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    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 2 wildlife protection Period 4 reading for writing课件(送学案)01
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 2 wildlife protection Period 4 reading for writing课件(送学案)02
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 2 wildlife protection Period 4 reading for writing课件(送学案)03
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 2 wildlife protection Period 4 reading for writing课件(送学案)04
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 2 wildlife protection Period 4 reading for writing课件(送学案)05
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 2 wildlife protection Period 4 reading for writing课件(送学案)06
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 2 wildlife protection Period 4 reading for writing课件(送学案)07
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 2 wildlife protection Period 4 reading for writing课件(送学案)08
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 2 wildlife protection Period 4 reading for writing课件(送学案)01
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 2 wildlife protection Period 4 reading for writing课件(送学案)02
    人教版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 2 wildlife protection Period 4 reading for writing课件(送学案)03
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    人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection精品ppt课件

    这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection精品ppt课件,文件包含新人教版高中必修二unit2wildlifeprotectionperiod4readingforwritingpptx、新人教版高中必修二unit2wildlifeprotectionperiod4readingforwriting学案doc、关于树袋熊的小科普mp4、啮齿动物mp4、山地大猩猩mp4等5份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共40页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1.The__________(reduce) f unemplyment shuld be the mst imprtant next meeting_______________(预计召开) in three __________(袋鼠)is indigenus t chased the_____(鹿)silently. 5.Cmpany ______(鹿)were 5% lwer than last dlphins die each year frm entanglement in fishing _____(网) character f the _____________ (邻居)hasn't changed at all.
    is due t be held
    1.Many interesting experiments_________________(carry) ut these yur bike_____________(fix), yu can use new generatin f cmputers, with artificial intelligence____________________ (develp) and perfected nw.4.——I dn't suppse the plice knw wh did it. ——Well, surprisingly they d. A man has been arrested and__________________(questin) nw.5.——Have yu handed in yur schlwrk yet? ——Yes,I have. I guess it_______________(grade) nw.6.——What's that nise? —— Oh, I frgt t tell yu. The new machine______________(test).
    are being carried
    is being fixed
    are being develped
    is being questined
    is being graded
    is being tested
    dlphin[ˈdɒlfɪn] n.
    emtin[ɪˈməʊʃn] n.(同义词)passin/feeling
    skin[skɪn] n.
    unusual [ʌnˈjuːʒuəl] adj.(同义词)uncmmn(反义词)usual
    search fr search sp. fr sb./sth.search ut
    stir upstir up hatredstir up truble
    Let’s review
    The pster is a publicity tl(宣传工具) t intrduce drama, film, sprts cmpetitin, literary perfrmance, press cnference and ther news. Pster design has cnsiderable attractin and artistic appeal. Its picture has strng visual effects and unique artistic style and design characteristics.
    Lk at the 3 psters and recall the features f a psters.
    careful design and use f clrs,types f characters/letters
    Features f a psters
    big pictures/phts
    pwerful wrds/slgans
    Grups discussin. Lk at the pster belw.What are the usual elements f psters?hw t make a pster?
    1.What are the usual elements f a pster?
    Psters generally cnsist f three parts: title, bdy and signature.
    Grups discussin
    2. hw t make a pster?
    ①the subject is clear.②highlighting keywrds.③bright clr.④Visual impact, which can be realized by image and clr.⑤The cntent f the pster is refined and the main cntent is fcused.⑥The cntent can nt be t much.⑦Generally, it is mainly pictures, supplemented by cpy writing.⑧The subject script is eye-catching.
    1 Lk at the psters belw. Which emtins d the phts cmmunicate?
    ●funny ●surprising ●frightening ● sad ●
    A pster stirs up readers’ emtins with pictures.
    pster 1:frightening,uncmfrtable, ...
    pster 2:lvely,interesting,...
    Free talk
    Watch the vide belw,cmmunicate with yur partner. What are the rdents?
    Rdents need t be prtected
    Sme rdents (啮齿动物) were killed by fur, which almst became extinct n the earth. Fr example,the fur f beaver(河狸) is very precius, and its fur des nt drip when it cmes ut f the water, and its fragrance gland secretin is a precius spice-beaver fragrance. Therefre, the ecnmic value f beavers is high. It is a natinal first-class wild animal under prtectin.
    Grup discussin, what infrmatin d yu knw abut kalas?
    Kalas is nt nly the natinal treasure f Australia, but als the unique and precius primitive arbreal animals in Australia.
    Distributin:Kalas Distributed in Australia (New Suth Wales, Queensland, Suth Australia, Victria).
    Appearance:Adult kalas are abut 70-80 cm in length and abut 10 kg in weight.The nse is bare, big and rund, the head is rund, the hair n the ears is fluffy(蓬松), and the claws n the frelimbs are pwerful.
    Feeding habits:They feed n eucalyptus(桉树) leaves.
    Prtectin level:Kalas are listed in the IUCN Red List f Threatened Species.

    Endangered reasn
    Human activities
    frest fires
    climate change
    illegal hunting
    D yu knw the reasns why Kara is n the verge f extinctin?
    I think it's a little frightening !It desn’t lk friendly and its teeth lk sharp!
    I think it’s a lvely picture.The kalas are cute.They lk sft and gentle.
    2.Read the psters and write a ne-sentence summary fr each.
    Hw t writea ne-sentence summary:
    1. understand the text
    2. pick up the key wrds
    3. cnnect the key wrds int a sentence
    Summary f pster 1: "Ugly" animals are just as imprtant as cute animals because nature needs variety t functin prperly.
    When it cmes t wildlife prtectin. all species - thegd. the bad, and the ugly-shuld be treated equally. Pandas, dlphins, and ther cute wildlife are imprtant, but we must pay attentin t less cute animals, t.The wrld needs all kinds- withut variety,ur planet cannt survive. S if yu want the future t be beautiful yu have t give ugly a chance.
    Billin f trees are being cut dwn ver year t make paper fr humans. Every tree that cut dwnis a part f the habitat f animals such as these kalas, In this way a lt f animal hmes are being destryed! Is it right t make animals hmeless s that humans can have mre paper?
    A pster cnveys infrmatin with a shrt intrductin.
    Summary f pster 2:Cutting dwn trees t make paper destrys the natural habitat f many animals.
    Dn’t make paper at the cst f destrying the habitats f the animals.
    All species,whether they are cute r nt, shuld be treated equally.
    Pster 1Give Ugly a Chance!
    Pster 2Dn’t Make paper
    When it cmes t wildlife prtectin, all specie shuld be treated 1________ (equal ) . Cute animal are imprtant, 2_____we must pay attentin t 3________(cute) animals, t. The wrld needs all kinds - withut 4_______(varius),ur planet cannt survive. S if yu want the future 5______(be)beautiful, yu have t give ugly 6___chance. Billins f trees 7____________(cut) dwn every year t make paper. Every tree that is cut dwn 8 ___(be) a part f the habitat f animals. 9____this way, a lt f animal hmes are being destryed. Is it right t make animals 10_________(hme ) s that humans can have mre paper?
    are being cut
    Reading task
    Activity 3 Read the psters again and answer the fllwing questins.
    1 What des each pster use t stir up emtins?
    Key pints f pster 1
    an ugly picture t get a reactin
    pint ut the reactin is the prblem
    a big headline
    Key pints f pster 2
    a cute picture
    a big headline like wrds cming
    ut f the muth f the kala
    A pster has catchy designs f pictures and headlines.A pster has a target audience.
    framed by a Mickey Muse utline
    1. What des each pster use t stir up emtins?
    The first pster uses a big headline and an ugly picture f an animal t get a reactin frm the reader, but then makes the pint that this reactin is part f the prblem, because all animals shuld be prtected, nt just nes we think are cute. The ugly rdent(啮齿动物) is als framed by a Mickey Muse utline, shwing the difference between hw we see them in cartns and hw they really are. The secnd has a cute picture and the headline is written as if the kalas were speaking t the reader which may make them mre sympathetic.
    The first pster wants us t cnsider"ugly" animals as just as imprtant as cute nes, because it asks us directly t d that.The secnd wants us t be aware f ur paper cnsumptin. It desn’t tell us t change directly, but it appeals t ur emtins t change because what we are ding is nt fair t animals like kalas.
    2 Wh d yu think is the intended audience? Why d yu think s?
    3 What des each pster want peple t d? Hw d yu knw?
    The psters are intended fr everyne because they appeal t prtecting ur planet which we all live n, and t ur paper cnsumptin which we all rely n.
    I think the"Give Ugly a Chance" pster is mre effective, because the viewer will react t the ugly animal first, but then read that this reactin is part f the prblem that needs t be dealt with.
    4 In yur pinin, which pster is mre effective? Why?
    Hw t make an effective pster?
    1. what is the message t cnvey?
    2. Wh is the target audience?
    3. Hw t make the pster effective?①a shrt descriptin f the issue②an appealing headline③appealing pictures and clrs
    4 Wrk in pairs. Make a pster abut an endangered animal.
    1 Chse ne f the animals belw r ne f yur wn. D sme research t add t the animal fact sheet.
    Suth China TigerWhy is it endangered? Hunted fr its skin and furPpulatin: 0 in the wild; 30- 80 still livingWhat is being dne? A plan is being carried ut t increase the number f wild tigers.What can we d? D nt buy fur r ther tiger prducts!
    Yangtze River DlphinWhy is it endangered? Habitat lss and pllutinPpulatin: 1,000- 1,800What is being dne? The dlphins are being mved t a clean and sate habitat.What can we d? Clean up the rivers!
    This is a huge picture f a tiger,frm the eyes we get the headline——Save!This pster use capital letter t call attentin. There are sme descriptin f prblem the tiger are facing.In the middle f the pster describes the prtectin plan and suggestins fr peple.
    Pster example
    2 Fllw these steps t rganise yur pster.
    Write a title that is simple, interesting, and unusual, and then cllect the infrmatin yu need.
    Tell the readers what yu want them t think and d.
    Write the name f the species and why it is endangered.
    Use a pwerful image t attract the readers' attentin t the facts and prblems.
    Writing task
    Sample pster
    Wh kill Muntain Grilla?
    Set up nature reserveAnti-paching patrl
    nly mre than 1,000 in the wrld
    Habitat lss illegal hunting
    Prtect muntain grilla!
    √ Des the pster include key infrmatin abut the animal?√ Des the pster explain why it is endangered?√ Des the pster supprt its infrmatin with facts?√ Is the message f the pster clear, ie. can yu tell clearly what the designer wants the reader t think r d?√ Is the image n the pster effective?
    5 Exchange psters with anther pair. Use this checklist t give them helpful feedback.
    6 Put up the pster in yur classrm r in a public place.
    Language pint
    根据中文意思填空①When it__________(一谈到)math, my mind ges blank. ②He didn't __________(达到)my need. ③We use ur imaginatin and _____________(提出)creative ideas.
    When it cmes t wildlife prtectin,all species... shuld be treated equally. 谈到野生动物保护,所有的物种都应该得到平等的对待。
    When it cmes t + n./prn./v.-ing. 一谈到;就而论(t是介词)[归纳拓展]cme up t达到(标准等);比得上 cme n赶快;加油cme abut发生,产生 cme acrss偶然碰见;偶然发现cme t共计;达到;苏醒 cme ver来访,拜访cme up with提出;想出 cme alng (with) 和一起去
    cme up with
    根据中文意思填空Bring it nearer ________(以便) I may see it better. He sat at the crner_______(所以,因此) he survived the accident.
    (1)s that引导目的状语从句The team are wrking hard t analyze the prblem s that they can find the best slutin.这个团队正在努力分析这个问题,以便他们能找到最好的解决方法。s that“为了,以便,目的是”,引导目的状语从句,此时s that相当于in rder that(为了)。如果主句主语与从句主语一致,也可以改成s as t d/in rder t d作目的状语。They trained hard every day s that they culd win glry fr their hmeland.他们每天刻苦训练,以便为祖国赢得荣誉。(2)s that+ 结果状语从句,s that意思为“结果;因此”。He ften lied s that nbdy believed him.
    Is it right t make animals hmeless s that humans can have mre paper?为了让人类有更多的纸张,就让动物无家可归,这样做对吗?
    2. due t由于,因为
    归纳拓展be due t d sth.预计要做某事be due fr应得到 bat is due t arrive at 12 'clck.船预计在12点钟到达。I am due fr an increase in pay sn. 我不久就该加薪了。
    根据中文意思填空Mst f the prblems were________human errr. The prject is________cmpletin in the spring.
    This lessn is the furth lessn f the secnd unit. The title is "Hw t make an Effective Pster". Wildlife is an imprtant part f all life and natural systems n earth. The prtectin f wild animals requires the participatin f the whle sciety, establishing a firm awareness f law-abiding, carrying ut wildlife prtectin educatin. Thrugh this unit, students learn abut the current situatin f wild animals and prtectin measures, learn hw t make psters. Teachers and students devte themselves t the wrk f prtecting the eclgical envirnment and wildlife, actively devted themselves t building a harmnius cexistence between human and nature in beautiful hmeland. Making psters requires students t understand and study the living cnditins f endangered animals and the threats they face, and think abut hw t take effective prtectin measures. Learn the main cntent f psters and the making methds f psters, and cultivate students' sense f scial respnsibility and respnsibility.
    1.Review the new wrds and the exercise ne f the animals and d sme research t add t the animal fact sheet.Think abut what yu want the reader t think and d.Make a pster abut an endangered animal.
    Why is it endangered? Ppulatin: What is being dne? What can we d?
    Animal fact sheet

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