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    译林牛津版高中英语必修第一册 UNIT 3 Extended reading & Project(共57页)课件PPT
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    高中英语牛津译林版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Getting along with others教案配套课件ppt

    这是一份高中英语牛津译林版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Getting along with others教案配套课件ppt,共57页。PPT课件主要包含了Lead-in,Reading, ,Discussion,Project等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Extended reading
    1. What may be the tpic f the article?2. Wh is the writer? D yu knw anything abut him?3. What’s yur definitin f “friendship”?
    1. Find ut the argument f the authr.
    2. Identify the structure f the essay.
    Part 1: The imprtance f friendship (Paragraph 1)Part 2: The three fruits f friendship (Paragraphs 2-5)Part 3: Advice n making friends (Paragraph 6)
    Draw a mind map f the essay.
    1. What are the three “fruits” f friendship?2. Why are they imprtant?
    Benefits f friendship
    Fruit 1:Cmfrt the heart
    Fruit 2:Advise the head
    Fruit 3:Help us achieve the gals
    share jy, sadness, success and failurerespect ur feelingstreasure these mments f clseness
    ffer advice n imprtant decisinshelp make ur thughts clearer and bring us a mre thrugh understanding f ur prblems
    be knwn as “secnd self”help us achieve what we want
    Thugh the essay was written 500 years ag, why is it still meaningful t read nwadays?
    Clse friendship will help smth ut the smetimes rcky rad that we are all meant t travel.Here, friendship has a duble advantage—happiness takes n a greater meaning and a truble shared becmes a truble halved!Friends may have many different ideas and skills. They can help us achieve what we want during life and, perhaps, even after death.
    Hw d yu knw when t be independent and when t ask fr the help f friends? Explain and supprt yur pinin.
    Making a scrapbk abut friendship
    3. Hw d we make a scrapbk?
    1. What is a scrapbk?
    2. Why d peple make scrapbks?
    1. What aspect des yur grup chse t research?2. What d yur grup members think f the stries, pems r ther aspects that yu chse?
    1. What aspect abut friendship des yur grup chse and why?2. Hw d yu search fr infrmatin n the chsen aspect f friendship?3. Hw d yu rganize yur ideas based n yur cntent?
    1. What des the sample page fcus n? 2. What’s the basis f their friendship?3. Hw many parts des this scrapbk page cnsist f?4. What d yu think f the sample? What’s the highlight f it? What can we learn frm the sample? Can yu make sme imprvements r be mre creative?
    Put tgether all the infrmatin t make a page f the scrapbk. Pay attentin t the layut f the whle page and prfread the draft.
    Ⅰ 阅读理解(根据课文内容选择正确答案) 1. Why might we hpe t be alne smetimes in ur life?A. We want t escape int ur wn wrld.B. Being alne can lead t persnal imprvement.C. Scial grups can affect ur wn thughts.D. Clse friendship can smth ut the rcky rad.2. Hw many benefits des clse friendship have in general?A. Tw.  B. Three. C. Fur. D. Five3. What can we learn abut the secnd fruit f friendship?A. It’s very easy t find ut ur wn weaknesses.B. Our wn feelings can make ur judgements better.C. Our friends can help us make imprtant decisins.D. Our friends shuld deal with ur prblems alne.
    4. Hw can we better walk the “path f life”?A. By giving supprt t ur friends.B. By ffering advice in many different ways.C. By achieving what we want t achieve.D. By carefully chsing friends and develping friendship.5. What is the passage mainly abut?A. The path f life.B. The imprtance f friendship.C. Our wn thughts and persnal grwth.D. Advice abut hw t make friends.
    Ⅱ 语法填空(根据课文内容和语法规则完成短文)  When we walk the “path f life”,scial life is really imprtant. Mre ften than nt,smetimes friendship can help us 1     (smth) ut the rcky rad that we are 2 (mean) t travel. Generally speaking,clse friendships have three main 3    (benefit). The first fruit is that it can cmfrt the heart,because the peace cmes frm having smene 4     we share with ur jy,sadness,success and 5    (fail). The secnd ne is that it can advise the head because we may have better 6      (understand) and judgement that are achieved thrugh cnversatins with well-meaning 7    wise friends. The third ne is that it can help us achieve the gals we set fr urselves because friends may ffer help 8    many different ways. Finally,if we want t 9    (well) walk the “path f life” with the cmfrt,advice and help frm ur 10    (trust) friends,we shuld chse friends and develp relatinships carefully.
    Language pints
    核心词汇 教材原句p.39 ... fr quiet perids f reflectin can lead t persnal imprvement . ……因为安静的思考可以带来个人的进步。 1 lead t 导致,造成(后果);通向;通往(t 为介词)
    Eating t much sugar can lead t health prblems.食用过多的糖会引起健康问题。All rads lead t Rme. 条条大路通罗马。(谚)A number f reasns lead t the change f climate.很多原因导致气候变化。【学法点拨】lead t 中的 t 为介词,后加名词或动名词作宾语。lead t being caught 导致被抓
    写出 lead t 在句中的意思(1)Sme peple fear that air pllutin may lead t changes in the climate arund the wrld. ____________(2)Which dr leads t the yard?____________单句语法填空(3) [词汇复现] Failure ften lies in laziness while hard wrk leads ___________success.(4) The discvery f new evidence led t the thief _______________ (catch).(5) [词汇复现] He will lead the students ___________ (perfrm) the experiment.完成句子(6) It desn’t matter whether yu turn right r left at the crssing—bth rads _______________ (通向公园).(7) [词 汇 复 现] Misunderstandings,unless dealt with prperly,may ___________ (导致)serius prblems.
    being caught
    lead t the park
    教材原句p.39 Hwever, when we seek t be alne, we must be careful that we d nt always escape int ur wn wrld . 然而,当我们试图独处时,我们必须小心,不要总是逃避到我们自己的世界里去。2 seek vi. 试图;寻找;争取 vt. 寻求;寻找
    They are seeking fr slutins t the prblems.他们正在寻找这些问题的解决方法。Hw can we seek ut a really gd persn fr the jb?我们怎样才能找到一个真正适合的人来做这项工作?She managed t calm him dwn and seek help frm a neighbur.她设法使他平静下来,然后向一位邻居求助。They are seeking t change the rules. 他们试图改变规则。【误区警示】seek 为不规则动词(过去式 sught,过去分词 sught)
    单句语法填空(1) [词汇复现] Legal(合法的) advice shuld be      (seek)befre yu take anyfurther measures.(2) The farmers seek      (harvest)all the crps befre it rains.完成句子(3) [词汇复现] T be frank,I           (已经找遍)my bedrm twice.(4)They are playing        (捉迷藏).(5) When in truble,yu can                (向老师征求建议).(6)We are always           (试图改善)living cnditins.
    have sught thrugh
    hide and seek
    seeking t imprve
    seek advice frm yur teacher
    教材原句p.39 I lk frward t hearing all abut what’s happening with yu sn. 我盼望早日听到你的近况。3 escape vi.,vt. & n.(1)vi. & vt. 逃跑,逃脱;避开,避免;被遗忘She was lucky t escape serius injury.她真是万幸,逃过一劫,没有受重伤。
    She managed t escape frm the burning car.她设法从燃烧的汽车里逃了出来。Mary spke t me,but her name escaped me at that mment.玛丽和我说话,但那个时候我没有想起她的名字。(2)n. 逃离,逃脱They had a narrw escape when their car crashed.撞车事故中,他们九死一生,逃过一劫。
    单句语法填空(1) [词汇复现] In rder t escape      (catch),the thief sught t hide himselfamng the trees but failed.(2)N ne can escape      (punish) if he breaks the law.(3) He narrwly escaped      the train crash withut injuries.完成句子(4)The little girl             (死里逃生)when the earthquake happened.(5) 我记不起他的名字了。His name                 .
    punishment/being punished
    had a narrw escape
    教材原句p.39 As we live in scial grups, there are many benefits f friendship that we can enjy. 因为我们生活在社会群体中,我们可以享受友谊带来的许多好处。4 benefit n.,vt. & vi.(1)n. 优势,益处,成效Fr the benefit f thse peple wh arrived late,I’ll just g ver theplan again. 为了那些迟到的人,我将把计划再讲一遍。Reading mre bks is f great benefit t children.多读书对孩子们很有好处。
    (2)vt. 使受益 vi. 得益于A large number f students will benefit frm the new teaching methd.多数学生将从这个新的教学方法中获益。It is bvius that ding eye exercises benefits ur eyes,and that is t say,ur eyes can benefit frm ding eye exercises.很明显,做眼保健操有益于我们的眼睛,也就是说,我们的眼睛会受益于做眼保健操。 [词汇复现]【词语积累】beneficial adj. 有利的;有益的;受益的be beneficial t 对……有益;对……有利Ging ut t breathe sme fresh air is beneficial t yur health.到外面呼吸一些新鲜空气有益于你的健康。 [词汇复现]
    单句语法填空(1) [词 汇 复 现] One f the many      (benefit)f freign travel is learning hw tdeal with the unexpected.(2) Plenty f exercise every day is      great benefit t lsing weight.(3) He cnsidered that the change wuld be     (benefit) t her health.(4) I have      (benefit) a lt frm reading petry.(5)The mney was used      the benefit f the custmers.完成句子(6)It is said that yga is            (对……很有好处)human health.一句多译你迟早会从读书中受益的。(7) _____________________________________________________________(8) _____________________________________________________________
    Yu will benefit frm reading sner r later.
    Reading will be beneficial t/ f great benefit t yu sner r later.
    very beneficial t/f great benefit t
    教材原句p.39 ... they may cmfrt the heart , advise the head and help us achieve the gals we set fr urselves. ……它们可以安慰心灵,给头脑提供建议,帮助我们实现为自己设定的目标。5 cmfrt vt. & n.(1)vt. 安慰;抚慰 She cmfrted herself that she might get the help f prfessinals.或许她会得到专业人士的帮助,她以此安慰自己。 [词汇复现](2)n. 安慰;令人感到安慰的人或事物;舒服;安逸
    His large incme enabled him t live in cmfrt.他那丰厚的收入使他可以过舒服的生活。 [词汇复现]It is a great cmfrt fr Anna t knw that her sn was safe.对安娜来说知道儿子安全了是莫大的安慰。【词语积累】 Are yu sitting cmfrtably? Then I’ll begin.你们坐好了吗?那我就开始了。
    单句语法填空(1) [词汇复现] Mrs. Smith      (cmfrt)her sn when he failed t catch the pprtunity.(2)Wrking as a tailr can hardly enable him t live      cmfrt.(3) Mr. Lee tried t make his wife      (cmfrt) by painting the rm green.(4) [词汇复现] In my pinin,the trip t Tibet was rather lng and      (cmfrtable).(5)Being able t affrd(买得起) a drink wuld be      cmfrt in thse hard times.完成句子(6)In mdern times,peple have t learn t live with all kinds f pressure althugh they are                     (过着一种舒服的生活).(7)Mrs. Yang           (安慰)her yungest sn by taking him in her arms.
    gives cmfrt t
    leading/living/having a cmfrtable life
    教材原句p.39 The first fruit f friendship is the peace that cmes frm sharing with friends ur jy ,sadness , success and failure . 友谊的第一个好处是和平,它来自朋友分享我们的喜悦、悲伤、成功和失败。6 failure n. 失败;失败的人(或事);未履行;故障a failure 一个失败的人 / 一件失败的事Failure is the mther f success. 失败是成功之母。The meeting was a cmplete failure. 这次会议是彻头彻尾的失败。
    【词语积累】fail v. 失败;不及格;(健康、视力、记忆力)衰退fail t d sth. 未能做某事fail in sth. 在某事中失败He failed t make the mst f the gd chance.他没能充分利用这个好机会。 [词汇复现]【学法点拨】有些抽象名词在表示具体事物时,可用作可数名词,这种现象称为抽象名词具体化。如:a failure 一个失败的人 / 一件失败的事。有类似用法的名词还有:cmfrt,success,surprise,excitement,disappintment,delight,hnr,pity 等。
    单句语法填空(1) [词汇复现] We shuld have a psitive attitude twards ur      (failure).(2) I dn’t think the experiment is     failure,because it has prvided us with valuable experience fr future tests.完成句子(3)           (不要让任何失败)discurage yu,fr yu can never tell hwclse yu may be t victry.(4) [词汇复现] She          (没能)recver her health.(5) 我认为我不是一个失败者,因为失败是成功之母。____________________________________________________________
    D nt let any failures
    I dn’t think I’m a failure,fr failure is the mther f success
    教材原句p.39 With true friends , we feel free t share ur jy and sadness in full measure . 有了真正的朋友,我们可以尽情地分享我们的快乐和悲伤。7 measure vi.,vt. & n.(1)vi.(尺寸、长短、数量等)量度为……The sculpture measures abut 12 feet by 36 feet.这尊雕塑大约宽 12 英尺,长 36 英尺。(2)vt. 估量,判定;测量Educatin shuldn’t be measured nly by examinatin results.教育不应该仅用考试成绩来衡量。We measured the bridge just nw and it measures 20 metres lng.我们刚才测量了这座桥,它量起来有 20 米长。
    (3)n. 措施;衡量This nte brings yu ur hpes that all yur wishes fr yur baby cme true in full measure. 这封短信献上我们的祝福,愿你们对宝宝的期待都能成真。The gvernment has taken measures t prevent the spread f AIDS.政府已采取措施防止艾滋病的传播。
    单句语法填空(1) The pnd _________(measure)abut 30 meters acrss.(2) Whether a man is successful r nt can _________ (measure)in many ways.(3)These _________ (measure)were designed t imprve car safety.(4) She always has her leather bts made _________ her measure.完成句子(5) [词汇复现] They call n peple and the gvernment t __________________ (采取措施)t fight against pverty.(6)Yu are right __________________ (在某种程度上).(7) Mr. Smith asked the tailr_________________________________________(按照他的尺寸做些新衣服).
    be measured
    take measures
    in sme measure
    t make sme new clthes t his wn measure
    教材原句p.39 We knw that ur friends will bth respect ur feelings and treasure these mments f clseness . 我们知道,我们的朋友会尊重我们的感受,珍惜这些亲密的时刻。8 mment n. 时光,时机;瞬间;某个时刻We were waiting fr the subway at the mment.那时我们正在等地铁。Mary is suffering frm ill health at the mment.玛丽现在身体不好。 [词汇复现]
    【学法点拨】名词词组the mment 可用作连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“一……就……”,相当于 as sn as。有类似用法的还有 the minute,the secnd 等。The mment he saw his mther,he burst int tears.他一看到他的母亲就哭了起来。The minute I saw him,I knew smething was wrng.我一见到他,就知道有什么事不对劲儿。
    单句语法填空(1)I wuld like a jb which pays mre,but n the ther hand,I enjy the wrk I’m ding     the mment.(2) They are living with their parents fr     mment because their wn huse is being rebuilt.(3) [词汇复现] I was s tired frm climbing the hill that I fell asleep     mment my head tuched the pillw(枕头).(4) I’ll cme back fr dinner      a mment.(5)      that mment n,we have been best friends.完成句子(6) Lucy is n hliday in America           (目前),but I’ll tell her the news                                (她一回来).
    at the mment
    the mment/as sn as she cmes back
    教材原句p.39 We ften find it easier t recgnize ther peple ’ s weaknesses than ur wn . 我们经常觉得发现别人的弱点比发现自己的容易。9 recgnize vt. 承认,意识到;认出,辨别出I recgnized her by her red hair. 我通过她的红头发认出了她。He is recgnized as the new champin. 他是公认的新一届冠军。 It is recgnized that the slutin is prfessinal.人们意识到这是个专业的解决方案。
    【词语辨析】recgnize 与 knw【词语积累】recgnitin n. 识别;认出;重视;公认
    单句语法填空(1) He is recgnized      ne f the greatest living painters.(2) [词汇复现] The mment I saw her,I      (recgnize) her,althugh she changed a lt thrugh years.(3) The magazine recgnized her      a natinal leader in educatin refrm.(4)Susan is easy      (recgnize),as she is the nly ne f the wmen wh wearsevening dress.完成句子(5) [词汇复现]                  (人们 意 识 到)taking exercise regularly is f benefit t health.(6) [词汇复现]            (他被公认为)ne f the best characters.
    t recgnize
    It is recgnized that
    He is recgnized as
    教材原句p.41 They admired each ther and quickly became friends. 他们相互欣赏并很快成了朋友。10 admire vt. 钦佩;欣赏 搭配:admire sb. fr(ding)sth. 钦佩某人(做)某事admire the peaceful cuntry scene 欣赏宁静的乡村景色We admire him fr his generusness.我们钦佩他慷慨大方。 [词汇复现]We std fr a few mments,admiring the view.我们驻足了一会儿,欣赏美丽的景色。be full f admiratin 满怀钦佩之情 in admiratin 赞赏地Many children watch the amazing perfrmance in admiratin.许多孩子怀着羡慕的心情观看这场精彩的表演。 [词汇复现]
    单句语法填空(1) [词汇复现] The Smiths      (admire)fr the way they bring up their children.(2) [2018·北京卷改编] During the Mid-Autumn Festival,family members ften gathertgether      (admire)the mn and enjy mn cakes.(3)Reading her bigraphy,I was lst in      (admire)fr what Dris Lessing had achieved in literature.完成句子(4) [词汇复现] I really                (钦佩她的独立).(5) He was trying t make                (令人钦佩的成绩).
    are admired
    admire her fr her being independent
    admirable achievements
    重点句式教材原句p.39 As we walk the “ path f life ”, we may smetimes wish t be alne with ur wn thughts ... 当我们走在“人生的道路”上时,我们有时可能希望独自思考…… 【句式分析】本句使用了 as 引导的时间状语从句。1 as 引导的各种状语从句(1)表示“当……的时候”,引导时间状语从句,强调从句和主句的动作同时发生,常译为“一边……一边……,随着”。As time passed,the disadvantages began t appear.随着时间的推移,弊端开始显露出来了。 [词汇复现](2)表示“因为,由于”,引导原因状语从句。As he wasn’t ready in time,we went withut him.因为他没有及时准备好,所以我们没有等他就走了。
    (2)表示“因为,由于”,引导原因状语从句。As he wasn’t ready in time,we went withut him.因为他没有及时准备好,所以我们没有等他就走了。(3)表示“像……一样”,引导比较状语从句。I can’t run as fast as I used t. 我不如以前跑得快了。(4)表示“按照,如同”,引导方式状语从句。Yu’d better have a balanced diet as the dctr tld yu.你最好按照医生说的保持均衡的饮食。(5)as 表示“尽管,虽然”,引导让步状语从句时,只能用于倒装句式,可换成 thugh。Yung as/thugh she is,she knws s much abut life.她尽管年轻,但对人生了解很多。
    写出 as 在句中的意思(1) [词汇复现] He gets mre attractive as he gets lder. ___________(2)As it was getting late,I decided t bk int a htel. ___________( 3)I saw him as I was cming int the building. ___________(4)Child as he is,he can speak three languages. ___________(5) Knwing him as I d,I can’t believe he wuld d such a thing. ___________    用 as,when 或 while 填空(每空限一词)(6) [词汇复现] ___________ they heard the hrrible news,they were very surprised.(7)Please dn’t talk s lud ___________ thers are wrking.(8) Everyne cheered ___________ the winners received their medals.
    完成句子(9)                  (正当我坐下看电视时),the phne rang.(10)I asked the teacher if I culd be excused frm ftball practice                            (因为我的膝盖仍然痛).(11)                  (尽管他很生气),he culdn’t help smiling.(12)                  (随着时间的流逝),her attitude changes a lt.
    Just as I was sitting dwn t watch TV
    as my knee still hurt
    Angry as he was
    As time ges by
    教材原句p.40 Finally , it shuld be pinted ut that enjying the cmpany f a crwd is nt the same as being with friends . 最后,应该指出的是,与一群人在一起和与朋友在一起,不是一回事。【句式分析】本句为平衡句式结构,使用了 it 作形式主语,后面 that引导的从句作真正的主语。2 it 作形式主语真正的主语常用后面的不定式短语,动名词短语或从句来充当。It is a gd habit t take exercise every mrning.每天早上锻炼是一个好习惯。 [词汇复现]It’s n use quarrelling—we’re all in the same bat.吵架没用——我们大家都是一样的处境。It’s impssible that yu get there within ne hur.你一个小时内到达那儿是不可能的。
    【归纳拓展】在某些句型中 it 也可以作形式宾语,真正的宾语常用后面的不定式短语,动名词短语或从句来充当。We have made it a rule nt t smke in the ffice.我们已制订了规则,不准在办公室里吸烟。I will appreciate it if yu can remind me t change my mistakes.如果您能提醒我改正错误我会感激不尽。 [词汇复现]
    单句语法填空(1) [词汇复现]      is generally recgnized that he is ne f the mst famus musicians in ur cuntry.(2) It is frightening       (catch) in a sandstrm.(3) It is n use      (argue)with Bill because he will never change his mind.(4) I think      necessary t learn a freign language.(5) [词 汇 复 现] The tw girls are s alike that strangers find      difficult t tellne frm the ther.完成句子(6)                   (还没有决定)whether they will g r nt.(7)I find it difficult            (和他相处).
    t be caught
    It hasn’t been decided 
    t get n with him

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