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    Unit 5 词汇讲解课件    人教版高中英语必修三01
    Unit 5 词汇讲解课件    人教版高中英语必修三02
    Unit 5 词汇讲解课件    人教版高中英语必修三03
    Unit 5 词汇讲解课件    人教版高中英语必修三04
    Unit 5 词汇讲解课件    人教版高中英语必修三05
    Unit 5 词汇讲解课件    人教版高中英语必修三06
    Unit 5 词汇讲解课件    人教版高中英语必修三07
    Unit 5 词汇讲解课件    人教版高中英语必修三08
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    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 5 The Value of Money精品课件ppt

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 5 The Value of Money精品课件ppt,共58页。PPT课件主要包含了 basis, judge, scene, spot,spot, sort ,odd adj, duty,翻译词块,duty n等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    basis n [C] (pl bases) 根据;基础:n a regular basis Since then, it has becme the basis f an entire fd culture in Israel. She was chsen fr the jb n the basis f her qualificatin.
    bas- (lw 低的) + -is → 低处 → 基础,同根词:base, basic
    公元前399年,古希腊哲学家苏格拉底被雅典政府以“亵渎神灵、败坏青年”的罪名起诉。苏格拉底在由500人组成的陪审团面前做了著名的申辩,但申辩并没能挽救他自己。苏格拉底最终被判处死刑,饮毒而亡。他的学生柏拉图将他这篇申辩词记录下来,流传后世。“申辩”一词在希腊语中写作 aplgia,意思是“自我辩护的演讲”。这就是英语单词 aplgy 的来源。由于自我辩护时需要先表达歉意,“道歉”和“辩解”总是联系在一起,所以 aplgy 衍生出“道歉”之意。
    构词:aplgy (道歉) + -ise (使……)
    n [C] & [U] 道歉;歉意:accept sb’s aplgy we sb an aplgy I think we’re wed an immediate aplgy. He wanted t make a sincere aplgy t Jimmy fr nt ging t his party.aplgetic adj 道歉的;愧疚的
    (aplgy + -ise)
    vi 道歉;表示歉意:Try t frgive smene when they aplgise. It’s nt easy fr anyne t say srry. aplgise (t sb) fr (ding) sth:We aplgise fr the late departure f this flight.
    “不要以貌取人”这句话还有很多说法。其中一个著名的版本出自《圣经约翰福音》第7章。原文是“Never judge frm appearances, but judge with right judgment.”“不可按外貌定是非,总要按公平断定是非”。即不可以貌取人,判断事物不应受表面现象蒙蔽。
    Dn’t judge a bk by its cver. Yu might miss ut an amazing stry!
    judge v. vi & vt 判断 t frm an pinin abut sb / sth:Judging frm her tne, there’s n dubt that she is against it.Judging by the pinin plls, he seems t be succeeding. vt 估计 t guess the size, amunt, etc. f sth:It’s difficult t judge hw lng the jurney will take. vt & vi 评价 t be critical abut sb, t decide whether sb is gd r badI really dn’t knw hw t judge a picture. Withut these there is n agreed standard against which t judge its perfrmance.
     vt & vi 裁判;评判:She was asked t judge the English speech cmpetitin.  vt 审判;判决:judge a case / judge sb guiltyn [C] 法官;裁判员;鉴定人:She was sitting as a temprary judge f the case.
    judge 语义网络图
    judg(e)ment  [U] 判断力;辨别力 the ability t frm pinins r t make sensible decisins:Yu shuld rely n yur wn judgement in chsing a friend.  [C] & [U] 意见;看法;评价 an pinin that yu frm after thinking carefully:make a judgement n / abutI wrk very efficiently and am decisive, and accurate in my judgment.  [C] & [U]审判
    (戏剧等的)一场;(电影的)一个镜头;场景:Act I, Scene 3 The mvie pens with a scene in a New Yrk apartment. [常用单数]事发地点;现场:Firefighters were n the scene immediately when the fire brke ut. Phtgraphs f the crime scene began t arrive within less than twenty minutes. 景色;景象 a view that yu see:The beauty f the scene mved every spectatr.
    scene n [C]
     情景;场面:The happy scene f children playing in the garden reminded him f his childhd! [非正式用语] [单数] 活动领域;圈子:The Beatles became the httest thing n the pp music scene in England. 2019 浙江
    The Beatles 甲壳虫乐队,英国摇滚乐队 (rck band),由约翰·列侬 (Jhn Lennn)、林戈·斯塔尔 (Ring Starr)、保罗·麦卡特尼 (Paul McCartney) 和乔治·哈里森 (Gerge Harrisn) 四名成员组成。1960年,乐队于英格兰利物浦市 (Liverpl) 成立,其音乐风格 (style) 源自20世纪50年代的摇滚乐 (rck and rll),并开拓了迷幻摇滚、流行摇滚等曲风。
    舞台 / 影视里的一个场景
     点;斑点;污点;粉刺:She was still there, a yellw spt under an range unbrella.My dg has a big, black spt n his back.Sme f the teenagers wrry abut their changing vice, weight prblems r spts. 地点;场所:A scenic / beautiful spt The mst beautiful spt alng the Yangtze River is the Three Grges.
    a / the bright spt 亮点; 困境中使人高兴的事n the spt 当场;立即;在现场:An ambulance was n the spt within a few minutes.put sb n the spt(故意提出难题)使某人难堪:The questin that the interviewer asked really put him n the spt. vt [不用于进行时]看见;看出;发现 t see r ntice:Michael, yu’re my bther, I can spt yu anywhere regardless f yur make-up.sptted adj 有斑点的;有污迹的
     vi [不用于进行时] 敢;胆敢:He didn’t dare lk ver the edge. dare t d sth:Mst peple hate Harry, but they dn’t dare t say s. vt 激将;激:dare sb t d sth:They dared Tm t steal a bttle f his father’s whiskey. mdal v [接不带t的不定式;多用于条件句、疑问句、否定句] 敢;竟敢:I dare nt g winter swimming alne. Dn’t yu dare tell her what I said! N ne dared talk abut it. n [C] 激将;挑战► daring adj 勇敢的;敢于冒险的
    n [C] 种类;类型 (type / kind):This srt f f behavir will nt be tlerated. I have tried all srts f drugs, creams, pills and ptins.What srt f price were yu thinking f? srt f 有几分;有点:— D yu knw what I mean? — Srt f.
    vt 把……分类 / 整理:Nw srted yur list int tw categries--psitive and negative ut (frm) (从……中)挑选出;整理;处理:Leaving children t srt ut their wn prblems can smetimes be gd t their develpment. Culd yu srt ut the tys that can be thrwn away?
    8. indicate vt
     [正式用语] 指示;指出 t direct sb’s attentin t sb / sth, especially by pinting:The arrw n a sign indicates the way t g.  表明;显示 t shw that sth is prbably true r exists:Early results indicate that the gvernment will be returned t pwer. 示意;暗示 t say r d sth t make yur wishes, intentins etc. clear:This measure may indicate prblems in the sftware develpment prcess. He smiles and nds, indicating that everything is fine. indicatin n [C] & [U] 迹象;表示;标示
    in- (tward 对) + dic (t say 说) + -ate → 针对某事说清楚 → 指示;指出
     奇怪的;怪异的:The British have a very dd sense f humr. It’s dd that she didn’t reply ur letter.  [只用于名词前]偶尔发生的:dd jbs [常用于名词前](一双或一套中)不成对的:dd scks / glves / shes against all (the) dds 尽管困难重重:When we visited the ward the next mrning, we were amazed t see that against all dds, bth bys were still alive.
    intend vt 打算;想要 t plan r mean t d sth(必修二 Unit 2)I intend n harm. ① intend ding / t d stWhat d yu intend ding / t d when yu get there?② intend sb / sth t d sth:We intend them t fllw these rules. ③ intend + that 从句:We intend that / It is intended that these plans (shuld) be carried ut next mnth. ► intended adj(为……)打算的:It is intended fr display infrmatin f the fire alarm and failure alarm.His visit is intended t strengthen ties between the tw cuntries.
    日常用语中更常用 plan
    intentin n [C] & [U] 意图;目的 (aim / purpse):
    I have n intentin f allwing yu t live here alne.
    This prgram was set up with the intentin f prviding help fr hmeless peple.
    I have every intentin f paying her back what I wed her tw years ag.
    intentin 尤指近期的打算、意图,是正式用语。She’s full f gd intentins but they rarely wrk ut. plan 通常但不总是指较长远的计划、安排。Details f the plan t build new ffices sn leaked ut. purpse 指做某事的原因,含有要成就某事的强烈感觉,较正式。We are wrking tgether fr a cmmn purpse. aim 指要达到或尝试达到的目的;即可指某人的目的,也可指某事的目的。Secret experiments were carried ut n humans with the aim f creating a superman.
    intentin, plan, purpse, aim
    pursue vt [正式用语]  追赶;追捕:pursue a thief / the enemy 追求:pursue a career / a gal / an aim / an bjectiveShe cntinued t pursue his gal f becming an actr.Lily decided that she wuld settle in New Yrk and pursue her dream f becming an actress. 人教新必修③–5Sme peple hunger fr fame and frtune while sme thers pursue happiness.
    pur- (frward 向前) + sue (t fllw 跟随) → 向前跟随 → 追赶
     继续进行 t cntinue (ding) sth :A gd reprter will pursue a stry until he r she knws all the facts. We will pursue this plicy with determinatin. pursue the matter / argument / questin
    student n duty
     [C] & [U](道德或法律上的)责任;义务:a sense f dutyIt is the duty f every family t make it clean and beautiful fr their cmmunity. T bey the laws is everyne’s duty. [C] [用复数](工作)任务;职责:Yur duties Will include setting up a new cmputer system. N matter what we d, we must carry ut ur duties.  [U] 值班:Everyne shuld reprt fr duty at 8 am.
    ❹ [C] & [U](购物缴纳的)税;关税:Fr children, there’s a games rm next t the duty-free shp.Imprt duties still average 30%.常用搭配d ne’s duty 尽自己的责任:It’s easier t d ne’s duty t thers than t neself. n / ff duty 值 / 下班;值 / 不值勤:He ges n duty at 8 am and cmes ff duty at 5 pm.
    上班 / 在岗的“义务”
    permit & permissin
    13. hesitate
    Between genius and diligence, I d nt hesitate t chse diligence. She is almst all the achievements in the wrld.— Einstein在天才和勤奋两者之间,我毫不迟疑地选择勤奋。她是几乎世界上一切成就的催产婆。 —— 爱因斯坦
    阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein),出生于德国,毕业于苏黎世联邦理工学院,犹太裔物理学家。后移居美国。主要成就有提出光量子假说(Light Quantum Hypthesis),解决光电效应(phtelectric effect)问题,创立狭义相对论(Special Relativity)、广义相对论(General Relativity)等。
    hesitate vi 踌躇;犹豫;顾虑: If smene asks yu ut, never hesitate.  hesitate t d sth:This required tugh decisins, but he didn’t hesitate t make them.Dn’t hesitate t ask the plice if yu have any questins regarding safety.  hesitate abut / ver:She hesitated abut / ver the chice between the tw dresses.► hesitatin n [U] & [C] 踌躇;犹豫:I agreed with her withut the slightest hesitatin.
    The issue will be slved in a(n) _____________(方式)that is fair t bth sides.
    词源解读:manner 的词源义及基本义是“方式;方法” 。
     [常用单数][正式用语]方式;方法 the way that sth is dne r happens: She smiled t me again in a friendly manner.  [常用单数]举止;态度 the way that sb behaves twards ther peple:I felt there was a certain cldness in her manner.
     [复数]礼貌;礼仪 plite ways f behaving in scial situatins:table manners It’s bad manners t talk with yur muth full.His mst imprtant ideas in this bk are kindness and gd manners.. 常用搭配all manner f [正式用语]各种各样的:But that decisin wuld be fraught in all manner f ther ways. in a ... manner 用……的方式 / 态度:Mary became quite severe in her manner. She greeted each ther in a friendly manner.
     方式;方法(基本义)
     宽阔的;广阔的 反 narrw:a brad street / smileThe hills rise green and sheer abve the brad river.He was tall, muscular with brad shulders and a beard.  广泛的 反 narrw:I have a brad range f knwledge because I read extensively. 概括性的;粗略的:Tw brad predictins abut the subject spring t my mind.in brad daylight 在光天化日之下
    两者都有“宽的”之意。brad 带有主观意向,不可丈量。常用来形容身体部位,如肩、 胸、额头、背部等。His shulders were brad and his waist narrw.wide 侧重指从一边到另一边的距离,可以丈量。但也可修饰身体部位如口、眼。Sam pened his muth wide with hrrr.
    辨析 brad, wide
    braden vt & vi (使)变宽;(使)扩大:Reading is really gd t a persm because we can learn a lt frm bks and braden ur hrizns. bradly adv 宽地;大体上:bradly speakingsmile bradly
     正常的;平常的 typical, usual r expected:nrmal wrking hurs / a nrmal life it is nrmal (fr sb) t d sth:It’s nrmal fr us t feel tired after such a lng trip.  智力正常的;精神健全的 反 abnrmal:nrmal n[U] 正常状态 / 水平 / 数量等:abve / belw nrmalg back / return t nrmal 恢复正常:The crisis has passed and life will g back t nrmal sn.
    16. nrmal adj
    nrm-(正规 、常规)+ -al(形容词后缀)→ 常规的 → 正常的
    同族词:nrmal, abnrmal, abnrmally, nrmally
     通常;平常 usually:Scial prgress is nrmally a matter f struggles and cnflicts. 正常地 反 abnrmally:Nrmally, the next cycle wuld be expected t start rughly arund 2020.
    nrmally adv
    cmmn 侧重表示普遍的、常见的。 The mst cmmn cmplaint is abut pr service.nrmal 侧重指正常的、平常的。 Mnday is a nrmal wrking day fr mst peple.usual 表示由于长时间没有变化而形成了一种习惯或制度,强调习惯性。 Her latest bk isn’t up t her usual standard.rdinary 侧重表示平常、平凡、无奇特之处,形容人时可与cmmn通用。 Her paintings describe the lives f rdinary peple in the last century.
    辨析 cmmn, nrmal, usual, rdinary
    17. element
    element n [C] 要素;基本部分:Sugar is nt an imprtant element in bread, but flur is essential. Mney is a key element in ur decisin.  (化学) 元素 [复数][与the连用]恶劣天气:As a nature phtgrapher, I have t brave the elements.
    18. maintain
    词源解读:main- (= man, hand 手) + -tain (t hld 拿 ) → 用手拿着保持不动 → 维持
    maintain vt 保持;维持 t make sth cntinue at the same level, standard, etc.:Nwadays few peple are able t maintain friendships int adulthd because different lifestyle. 维护;保养 t keep sth in gd cnditin by checking and repairing it:maintain machinery / rad / stability Yung wmen in time learn hw t maintain their wn skin. 坚持认为 t keep saying that sth is true even when thers disagree r d nt believe it (insist):He maintained that the capital shuld emply the labr.
    维持;保持 maintain(基本义)
    外国人在中国居住和工作,需要有居留许可证(residence permit)、就业证(emplyment permit)。如果你在外国留学期间工作,也需要有许可证。
    residence permit 居留许可证
    emplyment permit 就业证
    19. permit & permissin
    同根词: admit: ad- (t 去) + mit (t let g, send 放行、送) → 容许……进入  cmmit: cm- (tgether 一起) + mit (t send 送) → 将人送去承担义务等 → (使)承担义务;(使)作出保证 transmit: trans- (acrss 越过) + mit (t send 送) → 输送;传送
    permit 词源解读
    per- (thrugh 通过) + mit (t send 送) → 送过去使通过 → 许可;准许
    permit v [正式用语] vt 许可;准许 t allw sth t happen r sb t d sth 反 frbid:Mbile phne cnversatins are nt permitted anywhere in the library. 2013 天津① permit sb sth:Please permit me a few wrds at the meeting. ② permit sb t d sth:We d permit ur emplyees t gather and sing carls n Christmas Eve.  vi & vt(使)成为可能:We hpe t visit the newly-built airprt if time permits.We’ll start tmrrw, weather permitting (= if the weather is gd enugh).Cash machines permit yu t withdraw mney at any time.
    注:permit 和 allw的用法相似,permit是正式用语;指天气、时间等客观因素允许时,只能用permit。
    permit n [C] 许可证;执照:a residence / parking permitpermissin n [C] 许可;准许:He asked permissin t leave the rm.He cannt leave the cuntry withut permissin.With yur permissin, I’d like t talk t yur sn alne.permissin t d sth:Yu have my permissin t g t wrk.
    说出下列句子中画线词的汉语释义。1. The tailr tailred a business suit specifically fr the custmer. __________2. The judge was asked t judge the children’s petry cmpetitin. __________3. Suddenly the by sptted the male bird had a red spt n its head. __________4. Rubbish can easily be separated and srted int three srts: plastics, glass and paper. __________5. The bank has laned the sftware cmpany a lan f $600,000. __________6. The man bet $2,000 n the final scre f the game. At last he wn the bet. __________

    英语必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration完美版ppt课件: 这是一份英语必修 第三册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002242_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 4 Space Exploration完美版ppt课件</a>,共56页。PPT课件主要包含了desire,launch,signal,合成词,分词形容词, launch, desire, signal,交通信号灯,危险信号等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures评优课ppt课件: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002241_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 3 Diverse Cultures评优课ppt课件</a>,共56页。PPT课件主要包含了 earn, select,select ,escape n,mild 语义网络图,词汇拓展, suit等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    英语必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues试讲课ppt课件: 这是一份英语必修 第三册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002240_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 2 Morals and Virtues试讲课ppt课件</a>,共43页。PPT课件主要包含了词性变化积累,replace等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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        Unit 5 词汇讲解课件 人教版高中英语必修三
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