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    2024学年高一英语 人教版(2019)必修二 课件 Unit 2 Reading for Writing & Assessing Your Progress
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    人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection评课课件ppt

    这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection评课课件ppt,共36页。

    Reading fr WritingMake an effective pster
    Learning bjectives
    By the end f this sectin, yu will be able t:1. get the main idea f each pster thrugh writing ne-sentence summary fr them;2. identify the features f the pster;3. design a pster abut an endangered species;4. cperate with grup mates actively thrugh checking yur psters tgether.
    Let’s lk at these pictures.
    Lk at the psters belw. Which emtins d the phts cmmunicate?
    ● funny ● surprising ● frightening ● sad ● ...
    I think it’s a little frightening! It desn’t lk friendly and its teeth lk sharp!
    I think it’s a lvely picture. The kalas are cute. They lk sft and gentle.
    Cmplete the utline.
    Ugly animals are nt treated equally as cute nes.
    They are regarded as less cute.
    Cnsider “ugly” animals just as imprtant as cute nes.
    A lt f animal hmes are being destryed.
    Billins f trees are being cut dwn every year.
    Be aware f the paper cnsumptin.
    Read the psters and write a ne-sentence summary fr each.
    “Ugly” animals are just as imprtant as cute animals because nature needs variety t functin prperly.
    Sample Answer
    Cutting dwn trees t make paper destrys the natural habitat f many animals.
    Lk at the psters again. Discuss the questins in grups.
    1. What des each pster use t stir up emtins?
    The first pster uses an ugly picture f an animal t get a reactin frm the reader, but then makes the pint that this reactin is part f the prblem, because all animals shuld be prtected, nt just nes we think are cute. The ugly rdent is als framed by a Mickey Muse utline, shwing the difference between hw we see them in cartns and hw they really are. The secnd has a cute picture and the headline is written as if the kalas were speaking t the reader which may make them mre sympathetic.
    2. Wh d yu think is the intended audience fr each pster? Why d yu think s?
    The psters are intended fr everyne because they appeal t prtecting ur planet which we all live n, and t ur paper cnsumptin which we all rely n.
    3. What des each pster want peple t d? Hw d yu knw?
    The first pster wants us t cnsider “ugly” animals as just as imprtant as cute nes, because it asks us directly t d that. The secnd wants us t be aware f ur paper cnsumptin. It desn’t tell us t change directly, but it appeals t ur emtins t change because what we are ding is nt fair t animals like kalas.
    4. In yur pinin, which pster is mre effective? Why?
    I think the “Give Ugly a Chance” pster is mre effective, because the viewer will react t the ugly animal first, but then read that this reactin is part f the prblem that needs t be dealt with.
    Summarize the features f an effective pster.
    clear, vivid, infrmative
    rhetrical device
    different sentence patterns
    Wrk in pairs. Make a pster abut an endangered animal.
    Chse ne f the animals belw r ne f yur wn. D sme research t add t the animal fact sheet.
    Fllw these steps t rganise yur pster.
    Exchange psters with anther pair. Use this checklist t give them helpful feedback.
    Des the pster include key infrmatin abut the animal?Des the pster explain why it is endangered?Des the pster supprt its infrmatin with facts?Is the message f the pster clear, i.e. can yu tell clearly what the designer wants the reader t think r d?Is the image n the pster effective?
    Sample Pster
    Prtect These Gentle Giants!
    The Eastern Lwland grilla is critically endangered. They are threatened by human activity. They are hunted fr their meat. Their natural habitat is being destryed by farming, mining, and lgging.
    There are less than 4,000 left in the wild.
    Yu can help by spreading the wrd abut their plight and supprting charities that wrk t prtect them.
    Assessing Yur Prgress
    By the end f this sectin, yu will be able t:1. check and cnslidate what yu have learnt in this unit when it cmes t vcabulary, such as adapt t, die ut, and be aware f;2. check and cnslidate grammar — the present cntinuus passive vice;3. have a better understanding abut Wrld Wide Fund Fr Nature;4. imprve yur ability f self-evaluatin and reflectin.
    Cmplete the phrases and use them t finish the passage.
    abut fr f ut t upadapt _______ die _______ be cncerned _________search _______ put _______ be aware _____________
    The Wrld Wide Fund Fr Nature (WWF) _________________ the many species f plants and animals that _____________ arund the wrld. The WWF wants mre peple t ___________ the prblem, s they will stp hurting wildlife and ___________ slutins. Very few peple in mdern sciety actually intend t harm animals. Mst peple d nt realise that many animal species cannt _____________ the changes brught abut by mdern civilisatin. It is fr this reasn that the WWF cnstantly _________ infrmatin t stir up public interest in the welfare f the planet.
    is cncerned abut
    are dying ut
    It may seem that prtecting wildlife is smething far frm the life f a high schl student, but in fact, a lt ________________ (d) by yung peple arund the wrld. In Washingtn State, USA, wlverines (貂熊) ________________ (study) by scientists in an effrt t learn hw t preserve the ppulatin. Hwever, during the winter, it is difficult t attract the animals t cameras hidden in snwy frests. A grup f students heard abut the prblem and created a special device which _____________ (test) deep in a snwy frest nw. Their inventin ________________ (use) t send ut a certain smell near the cameras. The shy animals are attracted by the smell and cming arund the cameras. They __________________ (bserve) by a cnservatin researcher.
    Read and cmplete the passage with the present cntinuus passive vice f the verbs in brackets.
    is being dne
    are being studied
    is being tested
    is being used
    are being bserved
    In this unit, I was especially mved by __________________________________ because _________________________________________________________.I thught the mst helpful part f the unit was ___________________________ because _________________________________________________________.I thught the mst difficult part f the unit was __________________________ because _________________________________________________________.Overall, I thught this unit was ◯ wnderful ◯ gd ◯ s-s ◯ t hard.
    1. Mass extinctin is caused by hunting, habitat lss, and pllutin.A. hugeB. mstC. cmmn
    Lk at the underlined wrd(s) in each sentence and chse the mst similar meaning.
    2. Our planet’s wildlife is dying ut at an alarming rate.A. price B. speed C. interest
    3. What measures are being taken t help them?A. effrtsB. amuntsC. signs
    4. The authrities are under pressure t build elephant parks rganisatinsB. experts C. gvernment departments
    5. This is why we’re here — t bserve Tibetan antelpes.A. nticeB. fllwC. carefully watch
    6. The antelpe ppulatin has recvered.A. returned t its earlier level B. becme well again C. gt back mney
    7. The gvernment des nt intend t stp the prtectin prgrammes.A. pretendB. tryC. plan
    8. Withut variety, ur planet cannt survive.A. numbersB. differences C. shws
    EXAMPLESme rare animals are dying ut at an alarming speed. (rate)→Sme rare animals are dying ut at an alarming rate.
    Rewrite each sentence with a phrase cntaining the wrd in brackets.
    1. The shepherds tk care f their sheep. (watch)→
    2. I culdn’t understand what he was saying. (make)→
    3. We are wrried abut endangered animals. (cncern)→
    The shepherds watched ver their sheep.
    I culdn’t make ut what he was saying.
    We are cncerned abut endangered animals.
    4. This pster makes me realise the imprtance f prtecting wildlife. (remind)→
    5. Everyne understands the animals’ serius situatin. (aware)→
    6. Several bird species are in danger f extinctin. (die)→
    This pster reminds me f the imprtance f prtecting wildlife.
    Everyne is aware f the animals’ serius situatin.
    Several bird species are dying ut.
    8. We are lking frward t living in peace with all wildlife. (harmny)→
    7. The z prvides shelter fr a lt f different animals. (variety)→
    The z prvides shelter fr a variety f animals.
    We are lking frward t living in harmny with all wildlife.
    As we knw, s many wild animals and plants are dying ut every day. Smene has t speak up fr _________________ (濒危野生生物). I’d like t d that. Their lives _________________ (正遭受威胁).Time is ticking away and mre animals are dying ut. Sme ________________ (有效的措施) must therefre be taken immediately. The mst imprtant thing fr the authrities is t ___________________________ (建造更多的自然保护区). Besides, it is high time t stp the peple wh _________________ (非法捕猎).There are als ther things we can d t help. Fr example, here I ______________________________________________________________________ _______ (设计了一个海报,让更多的人意识到保护野生生物的重要性). I will never wear fur clthes, eat shark fin sup, r buy ther prducts made frm wild animals in the future. I hpe yu’ll agree with me and fllw my example.
    Cmplete the speech abut wildlife prtectin by translating the Chinese in brackets int English. Then read it t a partner.
    endangered wildlife
    are being threatened
    effective measures
    set up/build mre nature reserves
    are hunting illegally
    have designed a pster t make mre peple aware f the imprtance f prtecting
    panda, alligatr (短嘴鳄), panglin (穿山甲), lepard, tiger, elephant, grilla, turtle, rhin, whale, plar bear
    Fill the bxes with as many wrds and phrases as yu can think f.
    Wildlife prtectin
    Endangered species
    Suth China tiger
    hunting, paching, farming, shipping, defrestatin, urbanisatin, pllutin, disease, threat frm ther species, market demand
    lake, sea, cean, plar, frest, muntain, wdland, grassland, desert, urban
    laws, educatin, stp pllutin, vlunteer, dnate, jin clubs
    PrjectPlan an animal rescue centre
    Endangered animals are nt the nly animals that need help and prtectin. All animals need help at times, such as pets that are left hmeless when their wners mve r wunded birds that fall t the grund. They can be kept in an animal rescue centre fr sme time until they recver.
    Here is part f a reprt abut an animal rescue centre. Read the passage and then tell yur partner abut it. The questins may help yu.
    SMALL FRIENDS PET SHELTERThe Small Friends Pet Shelter was started by a grup f high schl students and their parents when they started t see many pets that were left behind after their families mved away. Tday, there are abut 70 cats, 50 dgs, three rabbits, and a few turtles living at the shelter. The yung peple wh run the shelter wrk hard t keep the place clean, take care f the animals, and advertise the animals s that they can be adpted. They have already helped t find hmes fr nearly 200 animals. It is hard wrk, but the yung peple wrking at the shelter think it is wrth it. S if yu find a pet that is lst, call the yung peple at Small Friends Pet Shelter! And if yu want t help ut, g and vlunteer yur time and lve. That is what the animals really need mst.
    1. What is the rescue centre called?2. Wh started it?3. What animals were rescued?4. What help des the centre need?
    Think abut animals that need help. Plan an animal rescue centre fr them. Discuss the questins in grups.
    What will it be called? What can we d t help the animals?What skills r equipment d we need? Where shuld the centre be built?What help culd peple ffer?
    Make a pster in which yu describe yur animal rescue centre and ask fr help. Put up the pster n the classrm wall.
    Puppy ParadiseWe are a rescue centre fr puppies in the city. We lk after puppies with n hmes.Our centre is in the ld part f the city, as there are lts f stray dgs and puppies in this area.We need vlunteers t give their time and skills t help us run the centre.We als need vets t help lk after puppies that are sick r injured. Yu can als help by giving r raising mney fr the centre as we are a registered charity.Our puppies sn grw int healthy, lving yung dgs which need gd hmes t g t. If yu are willing t accept the respnsibility f lking after a dg fr its whle life, yu can adpt a dg frm us.

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        2024学年高一英语 人教版(2019)必修二 课件 Unit 2 Reading for Writing & Assessing Your Progress
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