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    Unit1 Period 1  Reading and Thinking  课件人教版高中英语选修三01
    Unit1 Period 1  Reading and Thinking  课件人教版高中英语选修三02
    Unit1 Period 1  Reading and Thinking  课件人教版高中英语选修三03
    Unit1 Period 1  Reading and Thinking  课件人教版高中英语选修三04
    Unit1 Period 1  Reading and Thinking  课件人教版高中英语选修三05
    Unit1 Period 1  Reading and Thinking  课件人教版高中英语选修三06
    Unit1 Period 1  Reading and Thinking  课件人教版高中英语选修三07
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    人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 1 Art精品ppt课件

    这是一份人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 1 Art精品ppt课件,文件包含Unit1Period1ReadingandThinking课件人教版高中英语选修三pptx、Poem-Amp3、Poem-Bmp3、Poem-Cmp3、Poem-Dmp3、Poem-Emp3、Poem-Fmp3、PoemsA-Fmp3、ReadingThinkingmp3、whatisapoemmp4、杜甫mp4等11份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共60页, 欢迎下载使用。

    T read intrductin n sme simple frms f English pems.T explre the characteristics f different frms f pems and learn t appreciate English pems.
    Learning bjectives
    In children's eyes:
    A pem is ____________.A pem is lvely ________.A pem is ________.A pem can be __________ and can be ____________.A pem makes yu ______________________.
    really lud
    feel like singing laaaa…
    In sme famus pets’ eyes:
    Pet Percy Bysshe Shelly defined petry as “the expressin f imaginatin.”
    Rbert Frst said that a pem frms when “an emtin has fund its thught and the thught has fund wrds.”
    What is a pem?
    A pem is a cmpsitin with rhythmic balance expressing ideas r experiences r feelings.A pem is a literary wrk that is nt in verse but deals with emtinal r descriptive themes in a rhythmic frm.A pem is a piece f writing in which the wrds are arranged in separate lines, ften ending in rhyme, and are chsen fr their sund and fr the images and ideas they suggest.
    Why d yu think peple write pems?
    t encurage peple
    t tell a stry
    t express feelings
    t recall an enjyable r unpleasant incident
    t play with wrds
    t create images fr the readers
    t express a pint f view
    t make a ther laugh
    t create a md
    Why d yu think peple write pems?
     t tell a stry
     t express feelings
     t express a pint f view
     t get readers t think abut an idea
     t create certain images in reader's mind
     t recall an enjyable r unpleasant incident
    Nw let’s enjy “A few simple frms f English pems” t learn mre abut pems!
    The Rad Nt Taken   writen by Rbert FrstTw rads diverged in a yellw wd,And srry I culd nt travel bthAnd be ne traveler, lng I stdAnd lked dwn ne as far as I culdT where it bent in the undergrwth.Then tk the ther, as just as fair,And having perhaps the better claim,Because it was grassy and wanted wear;Thugh as fr that the passing thereHad wrn them really abut the same.And bth that mrning equally layIn leaves n step had trdden black.Oh, I kept the first fr anther day!Yet knwing hw way leads n t way,I dubted if I shuld ever cme back.I shall be telling this with a sighSmewhere ages and ages hence:Tw rads diverged in a wd, and I--I tk the ne less traveled by,And that has made all the difference.
    未选择的路 罗伯特·弗罗斯特黄色的树林里分出两条路,可惜我不能同时去涉足,我在那路口久久伫立,我向着一条路极目望去,直到它消失在丛林深处。但我选了另外一条路,它荒草萋萋,十分幽寂,显得更诱人,更美丽;虽然在这条小路上,很少留下旅人的足迹。那天清晨落叶满地,两条路都未经脚印污染。啊,留下一条路等改日再见!但我知道路径延绵无尽头,恐怕我难以再回返。也许多少年后在某个地方,我将轻声叹息将往事回顾:一片树林里分出两条路——而我选择了人迹更少的一条,从此决定了我一生的道路。
    line 诗行(诗的一行)
    verse 诗节(诗的一节,由排列成单元的一组诗行构成 )
    rhyme 押韵词(句末单词最后一个音节的发音相似或相同 )
    Quiz in Chinese traditinal pems
    Can yu recite the Chinese traditinal pems accrding t their English translatin?
    Let’s have a cmpetitin.
    If yu wuld ask me hw my srrw has increased, Just see the ver-brimming river flwing east!
    虞美人 李煜问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流。
    Hw lng will the bright mn appear? Wine-cup in hand, I ask the sky. I d nt knw what time f year, It wuld be tnight in the palace n high.
    水调歌头 苏轼明月几时有?把酒问青天。 不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年。
    I seek but seek in vain, I search and search again;I feel s sad, s drear, s lnely, withut cheer.
    声声慢 李清照 寻寻觅觅, 冷冷清清, 凄凄惨惨戚戚。
    What are the different frms f literature that yu already knw abut? Can yu give an example?What are the characteristics f each frm f literature?
    pre reading
    Befre yu read, discuss the questins with yur partner.
    1. Cmpared with ther frms f literature such as the nvel, drama, and the shrt stry, what are the characteristics f petry?
    Appreciate different frms f English pems
    Cmpared t ther frms f literature, petry tends t be shrter thugh a pem can be very lng. Wrds are used differently, nt in sentences and paragraphs like in nvels, but lines and stanzas. Often grammar and punctuatin are ignred r used differently. Petry is mre emtinal, and the pssibilities are much mre pen than in prse.
    What d yu expect t learn frm the reading passage?
    Read the passage quickly, and answer the questins:
    1. What des the passage mainly discuss?2. Hw many parts can it be divided int?3. Hw many types f English pems are mentined? What are they?
    The text is mainly abut the characteristics f five frms f English pems and examples f these pems.
    A. ______________  B. ____________ C.___________D. ______________ E. ______________
    Nursery rhymes
    Five kinds f pems
    Nursery rhymes 童谣
    List pems 清单诗
    Cinquain 五行诗
    Haiku 俳句诗
    Tang pems 唐诗
    Read and match.
    Para 1Para 2Para 3Para 4Para 5Para 6
    Tang petryNursery rhymesList pemBrief intrductinCinquainKaiku
    1. is a descriptin f the uniqueness f a mther2. is a descriptin f a lvely brther.3. describes hw a butterfly rests n a tree.4. is a nursery rhyme that illustrate a father's lve fr his baby.6. is a descriptin f life5. is a translatin f a Tang petry, which describes a wman wh waited fr her belved husband t cme back frm a jurney.
    Match the main idea with each pem.
    Pem APem B Pem CPem D Pem E Pem F
    Petry cmprehensin
    Pems paint pictures with wrds thrugh the use f figures f speech and metaphrs, s t understand a pem fully, yu have t imagine in yur mind the picture the pem is painting. Further, the sunds, rhythm, and rhymes in a pem give it a musical quality. Pems ften have t be read alud, and with feeling, t be really understd and enjyed.
    Read the text and cmplete the table n page 51.
    • lists f things, peple, ideas r descriptins f a particular theme• flexible line length• repeated phrases fr patterns and rhythm
    • nature• repetitin
    • life• repetitin
    • simple frm• five lines
    • strng picture• md• few wrds
    • 17 syllables• three lines cntaining 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively
    • nature• life
    • structured
    • lve and waiting• metaphr
    Read the Paragraph 1 carefully and answer the questins.
    1. What are the tw imprtant pints mentined in Paragraph 1?
    The reasns why peple cmpse petryThe characteristics f petry
    2. Accrding t the text, what are the characteristics f petry?
    The characteristics f petry:ecnmical use f wrds; descriptive and vivid language; integrated imagery; literary devices, e.g., simile, metaphr; arrangement f wrds and lines; rhymes; rhythm…
    1. What type f pem is it?2. What’s the theme f the pem?3. What kind f petic devices are used in the pem?4. Hw des it rhyme?5. What picture can yu imagine in yur mind when yu read this pem?6. What emtin/feeling des it try t cnvey?
    Read the Paragraphs 2-6 and discuss these questins.
    Hush, little baby, dn't say a wrd, Papa's gnna buy yu a mckingbird.If that mckingbird wn't sing, Papa's gnna buy yu a diamnd ring.If that diamnd ring turns t brass, Papa's gnna buy yu a lking glass.If that lking glass gets brke, Papa's gnna buy yu a billy gat.If that billy gat wn't pull, Papa's gnna buy yu a cart and bull.
    They have strng rhythm, and ften repeat the same wrds.
    List pems have a flexible line length and repeated phrases.
    Hundreds f stars in the deep blue sky,Hundreds f shells n the shre tgether, hundreds f birds that g singing by, Hundreds f bees in the sunny weather, Hundreds f dewdrps t greet the dawn,Hundreds f bees in the purple clver, Hundreds f butterflies n the lawn,But nly ne mther the wrld ver.
    Life can be gd, Life can be bad,Life is mstly cheerful,But smetimes sad,Life can be dreams,Life can be great thughts, Life can mean a persn,Sitting in curt.
    A list pem is ne f the easiest kinds f pems t write because it can have as many lines as the writer likes. But that desn’t mean yu shuld write dwn anything. Here’s a list f elements that make a list pem instead f just a list:
    Hw t write a list pem
    The writer is telling yu smething — pinting smething ut — saying, “Lk at this” r “Think abut this”.2) There’s a beginning and an end t it, like in a stry.3) Each item in the list is written the same way.
    Read para. 4 and then answer the questins.
    Line 1: a nun (name the subject f the pem)Line 2: tw adjectives (describe the subject)Line 3: three -ing verbs (describe the subject's actins)Line 4: fur wrds (give the writer's pinins r feelings) Line 5: a wrd (give anther name fr the subject)
    1. What's the structure f pem D?
    The cinquain is made up f five lines and has the fllwing structure:
    BrtherBeautiful, athleticTeasing, shuting, laughingFriend and enemy tMine
    ne wrd (tpic)
    three verbs with -ing
    What is pem D abut? Des the authr like his brther? Give yur reasns.
    • The pem is a descriptin f a lvely brther. • The authr likes his brther. • Althugh the speaker describes a cuple f negative aspects f his/her brther (teasing, enemy), the reader can feel the affectin that the speaker feels fr his/her brther.
    Read para. 5 and then answer the questins.
    1. Underline the 17 syllables in pem E.
    5 syllables
    7 syllables
    A fallen blssmIs cming back t the branch.Lk, a butterfly!
    It cnsists f 17 syllables. It cntains 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively.
    2. What des pem E describe?
    It describes hw a butterfly rests n a tree.
    Read para. 6 and then answer the questins.
    1. D yu knw the Chinese title f pem F?
    A. 蝶恋花 B. 竹枝词 C. 望夫石 D. 一剪梅
    望夫石 王建望夫处,江悠悠,化为石,不回头。 山头日日风复雨, 行人归来石应语。
    Where she awaits her husbandOn and n the river flws.Never lking back,Transfrmed int stne.Day by day upn the muntain tp,wind and rain revlve.Shuld the traveler return, this stne wuld utter speech.Wang Jian
    Which f the fllwing wrds can cnvey the wman’s feelings
    A. lneliness B. jy C. lve D. trustE. anger F. hate G. srrw
    2. What is the stry that pem F tells? Tell the stry in yur wn wrds.
    The wman's husband has gne away. The wman waits fr him by the river where she last saw him. She waits and waits, never mving frm that spt and never speaking, while the river cntinues t flw and the wind and rain cme and g.
    t the pint; strng rhyme and repeat the same wrds.
    List Pems B/C
    simple; amateurs can easily write; made up f five lines cnvey a strng picture r a md
    a Japanese frm; 17 syllables; a frmat f three lines
    cntaining a list ; a flexible line length repeated phrases ;a particular theme
    Tang Pems F
    a cncrete image
    Nursery Rhymes A
    lve between father and babyrhymes, repetitin
    brtherin just a few wrds
    butterflythree lines; cntaining 5, 7, and 5 syllables
    lve fr a mthera flexible line length and repeated phrases
    sad lve fr her husband ; rhymes
    tpics and devices
    Listen t the recrding f the text and read alud the pems.
    Which pem d yu like best? Why?Des each f the pems we’ve read paint a picture in yur mind? Which pem des? What is the picture?
     Pems bring passin t ur life.
     Pems help us t understand life, virtues, beauty and rmance.
     Pems make us knw we are here and that we can make ur life and the wrld mre clrful and beautiful.
    Are pems gd fr ur life? What can we get frm pems?
    1) Pems bring passin t ur life.2) Pems help us t understand life, virtues (美德), beauty and rmance. 3) Pems make us knw we are here and that we can make ur life and the wrld mre clrful and beautiful.
    Life is beauty, admire it. Life is bliss, taste it. Life is a dream, realize it. Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a duty, cmplete it. Life is a game, play it. Life is a prmise, fulfill it. Life is srrw, vercme it.
    Lily ut f the water ut f itself
    SpaghettiMessy, spicySlurping, sliding, fallingBetween my plate and muthDelicius
    赋得古原草送别 — 白居易离离原上草,一岁一枯荣。野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。
    语法填空(根据课文内容和语法规则完成短文)   There are varius reasns 1     peple write petry. Sme pems give the reader a strng 2     (impress). Others try t cnvey certain emtins. In this text,sme simpler frms f English pems 3___________________     (intrduce),such 4   nursery rhymes,which may seem 5     (cntradict). But they are easy t learn and recite. List pems have a flexible line length and 6_________    (repeat) phrases. Students can als write the cinquain,a frm f pem 7    (make) up f five lines. Haiku is 8_____________     Japanese frm f petry with 17 syllables. English speakers als enjy Tang petry. With s many different frms f petry 9______    (chse) frm,students may 10     (eventual) want t write pems f their wn.
    are intrduced
    Summary writingRead the text and write a summary f abut 60 wrds based n the text.
    Here are sme simple frms f English pems. Nursery rhymes may nt make sense,but they are easy t learn and recite.(要点1) List pems have a flexible line length and repeated phrases with a pattern and a rhythm.(要点2) The cinquain cnveys a strng picture with a few wrds,nly five lines.(要点3) Haiku,a Japanese frm f petry,gives a clear picture and creates a special feeling using few wrds, cnsisting f 17 syllables.(要点4) A lt f Tang petry has been translated int English.(要点5)
    srrw n. a feeling f great sadness, usually because smene has died r because smething terrible has happened t yu 悲伤,悲痛 vi. t feel r express srrw 感到悲伤 srrw ver 为……而悲伤
    1. Others try t cnvey certain feelings such as jy and srrw. 还有的诗歌则试图传达特定的情感,如喜悦和悲伤。
    eg Wrds cannt express my srrw. Her friend was srrwing ver the lss f a dg.
    t ne’s srrw 令某人悲痛的是share happiness and srrw 同甘共苦mre in srrw than in anger 悲哀多于愤怒mix jy with srrw 悲喜交加
    t the pint : dealing nly with the imprtant subject r idea, and nt including any unnecessary discussins 简明恰当的; 简洁中肯的
    2. The language f these rhymes, like Pem A, is t the pint but has a stryline. 这些童谣的语言恰到好处,却含有故事情节,如诗歌A。
    eg Her cmments were brief and t the pint.
    beside / ff the pint  不切正题,无关紧要cme/get straight t the pint 直奔主题/开门见山at that pint 在那时at the pint f  几乎要
    eg Mark received lw marks fr his essay, as much f it was ff the pint. I’ll cme straight t the pint: what yu are ding has disturbed us. I was sitting in frnt f the TV and waiting fr my favrite prgram. At that pint, the electricity was cut ff. When he fell ff the tree, he was at the pint f tears.
    make sense: 1) if smething makes sense, there seems t be a gd reasn r explanatin fr it 解释得通,有道理 2) t be a sensible thing t d 是明智的,是合乎情理
    3. The pems may nt make sense and even seem cntradictry, but they are easy t learn and recite. 这些童谣也许没有道理,甚至自相矛盾,但是很容易学习和背诵。
    eg She desn’t talk much, but what she says makes sense. It makes sense t save mney while yu can.
    make sense f 理解,弄懂cmmn sense 常识in a sense 在某种意义上talk sense 说正经话 eg I can’t make sense f that painting.
    根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1) It _____________________ (没有任何意义) t d this.2) The pem seems hard t understand. Can yu ________________ (理解) it?
    desn’t make any sense
    make sense f
    they are easy t learn 为“主语+be +adj.+不定式”句型
    The pems may nt make sense and even seem cntradictry, but they are easy t learn and recite.
    (1) 用于该句型的形容词多为表示主语的性质、特征的词。常见的此类形容词有easy, difficult, hard, imprtant, impssible, interesting, pleasant, nice, cmfrtable, dangerus, heavy等。(2) 构成不定式的动词和句子的主语存在逻辑上的动宾关系,但不定式通常用主动形式表示被动意义。若构成不定式的动词为不及物动词,其后要加上相应的介词。
    (3)不定式有时会带上自己的逻辑主语,并用fr引出。 eg Gd nvels are interesting t read. The chair is cmfrtable t sit n. The questin is hard fr me t answer.
    4. Anther simple frm f pem that amateurs can easily write is the cinquain, which is made up f five lines.   (对于)业余诗人(而言)容易创作的另一种简单诗歌形式是五行诗,它是由五个诗行构成。
    be made up f : cnsist f 由……构成、组成其主语为表示整体的人或事物,即整体由部分组成。其主动形式为make up
    eg The club is made up f mre than 200 members. We need ne mre persn t make up a team.
    【拓展】make短语 make full use f make gd use f make the best f make the mst f 充分利用make up 弥补; 和解; 编造; 整理; 化妆make fr 走向; 有助于; 促进make ver 转让; 移交; 改造; 重做make up f 由构成; 由组成make prgress 取得进步make effrts 作出努力
    1) In sme languages, 100 wrds __________(占据) half f all wrds used in daily cnversatins.2) Facing tw ffers, I haven’t ________________ (下定决心)abut which t chse.3) The audience at yesterday’s meeting _______________ (组成) twelve leaders frm sme big cmpanies.
    make up my mind
    was made up f
    5. With these, yu can cnvey a strng picture r a certain md in just a few wrds. 通过这些诗行,你可以用短短几句话就传达出一幅动人的画面或某种心情。
    in a gd / bad md 心情好/不好be / feel in the md (fr sth. / t d sth.)有意/有心情(做某事)put sb. in a gd / bad md 使某人心情愉快/不愉快be in n md fr sth. / t d sth. 没有心情做某事
    md n. the way yu feel at a particular time 情绪;心情   
    eg He’s always ptimistic and lks in a gd md. We really feel in the md fr a party tnight. He was in n md fr being plite t visitrs.
    1) Andrew and his friend had a bitter quarrel abut sme minr matters. That’s why he was _______________ (心情差)the whle day. 2) He was _______________(有心情) a walk in the wds.
    in a bad md
    in the md fr
    6. Never lking back, Transfrmed int stne. 化为石,不回头。
    transfrm vt. t cmpletely change the appearance, frm, r character f smething r smene, especially in a way that imprves it 使改变外观(或性质),使改观;使改变形态transfrm…(frm…) int … 把……(从……)变成
    eg Many kinds f energy can be transfrmed int electricity. The event that happened when I was in university wuld transfrm my life.
    transfrmatin n. 彻底的)变化,改观,转变,改革 transfrmatin frm…t/int… 从……到……的变化
    前缀trans-有两种含义。一种表示“进入(另一个地方),成为(另一状态)”,如transfer (转移,搬迁);transprt (运输,运送); transfrm (使改观); translate (翻译); transplant (移植)。 另一种表示“横穿,通过,超越”,如:transnatinal (跨国的); transcntinental (横跨大陆的); transatlantic (横跨大西洋的)。
    I. Fill in the blanks with the crrect frm f the wrds r phrases given.
    srrw rhyme recite mdrespectively be made up f
    1. Can yu find a _________ fr “nse”? 2. He was in n _______ fr being plite t visitrs.3. The medical team _____________ three dctrs and five nurses.4. Five years ag thse figures were 36% and 42%, _____________.5. They said that the decisin was made mre in ________ than in anger.6. Then a leading singer wuld stand ut and ______ alne, and the chrus wuld respnd.
    is made up f
    II. Translate the fllwing sentences int English.
    He is clearly in a gd md tday.
    Wrds cannt express my srrw.
    The ne rhyme fr passin is fashin.
    He can recite that pem frm memry.
    The club is made up f twenty members.
    They finished first and secnd respectively.
    1. Listen t the recrding f the text and read alud the pems.2. Chse yur favrite frm f pems and write ne n yur wn. We’ll share ur wn pems next class.

    高中Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations一等奖ppt课件: 这是一份高中<a href="/yy/tb_c4002239_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations一等奖ppt课件</a>,共29页。

    人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 1 Art试讲课ppt课件: 这是一份人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册<a href="/yy/tb_c4009219_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 1 Art试讲课ppt课件</a>,文件包含Unit1Period1ReadingandThinking课件人教版高中英语选修三pptx、ReadingandThinkingmp3、ClaudeMonetmp4、印象派画家TheImpressionistsMiniseriesmp4、如果梵高亲自参观自己的画廊mp4等5份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共60页, 欢迎下载使用。

    人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 1 Art完美版课件ppt: 这是一份人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册<a href="/yy/tb_c4009219_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 1 Art完美版课件ppt</a>,文件包含Unit1Period1ReadingandThinking课件人教版高中英语选修三pptx、Poem-Amp3、Poem-Bmp3、Poem-Cmp3、Poem-Dmp3、Poem-Emp3、Poem-Fmp3、PoemsA-Fmp3、ReadingThinkingmp3、Readingandthinkingmp3、Habitsmp4、Healthylifemp4、Healthylifestylemp4、Severalgoodhabitsmp4、whatisapoemmp4、杜甫mp4等16份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共50页, 欢迎下载使用。

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