Unit 5 Music Reading for Writing 课件-2022-2023学年高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册
Music AppreciationWhen you believeThere can be miracles when you believe. 只要你相信奇迹就会发生. Though hope is frail.尽管希望渺茫. It's hard to kill.却难以抹杀. Who knows what miracles you can achieve谁能预料到你会达成什么奇迹. When you believe, somehow you will只要你相信,奇迹自然会发生!You will when you believe! 只要你相信它,它就会发生Free Talk1. Afer listening the song, how do you feel?2. What can we learn from this song? Energetic/pewerful“There can be miracles when you believe.” ExcitedHappySadRelaxed.......?How can music benefit your life? ......make us strong in mind relax and refresh ourselves give us strength and hopeoffer us comfort and company release our stress/pressureinspire us to be positive and optimistic help us overcome all the difficultiesbring us happiness/joy/reliefcalm us downA speechthe topic of the speechIntroduction--a storyBefore listening to musicAfter listening to musicThe benefits of musicAdviceStructureLanguage featuresrhetorical questionquoteparallel constructionpersonificationmetaphorsimileWords and lexical chunks分享经历……的时光度过那些艰难的日子满足感鼓励的话心灵/内心深处经历……的时光珍惜①two years ago 两年前②and thus 因此③then one day 后来有一天④so…that… 如此…以至于…⑤from then on 从此之后⑥it is true 的确如此⑦moreover 不仅如此;而且These discourse markers are used to show how the text is connected and organized.How to write a speech?Useful expressionsshare with分享face a time经历……的时光get through those hard times度过那些艰难的日子a sense of satisfaction满足感words of encouragement鼓励的话the deepest part of my being心灵/内心深处go through various periods经历……的时光treasure珍惜Write a speechStructureLanguage features(rhetorical question) (quote)(repetition)(simile)(metaphor)(personification)two years ago 两年前and thus 因此then one day 后来有一天so…that… 如此…以至于…from then on 从此之后it is true 的确如此moreover 不仅如此;而且假设你是学校英语俱乐部的主席Li Hua.TED 节目组邀请你就音乐对你的影响发表一个演讲。 Hello!My name is Li Hua, and I feel it a great honor to share my views on the benefits of music . Have you ever gone through some periods when you feel very depressed ? Two years ago, my best friend was killed in a traffic accident. Realizing that she was gone forever made me so sad that I felt I was surrounded by an ocean of sadness. I did not know how to face my life. Then one day, I accidentally heard a piece of classic music by Eric Satie called “Tears in Heaven”, which touched my haert and moved me to tears . So from then on I began to listen to music because I realized music is the language of the mind. Just as Hans Christina Andersen once said, “Where words fail, music speaks.” (quote) Music can truly describe what we are feeling deep inside. Music helps me remember how much I miss my friend. Music helps me remember all the great times we had and gives me a sense of satisfaction. Music also helps me be grateful for that time together. Moreover, music eventually helps me survive those hard times. If you struggle to face the cruel reality, music can be your guide and friend. So let’s treasure the expressive power of music! Thank you!Thank you!