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    高中上外版(2020)Unit 4 Sports教案

    这是一份高中上外版(2020)Unit 4 Sports教案,共13页。

    Perid 3 Digging in Vcabulary & Grammar in Use
    Perid 3 Digging in Vcabulary & Grammar in Use
    Unit 4
    Senir Grade 1
    In this unit, “-ed / -ing” frms functin as adverbials in a sentence.
    Knwledge bjectives: “-ed / -ing” frms as adverbials in a sentence;
    deciding the meaning in use f a plysemy
    2. Skill bjectives: deciding the apprpriate frm f an adverbial: -ed r -ing frm;
    3. Emtinal bjectives: lve f ding sprts;
    4. Thinking quality bjectives: think critically
    deciding the apprpriate frms f an adverbial - “-ed r -ing” frm;
    deciding the meaning in use f a plysemy;
    deciding the meaning in use f a plysemy
    intrducing the cncept f plysemy by deciding the meaning f “serius”. .
    presenting anther example f plysemy: “ultimate”;
    3. presenting a third example f plysemy “tugh”;
    recgnizing different meanings f “serius” in the tw sentences;
    distinguish the different meanings f “ultimate”;
    3. distinguish the different meanings f “tugh”
    intrducing the cncept f plysemy by giving three examples: serius, ultimate and tugh;
    2. referring t
    the cntext t
    decide the
    meaning in use.
    PPT 5 - 10,
    Digging in Vcabulary: Plysemy
    “Let’s d it.” and “Grup Wrk”
    PPT 5,
    Which f the underlined wrds in A, B, and C has the same meaning as the italicized wrd in each sentence?
    (1) Yu've becme much mre than just a ball t me. Yu've becme mre than just a curt.

    PPT 6, “Grup Wrk”
    By 1: In Jrdan's letter, “mre than just a curt”, “curt” here means the playgrund fr basketball.
    By 2: The same as in “utdr tennis curts” .
    QM Girl: And the ther tw curts?
    SF: In “divrce curt”, curt is related t law suit. In “curt f the King”, curt means the king's residence.
    PPT 7,
    (2) I wrked n my game. Passing . Dribbling. Shting. Thinking.
    PPT 8, Grup Wrk
    By 1: In Jrdan's letter, “shting” means playing basketball.
    By 2: In sentence A, “The plice ... shting at them”, here, sht means firming a gun at smebdy.
    QM Girl: And sht a vide f sprts?
    SF: In “sht a vide”, sht is related t taking a picture. In sentence C, “sht at the gal”, “sht” means striking the ball, which is the same as in sentence (2).
    PPT 9,
    (3) Cach Smith was teaching me hw t lve yu, hw t listen t yu, hw t respect yu and hw t appreciate yu.
    PPT 10, Grup Wrk
    By 1: In Jrdan's letter, “appreciate yu” means t enjy and admire basketball.
    By 2: In sentence A, “appreciate the beauty f language”, here, appreciate means enjy and lve the language.
    QM Girl: S, A is the chice.
    SF: In “I' that”, appreciate means “thank sb. fr sth.”; in “I began t appreciate the difficulties...”, appreciate means “understand”.
    PPT 11-16,
    “Let’s d it.” and “Grup Wrk”
    PPT 11,
    3. Cmplete each pair f sentences with the same wrd. The wrd has different meanings in the sentence. Change frms if necessary.
    (1) If yu train hard, yu will wrk n a gd ftballer.

    He wrks fr a cmpany that wrks n bxing equipment.
    PPT 12, Grup Wrk
    By 1: I think “yu will wrk n a gd ftballer” means “yu will imprve yurself and be a gd ftballer”.
    QM Girl: And “A cmpany wrks n bxing equipment”? “wrk n” here means smething different.
    By 2: “A cmpany wrks n bxing equipment”, here “wrk n” may means “ding business in...”, I think.
    SF: S “wrk n”: (1) imprve neself; (2) d business in sth.
    PPT 13,
    (2) This is the secnd internatinal match they've played in a week.

    The curtains lk great - they're a perfect match fr the sfa.
    PPT 14, Grup Wrk
    By 2: In “play a match”, “match” means a sprt event.
    QM Girl: What abut the ther match? “a perfect match fr...”
    BP Girl: In “a perfect match fr sth.”, “match” means “smething that ges well with ...”
    SF: S “match”: (1) a sprt event;
    (2) smething that ges well with ...
    PPT 15,
    (3) When a runner is “ff base” in a baseball game, he is in a weak interference.

    What is yur interference n the new rules f the game?
    PPT 16, Grup Wrk
    By 1: In baseball, “a weak interference” means “a legal act f hindering withut penalty” (轻微的妨碍行为). Rather a prfessinal term!
    By 2: In the secnd sentence, “yur interference n the new rules f the game”, “interference” means “interventin n ne’s behalf;”
    By 3: This is hard.
    SF: “interference”: (1) a baseball term, an act f hindering; (2) interventin n ne's behalf;
    PPT 17-23, Grammar in Use
    -ed / -ing frm 2 - used as adverbials
    PPT 17-18,
    I. Read the passage and pay attentin t the underlined -ing and -ed frms in it. What functins d they serve?
    Athletes have been fictinal characters in mvies but rarely have they been filmmakers themselves. But Kbe Bryant, the great US basketball star, has dne just that.
    In 2017, he made a shrt film called Dear Basketball. The film features a
    script based n a pem written by Bryant in 2015, a year befre he retired. When asked t cme nt the stage and accept an Oscar fr the mvie at the 2017 Academy Awards, Bryant cmmented, “As basketball players, we're really suppsed t shut up and dribble ... I'm glad we d a little bit mre than that.”
    During the animatin, we're shwn images frm Bryant's past. We see an animated Bryant when he was still a by, using a rlled-up sck as a ball. And we see him fr real n the curt, shting a basketball int the basket. This shrt mvie is all abut Bryant lking back his life and career, and remembering it all with great fndness.
    The lve fr basketball Bryant shws in the film will be recgnized by players and fans everywhere. They will see it as nt nly a mvie abut a belved player, but als a lve stry abut the game they enjy s much as well.”
    PPT 19, Questin Time
    When asked t cme nt the stage and accept an Oscar fr the
    mvie at the 2017 Academy Awards, Bryant cmmented, ...
    PPT 20, Grup Wrk
    By 3: “When asked t cme nt the stage ...” is an adverbial indicating time.
    QM Girl: Originally, it is a adverbial clause, “When Bryant was asked t ...”
    By 2: The adverbial clause is degraded int “when asked t...”, an adverbial phrase.
    SF: Bth “Byrant” and “was” are deleted in the degradatin.
    PPT 21, Questin Time
    We see an animated Bryant when he was still a by, using a rlled-up sck as a ball.
    PPT 22,
    By 1: In “when he was still a by, using a rlled-up sck as a ball,” “using a rlled-up sck as ...” is an adverbial indicating attendant circumstances (伴随状语).
    QM Girl: “Was”, a stative verb, and “used a ... sck”, an actin. Yu mean the tw ccurred at the same time?
    By 3: Right. It happens frequently in English writing that a stative verb accmpanied by an actin verb.
    SF: Like “Tm sat at the table, reading a newspaper.”
    PPT 23, Questin Time
    And we see him fr real n the curt, shting a basketball int the basket.
    PPT 24-26, Grammar Highlight
    PPT 24,
    The -ing and -ed frms f a verb can be used as adverbials t indicate time, cause, cnditin, cncessin, means, result, purpse, r attendant circumstances (随附各种情况状语).
    PPT 25,
    PPT 26,
    PPT 27-28, Grammar in Use
    II. Read the passage and fill in each blank with the apprpriate frm f the verb given in brackets. Then circle the -ing / -ed frms used as adverbials.
    PPT 27,
    The mvies that peple grw t lve are the nes that cnnect with their lives. The wrld lves sprts, 1making (make) sprts peple great subjects fr cinema stries. Ftball is ne f the mst ppular sprts in the wrld, and if 2 asked (ask) abut wh is the mst famus ftball player, peple wuld prbably chse the frmer England player David Beckham. That's why 3 putting (put) Beckhan's name in the title f their mvie was a clever mve by the makers f Bend It Like Beckham
    PPT 28,
    The main character f the film is an Indian girl 4 called (call) Jesminder
    “Jess” Bharma. 5 Living (live) in Lndn, Jess lves ftball. Hwever, Jess's family members are very traditinal. In her family, it's fine fr a girl 6 t watch (watch) ftball n TV, but it's unacceptable fr her 7 t play (play) the game herself. 8 Knwing (knw) it wuld upset her parents, Jess decides t play ftball with the bys in the lcal part. And when Jess 9 jins (jin) a lcal yung wmen's ftball team, her parents' disappintment turns t anger. Yet, 10 Faced (face) with this ppsitin, Jess des well in the team and lead them t victry.
    PPT 29, Link t CEEPS 2019
    I. Recgnizing the grammar functins f -ing r -ed phrases.
    1. Orissa is the hme t three mass nesting sites f the Oliver turtles, a species threatened with extinctin.
    PPT 30,
    2. She believes students are learning autmaticity faster with keybards than with handwriting: students are learning hw t type withut lking at the keys at earlier ages, and t type faster
    than they culd write, granting them extra time t think abut wrd chice r sentence structure.
    PPT 31, Link t CEEPS 2019
    3. I was rdered t carry bkcases upstairs and, nce, t mve a pian frm ne side f a rm t the ther, I fell carrying the bkcase. And after pushing the pian my arms and legs hurt s badly.
    PPT 32, What have we learnt tday?

    PPT 30, Hmewrk
    List as many as pssible plysemy we have learned frm Unit 1 t Unit 4. An example is given belw.
    1. shck n.
    (1) strng feeling f surprise as a result f sth. happening; the event that causing this feeling 震惊; 令人震惊的事儿
    (2) a vilent shaking mvement that is caused by an explsin, earthquake, etc. (由爆炸、地震等引起的)剧烈震动;剧烈震荡
    Grammar in use
    Let’s d it.
    Questin Time
    (5) Grup Wrk
    (6) Link t
    All these activities can be carried ut individually, in pairs r in grups.
    Students may find “curt” a plysemy.

    In deciding certain specific meaning f a plysemy, cntext is f great help.
    Student may find in Jrdan’s letter, curt means the playgrund f basketball.
    In sentence B, the phrase “utdr tennis curt” indicates the cntext f a sprt, which is the deciding cue fr the judgement that it is f the same meaning with “curt” in Jrdan’s letter.
    Students may be infrmed f the ther tw meanings f “curt”.
    Students shall first understand the meaning f “shting” in Jrdan’s letter.
    In Grup Wrk, students have a discussin ver the different meanings f “sht” with the help f the cntext.
    After discussin, they will chse the crrect answer.
    Students shall first understand the meaning f “appreciate” in Jrdan’s letter.
    Students shall have a discussin ver the different meanings f “appreciate” with the help f the cntext.
    Students may find Task 3 f plysemy a bit difficult.
    Withut a wrd pl, students may first cnsider plysemy f Reading A.
    After a discussin, students may quickly get the answer.
    Students shall take ntes here abut the different meanings f “wrk n”
    Withut a wrd pl, students may first cnsider plysemy f Reading A. The cntext will help students find the right wrd “match”
    Students may have a discussin ver the different meanings f “match”.
    Students may find Q (3) f PPT 15 mre difficult.
    Here, “interference” is a technique term in baseball.
    Students may get t knw abut the different meanings f “interference” after the discussin.
    Students may find Task I (the recgnitin task) a bit easy.
    And they may find the questin hard t answer f hw the -ed r -ing frm cme int being here.
    Students may find “Questin Time” a gd help t understand the frmatin f -ed
    Again, students may find the answer in Grup Wrk.
    Arguments with examples are welcmed.
    Here, students may take ntes f the verb categry like “static verbs” which is ften
    accmpanied by an adverbial f attendant circumstances.
    Students may find “Grammar Highlight” a cnclusin f -ed r -ing frms as adverbials.
    With examples given, students may get a thrugh understanding f -ed r -ing frms as adverbials.
    Students may find Task II f “Grammar in Use” a bit mre difficult than Task I abve.
    Students may find the task a real challenge t their grammar knwledge.
    Discussin are welcmed.
    1 making (adverbial
    f result)
    2. asked (adverbial
    f cnditin)
    Living (adverbial
    f place)
    (adverbial f cause)
    Faced (adverbial f cncessin)
    Students shall apply strategies learned in Grammar Highlights f bth Unit 3 and Unit 4 here.
    Sentence 1-3 are adapted frm natinal cllege entrance examinatin papers, f which the sentences are usually a bit difficult t understand due t the length and the structure.
    In summary f “What have we learnt tday”, students shall think ver what have been listed, and take sme ntes if necessary.
    Task 2 f plysemy is designed fr students t practising recgnizing the meaning in use with the help f cntext.

    Grup Wrk is a gd frm f discussin frm which students may clear away cnfusins and find the crrect answer.
    In Grup Wrk, arguments with specific examples are welcmed.

    Task 3 is designed t test students n wrds f plysemy.
    Each questin is fllwed with a “Grup Wrk” discussin ver the different meaning f the plysemy filled in the blank.

    Task I f “-ed / -ing frm 2 - used as adverbials” is
    designed fr students t practise recgnitin f the functins f -ed r -ing frms as adverbials.
    Questin Time is designed as an explanatin f the frmatin f -ed r -ing frm in the sentence.
    Grup Wrk is fllwed as a discussin t clear away any cnfusin f the abve explanatins in “Questin Time”
    Static verb is an imprtant cncept in terms f writing.
    Fr example, the pattern is frequently used in writing: “sit + reading a bk”.
    Grammar Highlight is designed as a summary f -ed r -ing frms as adverbials.
    Grammar in Use is designed t test students n grammar knwledge.
    Students are required t distinguish -ed r -ing frms as
    adverbials frm
    -ed r -ing frms as attributes r functining as attributive clause.
    Link t CEEPS 2019 is designed t test whether students have grasped the grammar pints f -ing r -ed frms as well as a reminder f the imprtance f -ing r -ed frms in senir high schl English study.
    Summary here serves bth as a review f perid 4 and a pause fr students t d a check-up.
    1. leading in the cncept f plysemy;
    2. strategies f figuring ut the
    meaning in use f a plysemy;
    3. -ed / -ing frms used as adverbials;
    4. distinguish -ed / -ing frms used as adverbials frm thse as attributes r functining as attributive clauses;
    5. Link t CEEPS 2019
    6. Link t NCEEP 2019
    7. summary
    1. understanding the cncept f plysemy;
    2. recgnizing the specific meaning f a plysemy with the help the cntext;
    3. understanding -ed / -ing frms used as adverbials;
    4. being able t recgnizing the -ed / -ing frms as adverbials frm thse as attributes;
    5. practising talking abut grammar pints in discussin f “Grup Wrk”;
    6. Cmpleting the
    tasks f Link t
    CEEPS 2019 and
    Link t NCEEP 2019
    Perid 3 fcuses n (1) plysemy and (2) n -ed / -ing frms as adverbials.
    “Let’s d it” and “Grup Wrk” cperate with each ther, helping students with their prblems n plysemy;
    2. Questin Time and Grup Wrk help students distinguish -ed / -ing frms as adverbials frm thse as attributes;
    3. Link t
    CEEPS 2019
    and Link t
    NCEEP 2019
    critical thinking
    by cntextual-level chice making;
    New wrds and expressins:
    get serius
    a serius family illness
    my ultimate teammate
    my tughest cmpetitr
    mre than just a curt
    in divrce curt
    utdr tennis curts
    the curt f the King
    sht a vide
    sht at the gal
    appreciate yu
    appreciate the difficulties
    a cmpany that wrks n
    bxing equipment
    wrk n a gd ftballer

    高中英语上外版(2020)必修 第二册Unit 4 Sports教学设计及反思: 这是一份高中英语上外版(2020)必修 第二册Unit 4 Sports教学设计及反思,共13页。

    上外版(2020)必修 第二册Unit 4 Sports教案: 这是一份上外版(2020)必修 第二册Unit 4 Sports教案,共14页。

    高中英语上外版(2020)必修 第二册Unit 4 Sports教案: 这是一份高中英语上外版(2020)必修 第二册Unit 4 Sports教案,共10页。

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