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    新外研社高中英语必修二Unit2Let's celebrate-Using Language课件
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    高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Let's celebrate!图片课件ppt

    这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Let's celebrate!图片课件ppt,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了Grammar,v 表明 显示,n 请求 要求,may might,must,can could,couldn’t,may,maymight,Must等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Lk at the sentences frm the reading passage and answer the questins.
    a That is why Letters frm Father Christmas culd be the perfect bk…b The children must have been very excited as they pened it.c … they might nt receive their presents if they were nt gd.
    1) What d the wrds in red indicate: an rder, a request, ability r pssibility?
    The wrds in red indicate pssibility.
    2) Will the meaning f sentence (a) change if we replace “culd” with “must” r “might”?
    If we replace “culd” with “must”, the meaning f sentence (a) will change. It means the speaker is quite sure abut the statement. If we replace “culd” with “might”, the meaning f sentence (a) will remain mre r less the same. “Culd” and “might” in affirmative sentences have a similar meaning when indicating pssibility.
    3) What happens if we change “must” and “might” in sentences (b) and (c) int “culd”?
    If we change “must” in sentence (b) int “culd”, it means the speaker is nt sure abut the statement, and it’s nly a pssibility. If we change “might” in sentence (c) int “culd”, it means it’s impssible fr the children t receive presents.
    【情态动词】一、情态动词can与culd的用法1. 表示能力: can用来表示现在的能力, culd表示过去的能力。e.g. My grandmther can d sme shpping n the Internet, but she culdn’t last year. 我奶奶会网购了, 但是去年她还不会。2. 表示请求和许可: culd语气比can委婉, 但回答时只能用can。e.g. Can I g nw? 现在我可以走了吗? e.g.—Culd I cme t see yu tmrrw? ——明天我可以来看你吗?
    —Yes, yu can. (否定答语可用N, I’m afraid nt. )——是的, 可以。3. 表示推测, 意为“可能”。多用于否定句或疑问句。e.g.—Can the news be true? ——这个消息可能是真的吗? —It can’t be true. ——它不可能是真的。e.g. Smene is kncking at the dr. Wh culd it be? 有人在敲门, 他可能是谁呢?
    4. 表示理论上或习惯上的可能性, 意为“可能会”。e.g. Sctland can be very warm in September. 九月的苏格兰有时会非常暖和。5. 习惯用法“cannt. . . t. . . ”表示“无论怎样……都不过分, 越……越好”。有时cannt可用can never替代。e.g. We cannt thank yu t much fr what yu’ve dne fr us. 对于你们为我们所做的一切, 我们怎么感激你们都不过分。
    选出下列句中can/culd的含义。A. 表示能力    B. 表示推测C. 表示请求和许可D. 表示理论或习惯上的可能性(1)Can/Culd I use yur dictinary? (2)An Englishman wh culd nt speak Italian was nce traveling in Italy. (3)Mary culdn’t have received my letter, therwise she wuld have replied befre nw. (4)Everybdy can make mistakes.
    二、情态动词may与might的用法表示征求对方的许可或允许对方做某事(不用might) 。e.g.—May/Might I play the cmputer games after supper? —Yes, yu may. /N, yu mustn’t/can’t. (否定句用mustn’t或can’t)——晚饭后我可以玩电脑游戏吗? ——是的, 可以。/不, 不行。e.g. Yu may chse whatever yu like. 你喜欢什么就选择什么。
    2. 表示推测(把握不大), 意为“可能”, 多用于肯定句。(might比may可能性更小)e.g. The traffic is very heavy these days. I may arrive a bit late, s culd yu save me a place? 这些天交通很拥挤, 我可能会来晚一点, 请你帮我留个位置好吗? e.g. She might g ut because the phne was ringing all the time. 她可能出去了, 因为电话一直在响。
    3. may用于祈使句, 表示祝愿。e.g. May yu return sn. 愿你早日归来。4. “may/might as well+动词原形”表示“不妨, 还不如”。e.g. It’s nt very far, s we may/might as well g n ft. 那地方不太远, 所以我们还是走着去吧。
    选出下列句中may/might的含义。A. 表示许可 B. 表示推测 C. 表示祝愿(1)I think he may cme tmrrw. (2)May yu gd luck! (3)May I watch TV nw?
    三、情态动词must的用法1. 表示“必须”, 语气比shuld, ught t强烈。其否定形式为mustn’t (不准; 禁止)。e.g. Yu mustn’t d that, because yu must keep yur wrd. 你不能那么做, 因为你得遵守诺言。
    表示肯定的推测时:情态动词语气从弱到强依次为 might → may → culd → can → must;
    【要点提示】 以must开头的一般疑问句的肯定回答中要用must, 否定回答中要用needn’t/dn’t have t。e.g.—Must I finish the paper tday? —Yes, yu must. /N, yu needn’t/dn’t have t. ——今天我必须完成论文吗? ——是的, 你必须。/不, 你不必。
    2. 表示有把握的肯定推测, 只能用在肯定句中, 意为“一定; 准是”; 在否定句、疑问句中要用can’t代替。e.g. Yu have wrked hard all day. Yu must be tired. 你辛苦工作一整天了, 一定累了。(对现在情况的推测判断)e.g. Yu must have read widely and put a lt f wrk int it. 你一定进行了广泛阅读并投入了大量的工作。(对过去情况的推测)3. 表示感情色彩, 意为“偏偏; 偏要”, 常指令人不快的事情。e.g. The car must break dwn just when I was abut t start. 我正要出发时车偏偏抛锚了。
    4. must nt表示禁止, 意思是“不准” “不许” “千万不要”等。e.g. Yu mustn’t drive int a street with a “n entry” sign. 你切勿把车驶进有“不得进入”标示的街道。
    选出下列句中must/mustn’t的含义。A. 表示“必须”B. 表示“一定; 准是”C. 表示“偏要; 硬要; 偏偏”D. 表示“禁止, 不许, 不准”(1)Yu mustn’t fire withut my signal. (2)Why must yu always interrupt me? (3)Yu must be hungry after all that walking. (4)Yu must practice yur spken English if yu want t imprve.
    四、情态动词+have dne“can/culd/may/might/must + have dne”表示对过去事情的推测。各情态动词的表示推测的用法如下表:
    Frm what yu said, she must have tld yu all abut it. 从你所说的来看, 她一定把一切都告诉你了。(只能用在肯定句中)e.g. He can’t have finished the task in such a shrt time. 他不能在如此短的时间内完成这项任务。(只能用在否定句)e.g. Can he have tld yu the secret yesterday? 昨天他可能告诉过你那个秘密吗? (用在疑问句)
    用适当的情态动词填空。(1) He _____________ have frgtten it. I tld him just nw. (2) It’s t late; I think he __________have gne t bed.  (3) Mary went hme. She _____ have finished her wrk.
       情态动词+ have dne”表示虚拟语气的用法: culd have dne表示本来能够做某事但没做 (用于肯定句中)shuld/ught t have dne 表示本应该做某事但没做, 其否定式 表示本不该做但却做了might have dne表示本可以做某事但没做needn’t have dne表示本没有必要做某事但做了e.g. Yu shuldn’t have tld her the truth. 你本不该告诉她真相。
    e.g. I culd have given him sme help, but I was busy then. 我本能够给他一些帮助, 但是当时太忙了。e.g. Yu needn’t have cme, it is Sunday. 你本没必要来, 今天是星期天。
    Ⅰ. 用适当的情态动词填空1. Where _________yu have gne t? I ________ find yu just nw.  2. Yu ____ take whatever yu like. 3. Yu __________ as well stay where yu are and it is easy fr me t see yu. 4. —_____ I hand in my hmewrk tnight? —N, yu _______. Yu ____ hand it in tmrrw. 5. He speaks English fluently. He _____ have learned English befre. 6. May I cme in? Yes, yu ____.
    7. Yu _____ be t careful t crss the rad. 8. Generally speaking, it is warm in spring but it ____ be very cld in sme bad weather. 9. ____ur friendship last lng.  10. Why _____ yu smke in the meeting rm?
    Ⅱ. 完成句子1. It is cludy and cld. It _________later this afternn.  天气阴冷, 今天下午可能会下雪。2. Dn’t scld him fr his mistake again. Anybdy _________________.  不要因为他的错误再批评他了, 任何人都可能犯错误。3. Yu ____________________here r yu will be fined.  你禁止把车停在这里, 否则你会被罚款的。4. The ld man is s tired that he _______any farther.  这位老人非常累, 以至于再也不能走得更远了。
    can make mistakes
    mustn’t park yur car
    5. —May I use yur ruler? —Srry, yu _____. ——我可以用用你的尺子吗? ——抱歉, 你不能。6. —________________hw t get t the hspital?  ——你能告诉我怎么到达医院吗? —Of curse, I ____. ——当然能。7. ________________every day!  愿你天天快乐!
    Culd yu tell me
    May yu be happy
    8. When yu are tired, yu __________________and have a rest. 当你累了, 不妨坐下来休息一下。 9. He is very friendly t everyne but smetimes he ___________________.  他对每个人非常友好, 但是有时他很固执。10. He is a gd student but he ___________play cmputer games. 他是个好学生,但是他偏偏喜欢玩电脑游戏。 
    may as well sit dwn
    can be very stubbrn
    must like t
    Lk at the picture and make as many sentences as pssible using can / culd, may / might and must.
    Underline the wrds and expressins abut celebratins
    flwers, a scarf
    a red envelpe
    hld a lantern fair
    hld a lantern riddles cmpetitin; let ff firewrks
    Cmplete the mind map
    Listening & speaking
    Befre listening
    Traditinally, peple send written invitatins fr frmal events such as weddings. Similarly, these invitatins are answered in writing. Fr mre infrmal events, hwever, spken invitatins are mre cmmn.
    Remember t arrive n time if yu accept the invitatin. Depending n reginal custms, it may be acceptable t be 15 t 30 minutes late. It is nt advisable t be early, as the hst may nt be ready.
    If yu receive a written invitatin fr frmal events, which f the fllwing wuld be the apprpriate reply?
    A. Making a phne call. B. Sending a text.C. Writing a letter.
    A. Arriving n time.B. Arriving half an hur earlier.C. Arriving twenty minutes late.
    Which f the fllwing behavirs is mst likely t be inapprpriate when yu visit smebdy?
    【P19】Listen t the cnversatin and cmplete the sentences with the crrect ending.
    1. Tny wuld like t ____.2. Hug wants t find ut _____.3. On that day they will _____.
    g t Hug’s apartment t give thanks invite Hug t his apartment t celebrate Thanksgiving what he needs t bring t the party g shpping tgether and watch the parade watch an American ftball game n TV
    what he shuld say at the party
    Occasin: a 1. _____________ partyWhen: the furth 2. _____________ in 3. _____________Where: Tny’s 4. ______________
    What t eat: a 5. _____________ with all the side dishes and hmemade 6. ___________What t bring: sme flwers r 7. _____________ What t wear: 8. ______________
    anything yu like
    Wrk in pairs. Act ut the cnversatin abut extending and accepting an invitatin.► Student A: Turn t Page 81. ► Student B: Turn t Page 85.
    Are yu free…?Wuld yu like t…?It’s celebrated fr…n…Yu can wear…Yu can… if yu like.
    Yes, I’d lve t…When des…D I need t…?Shuld I bring… with me?
    Useful expressins
    Language Pints
    p.17 What d the wrds in bld indicate:an rder,a request,ability r pssibility? indicate v. 表明,显示;象征,暗示These figures indicate t me that the cmpany is in serius truble. Research indicates that the eating habit is changing fast. 【单词积累】 indicatin n. 迹象;标示give sb. indicatin 向某人表明There are clear indicatins that... 有明显的迹象显示……
    (1)The black cluds are gathering,which      (indicate)that it will rain sn. (2)There is a great deal f evidence      (indicate)that music activities engage different parts f the brain. ◆完成句子(3)Accrding t an ld prverb,a red sky at night ften ____________________(预示着好天气)the next day. (4)                (有明显的迹象显示)the ecnmy is imprving.
    indicates fine weather
    There are clear indicatins that
    p.17 What d the wrds in bld indicate:an rder,a request,ability r pssibility? request n. & v. (1)n. 请求,要求Li Ming made a request fr a cmputer frm his parents. (2)v. 请求,要求Yu are requested nt t smke in the restaurant. The wman requested that they speak in a whisper because a baby was sleeping.
    在request 后的名词性从句中要用虚拟语气,从句谓语用“shuld + 动词原形”,shuld 可以省略。后接名词性从句,从句谓语用“(shuld+)动词原形”的动词: 一个“坚持”:insist 两道“命令”:rder,cmmand 四条“建议”:suggest,prpse,advise,recmmend 四点“要求”:demand,desire,request,require
    (1)Yu’d sund a lt mre plite if yu make     request in the frm f a questin. (2)The radwrks were finished ahead f time    the cmpany’s request. (3)Visitrs are requested nt       (tuch) the exhibits. (4)Dn’t respnd t any e-mails       (request)persnal infrmatin,n matter hw fficial they lk. ◆完成句子(5)The study was carried ut          (应……的要求)the chairman. (6)We requested that the next meeting                (星期五举行). (7)They insisted that everyne              (都来参加聚会).
    at the request f
    (shuld)be held n Friday
    (shuld) cme t the party
    Oh,they’re waving at us! wave v. & n. (1)v. 挥手,招手 wave t/at sb. 向某人挥手搭配 wave sb. gdbye=wave gdbye t sb. 向某人挥手道别 wave sth. abut/arund 挥动…… Why did yu wave at him? My mther was crying as I waved her gdbye. 我向母亲挥手告别时她哭了。(2)n. 波浪;(行为、活动或感情的)一阵;风潮The wind made little waves n the pnd. 风吹得池水起了涟漪。 a wave f vilence/attacks一波暴力 /攻击事件 a wave f panic/relief/sympathy一阵恐慌 /宽慰/同情
    ◆单句语法填空(1)We waved      ur teacher and he waved back. (2)At the railway statin,the mther waved gdbye      her daughter until the train disappeared frm view. (3)The stranger spke rapidly,     (wave) his arms abut. ◆完成句子(4)         (一阵恐慌) spread thrugh the crwd.
    A wave f panic
    The lantern fair attracts a lt f peple... attract v. 吸引,引起……的兴趣? attract sb. t sth. 把某人吸引到某事上来搭配 be attracted t sb. 爱慕某人,为某人所吸引 attract ne’s attentin/interest 吸引某人的注意/ 兴趣The gvernment is trying t attract industry t the area. Her ideas have attracted a lt f attentin in the scientific cmmunity.【单词积累】 (1) attractive adj. 有吸引力的be attractive t sb. 对某人有吸引力(2)attractin n. 吸引;有吸引力的事 a turist attractin 旅游景点
    ◆单句语法填空(1)Even the yungest children in the class      (attract)by the stry. (2)What attracted me mst      the jb was the chance t travel. (3)The natural beauty isn’t      (attract)t them. (4)The Great Wall is ne f the greatest       (attract)all ver the wrld. ◆完成句子(5)In Underwater Wrld,nthing              (吸引我的注意力) mre than the penguins.
    were attracted
    attracted my attentin
    T celebrate the Lantern Festival,we decrate ur windws with ballns and psters. decrate v. 装饰,布置,美化;装修,装潢During the Natinal Day hliday,all the streets are decrated with clurful flags,flwers and ballns. decrate the Christmas trees 装饰圣诞树 decrate the huse 装修房屋 【单词积累】 decratin n. 装饰,装潢;(常用复数)装饰物
    ◆单句语法填空(1)Befre mving int the new flat,he had it       (decrate)cmpletely. (2)At my birthday party,I received a pencil bx      (decrate)with sme cartn pictures n the tp. (3)With its simple      (decrate),the main bedrm is a peaceful place.
    We’ll hld a lantern riddles cmpetitin,t. cmpetitin n. 比赛,竞赛;竞争She’s entered a crsswrd cmpetitin. We are in cmpetitin with fur ther cmpanies fr the cntract. 【单词积累】 (1)cmpete v. 参加比赛;竞争 cmpete in 参加……比赛cmpete with/against 与……竞争 cmpete fr 为……而竞争(2)cmpetitr n. 参赛者;竞争者 (3)cmpetitive adj. 竞争的;有竞争力的
    ccasin n. 场合,时刻I regret that I will nt be with yu n such an imprtant ccasin. 我很遗憾在如此重要的时刻不能和你在一起。special/frmal ccasins 特殊 / 正式场合 He has,n ccasin,made a small mistake. 他有时犯点小错误。
    【误区警示】 ccasin 作先行词且定语从句中缺少状语时,定语从句的关系词要根据ccasin 的含义来定:表示“(特定的)时刻”时,关系词用when;表示“(仪式、庆典等)重大场合”时,关系词用where。【单词积累】 ccasinal adj. 偶尔的,偶然的   ccasinally adv. 有时,偶尔
    ◆单句语法填空(1)      ne ccasin,she called me in the middle f the night. (2)He has been knwn      ccasin t lse his temper. (3)He spent five years in Paris,with      (ccasin)visits t Italy. (4)I’ve been writing this reprt      (ccasinal)fr the last tw weeks,but it has t be handed in tmrrw. (5)Occasins are quite rare      I have the time t spend a day with my kids. ◆完成句子(6)He was presented with the watch            (在……之际)his retirement.
    n the ccasin f
    When yu are extending r accepting an invitatin, pay special attentin t the fllwing infrmatin... pay attentin t 注意,专心,留心(1)pay attentin t 中的 t 是介词,后接名词、代词、动名词或名 词性从句。(2)attentin 可用much,mre,little,n 等修饰。(3)attentin 可被提前作主语,此时句子要用被动语态。attentin 也可被提前作定语从句的先行词。A great deal f attentin has been paid t prtecting the envirnment. 【归纳拓展】 attract/catch ne’s attentin 吸引/ 引起某人的注意 bring sth. t ne’s attentin 使某事引起某人的注意hld/keep ne’s attentin 保持某人的注意力 turn ne’s attentin t 将注意力转向…… draw attentin t 使人们关注……

    外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 6 Survival背景图课件ppt: 这是一份外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 6 Survival背景图课件ppt,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了Grammar ,whatever,whoever,however,whichever,whenever,wherever,引导让步状语的连词,though,although等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中Unit 6 Earth first教课内容课件ppt: 这是一份高中Unit 6 Earth first教课内容课件ppt,共53页。PPT课件主要包含了Grammar,宾补出现的结构 ,宾补的形式 ,Practice,repairing,repaired,calling,raised,heard,locked等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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