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    高中英语外研版必修3Module 3 The Violence of Nature教课内容ppt课件

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    The Vilence f Nature
    1.1.1 集合的概念
    第一课时 Intrductin & Reading
    Ⅰ.写出黑体单词在句中的含义1.Many peple had lst all in the disaster.(  )2.Smking can cause lung cancer.(  )3.We will buy sme furniture fr ur new huse.(  )4.The bat sank in a vilent strm at sea.(   )5.Peple in Syria is experiencing sufferings.(  )6.We buried the general with full military hnurs.(  )7.When did the accident ccur?(  )
    8.Many huses were destryed by the fld.(  )9.She was struck dead by lightning.(  )10.Near the cemetery between the trees,there is smething that shines.(  )
    Ⅱ.补全短语1.find________   弄明白2.refer________ 参考;提及3.because________ 因为4.________the same latitude 在同一纬度5.________all time 有史以来6.pick________ 卷起;掀起7.take________ 去掉;起飞8.________average 平均起来9.________the time 到……为止10.________the late 1890s 到19世纪90年代后期
    Ⅲ.完成句子1.They can destry huses,but _____________________ __________________.它们能毁掉房子,却把房内的家具留在原处。2.On average,there are 800 trnades in the US each year,_____________________________________.平均来说,美国每年发生800次龙卷风,造成大约80人死亡、1500人受伤。
    leave the furniture inside
    exactly where it was
    causing abut 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries
    3.___________it ended,mre than 700 peple__________ _______and 2,700______________.风停时,已有700多人死亡,2700人受伤。
    By the time
    had been injured
    Ⅳ.语篇理解Step 1 Lk at the fllwing pictures.D yu knw what happened in each picture?
    Step 2 Fast­readingChse the best answer accrding t the passage.1.Which statement is NOT true?A.The wrst trnad f all time ccurred in the US in 1925.B.Hurricanes usually ccur in the suthern Atlantic Ocean,the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf f Mexic.C.Hurricanes usually affect the west cast f the US.D.The Irish actr,Charles Cghlan,died ne year befre the 1900 Galvestn hurricane struck.
    2.In 1925 the wrst trnad f all time affected the fllwing US states EXCEPT________.A.Texas     B.MissuriC.IllinisD.Indiana3.On average,trnades cause abut________deaths and ________injuries in the US each year.A.6,000;3,600B.6,000;37,000C.700;2,700D.80;1,500
    4.Which f the fllwing happened mst recently?A.The wrst trnad which affected three US states.B.The wrst hurricane which happened in Galvestn.C.The destructin f Charles Cghlan's cemetery.D.The discvery f Charles Cghlan's cffin.5.Where did Charles Cghlan becme famus?A.In Galvestn. B.In New Yrk.C.In Canada.D.In Ireland.
    Step 3 Careful­readingFill in the blanks accrding t the passage.
    Step 4 SummaryFill in the blanks accrding t the passage.A trnad,which is a rtating 1.________f air frm a thunderstrm t the grund usually 2.________in the US,3.________several US states greatly.Hurricanes,which are strng 4.________strms,usually 5.________the east cast f the US frm Texas t Maine,the 6.________ne f which caused 6,000 7.________,and destructin f 3,600 buildings.
    Here is a stry abut the wrst hurricane.Charles Cghlan,a famus Irish actr,mved t Canada,then New Yrk,and finally Galvestn,where he died in 1899,a year befre the hurricane came.In the hurricane,his 8.________was destryed and his cffin 9.________up in the sea,which was 10.________by the Gulf Stream t his hme n Prince Edward Island in the east f Canada eight years later.
    Step 5 DiscussinThe vilence f nature is very terrible,especially earthquakes.Can yu tell us the effects f earthquakes?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    答案:Step 1 1.earthquake 2.drught 3.tsunami 4.fld  5.trnad 6.hurricaneStep2 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.BStep3 1.air 2.the US  3.400 4.3 US states 5.strms 6.Atlantic Ocean 7.120 8.6,000Step 4 1.clumn 2.ccurs 3.affecting 4.trpical5.hit/strike/affect 6.wrst 7.deaths 8.cemetery 9.ended 10.carried
    Step 5(1)Earthquakes may make many peple lse their hme and relatives suddenly.(2)Smetimes,earthquakes can cause severe tsunami,and each f us cannt frget the tsunami in Japan.(3)As far as I knw,mst peple in the earthquake­stricken areas need a lng time t get rid f the bad effects caused by earthquakes,especially thse wh lst their relatives.
    1.vilence n. [U]猛烈;猛力;暴力(行为)①The vilence f the hurricane caused great damage.猛烈的飓风造成了巨大的损失。②The criminal cmmitted vilence in stabbing his victim.罪犯行凶,用匕首刺伤了受害者。vilent 用作形容词,表示“using,shwing,accmpanied by great frce”,即“使用暴力的;猛烈的;激烈的”的意思。vilent blws“猛烈的打击”
    ①The enemies started anther vilent attack.敌人又发动了一轮猛攻。②Being in a vilent temper,he hit his wife in the face.盛怒之下,他打了妻子一记耳光。
    词语辨析fierce;vilent;wild这些形容词均含“剧烈的;凶猛的;狂暴的”之意。1)fierce普通用词,指人或兽的凶猛残酷。 The famus bxer killed a fierce wlf with his bare hands.那位著名的拳击师赤手空拳打死了一头凶猛的恶狼。2)vilent普通用词,指人时侧重极为不安,异常激动,暗含有暴力行为;也指破坏性的或不可控制的自然力量。Students were invlved in vilent clashes with the plice.学生与警方发生了暴力冲突。
    3)wild普通用词,既可指自然界的荒芜,未被驯化状态,又指人的无法无天,不文明的野蛮行为。They are wild with jy when“their”player r team wins.当“他们的”选手或运动队赢得胜利时,他们欣喜若狂。知识拓展with vilence 剧烈地vilently adv. 激/剧/猛烈地vilatin n. 妨/侵害d vilence t 对……施暴;歪曲事实
    即学即用用vilence的适当形式填空。(1)It is the duty f everyne t bey this law,but withut using________.(2)Frtunately,n ne was killed in this________strm yesterday.(3)Several peple were________attacked in that dark street within a week.答案:(1)vilence (2)vilent (3)vilently
    2.experience vt.经历 n. [U]经验;[C]经历①He experienced a lt f difficulties ding that wrk.做那项工作时他经历了很多困难。②It is imprtant t try and learn frm experience.努力从经验中学习是重要的。③Please tell us yur experiences in Africa.请告诉我们你在非洲的经历。
    注意:experience作“经验”讲时,是不可数名词;作“经历”讲时,是可数名词。Mr Krll is an fficer with experience,wh has many dd experiences.克罗尔是个有经验的军官,他有着很多奇怪的经历。
    即学即用完成句子(1)这位司机在处理事故方面有许多经验。The driver has sme________in dealing with accidents.(2)从万米高空的飞机上跳下是一次相当刺激的经历。Jumping ut f the plane at ten thusand feet is quite________________________.答案:(1)experience (2)an exciting experience
    语法填空(3)I dn't think the experiment is________failure.At last we gained________experience fr future success.答案:a;/ 第一个空用不定冠词a,failure在此是抽象名词的具体化,a failure指“一件失败的事”;第二个空用零冠词,是因为experience在这里意为“经验”,是不可数名词。
    (4)—Guess what ,we've gt ur visas fr a shrt­term visit t the UK this summer.—Hw nice!Yu________(experience)a different culture then.答案:will be experiencing 考查时态。由第一句可知:我们已经得到了暑假去英国旅行的短期签证;再由第二句中then可知:这是对去英国旅行的美好祝愿。因此时态应为将来进行时。
    3.cause vt.引起;导致 n.原因;起因;理由;动机;事业①Smking can cause lung cancer.吸咽可导致肺癌。②The wund isn't serius,but may cause sme discmfrt.伤口并不严重,但可能会引起一些不适。What's the cause f the plane crash?飞机失事的起因是什么?
    拓展1)cause sb.t d sth.使某人做某事2)cause sb.sth.给某人招致某事3)cause and effect因果关系
    辨析reasn,cause与excuse1)reasn指产生某种行为或想法的推理性理由,常与介词fr搭配。2)cause主要指导致某种结果、客观存在的原因,它是相对于effect来说的。the cause f表示“……的起因”。3)excuse多指为免受指责或推卸责任而找的“理由,借口”。
    即学即用完成句子(1)火灾起因不明。The________f the fire was unknwn.(2)你匆忙的原因是什么?What's the________fr yur hurry?(3)他迟到时总能找到借口。When he is late,he can always find a(n)________.答案:(1)cause (2)reasn (3)excuse
    语法填空(4)Smking is ne f the________f heart disease and it kills lts f peple every year.答案:causes cause常常与介词f搭配,意为“……的起因。”
    4.current1)n. [C]水流;潮流;气流①He swam t the shre against a strng current.他逆着急流游向岸边。②Birds use warm air currents t help their flight.鸟类利用暖气流帮助飞行。2)n. [C,U]电流The current includes a direct current and an alternating current.电流分直流电和交流电。
    3)n. [C]思潮;潮流;趋向Ministers are wrried by this current f anti­gvernment feeling.部长们被这股反政府情绪所困扰。4)adj. 现在发生的;当前的;现在的(只用在名词前)He is yur current emplyer.他是你现在的雇主。5)adj. 通用的;流通的;流行的That wrd is n lnger in current use.那个词已不通用。
    知识拓展currently adv. 现时;当前current accunt 活期存款账户;往来账户current affairs 时事即学即用语法填空T swim in this river nw is dangerus,fr the__________is t swift.答案:current 题意:现在在这条河里游泳是很危险的,因为水流太急了。current“水流”,符合题意。
    5.furniture n. [U] 家具furniture为不可数名词,不能说a furniture,也不能说furnitures,表示“一件家具”要说a piece f furniture。注意:英语中有些名词为典型的不可数名词,任何时候都不能加不定冠词,也不能用复数。如fun,equipment,weather,news,advice,infrmatin等。①She mved the furniture arund.她把家具四处移动。②They've bught sme furniture fr their new huse.他们买了些家具布置新房子。
    知识拓展furnish vt. 为……提供家具;布置即学即用语法填空We will buy sme________(furniture)fr ur new huse.答案:furniture 句意:我们将为我们的新房子买些家具。furniture“家具”,是不可数名词,可以用sme修饰。
    6.latitude n.纬度①Beijing is at 40 degrees nrth latitude.北京在北纬40度。②The twn is at a lw latitude.该城镇在低纬度的地方。搭配in Lat.50°N 在北纬50度
    联想lngitude n. [U] 经度
    知识拓展latitudinal adj. 纬度(方向)的altitude n. 海拔;高度attitude n. 态度即学即用完成句子They allw their children____________________________.他们对自己的孩子没有讲解这层意思了?答案:far t much latitude
    7.bury vt.1)土葬;海葬①He was buried with his wife.他和他的妻子葬在了一起。②Where is Shakespeare buried?莎士比亚葬于何处?③He's been dead and buried fr years!他已经死亡并且被埋葬多年了!2)丧失She has buried five sns in the war.战争中她丧失了5个儿子。
    3)隐藏;掩埋;覆盖①Our dg buries its bnes in the garden.我们的狗把骨头埋在花园里。②She buried her face in her hands and wept.她双手掩面哭了起来。4)忘记;使陷入①It's time t bury ur differences and be friends again.该是我们摈弃分歧重归于好的时候了。②He buried himself in the cuntry t write a bk.他隐居到乡下去写书。
    即学即用完成句子①他的祖父母都葬在这里。Bth his grandparents________________here.②他专心在花园里干活。He________________________the garden.答案:①were buried ②buried himself in
    语法填空③The ld man was________(bury)in his research at the mment.答案:buried 句意:这个老人当时在致力于他的研究。be buried in致力于。④________(bury)in his studies,he didn't knw that all the thers had left.答案:Buried 句意:因为专注于学习,他不知道别人都走了。be buried in专心于。
    ⑤Chinese fficials said all 18 elementary schl students________(bury)in a landslide in suthwestern China n Thursday were dead,while ne persn was missing.答案:buried 句意:中国官员说,中国西南部星期四发生一起山体滑坡,被掩埋的18名小学生全部遇难,还有一人失踪。bury掩埋。分析句子成分可知空格处作定语,根据句意用buried。
    8.ccur vi. 发生①That accident ccurred yesterday.那事故是昨天发生的。②Didn't it ccur t yu that yur husband might be late?你当时没想到你丈夫也许会晚到吗?③The pssibility that she might be wrng never ccurred t her.她压根没想到自己可能会错。④I suppse it never ccurred t yu t phne the plice!我想你压根没想到给警察打电话吧!
    知识拓展ccur t (主意或想法突然)浮现于脑中;被想起;被想到It ccurs t 某人想起……It ccurs t sb.t d sth.某人想起做某事
    辨析ccur,happen,take place和break ut
    即学即用完成句子①________________frequently in this area.这一地区经常发生地震。②________________________________t visit Iceland.她想到要去游览冰岛。答案:①Earthquakes ccur ②It ccurred t her
    用ccur/happen/take place/break ut填空。③That accident________yesterday.④A fire________during the night.⑤The meeting________at 800 as planned.⑥I suppse it never________t yu t phne the plice.答案:③happened ④brke ut ⑤tk place ⑥ccurred
    语法填空⑦It never ccurred t me________yu culd succeed in persuading him t change his mind.答案:that 考查固定句型。It ccurs/ccurred t sb that ...是固定句型,意思是:突然想起.,其中that引导主语从句。
    9.hit1)v. 击;打She hit him n the head with her umbrella.她用雨伞打他的头。注意:hit作“打;击中;碰撞”讲时,后常接身体部位的介词短语。若该部位较硬或较突出,用介词n或against;若该部位下凹则用介词in。
    ①He hit his head n the dr.他一头撞到了门上。②Jhn hit him in the face.约翰打了他的脸。注意:介词和名词之间必须用定冠词,而不用物主代词。2)v. 袭击;击中;使遭受A pwerful earthquake hit the small twn.这个小城镇遭受了一次强烈的地震。
    3)v. 到达(某地);达到(某水平)Temperatures hit 40℃ yesterday.昨天气温高达40℃。4)v. 使突然想起I culdn't remember where I'd seen him befre,and then it suddenly hit me.起初我想不起以前在哪里见过他,后来猛然想起来了。
    知识拓展1)hit(it)big很成功The band has hit big in the USA.乐队在美国一炮打响。2)be/make a hit(with sb.)给(某人)留下很好的第一印象;使(某人)一见钟情Yu've made a big hit with Bill.你让比尔一见倾心了。3)make a hit 获得成功
    即学即用语法填空Suddenly he hit________a gd idea.答案:n/upn
    10.strike vt./n. [C](struck;struck/striken)(雷电、暴风雨等)袭击;打,敲①An earthquake struck the island.地震袭击了小岛。②Jane struck him in anger.简一怒之下打了他。③The clck struck twelve.钟敲了12下。④Wuld yu supprt a nuclear strike t bring an end t a war?你赞成以核攻击结束战争吗?
    友情提示1)strike指“疾病;灾难”袭击某一地区时,与hit用法相同。An earthquake struck/hit the island.一场地震袭击了岛屿。2)v. 突然想到;一下子想起;猛地意识到①A gd idea struck the scientist.那位科学家突然想起了一个好主意。②It struck me that we ught t make a new plan.我突然想起我们应该制订一项新的计划。
    友情提示strike作“突然想到”讲,与ccur和hit同义。It ccurs t =It strikes =It hits sb. that...某人突然想起……知识拓展be n strike 进行/正在罢工;g n strike 举行罢工;strike a bargain 成交,达成协议;an air strike 空袭;be struck by/n/with sb./sth.被某人(或某物)打动或迷住Strike while the irn is ht.趁热打铁。
    即学即用完成句子①在这个地方,雷雨、大风、雷击发生频繁。In this area heavy rain and strng wind as well as lightning________ccurred frequently.②钟敲了五下,这说明刚刚五点了。The clck________5 times,which meant 5 'clck just nw.答案:①strikes ②struck
    结合语境填入适当的单词。③He________the girl dwn.(撞倒)④________while the irn is ht.(敲打)⑤He culd feel his heart________fast.(跳动)⑥One f the stnes________the windw.(打中)答案:③kncked ④Strike ⑤beating ⑥hit
    11.rtate vt./vi.1)“(使)旋转”;“(使)缠绕”①Yu can rtate the pump wheel with yur hand.你可用手转动泵的轮子。②The earth rtates nce every 24 hurs.地球每24小时旋转一圈。2)“转换”;“轮作”①He rtates his men frm ne place t anther.他把他手下的人从一个地方轮换到另一个地方。②The chairmanship f the departments rtates annually.系主任的职位每年轮换一次。
    即学即用完成句子The EU presidency____________________________.欧盟主席一职由成员国轮流担任。答案:rtates amng the members.
    1.pick up拾起;拿起;偶然得到(或学到、找到);收听到;搭载;恢复(健康);好转;(碰巧或廉价地)买到①She kept picking up magazines and putting them dwn again.她不断地把那些杂志拿起来又放下。
    ②If yu sing it several times,yur children will begin t pick up the wrds.如果你把它唱几遍,你的孩子们就会不知不觉地学会歌词。③I managed t pick up an American news bradcast.我设法收听到一家美国电台的新闻广播。④My husband will pick yu up.我丈夫将去接你。⑤The train was gradually picking up speed.火车正在逐渐加速。
    链接(1)pick ut精心挑选;辨别(2)pick ff去除;剪除(3)pick ne's way小心走路(4)pick at磨蹭着吃;小口吃
    即学即用介、副词填空(1)It's easy fr my radi t pick________VOA English.(2)The sick wman just picked________the fd he brught.She didn't want t eat mre.(3)If yu have time at the weekend,wuld yu like t pick________the bike fr yur birthday?(4)Can yu pick________yur brther in the crwd?(5)He picked________French when he was staying in Paris.答案:(1)up (2)at (3)ut (4)ut (5)up
    2.take(...)ff去掉……;摘下;脱下;起飞①Culd yu please help me take the lid ff the jar?你能帮我打开广口瓶的盖子吗?②He tk ff his hat after entering the huse.他进屋后摘下了帽子。③Yu'd better take ff yur shes.你最好脱掉鞋子。
    助记take ff意思种种:
    知识拓展take(a day)ff 休(一天)假;不工作take after 学……的榜样;仿效take away 拿走;夺走;拆去take back 收回(前言);承认说错了话;取消(诺言)take dwn 拿下;取下;记(录)下来
    take in 收进;接受;装入;收容;接待take n 具有;呈现;担任(工作);承担(责任);雇佣take ut 取出;拔出;除掉(污迹等);擦去take ver 接收/管/任take up 举/拿/捡/拔起;占(地方);费(时间);占据;接纳(乘客);(船)承装(货物)
    即学即用语法填空The president's plane will take________frm the airprt at nine sharp tmrrw mrning.答案:ff 句意:总统的专机明天上午九点整从机场起飞。take ff“起飞”,符合题意。
    3.r s大约;或许;左右(=abut;r mre)①There were twenty r s.大约有二十个。②We stayed fr an hur r s.我们停留了一小时左右。即学即用语法填空My parents will mve back int twn in a year r______.答案:s 本题题意:我父母将在一年左右的时间里搬迁回市区居住。“时间+r s=abut+时间。”
    4.n average 平均The bys are 16 years ld n average.这些男孩子平均年龄16岁。知识拓展abve the average 在一般水平以上;中上;在平均数以上belw the average 在一般水平以下;中下;在平均数以下n average/n the average/n an average平均;按平均数计算;一般地说
    即学即用语法填空Last year the number f students wh graduated with a driving license reached 200,000,a(n)________f 40,000 per year.答案:average average“平均数”,符合句意。
    5.end up 结果为……,以……结束①We were t g ut,but ended up watching TV.我们原计划外出,但结果却在家看电视。②He ended up as the head f the cmpany.他最后成为这家公司的老板。③He ended up his letter with a pem.他用一首诗结束了那封信。
    知识拓展1)end up with 以……告终①The meeting ended up with a new sng.会议最后以高歌一首新曲而结束。②The mvie ends up with the wedding f the by and girl.电影以男青年与姑娘的婚礼做结尾。2)begin/start with...以……开始①At the dinner we usually begin with sup and end up with fruit.在宴会上,我们通常以汤菜开始,以水果结束。
    ②Start this sentence with the wrd“what”.以“what”一词开头写这个句子。③It wn't wrk:t start with,it wuld take t lng,and secndly it wuld cst t much.这行不通:首先,所需时间太长;其次,花钱太多。
    即学即用完成句子①他们的努力以失败而告终。Their effrt________________________failure.②我们谈了好久,我想我把课都给误了。As we talked s lng,I think I have ________________________class.答案:①ended up in ②ended up missing
    语法填空③Smell the flwers befre yu g t sleep,and yu may just end up________sweet dreams.答案:with 句意:睡觉前闻一闻花的香味,你也许会做个好梦。end up with sth.以……结束,符合题意。
    6.in the sea 在海上by the sea 在海边at sea(船)在航行中;在海上by sea 搭船,经由海路put ut t sea 出海;启航
    知识拓展英语中,像class,schl,church,hspital,prisn,sea等词用作抽象名词时,前面不加任何冠词;但用作具有实际意义的普通名词时,前面须加冠词。g t schl 去上学g t church 做礼拜g t sea 去航海;当海员g t prisn 去坐牢in hspital 住院g t class 去上课
    g t the schl 去学校g t the church 去教堂g t the sea 去海边g t the prisn 去那所监狱in the hspital 在医院里g t the class 去教室
    即学即用语法填空(1)Let's g t________cinema—that'll take yur mind ff the prblem fr________while.答案:the;a 考查冠词的用法。g t the cinema 表示具体的某地,fr a while是固定搭配,表示“一会儿”。
    (2)If we sit near________frnt f the bus,we'll have________better view.答案:the;a 本题考查冠词在具体语境中的使用。句意应为“如果我们坐在公共汽车的前部,就会有更好的视野。”表示“某空间内部的前部”时,frnt前要加定冠词the;have a gd view是习惯搭配,表示“视野开阔,视野良好”之意。
    1.They can destry huses,but leave the furniture inside exactly where it was.它们能毁掉房子,却把房内的家具留在原处。leave vt.& vi.离开,出发;留下,剩下;忘带n.[U]休假;[C]假期①When did yu leave Lndn?你什么时候离开伦敦的?②He left his glves in the htel.他把手套落在旅馆里了。
    ③I tried calling him,but he'd already left fr wrk.我试着打电话给他,可他已经去上班了。④When I arrived at the airprt,I realised that I had left my ticket behind.当我到达机场时,才意识到自己忘带机票了。⑤He tk a week's leave t visit his sick mther.他请了一周的假,去看望生病的母亲。
    即学即用语法填空(1)The teacher stressed again that the students shuld nt leave________any imprtant details while retelling the stry.答案:ut 句意:老师再次强调,同学们在复述这个故事时不要遗漏任何重要细节。leave ut“省去;遗漏”,符合题意。
    (2)—Are yu ging t have a hliday this year?—I'd lve t.I can't wait t leave this place______.答案:behind 题意:“你今年去度假吗?”“我想去,我巴不得离开这儿。”“把……丢在后面”,符合题意。翻译句子(3)度假时我们必须把狗留下。_______________________________________________答案:We had t leave the dg behind when we went n vacatin.
    2.On average,there are 800 trnades in the US each year,causing abut 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries.平均来说,美国每年发生800次龙卷风,造成大约80人死亡,1,500人受伤。
    注意:现在分词(短语)作结果状语,表示自然而然的结果;动词不定式与nly或never连用作结果状语,表示出乎意料的结果。①His father died,leaving him a lt f mney.他父亲去世了,留给他一大笔钱。②He hurried t the pst ffice nly t find it was clsed.他急忙赶到邮局,不料它已经关门了。
    即学即用语法填空A small plane crashed int a hillside five miles east f the city,________(kill)all fur peple n bard.答案:killing 句意:一架小飞机在这座城市东部5英里处坠落到山坡上,造成机上四人全部死亡。句子主语a small plane与动词kill在逻辑上是主动关系,故用现在分词短语killing...作结果状语。
    3.The wrst trnad f all time ccurred in 1925,affecting three US states:Missuri,Illinis and Indiana.最恶劣的一场龙卷风发生在1925年,波及了美国的三个州:密苏里州、伊利诺伊州和印第安纳州。affect vt.影响;使感受;(病毒)感染①The climate affected his health.气候影响他的健康。②She was deeply affected by his gd deeds.他做的好事使她深受感动。③Cancer had affected his liver.癌症已侵及他的肝脏。
    ①This article will affect my thinking.这篇文章将会影响我的思想。②This bk effected a change in my pinin.这本书改变了我的看法。③Influenced by a high­schl bilgy teacher,he tk up the study f medicine.在一位中学生物教师的影响下,他从事了医学研究。
    即学即用语法填空She can't get dwn t wrk because she was deeply________(affect)by the news f his death.答案:affected 句意:他的死讯让她非常震惊,她无法专心工作。affect“影响”,符合题意。
    4.By the time it ended,mre than 700 peple had been killed and 2,700 had been injured.等到风停时,已有700多人死亡,2,700多人受伤。by the time意为“到……时候”,常用来指到某一时间点为止,引导时间状语从句,主句常用完成时态。①By the time he was 12,he had travelled t mre than 30 cuntries.到12岁为止,他已经去过30多个国家了。
    ②By the time I graduate next year,I will have lived here fr 5 years.到明年毕业时,我已经在这里待了5年了。注意:表示时间的短语有时也可以引导时间状语从句。常用的有the time,the mment,the minute/day/year,the first/secnd time,each time,every time,next time,any time等。
    ①The day he returned hme,his father was already dead.他到家的那天,他父亲已经去世了。②Every time I see him,he is wrking hard.我每次见到他,他都在努力工作。
    即学即用语法填空(1)By the time yu have finished this bk,yur meal________(get)cld.答案:will get 句意:等你读完这本书,你的饭菜就凉了。by the time后的从句中用现在完成时表示将来完成意义,主句应用一般将来时。
    (2)By the time he arrived in Lndn,we________(stay)in England fr mre than tw weeks.答案:had stayed 句意:到他到达伦敦时为止,我们已在英国待了两周多了。by the time引导的从句中用一般过去,主句的时态使用过去完成时。
    Ⅰ.根据句意和单词首字母或汉语提示完成单词1.In 1975,the f________caused by five days f heavy rain in that area made 233,000 peple hmeless.2.Peple standing under a tree in a thunderstrm are likely t be struck by l________.3.Many men were b________undergrund when there was an accident at the mine.4.An unexpected strm________(发生)when we were enjying the pleasant vyage at the Yellw Sea.5.1,500,000 peple died in natural________(灾难)between 1980 and 2000.
    6.The cars invlved in the accident lked badly________(损坏).7.Describe the httest parts f the earth,nrth and suth f the________(赤道).8.They can take the fur ff the back f a cat and the________(羽毛)ff a chicken.9.Hurricanes are strng________(热带的)strms,and they usually ccur in the suthern Atlantic Ocean,the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf f Mexic.答案:1.fld 2.lightning 3.buried 4.ccurred 5.disasters 6.damaged 7.equatr 8.feathers 9.trpical
    Ⅱ.同义句转换1.It was difficult fr them t sleep because f the nise.The nise made________difficult fr them________sleep.2.Interviewing a famus film star is nt easy.________is difficult________________a famus film star.3.Hwever hard he wrks,he makes little prgress.________________________hard he wrks,he makes little prgress.
    4.Lk up the new wrds in the dictinary if necessary.________________the dictinary if necessary.5.Because f the strm,the castle was destryed.________________________f the strm,the castle nw lay in ruins.6.Jane is experienced in teaching children.Jane has________in teaching children.
    7.It struck me that he might nt have tld the truth.It________________me that he might nt have tld the truth.答案:1.it,t 2.It,t interview 3.N matter hw 4.Refer t 5.As a result 6.experience 7.ccurred t
    Ⅲ.语法填空1.The reasn________he gave fr being late was________he frgt t set the alarm clck.答案:which;that 句意:他为自己迟到给出的原因是他忘了定闹钟。第一空为定语从句,which在从句中作gave的宾语;第二空为表语从句,that只起连接作用,不作句子成分。
    2.Tangshan is the place where a(n) _________(vilence)earthquake tk place mre than 30 years ag.答案:vilent 句意:唐山就是三十多年前发生过一次大地震的地方。vilent“猛烈的;激烈的”,形容词,符合题意。
    3.Has it ever________(ccur)t yu that yu culd have passed the exam?答案:ccurred 句意:你有没有想过你本可以通过考试的?it ccurs t 是固定句型,意为“某人想到……”,符合题意。4.Withut prfessinal training,yu culd pick________a lt f bad habits when playing the pian.答案:pick up 句意:如果没有经过专业的训练,弹琴时你可能染上很多坏习惯。pick up“(无意中)学到”,符合题意。
    5.Paul was taking________his bt when the drbell rang.答案:ff 句意:正在保罗脱靴子的时候门铃响了。6.By the time he was 10,he________(learn)t make a living by himself.答案:had learned 句意:到10岁时,他已经学会自己谋生。by the time“到……时”,引导时间状语从句时主句使用完成时。此处表示过去的过去,应用过去完成时。
    7.By 1998,Chinese wmen had received 6.5 years f educatin________average.答案:n 句意:到1998年中国妇女平均受教育时间已达6.5年。n average“平均”,符合题意。8.If yu cntinue wasting mney like this,yu will end________lsing what yu have.答案:up 句意:如果你继续像这样浪费钱,你终将失去你的一切。end up“以……结束”,符合题意。
    9.Arund 1850,a terrible disease hit the ptat crp,and ptates ________(g)bad in the sil.答案:went g bad是固定短语,意为“变坏”,句意:约在1850年,一场可怕的病害袭击了马铃薯,因而马铃薯在地里变坏了。10.The furniture in this rm is quite different frm________in yurs in size and style.答案:that that指代不可数名词或可数名词单数,furniture为不可数名词,故用that。

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