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    高中英语上外版(2020)必修 第二册Unit 2 Animals教案设计

    这是一份高中英语上外版(2020)必修 第二册Unit 2 Animals教案设计,共13页。

    Perid 5 Mving Frward 教学设计
    Feeding Hmeless Cats: Helping r Hurting?
    Unit 2
    Senir Grade 1
    Perid 5 is made up f tw parts – speaking and writing. In this perid, we are ging t practise speaking and writing n the tpic f feeding hmeless cats.
    Knwledge bjectives: strategies f speaking n feeding hmeless cats;
    strategies f writing n feeding hmeless cats;
    2. Skill bjectives: paragraphing with chesive devices;
    3. Emtinal bjectives: lve f cats and be a respnsible pet wner;
    4. Thinking quality bjectives: grup infrmatin accrding t prs and cns;
    elabratin n chesive devices in paragraph writing;
    using prper prnuns and determiners in paragraph writing
    1. asking students t tell differences between dmestic cats and hmeless cats;
    2. asking students t tell differences between stray cats and feral cats;
    3. presenting the debate f tday:
    Feeding Hmeless Cats: Helping r Hurting?
    1. telling the dmestic cats frm the feral cats
    2. telling stray cats frm feral cats
    3. think ver the tpic: Feeding hmeless cats: helping r hurting?
    1. practising students’ bservatin skills;
    2. leading in the cncept f stray cats and feral cats
    3. encuraging students t debate n the tpic: Feeding hmeless cats: helping r hurting?
    In PPT 5, “Dialgue Time”
    Students are given the dialgue between Sally and Jenny, which representing different attitudes twards feeding hmeless cats.

    PPT 6, “Grup Discussin”
    Here, the issue cmes up - students at Lan Shan Schl have different pinins n feeding hmeless cats. Then we cme t tday’s tpic: Feeding hmeless cats: helping r hurting?
    PPT 7-12, “Grup Discussin”
    PPT 7, “Thse wh are fr feeding hmeless cats”
    2. cllege students;
    3. ld peple; 4. wh else?
    Why d they feed hmeless cats?
    Fr fun
    t shw their pity
    t pass-time
    any ther reasn?
    PPT8, “Thse wh are against feeding hmeless cats”
    1. cnservatinists
    2. animal experts
    3. residents in the neighburhd
    Why are they against feeding hmeless cats?
    feral cats, kill wild birds
    uncntrllable breeding
    disturbing the nrmal life in the
    PPT 9, “A News Stry frm Tengxun Vide”
    Hmeless Cats Hurting Villager
    a villager riding a bike
    a hmeless cat scratching him
    Being wunded, he had t receive a
    vaccine sht twice in a mnth.
    4. Wh shuld pay the bill?
    PPT 10, “Feral Cats Hunting”
    a feral cat hiding in the seeds
    bserving the birds
    running fast, agile like a mnkey,
    jumping at the birds
    4. Is it dangerus r amiable and cute?
    PPT 11, Cats: What shall we d t yu?
    Teachers shall pint ut here that a pet cat is cmpletely different frm a feral cat.
    We shall be very careful when facing a feral cat.
    PPT 12, a summary f the prs and cns n feeding hmeless cats:
    Feeding hmeless cats is fun.
    Hmeless cats are pitiful.
    Feeding hmeless cats is a
    pass-time fr ld lnely peple.
    Hmeless cats are lives. We
    shuld respect life.
    1. Hmeless cats may be fercius killers.
    2. Uncntrllable breeding may prduce t many feral cats.
    3. Hmeless cats may hurt peple.
    4. Hmeless cats may carry deadly virus that may cause a pandemic.
    PPT 13, “Speaking strategy”
    Cntributing ideas t a discussin
    1. Try yur best t be riginal, i.e., dn't repeat what thers have said withut adding smething new.
    2. When yur thught builds n anther persn's idea, quickly summarize their pint befre yu begin yurs.
    3. Ask questins when necessary.
    4. Try t put frward yur idea in a clear way.
    5. Always keep yur pinins fcused n the subject f yur discussin.

    Teachers shall give examples here t shw hw t apply these strategies.
    PPT 14, “Writing”
    II Expressing yur pinin n feeding hmeless cats
    Step 1: “Fr” and “Supprting Details”
    Feeding hmeless cats is fun.
    (Wmen and kids usually lve
    little animals like cats.)
    Hmeless cats are pitiful.
    (Stray cats used t have hme.
    Nw they are lst, and hungry.)
    Feeding hmeless cats is a
    pass-time fr ld lnely peple.
    (Lnely ld peple may find stray cats in sme way in the similar situatin like themselves - unwanted, lnely, nt cared fr.)
    Hmeless cats are lives. We
    shuld respect life.
    Teachers may invite students t give relative details t pint 4 here.
    PPT 15, Step 2 f “Writing”
    “Against” and “Supprting Details”
    Hmeless cats may be fercius killers.
    (Feral cats are brn killers. They run fast, jump high and are agile. They kill birds.)
    Uncntrllable breeding may prduce t many feral cats.
    (Feeding hmeless cats stps the natural death f them. Uncntrllable breeding leads t quick grwth f feral cats.)
    Hmeless cats may hurt peple.
    (Feral cats are brn wild. They are nt dmesticated. They may attack peple suddenly.)
    Hmeless cats may carry deadly virus that may cause a pandemic.
    Teachers may invite students t give relevant details t pint 4 here.
    “Fr” r “Against” are pinins, while “supprting details” are facts r reasning.
    PPT 16, Step 3 f “Writing”,
    “Mdel Paragraph”- Chesive Devices
    Here, teachers shall explain ne by ne the terms like “chesive devices, determiner, reference,” etc. In the mdel paragraph,
    “hwever” is used t shw cntrasting ideas.
    “Them and they” are prnuns; “these” are determiner (限定词). Bth prnuns and determiners are chesive devices.
    Why d we use “them, they, and these”?
    References f prnuns and determiners help readers get thrugh.
    PPT 17-18, Step 4 f “Writing”,
    What if we d nt use “them, they, and these”?
    It prves that if we d nt use prnuns and determiners in writing, the lines will be repetitive and is nt acceptable.
    On the cntrary, when we use prnuns and determiners t replace these nun phrases, the text becmes “clear, cncise and cnnected”!
    PPT 19, Step 5 f “Writing”,
    Chesive Devices(衔接方法) - linking wrds:
    “Due t” is used t prvide explanatin;
    “Such as” is used t give examples;
    “Mrever” is used t add similar ideas;
    PPT 20-22, Writing strategy,
    Using Chesive Devices (衔接方法)
    Chesive devices are wrds and expressins that hld a text tgether and cnnect ideas.
    2. They help t guide the reader thrugh yur writing.
    3. They signal t the reader what the relatinship are between different clauses, sentences r paragraphs.
    4. Sme cmmnly used types f chesive devices are:
    Determiners and prnuns. Fr example:
    this, that, he, she, they, him, her,
    them, these, thse ...
    Linking wrds.
    Linking wrds and the functins:
    “additinally; mrever; furthermre; ...” are used t add similar ideas;
    “whereas; yet; in cntrast; n the cntrary;” are used t cntrast ideas;
    “fr example; fr instance; t illustrate this;” are used t give examples;
    “as a result; therefre; cnsequently; ” are used t explain results;
    “t begin with; next; firstly; secndly;” are used t sequence;
    “wing t; because f; due t;” are used t prvide explanatins;
    “in cnclusin; t sum up; in a wrd; ” are used t draw cnclusins.
    PPT 23, Step 6 f “Writing”,
    Write an pinin paragraph n feeding hmeless cats n campus in 70-90 wrds. Use chesive devices when necessary.
    The mind map here is t shw the rganizatin f the pinin paragraph.
    A tpic sentence;
    Argument One fllwed by Example One;
    Argument Tw fllwed by Example Tw;
    PPT 24-26, Mdel pinin paragraph n feeding hmeless cats
    PPT 24, Part One f “Mdel Opinin Paragraph”:
    Feeding hmeless cats in the neighburhd may cause prblems. T begin with, cnstant feeding may attract grups f hmeless cats, resulting in lud mews and fd scattering arund, which is really an unpleasant scene.
    The tpic sentence: “Feeding hmeless cats in the neighburhd may cause prblems.”
    “T begin with” is used t shw sequencing;
    “Resulting in” is used t shw negative results;
    “cnstant feeding may attract grups f hmeless cats” is actually giving an example;
    PPT 25, Part Tw f “Mdel Opinin Paragraph”:
    Secndly, crwds f hmeless cats wandering in the neighbrhd may hurt peple. Fr example, when a kid appraches them ut f curisity, feral cats may attack it suddenly and give it a scratch, cnsequently leaving a wund bleeding and vaccine t be sht t prtect the kid frm being infected by virus. In cnclusin, it is nt advisable t feed hmeless cats in the neighburhd.
    “Secndly” is used t shw sequencing;
    “Fr example” is used t give examples;
    “cnsequently” is used t shw negative results here;
    “In cnclusin” is used t shw cnclusins.
    PPT 26,
    There are 89 wrds in the final mdel paragraph.
    Feeding hmeless cats in neighburhds may cause prblems. Firstly, cnstant feeding may attract grups f feral cats, resulting in lud mews and fds scattering arund, which is really an unpleasant scene. Secndly, crwds f these cats wandering in neighburhds may hurt peple. Fr example, when a kid appraches them ut f curisity, feral cats may attack it suddenly and give it a scratch, leaving a wund bleeding and vaccine t be sht t prtect it frm being infected by virus. In cnclusin, d nt feed hmeless cats in neighburhds.
    The last versin is a bit shrter than the versin in PPT 24 and PPT 25 due t sme small changes.
    PPT 27, What chesive devices are used in the mdel paragraph writing?
    prnuns and determiners: them; it; these;
    linking wrds:
    sequencing - t begin with; firstly; secndly;
    giving examples - fr example;
    explaining results - resulting in; cnsequently; leaving ...;
    drawing cnclusins -in cnclusin;
    PPT 28, a summary f “what we have learnt tday”:
    √ Speaking:
    √√ Feeding Hmeless Cats: Helping r Hurting?
    √√ Hmeless Cats: Stray Cat r
    Feral Cats?
    √√ Frs and Againsts f Feeding
    Hmeless Cats
    √√Speaking strategy: cntributing
    ideas t a discussin
    PPT 29,
    √ Writing:
    √√ What are chesive devices?
    √√ Mdel paragraph analyzing -
    chesive devices;
    √√ Linking wrds;
    √√ Mdel pinin paragraph
    √√Writing strategy: using chesive
    PPT 30, Hmewrk:
    1. Write ut the utline f yur pinin paragraph n feeding hmeless cats.
    2. List the chesive devices used in yur paragraph and their functins
    PPT 31, References
    Tengxun News Vide. “News n Cat Hurting Villager”.
    Hakan Vide. “Feral Cats: A Brn Killer”.
    (1) Dialgue Time
    (2) Grup Discussin
    (3) speaking strategy
    (4) Mdel Paragraph
    (5) Writing Strategy
    (6)Paragraph Writing
    All these activities can be carried ut individually, in pair wrk r grup wrk.
    Students shall see the different attitudes f Sally and Jenny.
    Students shall think abut the tpic themselves and chse their wn sides.
    Students may add infrmatin t the table.
    Students may add infrmatin t the table.
    Students may have a discussin n wh shuld pay the bill.
    Students shall watch the vide first, and then tell their impressins f the feral cats.
    Students may ask questins like “Is it pssible that a stray cat may be adpted and finally becme a dmestic cat?”
    Discussins are welcmed here.
    Here student shall be given enugh time t add mre infrmatin t the table.
    Students shall think ver these strategies and apply them in their discussin.
    Students may give their wn supprting details.
    Students shall understand the difference between “facts” and “pinins”.
    Students shall take sme ntes while listening.
    T students, perceptin f prnuns and determiners in cntext and their functins needs prving by time and writing practice.
    Students may knw hw t use these linking wrds, but theretically they may nt realize the functins f linking wrds.
    Students shall take this part seriusly.

    In “ summary f writing strategies”,
    students shall learn the imprtance f all the chesive devices, especially, the functins f linking wrds.
    Students shall fllw this utline t write their wn pinin paragraph.
    Student shall be able t d the writing themselves, fcusing n the use f chesive devices between lines.
    Students shall be able t recgnize all the chesive devices applied in this mdel paragraph writing.
    Students shall see whether they have recgnized all the listed chesive devices.
    In summary, students shall think ver what have been listed, and take sme ntes if necessary.
    The table is designed fr students t have a deep explratin int the tpic.
    The table is designed fr students t have a deep understanding f the tpic.
    This questin is designed t invite discussin and interactins between teacher and students.
    The vide may ttally change sme students’ impressins n feral cats.
    A summary f prs and cns n feeding hmeless cats
    is particularly designed fr students t have a pause while the lecture prceeds.
    Questins are encuraged and interactins between teacher and students may increase here.
    “Speaking strategy” serves as the cncluding part f “Speaking”.
    Teachers shall exemplify hw t apply these tips.
    Step 1 and 2 f “writing” is designed t get students prepared fr paragraph writing.
    The substitutin f prnuns and determiners fr nun phrases is designed fr students t experience the cntrast f repetitiveness and cnciseness.
    Chesive Devices(衔接方法) - linking wrds is particularly illustrated here t strengthen the prper use f linking wrds in students’ writing.
    The summary f chesive devices is designed fr students t realize hw imprtant the chesive devices are in their writing.
    The task is designed t d paragraph writing step by step.
    The task is designed t d paragraph writing n the tpic f feeding hmeless cats.
    The paragraph writing task is designed t imprve students’ paragraphing skills.
    Summary is designed fr the cnvenience f reviewing what we have learned tday as well as fr students t d checklist.
    asking students t tell the difference between dmestic cats and hmeless cats, stray cats and feral cats
    Leading in the tpic f tday - Feeding Hmeless cats: Helping r Hurting?
    In speaking sectin, using tables t
    summarize wh are fr the pinin f feeding hmeless cats and why;
    using tables t summarize wh are against the pinin f feeding hmeless cats and why;
    using tables t summarize the prs and cns f feeding hmeless cats;
    summarizing speaking strategies
    7. In writing sectin, using tables t summarize the prs and cns and the respective supprting details f feeding hmeless cats;
    8. Analyzing a mdel paragraph, intrducing the cncept f “chesive devices”;
    9. using tables t elabrate n “chesive devices”;
    10. Writing a mdel pinin paragraph, illustrating the use f chesive devices.
    1. learning abut the difference between dmestic cats and hmeless cats, stray cats and feral cats;
    2. learning t use tables t d explratin wrk n the tpic f feeding hmeless cats;
    3. learning t differentiate facts frm pinins;
    4. having a deeper discussin n the tpic f feeding hmeless cats: helping r hurting;
    5. learning abut the cncept f “chesive devices”in paragraph writing;
    6. learning t write an pinin paragraph n feeding hmeless cats, based n the ntes in speaking sectin;
    7. thinking ver speaking and writing strategies;
    8. thinking ver the use f linking wrds in paragraph writing;
    Perid 5 fcuses n speaking and writing n
    the tpic f “Feeding Hmeless Cats: Helping r Hurting?”
    1. Discussin brings students a deeper understanding f the issue f feeding hmeless cats;
    2. prmting students’ speaking skills by strategies f cntributing ideas t a discussin;
    3. prmting students’ writing skills by writing an pinin paragraph;
    4. intrducing the cncept f chesive devices t students;
    5. encuraging students t use chesive devices in paragraph writing;
    Feeding Hmeless Cats: Helping r Hurting
    hmeless cat,
    stray cats,
    feral cats,
    dmestic cats
    amiable, cute,
    chesive device,
    prnuns and determiners,
    linking wrds,
    cntrasting ideas
    giving examples,
    explaining results,
    drawing cnclusins

    上外版(2020)Unit 2 Animals教学设计: 这是一份上外版(2020)Unit 2 Animals教学设计,共13页。

    上外版(2020)必修 第二册Unit 2 Animals教案: 这是一份上外版(2020)必修 第二册Unit 2 Animals教案,共12页。

    2020-2021学年Unit 2 Animals教学设计及反思: 这是一份2020-2021学年Unit 2 Animals教学设计及反思,共10页。

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