head teacher f Overtn Schl. Prepare a presentatin t tell Graham’s and Mr Jenkins’ stries. Use the diagram t help yu.
    His attitude and feelings abut schl subjects befre 15
    His attitude and feelings after 15
    Reasns fr the changes
    His impressin f Graham
    His attitude twards students
    His belief in teaching
    Suggested Answers: Graham Lawrence was nt very gd at mst schl subjects. He was a bit lazy. Science was a subject full f strange wrds t him. He didn’t want t knw what hydrgen was. He fund science bring and difficult. He lacked cnfidence. When he was 15 and he went int Mr Jenkins’ class, he really became interested in a subject fr the first time. Mr Jenkins had heard stries abut Graham’s bad behaviur but he believed there was n such a thing as a gd r a bad student and tried t make lessns interesting. He helped Graham realise that he had his wn strengths.
    Grup Wrk. Think and share.
    1. Cnfucius, China's great educatr said : “In teaching there shuld be n distinctin f classes.” Hw did he d? Mr Jenkins said: “’s imprtant t understand that there’s n such thing as a gd r a bad student.” Hw did he d? Cmpare the tw educatinal principles and find the similarities between their teaching ideas.
    Cnfucius funded the first private schl in Chinese histry. He was the teacher f 3000 disciples amng whm 72 were Sages. He said: “In teaching there shuld be n distinctin f classes.” He held that all men were educable, because by nature men were quite alike, and they were made different by learning and practice.
    Mr Jenkins did well with Graham. Thugh he had knwn Graham was very difficult, he made everything interesting in his teaching t attract his attentin by setting up experiments. He sla explained difficult things with practical examples and in simple language.
    2. What made Graham a successful persn? Find evidence frm the texts t supprt yur pinin.
    Mr Jenkins helped Graham find his interest and strength, e.g. Mr Jenkins set up an experiment t attract his attentin in the first class. He give Graham chances t presenr his interest and bsted his cnfidence. Graham was bright.
    3. What made Mr Jenkins a gd teacher? Write dwn ne r tw f his qualities and give yur reasns.
    Mr Jenkins is patient and he understands students. He was gd with difficult students like Graham and he knew hw t help them by explaining things with practical examples and in simple language. He helped students feel cnfident. He is a gd teacher because he cares abut his students and wants them all t d well.
    Think f a teacher in yur life wh, like Mr Jenkins, helped his / her students t learn. What qualities des he/ she have? Tell his / her stry t yur partner.
    I have many gd teachers, but my favurite teacher is Mr Li. He is a very gd teacher. He is very yung, but his English is very gd. She teaches us English every day. Her class has s much fun.He sings sngs with us and plays games with us...
    1.humur n.幽默感;幽默;诙谐;脾气;情绪has a similar persnality/the same sense f humur with me和我有相似的性格/相同的幽默感【归纳拓展】(1)a sense f humur 幽默感in a gd/bad humur 心情好/坏ut f humur 心情不好(2)humrus adj.幽默的;滑稽的
    Language Pints
    单句填空(1)Dad is always in      gd humur fr gardening.  完成句子(2)我心情不大好。I was a little ______ _______ ____________. (3)他很有幽默感。He has _____ _________ _________ ______ ___________. 
    ut f humur 
    a gd sense f humur
    2.ccasinally adv.偶尔;偶然It’s gd that we take sme time ccasinally t remember sme f the psitive things in life,dn’t yu agree?我们偶尔花些时间来记住生活中一些积极的事情,这很好,你同意吗?【归纳拓展】(1)ccasin n.场合;时机n ccasin 有时,偶尔if the ccasin arises (=if the ccasin shuld arise)必要的时候n ne ccasin 曾经,有一次n several ccasins 屡次,好几次take/seize the ccasin t d 抓住时机做……,乘机做……(2)ccasinal adj.偶尔的
    【词语辨析】ccasin,situatin,cnditin与case(1)ccasin指特定的“时机,场合”;situatin往往指“情况,形势”;cnditin指某时某处事情发展、存在的状况、状态或条件;case常指事物的特定情况、事情的真相和始末,如“病例,案件”等。(2)ccasin后面的定语从句多由when或n which引导;situatin,case后面的定语从句多由where或in which引导。
    单句填空(1)Dn’t wrry.There is n harm in yur staying up late ________________    (ccasin). (2)Occasins are quite rare      I have the time t spend a day with my kids. (3)A gd many cases are mentined in the bk      gd cmmunicatin skills cntribute t ne’s chances f success. (4)It’s helpful t put children in a situatin       they can see themselves differently. 
    (5)他抓住机会邀请她到家里吃晚饭。He ____________ ________ __________ ______ ________her hme fr dinner. (6)有时他去伦敦过周末。______ _____________he went t Lndn t spend the weekend. 
    seized/tk the ccasin t invite 
    On ccasin
    3.add up t 合计达,总计达The nly thing I can remember frm schl maths is that the angles f a triangle add up t 180 degrees!我唯一还记得的数学课内容是三角形的内角和是180度。【归纳拓展】add t 使增强,使增加,使扩大add up 把……加起来,相加; 合乎情理,有道理把……加到……里add that...补充说……
    单句填空(1)He wrte dwn the weight f each stne and then added    all the weight.  完成句子(2)这栋楼房已经经历过多次扩建。The building_______ _________ _________ _____time after time. (3)她在牛奶里加了糖。She      sugar      her milk. 
    has been added t 
    (4)如果我们把这些费用加起来,总数超过了500英镑。If we      these expenses     ,the ttal cmes t ver £500. (5)这次旅行的费用总计达5 000元。The travelling cst f this time ________ ________ ________5,000 yuan. (6)我想补充一句,我们对结果感到满意。I ________ _______ ________ ________ that we are pleased with the result. 
    added up t 
    wuld like t add
    4.fr the first time 初次,第一次But when I was 15 and went int Mr Jenkins’ class,I really became interested in a subject fr the first time.但当我15岁进入詹金斯先生的课堂时,我第一次真正对一门学科产生了兴趣。
    in time 迟早;最后;及时n time 准时all the time 一直,始终at ne time 曾经,一度at a time 每次,逐一frm time t time 有时,偶尔in n time 立刻,马上at times 有时
    用time的相关短语填空(1)If yu keep n,yu’ll succeed        . (2)        ,half the land n the earth’s surface was cvered by the frest. (3)          ,I failed in an English exam,thugh English had been my favurite. 
    At ne time 
    Fr the first time 
    他第二次在物理考试中得满分。→(4)                that he       full marks in the physics exam. →(5)It is the secnd time      him      full marks in the physics exam. →(6)He has gt full marks in the physics exam           . 
    It/This/That is the secnd time 
    fr the secnd time
    5.used t 过去经常,曾经【教材原句】He used t explain things which seemed difficult with lts f practical examples and in simple language.他过去常常用大量的实例和简单的语言来解释那些看似困难的事情。【归纳拓展】be/get/becme used t 习惯于……be/get accustmed t 习惯于be used t d sth 被用来做某事be used as...被用作……
    【词语辨析】used t,be/get/becme used t,be/get accustmed t,be used t d sth(1)used t“过去常常”,指的是过去的习惯性动作,目的在于与现在形成对照。其中t是不定式符号,后面跟动词原形。(2)be/get/becme used t“习惯于”,t是介词,后跟名词、代词或动词-ing形式作宾语。be used t表示状态,而get/becme used t则表示由“不习惯”到“习惯于”的过程,意思是“(变得)习惯于,开始习惯于”。(3)be/get accustmed t也可表示“习惯于”,其中t是介词,后接名词、代词或动词-ing形式等作宾语。(4)be used t d sth“被用来做某事”,实际上是动词use的被动语态,t是不定式符号。
    单句填空(1)Sme peple are really nt used t      (use) credit cards.  完成句子(2)他过去常常在网上玩游戏,但是现在他已经戒掉了这个习惯,全身心地投入到学习中去了。 He _______ _______ __________games n the Internet,but nw he has given up the addictin and put his heart int studies. (3)我已经变得习惯于在喧闹而刺激的房间里工作。I’ve                  wrking in the rm f nise and excitement. 
    used t play 
    gt/becme used t 
    6.practical adj.实际的;实践的;切实可行的【教材原句】He used t explain things which seemed difficult with lts f practical examples and in simple language.他过去常常用大量的实例和简单的语言来解释看似困难的事情。【归纳拓展】(1)fr (all) practical purpses 实际上,事实上(2)practise v.练习,训练practice v.练习,训练n.练习,习惯,惯例;实践practise/practice ding sth 练习做某事(3)impractical adj.不切实际的;不实用的
    单句填空(1)The sale was suppsed t last fr a week,but     all practical purpses it’s ver. (2)T be a gd ftball player,yu need t practise       (play) ftball every day. (3)It’s     cmmn practice t exchange gifts with friends and relatives at Christmas. (4)Many peple spke highly f the plan at the meeting,but persnally,I dn’t think it is f much        (practice) use. 
    完成句子(5)理论是以实践为基础的,反过来又为实践服务。 Thery is based n practice and _____ ________ __________ ___________. (6)摆脱过时且不实用的陈旧的传统观念对我们来说是重要的。It is imprtant fr us t break away frm the ld traditinal ideas which are ut f date _______ _______________. 
    in turn serves practice 
    and impractical
    7.pur v.灌,注,倒;倾泻;不断流动;蜂拥而来I remember that he let me pur sme fuel int the rcket,and then anther student lit a match t set it ff.我记得他让我往火箭里倒了一些燃料,然后另一个学生划着了一根火柴把它点燃。【归纳拓展】pur dwn 向下倾注;流下pur in 大量地涌进来;倒入,使涌入pur int 投入(倒)……于某物;不断地或大量地流进或涌进pur ut 倒出;倾诉;倾吐
    8.lack v.缺乏,不足 n.缺乏;无The prblem was that I lacked cnfidence in myself.问题是我对自己缺乏信心。【归纳拓展】lack f sth缺乏某物lack fr sth 需要某物lack fr nthing 一无所缺be lacking in 缺乏(品质、特点等)fr lack f 因缺乏have n lack f 不缺乏be shrt f 缺少
    单句填空(1)Later,he wrked in Africa,where many peple suffered frm blindness      lack f prper treatment.  完成句子(2)我们没有力气继续前行,于是就躺在地上睡一会儿。 As we      the strength t g any farther,we lay n the grund t have a sleep. (3)缺少雨水导致了严重的粮食短缺。_____ ________ ______ _________led t the serius lack f fd. 
    The lack f rain 
    (4)工程因资金匮乏只得被放弃。The prject had t be given up ______ ________ _______mney. (5)这姑娘好像完全没有勇气跟老板说不。The girl seems t be entirely _____________________ curage t say n t the bss. (6)毕业后他申请了一份又一份工作,但都因为缺乏经验而被拒绝。He applied fr jb after jb after graduatin,but was always rejected ______ ________ ________ previus experience. 
    fr lack f
    shrt f/lacking in 
    fr lack f
    9.drag v.拖,拉 n.拖;拉;累赘;阻力The first day he walked int my class,he was dragging his schlbag behind him and lking bred,but as sn as I set up an experiment t shw hw the human stmach wrks using acid and an nin,he gave me his full attentin.第一天,他走进我的课堂,身后拖着书包,看起来很厌烦。但是,当我开始做一个实验,利用酸和洋葱来展示人类的胃是如何工作的时候,他就全神贯注地听我讲了。
    drag sb dwn 使某人沮丧;使某人地位下降drag in 插入讨论中drag n 拖延drag ne’s feet 拖着脚走,迟缓误事,拖拉,不合作drag ut 使拖延,延长drag up 把……拉扯大;重新提起;翻……的旧账
    单句填空(1)Let’s nt drag      the discussin—we need t reach a decisin.  完成句子(2)看起来那像是个会拖延多年的大烂摊子。 That seems like a hrrible mess that will _______ _______ ______ _______. (3)用鼠标拖动图片,将其调整为新的尺寸。Use yur muse t ______ _______ ___________ ______their new size. 
    drag n fr years 
    drag the pictures t
    10.access n.进入;接触的机会,通道 v.进入The thing abut being a teacher is that yu have access t children’s minds when they are pen and eager t learn.作为一名教师,你可以在孩子们敞开心扉、渴望学习时了解他们的思想。【归纳拓展】(1)access t 进入……的通道give access t接见; 准许进入have/gain/get/btain access t...有/获得……方法(2)accessible adj.可接近的;可进入的;可使用的be accessible t sb 某人可接近/可进入/可使用
    单句填空(1)The nly access      the building is acrss the rad.  完成句子(2)药品不应放在儿童容易拿到的地方。 Medicine shuld nt be kept where it _____ ____________ ________children. (3)由于下雪,乡下的许多地方我们都去不了。Because f the snw,many parts f the cuntryside are n lnger ___________ ______us. 
    is accessible t 
    11.wrthwhile adj.值得做的;重要的;有益的If what I d as a teacher can help turn a child like Graham int such a successful adult,then I knw what I’m ding is wrthwhile.如果我作为一名教师所做的可以帮助像格雷厄姆这样的孩子成为一个成功的成年人,那么我知道我所做的是值得的。【归纳拓展】(1)it is wrthwhile t d/ding sth 值得做某事(2)wrth adj.值得的be wrth ding sth 值得做某事(3)wrthy adj.值得的be wrthy f sth 值得……的be wrthy t be dne/f being dne 值得被做
    【词语辨析】wrthwhile,wrth与wrthy(1)wrthwhile表“值得做的”,基本句式是it is wrthwhile ding/t d sth。如:It is wrthwhile searching fr his rts.有必要查查他的底细。(2)wrth强调“某事值得做或表示物品的价值”,基本句式是sth be wrth sth或sth be wrth ding。

    高中英语北师大版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Lesson 2 Poetry教课课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语北师大版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Lesson 2 Poetry教课课件ppt,共24页。PPT课件主要包含了line 诗行,rhyme 押韵词,Footprints,古朗月行唐•李白,Group Work等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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