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    高中英语外研选择性必修第一册 Unit 6 Section B Using language PPT课件
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    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 6 Nurturing nature教课课件ppt

    这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 6 Nurturing nature教课课件ppt,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了课前预习,重点词汇 ,economy,jungle,disturb,散发物排放物,经营者,重点短语,对关心 ,use up等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Sectin BUsing language
    1.______________ n.经济 2.______________ n.热带丛林 3.______________v.干扰,扰乱 
    4. emissin n. _____________________________5. peratr n.______________________________6. cnservatinist n. ____________________________ 
    1. brush ff ____________________________2. bat away ____________________________3. pull ff _____________________________4. becme cncerned abut __________________
    刷掉,掸掉或拂掉 (某物)
    5. 用完;耗尽 _______________________________6. 与……协调一致 ___________________________7. 达成协议 ________________________________8. 为……提供…… __________________________ 
    in harmny with
    reach an agreement
    1. Rachel can d ecturism activities while her dad des what he likes.2. Even thugh the wner f the cmpany guarantees that the design will be in harmny with its beautiful surrundings,the lcal peple are still cncerned that the htel may use up natural resurces.
    1. ecnmy 2. jungle3. disturb4. peratr5. cnservatinist
    A. t interrupt sb when they are trying t wrk,sleep,etcB. a persn wh takes an active part in the prtectin f the envirnmentC. a persn wh perates r wns a business r an industryD. an area f trpical frest where trees and plants grw very thicklyE. the relatinship between prductin,trade and the supply f mney in a particular cuntry r regin
    1.电话响了接近一分钟了。The telephne ________________ fr almst a minute. 2.噢,你终于来了!我等了你两个小时。Oh,yu have cme at last! I ___________________ yu fr tw hurs. 
    has been ringing
    have been waiting fr
    3. 我一直在敲门。我想没人在里面。I ___________________. I dn′t think anybdy′s in. 4. 你在这里!我找了你老半天。Yu are here! I ____________________ yu lng. 5. 怎么了?你的眼睛又红又肿。你是不是一直在哭?What′s the matter? Yur eyes are red and puffy. ______ _____________________________________________
    have been kncking 
    have been lking fr
    Have yu been crying 
    1 Which f these statements are true abut sentence (a)?(1) Wild animals started using these passages in the past.(2) Wild animals used these passages nly nce.(3) Wild animals still use these passages nw.
    2 What is the difference between the expressins in bld in sentences (a) and (b)?
    Nw lk fr mre sentences with the present perfect cntinuus tense in the reading passage,and summarise its use in yur wn wrds .
    I 1_________________ (hear) a strange sund fr a while. It′s a deep,lud rar,like a lin′s. But there aren′t any lins here... Or are there? Sn I see what 2____________ ______________ (make) the nise:a hwler mnkey.
    have been hearing
    is making/has been making
    Nw l feel less wrried. Realising that smething 3______ __________ (mve) n my shulder,I turn my head t lk at it. Oh n! It′s a giant spider! I brush it ff and it runs under sme leaves. I try t bat away the huge insects, which 4_______________ (fly) arund my head in a black clud fr quite a while.
    have been flying
    I pull ff the headset and I′m back in my living rm. Thank gdness! I 5______________ (give) the latest virtual reality headset and,fr the last twenty minutes, I 6___________ (use) it t explre the Amazn. This is an amazing the Amazn. This is anamazing frest. We must d all we can t prtect it.
    have been given
    have been using
    Ecturism is a type f turism that cnserves the envirnment. It encurages peple t be respnsible travellers and invlves educating them abut the natura wrld. Fr cuntries such as Csta Rica,Kenya and Nepal,ecturism is an imprtant part f the ecnmy. Sme ecturism hlidays invlve vluntary wrk,such as planting trees r cunting endangered animals.
    Nw wrk in pairs. Discuss what type f travel yu prefer.
    As turism develps,peple are becming increasingly cncerned abut the envirnment. Here in ur city, there is a heated discussin abut whether a htel shuld be built at White Beach.
    The wner f the cmpany thinks the htel wuld attract mre turists,which will 1_________________________ ____________ and 2_____________________. Hwever,the lcal peple wrry that building the htel is 3________ ___________ and will 4_________________,in particular the turtles which lay their eggs n White Beach.
    create pprtunities fr new businesses
    help the lcal ecnmy
    nt ec-friendly
    disturb the wildlife
    But they als admit that building the htel will 5_________ ____ fr peple living in the area. Even thugh the wner f the cmpany guarantees that the design will be in harmny with its beautiful surrundings,the lcal peple are still cncerned that the htel may 6_______________________.
    prvide mre jbs
    use up natural resurces
    Increased turist numbers will als mean mre cars and aerplanes,which in turn means 7___________________.
    higher carbn emissins
    attract mre turists; create pprtunities fr new businesses;help the lcal ecnmy;prvide mre jbs...
    nt ec-friendly;disturb the wildlife;use up natura! resurces:higher carbn emissins...
    Nw think abut mre advantages and disadvantages f building the htel at White Beach.
    Student A:Yu are a htel peratr wh wants t build a htel n sme frested land.Student B:Yu are a cnservatinist wh wants t prtect the wildlife there.
    Nw think abut hw well yu apprached the prblem frm different perspectives and reached an agreement.
    句中的 invlve 是及物动词,意为“包括,包含”。此外,还表示“牵涉,卷入;影响;需要”。
    Eg. Every day each f us makes decisins that invlve taking a chance.每天我们每个人做出的决定都包括碰运气的成分。I didn′t realize putting n a play invlved s much wrk.我没有想到演出一场戏需要做这么多工作。
    be invlved in 参与;牵涉进;陷入;专注于be/get invlved with 参与;卷入invlve sb/sth in (ding) sth 使某人或某物介入某事
    Eg. Mre than 30 sftware firms were invlved in the prject.30多家软件公司参与了这个项目。I think there was n need fr us t get invlved with the quarrel.我认为我们没有必要卷入这场争吵。
    (1) I prefer teaching methds that actively invlve students ________ learning.(2) The peratin invlves __________ (put) a small tube int his heart.
    (3) He didn′t take his parents′ advice and was sn invlved __________ truble.(4) Get invlved _________ smene else and yur mind will take a turn as well.
    Eg. The president is deeply cncerned abut this issue. 总统对这个问题深感担忧。
    cncern n.关心;忧虑  vt.涉及;使担忧;对……感兴趣cncerned adj. 担心的,不安的shw/express (great) cncern abut...对……表示(非常)关心/担心
    cncern neself with/in/abut sth 忙于某事;关心某事as far cncerned 就……而言be cncerned with 与……有牵连cncerning prep. 关于,至于
    Eg. As far as I′m cncerned,he′s a mre suitable candidate.在我看来,他是个更合适的选手。Certain new regulatins cncerning study abrad have been annunced recently.关于出国留学问题,最近有了某些新规定。
    (1) We are nw deeply cncerned _______________ his safety.(2) I wrte t the head f the firm ________________ (cncern) Rbert.
    (3) The measures are irrelevant as far _________ inflatin is cncerned.
    Eg. The cuck lays its eggs in ther birds′ nests.杜鹃在其他鸟的巢中产蛋。The fundatins f the huse are being laid tday.今天正在给房子打地基。The grapes were laid t dry n racks.葡萄被摊放在架子上晾干。
    put/lay the blame (fr sth) n sb把责任推到某人身上lay ut 布置,设计;铺开,展开lay aside 搁置;储蓄lay ff 解雇;停止使用lay up 收集;贮存lay dwn 放下;规定,制定;积存
    Eg. Dn′t try t lay the blame n me. I wasn′t even there that day.别想把责任推到我身上,我那天根本不在那里。Yu can lay all the pieces ut n the card befre yu stick them dwn.你可以把所有的碎片都铺在卡片上再把它们粘好。
    (1) 优质产品整齐地陈列在展览厅里。The quality prducts were neatly _____________ in the exhibitin hall.(2) 由于销售额下降,这家汽车厂将裁员约150人。The car factry is ging t ___________ arund 150 wrkers because f the drp in sales.
    Eg. He was hnest enugh t admit his mistake.他够诚实,承认了自己的错误。I admit that I was wrng.我承认我错了。
    admissin n.承认;接纳;进入许可admit (t) sth/ding sth 承认某事/干过某事admit+that 从句 承认…… be... 承认……是……admit sb t/int sth准许某人进入;准许某人加入be admitted t/int... 被……录取;被……接纳
    Eg. I must admit that the results were disappinting.我必须承认结果是令人失望的。My sister was lucky t be admitted t Peking University.我的姐姐很幸运,被北京大学录取了。
    (1) 他承认冤枉了她。He ____________________ wrng t her.(2) 每张票可供两人入场参加聚会。Each ticket ______________________ the party.
    admitted having dne
    admits tw peple t
    (3) 自他出名后这所大学就录取了他。He ________________________ the cllege since he became famus.
    has been admitted t/int
    1. Rachel can d ecturism activities while her dad des what he likes.瑞秋可以做生态旅游活动,而她爸爸做他喜欢的事。
    what he likes 是宾语从句,作des 的宾语。what 常用来引导名词性从句,即主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。
    Eg. What she explained abut her being late fr the meeting made us very amazed.她对她的开会迟到所做的解释让我们很惊讶。(what引导主语从句,并在从句中作宾语。)
    That they wn the game was what we had expected.他们赢得了这场比赛,这正是我们所期盼的。(what引导表语从句,并在从句中作宾语。)Ten minutes later,we arrived at what was called Gum Tree.十分钟后,我们到了一个叫桉树村的地方。(what引导宾语从句,并在从句中作主语。)
    (1) what 在相应的名词性从句中通常有一定的意义,常表示“什么”“什么样的”“所……的”“……的样子”“……的事/话”等。(2) what 在相应的名词性从句中常作主语、宾语或表语。
    Eg. The prblem is what has made her s angry at the cnference.问题是什么使她在会议上如此生气。
    (3) that 也可引导名词性从句,但that在从句中不作成分,不必译出。that引导宾语从句时可以省略,但引导主语从句、表语从句和同位语从句时不能省略。
    Eg. That she didn′t change her mind made me very angry. 她没有改变主意,这使我很生气。
    (1) Please attend t __________ is cncerned with yur prject.(2) Can yu tell me _________ yu need mst at present?(3) ________ is knwn t us all is _________ the 2024 Olympic Games will take place in Paris.
    2. Even thugh the wner f the cmpany guarantees that the design will be in harmny with its beautiful surrundings,the lcal peple are still cncerned that the htel may use up natural resurces.尽管该公司的老板保证设计与优美的环境相协调,但当地人仍然担心该酒店可能会耗尽自然资源。 
    even thugh 意为“即使,纵;尽管,虽然”,连接让步状语从句,可以位于主句之前,也可出现在主句后面。
    Eg. I can still remember,even thugh it was s lng ag.尽管它如此久远,我依然记得。Even thugh they lved each ther,they decided t part.虽然他们彼此相爱,但还是决定分手。
    even nw/then 即使在现在/那时even s 即便如此;尽管这样
    Eg. Even nw he can′t d it,but I believe that he′s trying t.即使现在他做不到,但是我相信他在努力。
    It has many missins;even s,it is quite a useful reference bk.那本书有许多遗漏之处,即使如此,尚不失为一本有用的参考书。
    连接让步状语从句的从属连词主要有 althugh,thugh,while,whatever,whenever,wherever,whever,等。Althugh/Thugh he is very ld,(yet) he is quite strng.他虽然年纪大了,但身体还很健壮。
    (1)这篇文章有很多的拼写错误,即使这样,它也是篇相当好的文章。There are a lt f spelling mistakes;_______________ it′s quite a gd article.
    (2) 他们中的很多人对他的建议置若罔闻,尽管他们知道他的建议很有价值。Many f them turned a deaf ear t his advice,________ _________________ they knew it t be valuable.(3) 尽管太阳高照,却不很暖和。________________________ the sun was shining,it wasn′t very warm.
    even thugh /if
    (4) 不管孩子是生活在双亲家庭还是单亲家庭,这种情况都会发生。This happens __________ the children are in tw-parent ______ ne-parent families.
    1. 现在完成进行时的定义现在完成进行时表示某动作从过去某个时间开始,一直延续到现在,并且还有可能持续下去。
    Eg. We have been waiting fr him fr tw hurs. 我们已经等了他两个小时了。
    2. 现在完成进行时的结构 have/has been+ding
    3. 现在完成进行时的状语 现在完成进行时所用的时间状语:this mnth/week/year,these days,recently/lately,in the past few+时间段,since+时间点,fr+时间段。
    Eg. They have been building the bridge fr tw mnths.这座桥他们已经建了两个月了。They have been planting trees this week.这一周他们一直在植树。
    4. 现在完成进行时的用法(1)表示动作的延续
    Eg. The Chinese have been making paper fr tw thusand years.中国有两千年的造纸历史。(动作还将继续下去)I have been learning English since three years ag.从三年前开始我一直在学英语。
    (2) 表示在说话之前刚刚结束的动作。
    Eg. We have been waiting fr yu fr half an hur. 我们已经等你半个钟头了。(动作不再继续下去)
    (3) 有些现在完成进行时的句子等同于现在完成时的句子。
    Eg. They have been living in this city fr ten years. /They have lived in this city fr ten years.他们在这个城市已经住了10年了。I have been wrking here fr five years./I have wrked here fr five years.
    (4) 大多数现在完成进行时的句子不等同于现在完成时的句子。
    Eg. I have been writing a bk. (动作还将继续下去)我一直在写一本书。 I have written a bk.(动作已经完成)我已经写了一本书。 They have been building a bridge.他们一直在造一座桥。 They have built a bridge.他们造了一座桥。
    (5) 表示状态的动词不能用于现在完成进行时。
    Eg. I have knwn him fr years.我认识他已经好几年了。I have been knwing...(×)
    这类不能用于现在完成进行时的动词还有:lve(爱),like(喜欢),hate (讨厌) 等。
    5. 现在完成时和现在完成进行时的区别
    1. Turism cntributes millins f punds t the cuntry′s e____________ . 2. The new rad was hacked ut f the j_____________. 3. She pened the dr quietly s as nt t d__________ the sleeping child.
    4. Fr bth ___________ and cnsumers,it is nt a gd sign. 5. C______________ are fighting t stp the fields arund here frm being built n. 
    1. 从6月开始,玛丽每天晚上都去上写作课。Mary _______________ t writing classes every night since June. 2. 我一直在考虑你所说的话,已经决定采纳你的建议。I          abut what yu′ve said and I′ve decided t take yur advice. 
    has been ging
    have been thinking
    3. 从上午九点开始,经理一直不停地告诫工人们如何去完善这个项目。The manager __________________ the wrkers hw t imprve the prgram since 9 am. 4. 我得去看医生,因为我近来一直咳嗽得很厉害。I have t see the dctr because I ___________________ a lt lately. 
    has been telling
    have been cughing
    5. 在过去的几年里,政府一直在使越来越多的人明白疾病预防的重要性。Over the past several years,the gvernment _________ ___________ t make mre and mre peple understand the imprtance f disease preventin. 
    has been trying
    Plvdiv is situated in suth-central Bulgaria n the tw banks f the Maritsa River. The city has histrically develped n seven hills,sme f 1.__________ are 250m (820.21 ft) high. Because f these hills,Plvdiv is 2._____ ________ (typical) referred t in Bulgaria as “The city f the Seven Hills”.
    Plvdiv′s histry 3.______ (date) back t 6,000 BC. Thugh riginally it was 4.______ Thracian city,Plvdiv has been ruled by many empires ver centuries. Later it 5._________ ___________(cnquer) by the Rmans. Only in 1885 did the city becme part f Bulgaria. Nwadays it′s the secnd 6.________ (large) city in Bulgaria and it′s a significant ecnmic,educatinal and cultural center. 
    was cnquered 
    Plvdiv remains a ppular 7.____________ (chse) fr vacatin travel. I have been bsessed with the city 8. ______ years. Last summer I was lucky 9. ____________ (spend) a cuple f days in this city and I just fell in lve with its narrw paved streets and beautiful huses! The Old Twn is definitely wrthy 10._________________________(see). It is verwhelmed with restaurants,wrkshps and museums that were previusly famus huses. 
    t be seen /f being seen

    英语选择性必修 第一册Unit 5 Revealing nature示范课ppt课件: 这是一份英语选择性必修 第一册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002276_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 5 Revealing nature示范课ppt课件</a>,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了课前预习,重点词汇 ,decline,blame,原始的低等的,巨大的特大的,重点短语,源于的原产于,是的栖息地,相比之下等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Onwards and upwards课前预习课件ppt: 这是一份外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002273_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 2 Onwards and upwards课前预习课件ppt</a>,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了课前预习,重点词汇 ,worthwhile,blanket,比赛竞赛 ,心烦意乱的烦恼的,选举推选,重点短语,由于因为 ,玩得开心等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    英语选择性必修 第一册Unit 1 Laugh out loud!背景图课件ppt: 这是一份英语选择性必修 第一册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002272_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 1 Laugh out loud!背景图课件ppt</a>,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了课前预习,重点词汇 ,essential,应得应受到,impress ,露齿而笑咧着嘴笑,重点短语,愁眉苦脸,笑料笑柄 ,笑了起来等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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        高中英语外研选择性必修第一册 Unit 6 Section B Using language PPT课件
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