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    Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China单元测试题 2
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    Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China单元测试题 202
    Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China单元测试题 203
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    2020-2021学年Module 5 Great people and Great Invention单元测试同步训练题

    这是一份2020-2021学年Module 5 Great people and Great Invention单元测试同步训练题,共23页。

    Health Clubs and Fitness Centres
    Burlingtn Fitness Centre and Day Spa
    Swimming pl, gym, yga classes, spa with massage, diet advice. Day rates (价格) fr whle day packages r single visit rates fr the equipment and spa. A £15 mnthly membership fee (费用) fr unlimited (不受限制的) weekday use r £25 fr weekend use f swimming pl, gym and spa.
    Valley Rad, Hptn, Burlingtn.
    Tel: 01699 556677

    Active Life Fitness Centre
    Fully equipped gym, fitness studi and classes (yga, jazz dance, aerbics), swimming pl (swimming and water aerbics classes). A £95 jining fee. A £23 mnthly membership fee gives yu unlimited use f the equipment — except classes, which are extra (额外的). Special lwer fees fr students.
    143, Dansn Rad, Burlingtn.
    Tel: 01678 454545
    Bdywrks Gym
    Fully equipped gym, prviding trainers t instruct yu n the use f the equipment, persnal trainers available (可用的). N jining fee. A £28 mnthly membership fee fr unlimited use f the equipment — persnal trainers extra. Shrt term rates available.
    26, Merrick Lane, Burlingtn.
    Tel: 01678 321321

    Churchill Square Health Club
    Handball curts, tennis curts, glf practice range (instructin available fr each f these games), gym, fitness studi (yga and aerbics classes available). Membership nly, please call fr rates.
    Churchill Square, Burlingtn.
    Tel: 01678 981781
    21. T becme a member f Bdywrks Gym, hw much shuld yu pay per mnth?
    A. £15. B. £23.
    C. £25. D. £28.
    22. In which club can yu play ball games?
    A. Bdywrks Gym.
    B. Active Life Fitness Centre.
    C. Churchill Square Health Club.
    D. Burlingtn Fitness Centre and Day Spa.
    23. What d the fur clubs have in cmmn?
    A. All need a jining fee.
    B. All need club membership.
    C. All are in the same city.
    D. All are designed fr students.

    William Kamkwamba lives in Malawi, Africa, where mst peple have t grw their wn fd and have n electricity r running water. In 2001, when he was 14 years ld, there was a terrible drught (干旱) and mst families, including William’s, culdn’t grw enugh fd.
    Because f the drught, William’s family culdn’t affrd t send him t schl anymre. S ne day, William went t the library near his hme t study. He fund a science bk called Using Energy, which included instructins fr building a windmill (风车). Windmills are gd surces f electricity, and they can bring water up frm undergrund. William didn’t knw much English, and he wasn’t able t understand mst f the bk, but it was full f pictures. Lking at the pictures, William thught he culd build a windmill fr his family.
    When William started building his windmill, a lt f peple laughed at him, including his mther. But William saw the pht f the windmill in the bk. That meant smene else was able t build it, s he knew he culd build it, t. He didn’t have the parts and equipment that he saw in the bk’s pictures. S he lked fr parts in junkyards t build his machine.
    William changed his design little by little. First, the windmill pwered nly ne light bulb (灯泡). Finally, it pwered fur lights. Then there was enugh electricity fr fur lights and a radi. N ne laughed at William after that, and peple in his twn started t cme t his huse t get pwer fr their cell phnes. Later, William built a secnd windmill. This ne brught water up frm undergrund. After that, William began t teach ther peple hw t build windmills.
    Nw he uses his website, mvingwindmills.rg, t educate and give hpe t peple. His main message is this: “T the Africans and the pr wh are struggling (挣扎) with yur dreams ... trust yurself and believe. Whatever happens, dn’t give up.”
    24. What was William’s primary purpse f building a windmill?
    A. T set up a family business.
    B. T d a science experiment.
    C. T realize his childhd dream.
    D. T bring electricity t his family.
    25. What was William’s mther’s attitude tward his building a windmill at first?
    A. Hpeful. B. Wrried.
    C. Dubtful. D. Uninterested.
    26. What can we learn abut William’s first windmill?
    A. It was sld at a high price.
    B. It was made f thrwn-away things.
    C. It culd bring water up frm undergrund.
    D. It lked the same as the pht in Using Energy.
    27. Which f the fllwing can best describe William?
    A. Hnest. B. Humrus.
    C. Self-centered. D. Strng-minded.

    These days, it seems like everyne wants t g ut int space and live n new planets. Rather than depend n anther pre-existing (已存在的) planet, culd we make a new, prper planet urselves?
    T start with, if we’d want t be living n it, we shuld find a gd place in space t put the new planet. We’d want it t be in a habitable zne, meaning the planet shuld be at the right distance frm its star t make sure there wuld be perfect temperatures and mst imprtantly, liquid water.
    We’d als need the right materials t make the planet. Our Earth is made up f many different elements (元素). If we made ur wn new planet, we’d prbably want it t have similar elements and a similar structure (结构). We’d als want enugh water t frm sme ceans.
    But even if we get all f the materials, creating a new planet like Earth culd have many trubles. It might be smething mre like a huge space statin. It wuld be pretty expensive if we wanted it t be super big.
    We wuld prbably als need a lt f fd, since there’s ging t be many scientists and astrnauts ut in space wrking n this prject!
    Accrding t NASA, each astrnaut uses abut 0.83 kilgrams f fd per meal, including 0.12 kilgrams f packaging (包装) material. Withut the weight f the packaging material, we’d need abut 780 kilgrams f fd just t feed ne astrnaut fr a year.
    Putting all these tgether culd make it pssible t make ur wn planet ne day! In reality, creating a new planet wuld prbably require a very mdern technlgy and there wuld be tns f ther things t think abut. And if this is even pssible, it likely wn’t happen fr a very lng time.
    28. What’s the first thing we shuld d if we want t create a new planet?
    A. T prepare enugh fd.
    B. T design its inner structure.
    C. T find a prper place t set the planet.
    D. T cllect materials similar t ur Earth.
    29. What des the underlined wrd “it” in Paragraph 3 refer t?
    A. Our Earth.
    B. Outer space.
    C. The new planet.
    D. The cean water.
    30. Hw much fd des an astrnaut actually eat each meal?
    A. Abut 0.12 kilgrams.
    B. Abut 0.71 kilgrams.
    C. Abut 0.83 kilgrams.
    D. Abut 0.95 kilgrams.
    31. What des the authr think f creating a planet?
    A. It is a waste f mney and time.
    B. It shuld be ne f NASA’s next plans.
    C. It is nt a gd idea fr humans.
    D. It wn’t cme true in the near future.

    While sme primary schls n lnger have recess (课间休息), and peple like New Jersey Gvernr Chris Christie argue that schl days shuld be even lnger, a few schls are already mving in a different directin. Sme are testing ut standing desks, and realizing that a little bit f activity can actually be gd fr students’ attentin. Others, like Ward Elementary in Winstn-Salem, Nrth Carlina, are starting t fill classrms with exercise bikes, s students can wrk ut while they learn.
    The Read and Ride prgram at Ward began five years ag. One classrm is equipped with enugh exercise bikes fr a full class f students, and teachers bring students there thrughut the day t use them. As they ride, they read.
    As the primary schl studied testing data at the end f the schl year, they fund that students wh had spent the mst time in the prgram achieved an 83% prficiency (熟练度) in reading, while thse wh spent the least time in the prgram had failing scres — nly 41% prficiency.
    “Riding exercise bikes makes reading fun fr many kids wh get frustrated (挫败的) when they read,” says Sctt Ertl, wh started the prgram. “They have a way t deal with that frustratin they feel while they ride.”
    Using the bikes als gets students t exercise when they might nt therwise want t in gym class. “Many students wh are verweight struggle with sprts and activities since they dn’t want t always be last r lse,” Ertl explains. “On exercise bikes, students can exercise at a cmfrtable pace (速度) accrding t their wn level — withut anyne nticing when they slw dwn r take a break.”
    Over the last five years, the Read and Ride prgram has been intrduced t 30 ther schls.
    32. Which f the fllwing wuld Chris Christie agree with?
    A. Students shuld have a gd rest.
    B. Students shuld d mre exercise.
    C. Students shuld use standing desks.
    D. Students shuld spend mre time studying.
    33. What d the numbers in Paragraph 3 shw?
    A. The prgram helps students learn better.
    B. Students shw great interest in the prgram.
    C. The prgram is mre ppular with primary schls.
    D. Slw learners are mre willing t take part in the prgram.
    34. Accrding t Sctt Ertl, what’s ne advantage f the prgram?
    A. It can replace the gym class.
    B. It makes reading mre interesting.
    C. It teaches students hw t lse weight.
    D. It allws students t get clse t nature.
    35. What can we learn abut the prgram?
    A. Mre sprts activities will be added t it.
    B. It has gt supprt frm the gvernment.
    C. Many peple have dubts abut it.
    D. It has prved t be a success.
    Yur wn backyard may be a fun place t play. Yu may have trees t climb, and insects (昆虫) t study. 36 . But did yu knw these things are related t each ther thrugh the fd chain (链)? Every part f nature belngs t a cmmunity where each member uses the lwer members t stay alive.
    Every part f the wrld has fd chains, including the ceans and the deserts. 37 , the whle chain culd fall apart. The fd chain is mst disturbed (扰乱) by peple because we build neighbrhds n the land where animals live and we pllute the envirnment. Bth these actins make it difficult fr ther living things t survive.
    Still there is a lt we can d t prtect the parts f fd chains. Here are sme ideas that can help:
    38 . Make yur backyard a place that ther living things can enjy. Plant mre flwers and trees. And, mst f all, try nt t disturb the places where ther animals live.
    D nt pllute the envirnment. Recycle any material yu can. 39 . Having fewer cars n the rad means having better air fr all f us t breathe.
    Keep learning abut and respecting plants, animals, and the envirnment. 40 . Yu may even pass it n t yur wn children smeday. It’s imprtant that as many peple as pssible prtect nature and keep the fd chain whle.
    A. Share yur space
    B. If yu ever want t see it
    C. But if ne part is taken away
    D. We depend n each ther fr fd and survival
    E. Ride yur bike r walk t places that yu need t g
    F. Yu can then pass this infrmatin n t yur parents and friends
    G. Maybe yu hear birds singing r see yur pet cat sleeping in the sun

    第三部分: 语言知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)
    A little girl created the perfect Mther’s Day gift. It was a drawing f a 41 n white paper with the wrds “Fr mm: lve, lve, lve” decrated (装饰) in hearts. She flded (折叠) her letter, 42 then she lst it.
    Fr mst peple, that wuld be the 43 f this stry, but this stry has a different result: James Carrell 44 the letter. He had just 45 his mther, wishing her a happy Mther’s Day. After he gt ff the phne, Carrell saw the 46 n the grund utside f a hardware (五金器具) stre in Manvel in Texas, United States. “I 47 it was a nte,” said Carrell. “I 48 it up and saw the flwer and hearts. It 49 mved me.” Carrell thught the letter wuld 50 smene’s day and maybe he culd find the 51 , s he psted it in the Talk f Alvin Facebk grup. The message 52 a lt f peple, especially ne man.
    “I was sitting at my friend’s huse and saw a man 53 ,” said Carrell.
    His Facebk cmments (评论) included a message frm Rbert Alvarad. He wrte, “I can’t 54 yu fund my baby’s letter.” Carrell reached ut t Alvarad t 55 the letter. It tk a few days, but the men finally 56 n Thursday night, ne day after Alvarad’s daughter Natalie celebrated her seventh birthday.
    “ 57 the letter made it hme,” said Alvarad. “We are 58 fr what James Carrell did.”
    We ften frget the pwer f 59 things, but fr this family frm Alvin, Carrell’s small act left a(n) 60 impressin.
    41. A. baby B. girl C. card D. flwer
    42. A. s B. nce C. but D. until
    43. A. end B. part C. scene D. cause
    44. A. wrte B. fund C. remembered D. answered
    45. A. prmised B. invited C. seen D. called
    46. A. paper B. wrds C. pen D. tls
    47. A. prved B. explained C. knew D. heard
    48. A. pened B. put C. gave D. made
    49. A. hardly B. really C. lightly D. repeatedly
    50. A. start B. cntinue C. ruin D. brighten
    51. A. wner B. man C. huse D. thing
    52. A. prtected B. helped C. tuched D. changed
    53. A. leave B. arrive C. try D. reply
    54. A. say B. believe C. understand D. accept
    55. A. read B. sign C. return D. get
    56. A. failed B. met C. stpped D. agreed
    57. A. Naturally B. Suddenly C. Secretly D. Finally
    58. A. ready B. thankful C. famus D. fit
    59. A. little B. ld C. special D. bring
    60. A. ppsite B. unclear C. lasting D. general
    Beginning arund 1800, many peple tried t make an electric light bulb, but they all 61. ________ (fail). Thmas Edisn heard abut this and decided t deal 62. ________ the prblem himself.
    His first idea 63. ________ (be) t pass an electric current thrugh a piece f wire in a bulb, and it tk him a year and $50,000 64. ________ (find) that platinum wire wuld nt wrk. One day Edisn was thinking abut the prblem in his labratry. As he was playing with a piece f tar (焦油) and sme carbn pwder (粉末), he made a lng thin thread. He lked at 65. ________ he had made and suddenly had 66. ________ idea.
    He fitted the thread int a bulb and passed current thrugh the thread. It gave ff a bright light, but it burnt quickly. He needed smething tugher (坚韧的), s he used cttn thread 67. ________ had already burnt. This was tied int the bulb. T get ne perfect piece f burned cttn thread and tie it int the bulb tk three 68. ________ (day). But the idea wrked. This simple electric light bulb gave ff light fr 45 hurs!
    Hwever, t tie that cttn thread was 69. ________ (terrible) difficult. He needed smething else and he decided t try wd. He tested many 70. ________ (difference) types f wd, and finally fund ne that wrked well. It was a piece f bamb he fund in a Japanese fan.

    第四部分: 写作 (共两节,满分35分)
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    There is a library in ur cmmunity. My brther and I went t the library every Saturday either d hmewrk r pick ut whatever we want t read. We spend a cuple f hur there and find lts f things t talk abut afterward. Saturday’s night is family mvie night s we usual pick up a DVD t watch that night. We get everything the library has t ffer. I have DVDs, bks and magazines brrwing frm ur library. My brther enjys listen t music s he ften checks ut recrds. The library has always been a cmmunity that values f reading and learning. It has als been a scial center that we can cnnect with anther children and find ut abut activities that are ging n.
    1. 该人物是谁;
    2. 该人物的主要经历及贡献;
    3. 该人物对你的影响。
    注意: 1. 词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Dear Jack,
    Li Hua

    My 3-year-ld lves t meet new peple. Unlike his intrverted (内向的) mama, he always lks fr new friendships. When I take him t the park, secretly hping it’s nt busy, he’s disappinted if there are “n friends” there.
    When he lks up at an adult, telling him r her all abut the interesting pictures n his shirt and they lk in his directin fr a shrt mment and then lk away. It breaks my heart. Hwever, it desn’t happen t ften and there are quite a lt f strangers wh dn’t ignre (忽略) my sn.
    I’ve nticed that it’s ften the ldest peple that are the mst engaging (参与) with children in public. They take the time t greet children they see in their cmmunities and give them their full attentin. Maybe with age we all cme t lve them mre.
    I think the wrld culd use a little mre kindness, and it desn’t take very much effrt — just a smile and a simple greeting. When he says hi, yu, dear stranger, shuld lk him in the eye, say hell and ask him a questin r tw. I want my sn t knw that there’s mre gd ut there than bad, and that mst peple are kind. S, it helps me when strangers dn’t ignre him in public.
    The ther day, I tk my sn t a new grcery stre (杂货铺) and we met an emplyee, wh had a lt f things t d but tk the time t greet my sn. She said, “What big, beautiful blue eyes yu have!” She made him feel special. On the way hme, he said he wanted t g there again t tell her what was ging n in his life.
    She is amng the many kind peple wh engage with my kid. Thank yu, all the kind strangers ut there, fr nt ignring my sn. It takes a village t raise a child. Yu give me hpe that a nice village fr ur kids really can exist.
    1. What des the little by like t d?
    A. Play with ld friends.
    B. Ask a lt f questins.
    C. Lk thers in their eyes.
    D. Cmmunicate with strangers.
    2. Hw des the authr feel when strangers talk with her sn?
    A. Prud.
    B. Thankful.
    C. Wrried.
    D. Surprised.
    3. What des the little by prbably think f the emplyee?
    A. She is a bit cld.
    B. She is t serius.
    C. She is a nice friend.
    D. She is a funny wman.
    4. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Thank yu, my nice village
    B. Thank yu, ur new friends
    C. Dear sn, please be careful abut strangers
    D. Dear stranger, my sn needs yur attentin

    Nrwich is the capital f East Anglia, an area n the east cast f England which is famus fr its natural beauty and beautiful architecture. Nrwich is a wnderful city t visit and is ppular with turists all year rund.
    Nrwich is nt a city f luxurius (豪华的) htels but it has a gd selectin f reasnably priced places t stay in, bth in the city centre and further ut. The Beeches Htel, fr example, next t the cathedral (大教堂), has a beautiful Victrian garden and has just ver twenty duble rms. Cmfrtable accmmdatin (住宿) csts £65 fr tw nights’ bed and breakfast per persn; weekend breaks frm Octber t May cst £59 per persn. Nrwich is famus fr its great cathedral. The cathedral has a summer prgramme f music and events which is pen t the general public. One event, “Fire frm Heaven”, is a drama and musical perfrmance (表演) with firewrks, a laser light shw and a carnival (狂欢节) with lcal peple dressed in clurful clthes.
    Nrwich is als hme t the Sainsbury Centre fr Visual Arts, a wrld-class cllectin f internatinal art in a building at the University f East Anglia designed by Sir Nrman Fster. This is well wrth a visit and there is a lvely restaurant with an excellent selectin f ht and cld snacks.
    The city has a new theatre, the Playhuse, n the River Wensum. The city’s yearly internatinal arts festival is frm 10-20 Octber. Nt n the classic turist list but well wrth a visit are the factry she shps in Nrwich (fr men, wmen and children). Here yu can buy shes fr less than half the shp price.
    Finally, if yu want t have a cmplete break frm the stresses f everyday life, yu culd spend a few days sailing alng the rivers f the famus Nrflk Brads. The Brads have changed fr the better in recent years. In ur envirnmentally friendly age, it has mved twards the quiet enjyment f nature and wildlife. Yu can take a bat, big r small, fr an hur r tw r even up t a week r tw. This makes a perfect day ut r hliday fr peple f all ages.
    5. What des the authr think f the Beeches Htel’s prices?
    A. Standard.
    B. Affrdable.
    C. Cmpetitive.
    D. Unreasnable.
    6. Where is the Sainsbury Centre fr Visual Arts lcated?
    A. In the Playhuse.
    B. Next t the cathedral.
    C. Next t the Beeches Htel.
    D. At the University f East Anglia.
    7. In the middle f Octber, what wuld mst prbably take place in Nrwich?
    A. A big she sale.
    B. A famus firewrks shw.
    C. An internatinal arts festival.
    D. A carnival alng Nrflk Brads.
    8. What’s the purpse f the authr in writing this text?
    A. T attract turists t Nrwich.
    B. T intrduce the histry f Nrwich.
    C. T list different hlidays in Nrwich.
    D. T describe the clurful life in Nrwich.
    21-25 DCCDC 26-30 BDCCB 31-35 DDABD
    36-40 GCAEF 41-45 DCABD 46-50 ACABD
    51-55 ACDBC 56-60 BDBAC
    61. failed 62. with 63. was
    64. t find 65. what 66. an
    67. that / which 68. days 69. terribly
    70. different
    71. ... I went t the ... went → g
    72. ... either d hmewrk ... d前加t
    73. ... cuple f hur ... hur → hurs
    74. Saturday’s night is ... Saturday’s → Saturday
    75. ... we usual pick ... usual → usually
    76. ... magazines brrwing frm ... brrwing → brrwed
    77. ... enjys listen t ... listen → listening
    78. ... values f reading ... 去掉f
    79. ... center that we ... that → where
    80. ... with anther children ... anther → ther
    One pssible versin:
    Dear Jack,
    I’m glad t hear frm yu. I’d like t intrduce Zhang Qian, ne f the earliest travellers f the Silk Rad.
    Zhang Qian was a great traveller and explrer during the Han dynasty. He was sent t the western regins twice, pening the east-west rute cnnecting China’s Han with the western regins. He intrduced silk and ther prducts t the west and brught back many imprtant new prducts and knwledge f technlgies f the utside wrld. What he did encurages me t learn English well in rder t be a bridge between China and the wrld.
    If yu want t learn mre abut Zhang Qian, I can find yu sme bks abut him. Just let me knw.
    Li Hua

    21. D。细节理解题。由Bdywrks Gym部分的A £28 mnthly membership fee fr unlimited use f the equipment可知答案。
    22. C。细节理解题。由Churchill Square Health Club部分的Handball curts, tennis curts, glf practice range (instructin available fr each f these games)可知,在该健身中心你可以玩球类运动。
    23. C。细节理解题。由这四个健身中心的地址可知,它们都位于伯灵顿。
    本文是记叙文。文章介绍了做风车的马拉维少年William Kamkwamba。
    24. D。推理判断题。由第一段中的have n electricity r running water可知,威廉生活的地方非常苦;再由第二段解释风车的作用gd surces f electricity以及第四段描述威廉设计的第一个风车的功效pwered ... lights可知,他做风车的初衷是给家里发电。
    25. C。推理判断题。由第三段中的a lt f peple laughed at him, including his mther可知,一开始妈妈不看好威廉能做出风车。
    26. B。细节理解题。由第三段中的He didn’t have the parts and equipment that he saw in the bk’s pictures. S he lked fr parts in junkyards t build his machine可知,威廉的第一个风车是由废弃的东西做的。
    27. D。推理判断题。由第三段描述很多人嘲笑威廉做不成风车,但他却仍然充满信心,以及最后一段中他鼓励人们不要放弃梦想Whatever happens, dn’t give up可知,他是一个意志坚定的人。
    28. C。细节理解题。由第二段首句T start with, if we’d want t be living n it, we shuld find a gd place in space t put the new planet可知,想要制造一个行星,首先要在太空中找到安置这个行星的位置。
    29. C。篇章结构题。本段主旨句是We’d als need the right materials t make the planet,即制造的新行星需要有和地球相似的元素和结构,故此处的it指制造的新行星。
    30. B。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的each astrnaut uses abut 0.83 kilgrams f fd per meal, including 0.12 kilgrams f packaging material可知,除掉0.12公斤的包装材料,一个宇航员每顿实际上吃了0.71公斤的食物。
    31. D。推理判断题。由文章最后一段中的if this is even pssible, it likely wn’t happen fr a very lng time可知,作者认为制造星球即使有一定的可能性,也不会在短期内实现。
    32. D。推理判断题。由第一段中的Chris Christie argue that schl days shuld be even lnger可知,他认为学生在校学习时间应该延长,即花更多的时间学习。
    33. A。推理判断题。第三段的数据是对“边读书边骑车”计划对学生阅读能力影响的分析——在该计划中花费时间最多的学生在阅读方面达到了83%的熟练度,而那些在该计划中花费时间最少的学生只有41%的熟练度。由此可知,该计划有利于帮助学生学得更好。
    34. B。细节理解题。由倒数第三段Sctt Ertl介绍该计划的优势Riding exercise bikes makes reading fun fr many kids wh get frustrated when they read可知答案。
    35. D。推理判断题。由最后一段中的the Read and Ride prgram has been intrduced t 30 ther schls可知,该计划经证明是成功的。
    36. G。G项中的birds singing和pet cat sleeping in the sun与该空前的have trees t climb, and insects t study相呼应,都是对首段第一句Yur wn backyard may be a fun place t play的解释说明。
    37. C。由第一段中的things are related t each ther thrugh the fd chain和Every part f nature belngs t a cmmunity可知,食物链中的任何一个部分缺失,都会使整个食物链垮掉。C项中的taken away与该空后的fall apart相呼应。
    38. A。该空后的Make yur backyard a place that ther living things can enjy. Plant mre flwers and trees和try nt t disturb the places where ther animals live与A项的Share yur space相呼应。
    39. E。由本段小标题D nt pllute the envirnment可知,E项中的Ride yur bike r walk t places与该空前后的Recycle any material和Having fewer cars n the rad都是不污染环境的做法。
    40. F。F项中的this infrmatin与该空后的it都是指代本段小标题Keep learning abut and respecting plants, animals, and the envirnment。
    41. D。由下文中的I ... it up and saw the flwer and hearts可知,这幅画画的是一朵“花(flwer)”,并且上面有用心形装饰的话语。
    42. C。She flded her letter与then she lst it之间是转折关系,故填but。
    43. A。由第一段可知,小女孩丢了自己画的一幅画。通常这样的物品丢了以后,没人会在意。也就是说,对大多数人来说,故事就这样“结束(end)”了。
    44. B。由上文中的she lst it以及下文中的I can’t ... yu fund my baby’s letter可知,James Carrell“捡到了(fund)”女孩写给她母亲的节日祝福信。
    45. D。由下文中的After he gt ff the phne可知,Carrell刚刚给他的母亲 “打电话(called)”。
    46. A。由上文可知,Carrell捡到了那位女孩写给她母亲的祝福信。结合第一段中的It was a drawing ... n white paper可知,此处表示,当Carrell挂断电话之后,在一家五金店外面看见了地上的“纸(paper)”。
    47. C。此处表示Carrell“知道(knew)”那是一封信。
    48. A。由本句中的saw the flwer and hearts可知,Carrell“打开(pened)”那封信。
    49. B。由信的内容以及Carrell接下来的做法可知,Carrell“很(really)”受感动。
    50. D。结合语境可推断,此处表示 Carrell觉得收信人看到这份礼物一定会很“高兴(brighten)”。
    51. A。由本句中的s he psted it in the Talk f Alvin Facebk grup 可知,Carrell觉得他可能会找到信的“主人(wner)”。
    52. C。由下文中的His Facebk cmments included a message frm Rbert Alvarad 可知,Carrell在网上发布了关于这封信的消息,收到了人们的评论。故此处表示这条消息“感动了(tuched)”很多人,特别是一位男士。
    53. D。由下文中的His Facebk cmments included a message frm Rbert Alvarad可知, Carrell正在朋友家里坐着,看见有一个男士“回复(reply)”了消息。
    54. B。He指的是女孩的父亲Alvarad,他感到很惊讶,无法“相信(believe)”Carrell捡到了女儿的信。
    55. C。由上文可知,Carrell在网上发布消息想找到信的主人。故他联系Alvarad,想“归还(return)”那封信。
    56. B。 由上文中的Carrell reached ut t Alvarad以及下文中的the letter made it hme可推断,Carrell和Alvarad取得联系后,“见了面(met)”。
    57. D。由上文可知,这封信能够物归原主经历了一些过程,故Alvarad说“最终(Finally)”这封信到家了。
    58. B。由上文可知,Carrell捡到小女孩的祝福信,并想方设法将其还给她。故女孩一家应该非常“感激(thankful)”Carrell。
    59. A。由下文中的small act可知,此处表示我们经常忽视“小(little)”事情的力量。
    60. C。结合全文,由本句中的frget和but可知,对于Alvarad全家来说,Carrell的微小行动给他们带来“深远的(lasting)”影响。
    61. failed。考查一般过去时。由Beginning arund 1800可知,设空处表示的动作发生在过去,应用一般过去时,故填failed。
    62. with。考查介词。deal with 意为“处理”。
    63. was。考查主谓一致。由语境可知,设空处表示的动作发生在过去,应用一般过去时,因为句子的主语是His first idea,故填was。
    64. t find。考查不定式作主语的用法。It takes sb. + 时间/金钱+ t d sth. 意为“做某事花费了某人时间/金钱”。
    65. what。考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句,且在从句中作made的宾语,故填连接词what。
    66. an。考查不定冠词。idea是可数名词,且此处表示泛指,故填an。
    67. that / which。考查关系代词。设空处引导定语从句修饰cttn thread,且在从句中作主语,故填that / which。
    68. days。考查名词复数。设空处作宾语,表示“天”,day是可数名词,由设空处前的three可知,此处应用其复数形式,故填days。
    69. terribly。考查副词。设空处作状语,表示“非常”,故填副词terribly。
    70. different。考查形容词作定语的用法。设空处作定语修饰types,表示“不同的”,故填形容词different。

    1-4 DBCD 5-8 BDCA
    1. D。推理判断题。由第一段中的My 3-year-ld lves t meet new peple和he always lks fr new friendships可知,作者的儿子喜欢与陌生人交流。
    2. B。推理判断题。由第二段中的there are quite a lt f strangers wh dn’t ignre my sn和第四段中的I think the wrld culd use a little mre kindness可知,作者看到陌生人跟她儿子交流应该非常高兴。再由最后一段中的Thank yu, all the kind strangers ut there可知,她很感激这些陌生人。
    3. C。推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的On the way hme, he said he wanted t g there again t tell her what was ging n in his life可知,作者的儿子把那位店员当做了好朋友。
    4. D。标题归纳题。通读全文,尤其是最后一段中的Thank yu, all the kind strangers ut there, fr nt ignring my sn. It takes a village t raise a child. Yu give me hpe that a nice village fr ur kids really can exist可知,作者希望陌生人能够给予她三岁的儿子关注,跟他交流,不要不理睬他。故D项最符合作者写作本文的主旨。
    5. B。推理判断题。由第二段中的it has a gd selectin f reasnably priced places t stay in可知,诺维奇市的许多酒店价格都很合理;再由作者以the Beeches Htel的住宿价格为例可知,该酒店的价格能让游客负担得起。
    6. D。细节理解题。由第三段中的Nrwich is als hme t the Sainsbury Centre fr Visual Arts ... in a building at the University f East Anglia可知答案。
    7. C。细节理解题。由第四段中的The city’s yearly internatinal arts festival is frm 10-20 Octber可知,在诺维奇市,一个国际性的艺术节会在十月中旬左右举行。
    8. A。写作目的题。由第一段中的Nrwich is a wnderful city t visit and is ppular with turists all year rund以及作者在接下来的四段中分别介绍诺维奇市合理的住宿价格、宏伟的大教堂、诱人的节假日活动等可知,作者旨在介绍诺维奇市,以吸引游客到这里旅游。

    训练05 Book 3 Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China -2022年高考英语一轮复习小题多维练(外研版): 这是一份训练05 Book 3 Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China -2022年高考英语一轮复习小题多维练(外研版),文件包含训练05Book3Module5GreatPeopleandGreatInventionsofAncientChina解析版-2022年高考英语一轮复习小题多维练外研版doc、训练05Book3Module5GreatPeopleandGreatInventionsofAncientChina原卷版-2022年高考英语一轮复习小题多维练外研版doc等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共19页, 欢迎下载使用。

    英语Module 5 Great people and Great Invention一课一练: 这是一份英语Module 5 Great people and Great Invention一课一练,共5页。试卷主要包含了填空,七选五,阅读理解等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语外研版必修3Module 5 Great people and Great Invention同步达标检测题: 这是一份高中英语外研版必修3Module 5 Great people and Great Invention同步达标检测题,共5页。试卷主要包含了填空,语法填空,阅读理解等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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