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    Unit 6 Nurturing nature Period 3 Developing and presenting ideas 课件-【新教材精创】新教材同步备课(外研版选择性必修第一册)
    Unit 6 Nurturing nature Period 3 Developing and presenting ideas 课件-【新教材精创】新教材同步备课(外研版选择性必修第一册)01
    Unit 6 Nurturing nature Period 3 Developing and presenting ideas 课件-【新教材精创】新教材同步备课(外研版选择性必修第一册)02
    Unit 6 Nurturing nature Period 3 Developing and presenting ideas 课件-【新教材精创】新教材同步备课(外研版选择性必修第一册)03
    Unit 6 Nurturing nature Period 3 Developing and presenting ideas 课件-【新教材精创】新教材同步备课(外研版选择性必修第一册)04
    Unit 6 Nurturing nature Period 3 Developing and presenting ideas 课件-【新教材精创】新教材同步备课(外研版选择性必修第一册)05
    Unit 6 Nurturing nature Period 3 Developing and presenting ideas 课件-【新教材精创】新教材同步备课(外研版选择性必修第一册)06
    Unit 6 Nurturing nature Period 3 Developing and presenting ideas 课件-【新教材精创】新教材同步备课(外研版选择性必修第一册)07
    Unit 6 Nurturing nature Period 3 Developing and presenting ideas 课件-【新教材精创】新教材同步备课(外研版选择性必修第一册)08
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    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 6 Nurturing nature精品备课ppt课件

    这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 6 Nurturing nature精品备课ppt课件,共40页。PPT课件主要包含了A sample,自行脑补等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Develping ideas
    Step 1. Starting ut
    Step 2: Extensive Reading f the Passage
    Step 3: Intensive Reading f the Passage
    Step 4: Writing task
    The Great Barrier Reef is nt just ne reef but actually a series f ver 2,000 reefs stretching fr mre than 2,300 kilmetres. It is the wrld's largest cral reef.Since cral reefs are als in shallw water, yu can actually see them frm abve the water! All alng the Great Barrier Reef, the clr f the cral reef changes as des the clr f the water, which varies frm a green t a blue clr.The Great Barrier Reef stretches mre than 2,000 kilmetres alng the Queensland cast, the east cast f Australia, frm the mainland twns f Prt Duglas t Bundaberg. The Great Barrier Reef system cnsists f mre than 3000 reefs which range in size frm 1 hectare t ver 10,000 hectares in area.Yu can swim, snrkel, dive and sail the Wrld Heritage-listed Great Barrier Reef, a living masterpiece s big that it can be seen frm uter space.
    Imprtant facts abut the Great Barrier Reef
    The largest and lngest cral reef grup in the wrld Lcatin Nrtheastern AustraliaSuthern hemispherein the Pacific Ocean
    Length 2011 kilmetersNumber f reefs2900Width161 kilmters at the widest part
    ClimateTrpical climateBest time t visitAll year rundAwardListed in the Wrld Heritage List in 1981
    What can yu see in the Great Barrier ReefOver 400 species f reefs Over 1,500 trpical fishesOver 4,000 species f marine life
    Have yu ever been t the Great Barrier Reef?
    If yu were given an pprtunity t wrk in the Great Barrier Reef, Wuld yu take it?
    Extensive reading fr1. the main idea f the passage (skimming)2. the main idea f each paragraph (skimming)3. the rganizatin f the passage4. specific details in the passage (scanning)
    prep. 通过...传送...;借助于申请者 n.申请人n.支持,赞同(phr)支持,赞同v.(为……)做广告(宣传)adj.真的,真正的n.薪金,工资
    in favur f
    be made up f
    under threat
    highlight the imprtance f
    Read the passage quickly and chse the tpic sentences fr the paragraphs and write them n the lines.
    A. Lcated ff the cast f Nrth-east Australia, the Great Barrier Reef is the largest living thing n the planet.
    B. Whether it was a genuine jb r an eye-catching marketing event isn't really imprtant.
    C. This call fr an island caretaker attracted interest frm all ver the wrld.
    D. Ben did a lt during his time as an island caretaker.
    Hw wuld yu like t spend six mnths living n an island and lking after the Great Barrier Reef? The wrking hurs are flexible and accmmdatin is prvided. Key duties include explring the islands f the reef and finding ut what the area has t ffer. Yu'll need t reprt back via weekly blgs, pht diaries and vide updates. Yu'll als be asked t prmte the islands thrugh newspapers, magazines and TV interviews.你愿意在一座岛上生活六个月,并照看大堡礁吗?这份工作时间灵活,并提供住宿。你的主要职责包括探索大堡礁的各个岛屿,探寻当地的自然资源。你需要通过每周更新博客、创建照片日志和拍摄视频的方式来汇报工作成果,你还需要通过报纸、杂志和电视采访等宣传大堡礁。2 _______________________________________________________________. It was actually a very clever means t highlight the imprtance f the Great Barrier Reef and the need t prtect it.这则岛屿管理员的招聘广告吸引了全世界的兴趣。这其实是一种绝妙的方法,既突出了大堡礁的重要性,又强调了大堡礁需要人类保护。
    Main idea: An advertisement fr a caretaker f the Great Barrier Reef.
    Main idea: The advertisement was a clever way t highlight the imprtance f the Great Barrier Reef and the need t prtect it.
    ________________________________________________________________________________________ Abut the size f Japan, it even can be seen frm uter space. Mre than 25 millin years ld, the Great Barrier Reef is made up f living cral grwing n dead cral. It is hst t many species f birds and sea creatures. But this unique and delicate place is nw under threat frm pllutin and climate change.大堡礁位于澳大利亚东北部近海处,是地球上最大的生物。大堡礁整体面积接近日本的国土面积,甚至从外太空都能看得到它。大堡礁已有2,500万年的历史,由生长在死珊瑚上的活珊瑚组成。它是许多鸟类和海洋生物的栖息地。但如今,这一独特又脆弱的区域正在遭受污染和气候变化的威胁。
    Main idea: The Great Barrier Reef is nw under threat frm pllutin and climate change.
    T get this jb, the candidates had t make a shrt vide shwing hw much they knew abut the reef. They als needed t prve why they were the best persn t d the jb. Out f the thusands f applicants, eleven were selected, including a yung wman frm China. Eventually, the jb was ffered t Ben Suthall frm the UK.要想得到这份工作,应聘者需要拍摄一个简短的视频,展示自己对大堡礁的了解程度。另外,应聘者还需要证明为何自己是这个职位的最佳人选。数千名应聘者中,入选人有十一个,其中还包括一个年轻的中国姑娘。最终,来自英国的本·索撒尔获得了这份工作。
    Main idea: Ben Suthall frm the UK gt the jb.
    _____________________________________________ In additin t blgging, taking phts and writing articles abut the reef, he made a number f appearances n televisin t argue in favur f its defence. He als wrked as a presenter fr the Natinal Gegraphic Channel, befre ging n t write a bk abut his experiences. Ben later jked that the jb shuld have been advertised nt as the “best”, but the “busiest jb in the wrld”!本在做岛屿管理员期间做了很多事情。除了发布博客、拍照片和写关于大堡礁的文章外,本还多次在电视上露面号召保护大堡礁,并且担任过国家地理频道的主持人。在那之后,本把自己的经历写成了一本书。他后来开玩笑说,这个工作的招聘启事上应该写“世界上最繁忙的工作”,而不是“最棒的”。
    Main idea: Ben did a lt during his time as an island caretaker.
    __________________________________________________________________________The mst imprtant thing was that peple all ver the wrld became aware f the beauty f the cean in the area. What's mre, they came t understand the delicate balance that the envirnment exists in and what can, and must, be dne t prtect the reef. That way, it will remain a safe habitat fr wildlife, as well as a dream destinatin fr the millins f turists wh visit it each year.不管这是一个真正的工作机会,还是一场吸引眼球的营销活动,其实都不重要。最重要的是,全世界都认识到了这片大海的美丽。而且,人们还意识到环境存在于微妙的平衡之中,也知道了人类能够且必须采取什么行动来保护大堡礁。只有如此,大堡礁才能继续作为野生动物的安全栖息地以及每年数百万游客梦寐以求的旅游目的地。
    Main idea: The mst imprtant thing was that peple all ver the wrld became aware f the Great Barrier Reef and the imprtance t prtect it.
    Supplementary reading:abut the final winner Ben Suthall
    A bungee jumping, strich-riding British charity wrker was named Wednesday the winner f what's been dubbed the "Best Jb in the Wrld"— a 150,000 Australian dllar ($111,000) cntract t serve as the caretaker f a trpical Australian island.Ben Suthall, 34, beat ut nearly 35,000 applicants frm arund the wrld fr the dream assignment t swim, explre and relax n Hamiltn Island in the Great Barrier Reef fr six mnths while writing a blg t prmte the area.He was selected by fficials frm the turism department f Queensland state. Suthall and 15 ther finalists spent the past fur days n the Queensland island fr an extended interview prcess, which required applicants t snrkel thrugh crystalline waters, grge themselves at a beach-side barbecue and relax at a spa. The finalists als had t demnstrate their blgging abilities, take swimming tests and sit thrugh in-persn interviews.
    Enviable salary
    Jb respnsibilities
    Challenging interview
    Supplementary reading
    In his applicatin vide, Suthall expressed a lve fr adventure, and featured phtgraphs f himself riding an strich, running a marathn, trekking thrugh Africa and kissing a giraffe.The jb is part f a AU$1.7 millin turism campaign t publicize the charms f nrtheastern Queensland, and fficials say it has already generated mre than AU$100 millin wrth f publicity fr the regin.Suthall will live fr free in an airy, three-bedrm ceanfrnt villa with a private pl and sweeping views f the surrunding islands.
    Ben's lve fr adventure
    The jb is t publicize the Great Barrier Reef.
    Ben's luxury villa
    When writing a paragraph r essay, just as prper grammar and spelling are imprtant, paragraph transitins are als imprtant.Transitinal wrds and phrases cnnect sentences and paragraphs t each ther. Paragraph transitins suggest a particular relatinship between ne idea and the next. Between paragraphs, paragraph transitins help with the flw f writing frm beginning t end. Transitinal wrds and phrases ften ccur at the beginning f a sentence and, fr mre frmal writing, transitinal expressins are set ff with a cmma. In summary, using gd paragraph transitins in essays helps yur ideas flw thrughut the essay. In sme way, transitins serve as a srt f writing glue. Yet, dn't use the same transitin repeatedly, unless yu are ding s fr a specific effect.
    A very imprtant skill in writing and reading Transitins r transitinal sentences
    Intensive reading fr1. key wrds and expressin in the passage2. grammar structure in the passage
    Hw wuld yu like t spend six mnths living n an island and lking after the Great Barrier Reef? The wrking hurs are flexible and accmmdatin is prvided. Key duties include explring the islands f the reef and finding ut what the area has t ffer. Yu'll need t reprt back via weekly blgs, pht diaries and vide updates. Yu'll als be asked t prmte the islands thrugh newspapers, magazines and TV interviews.This call (Subject) fr an island caretaker (Attributive) attracted (Verb) interest frm all ver the wrld. It was actually a very clever means t highlight the imprtance f the Great Barrier Reef and the need t prtect it.
    spend + 一段时间+ding sth 花费时间做某事
    wrking hurs 工作时间 wrking为动名词表示功能/用途
    means (单复数同形) 方法/手段a means t d sth做某事的方法
    1. We spent hurs ____________(g) thrugh these travel brchures.2. Mark ften attempts t escape ______________(fine) whenever he breaks traffic regulatins.3. Lcal activities include ____________(walk), bating and playing glf.4. Westerners ften value their children's "talent" r "gift", while Asian parents _______________________________(强调勤奋的重要性). 5. FAO als prmtes hme gardens as a means ____________ (imprve) husehld and maternal nutritin.
    being fined
    highlight the imprtance f hardwrk
    Lcated ff the cast f Nrth-east Australia, the Great Barrier Reef is the largest living thing n the planet.Abut the size f Japan, it even can be seen frm uter space. Mre than 25 millin years ld, the Great Barrier Reef is made up f living cral grwing n dead cral. It is hst t many species f birds and sea creatures. But this unique and delicate place is nw under threat frm pllutin and climate change.T get this jb, the candidates had t make a shrt vide shwing hw much they knew abut the reef. They als needed t prve why they were the best persn t d the jb. Out f the thusands f applicants, eleven were selected, including a yung wman frm China. Eventually, the jb was ffered t Ben Suthall frm the UK.
    lcated ff the cast f...位于...海岸外,此处为状语从句的省略,还原后的状语从句为:As it is lcated...,从句主语与主句主语同一,从句的动词为be,这时从句的主语和be都可以省略。
    abut前面省略了it is
    be made up f由...组成
    living/grwing n ...现在分词作定语
    1. ____________(lcate) where the Belt meets the Rad, Jiangsu will cntribute mre t the Belt and Rad cnstructin. 2. These ancient wdlands are ________threat _______ new rad develpments. 3. The man kept silent in the rm unless___________(speak) t.4. The feet are highly specialized structures ______________(组成) 26 small delicate bnes. 5. I called at his huse, but he wasn't in. S I left a message ________(tell) him that I wuld call n him the next day.
    Ben did a lt during his time as an island caretaker. In additin t blgging, taking phts and writing articles abut the reef, he made a number f appearances n televisin t argue in favur f its defence. He als wrked as a presenter fr the Natinal Gegraphic Channel, befre ging n t write a bk abut his experiences. Ben later jked that the jb shuld have been advertised nt as the “best”, but the “busiest jb in the wrld”!
    in additin t除了...以外还...,t是介词,后面如果需要接动词,要用动名词
    a number f appearances很多次露面
    in favur f支持,赞同
    experiences (pl) 经历
    1. In additin t ____________(reduce) the gases we emit t the atmsphere, we can als increase the amunt f gases we take ut f the atmsphere. 2. Refugees (难民) settling in a new cuntry suffer frm a number f ____________ (prblem).3. A recent survey shwed 75% f thse questined were ____________(支持) the plan.4. His ____________(experience) in India influenced his later writings.
    Whether it was a genuine jb r an eye-catching marketing event isn't really imprtant. The mst imprtant thing was that peple all ver the wrld became aware f the beauty f the cean in the area. What's mre, they came t understand the delicate balance that the envirnment exists in and what can, and must, be dne t prtect the reef. That way, it will remain a safe habitat fr wildlife, as well as a dream destinatin fr the millins f turists wh visit it each year.
    additive transitin
    1. __________he cmes r nt is nt yet decided.2. __________the earth ges arund the sun is knwn t all.3. __________ handwriting will win the first prize hasn't been decided.4. Over time,__________the ppulatin grew, peple began cutting fd int small pieces s it wuld ck mre quickly.5. Many wmen experience a time f depressin __________they give birth t a baby.6. 8.Plants grw better __________ there is much sunshine and water.
    6. The price f diamnd rings has risen sharply__________ the price f gld rings has gne dwn.7. The pssibility __________ peple wuld have t walk t the farm was mentined.8. I didn’t jin them yesterday evening ________I had t g t an imprtant meeting.9. __________ is reprted n TV that 6,000 peple died accidentally in Lebann due t a sudden explsin.10. 6,000 peple died accidentally in Lebann due t a sudden explsin, __________ is reprted n TV.
    Presenting ideas
    Writing task Hw t write a jb advertisement
    A sample f jb advertisement
    The purpse f a jb advertisement is t find a quality emplyee. S it's necessary prduce a relevant and effective jb advertisement.
    An effective jbertisement shuld include the fllwing 6 elements:
    1. Headings t break up2. An understandable & attractive jb title 3. Jb respnsibilities & wrking lcatin4. Required and desirable skills 5. A salary range& benefits6. Yur cntact details/applicatin instructins
    The jb title shuld make sense, be simple and understandable.
    The headings are essential if yu want the right candidate t keep reading.
    The jb respnsibilities are fcused n telling the candidate what is expected f them by the emplyer.
    The required skills shuld be clsely related t the duties f the psitin, and must be necessary t successfully fulfill the essential functins f the psitin.
    Prvide cntact infrmatin such as email, phne number, and cmpany website.
    Munt Huangshan, a famus must-visit attractin, calls fr yu
    ● Caretaker f the Pine Tree, full time
    ● Munt Huangshan, Anhui Prvince
    ● Taking care f the Pine Tree, Checking several times a day Recding yur bservatins
    ● Salary negtiable; accmadatin and meals prvided
    Visit ur website fr detailed jb descriptin.
    ● Aged bwtween 30-50, cmputer skills are required.
    wrking lcatin
    jb respnsibilities
    salary & benifits
    cntact details
    Read what the persn say abut their jb and cmplete a jb advertisement.
    My name is Li Wei, but I'm als knwn as the “Panda Nanny f Wlng”. As yu can prbably guess, I take care f the pandas living in Sichuan's Wlng Natinal Nature Reserve. As well as lking after these incredible animals, I talk t visitrs and pst updates n scial media. I hpe that ne day, mre peple can jin me in taking care f the pandas.
    Pandas are calling fr yu
    When peple ask me what I d, I tell them that I'm a "spiderman". Fr me, a day at wrk invlves climbing up and dcwn the cliffs f Munt Yuntai's Red Stne Grge. With a rpe tied arund my waist, I clear rubbish left by turists. The jb isn't withut its risks, but I enjy it. I'm very prud that I can help cnserve the envirnment.
    D yu want t be a spiderman n Munt Yuntai? Jin us!
    See yu next time

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        Unit 6 Nurturing nature Period 3 Developing and presenting ideas 课件-【新教材精创】新教材同步备课(外研版选择性必修第一册)
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