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    英语必修 第二册Unit 2 Animals教学设计

    这是一份英语必修 第二册Unit 2 Animals教学设计,共11页。

    Perid 3 Grammar in Use 教学设计
    Relative Clause II
    Unit 2
    Senir Grade 1
    Here, relative clauses that are intrduced by when, where, why and “prep. + which” are intrduced. It shuld be nted that “when” can be replaced by “at / during / in which”; “where” by “in / n / at + which”; “why” by “fr which”.
    1. Knwledge bjectives: understanding the functins f “when, where and why”; understanding the functins f “prep. + which”
    2. Skill bjectives: practising using prper relative adverbs (when, where and why)
    t begin a relative clause;
    3. Emtinal bjectives: prtecting animals; keep animal varieties;
    4. Thinking quality bjectives: think critically
    definitin f relative adverbs;
    relative clauses that begin with a pattern f “prepsitin + relative prnun”
    1. reviewing relative clauses intrduced by wh, whm, whse and which / that;
    2. jining tw sentence int ne using relative clause. Here, the relative adverb “where” is used. “Where” here can be replaced by “in which”;
    1. carrying ut the tasks Exercise I, 1-6;
    2. recgnizing the functins f each relative prnuns in sentences 1-6;
    3. carrying ut the task f jining the tw sentences int ne using relative adverb “where”
    4. questining what “relative adverb” means here;
    1. reviewing relative clauses intrduced by relative prnuns;
    2. presenting the cncept f relative adverb;
    3. encuraging students t cmplete the task step by step;
    4.guiding students t use “relative adverbs” t slve the juxtapsitin f tw same adverbials;
    5. interpreting the meaning f “relative adverb” here;
    PPT 5 - 7 “Grammar Highlights”
    This part presents detailed explanatins
    n hw relative adverbs are used.
    Example sentences are given n
    relative clauses intrduced by relative
    adverbs “when, where, why” and the
    relevant “prepsitin + which”

    PPT 5, Jin the fllwing tw sentences using relative clause.
    Last week, I visited a z.
    In the z, I had a discussin with my friend abut whether r nt zs are a gd thing.
    Last week I visited a z where (in which) I had a discussin with my friend abut whether r nt zs are a gd thing.
    In the abve sentence, “where (in which)” is used as a relative adverb t intrduce the relative clause.
    PPT 6,
    (1)The best time t g n safari in Suth Africa is the dry seasn.
    (2)In / During the dry seasn, animals gather arund rivers.
    The best time t g n safari in Suth Africa is the dry seasn when (in / during which) animals gather arund rivers.
    PPT 7,
    Having the chance t see all kinds f animals frm different parts f the wrld is the reasn.
    Fr this reasn I think zs are educatinal and fun.
    Having the chance t see all kinds f animals frm different parts
    f the wrld is the reasn why (fr which) I think zs are educatinal
    and fun.
    In PPT 5-7, the three relative clauses are intrduced by “relative adverbs”. Here, teachers shuld explain why the name f “relative adverbs” are used here.
    “Relative” means t cnnect; “adverb” refers t the part f speech - “when, where and why” are adverbs in the relative clause.
    PPT 8-10, “Let’s d it.”

    II Split the fllwing sentence int tw separate nes.
    Summer is the seasn when (in / during which) the cmmn seal gives birth t its babies alng the Irish castline.
    Summer is the seasn.
    In / During summer, the cmmn seal gives birth t its babies alng the Irish castline.
    2. We'll visit an animal rescue center where (in which) hmeless r
    injured animals can be taken care f befre suitable hmes are fund
    fr them.
    We'll visit an animal rescue center.
    In the center, hmeless r injured animals can be taken care f
    befre suitable hmes are fund fr them.
    3. Scientists have finally figured ut the reasn why (fr which) penguins lst the ability t fly.
    (1) Scientists have finally figured ut the reasn.
    (2) Penguins lst the ability t fly fr the reasn.

    PPT 11-14, “Dialgue Time”
    III Cmplete the dialgue with the help f hints in brackets.
    Cnversatin 1
    A: Is that a kala in the pht?
    B: Yes. It was taken in a wildlife park last summer when I visited Australia (visit, Australia).
    A: I've heard that kala are nly fund in Australia. D yu knw why?
    B: As far as I knw, they nly feed n the leaves f certain trees and Australia is the nly place where these trees grw. (these trees, grw)
    A: I see. N wnder I've never seen a kala in ur city z.
    B: Yu knw, the chance t cme face t face with Australia wildlife, such as kalas and kangar is a pwerful reasn why many turists travel in Australia. (many turists, travel in Australia).
    Teachers shuld explain why the relative clauses here are intrduced by relative adverbs.
    When the sentence subjects and bjects are nt missing in a relative clause, attentin shuld be directed t adverbials.
    Cnversatin 2
    A: D animals sleep like humans?
    B: Yes, they d. We humans may need up t 8 hurs f sleep
    a night t keep ur brains functining, while animals require mre r less rest. Bats, fr example, sleeps 20 hurs a day while giraffes sleep less than tw. But keeping their brains in rder is nt the nly reasn why animals sleep (animals, sleep).
    Sme animals like bears and turtles g int hibernatin fr several mnths. Different species have their wn sleeping pattern.
    A: What is hibernatin?
    B: It is extremely deep sleep. Befre hibernatin, animals feed heavily during the few mnths when fd is plentiful (fd, plentiful) and build up fat, and then g t sleep and live ff their fat reserves thrughut the cld seasn when the weather is freezing and fd is limited (weather, freezing, fd, limited).
    PPT 15, 17, 19, “Pair Wrk”
    IV Cmplete the fllwing relative clauses by cues in brackets
    PPT 16,18, 20 present the reference answers f the abve tasks.
    In Exercise IV f “Pair Wrk”, mind
    maps are explited here t get bth students thinking skills trained and their understanding f relative cnnectives deepened.
    PPT 16, Pair wrk, sentence (1)-(4),
    (1) An animal in a z will lead a life
    which is different frm an animal in the wild.
    (2)An animal in a z will lead a life that will be bring due t limited space.
    An animal in a z will lead a life in which there is n hunting.
    An animal in a z will lead a life in which it has t passively adjust t the lcal climate.
    PPT 18,Pair wrk, sentence (5)-(8)
    Animals are taken care f in the z where they are prtected frm illegal hunting.
    Animals are taken care f in the z where special materials are used t replicate their natural habitats.
    Animals are taken care f in the z where tys are exhibited t stp animals frm getting bred.
    Animals are taken care f in the z where trpical animals stay in heated tanks indrs.
    PPT 20,Pair wrk, sentence (9)-(12)
    Mst bears and snakes g hibernating in winter when their bdy temperature is very lw.
    Mst bears and snakes g hibernating in winter when there are few animals in the field.
    Mst bears and snakes g hibernating in winter when they will have a lng deep sleep.
    Mst bears and snakes g hibernating in winter when they cnsume the fat reserves during their sleep.
    PPT 22,Pair wrk, sentence (13)-(16)
    Seeing endangered animals well-prtected in the z is the reasn why a trip t the z is educatinal t students.
    Seeing endangered animals well-prtected in the z is the reasn why funds fr animal cnservatin culd be raised.
    Seeing endangered animals well-prtected in the z is the reasn why students may get invlved in animal cnservatin.
    Seeing endangered animals well-prtected in the z is the reasn why parents and kids may have fun in the z.
    Mind maps are a gd way t activate students’ memry and facilitate their speaking.
    PPT 23-26, “Link t CEEPS-2019”,
    I Cmplete the fllwing sentences and underline the relative clauses.
    The measurement excludes light frm mst f the energy efficient LED lamps that / which have been replacing sdium-vapur technlgy in cities all ver the wrld.
    2. In 2016, Falchi, alng with Kyba and several ther members f his research team, published a glbal atlas f artificial lighting that/ which shwed ne third f the wrld's ppulatin currently lives under skies t bright t see the Milky Way at night.
    PPT 24-26, Link t CEEPS-2019,
    II Read the fllwing passage. Fill in each blank with a prper sentence given in the bx. Each sentence can be used nly nce. Nte there is ne mre sentence than yu need.
    which they pay in mre ways
    than ne
    B. that yu are living in the future
    C. wh invest in the latest
    media-hyped hardware
    D. what has never been dne befre
    E. that thse devices will ever be
    It is undeniable: being amng the first t try ut a new piece f technlgy is cl. There’s the thrill f ding (D) what has never been dne befre - the feeling (B) that yu are living in the future. And when yu’re the sle member f yur scial circle with the latest ht gadget, peple stare in fascinatin. They ask yu questins.
    They see yu as the hlder f pwerful, secret knwledge, - fr a little while, until the next big thing cmes alng. Peple tend t underestimate the csts f this temprary clness, (A) which they pay in mre ways than ne. Dn’t fall int the early adpter trap. Dn’t jin the first wave f cnsumers (C) wh invest in the latest media-hyped hardware, instead, wait and see.
    Keys: 1 D 2 B 3 A 4C ×E
    PPT 27, Summary,
    √ Relative clauses intrduced by
    when, where and why, and “prep. + which”
    √ In relative clauses,
    when = in/during/at/frm which; where = in / at / n which why = fr which
    √ “prep. + which” pattern - mre
    frmal in relative clause.

    PPT 28, Hmewrk
    Make a dialgue talking abut zs, in which:
    1. a relative clause intrduced by “when” is used.
    2. a relative clause intrduced by “wh” is used.
    3. a relative clause intrduced by “where” is used.
    (2) Let’s d it;
    (3) Dialgue Time
    (4) Pair Wrk
    (5) Link t
    All these activities can be carried ut individually, in pair wrk r grup wrk.
    Students shuld take ntes here, especially f the use f relative adverbs – when, where, why and the relevant patterns f “prep. + which”.
    Particularly, ne pint shuld be nted by students – relative adverbs serve as adverbials f the relative clauses.
    In the “prep. + which” pattern, the chice f “prepsitin” depends n bth the verb and the adverbial f the relative clause.
    In “Let’s d it”, students shall be given enugh time t pnder n each cmplex sentence. Pair wrk, grup wrk are encuraged here.
    (1) Students shall first chse the main clause in the tw sentences.
    (2) Students shall decide where the relative clause starts.
    (3) Students shall decide the relative adverbs.
    (4) Students shall cmplete the task and split ne sentence int tw separate nes withut changing the riginal meaning.
    In Exercise III f
    “Dialgue Time”,
    students need t make up a relative clause using hints in the brackets.
    (1) Students shall try t get thrugh the meaning f the sentences.
    (2) Students shall decide what t chse - relative prnuns r relative adverbs;
    (3) Students shall ntice what infrmatin is left ut in the brackets if a relative clause is made up.
    (4) When the sentence subjects and bjects are nt missing in a relative clause, we shuld cnsider a relative adverb.
    Students are given time t think ver hw t make up the sentences using these cues.
    Students may discver that sentence (1)-(4) are relative clauses intrduced by which / that, in which;
    Students may discver that sentence (5)-(8) are relative clauses intrduced by “where”;
    Students may discver that sentence (9)-(12) are relative clauses intrduced by “when”;
    Students may discver that sentence (13)-(16) are relative clauses intrduced by “why”;
    Exercise I f “Link t CEEPS-2019” is a bit easy in relative cnnectives chice but a bit difficult in sentence understanding.
    Students shall apply strategies learned in Relative Clause I in deciding what t chse, leaving the lng unnecessary infrmatin aside.
    Exercise II f “Link t CEEPS-2019” is anther textual-level exercise f relative clause.
    This is the hardest exercise f Perid 3.
    Students are allwed t refer t dictinaries r have a grup discussin befre they cmplete the task.
    Students shall ntice that the chice f the first blank is an bject clause while the secnd is an appsitive clause
    In summary, students shall think ver what have been listed, and take sme ntes if necessary.
    “Grammar Highlight” is designed fr teachers t elabrate n grammar pints.
    Relative clause II is cncerned with “relative adverbs” that are different frm “relative prnuns”;
    Students are suppsed t take it seriusly.
    “Let’s d it” is designed as the beginning level exercise fcusing n structures f relative clause.
    Exercise III f
    “Dialgue Time” is designed fr students t d mre practice n relative clause n a textual level.
    Sme strategies like what relative cnnectives shall be chsen t intrduce a relative clause is taught here.
    In “Pair Wrk”, questins are encuraged and teacher and students interactins may increase here.
    Exercise IV is designed t practise students skills in deciding n relative prnuns and relative adverbs.
    Exercise II f “Link t CEEPS-2019” is designed t fr students t recgnize different clauses - bject clause (宾语从句), appsitive clause (同位语从句) and relative clause (定语从句), which is a key pint t be elabrated later;
    meanwhile, sme reading skills and strategies are demanded t cmplete the task.
    Summary is designed fr the cnvenience f reviewing what we have learned tday as well as fr students t d checklist.
    1. jining tw sentences int ne using relative clause;
    2. highlighting the frmatin f a
    relative clause intrduced by relative
    3. explaining and interpreting the use
    f relative adverbs – when, where,
    why, and “prep. + which”;
    Dialgue Time: making up a relative clause using infrmatin in the brackets in cnversatins;
    In “Pair Wrk”, practising making up relative clauses intrduced by “wh, that/which, when, where, why, and prep. + which, etc.”
    6. Fur ut f five chices - chsing
    the prper clauses in a textual level;
    7. a summary f relative clause II;
    1. jining tw sentences int ne using relative clause;
    2. splitting ne sentence int tw t discver the structure f relative clause intrduced by relative adverbs;
    3. using different relative adverbs t begin a relative clause in a cnversatin;
    4. using different relative adverbs and relative prnuns t begin a relative clause;
    5. applying textual reading strategies and relative clause markers t make a chice.
    6. using wrld knwledge as a glbal reading strategy when encuntering a text-level relative clause exercise.
    Perid 3 fcuses n Relative Clause (Part II).
    relative clauses intrduced by relative prnuns;
    2. intrducing relative clauses that begin with relative adverbs;
    3. illustrating the functins f relative adverbs;
    4. nting the difference between bject clause and relative clause;
    5. teaching strategies in deciding relative cnnectives;
    6. teaching strategies f recgnizing relative clause in a textual level;
    7. activating students’ critical thinking glbally in all aspects f relative clauses;
    Relative cnnectives (关系连词):
    relative prnuns(关系代词): wh, that, which, whm, whse;
    2. relative adverbs (关系副词): when, where, why
    3. prepsitin + which pattern;
    4. bject clause vs. relative clause;
    5. cntextual clues: 上下文线索
    6. reading strategies: 阅读策略

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