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    高中英语外研选择性必修第一册 Unit 3 Section C Developing ideas & Presenting ideas & Reflection PPT课件
    高中英语外研选择性必修第一册 Unit 3  Section C  Developing ideas & Presenting ideas & Reflection PPT课件01
    高中英语外研选择性必修第一册 Unit 3  Section C  Developing ideas & Presenting ideas & Reflection PPT课件02
    高中英语外研选择性必修第一册 Unit 3  Section C  Developing ideas & Presenting ideas & Reflection PPT课件03
    高中英语外研选择性必修第一册 Unit 3  Section C  Developing ideas & Presenting ideas & Reflection PPT课件04
    高中英语外研选择性必修第一册 Unit 3  Section C  Developing ideas & Presenting ideas & Reflection PPT课件05
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    高中英语外研选择性必修第一册 Unit 3  Section C  Developing ideas & Presenting ideas & Reflection PPT课件07
    高中英语外研选择性必修第一册 Unit 3  Section C  Developing ideas & Presenting ideas & Reflection PPT课件08
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    英语选择性必修 第一册Unit 3 Faster, higher, stronger备课课件ppt

    这是一份英语选择性必修 第一册Unit 3 Faster, higher, stronger备课课件ppt,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了课前预习,重点词汇 ,net ,burst,vivid,assign,opponent ,surgery,战胜打败,钢铁般的坚定的等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Sectin C Develping ideas & Presenting ideas & Reflectin
    1.____________ n.球网 2.____________ v.突然出现 3.____________ adj.生动的,逼真的 4.____________ v.分配,分派 
    5.________________ n.(竞争、比赛等的)对手 6.________________ n.外科手术 7. defeat v. ________________________8. steely adj.______________________9. seize v. _________________________10. cperatin n. ____________________ 
    11. turnament n. ______________________12. intense adj. ________________________
    1. burst nt ______________________________2. pay ff ________________________________3. the key t_____________________________4. in this way _____________________________5. set ff________________________________
    6. 被抓住;被赶上 _____________________7. 为……作准备 _______________________8. 站立着;站着 ______________________9.从零开始 __________________________10.发生;举行 ________________________
    be caught up
    n ne′s feet
    start frm zer
    1. Next,the Chinese team defeated the Netherlands in the semi-final matches,having lst t them in the preliminaries.2. Lang is nly t aware that as sn as a team steps ff the victry pdium,they need t start frm zer t prepare fr new challenges ahead.
    1. The puzzled lk __________ her face suggested she was puzzling ver the prblem. 2. If yu give __________ this chance,yu′ll regret it. 3. I need t pay __________ all my debts befre I leave the village. 
    4. __________ the final Sweden easily vercame France. 5. The language barrier is the key ________ keeping them frm ging anywhere. 
    1. What can we knw frm the first paragraph?( )A. It′s the first Olympic champin fr the vlleyball team f China.B. A final vlleyball champin match is n.C. Only few Chinese fans are watching the match live.D. The cmmentatr desn′t cme frm China.
    2.Why des the Chinese vlleyball team hld a special place in the natin′s heart?( )A. Because their perseverance and spirits encurage the whle natin.B. Because they wn several majr internatinal matches.C. Because their stry ccupies the headline in many internatinal newspapers.D. Because they became internatinal heres vernight.
    3. Which f the fllwing facts is NOT the difficulty the Chinese wmen′s vlleyball team faces?( )A. One imprtant teammate has had heart surgery.B. They were at the bttm f the grup.C. They were full f fighting spirits.D. The ther three ppnents were s strng.
    4.What′s the key t their success f the Chinese wmen′s vlleyball team? ( )A. Luck and perseverance.B. Fighting spirits as well as strng team spirit.C. The skill f individual players.D. The steeliest nerves.
    5. What′s the aim f the Chinese vlleyball team?( )A. T shw ff their individual skills.B. T defend their champin.C. T achieve their dream.D. T begin its jurney t the next Olympics.
    1 What are the key differences between team sprts and individual sprts?2 Can yu think f any famus sprts teams? Why are they s well-knwn?
    1 The atmsphere here at Ri de Janeir is electric! If China wins this pint,they will walk ut f the stadium with an Olympic gld medal. Zhang Changning serves. Over the net, Ppvic dives fr the ball. She nly just reaches it... and it′s sent straight back t her by the Chinese spiker Hui Ruqi. can′t get the ball back this time... and that′s it! It′s ver! It′s gld fr China!
    Lk hw the crwd has gne wild. Yu can see the jy and pride n the faces f the Chinese fans. And there we see the Chinese players embracing,with tears f happiness in their ′s a dream cme true fr China! The Chinese wmen′s vlleyball team is Olympic champin nce again!”
    2 The Chinese wmen′s vlleyball team hlds a very special place in the natin′s heart. In the 1980s,the team burst nt the internatinal vlleyball scene with several majr wrld titles,and an amazing three-set victry ver the United States in the final f the 1984 Ls Angeles Olympics. They became natinal heres vernight. There was gld nce mre at Athens in 2004. But winning gld in Ri paints the mst vivid prtrait f the team′s cmpetitive spirit.
    3 In Ri,the Chinese wmen′s vlleyball team needed all f its fighting spirit after it was assigned t the “grup f death”. where it faced several strng ppnents in the grup stage matches. Despite reaching the quarter-finals as the furth team in the grup,with just tw wins in preliminary matches,they were nt ging t give up. Every single member f the team gave their all t the fight,including Hui Ruqi wh had had heart surgery less than five mnths previusly.
    4 Their perseverance paid ff with an epic cmeback against the defending champin Brazil in the quarter-finals. Next,the Chinese team defeated the Netherlands in the semi-final matches,having lst t them in the preliminaries. At last, shwing a strng will and the steeliest nerves,they played a clse match against Serbia t seize gld in the final.
    5 But fighting spirit alne was nt enugh t guarantee victry. Strng team spirit als cntributed greatly t their success. Cperatin between team members is essential. If each individual des her jb and wrks well with thers,then the end gal can be achieved. In fact,strng team spirit is mre imprtant than the skills f individual players.
    Zhu Ting,named Mst Valuable Player at the Ri Olympics,als identified this as the special ingredient in the team′s success:Teamwrk is the key t China′s victry. Thanks t my teammates′ hard effrts,I had the pprtunity t shw my spiking skills.”
    6 Tgether,the Chinese wmen′s vlleyball team has fught their way thrugh ups and dwns.
    Led by well-knwn Chinese vlleyball player and cach Lang Ping,they have cntinued t aim high. Lang is nly t aware that as sn as a team steps ff the victry pdium,they need t start frm zer t prepare fr new challenges ahead. n this way,the team begins its jurney t the next Olympics.
    1 The Chinese wmen′s vlleyball team wn a three-set victry in the final f the 1984 Ls Angeles Olympics. ________2 Facing several strng cmpetitrs in Ri the Chinese wmen′s vlleyball team eventually wn in the final. ________
    3 Fighting spirit alne was nt enugh fr victry._______4 Strng team spirit is mre imprtant than the skills f individual players._________5 Zhu Ting was vted Mst Valuable Player at the Ri Olympics. __________
    1 Hw des the authr start the passage? What effect des it achieve?2 What d yu think f the pinin that a team needs t start frm zer after winning a gld medal?3 What achievements by ther Chinese sprts teams have made the greatest impressin n yu? Give an example f their sprting spirit.
    4 What kind f sprting spirit des each f the reading passages in this unit reflect? Talk abut their similarities and differences.
    1 Discuss the questins belw.• What spirit des the Chinese wmen′s vlleyball team shw in the passage?• What else d yu think has cntributed t their success?• What are the examples that supprt yur ideas?
    2 Cmplete the mind map with yur ideas and the examples that supprt them.
    3 Give a talk t the class.
    Nw talk abut hw well yu have cntributed t yur grup discussin and help each ther t make imprvements.
    Last Saturday,I went t the schl playgrund t watch the final f the 4×100-metre relay at ur annual sprts turnament. It was an extrardinary experience and smething I will never frget.
    Befre the race,everyne was quiet and still. I had never imagined that the atmsphere at a sprts event culd be s intense. When the runners set ff,everyne went wild! We all std up and started cheering and shuting. It was like being hit by a huge wave f excitement. I culd see the runners straining t run as fast as they culd, while trying nt t drp their batns at the change.
    The race was all ver in just ne minute. It was Li Chng,the fastest student in ur schl,wh first crssed the finish line. Everyne was n their feet,cheering. I was als caught up in the excitement and cheered s hard that I thught my lungs wuld burst! It was s wnderful t be part f this sprting mment and enjy its speed and passin.
    1 What event is described?2 When and where did the event take place?
    The final f the 4 ×100-metre relay.
    When:last SaturdayWhere:the schl playgrund
    3 What did the authr see?
    Befre the race:Everyne was quiet and still. During the race:(1)Everyne went wild;theystd up and started cheering and shuting.(2)The runners strained t run as fast as they culd,while trying nt t drp their batns at the change.After the race:Everyne was n their feet,cheering.
    4 What did the authr hear?5 Hw did the authr feel?
    Cheering and shuting.
    The authr felt he/she was caught up in the excitement, and he/she cheered s hard that he/she thught his/her lungs wuld burst.
    Nw write a passage abut the sprting mment.
    The mst imprtant thing in the Olympic Games is nt t win but t take part,just as the mst imprtant thing in life is nt the triumph but the struggle.
    The persn that said winning isn′t everything,never wn anything.
    1 the rles and respnsibilities fr each member f yur grup2 yur arguments,pening and summary3 the ppsing arguments yu might face and hw yu can respnd t them4 useful wrds,expressins and structures
    Write a reflectin after cmpleting this unit. Cnsider the fllwing:
    1 What is yur understanding f sprting spirit?2 What text types have yu learnt abut? What are their features?3 What wrds,expressins and structures have yu learnt?
    4 What imprvement have yu made in understanding different cultures?5 What imprvement have yu made in using learning strategies and explring effective ways f learning?6 What imprvement have yu made in analysing and slving prblems?
    burst 为不及物动词,表示“爆裂;爆发”;burst nt表示“突然出现在……”;另外,burst还可作名词,表示“突然破裂;爆发”。
    Eg. We started t inflate ur ballns and eventually ne burst.我们开始给气球充气,最后有一个爆了。The car gave a sudden burst f speed.那辆小汽车突然加速。
    burst in/int 闯入;突然破门而入;突然开始 (做某事)burst with anger 勃然大怒a burst f ...一阵……
    Eg. When she heard the news,the pr little girl burst int tears.当她听到这个消息时,那个可怜的小女孩哭了起来。Last night the rm was burst int but nthing was taken away.昨晚有人闯入房间但没有带走任何东西。
    短语 burst in 中的 in 是副词,后面不接宾语;而 burst int 后接宾语。
    (1) 他没敲门就闯进房间,这使我非常生气。He _____________ the rm withut kncking at the dr,which made me very angry.
    (2) 当我见到他的穿着时我大笑起来。I __________________________________ when I saw what he was wearing.(3) 那个小女孩如此害怕以至于她哭了起来。The little girl was s frightened that she ___________ ___________________________.
    burst ut laughing / burst int laughter
    burst ut crying / burst int tears
    【词汇精讲】 assign 为动词,表示“分配;分派”。
    Eg. The teacher has assigned each f us a hliday task. 老师给我们每个人都分配了假日的工作。
    assign sb t d sth 指派某人做某事assign sb t... 把某人派往……assign sth t sb 转让,让与(财产、权利) assignment n.任务;职责
    Eg. The captain assigned tw sldiers t guard the gate.上尉派了两个士兵守大门。I was assigned t Trp A f the 10th Cavalry.我被派往第10骑兵队的A连。The agreement assigns t the publisher.协议规定将版权转让给出版商。
    Yu shuldn′t leave schl befre yu′ve finished yur assignments.你不应该在完成任务之前离开学校。
    (1) 学生在很小的时候就会记笔记,在电脑上完成任务,使用在线研究工具。Students will take ntes and d _________________ n cmputers and use nline research tls at a yung age.
    their assignments
    (2) 老师给每个孩子分配了不同的任务。The teacher ___________ a different task ______ each f the children.
    Eg. All the hard wrk I had dne ver the summer paid ff.整个夏天我所做的所有艰辛工作都得到了回报。I′ll pay ff all my debts first.我会先还清所有债务。
    pay sb fr sth 付钱给某人作为……的费用pay fr sth 为……付费/吃苦头/受惩罚pay back 还钱;报复pay sb mney fr... 为……付给某人钱
    Eg. Lss f health is t high a price t pay fr success.为了成功而搞垮身体,代价太高了。Yu can pay back the lan ver a perid f three years.你可以在三年内还清贷款。
    (1) 我作为探险家多年的训练终于得到了回报!All my years f training as an explrer _____________ ___________________ !
    have finally paid ff
    (2) 不管你觉得安排时间有多困难,从长远来看还是会带来好结果的。Hwever difficult yu find it t arrange yur time,it will ________________________.(3) 他花20美元买了这件二手工具。He _____________________ the secnd-hand tl.
    pay ff in the lng run
    paid twenty dllars fr
    Eg. If yu want t cntribute t ur newspaper,please send me yur article befre the deadline.如果你想往我们报纸上投稿,请在最后期限前把文章寄给我。
    cntribute sth t ...把某物捐献给……;向……投稿cntribute t 有助于;导致;投稿cntributin n.捐献;贡献;促成;投稿make a cntributin/cntributins t 对……做出贡献
    Eg. Everyne is willing t cntribute fd and clthes t the hmeless peple.每个人都愿意为无家可归的人捐献食物和衣服。Everyne shuld make cntributins t prtecting the envirnment.每个人都应当为保护环境做贡献。
    (1) 把小事做好有助于增强我们的自信心,并帮助我们迎接未来更大的挑战。Ding small things well ________________________ ur cnfidence and helping us meet bigger challenges in the future.
    cntributes t building up
    (2) 她给杂志投了几首诗稿。 She has ___________________________ magazines.(3) 一些公益广告的主要目的是为社会做贡献。Sme public service advertisements mainly aim t __ _____________________ sciety.
    cntributed several pems t
    make cntributins t
    Eg. The windws reflected the bright afternn sunlight.窗户反射着午后明媚的阳光。 Our newspaper aims t reflect the views f the lcal cmmunity.我们的报纸旨在表达当地人民的心声。
    reflectin n.反射;反映;映像;显示;表达reflect n/upn 反省;认真思考be reflected in 倒映在;反映在n reflectin 经再三考虑;反思
    Eg. The pp star als reflected n his wild behavir in 2019.这位流行歌手也反思了他在2019年的不羁行为。The trees n the shre line were reflected in the clear water.沿岸的树木在清清的河水里倒映出来。
    (1) I hpe in years t cme he will reflect _____________ his decisin.(2) At first I didn′t agree,but n _____________ (reflect) I realized she was right.
    1. Next,the Chinese team defeated the Netherlands in the semi-final matches,having lst t them in the preliminaries.接下来,中国队在半决赛中击败了荷兰队,(尽管之前)在预赛中输给了荷兰队。
    having lst t them in the preliminaries 是现在分词的完成式,在句中作状语。其否定形式是在前面加nt,被动形式为having been dne。
    Eg. Having discussed the plan several times,we decided t carry it ut.多次讨论了这个计划之后,我们决定执行。Nt having met her,I can′t tell yu what she is like.我从没有见过她,所以说不出她的模样。
    (1) 表示先于谓语的动作:即当现在分词所表示的动作先于谓语动作发生时,现在分词就用完成式。(2) 与一般式的区别:现在分词的一般式和完成式均可表示已完成或先于谓语的动作,但是有区别——现在分词所表示的动作虽然可以先于谓语动作,但两者之间没有时间间隔,而现在分词的完成式所表示先于谓语的动作与谓语动作有一定的时间间隔。
    (3) 从句法上,现在分词的完成式既不用作主语和宾语,也不用作定语,其主要作用是用作状语。
    Eg. Having failed twice,he didn′t want t try again.他已经失败了两次,不想再试了。Having written dwn ur names and addresses,the pliceman let us g.那警察把我们的姓名和地址记下之后就让我们走了。
    (1) ____________________ (tell) many times,he finally understd it.(2) ________________ (spend) nearly all ur mney,we culdn't affrd t stay at a htel.
    Having been tld
    Having spent
    (3) _______________ (wait) in the queue fr half an hur,the ld man suddenly realized he had left his purse in the car.
    Having waited
    2. Lang is nly t aware that as sn as a team steps ff the victry pdium,they need t start frm zer t prepare fr new challenges ahead.郎平非常清楚,一支球队一旦走下胜利的领奖台,就需要从零开始,为未来的新挑战做好准备。
    Eg. I′ll tell him the news as sn as he cmes.他一来我就告诉他这个消息。As sn as there is any talk f paying,his enthusiasm cls dwn.一谈到付款的事,他就不热心了。
    英语中“一/刚……就……”还有下列几种表达方法:(1) n/upn+n./v.-ing(2) immediately/directly/instantly +从句(3) the mment/minute/secnd/instant +从句(4) (5) n
    Eg. Upn/On his return frm Beijing,he began his research wrk.他一从北京回来,就立即开始了他的研究工作。We hadn′t met fr 20 years,but I recgnized her the mment I saw her.我和她20年没见面了,可我一见到她就认出了她。
    I had n sner gt back t the kitchen than the drbell rang again.=N sner had I gt back t the kitchen than the drbell rang again.我刚回到厨房,门铃就响了。
    (1) 她一进屋电话就响了。_____________________ she entered the rm when the phne rang.
    Scarcely/Hardly had
    (2) 我一拿起电话就听出了他的声音。I recgnized his vice ___________________________ ___________ I picked up the phne.(3) 我一做出最后的决定就感到轻松多了。________________ I had made the final decisin,I felt a lt mre relaxed.
    the minute / mment / secnd / instant
    上周你校举办了为期两天的运动会,请你以“An unfrgettable sprts meeting.”为题描述一下这场运动会。注意:词数80左右。
    1. 确定体裁:本单元的写作任务是记叙文。记叙文是以叙述人物的经历或事物的发展变化的过程为主的一种文体。2. 确定人称:本文的主要人称是第三人称。3. 确定时态:由于记叙文叙述的事情通常发生在过去,因而,其时态主要用一般过去时。
    1. last 持续2. lap 跑道的一圈3. strength 力量4. cheer 欢呼声5. catch up with 赶上6. ut f breath 气喘吁吁7. cheer sb up 使某人振奋起来
    1. 我们学校上周举行了一场为期两天的运动会。Last week ur schl had a sprts meeting which lasted tw days.2. 比赛一开始,大家都激动得无法停止欢呼。As sn as the race began,everyne was t excited t stp cheering.
    3. 起初他落后了,但他一点一点地赶上了别人。He fell behind at first,but he caught up with thers little by little.4. 最后,他第一个到达终点并打破了我们学校的纪录。Finally he was the first persn t get t the finishing line and brke the recrd f ur schl.
    5. 他很高兴,因为他为我们班赢得了一个奖项。He was happy because he wn a prize fr ur class.6. 这是我经历过的最难忘的运动会。This is the mst unfrgettable sprts meeting that I have ever had.
    参考范文An unfrgettable sprts meeting.Last week ur schl had a sprts meeting which lasted tw days. The weather was sunny and the whle playgrund was quite exciting.
    The last event f the sprts meeting was 3,000-meter race. My classmate Jhn tk part in it. As sn as the race began,everyne was t excited t stp cheering. He fell behind at first,but he caught up with thers little by little. At the last lap f the race,he was ut f breath. S we shuted “cme n” t cheer him up. This gave him great strength. He ran faster and faster.
    Finally he was the first persn t get t the finishing line and brke the recrd f ur schl. He was happy because he wn a prize fr ur class. It was s exciting that cheers and applause culd be heard everywhere.This is the mst unfrgettable sprts meeting that I have ever had.
    1. With a great weight ____________ (take) ff her mind,she passed all the tests successfully. 2. His parents had huge debts t pay _________. 
    3. It is the teacher′s praise that cntributes ________ my success. 4. _______ this way,Carline made her brther walk abut 1,000 miles until their jurney was ver. 5. I saw him ___________ (run) in the rain yesterday. 
    1._______ (lead) by Lang Ping,the Chinese vlleyball team,2.___________ hlds a very special place in the natin′s heart,is Olympic champin nce again. The gld medal in Ri 3._________ (vivid) shwed the team′s 4. __ ______________ (cmpete) spirit.
    While 5._________ (assign) t the “grup f death”,every single member f the team gave 6.__________ (they) all t the fight. They held the same view 7.______ fighting spirit alng with strng team spirit wuld cntribute t the final 8. _________ (succeed). Thanks t their effrts,their perseverance 9. _______ (pay) ff,10._______ they nce again stand n the tp pdium. 

    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Onwards and upwards教案配套课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002273_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 2 Onwards and upwards教案配套课件ppt</a>,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了课前预习,重点词汇 ,blessing,worthy ,mere,外形轮廓 ,使人高兴的事,长久的永久的,文学的,难堪的尴尬的等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 1 Laugh out loud!教学课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002272_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 1 Laugh out loud!教学课件ppt</a>,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了课前预习,重点词汇 ,shave ,fellow,concept  ,spot,残忍的,悄声说低语,难处理的难懂的,结束终止等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 2 Improving yourself课文配套ppt课件: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 2 Improving yourself课文配套ppt课件,共41页。PPT课件主要包含了重点短语,重点句式,答案A,答案C,答案D,答案B,重点词汇,文化意识,高分写作,随堂练习等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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