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    高中Unit 1 Cultural Heritage图文课件ppt

    这是一份高中Unit 1 Cultural Heritage图文课件ppt,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了核心脉图·目标导引,基础认知·自主学习,amazing,design,style,fancy,troop,decorate,select,remove等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Ⅰ. 用本单元的单词填空1. such an ________(令人吃惊的) histry2. the ______(设计) f the rm3. in a different ____(风格)4. paint a _____(奇特的) picture5. a _____(部队) f his best sldiers6. t ________(装饰) the rm with gld7. _____(挑选) my favrite fruit8. t _______(移走) sme small furniture
    9. a small ________(接待) hall10. twenty-seven _______(木制的) bxes11. ____(稀有的) kinds f animals12. save yur ________(珍贵的) time13. t _______(幸存) an accident 14. t the _____(当地) museum15. a jb ______(值得)a try
    Ⅱ. 根据汉语提示写出短语1. The prcess lasts ________(不到)30 secnds and csts n mre than ne penny.  2. I gave him a gift ________(作为回报)fr his kindness.  3. All villagers were sent ut __________(寻找) the missing by.  4. There is ________(毫无疑问) that yu will succeed.  5. In Wrld War Ⅱ, the tw cuntries were ______(交战).  6. It is said that the high building _________(属于) a wealthy man.  7. The hall can _______(充当) a small hspital.  8. All things ____________(准备好) a big dinner.  
    in search f
    are ready fr
    Ⅲ. 完成句子1. Althugh the Amber Rm was cnsidered _________________f the wrld, it is nw missing.  尽管琥珀屋被认为是世界奇迹之一, 但是现在它不见了。2. The amber ________________had a beautiful yellw-brwn clur like hney.  被选中的琥珀有像蜂蜜一样的漂亮的黄棕色。3. ________________the Amber Rm remains a mystery.  琥珀屋发生了什么仍然是一个谜。
    ne f the wnders
    which was selected
    What happened t
    根据给出的构词规则完成下面空格。1. 名词加-en构成形容词。 wd→wden     木制的wl→_______羊毛的gld→______金色的
    2. “in+n. +f”构成的介词短语, 在句中作状语或表语。in search f      寻找____________纪念 _________在……前面  _________需要 
     Task 1 框架宏观建构: 整体理解 
     Task 2 文本微观剖析: 细节探究 1. 找出各段的段落大意。A. Hw did the Amber Rm becme ne f the wnders f the wrld? B. Hw was a new Amber Rm built? C. Hw did the Amber Rm get lst? D. Hw was the Amber Rm made? E. Why did the King f Prussia give the Amber Rm t the Czar f Russia as a gift? Para. 1 ______ Para. 2 ______ Para. 3 ______Para. 4 ______ Para. 5 ______
    2. 根据文章细节信息完成下列问题。(1)The King f Prussia wh gave the Amber Rm as a gift t Russia was    .  A. Frederick Ⅰ      B. Frederick William ⅠC. Peter the GreatD. Catherine Ⅱ(2)The King f Prussia gave the Amber Rm t Russia because    .  A. he wanted t marry Catherine ⅡB. he was kindC. he needed better sldiersD. he wanted t make friends
    (3)The Amber Rm was stlen by    .  A. Russian sldiersB. German sldiersC. peple in KnigsbergD. peple in St Petersburg(4)In 1941, the city f Knigsberg was in    .  A. Germany  B. Russia  C. Sweden  D. France(5)The Russians didn’t hide the Amber Rm because    .  A. they were at war B. they culdn’t find a placeC. the German sldiers arrived t sn D. n train culd take it away
    3. 运用语句知识解构课文中的长难句。译文: 这件礼物就是琥珀屋, 它之所以有这个名字, __________________________________。
    译文: 然而, 下一位普鲁士国王, 腓特烈·威廉一世, 这个琥珀屋的主人却_____________。
    译文: 后来, 叶卡捷琳娜二世派人把琥珀屋搬到圣彼得堡郊外_______________。
     Task 3 阅读思维升华: 主题实践 根据提示, 运用本单元词汇与句型完成短文。(1)汤姆总是有奇特的(fancy)想法。(2)他到森林寻找(in search f)蜂窝来装饰(decrate)房屋。(3)他精选(select)了几件属于(belng t)他的工具就出发了。(4)他费力地(have difficulty in ding sth. )走着, 搬开(remve)掉落的树枝时, 突然掉入了一个洞穴。
    (5)不到(less than)三天的时间, 家人找到了他, 幸运的是他还活着(survive)。Tm is always having a fancy idea. S he went t the frests in search f a hneycmb t decrate his huse. He selected pieces f tls belnging t him and set ff. While he had difficulty in walking, he fund sme fallen branches and remved them, but suddenly he fell int a cave. After that, in less than three days, the family fund him and frtunately, he survived.  
    结合课文主题, 回答下列问题。Is it wrth searching fr the missing Amber Rm? On psitive side: There is n dubt that there is rich culture in the Amber Rm. It is a gd way t learn abut histry. Obviusly, made f amber and ther precius materials, it is an invaluable treasure. Besides, it is human’s nature t search fr the unknwn t satisfy their curisity. There are many clues left, with which treasure hunters are hpeful abut its lcatin. It’s nly a matter f time.  
    On negative side: Peple have searched fr it fr many years, but in vain.  Because there are nt enugh clues, it seems that it is unlikely t find it. It is merely a waste f time and mney. Peple have t dig here and there fr the Amber Rm, which may d a lt f damage t the envirnment. There is already a rebuilt ne, with which peple are able t have a knwledge f the frmer ne as well as the culture and histry behind it.  
    1. survive vi. 幸免; 幸存; 生还*Yur hands tuch many surfaces, where viruses can survive up t nine days. 你的手触摸很多物体表面, 病毒在那(些地方)可以存活九天。*(2019·天津高考) If a predatr can eat several species, it can survive the extinctin f ne f them. 如果一种猎食者能够吃好几个物种, 它就能在灭绝中幸存下来。*Scientific research shws that wmen tend t survive their husbands. 科学研究表明女性往往比她们的丈夫寿命长。*Hundreds f kalas didn’t survive the histric bush fire n the eastern Australia cast. 数以百计的考拉没能在澳大利亚东部海岸的历史性的山林大火中活下来。
    【词块积累】(1)survive n    依靠……生存下来A survive(s) B (by. . . ) A比B活得长survive sth. 幸免于; 从……中挺过来/活过来(2)survivr n. 幸存者 survival n. [U]幸存; [C]残存物
    【名师点津】  survive作“幸存; 幸免于”解时为及物动词, 其后直接接宾语, 不用介词in或frm。
    (2021·全国甲卷)The Xi’an City Wall is the mst cmplete city wall that has survived China’s lng histry. 西安城墙是中国历史上现存最完整的城墙。
    【即学活用】(1)语法填空。①He ________(survive) the difficulties at the beginning f his life, and achieved success thrugh his wn effrts. ②Nne f these seems t have much chance f _______(survive). ③Officials said there were n _________(survive) f the plane crash. ④As a matter f fact, she survived her husband ___five years. (2)单句改错。Despite suffering great hardships, he survived frm his jurney. ( )
    2. in search f寻找*The PLA sldiers wrked hard in search f thse wh might survive the earthquake.*(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)Jeff searched in vain fr Rsie in the next fur days. 杰夫在接下来的四天里徒劳地寻找着(小狗)Rsie.
    【词块积累】(1)in search f=in ne’s search fr寻找(2)search fr=lk fr 寻找search sth. /sb.    搜查某物/搜身search. . . fr. . .   为找到……而搜查……
      【知识延伸】 in search f构词特点为: in +n. + f。类似构词的短语还有: in memry f    为了纪念……in favur f 支持, 赞同in hnur f 为了纪念; 为向……表示敬意in charge f 负责……in pssessin f 拥有……
    【即学活用】(1)语法填空。①Alibaba is searching ___fresh ideas t prmte sales and keep users hked t its sites. ②In the late autumn in the nrth sme birds fly suth in search __winter sun. (2)单句改错。In his spare time he searched fr the public library fr references. ( )
    【补偿训练】同义句转换。All the sldiers are in search f the lst tur pals. →All the sldiers are ________________the lst tur pals. (search n. ) →All the sldiers _______________the lst tur pals. (search v. ) 
    in their search fr
    are searching fr
    3. select vt. 挑选; 选择*I happen t hear that yu are hsting an activity t select The Mst Qualified Teacher. 我碰巧听说你们正举办活动挑选“最有资格的教师”。*Shanghai was selected as first in fur indexes: plicy, gvernmental envirnment, wrking and living cnditins. 上海在四个方面被选为第一: 政策、政府环境、工作和生活条件。*Fr this purpse, select ripe bananas fr freezing as they are much sweeter. 出于这个目的, 挑选熟的香蕉用来冷冻, 因为它们更甜一些。
    【词块积累】 select. . . as/t be. . .    挑选……作为…… select sb. t d sth. 挑选某人做某事 select sth. fr. . . 为……挑选某物 select frm. . . 从……中挑选
    【即学活用】(1)语法填空。①After a lng walk, we selected a gd place ___ur camp. ②Daff was selected frm the whle class _____(g) n the trip.  (2)I have heard that ____________________________________t learn in yur schl fr tw weeks.  我听说你们正从我们学校挑选学生到你们学校学习两周。
    yu are selecting students frm ur schl
    4. design n. 设计; 图案; 构思vt. 设计; 计划; 构思 *Thmas Bach expressed his delight at the design f the mascts f the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. (国际奥委会主席)托马斯·巴赫表达了对2022年北京冬奥会吉祥物设计的欣喜之情。*The equipment is designed t help search fr thse buried in ruins.  这个设备被设计用来帮助寻找被掩埋在废墟中的人。* We must make it clear whether it happened by accident r by design. 我们一定要搞清楚这件事到底是碰巧发生的还是人为的。
    【词块积累】(1)by design= n purpse 故意地, 蓄意地(2)be designed t d sth. 目的是做某事; 被设计用于做某事be designed fr打算作……用; 为……而设计be designed as打算当作……; 设计成……(3)designer n. 设计者; 谋划者
      【知识延伸】表示“故意与偶然”的词语有: (1)故意地: by design/n purpse/deliberately(2)偶然地: by chance/by accident/accidentally
    (2021·新高考Ⅰ卷)The very first Federal Duck Stamp was designed by J. N. “Ding” Darling, a plitical cartnist frm Des Mines, Iwa. 最早的联邦鸭子邮票是由来自爱荷华州得梅因的政治漫画家杰尹·达林设计的。
    【即学活用】语法填空。(1)N. 2 Teaching Building is specially designed ___the students f Senir Three. (2)I have a dream that a gd many peple will live in the apartments ________(design) by me in the future. (3)The rm can be als designed __a castle r frest, which depends n where yur fantasy takes yu r what yur kids prefer. (4)(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)HUNCH __________(design) t cnnect high schl classrms with NASA engineers.  
    is designed
    5. fancy adj. 奇特的; 异样的 vt. 想象; 设想; 爱好*Music, in my mind, can smetimes bring us t a fancy wrld. 在我看来, 音乐有时候能把我们带到一个很奇特的世界。*Knwing that yu take a great fancy t Chinese culture, I wuld lve t intrduce it t yu. 知道你很喜欢中国文化, 我很乐意向你介绍一下它。*(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)But the phrase “penny paper” caught the public’s fancy, and sn there wuld be papers that did indeed sell fr nly a penny. 但是“一便士报纸”获得大众的喜爱, 很快就会出现的确卖一便士的报纸。*I’d always fancied myself as an adventure her. 我曾经常幻想自己是个探险英雄。
    【词块积累】fancy that   真想不到fancy (sb. ‘s) ding sth. 想象(某人)做某事fancy sb. /sth. as/t be. . . 认为……是……fancy ding. . .    真想不到……(常用于祈使句)
    【即学活用】语法填空。(1)She fancies herself __a singer but she desn’t have a very gd vice. (2)He usually appears t be hnest. Wh can fancy his _____(d) such a thing? (3)“Well, fancy ____! ” she replied, astnished. (4)Fancy ______(see) yu in a place far away frm ur hmetwn.
    6. decrate v. 装饰; 装修*Yu can select yur wn style befre decrating yur new huse. 在装修你的新房之前, 你可以挑选自己的风格。*The Amber Rm was a treasure decrated with gld and jewels. 琥珀屋是用金子和珠宝装饰的珍品。*We bught a lt f decratins t celebrate Spring Festival. 我们买了很多装饰品庆祝春节。
    【词块积累】 (1)decrate. . . with. . .  用……装饰……be decrated with. . . 装饰着……(2)decratin n. 装饰; 装饰物decrative adj. 装饰的; 作装饰用的
    【巧学助记】语境记忆decrate及其派生词In rder t decrate their living rm, she bught a pack f decrative decratins. 为了装饰他们的客厅, 她买了一包装饰性的饰品。
    【即学活用】(1)语法填空。①We decrated the Christmas tree____glass balls and lights.  ②Paper cutting is ften used as a __________(decrate)at festivals.  ③They are searching fr sme _________(decrate)things t make their rm beautiful. (2)The blackbard f ur classrm _________________________________.  我们教室的黑板装饰着标语和花。
    was decrated with wrds and flwers
    7. remve vt. 移动; 搬开*Learning in a relaxing way will remve ur pressure, making study an easy jb. 以轻松的方式学习将会消除我们的压力, 使学习变得容易。 *Remve the skin and place them in plastic bags r cntainers and freeze. 去除外皮, 把它们放在塑料袋或容器里并冷冻。
    【词块积累】remve. . . frm. . .    把……从……移开/撤掉remve sb. frm ne’s pst 撤职; 开除remve sb. frm schl开除某人; 勒令某人退学remve ne’s dubt消除某人的疑虑
    【巧学助记】 对比记忆remve与mve
    (2021·全国乙卷)If yu’re the hst, yu can ask them t help yu in the kitchen with smething and just remve them frm the situatin. 如果你是主人, 你可以让他们在厨房里帮你做点什么, 让他们从这种局面脱离出来。
    【即学活用】(1)语法填空。①Calcium EDTA, a chemical that remves lead _____the bld ver several days. ②Old useless things in the huse are _____________(remve).  (2)选词填空(remve, mve)。①They have decided t _____t a warm climate. ②He ________ his desk t anther ffice.  
    t be remved
    8. dubt n. 怀疑; 疑惑 vt. 怀疑; 不信*There is n dubt that culture is a decisive factr fr scial develpment. 毫无疑问, 文化是社会发展的决定性因素。*I dubt whether the fancy style suits us. 我怀疑这种奇特的风格是否适合我们。*It is extremely dubtful that he will be fit enugh t play in the final. 以他的身体状况, 能否参加决赛是非常值得怀疑的。*(2019·北京高考) In the near future, it’s nt just ging t be the number yu see n yur screen that will be in dubt. 在不久的将来, 你将不仅仅会怀疑你在屏幕上看到的号码。
    【词块积累】 (1)There’s n dubt that/abut. . . 毫无疑问……(be) in dubt 怀疑, 拿不定主意n/withut/beynd dubt 无疑地, 必定, 当然(2)dubt whether/if. . . 怀疑……dn’t dubt that. . . 毫不怀疑……(3)dubtful adj. 怀疑的
    【即学活用】(1)语法填空。①There is n dubt ____exams are imprtant t us students.  ②I still dubt _________ the price f cmputers in the stre will g dwn, but I will just wait and see. ③He was ________(dubt)whether the team wuld be able t win.  (2)单句改错。①I dubt that the badly damaged bicycle can be repaired. ( )②It is n dubt that this is a gd pprtunity t appreciate the lcal art. ( )
    9. wrth prep. 值得的; 相当于……的价值n. 价值; 作用 adj. [古]值钱的*It is rganized by the Students’ Unin and wrth watching. 它是由学生会组织的, 值得观看。*The new car cst a lt f mney, but it’s certainly wrth it. (买)这辆新车花了很多钱, 但确实物有所值。
    【词块积累】be wrth+n.      值得……, 值……be (well)wrth ding某事(很)值得被做 (用well来修饰wrth). . . wrth it  ……是值得的
    【即学活用】(1)语法填空。I dn’t think the shws f every kind are really wrth ________(watch) r suitable fr us students t watch. (2)Althugh the jurney t the tp will be quite challenging, it will __________(是值得的).  (3)During the festival, yu can make a trip t Yangjiabu, which is _________________(很值得参观).  
    【补偿训练】 一句多译这本小说值得读。(1)The nvel _______________.  (2)The nvel _________________.  (3)The nvel ____________________.  (4) ____________________the nvel.  
    is wrth reading
    is wrthy t be read
    is wrthy f being read
    It is wrthwhile t read
    10. Frederick WilliamⅠ, the King f Prussia, culd never have imagined that his greatest gift t the Russian peple wuld have such an amazing histry. 普鲁士国王腓特烈·威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人的厚礼竟会有这样一段令人惊讶的历史。 【句式解构】(1)这是一个含有宾语从句的主从复合句: 主句的主语是Frederick William Ⅰ, 其后的the King f Prussia是主语的同位语; that引导宾语从句。(2)culd never have imagined意为“永远不可能想到”。
    *The by can’t have finished reading the bk s sn because it is difficult even t an adult. 这个男孩不可能那么快就把这本书读完的, 因为即使对一个成人来说, 这本书也是相当难的。*The change culd nt have taken place withut the pen-dr plicy. 没有开放的政策, 就不会有这个变化。*(2019·天津高考)My wallet was gne. I culd nly have left it n the G9 bus. 我的钱包丢了。我只可能把它落在G9公交车上了。
    【名师点津】(1)“culd have dne”结构用于表示对过去情况的推测, “可能已经做了……”。(2)本结构还表示“本来能做某事(而实际上并没有做)”, 暗含责备或惋惜的意味。
    【即学活用】(1)He ________________________, but he was t careless.  他本来能通过考试的, 但是他太粗心了。(2)I think that he ______________________abrad. I saw him just nw.  我认为他不可能出国了。我刚才还看见他了。(3)I _________________mre than six years ld when the accident happened.  当那起事故发生的时候, 我一定还不到六岁。
    culd have passed the exam
    culdn’t/can’t have gne
    culdn’t have been
    【要点拾遗】1. rare adj. 稀罕的; 稀有的; 珍贵的*It’s a rare chance t talk with freigners and imprve yurself. 这是一个和外国人交流、提升你自己的宝贵机会。*They are keen t see rare birds at the destinatin. 他们喜欢在目的地看稀有的鸟。*(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)While they are rare nrth f 88°, there is evidence that they range all the way acrss the Arctic. 虽然在北纬88°的地方很少见到它们, 但有证据表明, 它们的活动范围遍及整个北极。
    【名师点津】  rarely adv. 很少发生; 不经常(表示否定, 置于句首时, 句子采用部分倒装)A recent survey shws that rarely d mst students cmmunicate with their teachers. 一项近期的研究表明, 大部分学生很少与老师交流。
    (2021·全国甲卷)Prt Lympne Reserve, which runs a breeding prgramme, has welcmed the arrival f a rare black rhin calf. 林普尼港保护区正在进行一项繁育计划, 它对一只罕见的黑犀牛幼崽的到来表示欢迎。
    【即学活用】(1)语法填空。With the widespread use f mbile payment, we ______(rare)need t carry a wallet r cash at all.  (2)We can watch the dragn dance, _________________even in China.  我们能够看到舞龙, 甚至在中国都很少见到。(3)In such cases, _____________________.  在这些情况下, 我们很少能够保持镇静。
    which is rarely seen
    rarely can we keep calm
    2. amaze vt. 使吃惊; 惊讶*What amazed me mst is that fresh fd such as sandwiches, juice were made by students n the spt. 最使我震惊的是学生们现场制作的新鲜食品, 比如三明治和果汁。*We were s amazed at the exhibits that we culdn’t help taking pictures all the time. 对于这些展品我们感到很震惊, 我们禁不住一直拍着照片。
    【名师点津】(1)以-ing结尾的形容词常表示主动关系或特性, 一般用来说明事或物, 意为“令人……的”。(2)以-ed结尾的形容词常用来修饰人, 表示人的心理状态, 意为“感到……的”。有时也可修饰表情和声音。
    【即学活用】(1)用amaze的正确形式填空。①But after a week, when he recvered, he felt _______at the effect f the Chinese medicine. ②The scenery alng the river is ________, with many well-knwn sightseeing spts. ③T my __________, yur schl pssesses great learning resurces and excellent teachers. (2)改错。(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)One was that I was amazing at the fact that a sick persn culd feel much better after seeing a dctr. ( )
    3. belng t 属于, 为……的成员*President Xi said the Belt and Rad Initiative riginated in China, but its pprtunities and achievements belng t the wrld. 习主席说一带一路倡议源于中国, 而它的机会和成就属于整个世界。*Cultural relics and natural scenery belng t everyne, including the generatins t cme. 文化遗迹和自然风光属于每一个人, 包括(我们的)后代。
    *(2019·浙江高考)The students feel that they belng t a particular grup. 学生们觉得他们属于一个特殊的群体。*The bright mn belngs nt t a single twn. 明月何曾是两乡。*Why d we ften assume that mre is mre when it cmes t kids and their belngings? 说到孩子们和他们的物品, 我们为什么通常又认定越多越好呢?
    【名师点津】(1)belng t不用于进行时与被动语态。(2)belng t的-ing形式可作后置定语。(3)belngings n. 财产; 所有物; 相关事物
    【即学活用】(1)语法填空。①On the left there is a cmputer rm and a study _________(belng) t me. ②Thse wh want t cme please remember t take care f yurselves and yur___________(belng). (2)单句改错。①He said that the wallet was belnged t him. ( )②There is a precius chance belngs t yu. ( )
    4. in return作为报答; 回报*In return, the Czar sent him a trp f his best sldiers. 作为回赠, 沙皇送给他一队自己最好的士兵。*Cnsidering the sacrifices they’ve made fr us, we shuld act in return fr them. 考虑到他们为我们做出的牺牲, 我们应该行动起来报答他们。*The exchange f pinins helps friends better understand ne anther, which in turn strengthens ties between friends. 交流观点有助于朋友更好地了解彼此, 转而会增强朋友之间的联系。
    【词块积累】in return fr    作为对……的报答in turn依次地; 轮流地; 反过来; 转而
    【即学活用】(1)选词填空(in return, in turn)。①At the class meeting, we delivered speeches _______, sharing ur pinins.  ②Axani writes in his pst that he is nt lking anything ________.  (2) ___________yur kindness, I want t invite yu t cme t Jinan next summer vacatin.  为了报答你的善意, 我想邀请你下个暑假来济南。
    In return fr
    (3)While staying in the village, James unselfishly shared whatever he had with the villagers ________________________________.  在村子里待着的时候, 詹姆斯不要任何回报无私地跟村民们共享他拥有的东西。
    withut asking fr anything in return
    5. at war处于交战状态*The terrrist attack put the tw cuntries in the danger f being at war. 这次恐怖袭击使两个国家陷入交战的危险。*The president f the university has declared war against cheating n exams. 校长已宣布向作弊现象宣战。
    【词块积累】be at war (with)    (和……)处于交战状态declare war n/against向(某国)宣战; 宣布将尽力与……作斗争
    【知识延伸】at +n. 构成的短语: at peace       处于和平状态at church 在做礼拜at schl/wrk在上学/上班at table 在吃饭
    【即学活用】(1)语法填空。①There was a time when the tw cuntries were __war. ②It’s said that America will declare war _________ Iran. (2)The gvernment fficers ______________________________city crime. 政府官员已向城市犯罪宣战。 
    have already declared war against
    6. less than少于*Amazn’s new technlgy can prcess the charge in less than 300 millisecnds. 亚马逊的新技术可以在不到300毫秒的时间内处理完交易。*Since it will be less than ne mnth befre the exam, I am under great pressure nw. 因为距考试不到一个月了, 我现在压力很大。
    【词块积累】n less than    不少于, 多达mre than 多于; 不仅仅ther than 除了rather than 而不是
    (2021·浙江高考)We live in a twn with three beaches. There are tw parts less than 10 minutes’ walk frm hme where neighburhd children gather t play. 我们住在一个拥有三个海滩的小镇。有两处海滩就在离家步行不到10分钟的地方, 附近的孩子们聚在一起玩耍。
    【即学活用】选词填空(less than, mre than, rather than, ther than)。(1)Sme students prefer t surf the Internet r use smart phnes __________read after class.  (2)There are nw ver 55, 000 supermarkets in the UK, but ________55, 000 pubs.  (3)Yu can’t get there _________by swimming.  (4)I’d be _________grateful if yu culd let me knw whether yu can attend it.  
    rather than
    7. Later, Catherine Ⅱhad the Amber Rm mved t a palace utside St Petersburg where she spent her summers. 后来, 叶卡捷琳娜二世派人把琥珀屋搬到圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的宫殿中。【句式解构】(1)本句是主从复合句。where引导定语从句, 修饰先行词a palace; utside St Petersburg是介词短语作后置定语, 修饰a palace。(2)have sth. dne 使某事被做; 让别人做某事。*We must have the wrk finished by Tuesday. 我们必须在星期二以前完成此项工作。
    【名师点津】(1)“have +宾语+过去分词”表示“让某人做某事”, 还可以表示“遭受某种不幸的情况”。宾语和宾语补足语在逻辑上是动宾关系。(2)“have+宾语+现在分词”表示“让某人一直做某事”, 强调动作的持续性。宾语和宾语补足语在逻辑上是主谓关系。
    (3)“have+宾语+d”表示“让某人做某事”, 强调一次性的动作。*I can enrich my cllege life and have myself imprved. 我可以丰富我的大学生活, 并提升自我。*It’s my pleasure t meet yu at the airprt and have yu stay at my hme. 我很高兴在机场见到你, 并让你待在我家里。*Yu’d better have yur car running slwly. 你最好把车子开慢点。
    【即学活用】语法填空。(1)He was very funny and had us ________(laugh) all the way. (2) If yu are always running late, set yur clcks fast s yu have things _____(d)in time. (3)The bss had me ___(set) dwn what peple present at the meeting said.  
    览时事·晓天下1. Giving meaning t the jb is nt just up t the emplyee, instead, it’s up t management t create an ffice culture that makes peple feel valuable. 赋予工作意义不能只靠员工, 管理层有责任打造一种让员工感觉有价值的办公室文化。2. These carefully selected fd and beverages in the cre mdule Tianhe are nutritinally balanced, taste gd and can be kept fr a lng time. 天和核心舱里的这些食物和饮料都是精心挑选的, 营养均衡、美味可口、保存期限长。
    3. Earlier this year, Alexis Ferrer, shwcased the mst recent versin f his hair printing technique, which nw allws him t have clrful, vivid designs digitally printed nt human hair. 今年早些时候, 亚历克西斯·费雷尔展示了他印刷技术的最新成果, 现在他可以将清晰的彩色图案打印到人类头发上。4. Scientists say it is wrth trying everything t save as many cral reefs as pssible. 科学家表示, 为了拯救尽可能多的珊瑚礁, 一切努力都值得一试。
    Ⅰ. 语段填词1. In the tmb, what _______(使震惊) the wrkers mst was that it was _________(装饰) with beautiful Han Stne Relieves. Als, they fund many ________(珍贵的)______(珠宝) and a ____(稀有的) pt, which dates back t Qin________(朝代).  2. Jane is a special _____(艺术家). She likes t ______(设计)rm decratins in a _____(奇特的) ____(风格). Fr example, mst f the _______(木制的) furniture will be ________(移除) and replaced with special nes.
    Ⅱ. 选词填空be designed t; belng t; in search f; at war; decrate. . . with. . . ; remve. . . frm. . . ; survive. . . by. . . ; in return fr1. Culd yu please _______yur bag _____my seat? 2. The tw natins have been ______with each ther fr 5 years.  3. Our cmpany pushed ut the husehld rbt, which ____________take care f ld peple.  4. But I came t Yiwu __________smething else: China’s future.  5. We give ur huses a thrugh cleaning and ________them ____ red cuplets.
    is designed t
    6. It is abut t take actin t shw the wrld that the right t read and write __________all peple.  7. ___________yur cnsiderate care during my trip in Britain, I will serve as a guide.  8. In the lve stry, the emperr ________his wife at least ___ 18 years.
    Ⅲ. 完成句子1. ____________________(毫无疑问)we can have a meaningful and unfrgettable vacatin tgether.  2. He _______________________(一定没想象到)that his painting culd be sld at s high a price.  3. Our English teacher __________(让我们阅读)an English passage every mrning.  4. The exhibitin t be held next week is ________________(很值得参观).  5. _________________(令我们震惊的是), he made great prgress in a shrt time.  6. Rarely ____________(我们能够负担得起)t waste ur precius time when we are yung.  
    There is n dubt that
    culd never have imagined
    has us read
    well wrth visiting
    T ur amazement
    can we affrd

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