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    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection优秀学案设计

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection优秀学案设计,

    1.average n.平均数;平均水平 adj.平均的;正常的
    2.measure n.措施;方法 vt.测量;度量;估量
    3.reserve n.(动植物)保护区 vt.预留;预订;保留
    4.remind vt.提醒;使想起
    5.attack n.,vi.& vt.攻击;抨击
    6.remve vt.去除;移开;脱去
    7.intend vi.& vt.打算;计划;想要
    8.gds n.商品;货物
    9.illegal adj.不合法的;非法的→illegally adv.不合法地;非法地→legal adj.合法的
    10.alarm vt.使惊恐;使害怕;使担忧 n.恐慌;警报→alarming adj.惊人的;使人惊恐的→alarmed adj.感到惊恐的
    11.extinct adj.已灭绝的→extinctin n.灭绝
    12.aware adj.有……意识的→awareness n.意识
    13.cncern vt.涉及;让……担忧→cncerned adj.担心的;关切的
    14.pressure n.压力→press vt.按;压
    15.bserve vt.观察;注视;遵守→bservatin n.观察;注视;遵守
    16.beauty n.美;美人→beautiful adj.美丽的①→beautify vt.美化
    17.effective adj.有效的;生效的→effect n.影响;效果
    18.recver vi.恢复;康复→recvery n.恢复;康复
    19.threat n.威胁→threaten vt.威胁;危机②
    20.exist vi.存在;生存→existence n.存在;生存
    1.n earth究竟;到底
    2.die ut灭亡;逐渐消失
    3.aware f意识到;知道
    4.n average平均
    5.make prgress取得进步
    6.cncerned abut对……关切的;为……担忧的
    7.adapt t适应
    8.under pressure在压力下;承受压力
    9.make ut看清;听清;分清
    10.remind sb. f sb. /sth. 使某人想起(类似的人或物)
    11.watch ver保护;照管;监督
    12.day and night日日夜夜;夜以继日
    1.“be+adj.+fr sb. +t d” 结构
    Elephants need large living spaces,s it’s difficult fr them t adapt t the changes.
    This is why we’re here—t bserve Tibetan antelpes.
    Only when we learn t exist in harmny with nature can we stp being a threat t wildlife and t ur planet.

    alarming adj.引起恐慌的;令人担忧的
    (1)Fr mst f the archaelgists,it was really alarming news.
    (2)She turned arund in alarm when the dr pened.
    (3)Everybdy was alarmed at/by the news that war might break ut.
    (4)The by was alarmed t see(see) the bear walking t him.

    aware adj.意识到的;知道的
    (1)Peple arund the wrld shuld be aware f the real situatin f water shrtage.
    (2)She was well aware that they didn’t get alng well with each ther.
    (3)The cmmittee has tried t raise public awareness(aware) f cntributins t ur sciety.
    (4)As she was nt aware f the danger,she walked int the frest.(用形容词短语作状语改写)
    →Unaware f the danger,she walked int the frest.

    eq \x(Hw many elephants are killed n average every day? 每天平均有多少头大象被杀掉?)
    average adj.平均的 n.平均,平均数;平均水平
    (1)Freddy was an average student,but nt an average persn.
    (2)He wrks hard and his grade is abve (the) average in his class.
    (3)On average,men smke mre cigarettes than wmen.一般来说,男士比女士吸烟多。
    eq \x(I’m cncerned abut the African elephants.我担心非洲象。)
    be cncerned abut...对……关切的;为……担忧的
    (1)The experts were cncerned abut the future f the cultural heritage which has been damaged by lcal peple.专家们担心这些已经遭到当地人破坏的文化遗产的未来。
    (2)The news that water frm the dam wuld likely damage a number f temples and destry cultural relics cncerned many Egyptians.
    (3)Sme singers were cncerned with taking drugs,which made their fans disappinted.
    (4)As far as I’m cncerned,the film Operatin Red Sea in 2018 was very interesting.
    (5)Fr mre infrmatin cncerning(cncern) the club,please call Mr Green.要想得到有关俱乐部的更多消息,请给格林先生打电话。

    adapt t适合,适应
    (1)It tk him a while t adapt himself t the new surrundings.
    (2)Three f her nvels I recmmended t yu have all been adapted fr televisin.我向你推荐的她的三部小说都已经改编成了电视剧。
    (3)It is said that the TV play is adapted frm a nvel.据说这部电视剧改编自一部小说。
    (4)Successful businesses are highly adaptable(adapt) t ecnmic change.
    (5)Here I will stress sme smarter and mre creative examples f climate adaptatin(adapt).

    measure vi.& vt.测量;衡量;判定 n.计量制;计量单位;措施
    (1)It was Ca Chng wh thught f a measure f measuring the weight f the elephant.
    (2)One shuld measure neself by a high standard.
    (3)The tailr measured me and made a suit t my measure.
    (4)Measures are being taken t prevent(prevent) the river frm being plluted.

    bserve v.观察,注意到;遵守;庆祝(节日等)
    [一词多义] 写出下列句子中bserve的汉语意思
    (1)The traffic rules must be bserved in ur cuntry.遵守
    (2)Hwever far it is,Chinese peple will return t their hme t bserve the Spring Festival.庆祝
    (3)It was bserved that 40 percent f patients had high bld pressure.观察
    (4)She bserved a yung man entering(enter) the huse when she was standing there.她站在那里时,看到一个年轻人正进入那所房子。
    (5)It is a study based n bservatin(bserve) f a grup f 20 patients.
    (6)Althugh the thief was careful,he was still bserved t steal(steal) int the shp last night and caught.虽然小偷很小心,昨天晚上他还是被看到溜进商店并被抓住了。

    (1)The ld phts reminded me f the days I spent in the cuntryside.
    (2)He reminded me that I shuld turn ff the lights when I went ut.
    (3)I’m t busy with my wrk nw s yu shuld remind me t g(g) t the cncert t watch the famus musician’s perfrmance.

    watch ver看守;监视;照看
    (1)The thief is being watched ver by three plicemen.那人小偷正由三位警察看守着。
    (2)Yu have t watch ut fr fast traffic alng here.你要当心这里快速的车流。
    注意:“照看,照顾”的其他表达:lk after,take care f,care fr。

    recver vi.& vt.痊愈;恢复;重新获得;挽回,弥补
    (1)T their jy,the thief was caught and many things were recvered.
    (2)The patient is gradually recvering frm the peratin and sn he will g back t wrk.
    (3)The girl sn recvered herself and stpped crying.这个女孩很快镇定下来,停止了哭泣。
    (4)The dctr expected the by t make a quick recvery(recver).
    remve vt.移动;搬开;去除;消除
    (5)Let’s remve the clth frm the table.
    (6)He has remved his hme frm the cuntryside t the nearby city.

    intend vt.计划;打算
    (1)The authr intends t tell us a man shuld learn suitable ways t deal with life.
    (2)The man intended his sn t be(be) an archaelgist in the future t discver sme histric relics.
    (3)The prgram was set up with an intentin(intend) f helping thse in need.
    (4)The bk is intended fr little children.It is ppular with us.
    ①The bk which/that is intended fr little children is ppular with us.(用定语从句)
    ②The bk intended fr little children is ppular with us.(用非谓语动词)

    exist vi.存在;生存
    (1)Nthing exists n the mn as there is n water and n air.
    (2)T be hnest,I can hardly exist n the wage I’m getting.说实话,我依靠工资几乎活不下去。
    (3)Nbdy knws when the earth came int existence.没人知道地球是何时形成的。
    (4)We can’t visit the ldest temple in existence,fr it’s under repair nw.

    (1)Tday’s hmewrk was easy t d,s Mike finished it quickly and went ut t play.今天的作业容易做,因此迈克很快完成作业出去玩了。
    (2)The questin they asked seems very simple but difficult t answer(answer).
    (3)I find the man is very hard t get alng with.

    (1)He missed the first bus and that was because he gt up late this mrning.
    (2)I’ve gt a cld;that is why I wuldn’t like t have a meal.
    (3)Yu have made great prgress in English.This is because yu have imprved yur studying methds.你在英语方面取得了很大的进步,这是因为你改进了学习方法。

    (1)Only yesterday did his father tell him the truth,which was a big surprise.
    (2)Only by practising paper-cutting mre can yu learn the flk art.
    (3)Only when I left my parents fr Italy did I realize hw much I lved them.
    (4)Only she can finish the wrk in an hur.
    1.As far as I’m cncerned(cncern),I can’t agree with what yu said.
    2.Alarmed(alarm) by the sharp fall f the stck market,thusands and thusands f stckhlders sld ut their stck at a sacrifice.
    3.The fact that s many peple still smke in public places suggests that we may need natinwide campaign t raise awareness(aware) f the risks f smking.
    4.As far as I knw,the TV play is adapted frm a true stry.
    5.My parents watched ver me day and night while I was ill.
    6.Mary,I reminded Jhn f his prmise t help yu.
    7.Yu shuld take effective measures t imprve(imprve) yur wrking cnditins.
    8.Observatin(bserve),reasn and experiment make up what we call the scientific methd.
    9.He had intended t cme(cme) t yur birthday party,but his mther gt ill that day.
    10.When fat and salt are remved(remve) frm fd,the fd tastes as if it is missing smething.
    11.The sense f existence(exist) is the greatest happiness.
    12.Thugh aware f the harm f the smg,they were still expsed t it casually.
    13.On average,American firms remain the mst prductive in the wrld.
    14.Our new apartment is cmfrtable t live in.
    15.There are many fans crwded in the cncert hall nw.This is because their idl is t hld a cncert here.现在很多歌迷挤在音乐厅里。这是因为他们的偶像将在这里举办音乐会。
    16.Only then did she realize hw much damage had been caused.
    1.He alarmed(使惊恐) his sister with a little snake.
    2.My teacher ften reminds me t pay attentin t my handwriting.
    3.We must take preventive measures t reduce crime in the area.
    4.It is impssible t prve the existence(存在) f Gd.
    5.The ld cuple intended(打算) their sn t study abrad,which was unwise in my pinin.
    6.Yu shuld bserve the lcal custms when yu g abrad.
    7.Every year he writes stries t cntribute t a newspaper t make a prfit(利润).
    8.T make sure yu can fly t Egypt t visit the pyramids,yu shuld reserve the ticket in advance.
    9.As sn as the cake is dne,remve(移出) it frm the ven.
    10.The plice are investigating death threats(威胁) made against the tw men.
    eq \x(make prgress;n average;take measures t;watch ver;be intended fr;make ut)
    11.It’s hard t make ut what they are talking abut.
    12.Researchers find that,n average,wealthier peple are happier.
    13.The gvernment has prmised t take measures t help the unemplyed.
    14.The driver hurt in the accident was being watched ver in hspital all the time by the dctr yesterday.
    15.—Can I help yu,sir?
    —Yes.I’d like a dictinary which is intended fr an English beginner.
    16.With the help f my English teacher,I made prgress rapidly.
    17.Masses f endangered species are being hunted illegally(legal),which has caused the gvernment’s attentin.
    18.As we all knw,a lt f traditinal custms are dying ut.
    19.The lcal gvernment has taken measures t save a species f crcdile frm extinctin (extinct).
    20.These ftball players are used t being put under pressure,especially when they are nt able t give perfrmances.
    21.She reminds me f the wife f the pilt wh used t wrk fr yu.
    22.Keeping a diary in English is ne f the effective(effect) ways t imprve ur English writing ability.
    23.I bserved a little by cme ut f the shp with a bttle in his hand.
    →A little by was bserved t cme ut f the shp with a bttle in his hand.
    24.I am glad t hear that yu have recvered frm yur heart attack.
    →I am glad t hear that yu have made a recvery frm yur heart attack.
    25.The plice had n difficulty in finding ut the murderer.
    →It was nt difficult fr the plice t find ut the murderer.
    26.I knew an accident happened t him nly when he tld me abut it.
    →Only when he tld me abut it did I knw an accident happened t him.
    I wrk with Vlunteers fr Wildlife,a rescue and educatin rganizatin at Bailey Arbretum in Lcust Valley.Trying t help injured,displaced r sick creatures can be heartbreaking; survival is never certain.Hwever,when it wrks,it is simply beautiful.
    I gt a rescue call frm a wman in Muttntwn.She had fund a yung wl(猫头鹰) n the grund.When I arrived,I saw a 2- t 3-week-ld wl.It had already been placed in a carrier fr safety.
    I examined the chick(雏鸟) and it seemed fine.If I culd lcate the nest,I might have been able t put it back,but n luck.My next wrk was t cnstruct a nest and anchr it in a tree.
    The hmewner was very helpful.A wire basket was fund.I put sme pine branches int the basket t make this nest safe and cmfrtable.I placed the chick in the nest,and it quickly calmed dwn.
    Nw all that was needed were the parents,but they were absent.I gave the hmewner a recrding f the hunger screams f wl chicks.These advertise the presence f chicks t adults; they might als encurage ur chick t start calling as well.I gave the wner as much infrmatin as pssible and headed hme t see what news the night might bring.
    A nervus night t be sure,but smetimes the spirits f nature smile n us all!The hmewner called t say that the parents had respnded t the recrdings.I drve ver and saw the chick in the nest lking healthy and active.And it was accmpanied in the nest by the greatest sight f all—LUNCH!The parents had dne their duty and wuld prbably cntinue t d s.
    27.What is unavidable in the authr’s rescue wrk accrding t Paragraph 1?
    A.Effrts made in vain.
    B.Getting injured in his wrk.
    C.Feeling uncertain abut his future.
    D.Creatures frced ut f their hmes.
    答案 A
    解析 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Trying t help injured,displaced r sick creatures can be heartbreaking;survival is never certain.”可知,救助野生动物有时会让人感到心碎,因为即使努力挽救它们,也不能保证它们都会活下来。因此答案为A。
    28.Why was the authr called t Muttntwn?
    A.T rescue a wman.
    B.T take care f a wman.
    C.T lk at a baby wl.
    D.T cure a yung wl.
    答案 C
    解析 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“I gt a rescue call frm a wman in Muttntwn.She had fund a yung wl(猫头鹰) n the grund.”可知,这位女士给作者打电话是为了让他来救助一只猫头鹰雏鸟。
    29.What made the chick calm dwn?
    A.A new nest. B.Sme fd.
    C.A recrding. D.Its parents.
    答案 A
    解析 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“I put sme pine branches int the basket t make this nest safe and quickly calmed dwn.”可知,作者做的鸟巢非常舒服,所以把这只猫头鹰雏鸟放进去后,它很快安静下来。
    30.Hw wuld the authr feel abut the utcme f the event?
    A.It’s unexpected. B.It’s beautiful.
    C.It’s humrus. D.It’s discuraging.
    答案 B
    解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,通过播放猫头鹰雏鸟饥饿时发出的叫声的录音,这只猫头鹰雏鸟最终与它的父母团聚,而且它的父母开始给它喂食,再结合第一段最后一句“Hwever,when it wrks,it is simply beautiful.”可判断,作者付出的努力没有白费,因而结果是美好的。
    Camel Cnversatin
    A mther and a baby camel were lying arund under a tree.
    Then the baby camel asked,“Mm, 31 d camels have humps(驼峰)?”
    The mther camel 32 this and said,“We are desert animals and we have the humps t 33 water s we can survive with very 34 water.”
    The baby camel thught fr a mment and then said,“Okay,why are ur 35 lng and ur feet runded?”
    The mama 36 ,“They are meant fr walking in the 37 .”
    The baby paused,and then asked,“Why are ur eyelashes(睫毛) 38 ?Smetimes they get in my way.”
    The mama respnded,“Thse lng thick eyelashes 39 yur eyes frm the desert sand 40 the strng wind blws in the desert.”
    The baby thught and thught.Then he said,“I see.S the hump is t stre water when we are in the desert,the legs are fr 41 thrugh the desert and these eyelashes prtect my eyes frm the desert sand.Then why are we in the 42 ?”
    Gd has given us all 43 skills and abilities.These special gifts that Gd has given us are t bring abut the satisfactin we all 44 .That satisfactin cmes in helping thers.
    When we use ur skills and abilities fr 45 reasns,it is like nt using them 46 .It is as a camel in a z.What are yu ding t develp 47 use yur skills and abilities?
    Skills and abilities are nly 48 if yu are using them fr yur Gd-given purpse.Otherwise they g t 49 .Dn’t sit arund in a z.Use yur gifts and talents t help 50 .Yu’ll be glad yu did.
    31.A.why B.hw
    C.whether D.where
    答案 A
    解析 根据下文小骆驼的另外两个问题“why are ur lng and ur feet runded?”和“Why are ur eyelashes(睫毛) ?”可知,小骆驼均是以why来提问,据此可以判断答案为A。
    32.A.guessed B.realized
    C.cnsidered D.mentined
    答案 C
    解析 根据下文中的“camel thught fr a mment and then said”可知,骆驼妈妈很认真地对待小骆驼的问题,所以会思考(cnsidered)之后再回答。
    33.A.drink B.flw
    C.bring D.stre
    答案 D
    解析 根据第八段中的“S the hump is t stre water when we are in the desert”,利用关键词stre可确定答案为D。
    34.A.few B.little
    C.less D.much
    答案 B
    解析 骆驼是沙漠动物,它们用驼峰来储存水,因此,在水源不足(very little)的时候能够生存下来。
    35.A.arms B.hands
    C.feet D.legs
    答案 D
    解析 根据第八段中的“the legs are the desert”,利用关键词legs可确定答案为D。
    36.A.replied B.asked
    C.wanted D.yelled
    答案 A
    解析 和小骆驼的提问相呼应,骆驼妈妈的行为应该是回答(replied)。
    37.A.sea B.desert
    C.garden D.yard
    答案 B
    解析 根据前文“We are desert animals”可以判断,长腿和圆脚是为了便于沙漠中行走。故答案为B。
    38.A.thin B.weak
    C.lng D.shrt
    答案 C
    解析 根据下文“Thse lng thick eyelashes”可以判断,骆驼的睫毛又长(lng)又密。
    39.A.depend B.prevent
    C.stp D.prtect
    答案 D
    解析 根据下文“yur eyes frm the desert sand”可知,睫毛的作用是在沙漠里防御风沙,保护(prtect)眼睛。本空易误选prevent或stp,其意为“阻止”,那么宾语不应该是“眼睛”。
    40.A.when B.althugh
    C.as D.because
    答案 A
    解析 当刮大风的时候(when),那又长又密的眼睫毛保护眼睛不让沙漠中的沙子进入眼内。
    41.A.flying B.walking
    C.cvering D.driving
    答案 B
    解析 根据第五段中的“They are meant fr walking in the desert”,利用关键词walking可确定答案为B。
    42.A.desert B.z
    C.cuntry D.city
    答案 B
    解析 根据最后一段中的“Dn’t sit arund in a z.”可知,寓言故事中的骆驼生活在动物园里。
    43.A.wrthy B.expensive
    C.special D.seasnal
    答案 C
    解析 根据下文“These special gifts”可知,这些特殊的天赋就是指特殊的(special)技能和才能。
    44.A.disturb B.differ
    C.disgust D.desire
    答案 D
    解析 上帝赋予我们特殊的天赋就是要实现我们所有人渴望(desire)的满足。故选D。
    45.A.varius B.childish
    C.nervus D.selfish
    答案 D
    解析 根据下文“it is like nt using is as a camel in a z.”可知,此处指技能和才能被用来利己(selfish)。
    46.A.in all B.at all
    C.fr all D.after all
    答案 B
    解析 和前文否定词nt构成“ all”结构。
    47.A.thugh B.s
    C.and D.but
    答案 C
    解析 前文动词develp与下文动词use构成并列关系,故用并列连词and。
    48.A.peaceful B.handful
    C.useful D.regretful
    答案 C
    解析 根据下文的条件状语从句“if yu are using them fr yur Gd-given purpse”可以判断,本空应该是积极词汇。尽管peaceful也是积极词汇,但是在本文中没有任何依据,故答案为C。
    49.A.waste B.hspital
    C.schl D.bed
    答案 A
    解析 根据上文中的Otherwise可以判断,本空应该与上一空所填词useful意思相反,故答案为A。
    50.A.thers B.anther
    C.ther D.else
    答案 A
    解析 根据倒数第三段中的“That satisfactin cmes in helping thers.”中的关键词thers可确定答案为A。
    I’m nt sure 51. is mre frightened,me r the female grilla(大猩猩) that suddenly appears ut f nwhere.I’m walking n a path in the frest in the Central African Republic.Unexpectedly,I’m face-t-face with the grilla,wh begins screaming at 52. tp f her lungs.That makes her baby scream,and then a 400-pund male appears.He screams the 53. (lud) f all.The nise shakes the trees as the male beats his chest and charges tward me.I quickly lwer myself,ducking my head t avid 54. (lk) directly int his eyes s he desn’t feel 55. (challenge).
    My name is Mireya Mayr.I’m a 56. (science) wh studies animals such as apes and mnkeys.I was searching 57. these three western lwland grillas I’d been bserving.N ne had seen them fr hurs,and my clleagues and I were wrried.
    When the grillas and I frightened each ther,I was just glad t find 58. (they) alive.True t a grilla’s unaggressive nature,the huge animal 59. (mean) me n real harm.He was just saying:“I’m king f this frest,and here is yur reminder!” Once his message was delivered,he allwed me 60. (stay) and watch.
    eq \x(语篇解读 作者和大猩猩突然面对面接触,谁更害怕呢?)
    51.答案 wh/which
    解析 考查宾语从句的引导词。句意为:我不确定谁(哪一个)更害怕,是我还是那只不知从哪里突然冒出来的雌猩猩。
    52.答案 the
    解析 考查冠词。at the tp f ne’s lungs用尽量大的声音,放声大叫,为固定搭配。
    53.答案 ludest
    解析 考查副词的比较等级。由空前的the以及空后的all可知要用最高级。
    54.答案 lking
    解析 考查非谓语动词之动名词。avid ding sth. 避免做某事。avid后面可以接动名词作宾语,不能接不定式作宾语。
    55.答案 challenged
    解析 考查词性转换之动词变为形容词。连系动词feel后要接形容词作表语。challenged adj.受到挑战的;challenging adj.困难的,富有挑战性的。由语境可知,填challenged。
    56.答案 scientist
    解析 考查词形转换之名词构词法。由空后的wh可知,定语从句的先行词是表示人的名词;又由空前的a可知,此处用单数。scientist科学家。
    57.答案 fr
    解析 考查介词。search fr寻找,为固定搭配。
    58.答案 them
    解析 考查代词之人称代词。分析句子结构可知,此处要用代词作find的宾语,故要用人称代词的宾格。they的宾格为them。
    59.答案 meant
    解析 考查动词的时态。由语境可知,此处事情发生在过去,要用一般过去时态。
    60.答案 t stay
    解析 考查非谓语动词之动词不定式。allw sb. t d sth. 允许某人做某事,为固定搭配。掌握规律 巧记单词
    ①beauty n.美;美人+ful→beautiful adj.美丽的
    如:careful仔细的 useful有用的 hpeful有希望的 harmful有害的
    ②threat n.威胁+en→threaten vt.威胁;危机
    如:strengthen加强 deepen加深 widen加宽 braden拓宽
    Our planet’s is dying ut at an alarming rate.我们星球的 正以惊人的速度灭绝。
    ※alarm vt.使警觉;使惊恐;惊动 n.警报;惊恐
    sund the alarm发警报
    in alarm惊恐地
    ※alarmed adj.担心的;害怕的
    be alarmed at/by担心,害怕
    be alarmed t d sth. 因做某事感到害怕
    We must make peple aware f the prblem and help the endangered wildlife befre it’s t late!我们一定要使人们意识到这个问题并且帮助 这些濒危的野生动植物,否则为时晚矣!
    ※be/becme aware f对……知道、明白;意识到……
    be/becme aware that...知道……;意识到……
    ※unaware adj.未察觉的;不知道的
    ※awareness n.知道;意识
    注意:修饰aware可用well,much,very much,fully,但不用very。
    abve/belw the average高/低于平均水平
    n average平均;一般地
    ※cncern vt.(使)担忧;涉及;与……有关 n.担心;关切
    ※cncerned adj.担心的;关切的
    be cncerned with与……有关;涉及
    as far as I’m cncerned就我而言
    ※cncerning prep.关于;涉及
    Elephants need large living spaces,s it’s difficult fr them t adapt t the changes.大象需要很大的生活空间,因此对他们来说适应这些变化很难。
    ※adapt v.使适应,使适合;改写,改编
    adapt neself t使自己适应
    adapt A fr B将A改编为B
    adapt A frm B根据B改编A
    ※adaptable adj.适应性强的,能适应的
    ※adaptatin n.改编本,改写本
    What measures are being taken t help them?正采取什么措施来帮助他们?
    ※ sb. ’s measure给某人量身定做……
    take measures/steps/actin t d sth. 采取措施做某事
    This is why we’re here—t bserve Tibetan antelpes.这就是我们到这儿来的原因——为了观看藏羚羊。
    ※bserve sb. ding/d sth. 注意到某人正在做/做某事
    ※bservatin n.观察;观测
    I’m als reminded f the danger they are in.也使我想起他们正处于危险之中。
    remind sb. that...提醒某人……
    remind sb. t d sth. 提醒某人做某事
    Zhaxi and ther vlunteers watched ver the antelpes day and night t keep them safe frm attacks.扎西和其他的志愿者为了保护藏羚羊免受攻击而日夜守护着它们。
    watch fr观察;等待某人出现或某事发生
    watch ut fr当心,提防
    keep watch值班;看守
    The antelpe ppulatin has recvered and in June 2015,the Tibetan antelpe was remved frm the endangered species list.藏羚羊的数量已经恢复,2015年6月,藏羚羊被从濒危物种的名单上删除。
    ※recver frm...从……中恢复过来
    recver neself镇定下来
    ※recvery n.恢复;痊愈;复苏
    make a recvery frm...从……中恢复过来
    ※remve 从……迁移、移居到……
    The gvernment,hwever,des nt intend t stp the prtectin prgrammes,since the threats t the Tibetan antelpe have nt yet disappeared.然而,政府并没有打算停止这些保护项目,因为对藏羚羊的威胁依然存在。
    ※intend t d/ding sth. 打算做某事,计划做某事
    intend sb. t d sth. 打算让某人做某事
    be intended fr专门为……准备/打算;专为……而设计
    be intended t d sth. 专门为做某事而设计;旨在做某事
    ※intentin n.用意;目的;意图
    Only when we learn t exist in harmny with nature can we stp being a threat t wildlife and t ur planet.只有学会与大自然和谐共处,我们才不会成为野生生物和地球的威胁。
    ※exist n靠……生活/生存
    exist in存在于……中
    There exist(s)/existed...某地有……;存在……
    ※existence n.存在;生存
    cme int existence(=begin t exist)产生;开始存在
    in existence现存的,存在的
    Elephants need large living spaces,s it’s difficult fr them t adapt t the changes.大象需要很大的生活空间,因此对他们来说适应这些变化很难。
    it’s difficult fr them t adapt t the changes是“主语+be+adj.+fr sb. +t d...”结构,是用不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。常用于此结构的形容词还有difficult,hard,easy,cmfrtable,pleasant,interesting,exciting等。
    This is why we’re here—t bserve Tibetan antelpes.这就是我们到这儿来的原因——为了观看藏羚羊。
    This/That is why ...这/那就是……的原因,why引导的从句表示结果。
    This/That is because ...这/那是因为……,because引导的从句表示原因。
    Only when we learn t exist in harmny with nature can we stp being a threat t wildlife and t ur planet.只有学会与大自然和谐共处,我们才不会成为野生生物和地球的威胁。
    语篇解读 这是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者作为一个野生动物救助和教育机构的志愿者,成功救助一只猫头鹰雏鸟的经历。
    语篇解读 骆驼拥有驼峰,能抵御干旱的沙漠;拥有大长腿,善于在沙漠中行走;拥有长长的睫毛,能抵御沙漠中的风沙,然而骆驼却被饲养在动物园里。人所拥有的各种天赋和能力,如果不用于帮助他人,那么就和饲养在动物园里的骆驼没有什么两样。

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