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    Learning Objectives
    By the end f the lessn, students are able t(1)t discver the elements f the habit cycle and understand hw the habit cycle wrks(2)t find the main idea f paragraphs(3)t learn the imprtance f keeping health(4)t build up the cnfidence and ability t develp gd health habits
    Questin 1: D yu have bad habits at hme?
    Questin 2: D yu have bad habits utside?
    Investigate:Bad habits:sleep?diet?exercise?study?
    Questin 3: Are bad habits easy t change? Why r why nt?
    Bad habits are hard t change because we are usually ding things we really like and ding it t much.
    Questin 4: What can yu d t crrect yur bad habits?
    Mindfulness Training
    Questin: What are they ding? Hw d yu think the peple feel in the phts?
    Are they happy and healthy?
    Questin: D yu think they are all leading a healthy lifestyle? Why r why nt?
    I think they are leading a healthy lifestyle because they keep ding exercise t keep healthy everyday.
    Scanning: Read the text and find ut what main ideas are included in it. Tick the crrect nes.
    A. Hw t change a bad habit and create gd nes The cycle f hw habits are frmed Habits that can help us study better Changing habits gradually N easy way t change bad habits What a habit is Why bad teenage habits shuld be changed
    Para. ___Para. ___Para. ___Para. ___Para. ___Para. ___Para. ___
    As teenagers grw up, they becme mre independent and start making their wn decisins. Hwever, during this perid, it can be easy fr sme f them t frm bad habits. These bad habits, if left unchecked, culd lead t mre serius nes when they becme adults. Fr example sme f them may becme invlved in tbacc r alchl abuse, which can lead t physical and mental health prblems. T prevent harmful habits like these frm dminating a teenager's life is essential. They must learn t recgnise bad habits early and make apprpriate changes.
    “must ... make changes”
    Paragraph 1
    F Why bad teenage habits shuld be changed.Tips:Lk fr tpic sentence & standut sentence.
    Paragraph 2
    T change bad habits is never easy, even with many attempts. There is a famus saying based n the philsphy f Aristtle: “We are what we repeatedly d.” In many ways, ur lifestyle is the sum f chices we have made. We make a chice t d smething, and then we repeat it ver and ver again. Sn that chice becmes autmatic and frms a habit that is much harder t change. The gd news is that we can change, if we understand hw habits wrk.
    E What a habit is and t change habits is nt easy Tips:Lk fr tpic sentence
    Tpic sentence
    Leading t the next paragraph
    Paragraph 3-4
    Accrding t mdern psychlgy, we must first learn abut the “habit cycle”, which wrks like this:Firstly, there is “cue”, an actin, event, r situatin that acts as a signal t d smething.Secndly, there is a “rutine”, the regular actin yu take in respnse t the cue.Thirdly, there is a “reward”, the gd thing r feeling we get frm the rutine. Fr example, when we feel unhappy (cue), we eat lts f unhealthy snacks (rutine), which makes us feel happy (reward) The reward makes us much mre likely t cntinue the cycle, and the bad habit f relying n unhealthy snacks is frmed.
    B The cycle f hw habits are frmedTips:Lk fr tpic sentence
    T facilitate a psitive change in ur bad habits, we must first examine ur bad habit cycles and then try t adapt them. We can d this by cmbining the infrmatin frm ur habit cycles with ur wn psitive ideas. Fr example, we culd try t replace a negative rutine with smething mre psitive. S, when we feel unhappy again (cue), rather than eat snacks, we culd listen t sme f ur favurite music instead (rutine), which will make us feel relaxed (reward). Aside frm changing bad habits, we can als use the habit cycle t create gd habits. Fr example, when we cme t an escalatr(cue), ur nrmal rutine is t ride it, but we culd change this rutine int smething mre psitive by taking the stairs instead.
    Paragraph 5
    Standut sentence
    A Hw t change a bad habit and create gd nesTips:Lk fr tpic sentence & standut sentence.
    Many f us try t change bad habits quickly and if we are nt successful straight away, we ften becme pessimistic and give up. In fact, the mst successful way t change is nt suddenly, but ver a perid f time. As the Chinese philspher La Zi wrte, “A jurney f a thusand miles begins with a single step. "One step seems small, but it is essential. T reach the gal f change, a persn must shw sme discipline and repeatedly take many small steps. After all, it is nt easy t break bad habits .
    Paragraph 6
    D Changing habits gradually.Tips:Lk fr standut sentence.
    Fr yung peple, there is plenty f time t change bad habits. Hwever, there is n"magic pill" r delete buttn that will help yu; yu have t think abut yur bad habits and decide n sme changes. Yu have the pwer t build a happy and healthy life full f gd habits!
    Paragraph 7
    C Yung peple have the pwer t build a healthy life full f gd habits.Tips:Lk fr tpic sentence
    “yung peple”
    Scanning: Read again and think: Hw many parts can the whle passage be divided int?
    Why bad habits shuld be changed
    What a habit is
    The cycle f what habits are frmed
    Hw t change a bad habit and create a gd ne
    Changing habits gradually
    N easy way t change bad habits
    The structure f this passage
    Why bad teenage habits shuld be changed (Para. 1)
    What a habit is and hw t change bad habits (Para. 2 ~ 5)
    N easy way t change bad habits (Para. 6)
    (Why, What, Hw)
    Scanning: Read again and think:Why did the writer write this text?T explain a teenage prblem and suggest pssible slutins.Wh’s the intended reader? Hw can yu tell?The intended readers are yung peple, especially teenagers. The first paragraph mainly discusses why it is easy fr teenagers t frm bad habits. The last paragraph starts with“Fr yung peple..."and"yu"is used t address the reader.
    Skimming:Para. 1
    Questin 1: Why bad habits shuld be changed?Questin 2: What shuld teenagers d t recgnize the bad habits?
    Questin 3: Hw des the authr develp the paragraph?
    By giving examples.
    Skimming:Para. 2
    Questin 1: Hw can a chice lead t a habit?
    Questin 2: Hw des the authr develp the paragraph?
    By directly quting.
    Skimming:Para. 3-4
    Accrding t mdern psychlgy, we must first learn abut the “habit cycle”, which wrks like this:Firstly, there is “cue”, an actin, event, r situatin that acts as a signal t d smething.Secndly, there is a “rutine”, the regular actin yu take in respnse t the cue.Thirdly, there is a “reward”, the gd thing r feeling we get frm the rutine. Fr example, when we feel unhappy (cue), we eat lts f unhealthy snacks (rutine), which makes us feel happy (reward)
    Questin 1: What is the three stages f habit cycle and what are they refer t?
    Skimming: Para. 3-4
    By giving definitins and examples.
    Skimming:Para. 5
    Questin 1: Hw can a persn use discipline t help change a bad habit?
    Questin 2: Hw can we cmbine the infrmatin frm ur habit cycles with ur wn psitive ideas? Use a table t shw it.
    Skimming:Para. 5(Grup discussin)
    Skimming: Para. 5
    Skimming:Para. 6
    Questin 1: D yu think we can change the bad habits immediately?Questin 2: Hw can we reach the gal f changing bad habits?
    Language Pints:
    1. Secndly,there is a “rutine”,the regular actin yu take in respnse t the cue.
    Nte: in respnse t=respnd t回复,回应例:针对青少年滥用烟草,我们必须采取一些有效措施帮助他们摆脱这种习惯。In respnse t teenagers’ abuse f tbacc,we must take sme effective measures t help them get rid f it.=Respnding t teenagers’ abuse f tbacc,we must take sme effective measures t help them get rid f it.
    Language Pints:、
    2. These bad habits,if left unchecked,culd lead t mre serius nes when they becme adults.
    Nte: 在if引导的条件状语从句中,如果从句的主语和主句的主语一致,同时从句谓语动词含有 be 动词,则可省略从句的主语和 be动词。if left unchecked=if it is left uncheckedif省略的固定结构:if necessary / pssible 如果必要的话 / 如果可能的话if nt 不然 if s 如果是这样的话
    3. There is a famus saying based n the philsphy f Aristtle:“We are what we repeatedly d.”
    Nte: 过去分词短语作定语,与被修饰词之间为被动关系,相当于定语从句的省略There is a famus saying based n the philsphy f Aristtle=There is a famus saying which is based n the philsphy f AristtleAll f the students think highly f the after-class activity held last Saturday.=All f the students think highly f the after-class activity which was held last Saturday.
    4. The reward makes us much mre likely t cntinue the cycle,and the bad habit f relying n unhealthy snacks is frmed.
    Nte: in reward fr作为的回报、奖赏rely n sb. t d/ding sth. 依靠/指望某人做某事例:我想做点什么来报答她的好意。 I wuld like t d smething in reward fr her kindness.我保证你可以依靠他帮助你摆脱困难。I guarantee that yu can rely n him t help yu ut f difficulty.
    5. As the Chinese philspher La Zi wrte, “ A jurney f a thusand miles begins with a single step.”
    Nte: 写作中引用格言的表达方式:(1) As an ld saying ges like this, ...(2) Just as ... highly puts it, ...(3) There ges a saying that..., which is put by ...(4)Accrding t..., a renwned philspher in ancient ..., ...(5)... nce said, the qute ...
    6. Many f us try t change bad habits quickly,and if we are nt successful straight away,we ften becme pessimistic and give up.
    Nte: straight away=right away=right nw=at nce=in n time=immediately立即;马上be pessimistic abut对……悲观例如:我看到成绩后非常悲观,弟弟立即跑过来安慰我。Being pessimistic abut my results, my brther came t my assistance straight away/right away/right nw/at nce/in n time/immediately.
    7. After all,it is nt easy t break bad habits.
    Nte: after all毕竟,终究all的短语:all in all总而言之abve all最重要的是first f all=first and fremst首先in all总共 all 根本不,一点也不
    8. Yu have t think abut yur bad habits and decide n sme changes.
    Nte: decide n sth=decide t d sth=make a decisin t d sth 决定做某事arrive at/cme t/reach a decisin做出决定例如:你们定好婚礼日期了吗?Have yu decided n/decide t make/make a decisin t make a date fr the wedding?他们花了很长时间才做出了一个艰难的决定。It tk them a lng time t arrive at/cme t/reach a decisin.
    There are tw psts frm tw students. If yu are their friend, culd yu please help them?
    Pst 1:I have been suffering frm the bad habit f vereating fr decades. Every time I feel upset, I eat a lt. Overeating is the mst effective way fr me t relievestress temprarily. It is irnic that I eat even mre when I feel anxius abut gaining weight.I am verweight and frequently have a stmachache. What shall I d? I really want t get rid f this terrible habit.
    Pst 2:My friends call me a night wl.I ften stay up lateand g t bed after 2 I am actually in bed, I still can't help playing with my cellphne fr ne hurr mre.In ther wrds,I fall asleep later than 3 a.m. I feel dizzy frm time t time.I find it hard t wrk efficiently at daytime. Sleeping late even makes my skin lk bad.I knw it is an unhealthy habit but I dn't knw what t d.

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