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    外研版英语必修3 Module 5 第1课时 PPT课件+练习01
    外研版英语必修3 Module 5 第1课时 PPT课件+练习02
    外研版英语必修3 Module 5 第1课时 PPT课件+练习03
    外研版英语必修3 Module 5 第1课时 PPT课件+练习04
    外研版英语必修3 Module 5 第1课时 PPT课件+练习05
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    外研版英语必修3 Module 5 第1课时 PPT课件+练习01
    外研版英语必修3 Module 5 第1课时 PPT课件+练习02
    外研版英语必修3 Module 5 第1课时 PPT课件+练习03
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    外研版必修3Module 5 Great people and Great Invention说课ppt课件

    这是一份外研版必修3Module 5 Great people and Great Invention说课ppt课件,文件包含Module5第1课时ppt、Module5第1课时doc等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共60页, 欢迎下载使用。

    Great Peple and Great Inventins f Ancient China
    1.1.1 集合的概念
    第一课时 Intrductin & Reading
    Ⅰ.写出黑体单词在句中的含义并识记1.We hpe that every ne in the cuntry can get an equal chance t take a jb.(   )2.She is a new teacher and ften finds it hard t keep rder in the classrm.(  )3.The man has held the psitin as an assistant manager fr nearly three years.(  )
    4.He has been stressing hw effective the medicine is withut mentining the side effect it prbably has.(  )5.He resigned as adviser in the cmpany because f his bad health.(  )6.This is the mst influential bk I have ever read in the past ten years.(   )
    Ⅱ.根据汉语释义补全下列短语1.与……交战    be________war________2.与……相类似 be similar ________3.抚养,教育 bring________4.听从某人的建议 ________ne's advice5.与……不同 be different________6.在某些方面 ________sme ways7.周游列国 travel________state________state8.照顾 lk________
    Ⅲ.完成句子1.Treat thers in________yu want t be treated.己所不欲,勿施于人。2.Mencius had imprtant gvernment psitins,and______________.孟子在政府中担任过要职,墨子也是。
    3.But____________________there were many great philsphers.但是就在那个时代也出现了很多伟大的哲学家。4.Mencius believed that_________________man is different frm animals________man is gd.孟子认为人区别于动物的原因就在于人性本善。
    it was als a time when
    the reasn why
    Ⅳ.语篇理解Step 1 IntrductinThe fllwing are sme beliefs f sme great ancient philsphers and match them with their Chinese meanings.1.Man is brn gd.(  )2.All human beings are equal.(  )3.The family is imprtant.We are members f a grup.(  )
    4.Treat thers in the way yu want t be treated.(  )5.Peple are mre imprtant than rulers.(  )6.We shuld lve all human beings.(  )A.民贵君轻   B.家天下C.人性本善D.己所不欲,勿施于人E.兼爱 F.众生平等
    Step 2 Fast­readingFill in the blanks accrding t the passage.
    Step 3 Careful­readingⅠ.Read the passage and answer the questin.What did all the philsphers mentined in the passage believe in?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Ⅱ.Chse the best answer accrding t the passage.1.What is the similarity f Cnfucius and Mzi?A.They lived in the same perid f time.B.They held the same view that the gvernment was mst imprtant.C.They had the same idea f kindness.D.They were brn pr.
    2.What is the difference between Cnfucius and Mencius?A.Their teachings.B.They thught man is gd.C.Their ideas.D.The ideas abut rulers and peple.3.________believed that all men were equal.A.Mzi      B.CnfuciusC.Mencius D.Philsphers
    4.Which f the fllwing is right accrding t the passage?A.Cnfucius was the teacher f Mencius and Mzi.B.Mzi stressed the imprtance f kindness.C.Mencius hated the rulers wh treated peple badly.D.Cnfucius was brught up by his mther alne.
    Step 4 SummaryFill in the blanks accrding t the passage.Cnfucius's 1.________is that he believed that 2.________,duty and 3.________played an imprtant part in sciety.His ideas have influenced Chinese sciety fr ver that the reasn why man is different frm animals is that man is thught that peple were mre 7.__________________than rulers,and hated the state when it treated peple badly.Mzi cnsidered that 8.__________was f great imprtance.He believed all men were taught that we shuld lve all human beings and lk after thse wh are 10.________than urselves.
    Step 5 DiscussinWhy d peple all ver the wrld want t knw mre abut the thughts f Cnfucius?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    答案:Step 1 1.C 2.F 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.EStep 2 1.Cnfucius's 2.Mencius's 3.Mzi'sStep 3Ⅰ.The imprtance f kindness,duty and rder in sciety; man is kind and the imprtance f gvernment.Ⅱ.1.B 2.D 3.A 4.CStep 4 1.ideas/teachings 2.kindness 3.rder 4.2,000 5.Mencius 6.gd 7.imprtant 8.gvernment 9.equal 10.weaker
    Step 5(1)Cnfucius is the philspher whse influence has been the greatest in China.(2)He stressed the imprtance f kindness,duty and rder in sciety and Chinese sciety was influenced by these ideas fr mre than 2,000 years.(3)As far as I am cncerned,if human beings want t survive in the 21st century,we have t seek wisdm frm Cnfucius.
    1.imprtance n. [U]重要,重要性①The imprtance f telling the truth cannt be dubted.讲真话的重要性是毋庸置疑的。②The student hasn't recgnized the imprtance f English.这个学生尚未意识到英语的重要性。
    归纳“be f+抽象名词”结构:be f imprtance(=imprtant)重要的be f help(=helpful)有帮助的be f use(=useful)有用的be f value(=valuable)有价值的be f interest(=interesting)有趣的be f hpe(=hpeful)有希望的注意:“be+f+抽象名词”结构中抽象名词前可根据需要加上一些形容词,如great,n,little,much,sme等。
    即学即用语法填空The achievements f this research will be f great____________(imprtant)fr the develpment f human civilizatin.答案:imprtance 句意:该研究成果将对人类文明的发展极为重要。imprtance“重要”,be f great imprtance意为“极为重要”,符合题意。
    2.equal adj.相等的;相同的;能胜任的 v.相等;抵得上;敌得过Men and wmen have equal rights in China.在中国,男女权利平等。
    ①Cut the apple int 3 equal pieces.把苹果等分切成三块。②Mary is quite equal t Bill in brains.玛丽和比尔同样聪明。③Nne f us can equal her,either in beauty r as a dancer.不管是容貌还是舞艺我们都比不上她。拓展1)be equal t sth./ding sth.等于;能胜任2)be withut equal无与伦比;无敌3)equally adv.同样地;相等地
    即学即用完成句子(1)他能胜任管理办公室的工作。He________________________running the ffice.(2)我希望他最后能应付这一挑战。I hpe that he prves________________the challenge.答案:(1)is equal t (2)equal t
    语法填空(3)Yu can depend n it that I'm trying t d what is best,but________I have gt t cnsider the cst.答案:equally equally“同样地,相等地”,符合句意。句意:我将尽我最大的努力去做好这一点,你可以放心,但是同样地我也会去考虑费用。
    3.state1)n.(1) [C]状态;情形the state f the natin 国家的形势the state f ne's health 健康的状况a happy state f ne's mind 某人愉快的心情(2)(常大写)国家;政府Shuld industry be cntrlled by the State?工业应受政府管制吗?
    (3)matters f state 国家事务(4)(常大写)州the 50 states f the US 美国的五十个州2)v.(尤指正式地)说;陈述;叙述①State yur name and address.请说出你的名字和地址。②The bk states the case fr wmen's right very clearly.这本书对女权的问题叙述得很清楚。
    词语辨析cuntry,natin与state三个词都有“国家”之意。1)cuntry侧重疆土、国土,是地理意义上的国家。France and Switzerland are Eurpean cuntries.法国和瑞士是欧洲国家。
    2)natin侧重人民,指“民族”。In 1790 the new natin had fewer than fur millin peple.1790年这个新成立的国家的人口不到四百万。3)state侧重政权,指“政府”。In China,the railways are wned by the state.在中国,铁路是国有的。
    即学即用语法填空The railways were nce privately wned,but are nw under ________ cntrl(国家的).答案:state
    4.stress vt. 强调;施压于;使紧张①I must stress that we haven't much time.我必须强调我们没有多少时间了。②The weight stressed the bridge t the pint f damaging it.载重负荷把桥压得达到损坏的程度了。③When yu're nt stressed,yu can be mre prductive.只有在不紧张的时候你才会更有创造力。
    ③The detective placed great stress n details.侦探特别强调细节。be under great stress 压力很大He is under great stress because f his new jb.新工作使他感到压力很大。
    即学即用完成句子(1)英语老师强调了阅读的重要性。The English teacher________the imprtance f reading.(2)政府着重于福利事业。The gvernment________________________welfare wrk.(3)新的工作使他感到压力很大。He is________________________because f the new jb.答案:(1)stressed (2)lays/puts/places stress n (3)under great stress
    语法填空(4)Susan was cmpletely weighted dwn by the________f examinatins.答案:stress 句意:苏珊完全被考试的压力压垮了。stress“压力”,符合句意。
    5.rder1)n. 次序;顺序;状况;工作状况in rder f...照(依)……排列in rder f size/imprtance 按大小/重要性排列ut f rder 不整齐;状况不佳in gd rder 井井有条in rder 处于正常情况;情况良好;整齐keep rder 维护秩序注意:以上短语中不使用冠词。
    2)vt. 命令;吩咐(1)跟不定式的复合结构。The emperr rdered them t wrk at nce.皇帝命令他们马上干活。(2)跟带介词短语或副词的复合结构。He rdered us t the frnt.他命令我们奔赴前线。(3)跟从句(从句中用(shuld)+动词原形)。He rdered that we(shuld)d it at nce.他命令我们马上做此事。
    (4)跟名词。The chairman rdered silence.主席要大家安静。3)vt. 叫(菜等);定(订)货It's time we rdered dinner.现在该点饭菜了。4)n. 命令;吩咐(常用复数)The pliceman gave rders t the thief t take ut the things he had stlen.警察命令小偷把所偷的东西交出来。
    知识拓展in rder t/that 为了……place an rder fr sth.with sb.向某人订购……rder sb.t d sth.命令某人干某事
    即学即用完成句子①It seemed that everything was_________(出毛病)in my persnal life.②Three vlunteers frm a lcal university were standing at the entrance,______________(维持秩序).
    ③他的父亲规定他要用英文写日记。His father rdered that he________a diary in English.④我向他们订购了500双鞋。I________________with them_______500 pairs f shes.答案:①ut f rder ②keeping rder ③(shuld)keep ④placed an rder;fr
    语法填空⑤________(rder)make her father angry,Janna didn't dare t tell him her pr grades.答案:In rder nt t 句意:为了不让她的爸爸生气,乔安娜没敢告诉他自己糟糕的分数。in rder t表示“为了”,在句中作目的状语,其否定形式在t前加nt。
    6.resign n. 辞去(职务);v.辞去,辞职①Miss Wang resigned her psitin as secretary.王女士辞去了秘书职务。②The president was frced t resign.总统被迫辞职。搭配resign frm ffice/a jb 辞职He resigned frm his ffice because f the lw salary.他因为工资太低,辞职了。
    联想retire vi. 退休①My father retired at the age f 60.我父亲60岁时退休了。②She retired early frm teaching.她从教学岗位上提前退休了。
    即学即用翻译句子她只好听天由命了。_______________________________________________答案:She resigned herself t her fate.
    7.principle n. [C]原则;准则;原理①We all stick t the principle that everyne was brn equal.我们都坚持人人生来平等这一原则。②He desn't tell anyne the secret n principle.他根据自己的准则,没有告诉任何人这个秘密。
    知识拓展固定搭配:1)in principle原则上;大体上①We accept the item in principle.我们在原则上接受了这个条款。②We agree in principle but we dislike yur methds.大体上我们同意,但我们不喜欢你的方法。2)n principle 根据原则/准则He dealt with the prblem n principle.他根据既定原则处理了那个问题。
    即学即用完成句子His thery is based n(基于)the________(法则)that every cin has tw sides.答案:principle principle“法则,理论”,n the principle that“根据……理论”。句意:他的理论建立在事物都有两面性的基础之上。
    8.influential adj. 有影响的,有势力的Her ideas were very influential.她的观点很有影响力。知识拓展influence v. 对……有影响 n.影响力;影响;势力;常与ver/n连用。①My teacher influenced my decisin t study art.我的老师影响我学习艺术的决定。②A teacher has great influence n his students.老师对学生很有影响。
    即学即用完成句子(1)我们的报纸在本市有很大影响力。Our newspaper is an________newspaper in this city.(2)父母能对孩子的生活价值观有很大的影响。Parents can________their children greatly n the value f life.Parents can________________________their children n the value f life.答案:(1)influential (2)influence;have great influence n
    9.fund v. 建立,创立,创办This business cmpany was funded in 1724.这家商业公司建立于1724年。词语辨析:fund,set up,build1)fund主要用于创立机构、组织或理论。①They funded a cllege.他们创办了一所大学。②His thery is funded n facts.他的理论建立在事实的基础上。
    2)set up是口语用词,同fund,表示“建立、成立组织机构”,亦可表示“树起,搭起”。A new gvernment was set up after the war.新政府于战后成立。3)build为普通用词,主要指“修建、建筑”,常接huse,rad,bridge等,也可与表示抽象事物的名词scialism,hpe等连用。The huse is built f wd.这房子是用木头建造的。
    即学即用选用fund/set up/build中正确的词填空(1)We have________tw large teaching buildings.(2)When was the new city________?(3)The village has________tw middle schls.(4)The Chinese peple are________scialism with Chinese characteristics.(5)The Peple's Republic f China was________in 1949.答案:(1)built (2)funded/built (3)set up/funded (4)building (5)funded
    1.believe in 相信;信仰;信任believe in sth./sb.信任某物/某人believe in Gd 相信上帝的存在believe in ding sth.肯定某事物的价值或正确性
    词语辨析believe与believe in1)believe表示“相信某人的话;相信某事”,believe sb.= believe what sb.says 相信某人的话;2)believe in常表示“信任;信仰”,多指品德上的相信。①I believe in yu,s I believe what yu said.我信任你,因此我相信你说的话。②I dn't believe that everyne believes in Gd.我相信,并非每个人都信仰上帝。
    即学即用语法填空Smetimes,we________what ne says but we can't ______ him.答案:believe;believe in
    2.be at war with与……交战①Ancient China was a place where states were ften at war with each ther.古代中国各诸侯国之间经常发生战争。②In 1920,Pland and Russia were still at war.1920年,波兰和苏联仍然在交战。
    ③Cuntries shuld never g t war with each ther t slve disagreement.国家之间绝不应该为解决分歧而开战。④In the past,Kings f small states used t declare war n their neighbrs.过去,一些小国的国王经常向邻国宣战。归纳be at war处于战争状态g t war进入战争状态,诉诸武力declare war n/upn向……宣战
    名师点津“at+不带冠词的名词”小聚会“at+不带冠词的名词”表示“从事某工作”或“处于某种状态”,如be at dinner/at lunch/table在吃饭be at play在玩be at wrk在工作be at meeting在开会be at schl在上学be at rest在休息be at peace处于和平状态
    即学即用完成句子①政府军仍在河谷附近与反对者交战。The gvernment trps ________ still ________________the ppnents near the valley.②你怎么能做到与邻居和睦相处,连一个小的争吵都没有呢?Hw can yu live________________________all the neighburs withut even a small quarrel?
    ③工作中的关系往往是快乐的关键。Relatinships________________can be the key t happiness.④在进餐的人们似乎在谈论什么有趣的事情。The peple________________seemed t be talking abut smething interesting.答案:①were;at war with ②at peace with ③at wrk ④at table
    语法填空⑤There was________time when the tw cuntries were at________war.答案:a;/ 句意:有一段时间这两个国家处于战争状态。there was a time when...,表示“有一段时间……”,time表示“时期”是可数名词;be at war处于战争状态,war前面不能加冠词。
    3.bring up养育;抚养;培养;提出①He was brught up by his grandparents.他是由祖父母抚养大的。②She brught up five children.她养育了5个孩子。③I want t bring up again the first pint.我想重提一下第一点。
    知识拓展相关搭配:1)bring abut带来,引起The refrm has brught abut great changes t ur cuntry.改革给我国带来了巨大变化。2)bring in引进They brught in new technlgy frm abrad.他们引进了国外的新技术。
    3)bring ut 出版;使出现The publishers are ging t bring ut a new editin f that bk.出版商打算出版那本书的新版本。bring dwn降低They tried their best t bring dwn the price.他们千方百计降低价格。
    即学即用语法填空①Brn int a family with three brthers,David was__________t value the sense f sharing.答案:brught up 考查动词短语。句意:出生在一个三兄弟家庭,戴维受到了要看重与人分享的教育。bring up教育,养育,符合句意。
    选择合适的bring短语填空。②I'll give yu an aspirin t__________________yur temperature.③She tried repeatedly t________________the subject f mney.④His nervus breakdwn was________________by stress.⑤Hw much is she__________________every mnth?答案:②bring dwn ③bring up ④brught abut⑤bringing in
    1.Mencius had imprtant gvernment psitins,and s did Mzi.孟子在政府中身居要位,墨子也是如此.句中的s did Mzi是常用的倒装句型。意为“墨子也是如此”。“s+助动词/be动词/情态动词+主语”表示前面所说的肯定的情况也同样适用于后者,意为“……也……”。
    ①I saw the film last week,and s did she.上星期我看了这部电影,她也看了。(助动词)②She is a student.S am I.她是学生,我也是。(be动词)③I can speak English,and s can Tm.我会说英语,汤姆也会。(情态动词)注意:“neither/nr+助动词/be动词/情态动词+主语”表示前面所说的否定的情况也同样适用于后者,意为“……也不……”。I dn't like watching TV.Neither des my sister.我不喜欢看电视,我姐姐也不喜欢。
    即学即用语法填空—My rm gets very cld at night.—S________mine.答案:des 句意:“我的房间晚上很冷。”“我的也是。”当表示前者情况也适用于后者时应用“s+助动词/情态动词+主语”结构,与gets对应的助动词是des。
    2.Mencius was a thinker whse teachings were very similar t thse f Cnfucius.孟子是一位思想家,他的理论和孔子的理论很相似。本句中,whse引导定语从句,在从句修饰teachings,先行词为a thinker。thse此处用来替代前面句中提到的teachings,以避免重复。指代前面提到的单数可数名词或不可数名词用that,指代可数名词复数用thse,that或thse后常用后置定语。
    ①The land f China is larger than that f America.中国的陆地面积比美国大。(that指代land)②The students in ur class did better than thse in yurs.我们班的学生比你们班的学生做得好。(thse指代students)thse prp.那些[替代上文的“the+名词复数”,常用于thse f...]①The unemplyment figures f this year are clse t thse f the year befre last.今年的失业人数与前年接近。②His shulders were brad like thse f a wrestler.他的双肩和摔跤手一样宽。
    辨析thse,nes①Our cmputers are as gd as thse made in America.我们生产的电脑和美国生产的一样好。②Students wh d well in examinatins are the nes wh always ask questins in class.考试成绩好的是那些上课爱问问题的学生。
    即学即用语法填空(1)In China,the number f cities is increasing ________ develpment is recgnized acrss the wrld.(关系词)答案:whse 句意:在中国,发展成就得到世界认可的城市数量日益增加。所填项引导从句作定语修饰cities,并且在从句中作develpment的定语,故用whse引导。本题中因谓语部分is increasing短语,为保持句子平衡而将定语从句置于谓语后,形成分隔式定语从句。
    (2)At ur factry there are a few machines similar t ________ described in this magazine.(代词)答案:thse 句意:我们工厂有一些机器与该杂志中描述的那些相似。代词在此特指同名异物可数名词复数machines,故应用thse。
    3.Mencius believed that the reasn why man is different frm animals is that man is gd.孟子认为人不同于动物的原因是人是善良的。第一个that引导宾语从句,在宾语从句中又含有why引导的定语从句和that引导的表语从句。The reasn that...……的理由是……The reasn why he was absent frm the meeting was that he was ill.他缺席会议是因为他病了。
    知识拓展1)reasn作先行词被定语从句修饰时,引导定语从句的关系词要根据定语从句中所缺的成分确定。定语从句缺少原因状语,使用why或fr which;定语从句中缺少主语、宾语,定语从句应使用that或which或省略。I wn't accept the reasn(that/which)he explained fr his being late.我不会接受他对于他的迟到所做的解释。
    2)The reasn that...其中that引导表语从句,不可以换用because。The reasn why he was late was that he met with an accident n the rad.他迟到的原因是他在路上遭遇了一起事故。3)because引导原因状语从句。He was late because he met with an accident n the rad.他因为在路上遭遇了一起事故而迟到了。
    4)That is because...中because引导的表语从句表述原因;That is why...中why引导的表语从句表述结果。①He was late.That was because he met with an accident n the rad.他迟到了。那是因为他在路上遭遇了一起事故。②He met with an accident n the rad.That was why he was late.他在路上遭遇了一起事故。那就是他迟到的原因。
    即学即用语法填空One reasn fr her preference fr city life is ________ she can have easy access t places like shps and restaurants.答案:that 此处考查的是表语从句。考查that引导表语从句的用法。此处that不可以省略。
    Ⅰ.单词拼写1.It is almst unnecessary t say that the great bks are the mst________(有影响的)bks.2.One f the________(原则)f slving prblems is t be hnest.3.The________(重要)f washing ne's hands is that it prevents inflectin.4.There are frty students in the class,________(平均地)divided between bys and girls.
    5.I admired him because f his________(善良)t thers.6.Shakespeare is a dramatist,and sme say he is a______________(哲学家),t.7.Cnfucius is ne f China's greatest________(思想家)and educatinists.8.We will make great effrts t imprve the________(秩序)f the turism market.9.He tld me that he had had wrds with the manager and had lst his________(辞职).
    10.After three years withut prmtin,he decided he'd had enugh and________(职位).答案:1.influential 2.principles 3.imprtance 4.equally 5.kindness 6.philspher 7.thinkers 8.rder 9.psitin 10.resigned
    Ⅱ.用合适的介词或副词填空1.Thugh brn and brught________in America,he can speak fluent Chinese.2.He is famus________his funny fairy tales,which are ppular all ver the wrld.3.Here,the wrd“it”refers________a dg that is very clever.4.The inventin f printing caused imprtant changes______sciety.答案:1.up 2.fr 3.t 4.in
    Ⅲ.语法填空1.He dubted whether she wuld be________t the task,s she was nt admitted.答案:equal 句意:他怀疑她是否称职,因此没接纳她。短语be equal t sth.表示“胜任某事”。2.The meeting is being held at a time________the wrld is lking fr a new kind f balance between nature and cities.答案:when 考查定语从句的关系词。此处time作先行词,其在定语从句中作时间状语。句意:会议是在一个全世界正在寻找新的自然和城市平衡的时代举行。
    3. —Listen,there is sme strange nise.This machine must be________rder.—I think s.Yu must have it checked.答案:ut f ut f rder出故障。根据“你必须让人检查一下”判断用ut f rder。4.Why didn't yu bring________the prblem at the meeting s that we culd discuss it tgether?答案:up 句意:你为什么不在会上提出那个问题,以便我们能一块讨论呢?bring up“提出”,符合句意。
    5.It is t bad fr smene in such a high________in the gvernment t behave badly in public.答案:psitin 考查名词词义。psitin职位;此处smene in such a high psitin意为:有如此高职位的人。6.He________his psitin as the manager f the department because he was ffered a better jb.答案:resigned 从题干中because he was ffered a better jb可推知resigned(辞职)符合语境。
    7. What d yu think f the reasns________he explained at the meeting________reducing the price?答案:that;fr 分析reasn后的定语从句可以看出,定语从句中的谓语动词explained缺少宾语,因此第一空应该填that或which。第二空的介词fr表示“……的理由或原因”。8.________(influence)by the grwing interest in nature,mre and mre peple enjy utdr sprts.答案:Influenced 考查过去分词作状语。句意:受越来越对自然感兴趣的影响,越来越多的人们喜欢户外运动。influence与peple之间是动宾关系,所以用过去分词。
    9.All the members f the WTO shuld fllw the________f trust and fair trade.答案:principles 考查名词。句意:WTO的所有成员都应该遵守信任与公平贸易的原则。principles“原则”,符合句意。10.Every year CCTV chses ten________influential figures amng the rdinary peple,whse deeds can mve China.答案:mst 考查形容词最高级。句意:每年中央电视台都要在普通人中间评选10位最具影响的人物,他们的事迹能够感动中国。

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