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    上教版2020必修第三册高一英语下学期 Unit 2.The things around us 单元同步资料及课文参考翻译讲义
    上教版2020必修第三册高一英语下学期 Unit 2.The things around us 单元同步资料及课文参考翻译讲义01
    上教版2020必修第三册高一英语下学期 Unit 2.The things around us 单元同步资料及课文参考翻译讲义02
    上教版2020必修第三册高一英语下学期 Unit 2.The things around us 单元同步资料及课文参考翻译讲义03
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    上教版2020必修第三册高一英语下学期 Unit 2.The things around us 单元同步资料及课文参考翻译讲义

    这是一份上教版2020必修第三册高一英语下学期 Unit 2.The things around us 单元同步资料及课文参考翻译讲义,共26页。

    上教版必修三Unit 2 The things around usObjectivesA.Reading and interactionDescribe the process of making a product and its impact on the people and environmentB.Grammar activityUse passive structures correctly in the given contextC.Listening and speakingExpress one’s personal views on banning mobile phonesD.WritingDescribe a process using appropriate language and formatE.Cultural focusRecognize the features and applications of the BDSDescribe the process of paper-makingPr-reading activity1.Work in pairs.Answer the questions.(1)How many T-shirts have you got?Do you buy new T-shirts frequently?Why or why not? (2)Do you know where they were made? 2.Look at the title and the picture.Guess the answers to the questions below.Then read the passage to check your answers.(1)What type of passage may it be?(2)Who is it written for?(3)What may its main purpose be?A.To explain why people buy second-hand clothes.B.To give information about environmental problems.C.To encourage readers to change their habits.The story of a T-shirtLagos,Nigeria—Yaba market is busy,hot and dusty.People are looking around the second-hand shops,picking through piles of old clothes,and they’re all searching for deals.The market is flooded with cheap clothes from America and Europe,ad they usually sell out fairly quickly. “These clothes make people’s dreams come true,” says Abeke,a shop owner. “Everyone wears them.When they put them on,you can’t tell the difference between the rich and the poor.” At the front of Abeke’s store is a cotton T-shirt with the words “Get Real”.It’s picked up by a young guy who looks at it carefully.He tries it on and smiles—it fits him and it looks good.It’s a simple T-shirt,but it has a long story.A few years ago,the T-shirt started life in a cotton field in Uzbekistan.The cotton was watered every day and harmful chemicals were used to kill insects in the field.As the cotton grew,a young woman called Feruza picked it.She sweated in the field for ten to twelve hours every day in temperatures of over 30℃,but she was paid very little.Sometimes the chemicals hurt her eyes.Next,the cotton was flown to India.The T-shirt was made in a tiny factory in the Indian port city of Mumbai.There were 20 adults in it,five children and no air conditioning.The adults made the T-shirts and the children checked them.The finished T-shirt was sent to a huge discount shop in the UK.The people who shopped there didn’t know where the clothes came from.They didn’t want to spend a lot of money, but they wanted to look good.The T-shirt was cheap and it was bought by 15-year-old Ryan who liked the words on it.It was washed,worn and ironed and,after a few months,Ryan threw it away.His mum took it to a charity shop with some other old clothes,which were sold to an export company.A few weeks later,the T-shirt made its way to Yaba market in Nigeria.Back at the market,the young man takes off the T-shirt and looks at the $3 price tag.He hesitates for a moment and then he offers Abeke $1.50 because that’s all the cash he’s got.Abeke shakes her hand.As she hangs up the T-shirt at the front of the shop,the charity shop’s price tag is still on the back:25p.The journey of a T-shirt tells many stories.Stories about people,countries and cultures.Stories about farmers and factory workers.Stories about shopping centres.But for most of all,it’s a story about choices,and our choices can make a difference.Do you really need another T-shirt?Do you care where it’s from?What’s the cost to the environment?What’s the cost to the environment? What’s the human cost?Think about it,because our choices could start a new story.Did you know?·Ten thousand litres of water are used to make one T-shirt.·A 200-gram T-shirt can use up to 5 tonnes of resources.·3.4 billion T-shirts are sold in the USA every year.·Children as young as seven work in cotton fields and factories.【参考译文】一个T恤的故事尼日利亚拉各斯的yaba市场非常繁忙、炎热、尘土飞扬。人们在二手商店里四处寻找,从成堆的旧衣服中挑选,他们都在寻找特价商品。市场上充斥着来自美国和欧洲的廉价衣服,它们通常很快就卖光了。“这些衣服让人们的梦想成真,”店主阿比克说。“每个人都穿着他们。当他们穿上这些衣服时,你就分不出富人和穷人的区别了。”在阿比克商店的前面有一件写着“Get Real”的棉质t恤。一个年轻人捡了起来,仔细地看了看。他试了一下,笑了——很合身,看起来也不错。这是一件简单的t恤,但它有一个很长的故事。几年前,这种t恤在乌兹别克斯坦的一块棉花地里开始流行起来。每天都给棉花浇水,还使用有害的化学物质来杀死田间的昆虫。随着棉花的生长,一位名叫Feruza的年轻女子摘了棉花。她在30℃以上的温度下,每天在田间流汗10到12个小时,但报酬很少。有时化学药品会伤害她的眼睛。接下来,棉花被空运到印度。这件t恤是在印度港口城市孟买的一家小工厂生产的。里面有20个成年人,5个孩子,没有空调。成年人制作t恤,孩子们检查它们。完成后的t恤被送到了英国的一家大型折扣店。在那里购物的人不知道衣服是从哪里来的。他们不想花很多钱,但他们想要看起来不错。这件t恤很便宜,是15岁的瑞安买的,他喜欢上面的字。它经过了洗涤、磨损和熨烫,几个月后,瑞安把它扔掉了。他的妈妈把它和其他一些旧衣服一起带到一家慈善商店,卖给了一家出口公司。几周后,这款t恤被送到了尼日利亚的Yaba市场。回到市场后,年轻人脱下t恤,看了看3美元的价签。他犹豫了一下,然后给了阿比克1.5美元,因为这是他所有的现金。阿比克和她握手。当她把t恤挂在店门口时,t恤背面的价签还在:25便士。一件t恤的旅程讲述了很多故事。关于人、国家和文化的故事。关于农民和工厂工人的故事。购物中心的故事。但最重要的是,这是一个关于选择的故事,而我们的选择可以产生影响。你真的需要另一件t恤吗?你在乎是从哪里来的吗?环境成本是多少?环境成本是多少?人力成本是多少?想想吧,因为我们的选择可能会开启一个新的故事。你知道吗?·制作一件t恤要用一万升水。·一件200克重的t恤最多可以消耗5吨资源。·美国每年售出34亿件t恤。·7岁的孩子就在棉田和工厂里工作。Comprehension work1.Read the passage and answer the questions.(1)Why do Africans like Western clothes? (2)Who made T-shirts in the Indian factory? (3)Why do people still go to discount shops? (4)Why doesn’t the young man buy the T-shirt from Yaba market? (5)From the charity shop to Yaba market,who may profit from the T-shirt according to the writer? (6)What impacts might the making of a T-shirt have? 2.Read the summary below and fill in each blank with a suitable word based on the language of the passage.You may change the form if necessary.The passage tells us a story about a T-shirt and the people and societies connected to it.A T-shirt and the people and societies connected to it.A T-shirt was put on sale at an African market,but it started in Uzbekistan,where people worked and used harmful in the cotton field.When the cotton was picked,it was to a factory in India where the T-shirt was made by adults and children under poor working conditions.The T-shirt was sent to a shop in the UK.Many young people shop there.They do not want to spend a lot of money,but they want to look good.So they try to search for .A 15-year-old boy bought the T-shirt because he liked the words on it.However, after a few months he it away.It was then collected by a charity shop and to Nigeria,where it ended up at Yaba market.Here,the cotton T-shirts from American and European second-hand markets are by both the rich and the poor.It is suggested at the end of the passage that the things we buy often affect many people’s lives around the world.It’s more than a matter of when we decide what to buy.We should think twice about the effect on the environment and the human before buying new things.Deep reading1.Read the passage again.Work in pairs.Study the T-shirt’s journey and pay attention to the stories that have happened in each place and describe people’s lives there.Complete the table below.You may use the example below to help you.the cotton field in UzbekistanYou may ask and respond like this:A:A T-shirt starts its journey in a cotton field in Uzbekistan.What do people do there?B:They water and pick the cotton in cotton fields.And they use harmful chemicals to kill insects.A:What are their lives like?B:They have to work long hours every day in cotton fields to earn a living in spite of the high temperatures and harmful chemicals.2.Work in pairs and discuss the questions.(1)Is it important to know where your clothes come from?Why or why not? (2)If you buy one fewer T-shirt,will it make any difference?Why or why not? Mini-projectConducting a survey on the journey of a productYou are going to do a survey about a product to follow its journey before it reaches consumers.Choose one of the products listed below.·Discuss the questions below in groups.How and where are they produced?How do they affect people’s lives?·Share ideas within your group.·Select one person to report on behalf of your group.Focus on language1.Read the passage again.Find some language points in the passage and list them in the blanks.(1)Compound nouns suggesting things related to the T-shirt in Abeke’s store (e.g. charity shop) (2)A phrasal verb related to buying and selling clothes (e.g. put on) 2.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrases below.(1)Every summer,students from all over the country the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum.(2)The competition is getting easier and easier as it goes on.He will hardly need to to reach the final.(3)Factories in South China produce large quantities of clothes to meet the needs of the international market.(4)The couple sold their house and were finally able to travel around the world.(5)The two companies are attempting to the final details of the agreement.(6)Payment has become more convenient nowadays.Customers don’t need to pay ;instead,they use smartphone apps to pay for their shopping.(7)He didn’t taking the job with lower pay,because he thought that personal interest was the most important thing in a job.(8) are getting popular among young people,who like to hut for bargains.(9)It is rather difficult to a group where people speak a language different from yours.(10)Hebe has decided it’s time to her dancing shoes as she’s over 40.The passive in different formsIn this section,you will review passive structures in the simple present and the simple past,and learn passive structures in the present perfect.1.Read the passage.Match sentences 1-11 to grammar items a-c.a Present perfect passiveb simple present passivec simple past passiveSimon’s day (Part 1)The alarm clock goes off at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday and Simon wakes up and kicks off his duvet.Duvets come from Scandinavian countries like Denmark. 1The first modern alarm clock was invented by an American called Levi Hutchins in 1787. 2But Simon’s clock isn’t made in America—it’s made in China.Simon quickly gets dressed,then he puts his football kit and trainers into his sports bag. 3When were trainers first used?In 1907,by American basketball players. 4Since then,trainers for all kinds of other sports have been designed. 5Today,millions of pairs are sold every day around the world.Next,Simon goes to the bathroom and cleans his teeth with a toothbrush. 6The first toothbrushes were made by the Chinese in 1498.They used horsehair back then!Simon listens to the radio while he is having breakfast. 7The radio was invented by an Italian called Guglielmo Marconi.The first radio programme took place in 1906.While Simon is listening to his favorite programme,his dad is reading the newspaper. 8The first newspaper was printed in Germany in 1605. 9While it was only a few pages long and a few copies were printed,it proved to be a wonderful invention. 10Newspapers have been read and enjoyed by people ever since. 11Today,many of them are on the Internet and some aren’t printed at all.【参考译文】西蒙的日子(第一部分)星期六早上7点闹钟响了,西蒙醒来,踢开羽绒被。1第一个现代闹钟是在1787年由一个叫利瓦伊·哈钦斯的美国人发明的。但是西蒙的钟不是美国制造的——它是中国制造的。西蒙很快穿好衣服,然后把他的足球装备和运动鞋放进他的运动包里。第一次使用运动鞋是什么时候?1907年,由美国篮球运动员发起。4 . since then:从那时起,since then:从那时起,所有其他运动项目的运动鞋都被设计出来了。今天,全世界每天都有数百万双鞋售出。接下来,西蒙去洗手间用牙刷清洁他的牙齿。中国在1498年制造了第一把牙刷。那时候他们用的是马毛!西蒙一边吃早饭一边听收音机。收音机是由一个叫古列尔莫·马可尼的意大利人发明的。第一个广播节目发生在1906年。当西蒙在听他最喜欢的节目时,他的爸爸在看报纸。第一份报纸于1605年在德国印刷。虽然它只有几页长,复印了几份,但事实证明它是一项了不起的发明。10 . have been read and enjoy by people ever since:从那时起11 . today,many of them are on the Internet and some are not印刷版。2.Complete the passage.Use the active or passive form of the verbs in brackets.Simon’s day (Part 2)By now it’s 8:30 a.m.,so Simon checks his mobile phone for text messages.The first mobile phones (invent) by Martin Cooper in 1973,in the USA.They were big and heavy and people (pay) $10,000 for one.Imagine that!Simon grabs his sports bag,puts some chewing gum in his mouth,and leaves for the gym. Chewing gum (enjoy) by people all over the world since the Aztecs in South America first discovered chicle thousands of years ago.They (use) it to freshen their breath.It (still use) for the same purpose today.Simon shouts goodbye to his mum, and then he (take) his mountain bike out of the garage.Millions of mountain bikes (sell) since the 1970s.The first mountain bike (build) in 1977 by an American called Joe Breeze.Simon (ride) his bike fast,so he gets to the gym on time!3.Describe three unusual things in your life.Use at least two different forms of passive structures in your descriptions.You may use the example below to help you.Then write your own descriptions in the blanks.A new talking blackboard was invented to speak to the students in the classroom.Six sci-fi stories have been written by me and my best friend.(1)(2)(3)Now ask your classmates about their descriptions.Select the funniest one and report to the class.You may ask questions like this:Can you share one of your descriptions with me?You may respond like this:Yes,I can.Yesterday my hat was painted blue by my cat.It happened when she jumped onto my desk and knocked over my blue ink bottle.You may report like this:I think the funniest description is Lili’s.She says a new language has been developed by her so that she can have conversations with her parrot.1.A guest on the radio programme 21st Century Global issues is going to talk about a gadget. Look at the clues below and guess what the gadget is.·It is made in many different places,from many kinds of materials.·One of its parts is made of coltan,a type of rare material that can store energy.·It can send sounds or images around the world.·We can carry it around with us every day.What is it? 2.Read the following statements,then listen and decide whether they are true (T) or false (F).(1)Most of the world’s coltan comes from the Congo.(2)The mining of coltan in the Congo is beneficial to the rainforest.(3)Only adult workers are employed to mine the coltan.(4)The mining of coltan affects the gorillas habitat or living space.(5)The gorilla population is growing rapidly because of the mining.(6)The devices using coltan from the Congo are called “blood phones” because the mining kills a lot of workers.3.Listen to the radio programme again.Tick the suggestions mentioned by the speaker about conserving coltan.□Stop using electronic devices that are made using coltan.□Stop importing coltan from the Congo.□Find a new material taht can replace coltan.□Buy certified coltan from Australia.□Sign online petitions to protest against the mining.□Post comments on the Internet.□Support charities that provide aid to the Congo.□Buy second-hand devices instead of new ones.□Make sure old devices are recycled.4.Work in groups.Discuss the questions about mobile phones below.If mobile phones are banned,the world will be a better place.Do you agree?(1)Brainstorm ideas.·What are the pros of mobile phones?Think about what you use them for,the people who make and sell them,etc.·What are the cons?Think about the impact on the environment,people,etc.(2)Discuss if there are more pros or cons,and then try to reach a conclusion.It’ll be good if they are banned because ...It’ll be awful if they are banned because ...Language guideYou may discuss the topic like this:·I think it would be a disaster/a good idea/... to ...·That sounds ridiculous/reasonable/impossible.·It would be awkward if ...·It wouldn’t work to ... buy throwing away ...·It would be workable to sign online petitions ...·It’ll be unfortunate because ...·We suggest .../We’d better .../It would be better if ...·We can post comments on the Internet to ...·A majority of the students would ... 1.Imagine that you are going to describe a process of making or doing something.You may prepare your writing by thinking about the questions below.(1)What process are you going to describe?(2)How many stages will be involved? 2.Below are some photos showing how chocolate is made.Put the photos in the correct order. Then read the sample article and complete the table before you write.Chocolate was first created by Mayan Indians in Mexico about thousands of years ago,but today it is eaten by people all over the world.The word “chocolate” comes from an Aztec word meaning “bitter water”.Dark chocolate can be bitter,which is probably why 70% of people prefer milk chocolate.This description will look at how milk chocolate is produced.First of all,the cocoa trees are grown in countries like Brazil,Ghana and Nigeria.450 grams of cocoa are made from one tree every year.The cocoa beans are cut from the trees.Next,they are put on banana tree leaves and covered.This is when the chocolate flavour develops.After a while,the beans are sun-dried.Then they are packed into bats.Later they are transported to chocolate factories all over the world.Before they are made into chocolate,they’re cleaned,roasted and broken into small pieces.These pieces are made into a liquid and mixed with sugar and milk.Last of all,the chocolate is made into a chocolate bar and it’s ready to sell in shops. What happens next?I think we all know!3.Now write an article about the option you chose.1.Work in pairs. Discuss the questions below.(1)What does GPS stand for? (2)Do you use positioning technology in your daily life?When and where? (3)What does BDS stand for? 2.Read the passage.Match summaries a-e to paragraphs 1-5.a.The BDS is a system that benefits China and the rest of the world.b.On land,the BDS is used to help the police,firefighters and farmers.c.Satellite systems around the world help people know their locations.d.One place where people use the BDS is on boats.e.The BDS has become better and better over the years.Next up,the BDS1 In our modern age,we do not think much about how our technology works.We are so used to tapping on our phone screen to get a map of our location.But how do our phones know where in the world we are and in which direction we are going?It is all thanks to the satellites in space that help our phones calculate our position.Depending on where you are around the world,you phone may be receiving data from different systems.In Europe,people have the Galileo system.In Russia, they have GLONASS.In the USA,people use GPS.China,meanwhile,has the Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS).2 The BDS in operation today is more advanced than the first version of the system,which was sent into space in 2000.The current version has better technology and more satellites.The system is not finished,though.When it is completed,there will be several dozens of BDS satellites.In the future,those satellites will allow us to determine the position of objects with millimetre accuracy: that is ten times more accurate than GPS.3 Even though more satellites are being added to the system,the BDS has already been put to use. More than 40,000 Chinese fishing boats are currently using the system.These boats are very helpful in search and rescue operations at sea.They are able to communicate with support services on land as well as give the exact locations of ships in trouble.4 The BDS is being used on land as well.Of course,it’s not hard to imagine how the system is helping the police and firefighters do their job.Agriculture is another area where there are applications for the system.Farmers are able to put the data to good use when operating smart farming equipment.For instance,the BDS can be used to control driverless tractors as they turn up the fields.Farmers are also using drones to check the health of crops and spread seeds over fields.5 Although the BDS is of Chinese origin,the developers have said that “China’s BeiDou is the world’s Beidou”, and they are actively promoting international cooperation.Developers predict that the system will not only grow in popularity within China,but overseas as well.And when the system is complete and fully operational in the years to come,the BDS will undoubtedly provide countless benefits to China and the rest of the world.【参考译文】接下来,BDS1. 在我们的现代时代,我们不怎么思考我们的技术是如何工作的。我们已经习惯了用手机屏幕来获取我们所在位置的地图。但是我们的手机是如何知道我们在世界的哪个地方,我们要往哪个方向走的呢?这都要感谢太空卫星帮助我们的手机计算我们的位置。根据你在世界各地的位置,你的电话可能接收来自不同系统的数据。在欧洲,人们有伽利略系统。在俄罗斯,他们有GLONASS。在美国,人们使用GPS。与此同时,中国拥有北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)。2. 今天运行的北斗系统比2000年送入太空的第一版系统更先进。目前的版本有更好的技术和更多的卫星。然而,这个系统还没有完成。建成后,将有几十颗北斗卫星。在未来,这些卫星将允许我们以毫米的精度来确定物体的位置:这比全球定位系统的精度高10倍。3. 尽管越来越多的卫星加入到系统中,北斗系统已经投入使用。目前有4万多艘中国渔船在使用该系统。这些船对海上搜救行动非常有帮助。他们能够与陆地上的支援服务联系,并提供遇险船只的确切位置。4. 北斗系统也在陆地上使用。当然,不难想象这个系统是如何帮助警察和消防员完成他们的工作的。农业是该系统应用的另一个领域。农民在操作智能农业设备时可以很好地利用这些数据。例如,北斗系统可以用来控制无人驾驶拖拉机在田地里行驶。农民们还使用无人机检查庄稼的健康状况,并在田地里撒种。5. 虽然北斗源于中国,但开发人员表示“中国的北斗就是世界的北斗”,并积极推动国际合作。开发人员预计,该系统不仅会在中国国内越来越受欢迎,在海外也会如此。当北斗系统在未来几年建成并全面运行时,无疑将为中国和世界其他国家带来无数利益。3. Read the passage again.Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.(1)Galileo,GLONASS and GPS can all help people to locate their position.□ (2)At present,the BDS is ten times more accurate than GPS.□ (3)The BDS has already been used for searching for more than 40,000 boats.□ (4)Though the BDS is not yet completed,it has proved useful both at sea and on land.□ (5)The BDS is presently increasing in popularity both at home and abroad.□ (6)China’s BeiDou is the world’s BeiDou because it is a result of international cooperation.□ 4.Work in pairs.Discuss the questions.(1)Did you learn anything new about the BDS from the passage?What aspect did you find the most interesting? (2)What do you know about other remarkable achievements China has made in the field of space exploration or space research?You may choose one of the topics below.·the Chang’e-4 mission visiting the far side of the Moon·the Long March rocket series·FAST (Five-hundred-metre Aperture Spherical Telescope) in Guizhou·QUESS (Quantum Experiments at Space Scale) and the Mozi quantum satellite Video (How a paper mill works)Start thinking1.Answer the questions.(1)What do you use paper for?(2)How much paper do you use every week?(3)What do you know about the process of making paper?Comprehension check2.Watch the video.Number the stages of the paper-making process a-h in the correct order 1-8.a The water is squeezed out of the pulp. b The paper is dried and cut into different sizes. c The pulp is treated until it becomes a smooth milky liquid. d The paper is packaged and shipped to its final destination. e The wood is mixed with water and chemicals to make pulp. f Trees are cut down. g The paper is stretched and heated. h Different substances are added to the pulp to make the right sort of paper. Vocabulary3.Complete the sentences with the verbs.(1)To make fresh orange juice,you cut some oranges in half and then the juice into a class.(2)Companies can their products by road,rail,air or sea.(3)If Kate wears her younger sister’s clothes,she’ll them.(4)Companies should their products carefully,so that they are not damaged.(5)To make butter, some milk in a large container until it becomes thick.(6)To make an omelette,you break some eggs into a bowl,then them with a fork.Extension4.Work in groups.Research the manufacturing process of something you use every day. Explain to the class how this thing is made.(1)Brainstorm things we use every day.(2)Research how one of the items is made.When you have finished,briefly explain the manufacturing process to your group.(3)Choose one of the things that someone in group researched.Write a more detailed explanation of the manufacturing process of this thing.Find some pictures to help illustrate your presentation.(4)Present the process to the class.(5)Have a class vote on the most interesting presentation. Use the checklist and reflective questions below to evaluate your study in this unit.Reflective questionsDid you take note of your classmates’ mini-project presentations?How do they inspire you to improve your language learning? A.A magazine article.B.A report.C.A leaflet.A.Children.B.Teenagers.C.Shop owners.The T-shirt’s journeyWhat happens to the T-shirt?Who are the people involved in this journey?What are their lives like?the cotton field in Uzbekistan in  in  in shoestablessofaspaperfloorboardswineothers: JeansMaking jeans is a major economic industry in some developing countries.It involves designing,washing,cutting and packaging.This is a source of income for local people.On the other hand,the washing process produces wastewater.If it goes directly into rivers without proper treatment,they may later turn blue,smell strange and become poisonous.This will have a harmful effect on people’s drinking water as well as their farmland. flood intofor exportdiscount shopat a profithang upiron outin cashhesitate aboutfit intobreak sweatmaking cookiescleaning a fridgefixing a printermaking a smog maskcreating a PPT file for a slide showharvesting honeyothers: Aspect of writingGuiding questionsMy explorationContentWhat is the purpose of this article?How many stages are involved in the process of making chocolate?What are they?What are some unusual or surprising facts about the process?What tense does the writer use?LanguageWhat voice is mainly used,and where is it used?What verbs and phrasal verbs does the writer use to describe the process?What words or expressions does the writer use to link different stages?EditingWhat words are capitalized?Which words are hyphenated?Where does the writer use quotation marks?Why?Products are all around us.There is often an amazing story behind the things we use in our everyday lives.In this section,you will first read about Beidou,an advanced satellite navigation system that is the product of China’s high-tech industry.You will then watch a video about paper,a product that was first invented in China,and how paper is made in Britain’s oldest paper mill.A.Basic Digital SystemB.Big Data SystemC.Beijing Daytime SystemD.BeiDou Navigation Satellite SystembeatchurnpackageshipsqueezestretchChecklistMeMy teacher/classmateActionA.Reading and interactionI can retell the story of the T-shirt.I can describe the stories of the people that were involved in the T-shirt’s journey.I can explain the impact of a product on people’s lives and the environment.B.Grammar activityI can identify the passive in different forms.I can use the passive in the simple present,the simple past and the present perfect correctly if the context is clear.C.Listening and speakingI can understand the impact that making mobile phones has on wildlife and people.I can express my opinion in a group on whether to ban mobile phones.D.WritingI can identify the main content and the features of language in the sample article.I can describe the process of making a product with appropriate verbs and linking words.E.Cultural focusI can summarize the major applications of the BDS.I can describe the process of paper-making as shown in the video.






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