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    这是一份河南省新乡市原阳县第一高级中学2024-2025学年高二上学期开学英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含河南省新乡市原阳县第一高级中学2024-2025学年高二上学期开学英语试题原卷版docx、河南省新乡市原阳县第一高级中学2024-2025学年高二上学期开学英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共30页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Bnn & the Rhine in Flames
    Thursday 5 May t Mnday 9 May
    A relaxing 5-day rail break t Bnn, a great city n the Rhine.
    Day 1 Travel t Bnn
    Taking a mid-mrning Eurstar frm Lndn’s St Pancras statin t Brussels Midi in Belgium where we cnnect with an InterCity Express train t Clgne. Here we make a final change f train and travel t Bnn where we enjy a 4-night stay at the Intercity Htel.
    Day 2 Drachenfels Cg Railway & a Tur f Schlss Drachenburg
    Mrning tram (电车) ride t Knigswinter t take the famus cg railway up the Drachenfels hill. Later we head t Schlss Drachenburg, built fr the banker Barn Stephan vn Sarter.
    Day 3“Rhein in Flammen”Bat Cruise (乘船游览) &Firewrk Shw
    A free mrning and early afternn t spend explring Bnn, knwn as the birthplace f Ludwig van Beethven. A visit t this wrld famus cmpser’s huse is a must. Frm late afternn we take a bat cruise and watch the beautiful firewrk shw.
    Day 4 Wuppertal Schwebebahn
    We take a mrning train t Wuppertal and enjy a return trip n the Schwebebahn hanging railway. The railway pened in 1901 and has been in almst cntinuus service abve the city ever since. An imprtant part f the Wuppertal transprt system, this train is made even mre attractive by the fact that the wheels are n the rf! Early evening we return t Bnn.
    Day 5 Return Hme t Lndn
    After breakfast we take a mid-mrning train frm Bnn back t Clgne’s main statin. Here we return t Lndn.
    5 Days frm £785 per Persn PRICE INCLUDES
    ■All rail travel as stated
    ■Unlimited travel n lcal transprt in Bnn city area
    ■Excursins (游览) as listed
    ■ Accmmdatin in gd, quality htel n a bed and breakfast basis
    ■Services f a tur leader frm Lndn and thrughut the tur
    1. On which day will turists visit the famus cmpser Beethven’s huse?
    A. Day 2.B. Day 3.C. Day 4.D. Day 5.
    2. What d we knw abut Wuppertal Schwebebahn?
    A. It pened in 1921.B. It is a hanging railway.
    C. It is already ut f service.D. It was built by Stephan vn Sarter.
    3. What d turists need t pay extra fr during the trip?
    A. Breakfasts.
    B. Services f a tur leader.
    C. Lunches and evening meals.
    D. Travel n lcal transprt in Bnn.
    【答案】1. B 2. B 3. C
    细节理解题。由文章Day 3中“A free mrning and early afternn t spend explring Bnn, knwn as the birthplace f Ludwig van Beethven. A visit t this wrld famus cmpser’s huse is a must.(一个自由的上午和下午早些时候花在探索波恩,被称为路德维希·范·贝多芬的出生地。参观这位世界著名作曲家的家是必须的。)”可知,第三天可以参观著名作曲家贝多芬的家。故选B项。
    细节理解题。由文章Day 4中“We take a mrning train t Wuppertal and enjy a return trip n the Schwebebahn hanging railway. (我们乘坐早班火车前往Wuppertal,在Schwebahn悬空铁路上享受回程。)”可知,Wuppertal Schwebebahn是一个悬空铁路。故选B项。
    细节理解题。由文章倒数第二段“Accmmdatin in gd, quality htel n a bed and breakfast basis( 住宿在优质酒店,提供住宿和早餐)”以及上文可知,该旅游费用中指包括早餐,所以午餐和晚餐需要额外支付。故选C项。
    It was in a brightly-lit rm in Mexic City, Mexic, that n June 18, 2014 it was annunced that India-brn Dr Sanjaya Rajaram had been named the winner f the Wrld Fd Prize.
    Dr Rajaram wn this award fr successfully crssbreeding (杂交) the winter and spring wheat (小麦) varieties, which have been tw distinct and islated gene pls (分离的基因库) since the beginning f farming. And because f this breakthrugh, the scientist has been able t breed ver 480 wheat varieties.
    Brn in Varanasi in 1943, Dr Rajaram lived with his family ff a plt f land grwing wheat, rice and maize. “After my educatin here in India, I went ff t Australia fr my PhD and sn I jined CIMMYT (the Internatinal Maize and Wheat Imprvement Centre) in Mexic, where my career as a plant breeder started,” said Dr Rajaram.
    “Every cuntry is unique — there are climate systems, culture, the financial situatin and each f the natins I visited needed a different set f slutins,” said Dr Rajaram. His slutins became part f what is widely described as the wrld’s first “wheat netwrk”, a glbal exchange f “genetic infrmatin and innvatins amng researchers”. His varieties f wheat were strng in nutritin, delayed (延迟) the attack f sme plant diseases and were able t survive the severest f cnditins.
    After nearly half a century in the field, Dr Rajaram said his wrk was still nt finished. “In science, yu never stp learning. I have been ding this all my life and I’ve never really had time fr anything else. As far as hbbies g, well, there’s a bit f music I like t listen t and that’s pretty much it. I have been n a lng jurney f pushing the bundaries (边界) f what’s pssible and tday, there’s still wrk left. Learning must never stp and the wrld must nt g hungry.”
    4. Why was Dr Rajaram awarded the Wrld Fd Prize?
    A. He imprved several wheat varieties genetically.
    B. He crssbred the winter and spring wheat varieties.
    C. He successfully bred tw wheat varieties.
    D. He fund the difference between the winter and spring wheat varieties.
    5. When did Dr Rajaram start t wrk n plant breeding?
    A. During his cllege years in India.
    B. While ding his PhD in Australia.
    C. After becming a member f CIMMYT in Mexic.
    D. While living with his family near wheat-grwing land.
    6. What is ne advantage f the wheat varieties develped by Dr Rajaram?
    A. They can be planted in any seasn.
    B. They are free frm the attack f sme pant diseases.
    C. They can grw well in terrible envirnments.
    D. They can grw taller than traditinal nes.
    7. What can we learn abut Dr Rajaram frm the last paragraph?
    A. He was t busy with wrk t develp any hbby.
    B. He wasn’t satisfied with the results f his research.
    C. He planned t d research in a new field f science.
    D. He made his mind t wrk n wrld fd prblems.
    【答案】4. B 5. C 6. C 7. D
    【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了小麦育种专家Sanjaya Rajaram成功培育出冬春杂交小麦品种,获得世界粮食奖。
    细节理解题。根据第一段“It was in a brightly-lit rm in Mexic City, Mexic, that n June 18, 2014 it was annunced that India-brn Dr Sanjaya Rajaram had been named the winner f the Wrld Fd Prize.(2014年6月18日,在墨西哥墨西哥城一个灯火通明的房间里,印度出生的Sanjaya Rajaram博士被宣布为世界粮食奖获得者)”以及第二段“Dr Rajaram wn this award fr successfully crssbreeding (杂交) the winter and spring wheat (小麦) varieties,(Rajaram博士因成功杂交冬小麦和春小麦品种而获得该奖项)”可知,Sanjaya Rajaram博士被授予世界粮食奖,是因为他杂交了冬小麦和春小麦品种。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“After my educatin here in India, I went ff t Australia fr my PhD and sn I jined CIMMYT (the Internatinal Maize and Wheat Imprvement Centre) in Mexic, where my career as a plant breeder started,(在印度接受教育后,我去了澳大利亚攻读博士学位,很快我加入了墨西哥的CIMMYT(国际玉米小麦改良中心),在那里我开始了我的植物育种者职业生涯)”可知,Rajaram博士加入国际玉米小麦改良中心后,开始从事植物育种工作。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第四段中“His varieties f wheat were strng in nutritin, delayed (延迟) the attack f sme plant diseases and were able t survive the severest f cnditins.(他的小麦品种营养丰富,延迟了一些植物病害的侵袭,能够在最恶劣的条件下存活下来)”可知,Rajaram博士培育的小麦品种能在恶劣的环境中生长。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“After nearly half a century in the field, Dr Rajaram said his wrk was still nt finished. “In science, yu never stp learning. I have been ding this all my life and I’ve never really had time fr anything else. As far as hbbies g, well, there’s a bit f music I like t listen t and that’s pretty much it. I have been n a lng jurney f pushing the bundaries (边界) f what’s pssible and tday, there’s still wrk left. Learning must never stp and the wrld must nt g hungry.”(在该领域工作了近半个世纪后,Rajaram博士说他的工作还没有完成。‘在科学领域,你永远不会停止学习。我一辈子都在做这件事,我从来没有真正有时间做其他事情。就爱好而言,好吧,有一点我喜欢听的音乐,几乎就是这样。我一直在努力突破可能的极限,今天还有工作要做。学习永远不能停止,世界也不能挨饿。’)”可知,Rajaram博士已经在粮食领域工作了数十年,他认为自己还有很多工作要做,需要不断学习,让世界人民不再饥饿。因此可推断,他决定致力于解决世界粮食问题。故选D。
    The cnnectin between peple and plants has lng been the subject f scientific research. Recent studies have fund psitive effects. A study cnducted in Yungstwn,Ohi,fr example, discvered that greener areas f the city experienced less crime. In anther,emplyees were shwn t be 15% mre prductive when their wrkplaces were decrated with huseplants.
    The engineers at the Massachusetts Institute f Technlgy(MIT)have taken it a step further changing the actual cmpsitin f plants in rder t get them t perfrm diverse,even unusual functins. These include plants that have sensrs printed nt their leaves t shw when they’re shrt f water and a plant that can detect harmful chemicals in grundwater. "We’re thinking abut hw we can engineer plants t replace functins f the things that we use every day,"explained Michael Stran, a prfessr f chemical engineering at MIT.
    One f his latest prjects has been t make plants glw(发光)in experiments using sme cmmn vegetables. Stran’s team fund that they culd create a faint light fr three-and-a-half hurs. The light,abut ne-thusandth f the amunt needed t read by,is just a start. The technlgy, Stran said, culd ne day be used t light the rms r even t turn trees int self-pwered street lamps.
    In the future,the team hpes t develp a versin f the technlgy that can be sprayed nt plant leaves in a ne-ff treatment that wuld last the plant’s lifetime. The engineers are als trying t develp an n and ff"switch"where the glw wuld fade when expsed t daylight.
    Lighting accunts fr abut 7% f the ttal electricity cnsumed in the US. Since lighting is ften far remved frm the pwer surce(电源)-such as the distance frm a pwer plant t street lamps n a remte highway-a lt f energy is lst during transmissin(传输).Glwing plants culd reduce this distance and therefre help save energy.
    8. What is the first paragraph mainly abut?
    A. A new study f different plants.
    B. A big fall in crime rates.
    C. Emplyees frm varius wrkplaces.
    D. Benefits frm green plants.
    9. What is the functin f the sensrs printed n plant leaves by MIT engineer?
    A. T detect plants’ lack f water
    B T change cmpsitins f plants
    C. T make the life f plants lnger.
    D. T test chemicals in plants.
    10. What can we expect f the glwing plants in the future?
    A. They will speed up energy prductin.
    B. They may transmit electricity t the hme.
    C. They might help reduce energy cnsumptin.
    D. They culd take the place f pwer plants.
    11. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Can we grw mre glwing plants?
    B Hw d we live with glwing plants?
    C. Culd glwing plants replace lamps?
    D. Hw are glwing plants made pllutin-free?
    【答案】8 D 9. A 10. C 11. C
    主旨大意题。根据第一段中A study cnducted in Yungstwn, Ohi, fr example ,discvered that greener areas f the city experienced less crime. In anther, emplyees were shwn t be 15% mre prductive when their wrkplaces were decrated with huseplants.可知例如,在俄亥俄州扬斯敦进行的一项研究发现,城市绿化较好的地区犯罪率较低。在另一项研究中,当员工的工作场所被室内植物装饰时,他们的工作效率会提高15%。由此可知,第一段的主旨是关于绿色植物的益处。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中These include plants that have sensrs printed n their leaves t shw when they're shrt f water and a plant that can detect harmful chemicals in grundwater.可知这就包括叶子上印有传感器来显示植物缺水的情况的植物,还有一种植物可以检测到地下水中的有害化学物质。由此可知,麻省理工学院工程师植物叶片上印上传感器的作用是检测植物缺水的情况。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段中Glwing plants culd reduce this distance and therefre help save energy.可知发光的植物可以缩短这段距离,从而帮助节约能源。由此可知,这种发光的植物在未来可能有助于减少能源消耗。故选C。
    主旨大意题。根据最后一段中Lighting accunts fr abut 7%f the ttal electricity cnsumed in the US. Since lighting is ften far remved frm the pwer surce-such as the distance frm a pwer plant t street lamps n a remte highway-a lt f energy is lst during transmissin. Glwing plants culd reduce this distance and therefre help save energy.可知照明约占美国总耗电量的7%。由于照明通常远离电源,例如从发电厂到偏僻公路上路灯的距离,在传输过程中会损失大量能源。发光的植物可以缩短这段距离,从而帮助节约能源。结合文章主要说明了绿色植物对人们很有好处,因此麻省理工学院的工程师开发了一种发光植物,文章介绍了他们发明这种植物的过程,以及这种植物的一些优势,指出在未来发光植物有可能取代路灯,达到节约能源的作用。由此可知,C选项“发光的植物能取代路灯吗?”最符合文章标题。故选C。
    Imagine yu’re at the supermarket checkut. Yu pay the cashier, lad yur fd int the cart, then take ne third f yur newly purchased items utside and thrw them int the trash. This may sund unbelievable, but millins f us wrldwide d this regularly, althugh in a mre nn-direct way.
    In the West, mst f this fd is thrwn away by businesses that are unable t sell it, r by cnsumers wh buy t much. And the majrity f this fd, despite being past its shelf life, is still perfectly fit fr human cnsumptin. S where d these excess prducts end up?
    “We receive fd frm varius surces, including fd banks, restaurants, cafes, fd phtgraphers, and events” says Adam Smith, funder f The Real Junk Fd Prject. The British cmpany recently made headlines in the UK after it became the cuntry’s first “fd waste supermarket”, ffering prducts that wuld therwise have ended up in waste. Mst f its custmers are lw-incme families, r even cllege students wh find it difficult t affrd fd.“We ask ur custmers t pay what they feel in time, mney r skills. We d have peple cming with the intentin f paying and if it carries n like it des, it will pay fr the cst f the warehuse,” Smith explains.
    Sme shps acrss Eurpe are als taking actin. France recently passed a law that says all supermarkets must nw dnate all f their unsld prduce t charities, while the Italian gvernment has als put similar measures in place. Hundreds f cafes that serve meals made frm surplus fd have been set up acrss the cntinent t, selling dishes at bttm prices r even giving them away fr free.
    S what can we d t prevent ur dinner ending up in the bin? “Buy less. Or at least shp smarter,” said Smith. After all, the best place fr fd is in ur stmachs, nt the trash.
    12. What’s the meaning f the underlined “being past its shelf life” in Paragraph 2?
    A Being past its “sell-by” date.B. Being far frm enugh.
    C. Being past the length f being eatable.D. Being ut f date.
    13. What d we knw abut The Real Junk Fd Prject?
    A. It gets fd frm the waste.B. It wants t make a fat prfit.
    C. It drew massive attentin lately.D. Its main aim is t d charities.
    14. What can we learn frm Paragraph 4?
    A. Sme cuntries in Eurpe are actively helping pr peple.
    B. Sme cuntries in Eurpe are trying t address fd waste.
    C. Related shps in Eurpe are willing t give away their fd.
    D. All the cuntries in Eurpe have made laws t handle fd waste.
    15. What is the best title f the passage?
    A. Turning Trash int TreatsB. Buying Less and Smarter
    C. Fd Trash IndustryD. Warn against Fd Waste
    【答案】12. A 13. C 14. B 15. A
    词义猜测题。由划分部分所在句子“And the majrity f this fd, despite being past its shelf life, is still perfectly fit fr human cnsumptin.”可知,大部分这些食物仍然是非常适合人们消费的,尽管它们超过了它们的货架寿命。由此可见,这些食物只是超过了在货架上销售的时间,需要下架,但是它们仍然可以食用,“being past its shelf life”表示的是超过了最佳售卖的日期。结合选项可知,选项A正确。
    推理判断题。由第三段的第二句“The British cmpany recently made headlines in the UK after it became the cuntry’s first “fd waste supermarket”, ffering prducts that wuld therwise have ended up in waste.”可知,在它成为英国第一个提供可能会变成废物的产品的“食物废品超市”之后,这个英国公司最近在英国成为头条。由此可见,这个英国公司的 真的垃圾食物项目吸引了人们的注意力,成为了头条。结合选项可知,选项C正确。
    推理判断题。由第四段的第二句“France recently passed a law that says all supermarkets must nw dnate all f their unsld prduce t charities, while the Italian gvernment has als put similar measures in place.”可知,法国最近通过了一部法律,规定所有的超市现在必须将所有它们不售卖的食物捐赠给慈善机构,同时,意大利政府也适当地实施了相似的措施。由此可见, 欧洲的一些国家正在努力解决食物浪费问题。结合选项可知,选项B正确。
    主旨大意题。由全文内容可知,第二段的第一句“In the West, mst f this fd is thrwn away by businesses that are unable t sell it, r by cnsumers wh buy t much.”表示的是在西方,大部分这种食物被不能再销售它的企业丢弃或者被购买太多的消费者丢弃。第三段的第二句“The British cmpany recently made headlines in the UK after it became the cuntry’s first “fd waste supermarket”, ffering prducts that wuld therwise have ended up in waste.”表达的是在它成为英国第一个提供可能会变成废物的产品的“食物废品超市”之后,这个英国公司最近在英国成为头条。第四段的第一句“Sme shps acrss Eurpe are als taking actin.”表示的是全欧洲的一些商店也正在采取行动。最后一段的最后一句“After all, the best place fr fd is in ur stmachs, nt the trash.”表示的是毕竟,食物最佳的地方是在我们的胃里而不是垃圾。由此可见,整篇文章主要是针对被丢弃的食物的问题,介绍了几种将废物转变为好物的方法。结合选项可知,选项A正确。
    Learning t Lve Lcally-Grwn Fds
    Cking shws n TV are usually all abut freign fds. Thanks t glbalizatin, peple everywhere are intrducing their taste buds t dishes frm every crner f the wrld. ___16___ In the past few years, the number f peple purchasing lcal fds has been rising because it ffers a lt f benefits.
    Fr starters, lcal fd is ften tastier because it is fresher. Imprted gds must be flwn r shipped in frm far away, s they naturally lse sme f their freshness during the jurney. ___17___ These materials may cause the nutritinal value f these gds t decline during the shipping prcess. Fd safety is anther reasn why peple are chsing lcal prduce. Tday’s laws regarding fds vary frm cuntry t cuntry. ___18___ But when yu knw the lcal farmer wh grws yur fd, the chances f it being plluted are greatly reduced.
    Buying lcal fds can als have a beneficial impact n the envirnment. Buying lcal, cnsumers can maintain green space and farmland in their cmmunities. Besides, if farmers can sell directly t cnsumers, they will earn mre mney fr their families. Additinal prfits als enable farmers t better care fr their sil and keep quality standards high. ___19___
    ___20___ This is an pen area where farmers sell fruits, vegetables, and meat directly t the public. Once yu experience the freshness f lcal fds fr yurself, it might be tugh t g back t the supermarket.
    A. In the end, it’s a win-win situatin.
    B. Hwever, sme disagree with the idea.
    C. T cnclude, the farmers can make mre mney.
    D. Imprted gds must als be packaged in plastic r ther cntainers.
    E. This makes it difficult t detect if any harmful chemicals have been used.
    F. At the same time, ther peple are discvering fd frm their area is the best.
    G. If yu’re interested in having mre lcal fds, yu can even attend a farmers’ market.
    【答案】16. F 17. D 18. E 19. A 20. G
    根据后文“In the past few years, the number f peple purchasing lcal fds has been rising because it ffers a lt f benefits.(在过去的几年里,购买当地食品的人数一直在上升,因为它提供了很多好处)”可知,下文提到在过去的几年里购买当地食物的人数在上升,说明人们发现了当地食物的好处。故F选项“与此同时,其他人发现他们所在地区的食物是最好的”符合语境,故选F。
    根据上文“Fr starters, lcal fd is ften tastier because it is fresher. Imprted gds must be flwn r shipped in frm far away, s they naturally lse sme f their freshness during the jurney.(首先,当地的食物通常更新鲜,所以味道更好。进口货物必须从很远的地方空运或运来,所以在运输过程中它们自然会失去一些新鲜度)”以及后文“These materials may cause the nutritinal value f these gds t decline during the shipping prcess.(这些材料可能会导致这些货物的营养价值在运输过程中下降)”可知,后文提到了某种材料会导致货物的营养价值下降,可知本句是在说明是什么物质。故D选项“进口货物也必须用塑料或其他容器包装”符合语境,故选D。
    根据上文“Fd safety is anther reasn why peple are chsing lcal prduce. Tday’s laws regarding fds vary frm cuntry t cuntry.(食品安全是人们选择当地农产品的另一个原因。今天关于食品的法律因国家而异)”可知,本句承接上文说明“关于食品的法律因国家而异”的结果:使得很难检测是否使用了任何有害化学物质,故E选项“这使得很难检测是否使用了任何有害化学物质”符合语境,故选E。
    根据上文“Buying lcal fds can als have a beneficial impact n the envirnment. Buying lcal, cnsumers can maintain green space and farmland in their cmmunities. Besides, if farmers can sell directly t cnsumers, they will earn mre mney fr their families. Additinal prfits als enable farmers t better care fr their sil and keep quality standards high.(购买当地食品也可以对环境产生有益的影响。在当地购买,消费者可以在他们的社区保持绿色空间和农田。此外,如果农民可以直接卖给消费者,他们将为他们的家庭赚更多的钱。额外的利润也使农民能够更好地保护他们的土壤,并保持高质量标准)”可知,本段主要介绍购买本地食物给本地消费者和农民都会带来好处。故A选项“最终,这是一个双赢的局面”符合语境,故选A。
    根据后文“This is an pen area where farmers sell fruits, vegetables, and meat directly t the public. Once yu experience the freshness f lcal fds fr yurself, it might be tugh t g back t the supermarket.(这是一个开放的区域,农民在这里直接向公众出售水果、蔬菜和肉类。一旦你亲身体验了当地食物的新鲜,可能就很难再去超市了)”可知,本段主要是关于农贸市场的本地食物更加新鲜。故G选项“如果你对更多的当地食物感兴趣,你甚至可以去农贸市场”符合语境,故选G。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Observing is a prcess that lets us take a step clser t smething. When giving the natural wrld ur ___21___, we can nte the patterns (图案) in a landscape r a leaf, r ___22___ see hw animals behave.
    Human brains are wired in a way that when we ___23___ smething, we’re mre likely t lve it. The mre yu lk at and understand details in nature, the better yu will knw and ___24___ these little peculiarities (独特性). Yu will begin t ___25___ them, and recgnize them.
    By lking clsely at aspects that might nt seem ___26___ at first lk, yu may find new appreciatin fr them — this happened a few years ag when I ___27___ that birds were mre than strange-lking creatures, but actually intelligent and beautiful creatures. I’ve never been a big bird-watcher, ___28___ nw I am, and I lve learning mre abut it. If yu feel passinate (热爱的) abut smething, yu usually want t help ___29___ it when it is endangered.
    There are ther ____30____ effects when bserving nature. Yu usually grw calm and ____31____ when yu are in a natural envirnment. This has actually been verified (证实) in studies, althugh I believe mst f us already knw it t be true.
    Nature can be ____32____ everywhere. Even a single tree utside yur windw can have this ____33____ n yu. Imagine what a walk thrugh the wds can d. Wndering at the ____34____ and diversity f nature can help t quiet negative thughts abut yurself r thers and bring a mment f ____35____.
    21. A. attentinB. infrmatinC. adviceD. trust
    22. A. strangelyB. slwlyC. directlyD. hardly
    23 A. describeB. understandC. experienceD. remember
    24. A. likeB. frgetC. changeD. share
    25. A. give up nB. lk ut frC. take verD. use up
    26. A. interestingB. imprtantC. differentD. difficult
    27. A. wnderedB. dreamedC. discveredD. prmised
    28. A. unlessB. ifC. sD. but
    29. A. prtectB. cntrlC. missD. chse
    30. A. undesirableB. similarC. dangerusD. psitive
    31. A. richB. ldC. relaxedD. prfessinal
    32. A. explainedB. bservedC. discussedD. accepted
    33. A. effectB. pressureC. pintD. ptin
    34. A. endB. beautyC. futureD. purpse
    35. A. bredmB. inspiratinC. cnfusinD. peace
    【答案】21. A 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. B 26. A 27. C 28. D 29. A 30. D 31. C 32. B 33. A 34. B 35. D
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我们关注自然界时,我们可以注意到风景或树叶中的图案,或者直接看到动物的行为。A. attentin注意;B. infrmatin信息;C. advice建议;D. trust信任。根据上文“we can nte the patterns (图案) in a landscape r a leaf, r ___2___ see hw animals behave.”以及常识可知,仔细观察自然界可以得到观察的细节,此处表示集中注意力在自然界上。故选A。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意同上。A. strangely奇怪地;B. slwly缓慢地;C. directly直接地;D. hardly几乎不。根据上文“When giving the natural wrld ur ___1___ ,”以及下文“see hw animals behave”可知,观察自然界时,可以直接观察到动物的行为。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:人类的大脑是以这种方式连接的,当我们理解某事时,我们更有可能喜欢它。A. describe描述;B. understand理解;C. experience经历;D. remember记住。根据上文“The mre yu lk at and understand details in nature”可知,此处表示,理解某物更有可能会让人喜欢它。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:你越是观察和理解自然界中的细节,你就越能了解并喜欢这些小的独特性。A. like喜欢;B. frget忘记;C. change改变;D. share分享。根据上文“Human brains are wired in a way that when we ___3___ smething, we’re mre likely t lve it.”可知,此处表示越理解某物,越可能喜欢这些小的独特性。故选A。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:你会开始留意它们,并识别出它们。A. give up n放弃;B. lk ut fr留意;C. take ver接管;D. use up用光。根据下文“and recgnize them”以及语境可知,此处表示留意小的独特性。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:通过仔细观察那些在第一眼看起来可能不那么有趣的方面,你可能会对它们产生新的欣赏——这发生在几年前,当时我发现鸟类不仅仅是长相奇怪的生物,而实际上是聪明美丽的生物。A. interesting有趣的;B. imprtant重要的;C. different不同的;D. difficult困难的。根据下文“at first lk, yu may find new appreciatin fr them”可推知,此处表示第一眼看起来可能不那么有趣,但通过仔细观察,你可能会产生新的欣赏。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. wndered想知道;B. dreamed梦想;C. discvered发现;D. prmised承诺。根据下文“that birds were mre than strange-lking creatures, but actually intelligent and beautiful creatures.”可知,此处表示作者发现了鸟类的美丽与智慧。故选C。
    考查连词词义辨析。句意:我从来不是一个大的观鸟爱好者,但现在我是,并且我喜欢了解更多关于鸟类的知识。A. unless除非;B. if如果;C. s所以;D. but但是。根据下文“nw I am, and I lve learning mre abut it.”以及语境可知,此处表示现在的情况与之前进行对比,句子前后表示转折关系,应用连词but连接。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果你对某样东西充满热情,你通常会想在它濒临灭绝时帮助保护它。A. prtect保护;B. cntrl控制;C. miss错过;D. chse选择。根据下文“when it is endangered”可知,当它濒临灭绝时,你通常会想要保护它。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:观察自然还有其他积极的影响。A. undesirable不受欢迎的;B. similar类似的;C. dangerus危险的;D. psitive积极的。根据下文“Yu usually grw calm and ___11___ when yu are in a natural envirnment.”可知,观察自然有积极的影响。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当你在自然环境中时,你通常会变得平静和放松。A. rich富有的;B. ld年老的;C. relaxed放松的;D. prfessinal专业的。根据下文“Wndering at the ___14___ and diversity f nature can help t quiet negative thughts abut yurself r thers and bring a mment f ___15___ .”以及语境可知,处于自然环境中,你会变得平静和放松。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:自然可以在任何地方被观察。A. explained解释;B. bserved观察;C. discussed讨论;D. accepted接受。根据下文“Even a single tree utside yur windw can have this ___13___ n yu.”可推知,此处表示自然可以在任何地方被观察。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:即使是窗外的一棵树也会对你产生这种影响。A. effect影响;B. pressure压力;C. pint点;D. ptin选项。根据上文“There are ther ___10___ effects when bserving nature.”以及下文“Imagine what a walk thrugh the wds can d.”可知,此处表示即使是窗外的一棵树也会对你产生积极的影响。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:惊叹于大自然的美丽和多样性可以帮助平息对自己或他人的负面想法,带来片刻的平静。A. end结束;B. beauty美丽;C. future未来;D. purpse目的。根据上文“When giving the natural wrld ur ___1___ , we can nte the patterns (图案) in a landscape r a leaf, r ___2___ see hw animals behave.”可知,此处表示大自然的美丽。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. bredm无聊;B. inspiratin灵感;C. cnfusin困惑;D. peace平静。根据上文“Yu usually grw calm and ___11___ when yu are in a natural envirnment.”以及“Wndering at the ___14___ and diversity f nature can help t quiet negative thughts abut yurself r thers”可知,此处表示大自然可以帮助平息负面想法,带来平静。故选D。
    36. S large is the Pacific that energy ________(generate) by its warming is enugh t tuch ff a series f Climate changes. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    37. They had n alternative but__________ (put) the meeting ff. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【答案】t put
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:他们别无选择,只能将会议推迟。分析句子可知,此处符合短语have n alternative but t d sth.意为“没有其他选择只能……”,应用不定式,put搭配ff意为“推迟,延迟”。故填t put。
    38. _____(devte)t his research wrk, the prfessr cared little abut any ther things. (用单词适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:因为专注于研究工作,教授不关心其他事。be devted t (ding)sth“专注于”,做状语时相当于:because he was devted t his research wrk,故填Devted。
    39. Mr. Reed made up his mind t devte all he had t________(set)up sme schls fr pr children. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查动名词。句意:里德先生决心把他的一切都奉献给为贫困儿童建立一些学校。分析句子结构可知,he had作all的定语从句。所以该题考查devte sth. t ding sth.(把……贡献给……)结构。t是介词,后面接动名词作宾语。故填setting。
    40. __________( give) that she was really interested in children, teaching was a prper career fr her. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查从句。句意:鉴于她对孩子们真的很感兴趣,教学对她来说是一个合适的职业。given that鉴于,引导原因状语从句,首字母大写。故填Given。
    41. A thughtful fficial passed n sme f the cpies t the park authrities n the ________(assume)that they might make a nice blw-up fr ne f the visitrs’ centers. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    42. ________ I’m cncerned abut mst is hw we can cllect a huge amunt f mney in such a shrt time. (用适当的词填空)
    43. The reasn__________they chse a Chinese cmpany is that China has ne f the mst advanced technlgies f high speed railways in the wrld. (用适当的词填空)
    【详解】考查定语从句。句意:他们选择了一家中国公司的原因是,中国有着全世界最先进的高铁技术。分析句子可知,空前The reasn是主语,is是谓语动词,句子完整,空后的句子they chse a Chinese cmpany考虑定语从句,其主干成分完整,先行词The reasn在定语从句中应作原因状语,应用关系副词why引导。故填why。
    44. These fishes typically live between the surface f the cean and a __________ (deep) f abut 3,300 feet. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查名词。句意:这些鱼通常生活在海洋表面和大约3300英尺深处之间。此处为短语a depth f表示“深度为……”。故填depth。
    45. It is estimated that ne in five cancers has been linked t ___ (chemistry) expsure. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是李华,最近你班开展了主题为“Chemical Agriculture r Organic Agriculture”的征文活动。请写一篇短文,内容如下:
    注意:1.词数 80左右;
    【答案】 In my pinin, Chemical Agriculture is preferable t Organic Agriculture because f its significant advantages ver the latter. Details are as fllws.
    In the first place, s delicate is the envirnment that we shuld d everything in ur pwer t prtect it. Intended t keep the sil rich, Organic Agriculture, which is free f chemical frilizers, is undubtedly friendly t the envirnment. With the number f peple diagnsed with cancer n the rise, we are suppsed t attach mre attentin t what we eat. Rich in minerals and vitamins, rganic fd guarantees us the essential nutritin as well as reducing the likelihd f ptential serius disease. It is widely knwn that fd prduced frm Chemical Agriculture tastes flavrless while Organic Agriculture can definitely secure the natural flavr f the fd, thus stimulating ur appetite and cntributing t ur cuisine culture.
    In cnclusin, with all these factrs taken int accunt, preference shuld be given t Organic Agriculture.
    【导语】本篇书面表达是一篇应用文,要求考生写一篇主题为“Chemical Agriculture r Organic Agriculture”的征文,内容包括自己的选择以及做出该选择的理由。
    将……考虑在内:take int accunt→take int cnsideratin
    在增加:n the rise →n the increase
    原句:In my pinin, Organic Agriculture is preferable t Chemical Agriculture because f its significant advantages ver the latter.
    拓展句:In my pinin, Organic Agriculture is preferable t Chemical Agriculture because it has significant advantages ver the latter.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】In the first place, s delicate is the envirnment that we shuld d everything in ur pwer t prtect it.(运用了部分倒装)
    【高分句型2】In cnclusin, with all these factrs taken int accunt, preference shuld be given t Organic Agriculture.(运用了with复合结构)
    47. 阅读下面的材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    One day Albert fund a baby bird lying n the grund, squawking (叫喊) fr help. Feeling sad fr the bird, Albert petted it gently and wanted t help it, but he didn’t knw hw since he was just 7 years ld. S he tk the bird in his hands, carried it carefully hme and shwed it t his parents. At nce, his parents tk actin. They washed the bird and fund it injured. With the help f his parents, Albert dressed the wund. But it wuld need time and care fr the bird t cmpletely recver. As the bird had becme dear t his heart, Albert immediately ffered t care fr the bird.
    Albert named his new friend “Lucky”. He began t feed the bird and he even ran ut t cllect grass t build a sft nest fr the bird. Then, he put the nest beside his bed. Albert and the bird were sleeping tgether and living tgether. Sn they became clse friends. Albert always tld it abut his experiences in schl and his secrets. Lucky, an extremely patient audience, usually respnded t him with a few nds and chirps (叽叽喳喳声). Albert’s parents als lved Lucky. They regarded it as a family member.
    In the curse f time, Lucky gradually recvered and started t hp (脚跳) and jump a little bit and exercise its wings. That made everyne happier. Sn it wuld be able t fly. Hw wnderful!
    But what then? Albert became thughtful and started t think. “If Lucky started t fly, it culd simply fly away ne day.” But that wuld nt happen. Albert lved his friend s much that he culdn’t imagine parting with it. He wndered, “I shuld surely stay with Lucky frever. But hw? Keep the windws clsed all the time? That was nt practical.”
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Then, he bught a small cage and kept Lucky in it.
    Knwing the bad situatin, Albert’s parents decided t help Lucky and their sn.
    【答案】Then, he bught a small cage and kept Lucky in it. In the beginning, Lucky seemed fine inside it. He believed he had made the right chice t keep Lucky clse and secure. Hwever, as time passed, things tk a turn fr the wrse. After a fully recvery, Lucky wanted t spread its wings and fly in the sky. When all its attempts failed, what Lucky culd d was sitting inside the little cage and squawking sadly. Several days later, Lucky refused t eat and drink. Wrried and cnfused, he didn’t knw what t d abut it.
    Knwing the bad situatin, Albert’s parents decided t help Lucky and their sn. They tld their sn, “If yu really lve Lucky, yu shuld think f hw t make it happy.” After careful cnsideratin, Albert pened bth his heart and the cage. Lucky was released and flew away. Tw weeks later, a wnderful thing happened: Lucky returned, flying arund Albert and chirped happily, seeming t say thanks t him. This had happened frm time t time since then. Instead f lsing a frced friend, Albert had made a permanent ne.
    ①展翅:spread its wings / stretch its wings / extend its wings
    ②.拒绝:refuse / reject
    ③.返回:return / g back / get back
    ①.伤心地:sadly / srrwfully
    ②.感谢:thanks / appreciatin / gratitude
    【点睛】[高分句型1]. When all its attempts failed, what Lucky culd d was sitting inside the little cage and squawking sadly.(运用了when引导的时间状语从句及what引导的主语从句)
    [高分句型2]. If yu really lve Lucky, yu shuld think f hw t make it happy.(运用了If引导的条件状语从句)

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