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    人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册·UNIT3 Part I  Reading and Thinking(同步练习含答案)03
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    高中英语Unit 3 Sea Exploration精品当堂达标检测题

    这是一份高中英语Unit 3 Sea Exploration精品当堂达标检测题,共8页。试卷主要包含了 A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Ⅰ. 单词拼写
    1. It is reprted that the prime minister will e (延长)his visit until next Tuesday.
    2. Ry tld his srrwful t (故事)with straight-frward wrds anybdy culd understand.
    3. The tw leaders n (谈判)t strengthen the bnds between the tw cuntries.
    4. T everyne’s excitement,the r (王室的) family will cme t see the final f Eurpe’s Champin’s League.
    5. After negtiating fr three days,the premier stated that all freign frces wuld w (撤离)as sn as the crisis ended.
    6. Three days after the merchants set sail,we saw a great fleet f small bats in the c (海峡),paddling tward us.
    7. We switched the channel t see which team finished the seasn at the tp f the l (联赛).
    8. The agreement strengthened the b (关系) between the tw cuntries,which is beneficial t all the merchants.
    Ⅱ. 用所给短语的适当形式填空
    1. It is a great privilege t get t knw a painter,wh is .
    2. With the new infrmatin ,we finally finished the design ahead f time.
    3. Christpher Clumbus fr the New Wrld in the Santa Maria.
    4. Dgs have a very gd sense f smell and are ften used t survivrs in an earthquake.
    5. Hw much mney d yu wish t yur accunt?
    6. This center is being cnstructed the next generatin.
    7. These Chinese immigrants settled in an area that later Chinatwn.
    8. We will cntinue t imprve and the develped cuntries.
    Ⅲ . 单句语法填空
    1. Temprary (extend) f tw years will guarantee scientists enugh time.
    2. Lking back n the last 10 years,there was a lt f what yu culd call (negtiate).
    3. (ryal) and gvernment leaders frm all arund the wrld are gathering in the cnference venue.
    4. The bat set sail Cyprus and arrived in Gaza after a 32-hur vyage.
    5. (inspire) by the sunny weather,the frg decided t explre the wds.
    6. The cuntry tries its best t develp friendly relatins its neighbrs.
    Ⅳ . 练通句型
    1. 为了维持关系,他们发展了成功交流的能力。
    ① They develped the ability t cmmunicate successfully relatinships. (目的状语)
    ② They develped the ability t cmmunicate successfully relatinships.(目的状语从句)
    2. 经过几个月的航行,他们终于到达了我们现在称之为加利福尼亚的地方。
    ① After several mnths’ vyage,they finally reached we nw call Califrnia. (定语从句)
    ② After several mnths’ vyage,they finally reached Califrnia. (名词性从句)
    3. Althugh he was wealthy,he still led a simple life.
    → ,he still led a simple life. (状语从句的省略)
    4. The girl frm Lndn was attracted by the beauty f nature and decided t spend anther tw days n the farm.
    → ,the girl frm Lndn decided t spend anther tw days n the farm.(过去分词短语作状语)
    5. The little girl felt a little nervus n the stage as s many peple were lking at her.
    → The little girl felt a little nervus n the stage . (with 复合结构)
    It is well-knwn that mankind’s greatest achievements have ften resulted frm trade and 1.
    (curius)and peple f early civilisatins had a strng desire 2. (cmplete) the great map f the wrld.
    In ancient times,Chinese merchants shipped silk t India,the Middle East,and Rme,alng what became 3. (knw)as the Silk Rad. Trade between merchants frm China and ther places resulted in better
    4. (understand) f each ther’s cultures. In the Ming Dynasty,seven large fleets 5. (lead)by Zheng He set sail frm the Suth China Sea 6. the Indian Ocean t the muth f the Red Sea,and then t the east cast f Africa fr trade and explratin.
    China has launched the Belt and Rad Initiative,7. aim is t encurage 8. (cperate)and trade acrss the histric Silk Rad areas,and strengthen 9. bnds between China and the rest f the wrld. China has als teamed up with ther 10. (cuntry)t study the Arctic in rder t under-stand climate change and its effects.
    Yu’ve heard that plastic is plluting the ceans—between 4.8 and 12.7 millin tnnes enter cean ecsystems every year. But des ne plastic straw r cup really make a difference? Artist Benjamin Vn Wng wants yu t knw that it des. He builds massive sculptures ut f plastic garbage,frcing viewers t re-examine their relatinship t single-use plastic prducts.
    At the beginning f the year,the artist built a piece called“Strawpcalypse,”a pair f 10-ft-tall plastic waves,frzen mid-crash. Made f 168,000 plastic straws cllected frm several vlunteer beach cleanups,the sculpture made its first appearance at the Estella Place shpping center in H Chi Minh City,Vietnam.
    Just 9% f glbal plastic waste is recycled. Plastic straws are by n means the biggest surce f plastic pllutin,but they’ve recently cme under fire because mst peple dn’t need them t drink with and,because f their small size and weight,they cannt be recycled. Every straw that’s part f Vn Wng’s artwrk likely came frm a drink that smene used fr nly a few minutes. Once the drink is gne,the straw will take centuries t disappear.
    In a piece frm 2018,Vn Wng wanted t shw a specific statistic:Every 60 secnds,a trucklad’s wrth f plastic enters the cean. Fr this wrk,titled“Trucklad f Plastic,”Vn Wng and a grup f vlunteers cllected mre than 10,000 pieces f plastic,which were then tied tgether t lk like they’d been dumped(倾倒)frm a truck all at nce.
    Vn Wng hpes that his wrk will als help pressure big cmpanies t reduce their plastic ftprint.
    1. What are Vn Wng’s artwrks intended fr?
    A. Beautifying the city he lives in. B. Drawing public attentin t plastic waste.
    C. Intrducing ec-friendly prducts. D. Reducing garbage n the beach.
    2. Why des the authr discuss plastic straws in Paragraph 3?
    A. T explain why they are useful.B. T vice his views n mdern art.
    C. T shw the difficulty f their recycling.D. T find a substitute fr them.
    3. What effect wuld“Trucklad f Plastic”have n viewers?
    A. Disturbing. B. Calming. C. Refreshing.D. Challenging.
    4. What is the main idea f the text?
    A. Artists’s pinins n plastic safety.B. Media interest in cntemprary art.
    C. Respnsibility demanded f big cmpanies.D. Ocean plastics transfrmed int sculptures.
    Envirnmental pllutin and ther human activities are leading t thusands f deaths amng seabirds,a new study has warned.
    Eclgical experts tracked the behavir f British and Irish seabirds. They used satellites t track hundreds f the creatures t find ut where they went t catch fish at sea. The study can help assess ptential impact frm human activities and where prtected areas f the seas shuld be.
    Lightweight GPS tags were fitted t mre than 1,300 adult birds frm 29 different clnies arund the UK and Ireland,including kittiwakes,shags,razrbills and guillemts. Results frm the five-year study shw the large areas f sea the fur seabird species use. They fund it was at least 600,000 square miles,an area three times the size f Spain. It shws hw far they travel frm their nests in search f fd fr their chicks. And it shws the use f the seas by all fur species cncentrated in the castal waters f Sctland,highlighting the imprtance f cnservatin measures there.
    The fur species studied require cnservatin help,with kittiwake numbers declining 71 percent in the past 25 years and shag ppulatins dwn 61 percent. This means bth seabirds are“red listed”and need urgent prtectin. Razrbills and guillemts are“amber listed”,which means they are cnsidered t need cnservatin actin.
    Dr. Ewan,lead authr f the research,said,“Many seabirds are at the tp f the marine fd web. They feed n sme small fish but that prey is declining because f human pressures,including climate change. The result is that thusands f sea baby birds are dying each year because their parents can’t feed them. Fr the first time,this study prvides us with a full map fr the feeding areas fr sme f ur mst imprtant seabird species.”
    The analysis prvides critical data t infrm marine management,the experts said.
    5. Which is ne f the purpses f the study?
    A. T find ut where t catch mre fish.
    B. T judge which sea shuld be prtected.
    C. T knw the seabirds’ impacts n human beings.
    D. T study the behavir f British and Irish seabirds.
    6. Hw did the experts track the seabirds?
    A. With the help f satellites.B. With the help f the fishermen.
    C. By bserving human activities.D. By tying GPS tags n the ship.
    7. On which cast wuld mst tracked seabirds gather?
    A. France. B. Ireland.C. Spain. D. Sctland.
    8. What’s Dr. Ewan’s attitude twards the research?
    A. Puzzled. B. Dubtful. C. Psitive.D. Disappinted.
    Five days befre Christmas,plice fficer Lima was sent t a lcal Stp & Shp fr a reprted theft. The accusatin was that tw females were scanning(扫描)sme items at the self-checkut but 1 ther items and bagging thse items. The tw females and tw children were already 2 by Lss and Preventin ver there.
    Lima had tw girls himself,similar in age t the tw girls there,s it 3 him a little bit. Lima 4 the receipt fr the items they had paid fr. There was nthing else like health and beauty items n it. The items were all 5 —things bught just t stuff themselves. Then he asked an emplyee where the ther items were that they had planned t take and was infrmed they were put back n the 6 .
    Obviusly,this family was in real need. While Lima firmly 7 fllwing the law,he decided t cut them a break and nt t 8 .
    The tw females, 9 ,were very grateful but kind f 10 because generally,in that same situatin there wuld prbably be a different 11 and they’d be arrested.
    Lima tk things a step further in an effrt t 12 the family. He gave them a $200 gift card,telling them nt t get things in illegal ways any mre.
    “I purchased the gift card clse t the value f what wuld have been 13 ,”said Lima.“I did what I felt was 14 . I just tried t shw a little 15 t the extent permitted by law.”
    1. A. labelingB. damagingC. srtingD. bypassing
    2. A. misunderstdB. heldC. tleratedD. unemplyed
    3. A. cnfusedB. disappintedC. struckD. attracted
    4. A. deniedB. checkedC. filledD. questined
    5. A. luxuriesB. drinksC. presentsD. fds
    6. A. shelvesB. cuntersC. checkutD. lckers
    7. A. stdB. resistedC. believed inD. put ff
    8. A. make trubleB. take respnsibilityC. play tricksD. press charges
    9. A. cnsequentlyB. frtunatelyC. graduallyD. incredibly
    10. A. ashamedB. shckedC. anxiusD. inncent
    11. A. lessnB. utcmeC. chiceD. excuse
    12. A. aidB. cntrlC. remindD. reward
    13. A. returnedB. exchangedC. takenD. rdered
    14. A. eye-catchingB. risk-takingC. privateD. right
    15. A. plitenessB. curageC. mercyD. admiratin
    Part I Reading and Thinking
    Ⅰ. 1. extend 2. tale 3. negtiated 4. ryal 5. withdraw 6. channel 7. league 8. bnds
    Ⅱ. 1. in a league f their wn 2. in hand 3. set sail 4. search fr 5. withdraw frm 6. fr the benefit f
    7. became knwn as 8. develp relatins with
    Ⅲ. 1. extensin 句意:暂时延长两年将保证科学家有足够的时间。所填的词作主语,所以用名词形式。
    2. negtiatin 句意:回顾过去的十年,有许多你可以称之为谈判的东西。call sb./sth. sth. 称……为……,此处要用名词形式。
    3. Ryalty 句意:来自世界各国的王室和政府首脑们正聚集在会议室。根据句意可知,此处指“王室”,所以用ryalty。
    4. frm 句意:这艘船从塞浦路斯启航,经过32个小时的航行抵达加沙。
    5. Inspired 句意:阳光明媚的天气令人振奋,这只青蛙决定去树林里探险。the frg 和inspire 之间为被动关系,所以用过去分词作状语。
    6. with 句意:这个国家尽最大努力和邻国发展友好关系。develp relatins with 与……发展关系。
    Ⅳ. 1. ① in rder t maintain
    ② in rder that they culd maintain in rder t 引导的目的状语与in rder that 引导的目的状语从句常可互相转换。
    2. ①the place that/which that/which 引导定语从句,修饰先行词the place。
    ② what we nw call what 引导宾语从句。
    3. Althugh wealthy 当时间、地点、条件、让步、方式等状语从句的主语与主句主语一致或从句主语是 it,且从句谓语含有be 动词时,可以把从句主语和 be 动词一起省略。
    4. Attracted by the beauty f nature 过去分词短语作原因状语。
    5. with s many peple lking at her “with+ 宾语+ 宾补”构成with 复合结构。因为peple 与lk 之间为主动关系,所以用现在分词作宾补。
    V. 【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了古代的航海之旅以及丝绸之路的形成。
    1. curisity 考查名词。所填的词和and前面的trade并列,所以也要用名词形式。
    2. t cmplete 考查非谓语动词。have a strng desire t d sth.有做某事的强烈愿望。
    3. knwn 考查形容词。becme knwn as作为……而变得知名。
    4. understanding 考查名词。result in better understanding f导致对……的更好的理解。
    5. led 考查非谓语动词。led by...由……带领。
    6. acrss 考查介词。此处表示“横穿”印度洋到红海入口处,所以填acrss。
    7. whse 考查定语从句。所填的词在定语从句中作定语,所以用whse。
    8. cperatin 考查名词。此处意为“鼓励合作与贸易”,空格处与trade并列,故填其名词形式。
    9. the 考查冠词。此处的“关系”特指中国和世界其他国家的关系,所以用the。
    10. cuntries 考查名词复数。cuntry是可数名词,前面有ther修饰,所以用复数形式。
    VI. A【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述海洋里的塑料垃圾被环保艺术家做成一个巨型雕塑,极其震撼,引发了人们对塑料污染的反思。
    1. B 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句可知,他想引发公众对塑料垃圾的关注。
    2.C 推理判断题。根据第三段第二句可推知,这一段提到塑料吸管是为了告诉大家塑料吸管的特殊性导致其回收非常困难。
    3. A 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段内容可推知,这样的景象很有震撼性,令人不安。
    4. D 主旨大意题。根据第一段最后一句可知,本文主要讲述海洋里的塑料垃圾被环保艺术家做成一个巨型雕塑,极其震撼,引发了人们对塑料污染的反思。
    5. B 细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句可知,这项研究的目的之一是判断哪片海域应该被保护。
    6. A 细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句可知,专家们在卫星的帮助下追踪海鸟。
    7. D 细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一句可知,大多数被追踪的海鸟会聚集在苏格兰海岸。
    8. C 推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段最后一句及本段全部内容可知,Dr. Ewan对于这项研究持积极态度。
    1. D 根据下文提到的这两名妇女被防损部门扣留可知,她们把其他商品避开(bypassing)扫描,打算不付钱拿走。label贴标签;damage破坏;srt分类。
    2. B 根据下文的by Lss and Preventin ver there可知,这里指两名女性和两名儿童被防损部门扣留(held)。
    3. C 结合本句“Lima had tw girls himself,similar in age t the tw girls there,s it...”可知,s表示因果关系,Lima看到两个女孩和自己的女儿年龄相仿,这让他有点儿吃惊(struck)。
    4. B 根据下文的receipt fr the items they had paid fr可知,此处指Lima查看了(checked)收据。
    5. D 根据下文的things bught just t stuff themselves可知,她们买的都是食物(fds),为了填饱自己的肚子。
    6. A 根据本句“Then he asked an emplyee where the ther items were that they had planned t take and was infrmed they were put back n the...”可知,她们打算拿走的物品已经被放回了货架(shelves)。
    7. C 根据下文的fllwing the law可知,此处意为“虽然Lima坚信要遵守法律,但他决定给她们一个宽限……”。believed in符合语境。
    8. D 结合上文可知,两名女性涉嫌盗窃,Lima本来可以起诉她们,但是他决定放过她们,故选D项。make truble制造麻烦;take respnsibility负责;play tricks耍手段;press charges起诉。
    9. A Lima打算放过这两个偷东西的女性,因此(cnse-quently)她们非常感激。frtunately幸运地;gradually逐渐;incredibly难以置信地。
    10. B 根据下文的because generally,in that same situatin there wuld prbably be a different可知,一般来说偷东西会被逮捕,但是Lima却决定放过她们,因此她们既非常感激又有点儿震惊(shcked)。
    11. B 结合下文的and they’d be arrested可知,如果Lima选择起诉她们,她们的结果(utcme)就是被逮捕。
    12. A 结合上文的“Obviusly,this family was in real need.”以及下文的“He gave them a $200 gift card,telling them nt t get things in illegal ways any mre.”可知,Lima送给她们礼品卡,来帮助(aid)这个需要帮助的家庭。
    13. C 此处为同词复现,呼应上文的where the ther items were that they had planned t take。
    14. D Lima这么做是因为自己想要帮助这一家人,他做了自己认为正确的(right)事情。
    15. C 根据下文的t the extent permitted by law可知,Lima的行为只是尽力在法律允许的范围内对这家人表现出一点儿仁慈。shw mercy t“对……仁慈”。
    set sail,in a league f ne’s wn,develp relatins with, withdraw frm,in hand,becme knwn as,search fr,fr the benefit f

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        人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册·UNIT3 Part I Reading and Thinking(同步练习含答案)
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