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    新教材2023版高中英语单元素养评价五Unit5Revealingnature外研版选择性必修第一册 试卷
    新教材2023版高中英语单元素养评价五Unit5Revealingnature外研版选择性必修第一册 试卷01
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    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 5 Revealing nature课时训练

    这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 5 Revealing nature课时训练,共16页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7, B.At 7,5分,满分37等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1.What des the man advise the wman t d?
    A.T save her mney. B.T buy a new cmputer.
    C.T buy a secnd­hand ne.
    2.What is the man ding?
    A.Applying fr a jb. B.Searching fr a flat. C.Planning a trip.
    3.What time will they arrive at the theatre if they leave nw?
    A.At 7:20. B.At 7:35. C.At 7:50.
    4.What is the wman?
    A.A writer. B.A reprter. C.An editr.
    5.What's the wman's attitude twards Gray?
    A.She admires her. B.She can't understand her.
    C.She desn't like her way f life.
    第二节(共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6.What are the tw speakers talking abut?
    A.A newspaper. B.A magazine. C.A bk.
    7.What can we learn abut the man?
    A.He's an editr. B.He's an American. C.He's n a visit t the US.
    8.Where will the man g tmrrw mrning?
    A.The z. B.The Natinal Art Museum.
    C.The Natinal Stadium.
    9.What can we knw abut the lcal restaurants accrding t the cnversatin?
    A.They are interesting and great. B.The fds there are great.
    C.The cks there are great.
    10.What can we get accrding t the cnversatin?
    A.The man will travel by bus. B.The wman is a travel guide.
    C.The museum has mdern Chinese paintings.
    11.Where des this cnversatin prbably take place?
    A.In a shp. B.In an ffice. C.In a cmpany.
    12.What can we infer frm the cnversatin?
    A.The man is implite t the wman. B.The man acts n the rule.
    C.The wman gt an exceptin at last.
    13.Hw lng is the after­service sale f the MP4?
    A.Tw mnths. B.Fifty­five days. C.Fifteen days.
    14.What are the tw speakers talking abut?
    A.Respect fr elders. B.Generatin gap in families.
    C.Ecnmic independence f parents.
    15.Why can the wman get alng well with her parents?
    A.Because she desn't need their mney. B.Because she has grwn up.
    C.Because they respect each ther.
    16.What can we learn abut the man?
    A.He desn't feel like his parents. B.He is an internatinal student.
    C.He is a teacher.
    17.What are the mst ppular pets in Nrth America accrding t the passage?
    A.Birds and fish. B.Fish and dgs. C.Dgs and cats.
    18.Hw many husehlds have at least ne pet?
    A.Six percent. B.Sixteen percent. C.Sixty percent.
    19.Hw are peple with pets cmpared with thse withut pets accrding t the passage?
    A.Kinder. B.Gentler. C.Healthier.
    20.What can we learn frm the passage?
    A.Pets are treated as a family member. B.Pets get mre than they ffer.
    C.Only a few peple have fish as their pets.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Sme places can create strng memries. The fllwing special places are imprtant t Americans wh lk t the past, but als are thinking f the future.
    New Orleans Streetcars
    Many American cities nce had streetcars, but nt anymre. Yet streetcars have been running in New Orleans fr ver 150 years. The Saint Avenue streetcar is said t be the ldest cntinuusly­perating streetcar in the wrld. Many residents have been riding the streetcars ever since they started high schl. Mst f them think it's a piece f histry. They have these ld cars, and they respect them, and they keep them running.
    Histric Huses
    Histric hmes can interest peple seeking t cnnect with the frmer ccupants. A typical ne is a very simple, white huse in Virginia. This small huse in Winchester, Virginia, pened its drs t the public in August. It was hme t the singer Pasty Cline, wh died at the age f 30. Babe Ruth is cnsidered ne f the greatest baseball players in histry. He was brn in a huse in Baltimre, Maryland. With his huse visitrs are given plenty f pprtunities t tuch where Babe Ruth walked arund.
    Havre de Grace
    Years ag, Americans used decys (假肢) t hunt ducks and ther waterbirds. Thse days are gne. But cllecting artful decys is nw ppular. Havre de Grace is a twn in the American state f Maryland, ne part f which is famus fr its wildlife. Captain Jbes is ne f the tp decy carvers in Havre de Grace. Hunters use decys t get ducks and geese t cme clse enugh t sht. The wden birds are s highly respected here that Havre de Grace calls itself the decy capital f the wrld. It als has a museum with mre than 1,000 decys. Mst were handmade.
    21.Which is the ideal place t knw abut Babe Ruth?
    A.New Orleans. B.Baltimre. C.Havre de Grace. D.Virginia.
    22.What is famus in Havre de Grace?
    A.Streetcars. B.Histric Huses. C.Baseball. D.Decys.
    23.What d the bjects mentined in the cntext have in cmmn?
    A.They remind peple f the past. B.They have gne ut f use.
    C.They cncern great peple. D.They are related t the future.
    A Rhde Island grwer is the first in the wrld t achieve three recrds in the hbby f grwing enrmus fds.The three wrld recrds cnsist f the heaviest pumpkin and the lngest gurd (葫芦).And nw it includes the heaviest squash (南瓜).
    Je Jutras previusly brke tw recrds.Je gt his third last weekend when he brke the giant squash recrd.It weighed 2,118 punds.This was at Frerichs Farm in Warren last Saturday.
    His ther titles came in 2006.That is when he brke the recrd fr the lngest gurd.It was a 126.5­inch gurd.In 2007, he brke the recrd fr the largest pumpkin.It weighed in at 1,689 punds.
    Bth__previus__recrds__have__since__been__surpassed. But Jutras is the nly grwer s far t break wrld recrds in the three mst cmpetitive categries.
    “It feels great,” Jutras said Mnday.“It's really been a gal f mine t try t achieve this.”
    Jutras has been wrking n the three recrds fr many years, since his pumpkin wn.He was clse t the gal a few years ag.But he failed.Nw 62, Jutras recently retired frm his wrk as a high­end cabinet maker.He wants t devte mre time t his hbby.
    Jutras nted that thers had wn multiple wrld recrds fr fruit and vegetables befre.But they wn in categries such as carrts that are nt as cmpetitive.
    Jutras said his fruit is headed t New Yrk City.It will be n display this mnth at the New Yrk Btanical Garden.
    Asked what he planned t d next, he said he's been thinking abut the bushel gurd.
    “I think the recrd nw is abut 279 punds,” Jutras said.“That might be smething I might want t get int a bit.”
    24.What des the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 mean?
    A.The recrds Jutras set in 2006 and 2007 have been brken by thers.
    B.Jutras was awarded a lt f mney fr the tw recrds.
    C.Jutras is determined t break his previus recrds.
    D.N ne else can cmpare with Jutras.
    25.Hw d yu find Jutras?
    A.He is determined and ambitius (有抱负的). B.He is creative and generus.
    C.He is brave and cmpetitive. D.He is excellent and light­hearted.
    26.What can we knw accrding t Paragraph 7?
    A.Jutras is prud f his recrds.
    B.Jutras thinks highly f ther peple's achievements.
    C.Jutras will experiment with carrts.
    D.Jutras will break mre recrds fr fruit and vegetables.
    27.What can we infer frm the passage?
    A.Jutras' hbby is making cabinets.
    B.Jutras is aimed t set a new wrld recrd in a bushel gurd.
    C.Jutras will wrk at the New Yrk Btanical Garden.
    D.Jutras will feed mre peple.
    Skyscrapers are the symbl f urban life and city peple are used t seeing tall buildings and apartments. Farms, n the ther hand, are assciated with rural life. Hwever, there are experts wh think skyscrapers shuld becme farms t meet the increasing fd needs.
    By the middle f this century, sme scientists suggest, almst 80% f the earth's ppulatin culd live in cities. In additin, the ppulatin culd increase t 9.1 billin peple during that time yet the amunt f land available fr farming will be the same. If current farming practices dn't change, we will need an area f new land t prduce enugh fd fr the planet.
    Vertical farms, where urban farmers culd grw crps in envirnmentally friendly skyscrapers, culd be the slutin. In spite f cncerns ver high csts, experts want t make it a reality and use these skyscrapers t grw crps.
    Vertical farms wuld have many advantages, supprters say. Unlike traditinal farming, vertical farming culd be free f chemicals and diseases. Besides, crps wuld nt suffer frm prblems like flding. Finally, vertical farms wuld reduce the cst and negative effects f transprting fd ver lng distances.
    Sme argue that althugh crps grwing in a tall glass building wuld get natural sunlight during the day, it wuldn't be enugh. Fr this reasn, vertical farms wuld need additinal light surces, such as artificial light.
    Anther way f grwing fresh fd is t build urban farms n rftps. This mre practical apprach may be mre achievable than the idea f farms in skyscrapers, researchers suggest. Experts agree that innvative farming practices are needed t supprt the need fr mre fd at affrdable csts, bth t the farmer and t the cnsumer, but the best ideas culd be yet t cme.
    28.What primary prblem culd vertical farming settle?
    A.Pr state f rural life. B.Shrtage f fd supply.
    C.High csts fr transprting crps. D.Envirnmental pllutin.
    29.What is the advantage f vertical farming?
    A.It can benefit transprt industry. B.It requires little care.
    C.It can prduce rganic fd. D.It needs very lw cst.
    30.What is a big challenge t make vertical farming a reality?
    A.Farmable land. B.Light surces. C.Crp diseases. D.Climate cnditins.
    31.What can be the best title f the text?
    A.Future Fd Needs B.Symbl f Urban Life
    C.Farms f the Future D.Farming n Rftps
    With greater climate catastrphe (气候突变) n Earth, it is natural fr us t make every effrt t stp the ptential flds, snwstrms, and alarming reprts frm scientists. Fr many f us (myself included), part f that means running ut t buy reusable straws, rganic cleaners, and packaging­free prducts.
    Hwever, befre yu rejice in “green” purchases, take a secnd t cnsider the results f a new study frm Arizna University. By cmparing the shpping habits, mental health and envirnmental impact f yung peple, the researchers reaffirmed a principle:Buying less beats buying “green” stuff withut effrt. And that is true whether yu are lking at the impact that yur purchases have n the Earth r n yur wn happiness.
    It shuld nt cme as a shck that simply cnsuming less is better fr the planet. After all, every new item a factry yields requires sme resurces t prduce. Take plastic bag bans fr instance. If yur city is getting rid f single­use shpping bags, it can be tempting t pay fr a fashinable rganic cttn bag hanging in the check­ut line f yur lcal supermarket. Hwever, experts insist that grwing cttn is actually n better fr the Earth than prducing the cnventinal plastic bags. Yur best bet fr carrying yur grceries if yu care abut sustainability? Any bag yu already wn. This is true f many kinds f “green” prducts.
    It is nt just the Earth that will be happier if yu buy less. Yu will feel mre cntented t, accrding t the new study. “Peple believe that they might well be self­satisfied abut becming envirnmentally cnscius thrugh green buying patterns, but it desn't seem t be that way”, said the lead researcher Sabrina Helm. “Reduced cnsumptin has effects n increased well­being and decreased psychlgical distress, but we dn't see that with green cnsumptin.”
    “Owning every new green prduct n the market might make yu feel cntented, but if yu relieve yurself f that burden f wnership, mst peple reprt feeling a lt better,” said Helm.
    32.Why des the writer mentin green shpping habits?
    A.T call n a green lifestyle. B.T praise peple's green effrts.
    C.T intrduce a scial trend. D.T present a half true “green truth”.
    33.What's the main idea f Paragraph 3?
    A.The plastic bag bans are f n effect.
    B.Using any bag yu have is the best bet.
    C.Reduced cnsumptin is better fr the Earth.
    D.Grwing cttn is actually far wrse fr the Earth.
    34.What des the underlined “that” in Paragraph 4 refer t?
    A.The sense f achievement. B.The sense f happiness.
    C.Psychlgical pressure. D.Envirnmental awareness.
    35.What might be the best title fr the text?
    A.Less is Mre B.The Greener, The Happier
    C.Happiness Guarantee D.What Are Really Green Prducts?
    We need t be aware f the fact that peple arund us influence us in subtle ways that may encurage us, r stp us.
    The circle f five
    Famus speaker Jim Rhn said, “Yu're the average f the five peple yu spend mst f yur time with.” __36__ If this “circle” f peple is gal­driven, and encuraging, we can experience a psitive impact n ur actins. On the ther hand, if the peple arund us are negative, we may be affected by these qualities and prevent ur wn persnal grwth in the prcess.
    Knw yur circle
    __37__ Be mindful f the cnversatins yu have with peple and the activities yu engage in with them. What are the pinins that cntrl in yur scial grup? What are the similarities between yu and the five peple yu are cnstantly clse t? If there is a cnflict between what yu are and where yu want t be, lk at yur circle f five and yu will see hw they are influencing yur path. Identify and avid wasting time and energy n the wrthless peple in yur circle f five.
    Once yu identify the peple wh belng t yur reference grup, it is imprtant t develp these relatinships. __39__ Different individuals evlve at a different pace. The imprtant part is t be aware f this living and changing “circle f five”. Let this circle f five mtivate yu, help yu gain curage, and take the right actins.
    Remember, just like thers influence yu, yu als make an influence n thers. __40__
    A.Change yur circle
    B.Develp yur circle
    C.Therefre, play this rle sincerely.
    D.Over time, this cre circle may change.
    E.D yu knw the meaning f the circle?
    F.Hw d yu identify wh is influencing yu?
    G.The influence f thse arund us can be quite significant.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    It was Jennifer Williams's mther wh read t her in her childhd and gt her interested in bks. When Jenny became an elementary schl teacher in Virginia, she wanted her students t be __41__ n reading as she had. But early n, she has realized sme kids had __42__ access t bks.
    T Williams, the __43__ was simple:give kids bks. In 2017, she __44__ 900 used children's bks. Mst peple wuld be __45__ with that. Mst, but nt her.
    She said, “I wanted t achieve smething that's ging t __46__ my belief, my values and my everything.”
    S she set a new __47__ fr herself—Give away ne millin bks. It sunds like an __48__ number, but as Williams psted n Facebk:“Dn't cmplain in the bleachers (看台) if yu aren't willing t wrk hard ut n the __49__”. S she gt t wrk, first by __50__ friends t dnate bks r mney t buy bks. __51__, as news f Williams' prject spread, __52__ started leaving bks n her frnt dr. Once the bks __53__, Williams sends them t lcal schls and little free libraries arund the city. In the previus fur years, she has given away mre than 78,000 bks—__54__ 922,000 mre t reach her gal! And she's nt slwing dwn. It's t __55__ fr kids with few ptins.
    41.A.fixed B.dependent C.fcused D.keen
    42.A.easy B.limited C.free D.reduced
    43.A.reasn B.prcess C.slutin D.purpse
    44.A.deserted B.cntributed C.sld D.prduced
    45.A.satisfied B.bred C.ccupied D.blessed
    46.A.shake B.maintain C.evaluate D.stretch
    47.A.rule B.example C.gal D.recrd
    48.A.unattainable B.unacceptable C.average D.exceptinal
    49.A.flr B.field C.street D.surface
    50.A.waiting fr B.picking up C.arranging fr D.appealing t
    51.A.In a way B.Befre lng C.After all D.Once and fr all
    52.A.friends B.children C.strangers D.educatrs
    53.A.hand in B.step in C.cme in D.jin in
    54.A.nly B.rather C.even D.nearly
    55.A.desperate B.massive C.cmplex D.crucial
    A new research suggests planting trees and ther plants near factries culd reduce pllutin by almst ne­third.The 56.________ (add) f plant life may even cst less and be mre effective than technlgy 57.________ (design) t cut pllutin.The findings 58.________ (reprt) in the publicatin Envirnmental Science & Technlgy.
    The lead authr f the study was Bhavik Bakshi, 59.________ is a prfessr f chemical and bimlecular (生物分子) engineering at The Ohi State University in Clumbus.Bakshi and ther researchers cllected data abut air pllutin and plant life 60.________ 48 American states.
    They knew that trees and plants were absrbing lts f 61.________ (harm) emissins frm the air.S they 62.________ (attempt) t find ut whether new vegetatin culd reduce air pllutin's effects.
    “Peple 63.________ (seek) t slve air pllutin prblems need t start lking at nature and learning frm it,” Bakshi said.He added that nature­based 64.________ (methd) culd result in “win­win” slutins that save mney and are better fr the envirnment.The study did nt identify 65.________ kinds f trees r plants wuld be best at reducing air pllutin.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Students' Visit t Yalin Eclgical Garden
    There is n schl equal t a decent (体面的) hme and n teacher equal t a virtuus (道德高尚的) parent.
    There are tw typical examples:Edisn's mther and ur mther. As yu all knw, Thmas Edisn is ne f the mst utstanding scientists and inventrs in the wrld. Unbelievably, yung Tm was in schl fr nly three mnths. It is said that he liked t ask strange questins, many f which have nthing t d with learning. His teacher didn't understand why he had s many strange questins. He didn't want t teach Tm any mre. He asked Tm's mther t take the by hme. Tm's mther taught him t read and write, and she fund him t be a very gd pupil. He learned very fast and became very interested in science. It was she wh played an imprtant rle in Edisn's grwth. Althugh we can't cmpare with Edisn, ur mther played a mre imprtant rle in ur grwth than his mther. Our dad was an English teacher wh taught high schl students. Fr many years, he had been cautius and cnscientius (认真的) twards wrk. Mm stayed hme and hmeschled their fur children. Three f us had n truble in learning but my sister Catherine still culd nt read by fifth grade, and wrse still, did nt even knw the alphabet (字母表).
    My mther did sme research and fund that Catherine had sme srt f learning disability. She sent Catherine t a public schl t get sme help. Catherine made many friends at schl and amazed everyne with her gift fr telling creative stries in class, but she still culdn't master reading skills. After all the testing was dne, the schl had my parents cme in. They were tld that based n the test results, they shuld just take Catherine hme, which was very similar t Edisn's experience. Hwever, the biggest difference is that Edisn was nt stupid, and my sister really had learning disabilities.
    Tears f sadness ran dwn my dad's cheeks. ________________________________________________________________________
    In time, Catherine gt it. ________________________________________________________________________
    Text 1
    W: I can't decide whether t buy a new cmputer r try t find a secnd-hand ne.
    M: If yu buy a new ne, yu'll prbably save mney in the lng run.
    Text 2
    W: It's nice and quiet here, away frm the nise f the city. Besides, ur apartments are new and lw in price.
    M: It's a gd place except that it's a little far frm where we wrk. Anyhw, I'll take my wife this afternn and give yu a call tmrrw.
    Text 3
    W: It's already 7:20. We'd better hurry if we dn't want t miss the beginning f the play.
    M: Well, it takes nly 15 minutes t get t the theatre and the play wn't begin until 7:50.
    Text 4
    W: Prfessr Smith, gd mrning. I'm Susan with the lcal newspaper.
    M: Nice t meet yu.
    W: Wuld yu mind if I ask yu sme questins?
    M: Of curse nt.
    Text 5
    W: I'm int Prfessr Gray recently.
    M: Why?
    W: T find ut her way t handle her life. Yu knw, she has five kids and teaches 7 classes and smehw she des it all.
    Text 6
    W: What d yu enjy ding in yur spare time?
    M: Reading Reader'sDigest, the mst famus mnthly magazine in the US.
    W: Why d yu like it best?
    M: Well, it's gt many years f experience and extensive cverage.
    W: I think s. The articles in it help me understand yur peple and culture better. I always enjy reading them.
    M: I can see yu're a careful reader as well as an bserver. Yu knw that's why s many peple like reading it in the wrld.
    Text 7
    W: Jim, have yu ever been t the Natinal Stadium?
    M: Nt yet, but I'm ging there tmrrw mrning.
    W: I'm sure yu'll fall in lve with it. And yu had better take a bus tur. That's the best way t knw the city.
    M: Sunds great.
    W: Hw abut the z? Have yu been there?
    M: Yeah. There are many kinds f animals and it's ne f the nicest zs I have ever visited.
    W: And yu shuld visit the Natinal Art Museum. It has a famus cllectin f ancient Chinese paintings.
    M: Yeah. I have heard abut that and I'll g if I have enugh time.
    W: Last but nt least, dn't frget t try sme lcal restaurants. The fds are great.
    M: Thank yu, I'll.
    Text 8
    M: Hell, madam. May I help yu?
    W: I bught this MP4 here tw mnths ag. But it desn't wrk nw, s I'd like yu t mend it r return my mney.
    M: May I have a lk at yur sales slip, please?
    W: Here it is.
    M: I'm srry, madam. The after-sale service ended five days ag.
    W: But it had smething wrng when I bught it.
    M: Well, ur wrkers can lk at it, but there'll be a charge.
    W: A charge? But it's nt my fault. S culd
    M: Srry, madam. If we make an exceptin fr yu, we'll have t make ne f everybdy. S there's nthing I can d fr yu, madam.
    Text 9
    M: Yung peple are given t much freedm nwadays, and as a result they've lst their respect fr their parents, teachers and elders in general.
    W: I'm afraid I can't agree with yu. My parents give me advice and never frce me t d anything I dn't want t d. I respect and lve them.
    M: Are yu quite independent f them?
    W: Yes. After I graduated frm cllege and started t wrk as a teacher, I becme ecnmically independent.
    M: It sunds that yu are very clse t yur parents.
    W: That's right. Nwadays many yung peple say they have nthing in cmmn with their parents. Maybe, I think that is because they dn't cmmunicate with their parents. But I get alng well with my parents. Hw abut yu?
    M: Well, I cherish family life but I dn't always get alng well with my parents. They seldm allw me t d what I want t d.
    W: But they allwed yu t cme t study in New Zealand n yur wn.
    M: Yes, but nly after a great deal f persuasin.
    Text 10
    Tday I will tell yu sme interesting facts abut pets in the US and Canada. First f all, des anyne knw hw many husehlds in the US and Canada have pets? If yu said 60%, yu're right. Sixty percent f husehlds have at least ne pet.
    What abut the mst ppular pets? Des anyne knw what the mst ppular pet is? Dgs are very ppular. In fact, dgs and cats are the mst ppular types f pets. Other ppular pets are birds and fish. Sme peple have dgs and cats and birds and fish!
    Nw let's talk abut hw pets help their wners. Yu prbably knw that peple help their pets. They feed them and take care f them. But did yu knw that pets help their wners? Pets help their wners t feel gd. Peple wh dn't have pets ften feel lnely, especially lder peple. Pets can als help peple's health. It's true! Peple with pets are healthier than peple withut pets.
    OK. Finally, I'll tell yu that peple in the US and Canada lve their pets like members f their wn family. Many peple let their pets sleep in their beds. And smetimes pet wners carry a picture f their pet with them!
    1-5 BBBBA 6-10 BBCBA
    11-15 ABBBC 16-20 BCCCA
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了三种对那些既回顾过去又展望未来的美国人来说很重要的物品。
    21.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据第三段“Babe Ruth is cnsidered ne f the greatest baseball players in histry. He was brn in a huse in Baltimre, Maryland. With his huse visitrs are given plenty f pprtunities t tuch where Babe Ruth walked arund.”可知,想了解Babe Ruth,最理想的去处是马里兰州Baltimre。
    22.答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据最后一段“But cllecting artful decys is nw ppular.”和“It als has a museum with mre than 1,000 decys.”可知, Havre de Grace因其假肢制作而闻名。
    23.答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据New Orleans Streetcars中“Many American cities nce had streetcars, but nt anymre. Yet streetcars have been running in New Orleans fr ver 150 years.”; Histric Huses中“Histric hmes can interest peple seeking t cnnect with the frmer ccupants.”和Havre de Grace中“Years ag, Americans used decys (假肢) t hunt ducks and ther waterbirds. Thse days are gne.”可知,文章中提到的这些物品都会让人们想起过去的事情。
    【语篇解读】 乔·朱特拉的业余爱好是种植巨型蔬菜,他已成为世界上第一个在种植巨型蔬菜方面打破三项世界纪录的非专业人士。
    24.答案与解析:A 句意理解题。此处指他以前的两项纪录已经被人打破了。故选A。
    25.答案与解析:A 推理判断题。根据第五、六段的内容可知,他是一个目标明确并且失败了也不退缩的人。故选A。
    26.答案与解析:A 推理判断题。第七段主要告诉我们朱特拉认为其他人在水果蔬菜方面也创造了多项世界纪录,但都是胡萝卜这样的种类,不具备竞争力。由此可知,他为他的纪录感到骄傲。故选A。
    27.答案与解析:B 推理判断题。根据文章最后两段可知,朱特拉下一步想在蒲式耳葫芦这方面创造新的世界纪录。故选B。
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述现在的农村土地已经满足不了人们尤其是城市的人们对食物的要求,所以作者对未来增加城市耕地的方法给出了2条建议。
    28.答案与解析:B 推理判断题。根据第二段“If current farming practices dn't change, we will need an area f new land t prduce enugh fd fr the planet.”和第三段“Vertical farms, where urban farmers culd grw crps in envirnmentally friendly skyscrapers, culd be the slutin.”可知,垂直农场是为了解决这个星球食物不足的问题。
    29.答案与解析:C 推理判断题。根据第四段“vertical farming culd be free f chemicals and diseases.”可知,垂直农场生产的是有机食品。
    30.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据第五段“Fr this reasn, vertical farms wuld need additinal light surces,(因为这个原因,垂直农场将会需要额外的光源。)”可知,垂直农场面临的挑战是它需要额外的光源。
    31.答案与解析:C 主旨大意题。根据第二段“If current farming practices dn't change, we will need an area f new land t prduce enugh fd fr the planet.”,第三段“Vertical farms, where urban farmers culd grw crps in envirnmentally friendly skyscrapers, culd be the slutin.”和最后一段“Anther way f grwing fresh fd is t build urban farms n rftps.”可知,这篇文章主要是围绕解决城市人口食物短缺问题提出了未来城市农场的2条建议。
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了无论是对地球的影响还是对自己的幸福感而言,减少消费比绿色消费更好。
    32.答案与解析:D 推理判断题。根据第一段“Fr many f us (myself included), part f that means running ut t buy reusable straws, rganic cleaners, and packaging-free prducts.”以及第二段“By cmparing the shpping habits, mental health and envirnmental impact f yung peple, the researchers reaffirmed a principle:Buying less beats buying ‘green’ stuff withut effrt.”可知,作者提到绿色购物习惯是为了呈现一种不太正确的绿色理念。
    33.答案与解析:C 主旨大意题。根据第三段“It shuld nt cme as a shck that simply cnsuming less is better fr the planet.”可知,第三段主要讲述了减少消费对地球更好。
    34.答案与解析:B 词句猜测题。根据第四段“Reduced cnsumptin has effects n increased well-being and decreased psychlgical distress, but we dn't see that with green cnsumptin.”可知,减少消费对于增加幸福感有影响,但是我们看不到绿色消费对幸福感的影响,所以画线单词that指代“幸福感”。
    35.答案与解析:A 主旨大意题。通读全文,文章主要介绍了无论是对地球的影响还是对自己的幸福感而言,减少消费比绿色消费更好,所以“少即是多”可以作为文章标题。
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了我们周围的人会以微妙的方式影响我们,可能鼓励我们,也可能妨碍我们。
    36.答案与解析:G 根据空格前一句“Yu're the average f the five peple yu spend mst f yur time with”以及空格后一句“If this ‘circle’ f peple is gal-driven, and encuraging, we can experience a psitive impact n ur actins”可知,周围的人们对我们的行为起着非常重要的影响。那么G项“The influence f thse arund us can be quite significant”承上启下。
    37.答案与解析:F 根据空格后一句“Be mindful f the cnversatins yu have with peple and the activities yu engage in with them”可知,我们需要留心周围所影响我们的人和事,所以这是对F项“Hw d yu identify wh is influencing yu?”的回答,上下文语意连贯。
    38.答案与解析:B 根据下文“Once yu identify the peple wh belng t yur reference grup, it is imprtant t develp these relatinships.”可知,本段主要介绍发展这些圈子是很重要的。那么B项“Develp yur circle (发展你的圈子)”为本段标题。
    39.答案与解析:D 空格前一句“Once yu identify the peple wh belng t yur reference grup, it is imprtant t develp these relatinships.”告诉我们需要发展这些关系,再结合空格后一句“Different individuals evlve at a different pace”可知,在发展关系的时候,情况是会发生变化的。那么D项“Over time, this cre circle may change”起到承上启下的作用。
    40.答案与解析:C 根据空格前一句“Remember, just like thers influence yu, yu als make an influence n thers.”可知,你也会影响周围人,所以你也需要认真对待。那么C项“Therefre, play this rle sincerely.”承接上文,上下文语意连贯。
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述Jennifer Williams为了让山村孩子有书可以阅读,发起了捐书活动的故事。
    41.答案与解析:D 当Jennifer成为弗吉尼亚州的一名小学教师时,她希望她的学生像她一样热爱阅读。根据文章第一句“It was Jennifer Williams's mther wh read t her in her childhd and gt her interested in bks.”可知, Jennifer对阅读感兴趣,所以她也喜欢她的学生热爱阅读。
    42.答案与解析:B 句意:但在早期,她意识到一些孩子接触书籍的机会有限。由第二段“give kids bks.”可知,因为孩子们接触书籍的机会少,所以她要给孩子们一些书。
    43.答案与解析:C 句意:对威廉姆斯来说,解决办法很简单:给孩子们书。根据前一段描述可知,因为一些孩子接触书籍的机会有限,所以Jennifer找到了解决方案——给孩子们书。
    44.答案与解析:B 句意:2017年,她捐赠了900本二手儿童书籍。根据前文“give kids bks.”可知,因为要给孩子们一些书,所以此处指她捐赠了900本二手儿童书籍。
    45.答案与解析:A 根据前文可知,Jennifer捐赠了900本二手儿童书籍,由此可知,大部分对此感到满意。
    46.答案与解析:D 句意:她说:“我想要做一些能够延续我的信仰、价值观和我的一切的事情。”A.shake摇动;B.maintain维持;C.evaluate估价;D.stretch延续。根据空前“I wanted t achieve smething”可知, Jennifer想要做些事情延续自己的信仰和价值观。
    47.答案与解析:C 句意:所以她为自己设定了一个新目标——捐出一百万本书。根据后文“922,000 mre t reach her gal”可知,Jennifer给自己设定了一个捐书的新目标。
    48.答案与解析:A 句意:这听起来像是一个难以达到的数字,但正如威廉姆斯在Facebk上发布的:“如果你不愿意在球场上努力锻炼,不要在看台上抱怨。”A.unattainable难以达到的;B.unacceptable不能接受的;C.average平均的;D.exceptinal杰出的,优秀的。根据前文“Give away ne millin bks.”可知,因为要捐赠100万本书,这听起来是一个难以达到的数字。
    49.答案与解析:B 由空前“in the bleachers (看台)”可知,此处需用n the field,在比赛场地与之对应。
    50.答案与解析:D 句意:于是她开始行动,首先是呼吁朋友们捐书或出钱买书。根据后文“friends t dnate bks r mney t buy bks.”可知,此处指呼吁朋友们捐书或出钱买书。
    51.答案与解析:B 句意:不久,随着威廉姆斯项目的消息传开,陌生人开始在她的前门放书。A.In a way在某种程度上;B.Befre lng不久以后;C.After all毕竟;D.Once and fr all一劳永逸地。前一句提到,Jennifer呼吁朋友们捐书或花钱买,此处需用befre lng,表示不久后发生的事情。
    52.答案与解析:C 由空后“leaving bks n her frnt dr.”可知,只有陌生人才会把捐赠的书放在门前。
    53.答案与解析:C 句意:这些书一到货,威廉姆斯就把它们送到当地的学校和市内的小型免费图书馆。根据后文“Williams sends them t lcal schls and little free libraries arund the city.”可知,捐赠的书来了,她会把书送到当地的学校和市内的小型免费图书馆。
    54.答案与解析:A 句意:在过去的四年里,她已经捐出了78 000多本书——只要再捐出922 000本就能实现她的目标!根据前文“she has given away mre than 78,000 bks”可知,她已捐赠了很多书,所以空处需用副词nly,表示只要再捐出922 000本就能实现她的目标!
    55.答案与解析:D 根据前文“And she's nt slwing dwn.”可知,Jennifer不会放慢捐书的节奏,因为这些书对孩子们太重要了。
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。一项新的研究表明,在工厂附近种植绿植可减少三分之一的污染,比科技治污更经济有效。
    56.答案与解析:additin 考查词性转换。句意为:植物的增添甚至可能比专用于减少污染的科技更省钱更有效。The后面应用名词。
    57.答案与解析:designed 考查非谓语动词。此处作technlgy的后置定语,意义上是动宾关系,故填designed。
    58.答案与解析:were reprted 考查动词的时态、语态和主谓一致。分析句子可知,这里应用一般过去时的被动语态,又因为findings是复数形式,故填were reprted。
    59.答案与解析:wh 考查定语从句。此处引导了一个定语从句,修饰先行词Bhavik Bakshi,且引导词在从句中作主语,故填wh。
    60.答案与解析:in 考查介词。句意为:Bakshi和其他研究员在美国的48个州收集关于植被和空气污染的数据。48 American states是句子的地点状语,故填in。
    61.答案与解析:harmful 考查词性转换。名词emissins应用形容词修饰,故填harmful。
    62.答案与解析:attempted 考查动词的时态。本句缺乏谓语动词,且是发生在过去的动作。故填attempted。
    63.答案与解析:seeking 考查非谓语动词。此处是后置定语修饰Peple,且Peple与seek之间是主谓关系,故填seeking。
    64.答案与解析:methds 考查名词的单复数。methd是可数名词,此处为复数意义。故填methds。
    65.答案与解析:which/what 考查代词。空处作kinds的定语,表示“哪几种”或“什么品种”,故填which/what。
    Students' Visit t Yalin Eclgical Garden
    Last Saturday, sme students tk part in an activity rganized by the Students' Unin. They paid a visit t Yalin Eclgical Garden.
    Upn arrival, they were greatly attracted by the Garden. They admired varius beautiful flwers, trees and plants. After that they went int the fields t pick fruit and vegetables. They als asked gardeners many questins abut mdern agriculture.
    This activity benefited the students a lt. It bradened their hrizns and raised their awareness f green life as well.
    Tearsfsadnessrandwnmydad'scheeks. Hwever, my mm's jaw was set in quiet determinatin. As they walked back t the car, she turned t him and said, “I knw she's nt stupid.” Sn after, my mm discvered a learning system that fcused heavily n lessn repetitin and building slwly n the previus exercises. She wrked with Catherine fr fur hurs every mrning while the rest f us studied n ur wn. It was hard fr bth f them, but she ften tld crying Catherine, “Failure is nt an ptin. Yu are ging t learn t read, and we'll bth try! Yu have t learn t read! Yu will learn t read.”
    Intime, Catherinegtit. By the time she graduated frm eighth grade, she was reading almst at grade level. She cntinued imprving and was reading abve grade level when she graduated frm high schl. Catherine came t lve reading and writing. She became a very famus writer. A number f wnderful nvels were published all ver the cuntry. Many f her majr wrks were ppular with the public and sme bks were translated int ther languages. All f this was because f a wnderfully devted mther wh was abslutely the best teacher ever—fr all fur f us.

    选择性必修 第一册Unit 6 Nurturing nature练习: 这是一份选择性必修 第一册Unit 6 Nurturing nature练习,共16页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7, B.8,5分,满分37等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 5 Revealing nature一课一练: 这是一份外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 5 Revealing nature一课一练,共5页。

    外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 5 Revealing nature课后练习题: 这是一份外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 5 Revealing nature课后练习题,共19页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7, B.8,5分,满分37等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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