译林牛津英语9A Unit 1单词讲解课件
这是一份译林牛津英语9A Unit 1单词讲解课件,共60页。
New Words of Unit 1eat up use up 用完creative /kriˈeɪtɪv/ adj.create-creative-creationcurious /ˈkjʊəriəs/ adj.be curious aboutenergetic /ˌenəˈdʒetɪk / adj.energy-energeticmodest /ˈmɒdɪst/ adj.organized /ˈɔːɡənaɪzd/ adj.organize-organized-organizationorder /ˈɔːdə(r)/ n.keep...in orderorder 命令、预订show offshow sb. around 带某人参观show up 出现grammar /ˈɡræmə(r)/ n.come up withneither /ˈnaɪðə(r)/ conj.either 两者中任何一个nor /nɔː(r)/ conj.neither...nor...两者都不either...or...或者……或者……neither...nor...accountant /əˈkaʊntənt/ adj.born /bɔːn/ adj.be bornimpress /ɪmˈpres/ v.impress sb. with sth.impress-impressionsculpture /ˈskʌlptʃə(r)/ n.praise /preɪz/ n.sales departmentgeneral /ˈdʒen(ə)rəl/ adj.generally speaking 一般说来race /reɪs/ n.either...or...lead [liːd] n.take the leadlead tofall behindfall into fall downfall illfall asleepfall offchallenge /ˈtʃælɪndʒ/ n.challenge-challengingchief /tʃiːf/ adj.high-speedconnect /kəˈnekt/ v.connect to/withmiss /mɪs/ n.miss doingas good asas well as 和、除……之外attention /əˈtenʃ(ə)n/ n.pay attention to 注意standard /ˈstændəd/ n.pioneer /ˌpaɪəˈnɪə(r)/ n.young pioneer 少先队员surgeon /ˈsɜːdʒən/ n.carelessness / ˈkeələsnəs / n.care-careful/careless-carelessnessextra /ˈekstrə/ adj.devote /dɪˈvəʊt/ v.devote oneself to (doing) sth.be devoted to (doing) sth.respect /rɪˈspekt/ v.show respect forsuitable /ˈsuːtəb(ə)l/ adj.be suitable forfit 尺寸、大小适合match 颜色、款式适合suit 条件、需求、口味适合 partner /ˈpɑːtnə(r)/ n.impatient /ɪmˈpeɪʃ(ə)nt/ adj.patient-patience-patiently-impatientthink twicethink ofthink sboutthink overdo the disheslunar /ˈluːnə(r)/ adj.calendar /ˈkælɪndə(r)/ adj.animal signrepresent /ˌreprɪˈzent/ adj.=stand forappear /əˈpɪə(r)/ v.appear-appearance-disappearfixed /fɪkst/ adj.cycle /ˈsaɪk(ə)l/ n.powerful /ˈpaʊəf(ə)l/ adj.lively /ˈlaɪvli/ adj.alive 活着的living 活生生的live 直播地practical /ˈpræktɪkl/ adj.practice-practicalloyal /ˈlɔɪəl/ adj.be loyal toin allnot at all first of allabove allafter allstar signdivide /dɪˈvaɪd/ v.divide...into...be divided intoshape /ʃeɪp/ v.shape 形状speech /spiːtʃ/ n.make a speechabsent /ˈæbsənt/ adj.absent-absencebe absent frommonitor /ˈmɒnɪtə(r)/ n.position /pəˈzɪʃn/ n.agree withagree to sth.agree on sth.