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    英语选择性必修 第一册Unit 1 People of Achievement完整版课件ppt

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    选择性必修一 Unit 1 People of achievementAssessing your progress人教版(2019)Lead inWhich great person would you like to read more about?Lead inThe book tells the life story of the novelist Cao Xueqin, author of The Dream of the Red Mansions. Cao was born to a rich family but suffered great poverty for most of his life. He drew on his life experiences to write this famous novel, which was published after his death.Which great person would you like to read more about?Even though Keller wrote this autobiography when she was only 22 years old. it is considered a great book in American literature. It tells about her dark and silent childhood, and how her teacher Anne Sullivan opened up a new world to her by teaching her how to communicate.Lead inWhich great person would you like to read more about?Isaacson interviewed Steve Jobs over forty times, and interviewed hundreds of Jobs friends. relatives and rivals to sum up Jobs remarkable life. The result is an interesting story of a man driven to succeed and driven to make perfect products.Lead inWhich great person would you like to read more about?Writing strategiesChoose a biography or autobiography of a great person. Read the book, and then write a book report. Keep these points in mind:Use the examples above to help you Write about how the book makes you feel or think about that person Write about your overall feelings about the book and its quality Give your opinion: Should others read this book as well? why or why not?Sentence patternsThe book tells the life story of the novelist Cao Xueqin, author of The Dream of the Red Mansions. 1.这个书告诉了我们红楼梦作者,小说家曹雪芹的生活故事。2.它被认为是美国文学史上的一部伟大著作。Sentence PatternsIt is considered a great book in American literature.3.其结果是一个有趣的故事,一个人努力追求成功,制造完美的产品。The result is an interesting story of a man driven to succeed and driven to make perfect products.4.在名人传记上有许多不错的传记或自传,我尤其喜欢阅读一位美国著名传记作家写的关于史蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)的传记。There are many good biographies or autobiographies on https://www.vrrw.net and I especially love to read more about The Steve Jobs by a well-known American biographer.Sentence Patterns5.但是你回顾的越多,你就越能看到乔布斯伟大精神和苹果产品之间不可避免的联系。But the more you look back, the more you see the inevitable connection between Jobs’ spirit and apple’s great products.6.在读完这本书后,我对这三个方面有一种特殊的感觉: 极简主义的价值,历史书中的生活目标,以及四种伟大的品质: 专注,决心,努力工作和完美。After reading the book, I have a special feeling on these three aspects: the value of minimalism, the goal of life in the history books, and the four great qualities: focus, determination, hard work, and perfection.Project:Prepare a book report Discuss these questions in groupsHave you ever read a biography or an autobiography of a great person? Would you recommend this book? Why or why not?Which great person would you like to read more about?Where can you find recommendations for good biographies or autobiographies?Project:Prepare a book report There are many good biographies or autobiographies on https://www.vrrw.net and I especially love to read more about The Steve Jobs by a well-known American biographer, Walter Isaacson. Because it was written by someone else, it was less visceral and more like the unveiling of an apple product at first glance. But the more you look back, the more you see the inevitable connection between Jobs‘ spirit and apple’s great products. Steve Jobs focuses on Jobs' life, his relationship with apple and his constant challenge to himself. Project:Prepare a book report After reading the book, I have a special feeling on these three aspects: the value of minimalism, the goal of life in the history books, and the four great qualities: focus, determination, hard work, and perfection. Isaacson interviewed Steve Jobs over forty times, and interviewed hundreds of Jobs’friends,relatives and rivals to sum up Jobs’ remarkable life. The result is an interesting story of a man driven to succeed and driven to make perfect products.Words RevisionComplete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box.To our surprise, he was actually the_______ and caring father of three children.To_________, his fame and wealth were gained through hard work and his in-depth knowledge of his business.A genius for invention, Thomas Edison obtained scores of_________.gently sum up circumstance encounter novelist patentgentlesum uppatentsAssessing your progressComplete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box.4. Under no_____________ should we do terrible things to other people.5. As a botanist. he takes notes on the properties of any plant he____________ .6. The first-person narrator is a stylistic device that has been used by many _________ and poets throughout the ages.gently sum up circumstance encounter novelist patentcircumstanceencountersnovelistsAssessing your progress1.patentn. 专利; 专利证书; adj. 有专利的 Einstein took a job as a clerk in the Swiss _______________.爱因斯坦在瑞士专利局找了份作为职员的工作。But why would a firm with a legal _________ strike such a deal?但是为什么一个拥有合法专利的公司会进行这样的交易?patentee n. 专利权(所有)人After the application is approved, the firm or individual that applied for it shall be the ___________. 申请被批准后, 申请的公司或者个人为专利权所有人。 patent office专利局patentpatenteepatent officeAssessing your progress2. extraordinary adj. 不一般的; 非凡的 extraordinarily adv. 非常; 非凡地extraordinary arrangement精心安排; 特殊安排Our body is an __________________ complex mechanism comprising of trillions of cells. 我们的身体是由万亿细胞组成的极其复杂的机制。3. gradually adv. 逐渐地; 逐步地gradual adj. 逐渐的; 渐进的; 渐变的Following this, he ____________ became famous throughout the world as the new Isaac Newton. 在此之后, 他作为新的艾萨克·牛顿, 逐渐闻名于世。extraordinarilygraduallyAssessing your progress(2019·北京高考)Whatever colour changes the ocean experiences in the coming decades will probably be too __________ and unnoticeable, but they could mean significant changes. 在接下来的几十年里, 无论海洋的颜色如何改变, 都可能是渐进的, 不易察觉的, 但这可能意味着重大的变化。4. consequence n. 结果; 后果consequent adj. 随之发生的; 作为结果的consequently adv. 因此; 所以as a consequence 因此, 结果in consequence 因此; 结果as a consequence of 因此; 由于…______________ they further lift the price of gold in terms of tomatoes and potatoes. 因此, 与番茄和土豆相比他们进一步提高黄金的价格。gradualConsequentlyAssessing your progress(2019·江苏高考)This led to an unexpected _______________, though she had a wonderful time there. 尽管她在那里度过了一段美好的时光, 可是这还是导致了一个意想不到的后果。5. encounter v. 偶然碰到; 遇到n. 邂逅; 遭遇encounter with sb. /sth. 突然的或意外的(尤指敌对的)相遇In fact, Einstein often _______________ people on the street. 事实上, 爱因斯坦经常在街上遇到人。Consequenceencountered Assessing your progress6. remarkable adj. 非凡的; 显著的remark n. 注意; 言辞 vi. 谈论remarkably adv. 显著地; 非常地; 引人注目地Progress since 2019 has been _____________, but we have a long way yet to go, especially in the countryside, and especially for construction career. 2019年以来, 我们已经取得了非凡进展, 但是前面的道路仍很漫长, 特别在农村, 特别对建设行业来说也如此。People, when they had to, behaved ______________ well.人们, 当他们不得不时, 表现得非常好。remarkableremarkablyAssessing your progress7. sum up总结; 概括in sum 总而言之; 大体上a large sum of 一大笔; 大量的Does the writer ___________how he/she feels about this person? 作者是否总结了他/她对这个人的感觉?My meaning, _________, is that you must stay.简单地说, 我的意思就是你必须留下来。8. passion n. 酷爱; 激情passionate adj. 热情的; 热烈的, 激昂的passionately adv. 热情地; 强烈地; 激昂地While working there, out of a strong __________ for knowledge, he continued to study. 在那里工作时, 出于对知识的强烈热情, 他继续学习。sum upin sumpassionAssessing your progressI simply pursued it because I was _____________ about it and loved the work.我仅仅是用我对这份工作的热情和热爱在追逐它。Right now, each side in that debate _____________ believes that the other side is wrong. 目前, (经济政策)争论中的每一方都强烈地认为另一方是错误的。passionatepassionatelyAssessing your progress2 What do you know about Sun Yat-sen? Read the passage, and then fill in the blanks with relative pronouns or adverbs. Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925) was widely considered to be the founder and forerunner of modern China. He was only in power for a short time, when he was president of the country in 1912. So it may seem odd to some people________ knowledge of China may be limited that he is such an important figure, However, his influence is not based on his time in office, but on his continuous struggle for a better society and his concern for all Chinese people. He also put forward many advanced ideas _____________ brought the Chinese people together, in particular, the Three Principles of the People. whosethat/whichAssessing your progress2. What do you know about Sun Yat-sen? Read the passage, and then fill in the blanks with relative pronouns or adverbs. These principles were inspired by Lincoln,___________ he admired, and were developed when he was travelling overseas,_________ he went to find support for his country. The first principle is about nationalism, ________indicates that China should never be divided and should not be under any foreign control. The second is about people's rights. It means that all people have great value and should also have the same rights. The third is about peoples livelihood, ________means that the government should create opportunities for people to make a good living.who(m)wherewhichwhichAssessing your progressComplete the following sentences with relative pronouns or adverbs.His best movie, ________won several awards, was about the life of Gandhi. 2. (2018·天津高考)Kae, ________sister I shared a room with when we were at college, has gone to work in Australia. 3. During the Spring Festival Gala of 2020, did you see Wang Yuan, ________is now a famous youth actor. 4. The famous actor, Guo Donglin, ________name was known, became a little depressed recently. whichwhosewhowhoseAssessing your progressComplete the following sentences with relative pronouns or adverbs.5.(2020·江苏卷) Many lessons are now available online, from ________ students can choose for free.6.(2020·天津)Dr. Rowan, ________ secretary resigned two weeks ago, has had to do all his own typing.7.(2019·江苏 )We have entered into an age ________ dreams have the best chance of coming true. 8.(2019·天津)Their child is at the stage__________ she can say individual words but not full sentences.whichwhosewhenwhereAssessing your progressComplete the following sentences with relative pronouns or adverbs.9. Like anything, it is possible to have too much of both, ________is not good for the health. 10. Everyone knows that Zhong Nanshan ________serves as a medical scientist, has devoted himself to hard work again. 11.This is the same dictionary ________ I lost last week.12.Last Sunday they reached Nanjing, ________ a conference was to be held.whichwhothat/aswhereREFLECTING Did this unit cause you to change your thoughts about greatness? If so, how?Will what you have learnt in this unit inspire you to improve yourself? If so, how?What was the most important idea that you learnt in this unit?Overall, I thought this unit was ( ) inspiring ( ) useful ( ) so-so ( ) difficultREFLECTING Did this unit cause you to change your thoughts about greatness? If so, how?I once thought greatness is the ability to recognize the power of your own true essence, to embrace it and use it. Even if you cannot see the possibilities it doesn't mean they don't exist, but now I think greatness is giving, only by giving can we gain others’ respect and achieve our life goal.REFLECTING Will what you have learnt in this unit inspire you to improve yourself? If so, how?It is Einstein’s perseverance that inspires me to work in my study. When faced with the failure or difficulties, he didn't give up and chose to work hard to achieve his dream. For example, he failed in the entrance exam, but he chose to study harder for another year to achieve his dream. Moreover, because he was Jewish when Hitler came into power, the door of academic institution was closed to him. But after he succeeded in moving to America, he make great achievements in physics and mathematics.REFLECTING What was the most important idea that you learnt in this unit?The most important idea I learn in this unit is: never give up. Either Tu Youyou or Einstein is always working hard for their life goal until they succeed. Both of them have a strong belief that they can do some well if they keep trying.Overall, I thought this unit was ( ) inspiring ( ) useful ( ) so-so ( ) difficult√√

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