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    高中人教版英语必修五(Unit2 The United Kingdom Period 1) 教案
    高中人教版英语必修五(Unit2 The United Kingdom Period 1) 教案01
    高中人教版英语必修五(Unit2 The United Kingdom Period 1) 教案02
    高中人教版英语必修五(Unit2 The United Kingdom Period 1) 教案03
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    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection教案及反思

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection教案及反思,共11页。

    This unit centers n the United Kingdm, including its gegraphy, especially the histrical influence n gegraphy, histrical attractins and traditinal festivals.The students shuld be encuraged t practice talking abut cuntries.
    The whle unit can be divided int seven parts: warming up, reading, listening and speaking, language fcusing, reading and writing, grammar, and assessment.
    In Warming up, there is a quiz fr the students t d, which will aruse the students’ interest in knwing abut the detailed infrmatin abut the United Kingdm.While checking the answers, the teacher can add mre knwledge abut the UK, t prepare the students fr the fllwing prcesses.In this part, the teacher shuld als help the students t deal with the new wrds and expressins that will appear in the Reading passage.Grup discussin and brainstrming will be used in this perid t help the students t cmmunicate with each ther using their previus knwledge.
    In Pre-reading, the students are prvided with three questins related t the UK, which can act as an intrductin t the Reading passage.
    In the Reading passage, the students will learn abut the histrical influence upn gegraphy in the UK and get a general idea abut the prcess f the cmbinatin f the UK.They will als learn abut the histrical attractins left by the invaders in England and Lndn.In reading the passage the students shuld als pay special attentin t the techniques f writing a passage f human gegraphy.
    In Pst-reading part, the students will d three activities.The first ne is t answer three questins accrding t the Reading passage.Secndly, the students are asked t divide England int three districts n a map, which is based n the deeper understanding f the passage.Thirdly, after getting the general idea f the passage, the students shuld write a summary f the passage in abut 50 wrds.
    In Learning abut language, the students are encuraged t learn sme imprtant wrds and expressins in the passage and try t use them in the specific cntexts.In this unit the students will learn t use the past participle as the bject cmplement, thrugh sme examples and exercises.
    While practising using the language, the students will learn abut Sightseeing in Lndn. And their skills f reading, speaking, listening and writing will be imprved.
    In Listening and Speaking, mre chances will be given t the students t learn abut sme famus kings and queens in the histry f the UK, and their achievements.The students are encuraged t get mre infrmatin abut the cuntry in rder t understand it as a whle.The tpic f Speaking is abut the histrical attractins in the UK.The students shuld learn t intrduce t visitrs ne turist attractin in his r her wn hmetwn.While speaking, the students shuld try t use sme useful expressins while yu cannt fllw thers.
    Then in Writing part, the students will be asked t make a pster t intrduce the chsen turist attractin t attract mre visitrs.While writing, the students shuld pay special attentin t the wrds, especially sme verbs and adjectives.This task is helpful fr the students’ creativity and imaginatin.It can als imprve their writing skills.
    Assessment will help the students t lk back what they have learned and fcus n the difficult and imprtant pints.
    S, this unit will be divided int seven perids as fllws: 
    Perid 1 Welcme t the Unit
    Perid 2 Reading
    Perid 3 Reading and Writing
    Perid 4 Language Fcusing
    Perid 5 Grammar
    Perid 6 Reading and Writing
    Perid 7 Assessment
    Knwledge aims:
    Key wrds in this unit: unite, kingdm, cnsist, divide, puzzle, debate, clarify, relatin, educatinal, legal, cnvenience, rughly, industrial, histrical, attractin, cllectin, cnstruct, influence, prject, arrange, wedding, fld, sightseeing, available, site, delight, twer, ryal, ccasin, unifrm, splendid, statue, lngitude, navigatin, cmmunism, riginal, thrill, pt, unfair, smart, suggestin, tense, cnsistent, errr 
    Key phrases in this unit: cnsist f, , break away frm, leave ut, take the place f, break dwn, be linked t, t ne’s surprise, lk arund, keep ne’s eyes pen, n special ccasins, in memry f, have a pht taken, n shw, be prud f, as well as, be knwn as, n the ther side f, make a list f, be wrried abut, leave sp.fr sp., be rude t sb., be at war with, be friendly t sb., change ne’s mind, take flight, hear abut, keep ne’s prmise, feel sympathy fr, feel strngly abut
    Key sentence patterns:
    1.There is n need t d sth.
    2.Yu must keep yur eyes pen if yu are ging t make yur trip t the United Kingdm wrthwhile.
    3.It seemed strange that the man wh had develped cmmunism shuld have lived and died in Lndn.
    Grammar in this unit: Past participle used as the bject cmplement
    Ability aims: 
    1.T talk abut gegraphy, histrical attractins and traditinal festivals f a cuntry.
    2.T guess what will be talked abut in the listening materials.
    3.T imprve their reading skills.
    4.T learn t use past participle as the bject cmplement.
    Emtin aims:
    T encurage the students t learn abut sme traditins f a cuntry.
    T learn t treasure the traditins f a cuntry.
    T learn t analyze things based n facts.
    Perid 1 Welcme t the Unit
    The General Idea f This Perid
    This is the first perid f this unit.It includes Warming-up, Quiz, Listening and New Wrds.In this perid, students shuld get the first impressin f the United Kingdm, including sme famus attractins and sme famus leaders in histry and s n.
    At the beginning, the students enjy sme beautiful pictures f turist attractins in the United Kingdm.In this way, they will feel mre interested in the tpic.Then the students d a quiz f five questins abut sme specific infrmatin abut the UK.While checking the answers, the teacher can refer t sme related infrmatin abut the UK by shwing sme pictures r descriptins.After this step the students wuld have a general idea abut the UK.This lays a slid fundatin fr the Reading passage.Als this step prvides the students with enugh chance t practice speaking.The teacher shuld stimulate the students t express themselves using English.
    Then in the Listening part, the students will listen t the intrductin t sme kings and queens in histry.Then they will answer sme questins accrding t what they have heard.After finishing the tasks in the textbks, the teacher can prvide sme infrmatin abut Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ and current Prime Minister Tny Blair.
    Next the teacher will explain sme new wrds and expressins that wuld appear in the Reading passage.The teacher will pick ut sme imprtant and difficult verb.First the students are asked t match the wrds with their explanatins.Then they will use these wrds t finish ten sentences.In this way, the teacher can check if the students have mastered these wrds and expressins r nt.After class students shuld learn the new wrds and expressins by heart.
    This perid lays emphasis n speaking and listening.The teacher shuld try his r her best t encurage the students t say smething.Dn’t always crrect the mistakes that the students might make while speaking.Otherwise, the students wuld feel reluctant t rally tell their pinins.
    Teaching Imprtant Pints
    Get a general idea f the United Kingdm.
    Train the students’ speaking ability by describing, talking and discussing.
    Teaching Difficulties
    Master sme imprtant wrds and phrases in this unit.
    Train the students’ listening ability.
    Teaching Aids
    a tape recrder
    a prjectr
    the blackbard 
    Three Dimensinal Teaching Aims
    Knwledge aims:
    Help Ss t get a general idea f the United Kingdm.
    Have Ss master sme imprtant wrds and expressins in this unit.
    Ability Aims: 
    Train the students’ speaking ability by describing, talking and discussing.
    Train the students’ listening ability.
    Train Ss t search the Internet fr sme useful infrmatin.
    Emtinal Aims: 
    Appreciate sme beautiful attractins in the United Kingdm.
    Cultivate Ss’s team spirit in grup wrk.
    Teaching Prcedure
    Step 1 Greetings
    Teacher (T): Gd mrning/afternn, class!
    Students (Ss): Gd mrning/afternn, sir.
    Step 2 Quiz
    (At the beginning f the class, T shws Ss sme beautiful pictures f the UK.)

    Windsr Castle St Paul’s Cathedral frm the Millennium Ftbridge

    Buckingham Palace Lndn Bridge
    Big Ben thrugh autumn trees by Victria embankment
    Flight n the Lndn eye view twards the Huses f Parliament
    T: Did yu enjy these pictures?
    Ss: Yes.
    T: D yu knw where these sceneries are?
    S: They are in England.
    S: I think they are in the Great Britain.
    T: Yes.Actually, we say all f them are in the United Kingdm.Many peple find the gegraphy f the UK difficult t understand.In this unit, we will learn smething abut the United Kingdm, including its gegraphy, histrical attractins and traditins.First, let’s d a quiz t find ut hw much yu already knw abut the UK.
    (Ss lk at Warming Up n Page 9 and d the quiz.)
    (After several minutes, T checks the answers with the whle class.)
    S: The UK cnsists f fur cuntries.
    T: Yu are right.Lk at the map belw and find ut the fur cuntries.
    (After several minutes.)
    S: They are England, Wales, Sctland and Ireland.
    T: Attentin here.Nt the whle Ireland, but nly Nrthern Ireland.
    T: Then can yu find ut the capital cities f these cuntries?
    S: The capital f England is Lndn.
    S: The capital f Wales is Cardiff.
    S: The capital f Sctland is Edinburgh.
    S: The capital f Nrthern Ireland is Belfast.
    T: Yu did a very gd jb.What abut the secnd questin?
    S: It takes abut 16/13 t fly frm Beijing/Shanghai t Lndn Heathrw Airprt.
    T: Yes.Here is a flight schedule (Beijing—Lndn).
    Depart Arrive Carrier/Flight Equip Freq
    1: 20 am PEK 10: 05 am HU 0481/BA 0865 763/320 1
    Stp/Cnnex Trip Time
    BUD 2: 50 hrs. 15: 45 hrs.
    T: Then wh rules the cuntry: the Prime Minster r the Queen r bth?
    S: The Queen rules the cuntry.
    T: Yes.And d yu knw any Queen f the UK?
    S: Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ.
    T: Here is a picture f her.
    T: Elizabeth Ⅱ, brn n April 21, 1926, is the eldest daughter f Gerge Ⅵ and Elizabeth Bwes-Lyn.She married Philip Muntbatten, a distant cusin, in 1947; the pair have fur children: Charles, Prince f Wales, Anne, Andrew and Edward.She has reigned fr frty-six years, and appears capable f remaining n the thrne fr quite sme time.
    T: Then wh is the current Prime Minister in the UK?
    S: Blair.
    T: Yes.Tny Blair.D yu knw anything abut him?Here is a picture f him.
    T: Blair was Labr Member f Parliament fr Sedgefield and Leader f the Oppsitin in the Huse f Cmmns until the May 1, 1997 electins, at which time, as head f the new majrity party, he became Prime Minister.
    T: What are the prvinces called in England, cunties, departments r states?
    S: Cunties.
    T: England has been divided int cunties fr hundreds f years.The divisins riginated as administrative areas, but have been adpted fr gegraphic purpses.A series f lcal gvernment refrms frm the 19th century nwards has left the exact definitin f the term ‘cunty’ slightly ambiguus(不明确的).
    T: D yu knw hw many cunties there are in England?
    S: Over thirty.
    T: Yes.There are 36 cunties in England.
    T: Which is the lngest river in England, the River Avn, the River Thames r the River Severn?
    S: The River Thames.
    T: The River Thames is actually very famus in the UK.Whenever peple talk abut the UK, they will think f this river.It has nearly becme ne f the landmarks f the United Kingdm.Here is a picture f it.
    T: D yu knw anything abut the ther tw rivers?
    S: I knw nthing abut them, except that they are in the UK.
    T: Lk at the pictures belw.

    T: On the left is the River Avn and n the right is the River Severn.D yu knw the lengths f these rivers?
    Ss: We have n idea.
    T: The River Thames is abut 211 miles, the River Avn is nly abut 4 miles, and the River Severn is abut 220 miles.S the lngest river in England is the River Severn.
    T: Of the five questins, hw many f them did yu get right?If yu gt all five questins right, yu knw a lt already.But even yu gt all f them wrng, dn’t be wrried.We are ging t learn mre abut the UK in this unit.
    Step 3 Listening
    T: Nw we are ging t d sme listening test abut sme English kings and queens.First listen t the tape and tick the nes that yu hear abut frm the list.
    (T plays the tape fr the students t listen and finish the task.)
    (Then T checks the answers with the whle class.)
    T: I will play the tape again, and this time please answer the questins in Part 2.
    (After listening t the tape twice.)
    T: Nw check yur answers with yur partner.
    T: D yu have any questins?If yes, let’s listen t tape again and then check yur answers.
    Step 4 New Wrds
    T: There are a lt f new wrds and phrases in this unit.Here are sme imprtant verbs and their explanatins.Please match the wrds in Clumn A with their explanatins in Clumn B.
    arranget make smething clearer and easier t understand 
    thrillt have an effect n sb.r sth.
    puzzlet build a large building
    delightt bend sth.by laying r pressing ne part ver anther
    debatet separate smething int tw r mre parts
    clarifyt make smene feel excited and happy
    cnstructt rganize r make plans fr smething
    influencet discuss a subject frmally when yu are trying t make a decisin
    fldt give smene great satisfactin and enjyment
    dividet think abut smething because yu cannt understand r slve it
    (After a few minutes.)
    T: Nw let’s check yur answers.
    S: “arrange” means “t rganize r make plans fr smething”.
    S: “thrill” means “t make smene feel excited and happy”.
    S: “puzzle” means “t think abut smething because yu cannt understand r slve it”
    S: “delight” means “t give smene great satisfactin and enjyment”.
    S: “debate” means “t discuss a subject frmally when yu are trying t make a decisin”.
    S: “clarify” means “t make smething clearer and easier t understand”.
    S: “cnstruct” means “t build a large building”.
    S: “influence” means “t have an effect n sb.r sth.”.
    S: “fld” means “t bend sth.by laying r pressing ne part ver anther”.
    S: “divide” means “t separate smething int tw r mre parts”.
    Step 5 Cnslidatin
    T: Next, I will give yu ten sentences. Please use sme verbs t fill in the blanks.
    1.Hitler and Stalin__________Pland between them.
    2.James is__________a big surprise party fr Helen’s birthday.
    3.The magic f his music cntinues t__________audiences.
    4.The Glden Gate Bridge was__________in 1933-1937.
    5.We are__________whether t g t the muntains r t the seaside.
    6.What __________me is hw the burglar gt int the huse withut setting ff the alarm.
    7.The reprt aims t__________ hw these cnclusins were reached.
    8.Dn’t let me__________yur decisin.Yu shuld decide it yurself.
    9.He__________them with his charm and sparkling wit.
    10.The wman__________the tickets in tw and tre them in half.
    (Give the students several minutes t finish the task.Then check the answers.)
    1.divided 2.arranging 3.thrill 4.cnstructed 5.debating 6.puzzles 7.clarify 8.influence 9.delighted 10.flded
    Step 6 Hmewrk
    1.Read the passage “PUZZLES IN GEOGRAPHY”, and answer the questins n Page 10.
    2.Learn the new wrds and phrases in this unit by heart.
    The Design f the Writing n the Blackbard
    Unit 2 The United Kingdm
    Perid 1 Welcme t the Unit
    1.The UK
    2.Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ
    Prime Minister Tny Blair
    3.The River Avn: 4 miles
    The River Thames: 211 miles
    The River Severn: 220 miles
    Ⅱ.New Wrds
    arrange; thrill; puzzle; delight; debate;
    clarify; cnstruct; influence; fld; divide
    Research and Activities
    1.Divide the whle class int five grups.
    2.Ask the students t lk fr infrmatin abut sme great buildings in the United Kingdm /their hmetwn.They shuld find the pictures as well as sme explanatins t them.The students can g t the library r use the Internet t search fr infrmatin.The fllwing websites might be helpful.
    ①http: 
    ②http: //thesalmns.rg/lynn/wh-england.html
    ③http: /Liver pl-309600/Things_T_D-Liverpl-Liver_Buildings-BR-
    3.After searching fr the infrmatin, each grup shuld make a pster, infrming peple f the great buildings in the United Kingdm.
    Reference fr Teaching
    Prime Minister f the United Kingdm
    In the United Kingdm, the Prime Minister is the head f gvernment, exercising many f the executive functins nminally vested in the Svereign(君主), wh is head f state.Accrding t custm, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet (which he r she heads) are respnsible fr their actins t Parliament, f which they are members by (mdern) cnventin(惯例).The current Prime Minister is Tny Blair (f the Labur Party), wh has been in ffice since 1997.
    Prime Minister is the mnarch’s(君主的) principal advisr.Histrically, the mnarch’s chief minister (if, as was nt always the case, any ne persn culd be singled ut as such) might have held any f a number f ffices: Lrd Chancellr, Archbishp f Canterbury, Lrd High Steward, Chancellr f the Exchequer(财务大臣), Lrd Privy Seal, r secretary f State amng thers.With the emergence, in the eighteenth century, f gvernment by a cabinet f these ministers, its head came in time t be called the“Prime Minister”(smetimes als “Premier” r “First Minister”); t this day the Prime Minister always als hlds ne f the mre specific ministerial psitins, if nly in a nminal sense—the fficial title f the Prime Minister’s ministerial psitin is First Lrd f the Treasury.Sir Rbert Walple is generally regarded as the first Prime Minister in the mdern sense.
    The Prime Minister is appinted by the Svereign, wh is bund by cnstitutinal cnventin t chse the individual mst likely t cmmand the supprt f the Huse f Cmmns (nrmally, the leader f the party with a majrity in that bdy).Shuld the Prime Minister lse the cnfidence f the Huse f Cmmns (indicated, fr example, by the passage f a n cnfidence mtin), he r she is mrally bliged by similar cnventins either t resign (in which case the Svereign can try t find anther Prime Minister wh has the Huse’s cnfidence) r t request the mnarch t call a general electin.Since the premiership is in sme small sense still a de fact psitin, the ffice’s pwers are mainly a matter f custm rather than law, deriving frm the incumbent’s ability t appint (thrugh the Svereign) his r her Cabinet clleagues, as well as frm certain uses f the ryal prergative which may be exercised directly by the Prime Minister, r by the Mnarch n the Prime Minister’s advice.Sme cmmentatrs have pinted ut that, in practice, the pwers f the ffice are subject t very few checks, especially in an era when Parliament and the Cabinet are seen as unwilling t challenge dminant Prime Ministers whse attentin is increasingly turned nt tward Parliament but tward the news media.
    The UK under the leadership f the Current Prime Minister Tny Blair
    Eighteen years f Cnservative rule ended in May 1997 when Tny Blair and the Labr Party succeeded in the British electins.Blair has been cmpared t frmer Bill Clintn fr his yuthful, telegenic(适于电视广播的) persnality and centrist views.He prduced cnstitutinal refrm that partially decentralized(分散)the UK, leading t the frmatin f separate Parliaments in Wales and Sctland by 1999.Britain turned ver its clny Hng Kng t China in July 1997.
    Blair’s cntrversial meeting in Oct.1997 with Sinn Fein’s president, Gerry Adams, was the first meeting in 76 years between a British prime minister and a Sinn Fein leader.It infuriated numerus factins but was a symblic gesture in supprt f the nascent peace talks in Nrthern Ireland.In 1998 the Gd Friday Agreement, strngly supprted by Tny Blair, led t the first prmise f peace between Cathlics and Prtestants since the beginning f the s-called Trubles.
    Alng with the U.S., Britain launched air strikes against Iraq in Dec.1998 after Saddam Hussein expelled UN arms inspectrs.In the spring f 1999, Britain spearheaded the NATO peratin in Ksv, which resulted in Yugslavian president Slbdan Milsevic’s withdrawal frm the territry.
    In Feb.2001, ft-and-muth disease brke ut amng British livestck, prmpting ther natins t ban British meat imprts and frcing the slaughter f thusands f cattle, pigs, and sheep in an effrt t stem the highly cntagius disease.The episde cst farmers and the turist industry billins f dllars.
    In June 2001, Blair wn a secnd landslide victry, with the Labur Party capturing 413 seats in Parliament.
    Britain became the staunchest ally f the the Sept.11 attacks.British trps jined the the bmbing campaign against Afghanistan in Oct.2001, after the Taliban-led gvernment refused t turn ver the prime suspect in the terrrist attacks, Osama bin Laden.
    Blair again prved himself t be the strngest internatinal supprter f the Sept.2002, when he became President Bush’s majr ally in calling fr a war against Iraq.Blair maintained that military actin was justified because Iraq was develping weapns f mass destructin that were a direct threat t its enemies.He cntinued t supprt the Bush administratin’s hawkish plicies despite significant ppsitin in his wn party and the British public.In March 2003, a Lndn Times newspaper pll indicated that nly 19% f respndents apprved f military actin withut a UN mandate.As the inevitability f the n Iraq grew nearer, Blair annunced that he wuld jin the fighting Iraq with r withut a secnd UN reslutin.Three f his ministers resigned as a result.Britain entered the war n March 20, supplying 45 000 trps.
    In the aftermath f the war, Blair came under fire frm gvernment fficials fr allegedly exaggerating Iraq’s pssessin f weapns f mass destructin.In July 2003 Blair annunced that “histry wuld frgive” the UK and U.S.“if we are wrng” and that the end t the “inhuman carnage and suffering” caused by Saddam Hussein was justificatin enugh fr the war.The arguments abut the war grew s vciferus between the Blair gvernment and the BBC that a prminent weapns scientist, David Kelly, wh was caught in the middle, cmmitted suicide.In Jan.2004, the Huttn Reprt exnerated the Blair administratin f any miscnduct cncerning the weapns inspectins and cncluded that it had nt“sexed-up”the intelligence dssier, an accusatin put frth by BBC reprter Andrew Gilligan.The reprt strngly criticized the BBC fr its “defective” editrial plicies, and as a cnsequence, the BBC’s tp management resigned.
    In July 2004, the Butler Reprt n pre-Iraq war British intelligence was released.It eched the findings f the Intelligence Cmmittee f the week befre that the intelligence had vastly exaggerated Saddam Hussein’s threat.The famus claim that Iraq’s chemical and bilgical weapns “are deplyable within 45 minutes f an rder t use them”was especially singled ut as highly misleading.But like the , it cleared the gvernment f any rle in manipulating the intelligence.
    On May 5, 2005, Blair wn a histric third term as the cuntry’s prime minister.Despite this victry, Blair’s party was severely hurt in the electins.The Labur Party wn just 36% f the natinal vte, the lwest percentage by a ruling party in British histry.The Cnservative Party wn 33%, and the Liberal Demcrats 22%.Blair acknwledged that the reasn fr the pr shwing was Britain’s invlvement in the war in Iraq, which was widely unppular.A number f plitical analysts believe Blair will nt serve ut his new five-year term.Many expect him t resign in the next several years and turn ver the reins f the Labur Party t Grdn Brwn, the chancellr f the exchequer, whse plicies many credit in creating Britain’s strng and stable ecnmy.
    On July 7, 2005, Lndn suffered a terrrist bmbing, Britain’s wrst attack since Wrld War Ⅱ.Fur bmbs explded in three subway statins and n ne duble-decker bus during the mrning rush hur, killing 52 and wunding mre than 700.Fur Muslim men, three f them British-brn, were identified as the suicide bmbers.On July 21, terrrists attempted anther attack n the transit system, but the bmbs failed t explde.A leaked dcument by a tp British gvernment fficial warned Prime Minister Blair mre than a year befre the bmbings that Britain’s engagement in Iraq was fueling Islamic extremism, but Blair has repeatedly denied such a link, cntending that the bmbings were the result f an “evil idelgy” that had taken rt befre the Iraq war.Blair has prpsed legislatin that wuld tughen the cuntry’s antiterrrism measures.


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