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    分值:150分 时间:120分钟
    1. Recently, chat rbt technlgy has gained ______ (ppular) in the wrld f AI. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    2. ______ cntinuus prgress f technlgy, we can never expect t see exciting new develpments. (用适当的词填空)
    3. T lse weight and keep______ ff, yu will need a high amunt f physical activity unless yu als change yur eating patters and reduce the amunt f calries yu’re eating and drinking. (用适当的词填空)
    4. Have yu ever felt stressed and anxius when yur maths teacher asks yu a questin? If s, yu might have experienced ______ is called maths anxiety. (用适当的词填空)
    5. Cultural expectatins may als be ______ (blame)—girls may be mre likely t catch maths anxiety, perhaps because f steretypes (刻板印象)that giris are naturally nt very gd at maths. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    6. All preparatins made befre transprtatin will be helpful fr the tw pandas t adapt ______ the new envirnment. (用适当的词填空)
    7. It is als arranged ______ a sufficient amunt f fresh and high-quality lcal bamb and bamb shts in Sichuan are prepared(用适当的词填空)
    8. Prducts and activities ______ (feature) traditinal elements cmbined with mdern designs which are called the “new Chinese style”, are becming increasingly ppular. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    9. A recent survey has shwn that ______ number f peple in the United Kingdm wh d nt want t use the Internet has risen. (用适当的词填空)
    10. Nrmally grwing eatable and nutritius plants is difficult enugh here n Earth, s imagine______ challenging it wuld be t grw thse greens in micrgravity(微重力)and under highly cntrlled sil cnditins, humidity(湿度), light, and varius gases. (用适当的词填空)
    11. In space, where ______ effect f gravity is slight, things change, and they d s quite strngly. (用适当的词填空)
    12. Cultivating a plant in space is just ne part f a ______ (cmplex)and larger effrt. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    13. Astrnaut farmers must ensure that the plants grwing in such artificial cnditins are safe t cnsume have n side effects and are pleasant ______ (eat). (所给词的适当形式填空)
    14. Stressing petry as a medium cnnecting many kinds f art frms, the festival als cntains painting, music, theater, and cinema, ______ cntent reflects peticness (诗意). (用适当的词填空)
    15. We expected t discver yungsters wh can ______ (true) break new grund in the existing landscape f mdern petry. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    16. The Spring Equinx (春分) signals the equal ______ (lng) f the day and night time. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    17. Standing an egg upright is an ld custm that ______ (date) back t 4,000 years ag. (所给词适当形式填空)
    18. Japan has said three reactrs (反应堆) there suffered meltdwns after the 2011 earthquake and huge cean wave destryed the plant’s ______ (cl) systems. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    19. Japanese gvernment describes the water t be released ______ “treated” and nt “radiactive”.(用适当的词填空)
    20. Additinally, digital technlgies have been applied by the Palace Museum t prtect cultural ______ (relic) . (所给词的适当形式填空)
    Our much-lved 100-Wrd-Stry Cmpetitin is back! Enter fr the chance t win prizes f up t £1,000. It is a chance t shw the wrld yur strytelling talents! Entries (参赛作品) are nw pen.
    Rules and cnditins
    Please ensure that entries are created by yurself nt previusly published and exactly 100 wrds lng (nt including title)—nt a single wrd shrter r lnger! Dn’t frget t include yur full name, address, email and phne number. We may use entries in all print and electrnic media. Multiple entries are allwed per persn. We are unfrtunately nly able t cnsider UK-based entries. Please submit yur stries by 5pm n January 5, 2024 either nline r by pst.
    Terms and prizes
    There are three categries—ne fr adults and tw categries fr schls: ne fr children aged 12-18 and ne fr children under 12. The editrial team will pick a shrtlist f entries, and the three best stries in each categry will be psted nline at ur website n February 1,2024. Yu can vte fr yur favurite and the ne with the mst vtes will win the tp prize. Vting will clse n February 29, 2024 and the winning entries will be published in ur May 2024 issue, and psted nline n April 16, 2024.
    ★In the adults categry, the winner will receive £1,000 and ne runner-up will receive £300.
    ★In the 12-18s categry, the winner will receive£200 r a Kind le Paperwhite, and the runner-up will receive a £100 bks vucher.
    ★In the under-12 categry, the winner will receive £100 r a Kindle Paperwhite and £100 f bk vuchers fr their schl, and the runner- up will receive a £50 bks vucher.
    21. T meet the cmpetitin rules, the entry must be ______.
    A. created riginallyB. published penly
    C. less than 100 wrdsD. based n the US
    22. When can yu see the winning entries earliest?
    A. In January.B. In February.C. In April.D. In May.
    23. What prize may a winner aged 16 receive?
    A. £100.B. £200.C. £300.D. £1,000.
    A few mnths ag, a friend gifted me a rbt sweeper that’s prgrammed t mve arund a rm and clean as it ges.
    When the bx arrived, I was afraid the device wuld detect me and suck up (汲取) data alng with the dg hair and dust. But the instructins were easy, and I finally decided nt t care.
    I pwered up the sweeper, watched it leave its dcking statin t wrk, and quickly fell in lve with my newly shiny flrs. I kept shting its wrking vides. “I think yu’re giving mre attentin t it than t us,” jked my sn.
    One day, I returned hme and discvered that ur frnt dr had blwn pen and the rbt rlled int the yard, trying t clean the flwer beds. Even when its brushes were blcked with leaves, bugs and mud, its little wheels bravely kept turning.
    The rbt acted prperly as it was prgrammed t clean “dirty” things. In a kitchen, dirt can be garden debris (碎片) such as leaves and mud. In a garden, this kind f dirt des nt need t be remved. The cntext is imprtant. The prblem fr rbts is that reading this cntext is difficult.
    This accident inspired me t think mre abut AI (artificial intelligence). As far as I am cncerned, AI is simply well trained and reprduces what it has learned. And it is undeniable that rbts are increasingly being given pwerful intelligence. Sme experts even predict that we will sn see nt nly AI-enabled rbts designed t slve prblems accrding t their instructins, but als thse with the ability t judge hw they shuld respnd when they are in a different setting.
    Maybe this will happen in the near future.
    24. What was the authr’s cncern abut the rbt sweeper at first?
    A. Its after-sales service.B. Its wrking efficiency.
    C. The privacy f her family.D. The readability f its instructins.
    25 Hw did the authr feel abut the rbt sweeper after using it?
    A. Enthusiastic.B. Regretful.C. Uncertain.D. Cautius.
    26. What was the rt cause f the accident happening t the rbt sweeper?
    A. Its prgram went wrng.B. It lacked critical thinking.
    C. Its wheels were badly designed.D. It failed t wrk n rugh surfaces.
    27. What des the sixth paragraph mainly talk abut cncerning AI?
    A. The accident.B. Sme experts’ thinking.
    C. Its appeal t the authr.D. The authr’s pinin.
    Fr many centuries, the city f Utrecht in the Netherlands was prtected by a defensive wall and canal (运河). But ver time, the wall began t fall dwn. The area was then transfrmed (转变) int a park surrunding the city center. As fr the canal, a plan was set frth t transfrm it int a new ring rad. Since the cmmunity reacted strngly against the prpsal, the ring rad was never built.
    In 2002, the lcal cmmunity wished t recver the canal. This began a lng-term restratin prject fr the park and canal, which was designed in partnership with Utrecht’s residents and OKRA Landscape Architects. The specific part f the canal that was under restratin is called the Catharijnesingel. The prject was made up f a 1,100-meter-lng stretch, and required abut 40,000 cubic meters f water t refill the canal.
    OKRA’s design fr the new layut f the canal and park features three main interventins (干预措施). Firstly, the park frms a buffer (缓冲带) between the residential and cmmercial areas f the city. It prmtes interactin with nature by prviding citizens with green and blue spaces that prvide relaxatin. This includes space t run and exercise in the park and rw and paddlebard in the canal. Further, the dck (码头) alng the waterfrnt is the perfect cnnectin between the green and blue znes.
    The redesign f the Catharijnesingel als prmtes traffic flw. Pedestrians (行人) are the tp chice, and they are given their wn paths where pssible. Meanwhile, a new walking track has been set up alng the canal. It leads exercisers thrugh the park, alngside varius art installatins (雕塑装置) and seating areas, and prvides visitrs with views f the city. Furthermre, the landscape architects included design elements frm the riginal landscape architect, J. D. Zcher, t create a public space that bridges its histrical design with the city center.
    In additin, OKRA included strategies t prmte bidiversity. By intrducing a variety f adaptive plant species, the park has becme a hme fr small animals, birds and insects within the city. Thrugh their interventins, OKRA transfrmed the histric site int a healthy space where humans and ther rganisms c-exist peacefully.
    28. What made the plan t change the canal int a rad fail?
    A. Shrtage f mney.
    B. Its pssible harm t nature.
    C. The disagreement frm the cmmunity.
    D. The difficulty in preserving its histric features.
    29. What can we learn abut OKRA’s design frm paragraphs 3 and 4?
    A. It is human-centered.
    B. It features traditinal lcal culture.
    C. Mechanical equipment is widely used.
    D Ec-friendly materials are used.
    30. Which f the fllwing best describes the restratin prject?
    A. Cstly.
    B. Debatable
    C. Cmmercial.
    D. Successful.
    31. What is the purpse f the text?
    A. T prmte harmny between man and nature.
    B. T intrduce a restratin prject.
    C. T shw ways t transfrm a city.
    D. T tell the histry f a canal.
    If yu live in a regin where winter weather is a regular risk, yu are likely used t puring salt n yur sidewalks. But hw des it wrk? And hw much salt d humans pur nt ur planet’s surface? The secnd questin is easier t answer: a lt.
    Salt desn’t directly melt ice, nr des it make snw simply disappear. Instead it makes water less likely t freeze in a phenmenn called freezing pint depressin. In the case f simple rck salt, which is a rawer, less pure versin f table salt, each mlecule (分子) splits int smaller elements. Nrmally, when water freezes int ice, its mlecules line up t frm a stable, rderly structure. Salt interrupts the prcess, hwever, and temperatures must drp lwer t vercme that interruptin and fr freezing t ccur.
    But if salt needs t interact with liquid water, hw des it d anything when temperatures are stubbrnly belw freezing, and water shuld already be in the frm f ice? That’s where cars help clear their wn way by creating frictin and, in turn, heat. The frictin allws fr the ice that has already frzen t melt a little bit, making it unlikely t freeze.
    Beynd rck salt’s ability t clear icy streets, it can als be destructive. Chlride ins (氯离子) can cause wear and tear n vehicles and facilities. Increasing chlride densities in Nrth American lakes culd begin t upset lcal eclgy and degrade surces f drinking water.
    Many lcal gvernments are lking fr alternatives t rck salt. Other salts such as magnesium chlride and calcium chlride wrk in the same way as rck salt, and they’re perhaps even mre efficient. Sme experiments are testing ther ice-preventing slutins, including thse that cntain sugars instead f r in additin t salts. Anther apprach relies mre heavily n sand, which can mechanically make rads safer. All f this experimentatin is aimed at ensuring peple can travel in any weather cnditin — a Herculean task when winter brings its wrst.
    32. What’s the purpse f the first sentence in Paragraph 2?
    A. T intrduce the tpic.B. T give sme evidence.
    C. T define the phenmenn.D. T reveal the miscnceptin.
    33. Hw des salt wrk t disturb the prcess f freezing?
    A. By lwering the temperature.B. By melting and splitting itself.
    C. By lining up t frm a slid structure.D. By stpping the frmatin f the structure.
    34. What des the underlined wrd “densities” in Paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Cncentratins.B. Weights.C. Qualities.D. Salts.
    35. What’s the last paragraph mainly talking abut?
    A. Other salts wn’t disturb lcal eclgy.
    B. Effrts are being made t guarantee safe travels.
    C. Many alternatives are available t slve the prblem.
    D. Bitter winter make it impssible t secure rad safety.
    第二节 七选五(共5小题;每小题2.5分,共12.5分)
    There are s many definitins f wisdm. Simply put, wisdm is a mix f insight, cmmnsense, experience, and results t sund judgement. It is nt merely a desirable quality but an abslute necessity in a wrld filled with chas, cntrversy, and cnflicts.___36___It shines ur way thrugh darkness.
    Grwing up with fairy tales and fantasy mvies, I always assciated wisdm with Gandalf, Yda, and Albus Dumbledre. Althugh these characters have given every ne f us tns f inspiratin, wisdm actually lies within urselves.___37___And hw?
    Embarking n new experiences is an avenue fr acquiring wisdm. Yu will never grw frm being in yur cmfrt zne, which is why yu need t get ut f it. D change yur rutine and experience as much as what life takes yu t! In fact, there are always several sides t a life stry. T identify the truth, yu need t be receptive t different views.___38___It is nt emtin-based either. Instead, train yur mind t be a judgment-free space fr ideas. Open- mindedness pens new pathways t prfund insights.
    What if yu are desperate fr persnal grwth and imprvement?___39___
    The mre time yu spend with them, the mre transfer f knwledge there will be. Yur tutrs can be whever is wiser than yu. Yet prir t that, engage in dialgue with them t find ut why.
    Rme was nt built in a day.___40___It is imprtant t acknwledge that it takes a span f yur life and cntinuus effrt t mature in wisdm as yu navigate life’s challenges.
    A. Individuals need t bring it ut.
    B. It isn’t smething yu are brn with.
    C. Knwledge speaks, but wisdm listens.
    D. Remember develping wisdm is beynd a destinatin.
    E. A shrtcut t d that is t have wise peple as yur tutrs.
    F. Never base yur perspective n the mst ppular pinins.
    G. In rder t navigate in it, wisdm becmes ur guiding light.
    When I was grwing up, every evening befre bedtime my father wuld tell me stries f his childhd. He’d tell his stries with mrals, r smetimes just tales withut a particular ____41____but fr pure entertainment _____42_____.
    He’d tell me_____43_____f his adventures grwing up in New England with his tw brthers and their_____44_____Dickey Ellis, wh was the butt (笑柄) f all the jkes. Despite always being underestimated (低估) and____45____, Ellis managed t be victrius alngside the Vankevich brthers in their achievements—They defended the_____46_____grups against Butch, wh ften bullied (欺负) the weak, and _____47_____authrity figures when they were being unjust.
    It was nly when I was creating a televisual series n strytelling that my father_____48_____me a secret. The majrity f the stries he tld abut his____49____didn’t actually happen. I was astnished but then _____50_____. I realized it didn’t matter that they were______51______. What has mattered t peple mst is that stries ffer______52______t their questins abut where they cme frm, why the wrld is as it is, and hw they shuld lead their life.
    My father’s stries taught and ______53______the mral map thrugh which I ______54______the wrld. Nw, I’m ______55______the traditin—I tell my sn, aged 3, a stry every evening befre bed.
    41. A. designB. mralC. cntentD. challenge
    42. A. educatinB. industryC. valueD. system
    43. A. talesB. schedulesC. recmmendatinsD. destinatins
    44 A. uncleB. friendC. fatherD. grandfather
    45. A. admiredB. cheatedC. ignredD. cmpared
    46. A. giftedB. embarrassedC. determinedD. disadvantaged
    47. A. questinedB. trustedC. respectedD. puzzled
    48. A. hadB. tldC. keptD. fund
    49. A. planB. wrkC. discveryD. childhd
    50. A. laughedB. criedC. ranD. slept
    51. A. rdinaryB. fictinalC. riginalD. rmantic
    52. A. intrductinsB. attentinC. answersD. damage
    53. A. frmedB. representedC. destryedD. lst
    54. A. mnitrB. surpriseC. criticizeD. see
    55. A. searching frB. carrying nC. turning dwnD. setting up
    China’s nline literature industry is making an increasing impact verseas with sme even ___56___ (say) that it can cmpare with U. S. and Krean films and TV shws. By the end f 2022, mre than 16,000 Chinese nline wrks f literature ___57___ (exprt) abrad, including ver 6,400 physical bk authrizatins and ver9,600___58___(translate) nline wrks.
    Overseas readers f Chinese web nvels exceeded(超过) 150 millin in 2022, mainly Generatin Z brn between 1996 and 2010. Amng 15 majr ___59___(categry), urban, western and eastern fantasy, gaming, and science fictin emerged as the five mst ppular types amng verseas readers.
    In June, Wang Xiang, ___60___ member f the nline literature cmmittee at the China Writers Assciatin, tld dmestic media Chinese web nvels are ften similar t Hllywd mvies in terms f their strytelling methds and fcus ___61___ superhuman abilities. “Chinese nline literature has becme a ___62___ (glbe) cultural center cmpared with Hllywd mvies in terms f ___63___ (it) reach and influence amng the wrldwide audience,” said Wang.
    Last year, 16 Chinese nline wrks f literature were included in the British Library’s Chinese cllectin fr the first time, all f which were first published n digital reading platfrm Qidian ___64___ readers can read kinds f Chinese nline literature. Accrding t data released by the Chinese Academy f Scial Sciences in April, the revenue(收入) f the dmestic nline literature market reached 38.93 billin yuan in 2022, a year-n-year ___65___(grw) f 8.8%.
    第二部分 书面表达(满分40分)
    66. 假定你是李华,你的笔友Ryan想了解移动支付(mbile payment)在中国的使用情况。请给他写一封邮件,内容包括:
    Dear Ryan,
    Li Hua
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。
    One afternn in August, five years after Mm passed away, I was unpacking my grceries(食品杂货) in my kitchen. When I lifted my left hand ut f a grcery bag, I suddenly culdn’t breathe. Lking at the ring n my finger, I fund the star sapphire (蓝宝石)was gne. Mm had given me the ring n my twenty-first birthday. I had wrn it every day fr twenty-nine years. It was a reminder f Mm and a symbl f ur lve.
    “N! N! N!” I yelled, hurrying t check the bag and the flr, and then my car, but the star sapphire was nwhere t be fund. Feeling helpless, I called my best friend, Marie. “The star sapphire in my ring fell ut. I dn’t knw what t d,” I said, extremely wrried.
    Marie replied, “Please dn’t be anxius. Try t stay calm and psitive. Yu can g back t the places yu just visited and take a lk.” But hw culd I keep hpe in seemingly impssible situatins? Anyway, I started my car and drve t the grcery stre again. I culdn’t shake the feeling that there was little chance that I culd find my stne.
    Back at the grcery stre, I pulled int the same parking spt and lked everywhere fr my star sapphire. My hands and knees felt the ht grund as I searched crazily arund and under my SUV car. Then I rushed inside the stre, searching fr a familiar face fr mre help. I sptted Amanda, a staff member whm I had met n previus shpping trips, and urgently tapped her n the shulder. “I was just here twenty minutes ag and lst the stne f this ring. It’s very special t me. It’s frm my late mm. Culd yu please help me lk fr it?” I cried, unaware that many ther peple arund als heard my wrds.
    Amanda’s eyes sftened and she ndded understandingly. She immediately tk a large mp(拖把) and started carefully sweeping it back and frth dwn the first aisle (过道) f the huge stre.
    Paragraph 1:
    In tears, I called after her, “It’s light blue and small.”
    Paragraph 2:
    Suddenly, a custmer near the cunter excitedly called ut ludly, “Oh, Madam, I’ve fund it!”.

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