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    上外版2020高中英语必修二Unit 2 animals period 7教案
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    上外版(2020)Unit 2 Animals教学设计

    这是一份上外版(2020)Unit 2 Animals教学设计,共13页。

    Perid 7 教学设计
    Critical Thinking & Further Explratin
    Critical Thinking & Further Explratin
    Unit 2
    Senir Grade 1
    Critical Thinking is designed t train students t see things frm a different perspective.
    Further Explratin is fr students t d sme research n zs, wildlife reserves and animal prtectin in the wrld.
    1. Knwledge bjectives: learning t see things frm a different perspective;
    learning t d sme research wrk nline;
    Skill bjectives: gather infrmatin and grup infrmatin;
    listening by predicting cntent by viewing images and subtitles;
    3. Emtinal bjectives: lve animals; preserve the diversities f creatures;
    4. Thinking quality bjectives: think frm a different perspective;
    research n ways t prtect varieties f animals all ver the wrld;
    understanding sme hard language pints like:
    “He is much bigger, but she has mre t lse”.
    “Therm-pwer is what makes Yellw Stne tick”.
    intrducing the cncept f critical thinking and sme f its basic natures (属性)
    presenting pictures fr students t interpret frm different perspectives;
    1. getting a taste f critical thinking;
    2. interpreting the pictures frm different perspectives
    1. critical thinking as a gal f educatin;
    2. critical thinking meaning tlerance f different pinins;
    PPT 5-6, “Reflectin Time”
    Reflect n what yu have learned in
    this unit and make a list f different ways animals are treated. If yu were an animal living with humans, hw wuld yu like t be treated? Sme examples are given belw.
    Hw animals are treated:
    √ kept in the z
    √ trained fr entertainment
    √ fed with fd
    √ kept in warm tanks
    √ Sme pets are deserted, and becme stray dgs r cats, etc.
    √ Sme wunded animals are cared fr, like Dindim.
    Hw animals might want t be treated
    I want t live with my wn kind / species.
    I want t be free t d things I like instead f being trained fr entertainment.
    I want t hunt fr fd.
    I want t g back t the sea.
    I want t be taken cared f by the
    wner and have a hme.
    I want t be treated tenderly.
    PPT 7-12, “Reflectin Time”
    II. Cmpare an animal's needs with the way humans treat it. Try t find pssible ways t develp a harmnius relatinship between humans and animals.
    PPT 7, “Reflectin Time”
    Way ut 1 “Natinal Park System”
    riginated frm the U.S.;
    preserving the natural, cultural resurces unimpaired;
    fr the enjyment, educatin, and inspiratin f this and future generatins
    PPT 8, “Reflectin Time”
    Natinal Parks in the Wrld
    1. large areas f public land;
    2. a safe hme fr lcal plants and
    3. help keep the air and water clean;
    giving peple the best field trips;
    sme famus natinal parks like the Yellw Stne Natinal Park in U.S.;Tanzania Natinal Parks in east
    PPT 9-10, “Reflectin Time”
    Way ut 2 - In China, Reserves Are Set up fr Endangered Animals and Plants.
    1. large public areas set up by the gvernment fr cnservatin f the lcal eclgical resurces including
    the landscapes, animals and plants;
    2 2. n paching (偷猎) in the natural r reserves;

    n cmmercial businesses in the natural reserves;
    prtecting the varieties f animals and plants;
    prper human assistance t multiply certain endangered species like pandas;
    educating the lcal residents t prtect endangered animals;
    n permissin fr illegal crssing f the natural reserves;
    prfessinal rescue team, staff, and vlunteers fr emergencies;
    benefiting the lcal peple by mderate turism;

    PPT 11, “Reflectin Time”
    Wlng Natural Reserve
    1. established in 1963, in Wenchuan Cunty, Aba Tibetan - Qiang Autnmus Cunty, Sichuang prvince;
    2. cvering an area f 200, 000 acres;
    3. ver 4000 varieties f plants;
    4. preserving sme endangered animal species like pandas; and sme 450 vertebrate (脊椎动物) species;

    PPT 12, “Reflectin Time”
    Pandas and the Villagers
    1. a wild baby panda cnfrnting with (对峙) a dg at the yard;
    2. the ld villager picked it up and put it n the way up t the muntain;
    3. Hwever, the baby panda lst its way. The villager carried it in a basket and sent it up t the muntain.
    PPT 13,
    Explring Animal Establishments
    The mind-map here shws why we shuld prtect animals all ver the wrld.
    Animals have rights t live free frm pain.
    Animals are imprtant t peple.
    Animals habitats are destructed due t glbal warming and pllutin.
    A sustainable future f the earth must include bth man and animals.
    PPT 14-18, Research Prject 1
    Yellw Stne Natinal Park
    Where it is:mstly in the U. S. state f Wyming (怀俄明), als extending t Mntana (蒙大拿) and Idah (爱达荷)muntain;
    What animal species can be fund:285 species f birds; ver 65 species f mammals;
    Hw the animals are treated: These animals live in the wild.
    Animal features:grizzly bears (灰熊); mi-lu deer (elks);
    PPT 15, Yellw Stne Natinal Park
    Vide clip 1
    1. the first natinal park in the wrld;
    2. tday, 26 native American tribes cnnected t this land;
    3. in the late 1700s, first Eurpean visitrs like fur traders and travelers came;
    4. In 1863, the first cnsecutive (持续不断的) settlers came fr gld.
    tribe, fur traders, cnsecutive, settlers;
    PPT 16, Yellw Stne Natinal Park
    Vide clip 2
    1. n March 1st 1872, Grant signed the Act and Yellw Stne natinal park was established;
    2. cvering an area f abut tw millin acres;
    3. varieties f wildlife: 285 species f birds, ver 65 species f mammals;
    4. Therms-features like ht springs, mud pts (泥浆泉) and steam vents(孔);

    PPT 17,
    Translate the fllwing sentence.
    Therm-pwer is what makes Yellw Stne tick.
    PPT 18, Yellw Stne Natinal Park
    Vide clip 3
    1. a mummy black bear and her cubs n their land feeding and playing
    2. A hungry male black bear is cming at them;
    3. The cubs climb n the tree fr an emergency exit;
    4. Mummy bear risks her life t defend her babies;
    5. The invader is driven away. What a tugh mm!
    PPT 19,
    Translate the fllwing sentence.
    “He is much bigger, but she has much mre t lse.”
    The subtitle reads “他很大,但是她还有更多要失去”, which is a literal translatin.
    My translatin: 公熊比母熊强壮,但母熊却不能输,她输不起。
    PPT 20-25, Research Prject 2
    Tanzania Serengeti Natinal Park
    PPT 20,
    Where it is: mstly in the nrthwestern part f Tanzania, als extending t the Kenya brder in the nrth;
    What animal species can be fund: big herbivres (食草动物) and big carnivres (吃肉动物);
    Hw the animals are treated: These animals live n the fenceless plain.
    Animal features: lins, elephants, rhins(犀牛), cheetahs(猎豹), and wildebeests(角马);
    PPT 21,
    Tanzania Serengeti Natinal Park
    1. in the nrthwestern part f Tanzania, extending t the
    Kenya brder in the nrth;
    cvering an area f ver 25,000 square kilmeters;
    famus “big five”: lins, elephants, rhins (犀牛), wildebeests, and cheetahs;
    the never-ending seasnal migratin f wildebeests;
    PPT 22,
    Tanzania Serengeti Natinal Park
    Vide clip 1
    rich plants n the plain supprting varieties f herbivres (食草动物);
    1,500,000 wildebeests 角马 predminating lives arund;
    3. Elephants live peacefully with wildebeests;
    4. rhins, zebras, buffales, giraffes(长颈鹿) and hipps (河马) enjy their grazing;
    PPT 23, Vide Clip 2
    Carnivres feed n herbivres;
    2. a liness catching a wildebeest;
    3. the larger male f the pride has the first bite; the liness and the cubs the secnd;
    4. Hyenas鬣狗, jackals豺狗 and vultures秃鹫 fllw the line;

    PPT 24, Vide clip 3
    Why the great migratin?
    1. millins f grazers gathering at the shrt grass plain f Serengeti each year;
    2. With the rain mving nrthwards, the herds fllw;
    3. the wildebeests making up the mst part f the migratin grups;
    4. Where there are fresh grass, there are wildebeests
    be in tune with the seasns 与季节保持一致
    hme in n the scent f the wet sil
    hme in n: mve r be aimed twards (a target r destinatin) with great accuracy
    make the mst f the bnanza 充分利用丰富的食物资源
    PPT 25
    Nte the synnyms and antnyms f the fllwing wrds.
    herbivres (食草动物), grazers, grass-eater
    carnivres (食肉动物), predatrs, meat-eater
    variety = diversity; varius = diverse
    pride = a grup f lins;
    be endwed = be given
    PPT 26-28, Research Prject 3
    Wlng Natural Reserve
    Where it is: in Wenchuan Cunty, Aba Tibetan - Qiang Autnmus Cunty, Sichuang prvince;
    What animal species can be fund: sme 450 vertebrate (脊椎动物) species; sme endangered animals like pandas
    Hw the animals are treated: These animals live in their habitats in the muntains except fr pandas;
    Animal features: pandas, lepards, and glden mnkeys;
    PPT 27, Wlng Natural Reserve
    Vide clip 1
    The Spring f Wlng
    1. Sme rare plants blm, like the Chinese dve tree;
    2. pandas waking up frm their winter sleep;
    3. varieties f birds living here, like the Chinese mnal pheasant (绿尾虹雉);
    4. the dense frests prviding fd and shelters fr birds;
    PPT 28, Wlng Natural Reserve
    Vide clip 2
    The Autumn f Wlng
    1. a busy seasn fr animals t stre fd fr the cming winter;
    2. lesser pandas (小熊猫), black bears, warthgs (疣猪), and mnkeys, esp. the glden mnkeys;
    3. the glden mnkey family migrating t the lw altitude wds fr fd;
    PPT 29,
    A Pster fr Serengeti
    Welcme t Serengeti
    - A Trip t Animal Paradise
    Lcatin: nrthwestern Tanzania
    Animals: famus “Big Five”
    Habitats: fenceless wild grass plain
    Feature tur: drive-in safari;
    fly-in safari;
    PPT 30, Summary
    √ Critical thinking: seeing things frm an animal's perspective
    √ Pssible ways t develp a harmnius relatinship between
    man and animals
    √ √ Way ut 1: Natinal Parks
    √ √ Way ut 2: Natural Reserves
    √ famus natinal parks and natural reserve
    √ √ The Yellw Stne Natinal Park
    √ √ The Serengeti Natinal Park
    √ √ The Wlng Natural Reserve
    PPT 31, Hmewrk:
    Recite the fllwing expressins.
    He is much bigger, but she has much mre t lse.
    herbivres (食草动物), grazers, grass-eaters;
    carnivres (食肉动物), predatrs,
    4. pride = a grup f lins (狮群)
    5. be endwed = be given (被赋予)
    6. variety = diversity; varius = diverse
    7. wait by rank 按等级排队
    8. migratin 迁徙
    9. hme in n (动物)准确地向着目的地前进

    (1) Reflectin Time;
    (2)Research prjects;
    (3) Let’s d it;
    All these activities can be carried ut individually, in pair wrk r grup wrk.
    Students shall:
    (1) review cntent relevant t hw animals are treated in unit 2;
    (2) try t think frm the perspective f animals;
    (3) reflect n hw animals might want t be treated;
    Students shall refer t bks r search nline fr mre infrmatin f natinal parks arund the wrld.
    Students are invited t present pictures r vides f natural reserves in China.
    Interactins between students, vides and teachers are welcmed.
    Students may present pictures and vides f pandas r beautiful landscapes f Wlng Natural Reserve.
    Students may be inspired t g t Wlng Natural Reserve and see pandas themselves.
    Here students may give ther additinal reasns.
    Discussins are welcmed n prtective plicies in terms f different categries f animals, like animals n farms and animals in the wild.
    Students may have difficulties in fllwing the narratr f Vide clip One.
    Repeated play f the clip is allwed, where pause may happen at any mment.
    Students are required t spt the particular sunds f wrds like “tribe”, “fur traders”,
    “cnsecutive”, etc.
    Students again face the challenge f fllwing the narratr.
    A debate is welcmed n hw t translate the phrase “make Yellw Stne tick”.
    Students may find the stry easy t fllw.
    Students here are invited t jin the discussin f hw t translate the sentence - “He is much bigger, but she has much mre t lse.”
    Students are asked t d paraphrasing first.
    What can we infer frm this sentence?

    Students shall learn the basic infrmatin f Serengeti Natinal Park.
    Students may recgnize each f the “big five”.
    Student may find Vide clip 1 easy t fllw with the subtitles f bth English and Chinese.
    Again, student may find Vide clip 2 easy t fllw with the subtitles f bth English and Chinese.
    Student may find Vide clip 3 a bit hard t fllw with nly Chinese subtitle.
    Pauses are allwed fr students t recgnize the particular sunds f wrds and phrases, which is a hard task fr students.
    Here students shuld take sme ntes and learn these new wrds and expressins.
    Students may present sme mre animals that are unique t Wlng Natural Reserve.
    Students can see sme rare birds in the vide.
    Students can see sme rare animals here in the vide, like black bear, lesser panda, and the glden mnkeys.
    Students may chse their wn favrite animal establishments and make psters f their wn.
    Students shall review here what we have learned in this unit and ask teacher fr help if there are any prblems.
    Task I is designed t review the cntent f unit 2 as well as teach students t think frm a different perspective.
    Task II f “Reflectin Time” is designed t strengthen the cncept f a sustainable c-existence f man and animals;
    Natinal parks and natural reserves are ppular ways t prtect animals and varieties f creatures in the wrld.
    WNR is given as an example f Chinese effrts t preserve natural resurces and prtect eclgical systems.
    The stry f “pandas and villagers” shws the harmnius relatinship between lcal peple and animals.
    The mind-map is designed fr students t think critically n reasns t prtect animals.
    Vide clip One is a bit hard t fllw. It’s a challenge t students’ listening skills.
    Pictures may serve as cues fr a gd guess f the cntent.
    Vide clip 2 is a bit easy t fllw. Still there are sme phrases that may be puzzling like “make Yellw Stne tick”, which is ne f the hard pints f perid 7.
    The translatin task here is the mst difficult part f perid 7.
    A paraphrase f the sentence:
    Althugh he is much bigger, she culd nt escape because if she escaped, she wuld lse all her three cubs, which is t much a cst fr her.
    Therefre, a translatin f the implicature wuld be mre apprpriate than a literal translatin here.
    This serves as an intrductin f Serengeti Natinal Park.
    Vide clip 1 here shws us the life f big grass-eaters in Serengeti.
    Vide clip 2 here shws us hw big carnivres hunt fr herbivres in Serengeti, and the fd chain n the grass plain.
    Vide clip 3 here shws us why there exists the migratin f wildebeests and hw they affect lives f ther animals in Serengeti.
    The table f antnyms and synnyms is designed fr students t enlarge vcabulary.
    Wlng Natural Reserve is presented here fr students t dig deep int cnservatin f natural resurces and animal prtectin in China.
    The task f designing a pster f ne’s favrite animal establishment is fr students t use the language t d smething.
    Summary is designed fr the cnvenience f reviewing what we have learnt tday as well as fr students t d checklist.
    1. listing what animals may want frm their perspective;
    2. reflectins n hw t build a harmnius relatinship between man and animals;;
    3. intrducing the natinal park
    system and the natural reserve
    A research prject n the Yellw
    Stne Natinal Park;
    A research prject n the Tanzania
    Serengeti Natinal Park;
    A research prject n the Wlng
    Natural Reserve;
    learning t see things frm a different perspective;
    2. reflecting n ways t build a harmnius relatinship between man and animals;
    3. learning abut the natinal park system;
    4. learning abut the Yellw Stne Natinal Park;
    5. learning abut the Serengeti Natinal Park;
    6. learning abut Wlng Natural Reserve;
    1. intrducing the multifaced nature f critical thinking;
    2. teaching students t see things frm a different perspective;
    3. shwing the successful animal prtectin prjects arund the wrld like the Yellw Stne Natinal Park, the Serengeti Natinal Park and Wlng Natural Reserve;
    4. inspiring students t engage themselves in the cause f cnservatin f natural resurces and prtectin f diversity f creatures;
    New wrds and phrases:
    1. in tune with the seasns
    make the mst f the bnanza
    He is much bigger, but she has much mre t lse.
    herbivres (食草动物), grazers, grass-eaters;
    carnivres (食肉动物), predatrs,
    6. pride = a grup f lins (狮群)
    7. be endwed = be given (被赋予)
    8. variety = diversity; varius = diverse
    9. wait by rank 按等级排队
    10. migratin 迁徙
    11. hme in n (动物)准确地向着目的地前进
    12. make Yellw Stne tick

    上外版(2020)必修 第二册Unit 2 Animals教案: 这是一份上外版(2020)必修 第二册Unit 2 Animals教案,共12页。

    高中英语上外版(2020)必修 第二册Unit 2 Animals教案设计: 这是一份高中英语上外版(2020)必修 第二册Unit 2 Animals教案设计,共13页。

    2020-2021学年Unit 2 Animals教学设计及反思: 这是一份2020-2021学年Unit 2 Animals教学设计及反思,共10页。

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