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    上教版2020必修第三册高一英语下学期 Unit 3. The way we are 单元同步资料及课文参考翻译 讲义
    上教版2020必修第三册高一英语下学期 Unit 3. The way we are  单元同步资料及课文参考翻译 讲义01
    上教版2020必修第三册高一英语下学期 Unit 3. The way we are  单元同步资料及课文参考翻译 讲义02
    上教版2020必修第三册高一英语下学期 Unit 3. The way we are  单元同步资料及课文参考翻译 讲义03
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    上教版2020必修第三册高一英语下学期 Unit 3. The way we are 单元同步资料及课文参考翻译 讲义

    这是一份上教版2020必修第三册高一英语下学期 Unit 3. The way we are 单元同步资料及课文参考翻译 讲义,共22页。

    上教版必修三Unit 3 The way we areObjectivesA.Reading and interactionInterpret the sociocultural meaning of beauty practices in different placesB.Grammar activityUse the to-infinitive for modification correctly in the given contextC.Listening and speakingAnalyse the factors that make people streetwiseD.WritingWrite a reply in an advice column using appropriate language and formatE.Cultural focusUnderstand different cultural aspects of Miao clothing and jewelleryRetell the story of a small fashion boutique in LondonPre-reading activity1.People do different things to make themselves look more attractive.Have you ever tried the following things?Why or why not?2.Work in pairs.Talk about people that you think are attractive and find out what characteristics they share.Do you share common ideas for judging beauty?What are they? Ideal beautyNigerian teenager Happiness Edem had just one aim in life:to put on weight.So she spent six months in a “fattening room” where her daily routine was to sleep,eat and grow fat.She went in weighing 60 kg,but came out weighing twice that.In some parts of Africa,being fat is desirable because it is a sign of attractiveness in women and power and wealth in men.However,in magazines and in the media we are bombarded with images of slim women with a fair complexion and handsome,broad-shouldered young men.It is fairly rare to see short-sighted,middle-aged models.Some people question these shallow beauty ideals.Is one idea of physical beauty really more attractive than another?Ideas about physical beauty change over time and different periods of history reveal different views of beauty,particularly of women.Egyptian paints often show slim dark-haired women as the normal practice,while one of the earliest representations of women in art is an overweight female. This is the Venus of Hohle Fels and it is more than 35,000 years old.In the early 1600s,artists like Peter Paul Rubens also painted plump,pale-skinned women who were thought to be the most stunning examples of female beauty at that time.In Elizabethan England,pale skin was still fashionable because it was a sign of wealth:the make-up used to achieve this look was expensive, so only rich people could afford it.Within different cultures around the world,there is a huge difference in what is considered beautiful.Traditional customs,like tattooing,head-shaving,piercing or other kinds of bodily changes can express social position,identity or values.In Borneo,for instance,tattoos are like a diary because they are a written record of all the important events and places a man has experienced in his life.For New Zealand’s Maoris they reflect the person’s position in society.Western society used to have a very low opinion of tattoos.Today they are considered a popular form of body art among the new generation.For Europeans,the tradition of using metal rings to stretch a girl’s neck may be shocking,but the Myanmar people consider women with long and thin necks more elegant.In Indonesia,the custom of sharpening girls’ teeth to points might seem very odd while it is perfectly acceptable in other places to straighten children’s teeth with braces.Wearing rings in the nose or plastic surgery might be seen as ugly and unattractive by some cultures,but it is commonplace in many others.It appears that through the ages and across different cultures,people have always changed their bodies and faces for a wide variety of reasons:sometimes to help them look more beautiful, and sometimes to enable them to show social position or display group identity.Whether it is wearing make-up or decorating the body with tattoos,rings and piercings,different cultures view these things with different eyes.Does this mean that we are all beautiful in our own way?【参考译文】理想的美尼日利亚少年Happiness Edem的人生目标只有一个,那就是增肥。因此,她在一个“增肥室”里度过了6个月,在那里,她的日常生活就是睡觉、吃饭和长胖。她进去时重60公斤,出来时重两倍。在非洲的一些地方,肥胖是可取的,因为这是女性魅力的象征,也是男性权力和财富的象征。然而,在杂志和媒体上,我们总是被身材苗条、肤色白皙的女性和英俊、宽阔肩膀的年轻男性的形象狂轰滥炸。近视的中年模特是相当罕见的。有些人质疑这些肤浅的美丽理想。一种外在美的观念真的比另一种更有吸引力吗?人体美的观念是随着时间的推移而变化的,不同的历史时期反映出不同的审美观念,尤其是女性的审美观念。埃及人通常在绘画中画出苗条的黑头发女性,而在艺术中最早的女性形象是肥胖的女性。这是费尔斯洞的金星,它已经有35000多年的历史了。在17世纪早期,像彼得·保罗·鲁本斯(Peter Paul Rubens)这样的艺术家也画过体态丰满、皮肤白皙的女性,这些女性被认为是当时最令人惊叹的女性美。在伊丽莎白时代的英国,白皙的皮肤仍然很流行,因为它是财富的象征:用来达到这种效果的化妆品很昂贵,所以只有富人才能买得起。在世界各地不同的文化中,美丽的定义有着巨大的差异。传统习俗,如纹身、剃头、穿孔或其他身体变化可以表达社会地位、身份或价值观。例如,在婆罗洲,纹身就像一本日记,因为纹身是一个人一生中经历的所有重要事件和地点的书面记录。对于新西兰的毛利人来说,它们反映了一个人在社会中的地位。西方社会过去对纹身的评价很低。今天,它们被认为是新一代人体艺术的一种流行形式。对于欧洲人来说,用金属环来拉伸女孩脖子的传统可能令人震惊,但缅甸人认为长颈细颈的女性更优雅。在印度尼西亚,把女孩的牙齿磨尖的习俗可能看起来很奇怪,而在其他地方用牙套矫正孩子的牙齿是完全可以接受的。在某些文化中,戴鼻环或整容手术可能会被视为丑陋和没有吸引力,但在其他许多文化中,这是很常见的。似乎在不同的年代和不同的文化中,人们总是因为各种各样的原因改变他们的身体和脸:有时是为了让他们看起来更漂亮,有时是为了让他们显示社会地位或显示群体身份。无论是化妆还是纹身、戒指和穿孔,不同的文化用不同的眼光看待这些事情。这是否意味着我们都以自己的方式美丽?Comprehension work1.Read the passage and answer the questions.(1)What did Happiness Edem want to do? (2)What kind of images of beauty do the media promote? (3)Why do people in Borneo and New Zealand have tattoos on their bodies? (4)What beauty practices in Myanmar might Europeans find unacceptable? (5)Why do people of different ages and cultures try to change the way they look? (6)What conclusion does the writer draw about the standards of beauty? 2.Read the summary below and fill in each blank with a suitable word based on the language of the passage.You may change the form if necessary.The passage shows that views of beauty have varied across societies and .Nowadays, many people across the world want to lose weight because they are surrounded with images of models.However in parts of Africa,being fat is considered as a sign of in women and in men,so people work hard to get the body shape.It is the culture in which we live that determines our beauty standards for both sexes.What is considered as a normal practice in one culture may be viewed as in another.For example,people in parts of Myanmar think that the longer girls’ necks are,the more they look.It is common for girls to have their necks with metal rings,which may be shocking to people from other countries.Tattoos are another example of this.In some cultures,they are seen as a sign of social position and group ;in other cultures,people have a low opinion of them.To summarize,whether to beauty or show social position,people of all ages in different cultures have found different reasons for changing their bodies and faces.Deep reading1.Study the sentences about different concepts of beauty.Discuss the following questions in pairs and complete the table.You may use the example below to help you.In some parts of Africa,being fat is desirable because it is a sign of attractiveness in women and power and wealth in men.Guiding questions:Is “fat” a positive word or a negative word in the context?Why?What do people in parts of Africa think of fat women or men?You may ask and respond like this:A:What do you think of the word “fat” here?Is it positive or negative?B:Though “fat” is often used as a negative adjective,in this context,it is not.As you can see from the sentence, “being fat in some parts of Africa” is described as attractive and desirable.A:That’s what I think too.(1)In magazines and in the media we are bombarded with images of slim women with a fair complexion and handsome,broad-shouldered young men.Guiding question:By using the word “bombard”,what does the writer imply about the images of men and women in the media?My understanding: (2)It is fairly rare to see short-sighted,middle-aged models.Guiding question:Why does the writer mention this immediately after describing the types of images we see in magazines and in the media?My understanding: (3)Western society used to have a very low opinion of tattoos.Guiding question:Why does the writer use “used to” here?What is implied?My understanding: (4)Does the mean that we are all beautiful in our own way?Guiding question:The writer uses a question to end the passage.Would the statement “I think we are all beautiful in our own way” be a better ending?Why or why not?My understanding: 2.Work in pairs and discuss the question.Look at the factors below.How would they influence our views on beauty?Give at least one example for each of these factors. Mini-projectVoting for a campus ambassadorThe Students’ Union is launching a voting campaign for a campus ambassador.You are required to recommend a student in your class as a candidate.·Discuss the questions below in groups.Who would you like to recommend?What do you think the requirements for a campus ambassador are?Do you prefer to consider internal characteristics such as character,personality or social skills,or external characteristics such as appearance or clothes?·Share ideas within your group.·Select one person to report on behalf of your group.Focus on language1.Read the passage again.Find some language points in the passage and list them in the blanks.Compound adjectives for describing appearances (e.g. broad-shouldered) 2.Complete the passage with the suitable words below.It is unusual for a man to start modelling,but for the physics teacher Simon Thompson,age is just a number.His story is a example of what a change in habits can do.Simon used to feel bad about his appearance:being and wearing thick glasses,he was often teased as a student.All this changed when Simon’s car broke down early last year.He couldn’t afford to fix it,so he had to bike to work every day.Simon began to lose weight and discovered that he really liked exercising.He also began doing strength training.A year and a half later,the results are impressive: and powerfully built,Simon now looks more like a gym instructor than a physics teacher.A suntanned Simon greets me when I meet him at a cafe. “I went biking around Spain during my holidays,so I got to be out in the sun all day,” he explains. “It’s quite a difference from the man I was 18 months ago.Exercising made me feel a lot better about myself,” he adds.With the newly found confidence,Simon also started caring about his appearance a lot more. He has become interested in fashion and is always neatly .Simon still wears glasses,but nowadays,he gets paid for it.On his way to work one morning,he was notice by a talent spotter from an Italian eyewear company,and he was hired as a model: “It’s not fun being ,but now I get to try on lots of glasses,and I really enjoy that. I’m not going to quit my job,though—I love teaching!”The to-infinitive for modificationThe to-infinitive can be used to modify a noun phrase.I have several reports to write this month.It’s part of my duty as the club secretary.1.Read the passage and identify the to-infinitive in sentences 1-5.Complete grammar rules a-c.Appearance and survivalToday,in our series on wildlife,we’re looking at animals and their appearance.Why are polar bears white?Why do rabbits have long ears?Why do zebras have stripes?It’s all about survival.Wild animals normally focus their efforts on two important tasks. 1One task is to look for things to eat.While they do that,they have to avoid getting eaten!They can’t afford to ignore any dangers around them.Life is just one long game of hide-and-seek.Luckily for them,the way they look usually helps them.The zebra is a very good example.Zebras usually travel in large groups.Imagine a hundred zebras moving together across the grassland in Africa.Not far away,a lioness is lying on a tree branch,resting. 2She is waiting for her chance to attack.The zebras are getting nearer,but they’re running very close together.Now she’s seen them,and she’s getting ready: 3she knows she’ll soon have a zebra to kill.The lioness’s goal is to catch a zebra for breakfast. 4There is no place to hide,but the zebras have a secret line of defence:their stripes.Lions are colour-blind.As the zebras move in a large group, 5it’s hard for the lioness to see which zebra to attack.All she sees is a big mass of black and white stripes.She’s not sure what to do.Breakfast must wait.The animals are always trying to hide from her.But do zebras’ stripes cause problems for other zebras as they do for lions?No,they don’t. Actually,the purpose of the stripes in this case is to help zebras recognize each other.Every zebra has an individual pattern of stripes and zoologists believe this is how zebras know who is who in the group.A mother zebra always recognizes her child among the crowd because its stripes are just a little different from the others.a To-infinitives can be used to modify (subjects/objects).b They come immediately (before/after) the nouns they modify.c Such to-infinitives refer to actions that (have/have not) been completed.【参考译文】外观和生存今天,在我们的野生动物系列节目中,我们来看看动物和它们的外观。为什么北极熊是白色的?兔子为什么有长耳朵?为什么斑马有条纹?一切都是为了生存。野生动物通常会把精力集中在两项重要任务上。一项任务是寻找可以吃的东西。当它们这样做的时候,它们必须避免被吃掉!他们不能忽视周围的危险。人生就是一场漫长的捉迷藏游戏。幸运的是,他们的长相通常对他们有帮助。斑马就是一个很好的例子。斑马通常成群结队地旅行。想象一下,一百只斑马一起在非洲草原上移动。不远处,一只母狮子正躺在树枝上休息。她在等待进攻的机会。斑马越来越近了,但它们跑得非常近。现在她看到了它们,她正在准备:3她知道她很快就会有斑马要杀了。母狮的目标是抓一只斑马当早餐。斑马没有藏身的地方,但是它们有一道秘密的防线:它们的条纹。狮子是色盲。由于斑马成群结队地移动,母狮很难看出该攻击哪只斑马。她看到的只有一大团黑白条纹。她不知道该怎么办。早餐必须等待。动物们总想躲着她。但是斑马身上的条纹会像狮子一样给其他斑马带来麻烦吗?不,他们没有。实际上,这种情况下条纹的目的是帮助斑马识别彼此。每只斑马都有自己独特的斑纹,动物学家认为这就是斑马如何在群体中分辨出谁是谁的原因。母斑马总是能在人群中认出它的孩子,因为它的条纹和其他的有点不同。2.Complete the passage with the to-infinitive,verb-ed or verb-ing form of the verbs below.For many animals,one of the most important skills is hiding.There are several reasons for this,but for many animals,the goal is simply to avoid being caught by a meat-eater.Rabbits are a typical example of this:their first response is to quickly find a place at the first sign of danger.The goal of meat-eaters like tigers,meanwhile,is to find a small animal ,and then attack it before they’re seen.For this reason,they’re very skilled at hiding and waiting.We can safely observe this type of behaviour by looking at a more modest meat-eater:the ordinary house cat.Strange as it may seem,most of the birds by house cats aren’t eaten.Cats usually get plenty of food from us humans,but they are constantly looking for small animals , even though they aren’t hungry.Cats often hide themselves,waiting for a bird to appear.Once the bird is near enough,the cat will walk up quietly to it.And what does the little bird do when it hears the cat?Fly away,of course! 3.Describe three things you plan to do this summer vacation.Use the to-infinitive for modification in your descriptions.You may use the example below to help you.There is a lot of homework to do,and I have some interesting books to read.(1)(2)(3)Now ask your classmates about their plans.Find the most interesting one,decide if you would like to join him/her and report to the class.·You may ask and respond like this:A:What are you going to do this summer vacation?B:I want to learn some interesting new skills,so I will find a fun art course to take.Would you like to join me?A:I’d love to,but I have a project to finish.·You may report like this:I think Lili’s plan is very interesting.She’s going to find a diving course to take.I’d like to join her.1.Listen to a talk given by an anthropologist on survival skills in an “urban jungle”—the crowded big city streets full of commuters and shoppers.Then choose the correct answer.These skills can be called: 2.Listen again and choose the correct answer.What sort of person is streetwise,according to the expert? A.A person who stands out from the crowd and is easy to notice.B.A person who looks aggressive.C.A person who is aware of what is going on and doesn’t stand out from the crowd.D.A person who looks shy,nervous and self-conscious.E.A person who looks confident.3.Listen to the interview again.Complete the table.4.Work in groups.Conduct a survey on how other members in your group usually walk on the street.You may follow the steps below.·Talk about how you walk on the street.·Take notes when listening to others.·Decide whether your group members are streetwise or not.·Give suggestions on how to be streetwise.·Complete the table below and select one person to report on behalf of your group.Language guideYou may do the task like this:a Describe how you behave on the streets:·I wear ... when I ...·I walk very fast/move with the crowd ...·I hold my bag tightly ...·I like/avoid making eye-contact with ...b Give your opinions:·... is streetwise because he does not walk with his head down or talk on the phone.·She/He is streetwise because she/he ...·... is just the opposite/not streetwise because ...c Give suggestions: ·She’d better be careful not to ...·Don’t ... and if he/she ...,he/she could ...Sir,I’m a 16-year-old boy,and I have an embarrassing problem:my ears look really weird,and some of my classmates tease me about it.Every time I look in the mirror or see a photo of myself,I feel terrible.What should I do?—Teen Tired of TeasingDo you have any advice for this week’s letter writer?If you do,please write a reply to our column “My Advice”. Selected answers will e published in next week’s issue.1.The editor of the advice column is asking readers to provide their advice.Read the letter from the teen above and write your reply.You may prepare your writing by thinking about the questions.(1)Have you ever experienced similar problems?Did you receive any helpful advice?(2)What kind of information would you include in your reply?Select one or more topics from the list below:2.Read the sample reply.Then complete the table before you write.Dear Teen Tired of Teasing,Don’t worry.You’re not alone!Most teens worry about their appearance,and everyone’s got some part of their body that they’re unhappy with.When I was a teenager,I really hated my big nose,and my friends kept making jokes about it.At the time,I thought that it was the only thing that people saw when they first met me.Later,I discovered that my best friend hated the shape of this mouth,even though it looked perfectly normal!When we look in the mirror,we often focus on the things that we don’t like. However,appearance isn’t everything:in the long run,people will form their opinions about us based on how we behave,not on how we look.Also,while we cannot choose the way we look,we can choose how we think about ourselves. Nobody’s perfect,so you shouldn’t judge yourself by some impossible standard.I know it is difficult,but you need to learn how to accept yourself as you are.The next time you stand in front of the mirror,tell yourself: “This is the way I look,and there’s nothing wrong with that.” If you do this every morning,you will hopefully be able to change the way you think about yourself.Yours truly,Derek【参考译文】亲爱的厌倦了戏弄的青少年:别担心。你不是一个人!大多数青少年都担心自己的外表,每个人都有不满意自己身体的某个部位。当我十几岁的时候,我真的很讨厌我的大鼻子,我的朋友们一直拿它开玩笑。当时,我以为这是人们第一次见到我时唯一能看到的东西。后来,我发现我最好的朋友讨厌这张嘴的形状,尽管它看起来很正常!当我们照镜子的时候,我们经常会关注我们不喜欢的事情。然而,外表并不是一切:从长远来看,人们对我们的看法会基于我们的行为,而不是我们的外表。此外,虽然我们无法选择自己的长相,但我们可以选择如何看待自己。人无完人,所以你不应该用一些不可能的标准来评价自己。我知道这很难,但你得学会接受自己本来的样子。下次你站在镜子前的时候,告诉自己:“这就是我的样子,这并没有什么错。”如果你每天早上都这样做,你就有希望改变自己看待自己的方式。敬启,德里克。3.Now write your reply.1.Work in groups.Talk about the costumes below and share with each other the knowledge of traditional Chinese clothing.2.Read the passage.Find as many details as possible about the traditional clothing and jewellery of the Miao people.Then complete the table below.Clothing and jewellery of the Miao peopleTraditional Miao clothing and jewellery are recognized worldwide for their high quality of craft skills and unique designs,which include hundreds of different styles.Where should one go to learn more about this topic?Experts would probably suggest visiting south-east Guizhou first.But even in Guizhou,the clothing styles vary across different regions.In west Hunan and north-east Guizhou,women typically wear trousers and jackets that are buttoned on the right.Their jackets and trousers are decorated with embroidery.In other areas,Miao women prefer wearing short jackets with full- or half-length skirts.The skirts are decorated with colourful patterns based on images from nature,such as flowers or birds.The Miao believe that all of the colours existing in nature can be used when making their costumes.In addition to their clothing,Miao women usually wear various kinds of silver articles at weddings and on other special occasions.Since ancient times,the Miao have been perfecting their art of crafting silver decorations,which has been described as “a beautiful poem written with silver”.The jewellery is typically handmade and decorated with animals and unusual patterns.The stories carved onto Miao jewellery often include lively and delicate images of dragons,phoenixes, flowers and birds.To the Miao,silver is a key symbol of wealth and social position.Women in particular hold the idea that the more silver they wear,the more beautiful and richer they appear.The jewellery is also thought to protect against bad luck as well as bring good luck.For example,girls often wear a silver long-life lock necklace from a young age.The Miao people believe that the silver locks will ensure a safe and sound life for the girls.Because the Miao have no written language,the people record their history and values of life through their music,silver articles and embroidery.No wonder they are called “the epic of the Miao.”【参考译文】苗族的服饰和珠宝传统的苗族服装和珠宝因其高质量的工艺技术和独特的设计而闻名于世,其中包括数百种不同的风格。应该去哪里了解更多关于这个主题?专家们可能会建议先去贵州东南部。但即使在贵州,服装风格也因地区而异。在湘西和贵州东北部,妇女通常穿裤子和夹克,扣子都扣在右边。他们的夹克和裤子都有刺绣装饰。在其他地区,苗族妇女则喜欢穿短上衣搭配长裙或半长裙。裙子上装饰着色彩斑斓的图案,这些图案都是基于自然界的图像,比如花或鸟。苗族人相信,自然界所有的颜色都可以用来制作他们的服装。除了服装,苗族妇女在婚礼和其他特殊场合还会穿戴各种银器。自古以来,苗族人对银饰的工艺就精益求精,被誉为“用银写的一首美丽的诗”。这种珠宝通常是手工制作的,装饰有动物和不同寻常的图案。苗族首饰上雕刻的故事往往包括龙凤、花鸟等生动精致的形象。对苗族人来说,银是财富和社会地位的重要象征。女性尤其认为,她们穿的银器越多,就显得越漂亮,越富有。人们还认为,这种珠宝既能带来好运,也能辟邪。例如,女孩们在很小的时候就经常戴着银色的长寿命锁项链。苗族人相信银锁能保证女孩们的生命安全。因为苗族人没有文字,他们通过音乐、银器和刺绣来记录他们的历史和生活价值。难怪被称为“苗族史诗”。3.Read the passage.Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.(1)The Miao people wear silver articles in their daily lives.□ (2)Miao women usually wear dresses decorated with embroidery and colours from nature.□ (3)Miao girls like to wear a long-life lock necklace because it will help them live a wealthy life.□ (4)Miao clothing is a little bit dull because it looks the same across different regions.□ (5)Clothing of the Miao people can partly reflect their history and values.□ (6)The Miao’s love of nature and their great skills at making clothing are well reflected in their clothing.□ (7)Miao clothing is culturally and historically valuable now,although it is not fashionable in the modern sense.□ 4.Work in pairs and discuss the questions.(1)What do you think of the Miao’s costume?Is it fashionable,practical or environmentally friendly?Why or why not? (2)Do you know any other types of clothing that have special cultural meaning?Give examples and explain. Video (Junky styling)Start thinking1.Answer the questions.(1)Where do you buy most of your new clothes?Why?(2)What do you do with your old clothes?Why?Comprehension check2.Watch the video.Correct the factual errors in the sentences.(1)The textile industry has been important in Spitalfields since the 16th century. (2)Junky Styling was started by two brothers. (3)Now,Junky Styling is one of the most popular clothes shops in the world. (4)In the video,the designers at Junky Styling are making a new shirt. (5)Junky Styling creates mass-produced items of clothing. (6)Junky Styling’s success shows that recycling furniture is good for the environment. Vocabulary3.Complete the sentences with the verbs below.(1)I often go to our local street market on Sundays to through all the stalls.(2)Before the invention of special machines,people used to silk by hand.(3)The Chinese economy began to after the reform and opening-up in 1978.(4)Some small clothes shops can’t the quality of all the clothes they sell.(5)He left the room to having an argument with his mother.(6)They are worried that tomorrow’s storm will the garden plants.Extension4.Work in groups.Design a fashionable outfit and present it to the class.(1)Research and make a list of the latest fashions for teenagers.What colours and designs are in fashion this season?(2)Choose a fashionable outfit that you like.Describe it to your group members.(3)Choose one outfit in your group.Draw a picture of a model wearing the outfit and colour it.(4)Present the picture with your outfit to the class. Use the checklist and reflective questions below to evaluate your study in this unit.Reflective questionsWhich part in this unit is the most challenging?Why?How successful were you in explaining you understanding of beauty and fashion?What lesson(s) can you draw from it for your future learning? wearing make-updietinghaving medical operationstaking physical exercisewearing rings/earningsothers: ·age·gender·social trends·occupation·social class·social environmentI would like to vote for Li Ping.I prefer to consider her internal characteristics first and then her external characteristics.Li Ping meets all the requirements for a campus ambassador. First of all,she has a good personality.She is sociable and kind,and she never hesitates to praise others for their achievements.She is also helpful and hard-working.It’s always a relief to have her on my team.Furthermore,she is elegantly dressed and always gives a good impression.In short,I think Li Ping would make an excellent campus ambassador.·broad-shouldered·overweight·pale-skinned·middle-aged·dressed·stunning·fashionable·short-sighted·approach·catch·kill (×2)·hideA.Being attractive.B.Being aggressive.C.Being streetwise.D.Being defensive.SpeakerAspeectThe boyThe girlHow streetwise are they?The way they lookAppearance(1) Clothingwearing an orange T-shirtImpression(2) (3) aggressiveAppearance(5) Clothingwearing dark clothesImpressionself-consciousnervousThe way they talkBody language(4) and make eye contactBody language(6) and hold her handbag tightlyThe way they react to peopleaware of the environment(7)cannot or protect herselfHow to improve themselves?Dr Walker’s suggestionsDon’t look too different from the people around or (8) Don’t talk on the phone while walking in case of (9) Student AStudent BStudent CHow do they walk on the street?My opinionsMy suggestions·expressions of understanding·practical advice·a personal story·encouragement·a different perspective on the problem·ways of getting professional helpAspect of writingGuiding questionsMy explorationContentWho is the writer?What is the purpose of the reply?What advice does the writer give the teen?Why does the writer provide a personal example?LanguageHow does the writer begin and end the passage?Which personal pronouns does the writer use in the passage?Why?EditingWhat punctuation mark does the writer use for emphasis and/or strong emotion?How does the writer use quotation marks?Beauty standards have changed over time,and vary from culture to culture.The clothes that people wear reflect their ideals,their society and history,and also how they see themselves and others.In this section,you will first read a passage about the traditional clothing of the Miao people.You will then watch a video about a designer shop in East London that makes stylish fashion items from old clothes.·qipao·Zhongshan suit·The Tibetan costume·hanfu·The Mongolian costumeThe costume culture of the Miao peopleCultural aspectDetailInfluencerecognized internationallyRegione.g. south-east GuizhouObjecte.g. silver articlesBehavioure.g. wear colourful clothingIdeae.g. Silver is a symbol of wealth and social position.avoidbrowsedamageguaranteethriveweaveChecklistMeMy teacher/classmateActionA.Reading and interactionI can explain how the standards and practices of beauty vary between different cultures.I can understand people’s views on beauty by analyzing the language.I can express my views on beauty in simple words.B.Grammar activityI can recognize the to-infinitive used for modification in the passage.I can use the to-infinitive to modify a noun if the context is clear.C.Listening and speakingI can summarize what makes a person streetwise in the interview.I can give suggestions on being streetwise.D.WritingI can identify the content and features of language in the sample email.I can write a reply in an advice column using appropriate language and format.E.Cultural focusI can analyse the cultural elements of Miao clothing and jewellery.I can present some facts about the fashion boutique using appropriate language.






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