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    第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Welcme t ur schl. Yu can d a lt f things here. Cme and jin us.
    1.When can yu prbably have a chance t intrduce yur inventins?
    A.On Sunday. B.On Mnday. C.On Wednesday.D.On Friday.
    2.Where des the persn wh teaches Cmputer Science cme frm?
    A.Canada.B. Australia.C.New Zealand.D.America.
    3.When can yu g t the class if yu want t learn smething abut satellites (卫星)?
    A.Frm 8:30 t 11:30 n Sunday. B.Frm 19:00 t 21:00 n Mnday.
    C.Frm 19:30 t 21:00 n Wednesday.D.Frm 18:30 t 21:00 n Friday.
    Many kinds f birds are very successful at fling ther animals. Fr example, a bird called the plver smetimes pretends t be hurt in rder t prtect its yung. When a predatr (猎食动物) gets clse t its nest, the plver leads the predatr away frm the nest. Hw? It pretends t have a brken wing. The predatr fllws the “hurt” adult, leaving the baby birds safe in the nest.
    Anther kind f bird, the scrub jay, buries its fd s it always has smething t eat. Scrub jays are als thieves. They watch where thers bury their fd and steal it. But clever scrub jays seem t knw when a thief is watching them. S they g back later, unbury the fd, and bury it again smewhere else.
    Birds called cucks have fund a way t have babies withut ding much wrk. Hw? They dn’t make nests. Instead, they get int ther birds’ nests secretly. Then they lay their eggs and fly away. When the baby birds cme ut, their adptive parents feed them.
    Chimpanzees, r chimps, can als be sneaky. After a fight, the lsing chimp will give its hand t the ther. When the winning chimp puts ut its hand, t, the chimps are friendly again. But an animal expert nce saw a lsing chimp take the winner’s hand and start fighting again.
    Chimps are sneaky in ther ways, t. When chimps find fd that they lve, such as bananas, it is natural fr them t cry ut. Then ther chimps cme running. But sme clever chimps learn t cry very sftly when they find fd. That way, ther chimps dn’t hear them, and they dn’t need t share their fd.
    As children, many f us learn the saying “Yu can’t fl Mther Nature.” But maybe yu can’t trust her, either.
    4.A plver prtects its yung frm a predatr by ________.
    A. getting clser t its yungB. driving away the adult predatr
    C. leaving its yung in anther nestD. pretending t be injured
    5.By “Chimpanzees, r chimps, can als be sneaky” (Paragraph 4), the authr means ________.
    A. chimps are ready t attack thersB. chimps are smetimes dishnest
    C. chimps are jealus f the winnersD. chimps can be selfish t
    6.Which f the fllwing is true accrding t the passage?
    A. Sme chimps lwer their cry t keep fd away frm thers.
    B. The lsing chimp wn the fight by taking the winner's hand.
    C. Cucks fl their adptive parents by making n nests.
    D. Sme clever scrub jays ften steal their fd back.
    7.Which f the fllwing might be the best title f the passage?
    A. D animals lie?
    B. Des Mther Nature fl animals?
    C. Hw d animals learn t prtect themselves?
    D. Hw des hnesty help animals survive?
    "The price f bks fr ur students is just getting higher and higher, cmbined with the rising cst f tuitin, and it's killing these students," said Peter Jasn, a cllege prfessr. "Remember, students are ne f the prest grups f peple in America. Almst half f them have at least ne part-time jb. In fact, ne f my students has three jbs. And she still manages t have high scres and g t schl full-time."
    Textbk prices are traditinally high. What's mre, many cllege teachers change textbks year after year; they either upgrade t a new editin r switch t an entirely different textbk. This further hurts students because if an instructr n lnger uses a particular textbk, that bk has n resale value.
    Dr. Jasn decided t make reading a little easier and a lt cheaper fr his students by writing his wn bk n public speaking. "Many bks have an increased price due t CD-ROMs, lts f clr phtgraphs and pictures. I talked t my students, and many f them, like me, prefer t keep things simple! S, a few years ag, I wrte my wn textbk. Cmpared t mst ther public speaking bks, mine is half the number f pages, and ne-third the price. That is, $30 instead f $90. When I wrte a secnd editin last year, students nly had t buy the 35 new pages. Fr nly $7, they had almst a new bk. Nw my lse-leaf textbk enjys great ppularity amng the students. Maybe in the future mre writers and publishers will try it."
    8.What did Dr. Jasn say abut students at cllege?
    A.They are shrt f mney.B.They need better textbks.
    C.They shuld d part-time jbs.D.They are trying t get high scres.
    9.What did Dr. Jasn decide t d t help the students?
    A.T chse cheaper textbks.B.T write a textbk himself.
    C.T speak t his students.D.T use ld textbks.
    10.Hw much des a public speaking textbk usually cst?
    A.Abut 7 dllars.B.Abut 30 dllars.C.Abut 37 dllars.D.Abut 90 dllars.
    11.Which f the fllwing can be inferred frm the passage?
    A.Dr. Jasn's textbk has CD-ROMs and nice pictures.
    B.Mre writers and publishers will write simpler textbks.
    C.Dr. Jasn teaches public speaking at a cllege.
    D.Dr. Jasn's textbk is nt well received.
    E-bikes are becming mre and mre ppular. It pens cycling t lder peple, thse with disabilities, peple wh live in hilly cities where regular cycling requires serius effrt.
    Three things are needed t make e-bikes ppular—a safe place t ride, gd affrdable bikes and a secure place t park. Safety cmes first. Fr bike lanes (车道) t wrk, the netwrk has t be cntinuus, nt just frcing cyclists int the middle f a busy street. It shuld be well prtected s that the cyclists wn’t feel they’ll be kncked dwn by cars. It’s necessary t prvide gd affrdable e-bikes t custmers either in physical stres r in nline stres. Only in this way can peple cnsider buying ne as their means f transprtatin. Parking remains an unavidable prblem if we want t encurage mre peple t ride e-bikes. In Netherlands r Cpenhagen, large bike parking lts at train and bus statins encurage varieties f transprt. Peple can easily find bike parking lts everywhere. This is ging t be needed in ther cities t fr e-bikes t really becme a frm f transprtatin.
    As a matter f fact, peple have fund that e-bikes are effective transprtatin chices. A recent study shws that peple wh ride e-bikes increase their travel distance frm 2.1 t 9.2 km per day n average. That is sure t d gd t their health. It’s als believed that if just 15% f a city’s ppulatin turn t e-bikes, it wuld reduce the carbn emissins (排放) frm transprtatin by 12%.
    All f these lead me t cnclude that e-bikes are a far better way f dealing with transprtatin emissins than electric cars. They wn’t wrk fr everyne, but they dn’t have t.
    12.What is the mst imprtant fr cyclists?
    A. Their safety.B. Affrdable bikes.
    C. Gd parking lts.D. Fast transprtatin.
    13.Why are Netherlands and Cpenhagen mentined in Paragraph 2?
    A. T shw their gd e-bikes.
    B. T shw their e-bikes are affrdable.
    C. T shw cyclists have safe places t ride.
    D. T shw they ffer gd bike parking lts.
    14.What is mainly talked abut in Paragraph 3?
    A. The rules f riding bicycles.
    B. The health benefits f riding bicycles.
    C. The advantages f riding bicycles.
    D. The harmful influence f riding bicycles.
    15.What is the authr’s attitude twards e-bikes?
    A. Wrried.B. Uncncerned.C. Dubtful.D. Psitive.
    Sme students prefer t learn by themselves. They think they can learn better in this way because they have mre freedm, pressure and independence. There is sme truth in their way.
    16.______It is better t have a teacher, especially when they learn smething mre difficult.
    First, a teacher can act as a guide t lead yu t success. When yu learn, yu need help and advice. A teacher will give yu a hand when yu face difficulties. 17.______
    What is mre, a teacher puts real pressure n yu. If yu study by yurself, yu must be strng-minded enugh t keep But under the guidance f a teacher, yu will feel there is always smene t watch yu. The teacher may give yu hmewrk t d. Yu must cmplete the hmewrk, r yu will nt pass the curse.
    Last but nt least, studying with a teacher will help yu receive the benefit f the teacher’s knwledge 19.______. They teach students hw t learn and hw t btain infrmatin. They guide all f yu in class t discuss the material and prvide extra material t braden the scpe f the tpic.
    20.______I chse t learn in a big family---my schl. Withut a teacher, I wuld feel there wuld be n fun and n pressure. I culd nt learn well in such dull and depressing circumstances.
    A. Besides, teachers are cnnected with ur life.
    B Teachers can help yu slve all f yur prblems.
    C. In shrt I prefer t g t class studying with a teacher.
    D. Withut a guide, yu wuld be searching in darkness.
    E. And yu may becme inactive fr lack f a strng will.
    F. But they fail t see the advantages f learning with a teacher.
    G. In class, teachers d mre than just ging ver the material in the text.
    第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    When I first arrived in Santiag, Chile, and tk a walk arund the city center, ne f the first things I nticed was hw many street dgs there were.
    On every crner there was a sleeping 21 . At every traffic light there was a dg 22 t crss. By every shp there was a dg waiting fr 23 . At first I was 24 as I thught they might be 25 r unfriendly. Hwever, I have been here fr mre than a year nw and every street dg I have seen has been quiet and 26 .
    The dgs are 27 and welcmed here in Chile. They are 28 given fd and water by the public. Sme peple even 29 jackets fr the dgs r put ut beds fr them t sleep in.
    There are an estimated 2.5 millin street dgs in Chile and the canine (犬的) ppulatin is 30 . Sme peple believe that the 31 is getting ut f cntrl and that it is 32 t have s many dgs n the streets. The dgs can smetimes cause 33 such as car accidents if they run int the rad. Many Chileans think that all the street dgs shuld be sterilized (使绝育) s that they cannt 34 . Others think that the street dg ppulatin shuld be culled (i.e. reducing the ppulatin by killing them).
    The future f street dgs is 35 , but fr nw it lks like they are here t stay, with their ppulatin expanding year by year.
    A. manB. catC. dgD. by
    A. jumpingB. waitingC. hesitatingD. refusing
    A. partnersB. wnersC. tysD. fd
    A. disappintedB. nervusC. shckedD. angry
    A. aggressiveB. thirstyC. hungryD. sensitive
    A. lnelyB. weakC. friendlyD. strng
    A. cntrlledB. acceptedC. caughtD. received
    A. ftenB. neverC. merelyD. barely
    A. wearB. makeC. changeD. sell
    A. agingB. raisingC. grwingD. declining
    A. plicyB. psitinC. behavirD. situatin
    A. unacceptableB. reasnableC. unusualD. interesting
    A. diseasesB. fearsC. prblemsD. questins
    A. biteB. breedC. barkD. grw
    A. brightB. differentC. prmisingD. uncertain
    Last summer, my friend decided t vlunteer as an English teacher in a primary schl. I didn’t want t g at first 36._____ he kept talking me int jining it. Finally, I agreed.
    Unexpectedly, the mment I 37._____(step) int the ld classrm, I was tuched by the lud, respectful vices. “Gd mrning, teacher!” Instead f fling arund, the children were thirsty fr knwledge. This made 38._____(I) regret that I hadn’t prepared fr the class. During the break, I talked with a sweaty by in the frnt rw. Withut air-cnditining, the by didn’t feel uncmfrtable at all, because he thught his 39._____(father) jb, building rads in the sun, was really 40._____(tire).
    As time went by, I prepared my lessn carefully and rganized many activities t give the kids fun. 41._____(strange), the heat was als becming less unbearable. Sn, my ne-mnth vlunteer came t 42._____ end. When I was leaving, I turned back and saw smiling faces and waving hands. I had never had such a feeling f sadness befre, which was mixed with a sense f enrichment and happiness. I was fully paid 43._____ my wrk, nt in terms f mney, but smething mre valuable.
    I hear that my university plans 44._____(run) anther vluntary teaching prgramme this summer. This time I wn’t 45._____(frce). I will vlunteer.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Dear Lin Ha,
    Li Hua
    Frgiveness is the mst imprtant tl humans have been blessed with. Because, with it, we can let g f unnecessary burdens and truly wn ur lives. And by ding that, yu maybe make a friend. That was a lessn an eleven-year-ld by taught me when I was in my eighth grade.
    When I was in the fifth grade, there was a by in my class named Kyle. He was big and strng. Maybe he was kind inside. Maybe he was just gd at pretending in face f adults. I said s because I happened t see him helping an ld man wh was s grateful that he culdn’t stp saying thanks t him.
    Hwever, t the children f his age, he was the meanest persn I had ever met. Fr the first cuple days f schl, Kyle and I sat acrss frm each ther. Once, he secretly reached his legs acrss the table and slammed (猛踩) his she clwn n mine, causing a rapid rush f pain. I stared at him angrily, but he just made faces t me. I chse t ignre him. I didn’t want t get invlved int truble because I was anxius t leave t see my brther. He suffered frm a strange disease. Despite the fact that he was slw and had special needs, I lved him and culdn’t stand thers laughing at him.
    Kyle’s bullying (欺凌) went n. Eventually, I tld a teacher, and my seat was mved. But Kyle’s abuse didn’t stp. He cntinued t call me names, such as “stupid”. His wrds were quite embarrassing t an eleven-year-ld girl. He as cntinued t physically hurt me. In “mrning meeting” he nce stepped n my ft s hard that I burst int tears. This cntinued fr mst f the schl year.
    Kyle als bullied my friend Megan. At ne pint she ran ut f the classrm because he cpied her nnstp. Bth f us were abslutely painful. And despite meetings with teachers and guidance cunselrs, nthing changed. We had a large class f nisy bys, and the teacher had a hard time keeping rder.
    The climax (高潮) f Kyle’s bad behavir ccurred in mid-May.
    He aplgized t me, prmising he wuld never laugh at my brther.
    第一部分 阅读理解
    解析:细节理解题。根据Sunday 的课程介绍和“Yu can see many inventins by the students; yu may als bring yur wn inventins.”(你可以看到学生们的许多发明;你也可以带上你自己的发明。)可知,你在周日的课程上有机会介绍自己的发明。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Friday的课程介绍“Cmputer Science”和“Mr. Harry Mrisn frm Harvard University”可知,教电脑科学的Mr. Harry Mrisn来自哈佛大学,即来自美国。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Mnday的课程介绍“19:00—21:00”、“Space and Man”和“If yu want t knw mre abut the universe(宇宙).”可知,周一19:00—21:00的课程是关于宇宙方面的知识,适合想要了解卫星的人参加。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。由第一段中的“Fr example, a bird called the plver smetimes pretends t be hurt in rder t prtect its yung. (例如,一种名为“plver”的鸟有时为了保护雏鸟而假装受伤)”和“The predatr fllws the “hurt” adult, leaving the baby birds safe in the nest. (捕食者跟随“受伤”的成年鸟,将雏鸟安全地留在巢中)”可知,plver通过假装受伤来保护雏鸟免受捕食者的伤害。故选D项。
    解析:词句猜测题。由第四段“Chimpanzees, r chimps, can als be sneaky. After a fight, the lsing chimp will give its hand t the ther. When the winning chimp puts ut its hand, t, the chimps are friendly again. But an animal expert nce saw a lsing chimp take the winner’s hand and start fighting again. (Chimpanzees, r chimps, can als be sneaky. 在一场搏斗之后,输了的黑猩猩会向另一只黑猩猩伸出手来。当获胜的黑猩猩也伸出手来时,黑猩猩再次友好起来。但是一位动物专家曾经看到一只失败的黑猩猩抓住胜利者的手,再次开始打架)”可知,一只输了的黑猩猩通过伸手以示友好,突然再次攻击获胜黑猩猩,说明黑猩猩也可能不诚实,可得出“Chimpanzees, r chimps, can als be sneaky”的意思是“黑猩猩有时不诚实”。故选B项。
    解析:细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的“But sme clever chimps learn t cry very sftly when they find fd. (但是一些聪明的黑猩猩在找到食物时学会了非常轻柔地呼喊)”可知,“一些黑猩猩为了不让其他黑猩猩接触食物,会降低呼喊声(非常轻柔地呼喊)”正确。故选A项。
    解析:主旨大意题。由第一段中的“Many kinds f birds are very successful at fling ther animals. (许多种类的鸟很善于愚弄其他动物)”和下文列举的一些鸟类和黑猩猩欺骗其它动物的例子可知,文章主要讲动物也会撒谎、欺骗,A项“动物会撒谎吗?”符合文意。故选A项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中Dr. Jasn说的话Remember, students are ne f the prest grups f peple in America. Almst half f them have at least ne part-time jb.可知,学生是美国最贫穷的群体之一,几乎一半的学生都要做兼职赚钱。所以大学生缺钱。故选A项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段首句Dr. Jasn decided t make reading a little easier and a lt cheaper fr his students by writing his wn bk n public speaking.可知,Dr. Jasn决定通过自己写书的方式来帮助学生,让读书变得更容易,花费更少。故选B项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段中Dr. Jasn说的话Cmpared t mst ther public speaking bks, mine is half the number f pages, and ne-third the price. That is, $30 instead f $90.可知,比起其他公共演讲的教材,Dr. Jasn的书只有一半厚。价格是30美元而不是正常教材的90美元。所以一本公共演讲的教科书通常要90美元。故选D项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中的his wn bk n public speaking以及Cmpared t mst ther public speaking bks可知,Dr. Jasn写的书是关于公共演讲的。由此判断出,Dr. Jasn在大学教的是公共演讲的课程。故选C项。根据最后一段第二、三句可知,许多书正是因为内容繁杂,包含只读光盘(CD-ROMs)和大量彩色图片而价格昂贵,而Dr. Jasn希望把书做得简单一些,故A项错误;根据最后一段最后一句可知,也许将来更多的作者和出版人会尝试活页教材,而并不是更简单的教材,故B项错误;根据最后一段倒数第二句Nw my lse-leaf textbk enjys great ppularity amng the students.可知D项错误。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第二句Safety cmes first.(安全第一)可知,对于骑行者来说最重要的是安全。故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段倒数第三句In Netherlands r Cpenhagen,large bike parking lts at train and bus statins encurage varieties f transprt.(在荷兰或哥本哈根,火车站和公共汽车站的大型自行车停车场鼓励使用各种交通工具)可知,在荷兰和哥本哈根有很好的自行车停放处。故选D。
    解析:段落大意题。根据第三段后两句That is sure t d gd t their health. It's als believed that if just 15% f a city's ppulatin turn t e-bikes,it wuld reduce the carbn emissins (排放) frm transprtatin by 12%.(那肯定对他们的健康有好处。人们还认为,如果一个城市有15%的人口转为骑电动自行车,那么交通运输的碳排放量将减少12%)可知,本段在说明骑电动自行车的好处。故选C。
    解析:情感态度题。根据最后一段第一句All f these lead me t cnclude that e-bikes are a far better way f dealing with transprtatin emissins than electric cars.(所有这些让我得出结论,电动自行车是比电动汽车更好地处理交通排放的方式)可知,作者对电动自行车的态度是肯定的。故选D。
    答案: FDEGC
    前面提到那些喜欢独自学习的学生,而且下文提到有个老师一起会比较好,故答案为But they fail t see the advantages f learning with a teacher"他们没有看到跟老师一起学习的优点"。
    此处说到的是A teacher will give yu a hand when yu face difficulties"老师能指导你走向成功",故此处答案为D,意思为"没有人的指导,你将在黑暗中寻找"。
    前面提到yu must be strng-minded enugh t keep n独自学习的学生需要有坚强的意志才能坚持下去,接着说到缺少坚强的意志就可能会变得懒散,故答案为E。
    根据语境studying with a teacher will help yu receive the benefit f the teacher's knwledge说的是"接收老师知识的好处",因为课堂上老师做的不仅仅是重温课本的材料,他们教予学生的是如何学习以及如何获得信息,故答案为G。
    第二部分 语言知识运用
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.man男人;B.cat猫;C.dg狗;D.by男孩。根据上文"I nticed was hw many street dgs there were."可知,此处为每个角落都有一只狗在睡觉。故选C项。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.jumping跳;B.waiting等待;C.hesitating犹豫,踌躇;D.refusing拒绝。根据"At every traffic light"以及"t crss"可推知,此处为每个红绿灯处都有一条狗等着过马路。故选B项。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.partners同伴;B.wners主人,拥有者;C.tys玩具;D.fd食物。根据上文提到流浪狗以及下文"They are(8)given fd and water by the public"可知,此处为每一家商店旁都有一只狗在等待食物。故选D项。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.cntrlled控制;B.accepted接受;C.caught抓住,赶上;D.received接受。根据后文and连接的"welcmed here in Chile",可知,此处为在智利,狗被接受和欢迎。故选B项。
    解析:考查副词及语境理解。A.ften经常;B.never从不;C.merely仅仅;D.barely几乎不。根据上文The dgs are(7)and welcmed here in Chile.在智利狗被接受和欢迎,可推知,此处为他们经常由公众提供食物和水。故选A项。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.wear穿;B.make制作;C.change改变;D.sell卖,销售。根据后文"r put ut beds fr them t sleep in."可推知,此处为有些人甚至给狗做夹克。故选B项。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.aging变老,老化;B.raising提升,举起;C.grwing增加;D.declining下降。根据下文"is getting ut f cntrl"以及"t have s many dgs n the streets"可知,此处为据估计,智利有250万只流浪狗,而且数量还在不断增加。故选C项。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.plicy政策;B.psitin位置;C.behavir行为;D.situatin情况。根据上文There are an estimated 2.5 millin street dgs in Chile 智利有250万只流浪狗,而且数量还在不断增加。故可推知,此处为有些人认为情况正在失去控制,街上有这么多狗是不可接受的。故选D项。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.unacceptable 不可接受的;B.reasnable合理的;C.unusual不寻常的;D.interesting有趣的。根据前文"is getting ut f cntrl"可推知,此处为有些人认为情况正在失去控制,街上有这么多狗是不可接受的。故选A项。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.diseases疾病;B.fears害怕;C.prblems问题;D.questins问题(学术问题)。根据下文"such as car accidents if they run int the rad"可知,此处为如果它们跑到马路上,有时会引起诸如车祸之类的问题。故选C项。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.bite咬;B.breed生育,繁殖;C.bark吠叫;D.grw增长。根据前文"all the street dgs shuld be sterilized"流浪狗都应该绝育,可知,此处为许多智利人认为所有流浪狗都应该绝育,这样它们就不能繁殖了。故选B项。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.bright明亮的;B.different不同的;C.prmising有前途的;D.uncertain不确定的。根据后文"fr nw it lks like they are here t stay,with their ppulatin expanding year by year."和表示转折意义的but可知,可推知,此处为流浪狗的未来是不确定的。故选D项。
    答案:but;stepped;me;father's;tiring;Strangely;an;fr;t run;be frced
    考查连词。句意: 一开始我不想去,但他一直劝我加入。根据Finally , I agreed可知,作者最后加入了,所以前两个分句之间是转折关系,故填but。
    考查时态。句意:没想到, 一踏进老教室,就被那响亮、恭敬的声音打动了。根据本文后- 句的was和本文的整体时态可知,应用一般过去时,故填stepped。
    考查代词。句意:这让我后悔没有为这门课做好准备。根据前文的made可知,此处缺少宾语,且根据提示I ,故填me。
    考查名词。句意:没有空调,男孩一点都不觉得难受,因为他觉得父亲的工作, 在阳光下修路,真的很累。根据名词jb可知,其前面.缺少定语,应用名词的所有格,再根据提示,故填father's。
    考查现在分词。句意:没有空调,男孩一点都不觉得难受,因为他觉得父亲的工作,在阳光下修路,真的很累。根据was可知,此处应填入表语,再根据主语building rads ,可知此处应用ing形式的形容词,故填tiring。
    考查冠词。句意:很快,我为期一个月的义工就结束了。短语cme t an end表示"结束" ,故填an。
    考查介词。句意:我的工作得到了全额报酬,不是钱,而是更有价值的东西。pay fr意为”支付"为常见的搭配,故填fr。
    考查不定式。句意:我听说我的大学计划在今年夏天举办另一个志愿教学计划。plan t d sth.表示"计划做某事" ,故填t run。
    考查语态。句意:这一次,我不会被强迫。分析句子可知,主语与动词frce之间是动宾关系,应用被动语态。且位于will之后, be动词用原形,故填be frced。
    第三部分 写作
    Dear Lin Ha,
    I'm glad t receive yur letter. Frm yur letter, I knw yu have difficulty making new friends in high schl. My suggestins are as fllws.
    First, yu shuld smile and try t be friendly when yu meet peple. Yu shuld als care-abut yur schlmates. If yu are always ready t help them, they will understand yu better. Secnd, it is imprtant fr yu t be a gd listener. That way, when peple are with yu, they will feel cmfrtable and happy. Finally, it is better fr yu t take an active part in class activities where yu can shw yur talent.
    I hpe my advice will be helpful t yu.
    Li Hua
    The climax (高潮) f Kyle’s bad behavir ccurred in mid-May. One day, Kyle crnered me int a wall and laughed at my brther, calling him a “stupid”. I culdn’t cntrl myself any lnger. With my teacher standing behind me, I tld Kyle exactly hw much he had hurt me—bth physically and emtinally. I had tears streaming dwn my face and prbably lked ridiculus, but I didn’t care. I had been waiting fr the pprtunity t tell Kyle hw much I hated him fr mnths. Seeing this, Kyle was shcked and his face turned red.
    He aplgized t me, prmising he wuld never laugh at my brther. Later, Kyle kept his prmise and never laughed at my brther. His teasing didn’t cmpletely end but he changed a lt. Summer came and went, as did sixth grade, and seventh grade. When I was in eighth grade, I let g f the pain that Kyle brught t me. I felt n hate fr him. My frgiveness made us becme friends.
    Persnal Inventins
    Yu can see many inventins by the students; yu may als bring yur wn inventins.
    Space and Man
    Dr. Thmas West
    If yu want t knw mre abut the universe(宇宙), yu can cme.
    Mdern Medicine
    Mrs. Lucy Green
    Wuld yu like t knw medical science?
    Cmputer Science
    Mr. Harry Mrisn frm Harvard University f USA
    Learn t use Windws XP.

    福建省泉州市部分地区2024-2025学年高二上学期开学联考英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份福建省泉州市部分地区2024-2025学年高二上学期开学联考英语试题(Word版附解析),共21页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分37,_____,5分,满分15分), 号召积极参与, 考查动词不定式等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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